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Posts posted by Mayuri

  1. Twirling about, Mai went in for another strike. Light Reaver sliced into the monster with ease and chipped away at its health once more. The Nepent lashed at her, but was unable to land a strike as the girl was about to avoid the attack. It wasn’t until the Nepent begin to fire off its needles that Mai was struck once more. Her poison counter clicked back up to full as the girl clicked her tongue. The additional rounds would not be enough to kill Mai off or slow her down, however she was disappointed in the fact that she was still no where as quick as she wanted to be. The Nepent’s attacks weren’t terribly fast and so Mai thought she should be able to dodge them all. When she returned home, she’d have to convince Life to take her on another quest. It’d been awhile and she badly needed to improve upon her skills.



    BD: 7         -1 ENERGY

    MD: 10     +2 CRITICAL



    NEPENT HITS MAYURI  FOR 8 DMG     [(3*3+2)-3 MIT= 8 DMG]




    Mayuri     60/80     8/10 Energy        (-1 Energy/+1 Energy)


    Poisonous Nepent     10/20 


    9 Posts until Poison wears off  (Counter Reset as Mai was struck again with posion)

  2. Mai scanned the area for another target, and sure enough, another Nepent came into view. Her health bar went down another two points, but for her, this was nothing. The blood had seen to her protection so all she need to was fight.  She squeezed Light Reaver in her balled little fist and went in for the attack. Her falchion cut through the air and sliced into her intended target. The unsuspecting mob let out a shrill cry and shook as Mai moved past the creature without retaliation. Her health bar ticked down a small amount again and Mai clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth. The little poison icon blinked on her interface and it bothered the girl. “Nine more rounds…” Mai reminded herself, though her fight would be over much faster than that.



    BD: 7      - 1 ENERGY

    MD: 0     (2-2 EVA)








    Mayuri     70/80     8/10 Energy        (-1 Energy/+1 Energy)


    Poisonous Nepent     15/20 


    9 Posts until Poison wears off


  3. “I’m very excited about all the questing we do, silly.” Shay said as she bounced along trailing behind Eric as he pulled her toward the cave. “Questing with you never gets old. I like that you can kill things quickly.” She especially enjoyed walked away unharmed thanks to his ability to kill things off so fast. His strength was her blessing.

    Once they were past the entrance and into the cave a bit, Mai realized there was no light inside the cavern they walked through save the one behind them at the entrance. “I don’t have night vision.” She said to Eric as she held onto his hand tighter so he wouldn’t lose her to the dark. Slowly, they ventured further and further into the cave until the light behind her was gone and the pair was engulfed by pitch black nothingness. She didn’t know how long or far they’d walked, but time seemed at a standstill in the dark. It made the young woman nervous just thinking oh how it was she was going to fight in these conditions.

    As Mai made herself ill with worry over their impending fight, her thoughts were broken by a mewling cry in the darkness. “Did you hear that?” She asked Eric wondering if she was imagining things. The little sound echoed through cavern once more and Mai instantly perked up. She quickened her pace as she moved along with Life moving ahead of him again trying to discern where the cry was coming from. It came a third time, and Mai panicked. She thought about the small child crying alone in the dark, with monstrous bats hovering near, and how frightened that baby must be to be in such a place. The crying was louder and much more frantic as she and Life closed in on the babe’s location. Mai’s imagination began to run wild over thoughts of the lost child, and then she thought about her youngest brother being lost in such a way. “Javi…”she said under her breath and whimpered, desperate to find the lost little one.

    The child’s cries were bellowing and Mai couldn’t take it anymore, she was sick to her stomach and couldn’t allow the babe to continue on like that anymore. Thankfully she didn’t have to as she found that she and Life were close. The cries were not far ahead of them and she knew the child was in reach. From the black there came a different noise, the flapping of wings, and there was a gust of air though no wind blew. “Bats…” She said aloud narrowing her eyes trying to strain to see but still unable to do just that. The crying started up again and Mai’s heart throbbed painfully in her chest. She couldn’t take it anymore. There was a little one in need of safety and comfort and it killed her to not be able to do anything for it.

    “You handle the bats…I’m going after the baby,” She told Life as she let go of his hand.

     Before her love could protest, Mai charged off to save her target.

    The child made a sound again, and Mai pinpointed it in the darkness and found the kid easily. “GOT  YOU!” Mai said as she scooped the babe into her arms and hoisted the little one up. “Don’t worry. I’ve got you… just don’t let go of me, okay?” Mai explained to the NPC forgetting it wasn’t a real child.

    “I’ve got him!” Mai called out to Life relieved to have found their quest item.



    ((Used Loot Die to determine finding the little one. Since the roll was 20, I figure she found it with no probs XD  ))




    BD: 3            NO ATTACK

    LD: 20          LOST CHILD OBTAINED

  4. Mai stopped several feet from the woman as she whipped about.  “Were you talking to me?” the woman asked. Mai was about to answer but the woman realized that they were alone on the field, and instead she smiled brightly and nodded in agreement as the woman in blue addressed her. It seemed that Mai was correct in assuming that the woman was on her way to hunt. By the look of her gear however, she couldn’t have been too high of a level. As Shay assessed the situation, the woman spoke asking why Mai wanted to know and called her a silly name.

    “Pinky?” Shay repeated. The pretty raven haired girl looked down at her Sakura kimono and nodded as she giggled; her garb was a rather lovely shade of pink. “My name’s Mai…and if you don’t mind… I’d like to help you. The field isn’t very forgiving and I’m a healer. I don’t charge anything or want for anything other than to help you. So…can I? Help you I mean?”

    Shay was intent on helping as many people as she could and if she could keep anyone from dying, she was going to do just that.

  5. Shay was pulled into a hug and Shay wrapped her arms around the young man, squishing herself against him. He wouldn’t go. Not without her. These words gave her comfort and she hugged him even tighter than she had before. “Thank you…”she said, a soft smile growing across her face as she pressed it into his chest. Mai was happy. She knew eventually he would want to move without her and she would accept that, but for now they would not be apart and that would be enough for her. Shay stayed in his embrace lost in her own thoughts of the adventuring they’d do together until he spoke once more.

    "I haven't been fair with you, have I?"

     She looked up at his handsome face. Her tiny hand reached for his cheek and caressed at his alabaster skin gently. “Don’t be silly.” She said grinning again.

    “I should be the one who should be sorry. I’m not being very fair to you. I know I’m holding you back from where you want to be, but I promise you, I’ll grow quickly and I won’t keep from the fronts long. I just want to be sure I’m strong enough to protect you.”

    Releasing Eric from her grasp she spoke again, “Now come on!” She clasped onto his hand and began to tug him along. “Let’s get this thing done and over with so we can go home and plan our next adventure.” Never in Shay’s life had she felt so lucky; she’d found someone to love and protect and all she wanted to do was grow so she could keep the one she adored.

  6. Mai smiled as she was handed more herbs for her alchemic endeavors and she added them to her inventory happily. They continued to move alongside one another quietly. There were little sounds to be heard in the forest save the soft crush of leaves beneath their feet and the occasional twittering of far off birds. Eric broke the silence as he began to explain of an upcoming event. The soft smile that she wore quickly faded and her eyebrows knitted together as he began to explain himself. Life wanted to go off without her… the very thing he had promised her that he would not do the night before.

    “Why?” was all she could manage to eek out.

    “You promised…” she shook her head wondering if he was just lying to her. Looking back up at the young man she could see his uneasiness of his request; this was not something he had brought up lightly.

    “You said we were going to stay together,” she said flatly. “If you have to go, then go. I won’t stop you Eric.” She thought about the night before and how he’d said they would stay together, but he never said he wouldn’t quest without her, even if she’d taken it that way. Shay felt foolish. Of course he would want to continue on his path; he was much higher in level than she was, and it was ridiculous to think he wouldn’t move on to harder kills without her. Life did not want to put her in danger, but Shay did not want Eric to put himself in harm’s way either.

    “Promise you’ll come back to me.” She said softly. “Promise. That way if you die…you’ll be a liar… and I know you don’t want me to think that of you.”

  7. With Life away training in places she couldn’t go, Mai found herself with a lot of free time. This wouldn’t have been so horrible for the girl if it weren’t for the fact that she missed Eric deeply. With her love away and nothing to do, Mai often found herself on the first floor looking for beginners to help as she wasn’t good for much else. Still, she was determined to grow and become useful to Life and she could only do that by training up.

     As she made her way to the Town of Beginnings in search of someone to assist, she spotted a woman with dark short hair in a blue dress approaching.  The look on her face was one that Mai knew quite well: determination. She had the look of someone who’d resolved to do something about her predicament. This was the look that many Mai had helped had worn the moment she’d met them. As their paths crossed and the woman continued on, Mayuri turned about on her heel and began to give chase.

    “Excuse me!!!!” She called out after the raven haired lady. “Where are you going?” She asked curiously wondering where the lady was off to in such a hurry.

  8. Shay wasn’t ready.

    She was afraid, so terribly afraid of what was to come. The young woman opened her HUD for the hundredth time that day looking over her inventory as she and Life waited for Celesmeh to show. “Are you sure I’m ready for this? “ She asked Life nervously. It was the tenth time she asked that question to her love and permanent party mate. “What if I can’t heal you fast enough? We should’ve waited till I was higher in my healing. “She fretted nervously as she brought her hand to her mouth and nervously chewed on her index finger knuckle.

    Days before Eric had gotten a message from Celesmeh asking him to go on a little adventure. It was decided that they were going to face Cerberus on the ninth floor. Shay recalled the botched mission to get past the eleventh floor, and the fact that she had not traveled past floor six since. Even though she was afraid, Shay insisted on coming with him. It was agreed that Mai would be her healer and she would do very little fighting. Eris was reluctant to take her, but when she reminded him he would just be going back on his word if he didn’t, her love agreed to take her along. “Besides, now that you’ve grand mastered Katana, you’ll have no trouble keeping me safe,” she had said to him as she pushed his long bangs aside and kissed him on the forehead. As much as he hated the idea of putting Mayuri in danger, he hated not keeping his word to her even more, which brought them right back to where they were, waiting in Vulcan Village for Celesmeh to show.

    The floor was awful. Though Mai’s kimono was short and rather light, the young woman was already sweating. She fanned her little red cheek and tried to take a breath though the air was stifling. “I should have done that other quest first…” she sighed thinking she might be doing better like Life was if she’d had that survival skill like Life had. “Do you see her yet?” shay asked curiously as she opened her HUD yet again to check the time.

    Hopefully Cele would be there soon. The quicker they were on the move, the better.

  9. Mai had followed alongside Eric as they walked along the path through the wood trying to locate the mother NPC they were looking for. It wasn’t long before they found her and Life placed his hand upon the mother’s shoulder and told her they would indeed find the missing child. Shay found it cute that Life played along with the NPC and comforted her. The quest was accepted and the pair was on their way to the caves where the bats could be found. She looked over at her companion and smiled knowing that Life would make quick work of the bats within the cave and they could get home early enough to have lunch together.

  10. Mai giggled and withdrew her hand from her hilt. There was no way this girl or her cat friend were a danger to her; at least she didn’t seem to be. If it was an act, it was a good one, and Mai was taken in. Granted Mayuri was the foolishly trusting sort, and it did not take much to bamboozle the raven-haired cutie. A hand and a name were offered to Mai and she took up the girl’s hand and shook it politely. “I’m Mayuri… Mai if you please and it’s nice to meet you and Kiku,” she said as she patted the animal on the head.  “And I would very much like to travel with you and your companion. With any luck mine will find us soon.” Mai said worried as to where Eric might have gone. She opened her HUD but she couldn’t pinpoint his location as he was probably somewhere they had not yet explored, but he was still inside the caves and on the move. Shay took a deep breath in relief knowing that Life was alive and well.

    It was suggested that they look for a way back to the entrance and Mai nodded her head in agreement. “We ought to be on our way then. I heard something moving not too far back. I don’t wish to run into whatever it was behind us.” She said as she began to move quickly through the cave looking for a way toward out.



    LD: 8     NO EXIT

  11. “Do you think we’re ready for something like that?” Mai said dropping her toast. Her face went white and the idea of taking on a much harder floor boss made the young woman in rather nervous. Of course if Eric hadn’t thought it was something they couldn’t do, he would not have suggested it. Instead of doubt, she would put her faith in her companion. “If you think I can handle it, then we must be ready.” She said and smiled brightly. Shay loved that Eric had some much faith in her abilities, and her in general.

    Once breakfast was complete, the pair readied themselves into their gear. As they dressed, Life thanked her and she simply nodded. “It was my pleasure.” It truly was.  He asked where the quest was and Mai opened her HUD. She’d saved the map to this quest and she pulled up the information. “Here,” she said sending him the data on the quest.

    ”Ready?” she asked.

  12. Shay was startled as the other young woman seemed to be in great shock over her presence. The sandwich in her hand tumbled away and hit the ground and Shay felt bad that the other player’s meal was ruined. “I assure you I’m no spirit,” she giggled as she approach, still keeping her hand upon her weapon noticing that the girl had reached for her own.

    “I mean you no harm,” She said still moving forward slowly.

    As Shay moved, the familiar companion of the young woman approached Mai and sniffed the hem of her kimono. “Hello kitty thing…” she said as she gently reached out her hand for the animal to smell. She was carefull not to make any sudden movements or risk being attacked. The large cat like thing began to purr and Shay reached out petting it gently. “Aren’t you very pretty.” She said as the creature purred at her feet. Shay giggled feeling a little at ease. If the pair meant her harm, she doubted she’d get such a warm welcome.

    The young woman began to speak, catching Mai’s attention, and she only smiled and giggled at what she had to say. “My name is Mayuri. I fell down a hole after being attacked by giant ant. I was separated from my party mate.  I assure you I am human and I mean you no harm.” She said calmly. “ Are there NPC’s with the ability to be charming like that?  I imagine that would be a frightening thing if the NPC were evil."

  13. Eric kissed her forehead and Shay smiled in relief glad that he didn’t feel like she was wasting his time. He went on further to flatter her and she could only laugh. “Oh I don’t know about that my love.” She said blushing, “I’m sure there are far superior ones. I just want to be able to do my part. If I’m helping, I’m satisfied.” Shay reached for his hand and took it in hers.

    “Besides, I mainly did this so I could be of use to you. So long as you think it’s good, I’m happy.

  14. When Shay came to she was face down on the ground. The pretty raven-haired girl pushed herself up off the ground and grumbled as she wiped her face. “Eric?” she called out into the darkness. There was no reply. Mayuri whined and slowly got up off the ground wondering what the hell to do. “I’m lost…” she said to herself as she wiped the dirt from her kimono noting that it’d torn during her fall.

    It was decided that very morning that Life and she were going to try and explore floor eleven. Shay had told Life of her uneasiness, but he reminded her that if she were going to the front, she’d have to be prepared, and that’s what they were going to do, ready themselves for what was next. So they had made their way to the Ant tunnels, careful of the path they chose in order to avoid too much trouble for Shay. He reminded her to stay close, and she did, but what she didn’t anticipate was being attacked from underground!

     As they traveled along, the ground broke beneath her feet and a Giant Ant appeared. It grabbed her ankle and began to pull her down the hole. Life, the ant, and she all went sliding down the hole. Under the dim conditions, she could see that Life attacked the creature, and there was a burst of light as he activated an attack. There was another flash as the monster was pixilated and the red pixels faded away.  Life told her to grab his hand, and Mai struggled to grab it. She managed to lock onto his fingertips, but lost connection when she fell down a tunnel opposite of the one Life had slid down. She heard him call for her and she yelled back, but she was already lost into the darkness.  

    Down, down, down she fell and tumbled away, and she didn’t know how long she’d been going, but it felt like forever in the pitch black. Eventually she hit the ground and passed out, which is where she found herself now, lost in the maze of ant tunnels without her protector. She knew she ought to have stayed where she was, but she could hear worker ants not too far from her, and so she knew it was better to move. Eric would be able to pinpoint her location as they were permanent party mates, so she was sure her love would find her, she just needed to stay alive until then.

    Shay traveled through the dimly lit caves looking for other signs of life besides ants. She heard the sound of laughter and began to run toward it. She couldn’t be sure if the laugh came from a friendly someone, but it was better for her to check it out than to roam about in a place like this alone. She turned a corner to find a young woman sitting there upon the ground eating what looked to be a sandwich. Beside her was a big cat of some sort.   “Ummm…hello…” she said to the girl announcing her presence. She didn’t want the other female to think she was sneaking up on her or anything. Sha y rested her hand upon the hilt of Light Reaver, just in case.


  15. Shay let go of the little girl’s wrist. “I’ve heard of this going on. I didn’t know we had thieves as young as you. I won’t turn you in though.” Mai said. “Only because you’re little and I don’t know what they’ll do to you. But you can’t steal anymore. I know this game is hard, but if you got caught by someone else, someone ruthless, you could get yourself killed. I don’t want that, and I’m sure your parents wouldn’t want you dead either.”

    Mai listened as Dora asked why she didn’t sell her services. It would make sense for her to charge for help for sure, but Shay just couldn’t. “I got this from another player, and I promised her I’d help people. That’s what the Blood is for… help. I won’t sell it but I will use it to further others on their journey. I’ll help you too if you’d like. When you’re ready to quest, contact me and I’ll come to you and inject you with the Blood. I’ll even heal for you. But I won’t carry you, you’ll have to fight the mobs and kill your own bosses. How’s that sound?”

  16. As Mai sipped at her tea, the fog began to lift and slowly things came back into focus. She was back in her shop sitting across from a young girl. Mai blinked and shook her head a little puzzled but starting to piece things together. She remembered that she’d been working on potions when one blew up on her, and once again she had been affected by confusion. In her haze she decided she needed to go look for Eric and got herself lost in the woods where she ran into this little girl… Dora. They made it back to her shop and now Mai was showing Dora her inventory.


    Mai blinked.

    “OH [censored],” Mai cursed as she realized what the hell was going on here.

     Dora was reaching her tiny hand toward her HUD ready to clean all of Mai’s things out. Without hesitation Shay leapt up knocking her tea set to the floor and caught the little girl’s wrist. “Don’t even think about it….” Mai said flatly, the smiley expression on her usually cherubic face going dark.

    “You were going to steal my things weren’t you?” She said holding the girl firmly, but not so much so that she’d hurt the child. With her free hand Mai clicked everything back into her inventory, and then closed out the friend’s shared inventory. She looked at the younger girl expectantly.

     “Now explain yourself. I won’t let you go until you do.”

  17. Mai got stupid.

    The silly raven hair girl flicked the monster, inadvertently activating it back into action. “The Repent rattled its needles hard and then began to fire them at the girl who was still in close range. She ducked and twirled away as best she could, and managed to escape most of them, all but a few. Mai mis-stepped and moved right into the path of the firing needles, taking several of them in the arm. They didn’t hurt which stunned the young woman, but she was not distracted by this fact. She found she was again in striking range and activated her attack. She landed the final blow, and the mob dissolved. The poison indicator was lit on her screen as she pulled the needles from her arm remarked by the lack of pain.

    Mai had two options. She could continue to fight, or head back to her shop to try and craft an antidote. She was so close to finishing, and with the blood coursing through her, she would not be moved to quit. The young woman sucked it up. She would not die from the wound, and she would heal up by the time she returned to her shop so she decided to finish the quest. Shay picked up the spores and added them to her collection.

    “One more…” she told herself.



    BD: 6     - 1 ENERGY

    MD: 10    +2 CRITICAL



    NEPENT HITS MAYURI  FOR 8 DMG     [(3*3+2)-3 MIT= 8 DMG]


    Mayuri     72/80     8/10 Energy        (-1 Energy/+1 Energy)

    Poisonous Nepent     -2/20      DEAD




    (For the next 10 turns, Mayuri will suffer +2 Damage due to effects of poison)


    FOUND: +1 Poison Spore


    3/3 Digitalis

    2/3 Poison Spore




  18. Shay took a deep breath and watched the Nepent carefully as it moved toward her. Her eyes followed it as it crept about readying her weapon for attack. The poisonous Nepent moved toward her slowly, carefully, not making an attack. It was if it was learning from her; trying to anticipate what she might do. Mai gripped her weapon in both hands, ready to strike once the Nepent was in range. She was not going to move. She would let it come to her.

    The thing crept and then flew at her at a great speed. Mai tracked the thing until it was close enough. She activated <<Reaver>> slashing the creature vertically. She had struck yet another critical. The monster froze and Mai approached the thing and grinned as it made a rustling sound vibrating its needles at her. “Just one more and you’re out.” She told the thing, confident she would finish it off with her next blow.



    BD: 10    +2 CRITICAL     -1 ENERGY

    (5 DMG+ 2 CRIT= 7 DMG)





    Mayuri     80/80     8/10 Energy        (-1 Energy/+1 Energy)

    Poisonous Nepent     3/20 


  19. Despite Mai’s confidence getting a boost, little else had improved in her skills. She had to remember she was still only a rank one in her weapon. Without higher ranks, there was little she could do in terms of attack. This was evident when she went at the Nepent once more. Mai sliced through the air with <<Reaver>>, but she released the attack too soon and missed the creature completely. "Focus Shay," She reminded herself again. The young woman took a deep breath and let it out slowly as she turned to face her opponent once more. 



    BD: 4     MISSED    -2 Energy

    MD: 2 (4-2 EVA)       MISSED

    Mayuri     80/80     8/10 Energy     (-2 Energy/+1 Energy)

    Poisonous Nepent     10/20 

  20. With the blood coursing through her she felt stronger, more confident. She could see how a player could become addicted to such a feeling. She felt more alive and more powerful than she ever had in her whole life. She held Light Reaver in her hand eyeing the Nepent with a knowing smile painted across her soft pink lips. Shay would obliterate this thing and move on with nary a scratch on her. Rushing into attack, the young woman moved to attack trying to see if what she believed was true.

    The Nepent shot out its poisonous needles but the creature could not hit the speedy Mai. She easily dodged each attack with little effort. Mai was finally in striking range. She lifted her blade and used <<Reaver>>, slicing at the creature’s midsection with a vertical blow. Her weapon connected, dropping the creature’s health down to half. Shay spun about and faced her opponent ready for more.


    BD: 6     -1 Energy

    MD: 3 (5-2 EVA)     MISSED




    Mayuri     80/80     9/10 Energy     (-1 Energy)

    Poisonous Nepent     10/20  

  21. Shay took Eric’s hand as they walked away from the tundra and began to head back up the hill.  It seemed her noted the doubt on her face and decided that maybe home was a better option. She did have quite a lot of material in her inventory and had to get moving on her profession skills. She couldn’t help the front if she couldn’t make anything useful to give the other players. When Eric asked her how that was going Mai could only blush.

    “Oh… “She said and lowered her head a little. “I’m afraid I really haven’t improved. I’m terribly sorry if I’m wasting your efforts. You’re trying so very hard to help me, and I’ve been squandering your hard work. I promise I will do better. I’ve just been apprehensive of doing alchemy since the last time I nearly burnt down the shop. Where would we live if I destroy our current home?” Mai’s confidence had taken quite a blow in her professional abilities, and the girl had been quite uneasy about her skills every since.

  22. Shay felt her face go hot as Eric told her that he loved her once again and told her that she was beautiful. The dark haired young woman looked down at her disheveled kimono and ran her fingers through her tangled hair, blushing deeply over the fact that he found her so lovely even in this state. She was so unused to the compliment of being loved and marveled at the ease in which he expressed his affection for her. How was it that he’d come to love her so much so quickly? Shay knew exactly how it came to be as she fell for him rather quickly herself. She felt so truly lucky that it was he that had fallen for her even without them knowing much about each other. Still she knew for certain that the more she would learn of him, the more deeply her feelings would grow for him.  There was little he could do to change that. Shay was his as long as he wanted her.

    They ate breakfast happily and Eric sweetly told her that everything was wonderful and asked if she’d practiced her skill. She began to laugh and shook her head no. “Hardly… anyone can do this much. There are some days I burn the toast though. That one is a little harder. With it just being me, I didn’t feel the need to invest into the skill. I suppose I should now that you’re with me, I should. I wouldn’t want you to have to eat burnt toast every day.” She cracked a smile and began to giggle. She watched him as he looked over his HUD and gently reached for his hand as he closed things out.

    “It’s okay…” she told him “Enjoy breakfast. We have all the time for all the things. Don’t worry."

  23. Eric came to her side, placing an arm about her and kissed her head. She had done well apparently. Shay didn’t feel as if she’d done much, but she was grateful that Eric felt she had all the same. “Thank you.” She told him. “You’re amazing though! I can’t believe you got him down so quickly.” She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him.  Now that he was hers, Shay found that she couldn’t stop wanting to hug Life constantly. It seemed to her as if he felt the exact same way.

    As she contemplated her adoration for her companion, Eric devised a plan of action.

    “The higher floors?” Shay smiled.

    The last time they had tried to get onto the higher floors, they had to make an escape. Shay wasn’t ready, even with the blood she didn’t think she could get very far, even with Eric protecting her. In fact, last time they had to retreat because of her. “What floor would we go to next?” She asked him curiously wondering where they would travel.

  24. As Eric closed the door to their bedroom, Mai pulled up her HUD and quickly got herself dressed. She enrobed herself in her long purple kimono, lazily tying the obi like a sash rather than properly dress and the kimono hung loosely about her buxom frame and Mai adjusted herself once more so that she didn’t inadvertently bust out of her lovely purple kimono. She ran her fingers through her long, dark hair and then headed down to her workshop to give Eric a hand with breakfast.

    Upon entering the kitchen, she found her companion sitting at the table as the water had been set to boil. She smiled and watched him for a moment as he seemed to be contemplating something. “What are you thinking?” Shay said finally as she walked into the workshop and over to the little pantry where she kept her goods. From the cupboard she pulled several items and then set to work preparing something to eat. Since Shay had not invested any points in her cooking skill, she could only prepare very basic things. She sliced bread and placed it in the toasting basket, and then set to cutting up some apples and cheese. By the time the tea was ready, everything was set, and Shay carried the offerings over to the table for the two of them. 

    “I’m sorry it’s not more lavish.” She said as she poured Life a cup of breakfast tea.

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