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Posts posted by Jevi

  1. Jevi violently rolled her shoulders, growling at the dragon that grabbed onto her as she shook it off. Rhaegal yelped as it flew from her armored shoulders, feeling the pain from the new cuts on the bottom of its feet as it landed back on the ground, hissing at the brunette warrior. "Alright asshole.." the woman said under her breath as she began to circle around the beast, the newborn dragon matching her movements. Jevi acted first, holding her blade at her side and going for an upwards diagonal slash across the beast's snout. The dragon was fast though as it moved out of the way, quickly countering and moving in to attack Jevi. However, it was still getting used to life outside of the egg, and was still just a mere baby, its legs still wobbling from walking for the first time. The dragon stumbled over its own legs, crashing into the dirt, letting out a little yelp. Jevi looked back at the dragon and then up to Ruby, a small look of dissatisfaction, "I really wish it wasn't a baby..." she said under her breath as she bit her lip, feeling a bit of guilt for fighting a newborn dragon. 

    ID 92701
    BD 2(+2) = 4 Miss
    MD 1

    Jevi - 392/420 - EN: 30/40  MIT: 36 - DMG: 7+1 [Sharpness]
    Ruby - 920/920 - EN: 84/92  MIT: 0 - DMG: 15 

    Rhaegal - 40/125 - MIT: 25 - DMG: 50 (-12 Bleed)

  2. Jevi chuckled about Spencer's comment on The Mummy movie. "Don't think I'll ever be watching it again after today." She looked up at the top of the pyramid they had escaped from, smoke billowing out from the doorway from the fire Spencer had started still burning away. "Ruby would kill me if she found out what we just did.." she said with a shake of her head, turning back to the sandy haired boy who was currently brushing dirt off of his clothes. "Hey, you had your crazy idea with setting that barrel on fire, my crazy idea was sliding down the pyramid. Guess we are even now." she said, laughing at her joke. She looked back to the man with a smile before giving him a pat on the back, "I think that's enough adventuring for the day.. lets head back to town." As they started to walk, Jevi bit her lip nervously and looked to Spencer, "Oh and... please don't tell Ruby that.. I had the great idea of jumping off the pyramid like that.. She's probably more worried about me than I am of her in the boss fight. If she knew we tried that stunt.." she rubbed her opposite arm, feeling slightly guilty for putting herself in danger when she promised Ruby she would not.

  3. Spencer seemed to catch onto Jevi's idea, quickly using his mace to do the same as her and slow their fall. Their speed had decreased by a lot, yet they still fell at an alarming rate. At this point, it was a fifty fifty chance at survival, unless Jevi could thing of something else. Thinking quick, the woman bent her knees so the heels of her boots ran against the side of the stone pyramid as well. Not much, but it was hopefully enough to turn the tide more in their favor. At this point, it was too late for any other ideas, and they would merely need to put fate in their hands. Clenching her eyes shut, Jevi pulled Spencer closer and tucked her chin in. All of a sudden, they met the ground with enough force to usually break bones. 

    She felt her body tumbling through the dirt until it finally came to a forced stop as she collided with one of the few standing walls of an old ruin. The disheveled brunette laid there motionless for a moment before slowly picking up her head, grunting as she tried to move. As she looked around for Spencer, she caught a glimpse of her health bar, blinking in the red zone. "Spencer!?" she shouted out, quickly looking for the boy. That was when she saw him in the same state that she once was, curled up, yet still alive. "Spencer! Are you okay!?"

  4. Jevi noticed that Ruby's hand began to glow red, as if using some sort of sword art. Her opened up with wonder as the girl brought them up to about chest level while walking forward. Where Jevi thought that Ruby would simply touch her shoulder and move on, she was wrong. Ruby continued forward, planting her lips upon Jevi's cheek, causing her to blush. "Hun, don't you think theres a bet-"  Suddenly, she felt a gently pressure on the underside of her boob that was not blocked by the large plate of armor on her chest. Quickly looking down, she saw that Ruby was copping a quick feel. "C-Cecilia!!" she shouted, jumping forward and covering her chest, her face as red as the hands that touched her. With one last kiss on the cheek, she edged her to go on and fight. Still feeling flustered from having her chest touched, she turned back to face the dragon. She noticed, however, the same red aura from Ruby's hands was now emanating from her sword. Had she buffed her damage with that loving touch? 

    Jevi spun the sword in her hand and tilted her head to the side, cracking her neck. "Alright dragon. Let's do this." she said before charging forward. Once in attacking range, Jevi planted one foot into the dirt and spun her body around, her blade cutting into the dragon multiple times before it was able to get away and fly over head, planting its talon's into Jevi's shoulders. Just as before, the sharpness of her armor cut into its legs, dealing a bit of extra damage. 

    ID 92648
    BD 9

    • Dancing Hellraiser: 4x2(7+1+1) = 72 (-25) = 59 Dmg (Bleed Activated) +12

    MD 7 (50 Dmg - 36 Mit) = -14 HP (Thorns Damage activated - 7)

    Jevi - 392/420 - EN: 31/40  MIT: 36 - DMG: 7+1 [Sharpness]
    Ruby - 920/920 - EN: 84/92  MIT: 0 - DMG: 15 

    Rhaegal - 52/125 - MIT: 25 - DMG: 50

  5. In no time at all, the three players and the small girl on Jevi's back could see the light from outside the mouth of the cave. At first, it was bright and blinding, since their eyes had just adjusted to the pitch black caverns in which the quest took place. However, in due time, the grassy earth and trees sprouting up towards the sky could be seen clearly. The brunette could feel the warmth as she was bathed in the sun's light, her eyes closing for a moment as she took in a deep breath through her nostrils. They had not been in the cave long at all, much faster than she had anticipated for that matter, yet it always felt good to get some fresh air after spending some time in one of Aincrad's murky caves. "You're right, probably could have done this on my own without your guy help." she said with a chuckle, merely teasing the two men who had so kindly jumped in to assist her and the NPC in her struggle. "I do appreciate both of your guys help though. Despite being easy, it would have been a hell of a lot more boring." 

    Tracing their footsteps back to the stone city of Urbus, the three found themselves inside of the settlement's safe zone again. All together, the three players made their way through the town, the girl still on Jevi's back, until they reached what were the slums of the city. The NPC mother, whom they had spoken to before, was standing in the same spot, the same look of distress and worry upon her face. As the small girl peeked out from behind Jevi's brunette hair, a wide smile on her face, the mother's features brightened as tears of joy began to pour down her face.

    "Elena!" the woman called out as she ran forward to meet the three. With a smile on her face, Jevi lowered the young girl to the ground, who rushed over to her mother and jumped into her loving arms "Mommy!" Jevi crossed her arms at her chest and sidestepped to Stryder, nudging him with her elbow. "Admit it, you may have been getting tired of doing this quest.. but there's no way you could get tired of seeing that reaction."  


  6. Finally arriving at the location where this apparent Dragon would be waiting for them, Jevi saw a large abandoned egg sitting in a large bunch of branches and leaves. As the two women approached the curious object, it began to violently shake, cracks like spiderwebs forming along the sides. Soon pieces began to fall, and the entire shell eventually broke open, revealing a small, reptilian creature with wings. Small, however, was an understatement.. so the baby dragon was about the size of a dire wolf. With a supportive kiss on the cheek, Ruby edged on Jevi to go an focus on fighting, while she would make sure that she stayed healed from behind. Looking to her side, the brunette nodded at Ruby and pulled her curved sword out from off of her belt. The dragon, immediately feeling threatened by Jevi's approach, acted before she had a chance to. Spreading its wings out and shrieking, the dragon charged forward, swinging its tail and smacking Jevi in the chest. As the tail pulled away, it scraped against the sharp edges of her armor, leaving a few small gashes on its scaled skin. "Ugh... great way to start" Jevi said with a sheepish chuckle, looking back at Ruby.

    ID: 92620
    BD: 1 Miss
    MD: 6 50(-36) =14 Dmg (Thorns Activated)

    Jevi - 406/420 - EN: 38/40  MIT: 36 - DMG: 7 (-14 HP)
    Ruby -

    Rhaegal - 118/125 - MIT: 25 - DMG: 50 (-7 HP Thorns)

  7. The brunette smirked and playfully rolled her eyes at Ruby , her excuse for being so excited being that she got to quest with someone as 'beautiful, cute, and caring' as her. "You flatter me, Cecilia." she said with a giggle, squeezing the blonde's hand that she had been holding. They continued their walk out of the Town of Beginnings, following their maps to the quests objective, which was apparently a dragon the two would be fighting. Jevi had never seen a dragon yet in this world, yet heard that they were usually Floor Bosses, or at least strong enough to be them. After explaining a bit about the trouble her and Spencer had gotten into, Ruby reached her hand behind the brunette, giving her ass a smack. Jevi's blushed as she jolted forward with a high pitched yelp, he hands retreating to her rear before she turned her head to the blonde "H-Hey!" Before she could react anymore to the sudden slap, Ruby's arms had thrown around Jevi, asking her to be more safe. The woman chuckled, "Don't worry. I'm not that helpless."  Ruby answered Jevi's question about the boss fight with a relaxed statement, saying that it was, in fact, not that bad. Jevi rose a curious eyebrow, was it truly a simple fight for them? Even with the lack of front liners as Jomei had mentioned. Jevi smiled, "Well.. whether it was tough or not.. at least you're both okay." 

  8. Ruby teased the brunette, telling her that she had one last chance to back out from possibly fighting some giant dragon. Though, the thought of fighting a dragon both excited and terrified her, she shook it off. She knew Ruby would not let anything happen to her, and Jevi was not much of a pushover anymore either. Before the woman had a chance to back up her claim about going nowhere, Ruby had grabbed her hand and pulled her forward towards their destination, planting one more peck on the cheek as the distance between the two closed. Jevi situated her hand in Ruby's, her fingers slipping through her grip and sliding into the spaced between her own fingers with a chuckle. "Someone's excited." 

    "Actually, I ended up doing some exploring with Spencer." she said in response to what she had gotten into while she was gone. "We ended up exploring some ruins on the Sixth floor.. even checked out the pyramid there... we may have gotten trapped, had to solve a few puzzles... and got chases out by a horde of zombies.. But I'm alright." she said with a laugh. "How..was the boss fight?" 

  9. Jevi's brows lifted in concern when Ruby said she needed to play catch up so she could play a larger part in future boss battles. Jevi hoped that this one fight would sway her mind on continuing to push the front lines and clear floors, though that was merely wishful thinking. Floor clearing had slowed to a near halt, so reliable front liners were needed.. and Ruby was one of the closest ones to be able to take up that role. Jevi sighed, yet smiled at the blonde woman. "As long as you keep yourself safe, then I have faith in you."  Ruby revealed that the quest they would be taking was called "Dragon Hunter Anthology" and was actually a line of quests linked together. Golden eyes blinked in wonder, until Ruby teased her about being scared. A smirk formed on her lips as she swiped her hand upward to bring forth her inventory, her heavy armor appearing over her body, and her talon-like curved sword appearing on her hip. "Nah, I'm not scared. Lets do this." 

  10. Jevi's smile widened as she read over the short message from Ruby. It had only been a day since the big boss fight, and despite getting a message from the blonde immediately after the fight had ended, this would be her first time seeing her. Tapping the small reply button under the message, Jevi wrote a rushed message to the woman: 


    To: Ruby

    Of course! On my way now.
    - Jevi

    As she watched the small icon disappear with the message being sent off, Jevi dismissed her menu and walked with a quickened pace to the floor's teleporter in the center of town. "Warp! Town of Beginnings!" she said, her body vanishing in a bright ball of blue light. Moments later, the brunette's avatar materialized in the center of the always bustling starter city on the first floor. It did not take long for her to recognize the familiar head of blonde hair, leaning against one of the tall lamp posts that would give light to the square when the sun went down. 

    The small smile turning into a grin, Jevi hurried over to Ruby and wrapped her arms around the woman's neck, holding her in a tight grip. "I'm so happy to see you safe, Cecilia." she said in a soft voice. She took her head away from Ruby's shoulder and looked into her eyes for a moment, before moving her face towards hers and kissing her on the lips. 

    After pulling away, she took a step back, "So, whats this quest line you were talking about? I would have thought that right after the fight you'd want to take a break." she said with a chuckle, shifting her weight to her opposite leg as she placed a hand on her hip.


  11. Despite Ruby’s kind words about Jevi’s strength compared to hers, it did not make the woman feel any better about her own level. She had been slacking for a long time, and she had fallen very far behind everyone else. Though her skill with the curved sword had gotten better, as well as her heavy armor skill, she still struggled to hold her ground. However, now was not the time to think on her own stats.

    ”Oh no, I was thinking of sleeping on the floor.” The brunette said with a playful smirk and a hooded gaze. As Ruby’s arms opened, welcoming Jevi into then, she inched herself closer to the blonde. Her body pressed into hers as one arm placed itself upon Ruby’s lap, and her head reasted on her shoulder. “..if this could be the only time I can do this.. with you going off to fight.. I’m not gonna pass this up.” She sid with a smile as she picked her head up from her shoulder, pressing her lips to the blonde’s jawline, before returning to her shoulder.

  12. Jevi blinked her golden eyes, looking down at the large sweater she wore. Her fingers gently clenched the black cotton that went around her waist, tugging at the sides. "No it's... well.. Shut up." she said with a chuckle before joining Ruby on the bed. "Its the principle of it I guess. You know I'm no girly-girl. It has.. nothing to do with the feeling of silk." she said with a smirk as she shifted her body towards the center of the bed, her feet still hanging off the side, and her fingers gently running down from Ruby's exposed back, to the soft, silk nightgown she wore. The brunette smiled at Ruby after her small comment about their time together only being nice because of her own presence. As Ruby shifted her position on the bed, she pulled the brunette closer to her. Jevi accepted the invitation, and pulled her legs up onto the bed and resting her head on the blonde's shoulder. The blacksmith made circled with the glass in her hand, the wine swirling around before raising the brim of the glass to her mouth and taking another sip. Her golden eyes shifted to Ruby when she began to ask about a certain quest she wanted to take with her upon returning from the boss fight, something about hunting dragons. The brunette chuckled, "Well, you know you're a lot stronger than me.. so hopefully its not too hard of a quest, and you won't have to protect me the entire time. But I'd love to."

  13. Jevi could not help but smirk when Erin finally gave in and decided to help the two women out, without trying to pursue the blonde anymore, at least during this confrontation. With a simple nod, the woman swiped her hand upwards and into the limited guild menus she had. Luckily for her, Jomei had not restricted guild recruitment to merely the leader, allowing her to add whomever she wished. At the same time, Jevi also sent a second guild invite to the woman that stood next to her with a smile on her face, "Guess you can join back up and not have to hide it anymore." Her eyes then shot back to Erin with another, slightly more serious expression. Her hand lowered, dismissing the small screen from in front of her. "Just.. send me a message with whatever you want for the equipment, and I'll see what I can do." She then offered the man the most polite nod she could for the asshole he was. "Thanks." she simply said, before turning around and walking with Telrenya out of the alleyway, and as far away from The Drunken Serpent as they could get.

    "You must really love Jomei." The brunette said, her hands on her hips and a smirk on her face as she shot a sidelong glace at Telrenya. "You're going through all of this trouble to keep this secret identity... just so that you can train and fight alongside him, and Ruby. Make sure that they're safe.. and not worry them too much with you being there." she shook her head, "I used to have someone like that.. once.. But.." she let out a heavy sigh, knowing that Grave was not coming back. She had Ruby now, and that was all that mattered. "That doesn't matter anymore." she said with a forced chuckle, "Lets get back to Urbus."

  14. With a smile on her face, Ruby leaned into Jevi, her warm lips pressing against hers for a moment before they parted once again. In a happy tone, she accepted Jevi's offer to spend the night with her, though reassured her that sleeping together did not imply sleeping together. The brunette's golden eyes went wide as her cheeks flushed a deep red, "W-What? I wasn't thinking about... I just...I know that." the woman stammered as she tried to explain to Ruby that spending the night with her was not her way of getting into her pants. The blonde then pointed at a large wardrobe next to the bed that contained a variety of nightgowns. Jevi's head cocked to the side for a moment, wondering why anyone would need to own more than one nightgown. She chuckled, before placing a hand out in front of her, "Thanks Cecilia.. But gowns aren't really my thing.. Its a struggle just to get me into a dress." she said as she swiped her hand upwards to open her menu, just to make sure that her pajamas were still in her inventory. 

    As the blonde retreated from her room to fetch something, Jevi sat on the edge of the bed and unequipped her casual blue attire, leaving her in a set of white underwear. her slender finger then tapped on her sleep wear, which was simply an oversized black sweater that fell over her torso and covered her bottoms. Reaching her hands up behind her head, Jevi adjusted her long brown hair so it fell along the sweater. Moments later, Ruby returned holding a bottle of wine with two glasses. Jevi smiled and took one of the drinks from Ruby, "Thank you, I'd love one." Jevi took the cup by its step and raised the brim to her lips, pouring a bit of pink wink into her mouth. A satisfied hum echoed from her throat as she lowered the glass, "This is nice." 

  15. Erin sought out for confirmation on exactly what he was needed of, a hint of wonder at just why they were asking a stranger of such. Why did it really matter that he actually joined the guild. Crossing her arms at her chest, the brunette looked to the blonde next to her, letting her tell the story of just why she had thrown on this guise that was Erin. She explained the entire story in detail of the situation she was in, and why they needed his help. Her golden eyes went back and forth between the blonde and the man, wondering just how much enjoyment he was truly getting out of this whole situation. And that smirk he so constantly wore, it sickened Jevi.. just what did he truly thing he was going to get out of all of this? 

    Once the story had been finished, Erin admitted that he would help them, but would need some sort of reward for his chivalrous actions. She inhaled deeply through her nostrils, expecting as much she could only imagine what he was going to ask of them.. specifically Tel. That being said, her mind was already going through all of the options. Once he confirmed what he had wanted, it felt like a thorn had pricked into Jevi's side. Of course that was what he wanted, the dirty pig. "F*** that" Jevi spoke up. "You don't even have to do anything, except just join the guild. Then do whatever the hell you please. You are not getting a date with Telrenya, or myself for that matter, just because of this. Besides.. both of us are spoken for." she looked over to Telrenya after her rant before sighing, turning back to Erin "I can make you a brand new set of armor, and a weapon of your choice if you help."

  16. Oh she would play nice alright, at least as nice as she needed to be to get the man to comply with them. And if not, there were ways she could get the man on their side. Jevi's smirk faded as she pushed off of the table top and rose up to stand straight next to Telrenya once again, offering the red head a simple nod in understanding that she would... play nice... After a moment of letting the offer linger in the air for a moment, Jevi felt a gentle hand on her shoulder, before Telrenya's voice sounded out, agreeing with Jevi's statement that the two would not be separated with this man in their presence. Another moment passed of silence, the thoughts seeming to go through Erin's head as he looked between the two women, before finally standing and making his way around the table to join them. He stopped directly in front of Jevi, his head looking down from a few inches over her. In his best attempt at being a gentleman, he let the two women lead the way to their secluded spot to converse the details of the plan.

    Jevi nodded and lead the group out of the bar, keeping Telrenya close to her side, making sure not to let her fall too far behind. Her eyes closed with a silent sigh, feeling the burning stares of Erin's emerald eyes upon her ass, and most likely Telrenya's, in the wavy skirt she wore, as well. Pushing open the wooden door to The Drunken Serpent, she walked around the side of the bar, which was a pretty quiet alleyway. Usually the ruffians of this part of town would not hang out in this area, since the fairly large bar owner would come out the side door to shoo them away. However, since this would, hopefully, be civilized conversation, the three of them should be fine while they conduct business.  

    Once they had reached the end of the alley, Jevi stopped and turned to look at the man. Before any other questions were asked, he questioned her position within the guild. Crossing her arms under her breast and shifting her weight to her opposite leg, the woman's expression remained the same and did not falter, waiting for him to continue with his thought. "He's a front liner." Jevi simply started, "Last I saw him, he was off to fight the Floor 21 Boss ... Most likely he's joined up with the scouting team right now to find the next Dungeon so we can all get out of here a bit faster. Besides, while he usually deals with those aspects, he leaves me in charge of the little things like recruitment." 

  17. Erin's gaze shifted to look Jevi in the eyes after she had swatted his hand away from touching Telrenya's face. The brunette knew that Tel did not fit in here, and would normally be eaten alive by all of these poor excuses for human beings if she had come here alone. However, she wasn't alone, she was with someone that knew how to deal with guys like this, and would if the situation arose. Hell, she would love if the situation arose, if it meant punching Erin's teeth in. The man stood and stared across the table at the two, the fiery woman's golden gaze not leaving his emerald eyes, a silent war of wits between the two. The man eventually seemed to pull back and sat back down, that same [censored]-eating smirk forming on his lips as he looked at Telrenya again and told her she could speak.

    Telrenya seemed to give in, and told her exactly what they needed of him.. the guild, the guise she was using, everything. Jevi bit her lip, not sure exactly how the man would react to all of this. Spotting the frown on his face, she immediately knew it wasn't going to be good. Despite averting his gaze multiple times from Telrenya, he still did not return to look at Jevi.. trying to ignore the fact the the bronze skinned woman would not let the man lay a pinkie on her innocent friend again. Apparently, however, he thought that he could possibly get away with it, and speak with Telrenya in private about the matter. Jevi caught the man's true intentions instantly, and she hoped that Telrenya did as well.

    "Yeah. We can talk about it." The brunette put a bit more emphasis on the 'we.' "My friend here may be the one in the situation..but because of the guild's permissions.. she doesn't get final say with who gets into the guild.." the woman bluffed, keeping her best poker face on as she spoke, "Since I'm second in command, I can confirm it and add you if you'll accept.. But then again.." her scowl turned into a smirk as she slammed both of her palms into the table, her face leaning closer to Erin so show she had no fear, "You might not be worth it to let into the guild."

  18. The part of town that housed The Drunken Serpent was just as rundown and dangerous as the bar itself. NPCs who begged for Col on every street corner, some a bit more forceful with their pleads than others. Even some ruffian players tried the mix in with the crowd, pestering bystanders and trying to rummage some coin out of defenseless looking kids who don't realize they are safe in the city's walls. Jevi could hear the malicious chuckles and catcalls coming from the men who hung in the area, seeing two women walking their way. Closing her golden eyes and clenching her fists, Jevi knew that she would need to toughen up a bit for this situation. The woman brought her hands up behind her neck and bunched all of her brunette hair into one fist, and tied it up into a high pony tail. The hair down on her shoulders made her look too soft, she thought. As her eyes reopened, they greeted any of the players that looked their way with an icy cold gaze that sent shivers down their spine. 

    Finally, The Drunken Serpent was in their sight at the end of the street. Jevi took in a deep breath, the smell of trash filling her nostrils. Despite it being a place Opal liked to go to, Jevi never liked it here.. too loud, and full of too many people that she'd rather see falling off the side of Aincrad. However, for Telrenya's sake, she would suck it up. Pushing open the creaky wooden door, they were immediately met with the smell of cheap bear and body odor. "Oh, the place cleaned up since the last time I was here." she said sarcastically, before looking over to Telrenya and shaking her head to show that she was lying. Her golden eyes scanned the room until she spotted the familiar face in the corner, with a bunch of other players drinking and talking loudly. "Great..." she said with a scowl, "That's him over there.. The hot-headed douche in the corner with the girls on his arm..." 

    The two women walked through the bar to the far corner, where Erin immediately took notice of the two women, despite already seeming to have another two to himself. Before Jevi had a chance to break the ice a bit a knock his ego down a few notches so they could talk to him in a slightly civilized manner, Telrenya was already confirming his name before stating that they needed his help. The grin on his face red Telrenya's plea differently than it should have, and with a large, grimy hand, he gently held a lock of the blonde's hair, before touching her chin. Jevi could see the uncomfortable look in Telrenya's eyes, causing her to smack his hand away from her. "She didn't say you could touch her Erin, now are you gonna listen to what the girl has to say? or not?" 

  19. Telrenya seemed to have already thought about that part of the plan. The only thing she needed was both names on the list, so she could be in any of their friends' presence with the guild logo on each persona of herself. Though, Jevi had to admit, if this person did end up wanting to actually be a part of the guild and be around more, especially if it did turn out being a guy with a much different body than Telrenya, it would make things difficult. However, at this point, it seemed as though they had no other options. Telrenya still went on with her thoughts after revealing the second name to Jevi; Erin. Her brows lowered in thought, not looking at the girl anymore as she tried to remember where she had heard that name from before. 

    "Did you say.. Erin..?" Jevi questioned her, after she had finished, a slight bit of distaste in her voice as she asked the blonde to confirm the name. Her golden eyes closed and chin dropped, a hand raising to her face as she pinched the brim of her nose for a moment. "I may know where we can find him..." she sighed "If its who I think it may be.. I'm not going to like it.. and under normal circumstances, I'd never want to work with a scumbag like him." she shook her head, "But.. theses aren't normal circumstances are they." a small chuckle caused her shoulders to bob. She looked back up at the blonde with a smirk, "Lucky enough.. last time I heard of him, it was here on this floor... Though..." she looked up and down at the cutesy outfit Telrenya wore before rubbing at the nape of her neck, "Just.. be ready." she said, before leading the girl back into town. 

  20. Jevi slowly nodded her head as she tried to follow along with Telrenya's dilemma, as well as her plan for getting around it. Her plan of leaving the guild without anyone knowing was risky, especially since the guild leader was, in fact, her boyfriend. The blonde would need to work fast before Jomei, or anyone else for that matter, took notice of her temporary leave from The Holy Dragon Alliance. Telrenya then laid out her entire plan to Jevi, how to keep both herself, Telrenya, and this alter ego of her's in the guild at the same time without raising too many questions. She needed a way to have both the names of Telrenya and this ego on the list at the same time. The only way to do so, was find someone with the same name, and have them join the guild. Jevi only hoped that she could find such a person, in the 9000 players who remained, who had chosen the same name as her. Lucky enough for Telrenya, there was one other player with the name. Jevi chuckled and shook her head, "Yeah.. that is a hell of a crazy plan." 

    Jevi took a couple steps to walk ahead of Telrenya, turning on her heel to stand directly in front of the woman to look her in the eyes, and stop her from walking forward. . "So let me get this straight.. you want to find this person with the same name as your alter ego.. and convince them to join the guild so that both names can be on the list.." her arms crossed under her breasts, and her head cocked to the side, trying to fully understand everything. "..and you need me to help convince them, so that I can say that I also met your alter ego and brought them into the guild myself?" Jevi's curious expression turned into a smirk, "You know.. I thought you were just a quiet girl with a cute face.. But you've got some spunk to you." she said with a chuckle, placing a hand on her shoulder. "No wonder Jomei loves you." She then gave the blonde a confident nod, "Alright. I'm in. I'll help you out... My only concern is.. What if this girl we find with the same name is around when you are in disguise?" 

  21. The brunette was greeted warmly, which made her eyes light up and smile. It was not very often that she felt as welcome as she did around all of her new friends. After asking where they would go to speak about what was on Telrenya's mind, she suggested a walk. With a nod in understanding, Jevi followed aside the blonde woman towards a less crowded part of town. Whatever was on her mind seemed to be eating away at her a bit, and after hesitating for a moment, she spilled her heart out to Jevi. Apparently, Telrenya had been going off and gaining experience and leveling up on her own. A curious eyebrow rose at the woman's confession.. believing it to be not that big of a deal at all. Jevi had done her own fair share of leveling up alone, what was so secret about it this time. Going on with her story, she revealed her intentions were to soon join Jomei and Ruby on the front lines without causing the two to worry and feel the need to protect her, putting their own lives at risk in the process. The brunette nodded her head, now understanding why there was such secrecy. Telrenya even had gone as far as to buy a whole new set of gear, but the guild's logo was what she believed would give away her secret. Looking from Telrenya's eyes to the health bar that floated in front of her, Jevi noticed that the dragon-like logo had now vanished, meaning she had left the guild to keep this a secret. "Does Jomei know that you left the guild? I guess not.. aren't you worried that he will find out?" Jevi ignored Telrenya's last comment about this being all too much to dump on the girl at once.. she knew that she was troubled and had no one to go to. So she wanted to help. 

  22. Her brown boots trudged through the sand, the blue ring that served as a teleporter that hovered just in the center of town. "I really need to find a new place to live.." she said to herself, wiping the beads of sweat that accumulated on her forehead. The sun was too hot in this desert, and having a forge that sat underground was even worse. Something to think about for a later date, she figured, as she finally received a reply from Telrenya. Halting her walk, she tapped on the icon and read the short reply. Telrenya figured it best for the two to meet on Floor Two in Urbus. Nodding her head, Jevi closed the message and continued on to step up on the platform. "Warp, Urbus." she said, her body disappearing in a bright blue flash.

    Once she felt the cool, fall breeze of Urbus on her exposed shoulders, she opened her eyes to find herself in the bustling, stone city that served as the center of the second Floor. Now to find Telrenya, she thought to herself as she looked around for the vaguely familiar bob of blonde hair. Keeping herself on the high ground of the platform, she looked over the heads in the crowds, looking for the girl whom she assumed was standing alone. Her golden gaze eventually fell upon the cutely dressed girl as she stood there, trying to blend in with the rest of the crowd, but also seemed to be looking for someone. Stepping forward, Jevi pushed past the players that walked the streets to greet the girl with a smile. "Hey Telrenya." She looked at the girl for a moment, wondering just what she needed to talk to Jevi about. The two were guildmates, but not truly good friends yet, which Jevi hoped to change by this encounter. "So.. should we go somewhere to talk or..?" she slipped her hand under the brown hair that poured over her shoulders, scratching at the base of her neck. 

  23. As her golden eyes opened again, she saw the blue sky and sun above the tall trees, the ruins they investigated before on the ground below them. A relieved smile stretched across her face, "Finally." she said in a hushed tone, before noticing what Spencer was worrying about. The two were located at the very top of the pyramid, a long drop to the bottom. It was a small possibility that the two could find a way down through the inside, now that the undead cultists were scorched. That was what she thought, however, until the burnt, decaying hands of the ones she thought to be dead again began pulling themselves up onto the balcony where they stood. Her eyes went wide, Spencer just as worried about what they were going to do. 

    The woman looked at the side of the pyramid. It was smooth and steep, but should be at just the right angle to do something daring. Quickly, the woman made sure that the clawed gauntlet on her arm was tightly secured to her forearm. "I have an idea but... its a bit risky." she looked at the zombies, as they began to fully pull themselves up onto their level. "But if we don't try something, they are going to kill us anyway so.. hold on!" she ended with a shout. Wrapping her arm around Spencer's waist and jumping off the side of the pyramid. The embracing players hit the side of the smooth pyramid, their speed only increasing as they plummeted towards the ground. Jevi then reached out to the side with her gauntlet, the metal hitting the stone, kicking up sparks that bounced in every direction. Surely enough, the thick steel of her armor began to fig into the stone blocks of the structure, slowing their speed little by little.

  24. Standing inside of her oven of a shop on Floor Five, Jevi stared at the large, curved sword she had put on display above the rest of the wares she had created. Talon of The Eagle, she called it, with its brown and gold handle with an ivory looking blade, representing the bird of prey's vicious claw. After her past adventure with Spencer in the Pyramid on Floor Six, she had lost the Izunami she had been gifted from Opal, and was in need of a new blade. Originally, she wanted to sell this piece, but felt it may be her best course of action to use at the moment, especially since it seemed to match her current armor scheme pretty well. Taking the sword off the hooks that held it to the wall, she tested it for its weights, raising her arm and letting it fall a few times with the sword in her hand. Then with a determined nod, she placed the sword into her inventory. 

    In the same moment she placed the blade away, she saw the icon in the corner of her menu light up as well, stating she had received a message. Curiously, she tapped on the icon to reveal a message from Telrenya. It was the first time she had ever been in contact with the blonde when not around the rest of the guild, thought determined by her wording of the message, it seemed important. 


    To: Telrenya
    Subject: RE: Can We talk?

    Of course. I won't tell anyone. Just let me know where to meet you. I'll make my way over to the teleport ring now. 

    - Jevi

    Jevi did not know what was going on, she knew that she had been dating Jomei.. why hadn't she contacted him with this? Was it something that had to do with the two's relationship? Feeling a knot of worry in her stomach, she hurried up the stairs of her shop, replacing the thing black tank top she wore with her regular town clothes. After locking the door behind her, the woman made her way through the sandy town towards the square, awaiting Telrenya's coordinates. 

  25. Spencer hurled the lantern from the balcony and down atop the gunpowder. The woman looked over the edge, watching the fire slowly leak out and onto the black powder. All at once, almost faster than she had fallen back to avoid it, the gunpowder all caught fire at once, the sound of a large explosion ratting the balcony, and most likely the entire pyramid. She would not be surprised if the people in the town they came from heard the explosion. As the smoke and fire seemed to be more under control, she could hear the sounds of pained screeches coming from below them, a sigh of relief escaping from her lips. Spencer soon walked over to her, a moment later and asked if she was okay. Her health had taken a chunk out, but it was still green, so she was not worried there. However, she knew that was not what he meant in his asking. Raising up a glover fist, Jevi wiped the moist trail left from the tear that fell down her cheek.. "Y-Yeah.. That sword I had.. I had made it for my friend, Opal awhile ago.. It was probably one of the nicest swords I had ever made, and it meant a lot to her. Eventually, she ended up picking up the Katana skill, and gifted me the old sword for me to use, in return to making her a katana.. It was .. really the only thing I had left in memory of her." she shook her head, "But its fine.. who knows if she ended up killing anyone with that sword.. might be better off." she chuckled, quite pathetically, "I can just make a new one. Lets just get out of here." 

    She walked aside Spencer to the door that he pushed open, the rush of cold air that combated the heat from the fire below, and a bright light that took a moment for her eyes to adjust to. "Are we.. back outside?" she questioned, as she shielded her squinting eyes. 

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