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Posts posted by Mayuri

  1. Name: +2 Damage Potion

    Profession: (Alchemist)

    Rank: (5)

    ID:  11 (10+1 CD)

    Roll:  61977

    Item Type: Potion

    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: +2 Damage

    Description: A glass vial filled with a luminescent cerulean liquid that smells of the sea and tastes like coconut. Boosts the users damage by +2 for one thread.


    Name: Teleportation Crystal

    Profession: (Alchemist)

    Rank: (5)

    ID:  12 (11+1CD)

    Roll:  61979

    Item Type: Crystal

    Tier: 1

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: Teleportation

    Description: Blue rectangular crystal allowing a player to escape harm. One use only.



    Name: Teleportation Crystal

    Profession: (Alchemist)

    Rank: (5)

    ID:  12 (11+1CD)

    Roll:  61980

    Item Type: Crystal

    Tier: 1

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: Teleportation

    Description: Blue rectangular crystal allowing a player to escape harm. One use only.



    Name: Teleportation Crystal

    Profession: (Alchemist)

    Rank: (5)

    ID:  61981

    Roll:  12

    Item Type: Crystal

    Tier: 1

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: Teleportation

    Description: Blue rectangular crystal allowing a player to escape harm. One use only.

  2. Mai looked at the young man expectantly wondering what he would suggest. Maybe he would see something different and offer her a unique view, or maybe he too would see the kitty cat, in which case the layout would have been blatant by the game makers. He was about to speak, but his words were cut short  and it seemed that someone tumbled into him. Mai turned to see a girl crumpled on the floor begging for apologies. The young man saw no harm in what was done and offered the fallen girl his hand.

    “Are you alright?” she asked the other girl hoping she didn’t hurt herself in the crash.

    The young man asked what they were doing, and Mai was about to answer, the young man suggested that maybe she get a view of the pillars from Mount Olympus. “But of Cour-!” Mai stared in excitedly until it clicked in her mind.

    “Wait… you want to go to the home of the Gods?” Mai’s doll like teal eyes going wider than tea saucers as a lump in her throat formed causing it to be difficult for her to swallow.

    “Isn’t that risky?”

  3. Mai was curious.  Life had been traveling the higher floors and the girl was curious as to what he’d been exploring. She should have probably waited for her love to take her, but she wasn’t going to do any scouting nor was she going to engage anything dangerous. She was just going to take a look around. She’d heard floor seventeen was Grecian ruins, and being a bit of a history buff, thanks to her professor parents she was naturally curious to see the remnants of the once great empire translated into a game.  

    Shay skipped about the main path through the floor, her short pink kimono and her well endowed chest bouncing with her every step.  Curiously looking about, her teal eyes glanced over the remarkable ruins about her, not entirely paying attention to much else other than the splendor of the floor. The girl twirled about and began to walk backward as she stared at a particular set of tilted pillars trying to figure out exactly in what configuration they were laid out in. The girl had it in her mind that they somehow formed the shape of a kitty cat. As she backed up, she spotted a young man heading past her and she thought to get his opinion on what it was she thought she saw.

    “Excuse me,” she asked the young man. “What does that stack of pillars remind you of?” She asked inquisitively.




    LVL: 12  *  HP: 48  *  ENERGY: 12

    DMG; 3

    EVA: 2

    MIT: 9

    PARA: 2

    FA: 12%

    CC: 3













  4. No sooner than she had walked over did the little ice dragon recognize her and land upon her raven-haired head. “Well hello again,” The girl giggled as she reached up and patted the darling little creature’s head. “You’re just the cut- AHHH!” Her words were cut short by someone or thing crashing straight into her from behind. She couldn’t brace herself and managed to shove straight into the boy in blue knocking him right into the fountain as she tumbled onto the edge of the fountain with a flop.

    “Oh!” She squeaked as she looked around trying to piece together what happened.  She reached for the top of her head and found the dragon still safe. “You okay up there?” she asked the baby ice familiar as she scratched under his chin. There was the small kurfling of sniffles. The pink kimono clad girl, looked down to see that at her feet was a tiny fox and a bit further was a downed girl with the same gingery hair as the familiar. Mai turned and meant to help the boy out of the fountain but he was already pulling himself up and laughing. He then helped Mai to her feet as the other girl was offered a hand by another fellow who happened to be there. It was about then that another young man approached laughing at the scene.

     “I think we’re all okay.” She said with a smile. “We all are, aren’t we?” She asked the rest of the group just to be sure.

  5. It’d been awhile since Shay had been to the Town of Beginnings. With Life away on another mission from his guild, the young woman had time to assist new players with starter missions, and what better place to look for them than the first floor. The place was busy as it always was, there were players congregating in pubs and cafes, vendors hawking their wares, everything nice and rather peaceful-like. It was nice really. As she meandered through the crowds of people, she spotted a familiar sight and thought she’d say hello.  Mai approached the boy in blue. It wasn’t him that she remembered so much; it was his lovely little dragon familiar.

    “Hello again little dear…” the girl said with a smile as she came upon her intended marks. Shay cocked her head to the side as she realized the familiar’s owner was hoisting up another gentleman; one who was soaking wet. “Ummm.. are you alright?” she asked wondering what exactly happened.

  6. Shay tugged at her companion’s hand taking him toward the little nook where they sat and enjoyed meals together. Eric sat as Mai scurried to the kitchen to put a pot on and quickly returned with a stocked tray of things for tea. She began to set things up with a soft smile painted across her little face. Her love had returned and she was going to spend time with him. It no longer mattered that he’d been missing for a time; now that he was with her she felt as if they hadn’t been apart at all. He spoke up and Shay stopped what she was doing dropping her eyes.

    “No…”The girl’s voice quivered and she bit her lip as she tried her best to lie. She raised her bright teal eyes to meet his, full knowing her words did not match her expression.

     “I missed you more so than I was worried.” Her delicate hand reached for his cheek and she placed it against porcelain skin. “At least you came home to me every night. If you hadn’t, then I’d have worried. Just keep coming home to me and I won’t have to be upset. There’s no need to apologize.”  Her tiny fingertips tenderly traced along his jawline and she leaned in to Life slowly meaning to press her supple lips to his, but as her fleshy lobes barely grazed his, the kettle whistled causing her to move back. “I’ll get that,” she said as she disappeared into the back and then reappeared once more.  Mai poured the water for their tea and set the kettle down upon the pot holder on her tray. Sitting down in her cozy little chair across from Eric she made herself comfortable. Now that he was back, she wanted answers and she would get them, or so she hoped.

    “But what has been keeping you so busy?”

    She knew there’d come a time where he’d go places she couldn’t but she did not expect it to be so soon.

  7.  Mai could do nothing.

    She was useless.

    With every slash of Light Reaver at the enemy, the girl missed the creature by miles. She growled in frustration trying to keep it focused on her, but instead it went for the newly healed boy once more. “NO!” She screamed at the elf as it struck Shirien so hard that nothing but a small tick of his life was left. This was all so wrong… so very, very wrong.  Mai grabbed her last crystal and activated it. His health rose quickly, but there was no guarantee that he’d live after this moment. Her bright teal eyes fell upon his face, tears welling up in her large baby doll eyes, if something didn’t happen and soon she was going to lose him. She’d not lost a life yet, and she prayed that he would not be the first.









    Dark Elf: 4/12

    Shirien: 12/12      1/3 Energy

    Mayuri : 88/88     11/12 Energy




  8. Once more the elf attacked the young man, this time stabbing him in the thigh. Mai was pissed; the thing wasn’t even bothering with her, just simply targeting the one she traveled with. She turned to attack, but saw the look of fear in Shirien’s eyes as he asked for her assistance.  The way she’d been moving, her attacks were just too slow to hit the damn elf so she could only do one thing for him: save his health points. Retrieving another crystal from her inventory, she activated it and smiled at the young man as his health rose back to full. “He’s almost down, you’ve got this,” Mai reassured the hooded young man.



    MD: 3     MISS     -2 ENERGY



    Dark Elf: 4/12

    1/3 Energy      Shirien: 3/12

    10/12 Energy     Mayuri : 88/88 

  9. Mayuri had been curled up on Life’s side of the bed peacefully dreaming when she heard the soft tinkle of bells from down below on the main floor of her shop. She sat up instantly as she snapped wide awake, a huge grin crossing her face, “He’s home!” she said and jumped from the bed in a flash. Through the darkness she rushed from her room and down the steps with only the soft lights outside flooding in through the high windows to guide her way. She hit the landing; the soft padding of bare feet could be heard upon the dark mahogany wood floor. There in the soft moonlight she saw him. Even in the dark, she could tell it was Life. She would know her beloved anywhere. She took off at him at a full run and leaped at the young man throwing her arms around his neck and hung on him, her tiny feet having left the floor. “I’ve missed you!” Shay cooed in between the soft kisses she proceeded to cover Eric’s face in. The raven haired beauty nuzzled against the silk collar of his kimono as her long soft tresses hung in her face covering her Cheshire cat grin.

    For the past number of weeks, Life had been very busy. Mai had no idea with what, and she never got much a chance to ask him about as he would return in the late hours of the night and in the mornings, he would be too peacefully at rest for Shay to want to disturb. Leaving her love to sleep, he would be gone again by the time she returned from gathering materials for the day’s crafting. It was only by chance that she had woken this very night. Normally she was a decent sleeper, but her subconscious must have answered her desire to see the one she adored. Dropping back down to the floor, Shay took Life’s hand in hers.

    “Shall I make us some tea?” She smiled at him softly.

  10. “Nononononononono!” Mai cried out as she switched out her weapon for a mass healing crystal.

    Activating it, she took a deep breath as Shirien’s health went from death’s door to full once more. Her heart throbbed in her throat and ached. She’d nearly gotten the newbie player killed in an instant all because she’d not been in the game. The elf jumped back and Mai reactivated her weapon and then put herself directly between the young man and their opponent. She was angry. She should have totally told the boy she would take the lead. If the elf had been focused on her to begin with, he’d have been able to pluck away its health while she took its attacks. It was too late to change strategy however, so all she could try to do was shield Shirien until he was ready to attack again.

    “Can you stand?” She asked him as she pointed her weapon at the elf, not taking her eyes off the damn thing.




    -2 ENERGY (taking down 2 more because I forgot last post)




    Dark Elf: 4/12 

    Shirien: 12/12      1/3 Energy [-2 +1]

    Mayuri : 88/88     9/12 Energy  [-2 +1]



  11. Mai was supposed to be looking for the dark elf….


    This was Mai we’re talking about so what she was supposed to do and what she did were sometimes two different things.

    A lone grasshopper sat upon a log as she scanned the area. Instead of moving on, the young woman stopped to observe the little creature and it grew silent upon her approach. There was a certain type of grass hopper in the area that was supposed tob e useful for potion making, and Shay wanted to investigate to see if she had found a rare material. Unfortunately for her, it turned out to be a regular old, run of the mill grasshopper.


    Meanwhile, Shirien happened to find the Dark Elf and even landed a decent strike upon the creature. She heard the young man call out to her but she didn’t quite mak out what he said. “Hmmm?” she reliped turning her head, finally catching on to what was going on.

    “OHH!!!” Mai squeaked as she dashed off toward the battle.

    “Sorry!” she called out, watching the elf for any moment. It was her job to protect Shirien, and she was doing a fail of a job at that.






    DARK ELF     8/12

    SHIRIEN      12/12    2/3 ENERGY

    MAYURI     88/88     12/12 ENERGY


  12. “There’s no shame in only starting out now,” Mai said soberly as she looked over at her companion, “Not everyone is ready to face death and I don’t blame them.  I was once afraid too…” She looked back ahead of her.

    Death was something Shay had already confronted after not only having to watch her cousin take a death dive off a tower, but having been asked to “leave Aincrad” along with him. The smile upon his face as he fell, or the way he called out “come on” as he held his hand out to her as he tumbled down would forever be burnt into her memory. Though it’d been some months since she’d had nightmares about it, there was still the occasional night where she’d wake up in a cold sweat and in tears over it. Shay was brought back to reality when Shirien mentioned that he was doing something about things now, and she smiled and nodded. “Then getting you geared up ought to be the first step.”

    They walked side by side through the mist both trying to track any movement though the dense air that hung about and hindered their view. “I’ll keep you safe,” Mai replied as he told her to watch his back. Though it made more sense for her to attack first as Light Reaver had paralysis and she had far more health, she knew she couldn’t take the lead, as one, it was his quest, and two, she was supported to be a support, supports did not lead, they followed.



    LD: 2    


  13.  Mai was relieved when her company had found her ambitions to be a good thing. More often than not, she’d get laughed at and in some cases, chastised for giving her items away. Not that it really bothered her in the least. In her heart she knew it was the right thing to do, and Mai had no qualms with following her convictions even in the face of ridicule.

    “I don’t know about that, but I just want to do my part you know?” She skipped alongside her companion as she spoke, her short pink kimono swooshing with every step. “I’m not at all strong and I’m only an apprentice alchemist…” she sighed, “and at best, I’m only a mid-level healer. I just want to be useful, and if I can be by gathering materials and making things to help everyone else along, then that’s what I’ll do.”  Mai lifted her head to see the young man tug at his hood, cloaking his face further. She figured he was just cold despite the lovely weather, and just continued by his side, merrily bouncing along in her own happy-go-lucky fashion as she always did.

    They came round a bend to find up ahead was what they were indeed looking for. “I think you might be right,” she agreed with his assessment. As the pair drew closer to the edge of the wood, the young man pointed out that visibility would be difficult and she nodded. Without thought, her little hand instinctively went to find the hand of the one beside her, but she stopped herself remembering that she was not with her usual party partner. “If we stay close, I don’t think we’ll have a problem.” She didn’t recall there being no visibility like there had been in the bat cave on the second floor. 

    Shay noticed that her companion drew his dagger, and she realized it might be time for her to prepare as well. She withdrew her Blood of Champions, and slid it up the sleeve of her kimono. The petite raven haired beauty debated whether or not to use it upon the young man. As she moved around Shirien and was about to prick him at the nape of the hooded figure with her crystal syringe, she recalled Life’s words about keeping her possession hidden. He did not want her going about all of Aincrad using the Blood, not because he didn’t want her to help others, but because using it on others would put her in danger as her unique item was of great value. Coming around to his other side, Mai instead pricked herself with the needle and quickly returned it to its quick slot. She did not think he’d seen what she’d done, and if he had, she thought he might have figured that she used a regular crystal to power up. As the Blood began to course through her, the young woman gave a soft smirk as she saw her stats boost. There was no fear on the blood; it was one of its strange side effects of the crystal: making the user more confident than before. As her health bar doubled, Mai pulled her Light Reaver from its sheath.

    “Ready?” She asked the young man as they began to disappear into the trees and mist that surrounded them.





    HP: 88

    EN: 12

    DMG: 5

    EVA: 2

    MIT: 3

    PARA: 2

    FA: 12%

    CC: 3

    PROSP: 2



    Light Reaver ( +2 para/+1 dmg)

    Sakura Sunset ( +2 eva/+1 mit)

    Healing Ring of the Sage (+3 cc)



    Aventurine bracelet (+2 prosperity)

    Blood of Champions used for this thread

    4 +15 healing crystals

    3 - +15 mass healing crystals


  14. Mayuri nodded as the boy explained what needed to be done. “Very well then, let’s g-“ she began but was quickly interrupted again. It seemed that the young man was both underskilled and under prepared to take on things in the field. He was not the first to say such things to her and Mai opened her inventory and began selecting items from within her box and set up a trade. She sent the trade request to the young man and then smiled. “There… just accept and then we can be on our way.” With that, Shay turned and started walking down the path. After several steps she paused and twirled back around.

    “Ummm… which way are we supposed to go.” A rosy tone hit her fair cheeks as she spoke rather bashfully. She was led in the correct direction and she followed along.

    The young man spoke of his profession and Shay smiled at his offer. “I’ve not needed a merchant as of yet, but if I ever require the services of one, you shall be the first I think of to go to.” She replied. When it came her turn to speak of her own job, Mai giggled and thought that have been rather obvious. “I’m an alchemist. All the potions in your possession… I made. I don’t have a formal shop… well I do, but it’s not open to the public.  I’m saving the majority of my stock for the floor boss fights once I get there to the front lines. I don’t want anyone to die, and if my potions and crystals can save them, I’d rather give them away. As for the lower potions… I save them to give to people like you. I don’t want any of your new adventurers to die either.” She explained.

    Mayrui has sent you a trade request.

    She has sent you the following items:





    Name: Lesser Healing Potion

    Number Given: 1

    Item Type: Potion

    Quality: Uncommon

    Description: A glass vial filled with a bright red liquid tasting of sweet summer strawberries. 

    Heals +10 Health points leaving the user feeling energized and rejuvenated after drinking.





    Name: +2 Damage Potion

    Number Given: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Item Type: Potion

    Tier: 1

    Description: A glass vial filled with a luminescent cerulean liquid that smells of the sea and tastes like coconut
    Boosts the users damage by +2 for one thread.





    Name: Poison Relief

    Number Given: 2

    Quality: Uncommon

    Tier: 1

    Item Type: Potion


    Description: A glass vial filled with a frothy pink liquid that tastes of wintergreen. Potion removes the effects of poison.





    Name: Nerve Tonic

    Number Given: 1

    Quality: Good

    Tier: 1

    Item Type: Potion

    Description: A pale blue, luminous liquid used to calm the nerves of a player in distress. Instantly brings the user a sense of peace and well being upon use.




    Do you accept?






  15. Name: Poison Relief


    Profession: (Alchemist)


    Rank: (4)


    ID:  75682


    Roll: 10 (9 +1CD)


    Item Type: Potion


    Tier: 1


    Quality: Uncommon


    Enhancements: Antidote


    Description: A glass vial filled with a frothy pink liquid that tastes of wintergreen. Potion removes the effects of poison.



    the roll is "57682"

  16. As Mai slowly reached for her weapon, the rock monster charged her at full speed. It mowed down the center of the cavern and headed straight for her. Shay meant to dodge the darn thing like a bullfighter in an arena (OLE!). However, even with her evasion, it was not enough to save her from the creature’s long reach, and once more her tiny frame went smacking into the cave wall. Mi fell back onto the floor in a crumpled right beside her light Reaver. Raising her head slowly, she looked up to find the monster looming over her.



    BD: 4     MISSED     -2 ENERGY

    MD: 6 (8-2 EVA)        HIT






    MAYURI     82/88     8/12 ENERGY (-2/ +1) 

    GOLEM     12/24 

  17. Mai watched the Golem’s movement as both began to circle around the other. The creature did not move to strike as it mimicked her movement and kept its sapphire eyes locked upon her visage. It was a lucky thing for her that it had not yet noticed her weapon was no longer in hand as they moved about the cave switching positions. The pretty pink clad maiden began to back up slowly; the Golem made no moves.  She inched further and further till she was within reach of her weapon.

    All she had to do now was pick it up.



    BD: 2     MISSED      -2 ENERGY

    MD: 3     MISSED



    MAYURI     85/88     9/12 ENERGY (-2/ +1) 

    GOLEM     12/24   


    Concentration cooldown complete


  18. “Shoot!” Mai said as she held her spinning head trying to regain her bearings. The creature lunged at her to smack her again, but she managed to slip free of the blue-eyes golem’s grasp and managed to keep herself a good arm’s length from the monster. Stepping away, she realized her blade was no longer with her, and Mai looked around frantically not wanting to stay weaponless for long. There a few feet behind the Golem lay Light Reaver. It’s smooth steel blade glint gently under the green glow of the cave as if trying to signal Mayuri so it could be rescued.


    BD: 4     MISSED     -2 ENERGY

    MD:  3 (5-2 EVA)     MISSED



    MAYURI     85/88     10/12 ENERGY (-2/ +1) 

    GOLEM     12/24   


    Concentration cooldown: 1 post

  19. Quote


    Name: Poison Relief

    Profession: (Alchemist)

    Rank: (4)

    ID:  75682

    Roll: 10 (9 +1CD)

    Item Type: Potion

    Tier: 1

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: Antidote

    Description: A glass vial filled with a frothy pink liquid that tastes of wintergreen. Potion removes the effects of poison.





    Name: Poison Relief

    Profession: (Alchemist)

    Rank: (4)

    ID: 57683

    Roll: 9 (8+1 CD)    

    Item Type: Potion

    Tier: 1

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: Antidote

    Description: A glass vial filled with a frothy pink liquid that tastes of wintergreen. Potion removes the effects of poison.





    Name: Poison Relief

    Profession: (Alchemist)

    Rank: (4)

    ID: 57685

    Roll: 10 (9 +1CD)

    Item Type: Potion

    Tier: 1

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: Antidote

    Description: A glass vial filled with a frothy pink liquid that tastes of wintergreen. Potion removes the effects of poison.





    Name: Crafter’s Respite

    Profession: (Alchemist)

    Rank: (4)

    ID: 57688

    Roll: 12 (11+1CD)

    Item Type: Potion

    Tier: 1

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: Crafter's Respite

    Description: A glass vial filled with effervescent purple that smells like lemon but tastes like limes, allows the user to reset all crafting attempts so that the user may craft again in the same day.




    Name: Crafter’s Respite

    Profession: (Alchemist)

    Rank: (4)

    ID: 57723

    Roll: 12 (11+1CD)

    Item Type: Potion

    Tier: 1

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: Crafter's Respite

    Description: A glass vial filled with effervescent purple that smells like lemon but tastes like limes, allows the user to reset all crafting attempts so that the user may craft again in the same day.





    Name: Lesser Healing Potion

    Profession: (Alchemist)

    Rank: (4)

    ID: 57725

    Roll:  7 (6+1CD) 

    Item Type: Potion

    Tier: 1

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: +1 HP Recovery

    Description: A glass vial filled with a bright red liquid tasting of sweet summer strawberries. 

    Heals +10 Health points leaving the user feeling energized and rejuvenated after drinking.




    Name: Crafter’s Respite

    Profession: (Alchemist)

    Rank: (4)

    ID: 57726

    Roll: 12 (11+1CD)

    Item Type: Potion

    Tier: 1

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: Crafter's Respite

    Description: A glass vial filled with effervescent purple that smells like lemon but tastes like limes, allows the user to reset all crafting attempts so that the user may craft again in the same day.




  20.  Mai nodded as the young man told her what to do. So long as the creatures didn’t hit either one of them, Shay thought it might have been possible to finish them off, provided none of their friends showed and joined in on the party. The hammer in his hand began to glow a fiery red and he slammed it upon the ground. The shockwave rippled through the ground beneath their feet and hit their target. Unfortunately it was about as effective as her attack. It was an impressive display to be sure, and had they not been mid-battle Mai might have said something to that effect. Instead, she focused on the pair they probably could not kill.


    BD: 6     HIT     -1 ENERGY

    (7-8mit) = 1 DMG (MINIMUM)



    Raising Light Reaver, Mai clenched the grip before rushing at the monsters once more.  The petite raven-haired girl activated <<FellCrescent>> and broke between the pair of monsters as she brought her blade through them. She turned as she skid beside the young man and looked at her opponents to see what, if anything she did. Once more she found her attacks to be useless. If they both couldn’t hit the monsters then perhaps they ought to consider running away.

    “I don’t think we can take them…” Mai spoke as she watched the creatures coming at them again. Her eyes followed their moments as she spoke. They were slow, and had little in the way of attack, but their mitigation might have been more than either of them could deal with.






    Monster Details:

    • Skeleton Guards

      • HP: 30

      • DMG: 9

      • MIT: 8

    Turn Order:

    • Endilix - Hate: 4

    • Mayuri - Hate: 2

    • Skeleton Guards

    Combat Results:

    • Endilix:

      • HP: 60/60

      • EN: 14/15

    • Mayuri:

      • HP: 88/88

      • EN: 11/12

    • Skeleton Guard 1 HP: 27/30

    • Skeleton Guard 2 HP: 27/30



  21. The young man seemed to like her proposal and eagerly agreed to her assistance. He questioned her abilities and she smiled. “Well there is no magic… it’s more like medical skills. If you’re injured, I’ll show you, but I’m going to keep you safe so you won’t need my skills… hopefully.” The elves typically gave her no trouble, however there was this one time they became a little difficult to deal with, but that incident had been months ago and she and her companion had been fiiiine…really! She and this boy would live to see another day.

    The young man introduced himself and Mai gave him a cheerful nod. “It is indeed a pleasure,” she agreed. If there were two things that Mai loved, it was helping others out and making new acquaintance in the process. “So… what’s the mission? I can’t party with you… I’m already permanently in one, But I’ll stay and help in any way I can be of service.” She offered.

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