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Posts posted by Jevi

  1. Group 2

    The brunette chuckled at Dustin's remark after he had woken up, "Who said I was trying to be polite." she ended with a small smirk, before turning to stand with both him and Tsu. The woman's brows knit with concern for their well being as Dustin went on about how he was the weakest one, and he apologized for that. Great way to introduce yourself and make us feel any safer.. she thought to herself. "I'm.. sure we will be fine." she tried to reassure the group, "I doubt Aereth would send us anywhere too dangerous." That was when the man spoke up with his booming voice, informing each of the group where they would be going, and what their mission objective was. Their group would be traveling to the Fourth Floor, looking for a young player with an orange crystal. Most of his features seemed pretty simple, though the single golden earring would be a larger help in finding this certain character. The brunette nodded in understanding, before looking back to the other two. "Come on, we might as well get going." 

    After walking across town to the teleport gate in the center of the settlement, the small rag tag group of adventures materialized into the square of Snowfrost on the Fourth Floor. "Jeez.." Jevi said under her breath as a wave of cold air smacked her exposed arms, causing her to shiver. Swiping a hand up to open her inventory, the girl equipped a cape that fell over her shoulders, a thick brown fur on the underside that warmed her body a bit and fought the winter air. Tsu seemed a bit quiet for the most part, so Jevi took it upon herself to start the group in the right direction. "Alright, so Aereth said there is an inn to the North of Forstbite Lake.."  Across from where they stood, a tall wooden pole rose from the ground, various, snow covered planks with different locations written out onto them. Jevi then turned towards the the path that led towards Frostbite Lake, and began to trek through the snow in that direction.

    It did not take too long for the group to find the large landmark, frozen over. Across the way, smoke from the chimney atop a brick building could be seen, the windows illuminated with a very dim light. "Looks like that's the place.. didn't think we would find a player killer in such a cozy looking place." Not being too keen on sliding over the ice, Jevi took the long way around. The snow crunched under her boots with each step she took, yellow eyes scanning the area around the Inn for other players, or even monsters. Once they had arrived at the door, she took one last look at the other two players. "Let's stick close to each other in there. We are dealing with a potential player killer after all, so that means we are not in the safe zone. Keep your guard up, but lets not try to get into any fights." The brunette took one last deep breath, "Short black hair.. gold earring.." she said quietly to herself before opening the door to the inn. 

    @Froppy @Dustin

  2. Players continued to speak up, either stepping up to lead or join an already established group. However, most of them seemed to just speak their mind and stand around.. waiting for Aereth to pick their groups for them. Yellow irises vanished as she rolled her eyes with a shake of her head. Once everyone was present, and four leaders had stepped up to the challenge, Aereth assigned the rest of the players to groups. The brunette turned to her groups leader with a small smirk and a nod, "I'm Jevi by the way."  The third member of their party was not present, or at least.. no where near where they stood. Behind the whole group, the woman picked up on loud, obnoxious snoring coming from a hooded character. "Please... don't tell me its him.." the woman said with a look of annoyance on her face. With a heavy sigh, the brunette stormed past the group to where sleeping beauty lay. Her nose scrunched as she stood over him, the snoring even louder now that she stood directly in front of him. The heavily armored woman lowered herself to a crouching position. Reaching out, the woman pinched his nose to cut off breathing for a moment and stop the snoring. "Hey, get up. We've got a job to do." she said with no sense of sympathy for the sleeping player. 

    @Froppy @Dustin

  3. The group rallied at Aereth's meeting point, just outside of the Town of Beginnings. The plan was to split into four different groups, and search for various players among three different floors. Yellow eyes widened for a moment before her brows fell, searching for one of the most notorious murderers in Aincrad at the moment, and they would be splitting into an even smaller group? She looked around at the players who stood by her, not many of them looked like frontliners.. and many even looked to be a lower level than her. This was a bad idea, especially since they would be searching for these witnesses in the slums of Aincrad's settlements. 

    However, despite Aereth's cold voice, barking out orders, and the looming thought of having to deal with the worst in SAO, two players still spoke up to lead the others. The first was a man in a long blue coat who seemed to stick to the shadows for the most part. He seemed familiar, though the brunette was sure she had never met him before. However, the confidence in his voice and the way he carried himself made him stick out from the rest as someone who was leagues above her and some of the other players. The second player, a dark haired girl with frog-like features, also stepped up to perform as a leader. The second served a bit as a shock, since she seemed to be at a bit of a lower level than some of the others, though her courage was admirable. 

    The thought of being a leader caused Jevi to slink back, away from the limelight. She did not have the personality to lead others, or the skill like Jomei, Telrenya, or even Ruby had. Looking down, the woman shook her head.. but she knew she could at least be of service. Stepping from the crowd, Jevi stood before Tsu, a confident smirk on her face. "If you'll have me, I'll tag along with your group."

    [ Jevi has joined Tsu's group ]

  4. Yellow eyes nodded at the group leader, who suggested she meet with the rest of the party to get to know them better. Great, icebreakers, my favorite.. As Aereth turned away, she took one last look at the crystal that remained stagnant in the air above his head, and the eerie orange color is held. Could a player killer like him really be trusted? Gnawing on her bottom lip for a moment, the lids over her eyes closed. Stop being paranoid Alex.. it'll be fine. He would not have even been able to get to this part of the city if not so.. Turning away from the man, she walked to the designated location where everyone else waited. Her eyes scanned the group, looking for a familiar face she could cling to. Not a single one. "Sh*t.." she cursed to herself with a click of her tongue. The brunette's shoulders rose and fell with a heavy sigh, before taking a few steps to join the group. Keeping her mouth shut and to herself as the others all spoke among each other.

  5. The brunette looked between Aereth and the purple haired girl he had been talking prior to her stepping up. Had she interrupted something important? Nonetheless, Aereth greeted Jevi kindly with a calm voice, keeping his eyes locked with hers. The man seemed a lot less... malicious than one would expect speaking with a player killer. "Jevi," the girl said with a nod, "I dabble a little bit in both Damage and Tanking," adding a small smirk to her comment. Though she was confident in expressing her skill set, her level was still probably light years under Aereth's and some of the other players here. "I'm.. not the highest of levels.. but I should be able to help in protecting any of the squishier players."  Hearing a group of familiar voices behind her, the woman looked over her shoulder to see her guild leader, Jomei speaking with Lessa. Maybe it would have been better if she went with her guild, she thought to herself. Soon after, an all too familiar blonde followed after, with her usual flirty self. Jevi shook her head, letting out a small sigh. If Ruby was there, maybe it would have been better if she was not on that team. the woman turned back to Aereth with the same confident smirk from before, "Just let me know what you want me to do." 


  6. A plot to take down a player killer? 

    All of the other bodies in attendance at the meeting began to scatter after the two players, Lessa and Aereth, finished explaining what was going on. The brunette remained standing in place, staring off into nothingness as she thought. Was this something she really wanted to be a part of? Tracking down a player who had murdered 27 other players in cold blood... From what Jevi knew, that was more than any other recorded player killer. Her chin dropped towards her chest, long strands of hair falling in front of her eye and as she looked down at her boots. Did she want to put herself in that kind of danger? 

    Bringing her right hand up, Jevi pushed the hair that had fallen out of her face, and looked forward at the now clear Monument of Life. "That asshole needs to be brought down" she said through grit teeth and clenched fists. Her feet then carried her forward to where the two players stood, gathering members for each of their teams. Yellow eyes darted between the blonde haired woman, and the man with the orange crystal. She hoped there was a good reason he wore that crystal, especially if other players were going to be teaming up with him. At the same time, she was curious of that story.. why a player killer like him would be hunting down another. 

    Her stride came to a halt in front of the dark haired man, yellow eyes looking into his. Jevi brought her exposed, bronzed arms up and crossed them at her chest. "You said your names Aereth right? I want to join your team." Jevi was not sure if she could  trust a man who was left with the mark of a player killer.. but she knew that with the amount of players joining blondie's team, she would have no choice.

    -Jevi signed up for Aereth's team-

    Level: 25
    HP: 500/500
    EN: 50

    Dmg: 7
    Mit: 36(18+18)
    Thorns: 1 (7 dmg)
    Bleed: 1 (12 dmg)

  7. The brunette let out a small sigh, shaking her head. She saw that her small comment had accidentally embarrassed Ruby just a little bit, which of course she did not mean.. she was just feeling a little sour was all. Jevi's eyes focused on the pinkette for a moment, her bottom lip pulling into her mouth where she would gently gnaw on it. Maybe it would be best to get this out of the way so the guilt was not plaguing her mind. Reaching down, Jevi loosely grabbed Ruby's wrist. "Hey, can we talk?" she pleaded with concerned brows. Once Ruby had given her an answer, Jevi lead the girl over to a more secluded part of the mansion, where the wandering eyes of their guild mates would not catch them. Once she felt the two had enough privacy, she turned to the pinkette and let out a heavy sigh. "Look..I think we..I mean.. I, might have rushed things a little bit."  golden eyes could not stay locked with hers as they drifted to the side, "w-with us.." She brought both of her hands up to Ruby's shoulders, and her eyes returned to hers with a kindness to them, "You're a great girl.. and an amazing friend. One that I always want to could on." she sucked her teeth, "and I really haven't been the best at this whole girlfriend thing. I really never was.. So that being said.. I think we might be better as.. just friends. You know that I will always be here for you, as a friend, and you will always be able to count on me."


  8. Jevi had not been standing alone for long before he felt two hands on her shoulders, fingers massaging the muscles of her shoulders like kneading dough. Her eyelids slowly fell to cover her golden eyes as she let out a small, satisfied sigh. Turning to look over her shoulder, she saw the familiar, vibrant pink hair. "Hey Ruby I'd.. really rather not talk about it right now." The woman, however, felt as thought introductions were in order for the rest of the guild, at least the members who, Ruby believed, she had not met, "Wait but I-" Before Jevi could say anything, she was being led off to where the rest of the guild had been mingling. The brunette simply shook her head as Ruby called the attention of everyone to introduce her to them, "I've.. already pretty much met everyone Ruby." She said with a chuckle. Her gaze tailed around the room, the only players she did not recognize were the purple haired duo that had walked in late, and the smaller brunette who sported pigtails. Jevi struggled to remember the bespectacled brunette who was also in attendance, but remembered seeing her face around awhile ago. 

  9. "Finally.. I can get out of this dress.." the brunette thought to herself as the Masquerade's festivities had come to a close. Taking a quick glance around the ballroom, she tried to see if she had seen any of her other friends, including Ruby. However, it seemed everyone had already left without her. "Oh.." her shoulders dropped in disappointment, followed by her brows furrowing. It was then she noticed that she had, in fact, received a message just a few moments ago, and upon reading its contents, saw that she-- and the rest of the guild -- were invited to an after party, thrown by another member of the guild Ryo. Jevi had yet to meet the new face, though if he was kind enough to have them all for a party, she would not turn down his offer... as long as she could get out of her dress and into something more comfortable.

    After switching into something a bit more comfortable --which consisted of an oversized grey sweater that stretched down just below her hips, black leggings with tall, brown boots lined with white fur, and a navy blue scarf around her neck, also letting the length of her now wavy brunette hair to fall down her back-- Jevi wandered the streets of Taft, following the coordinates to the house that stood tall outside of Taft's walls. "Tch, big house." she said, cocking an eyebrow as her golden eyes followed the walls to their full height, "Must be compensating for something.." The woman entered the party silently, not making any moves to talk with any of her guild mates, still feeling a bit upset that she was left to walk here alone. 

    She did not have to wait long before a pair of purple haired players walked through the door after her, the one greeting them all she assumed to be Ryo. The brunette looked down at the significantly shorter man, Yup... definitely overcompensating.

  10. After being knocked to the ground by another tiny attack from the boar, Jevi stepped forward in an attempt to take out the beast with another single strike. Just as last time, however, the boar was quick on its feet, and rushed out of the way as Jevi's curved sword came crashing into the dirt. "Dammit." she cursed under her breath again, turning to Minako who had just gotten back to her feet. "Guess now is a bad time to say I'm more of a tank than a heavy hitter."  That was when the brunette realized.. she was a tank.. She didn't have to do any fighting, her armor could do it for her. Jevi crashed the blunt side of her sword against her chest, waving her other arm in the air. "Hey! Stupid boar! Come get some!" She tried to take the beast's attention off of Minako so that the boar would attack her instead. 

    ID 96392| BD 4(Miss)

    [0] Minako | 17/20 | 0/2 | 6 DMG 
    [0] Jevi | 480/480 | 38/40 | 7 dmg | 36 Mit | 7 thorns | 12 Bleed 

    Boar Youngling 5/5 | 3 damage

  11. Minako had believed that Jevi bringing a swift end to the young boar's life resulted from her strength, when in reality, the small beasts were not strong in the slightest. She could have taken one down without even using a sword art. She kept the thought to herself though as she simply smiled at Minako before following after to the second of the boars. Just as last time, the young girl missed her strike with her pole arm, leaving herself wide open for a counter attack from the boar. Jevi flinched as Minako fell to her rear, "You good?"  Jevi spun her sword in her hand before lunging forward herself to make quick work of the boar. Her sword missed its mark however, crashing into the dirt beside the piglet. "The hell?" she grunted, pulling the curve of her blade from the ground. 

    ID 95986 | BD 4 Miss

    [0] Minako | 17/20 | 0/2 | 6 DMG +1 Natural Regen -1 from basic attack | -3 HP from boar youngling
    [0] Jevi | 480/480 | 38/40 | 7 dmg | 36 Mit | 7 thorns | 12 Bleed 

    Boar Youngling 5/5 | 3 damage

  12. Minako's mood made a complete one-eighty when Jevi had brought up therapy through murdering little baby boars. After taking her spear-like weapon from her inventory, the brunette took on a quickened stride towards the edge of the city, leaving Jevi to break into a small jog to catch up to the girl. Almost immediately after spotting the small monsters, Minako let out a warcry that managed to get one of the boar's attention. Even Jevi turned to look at the woman with a shocked expression, Wasn't expecting that.. 

    Though the girl let her excitement get the better of her as she missed the initial strike. Jevi soon followed in with her own curved blade. Taking two large steps, the woman took the talon-like sword and held it above her head, striking down vertically through the virtual flesh of the pig, killing it instantly. "Sh*t.. no loot drop.. Lets find another." 

    ID 95927 | BD 10 | LD 6
    Reaver: 1x1(+7 DMG)(+2 CIT) = 9 Dmg

    [0] Minako | 20/20 | 0/2 | 6 DMG -2 energy from miss
    [0] Jevi | 480/480 | 39/40 | 7 dmg | 2 Acc | 36 Mit | 7 thorns | 12 Bleed

    Boar Youngling 0/5

  13. Jevi normally was no good at consoling people.. nor did she really ever choose to. Usually, she would just say f*ck it and walk away as the tears started to flow. But of course.. her time in Sword Art Online made her soften up a bit. Her words on Minako, however, seemed to work as she looked up to Jevi, wiping her tears. "Well.... Yeah." she said hesitantly.  "Hey, we all have our moments. We're under a lot of stress in here. I've had my fair share of breakdowns too." her words were a bit kinder, and spoken through a soft smile. In the end, she was just happy that venting about it was enough to make the shorter brunette feel better about the whole situation. Jevi silently sighed to herself, before Minako spoke up again, saying that the two should get back to the task at hand. The brunette grin widened as her arms crossed at her chest, "Heh, and here I thought we were just going to talk about our feelings for the rest of the day." she began, sarcastically. "Come on, I'm sure taking out some boars will make you feel a lot better." 

  14. "I-I doubt that they all blame you for it.." Jevi tried to tell the girl that was crying into her shirt. Her head still well above Minako's, Jevi looked around at other who passed by, their eyes shifting from their current path to the two women embracing, one of them bawling her eyes out against the other's chest. Jevi even caught the snicker of one player who found the ordeal somewhat entertaining.. that boy's attitude quickly changed when Jevi shone him a serious scowl. Minako's words began to come out more frantic, yet clearer without sniffles now that she had pulled her head away from Jevi. Her initial words seemed to just be her own thoughts broken down, blaming herself for nothing she had control over. However, as she went on, Jevi could not help but frown. Minako truly believed that many of these players deaths were because she told them that SAO would be a grand-old time. Did this video game streamer have that much of an impact on her viewers lives. "Minako.. I'm sure they don't blame you for this.. You had no idea that we would all be stuck here just as much as anyone else. We are all in this together now. And if they do blame you, then [censored] them.. if they would really stoop as low as to blame you for this, then they don't deserve to meet you or be one of your viewers. Those that really care about you will do what they can to keep you safe and to be your friend." 

  15. "Well.." Jevi said shifting her eyes to look at the pinkette next to her, the corner of her mouth pulling into a smirk. "I guess you can say Ruby and I are... pretty close." she  left the comment vague yet obvious to read. Hestia and Kimi had left the group to wander the ballroom on their own, leaving Jevi and Ruby alone. "This.. really is some interesting party..huh?" she said bashfully, words for what to say to the woman escaping her. Jevi did not necesarilly mind social gatherings.. but ones on this scale, especially ones where she had to put on a dress, made her a bit uncomfortable. However, all of her friends were there.. and she would make the best of it. 

    As they slowly wandered, they walked past Spencer again, who stood with a blue haired girl speaking. "Hello again Spencer." Jevi said with a small giggle, "You know.. trying to find some fun in this. I see you've made a friend though" her golden eyes shifted to the girl who was speaking with Spencer. "Its a pleasure to meet you Calypso." Jevi reached out a hand to greet the girl, "And this here is Ruby."  she ended by addressing the blonde next to her. 


  16. At Ruby’s compliment on her dress, Jevi could not help but shine a small, bashful smile. “You think so? Thanks.. I normally hate wearing dresses but.. Figured I’d dress up for the event.” she added a small giggle. Jevi looked between Minako and Ruby as the pinkette introduced herself, “Oh, this in Minako. I’ve been helping her out with some of the beginner quests. Minako this is-“by the time Jevi’s head turned back to the shorter brunette to introduce Ruby to her, she had ran off to find a boy to talk to. Jevi watched as the girl ran off before chuckling to herself, “No stopping that one.”

     Her attention then turned to a tall, sandy haired man as he approached the two. Jevi did not recognize the man at first, but the way he dressed and carried himself caused the girl’s cheeks to turn a bright pink. Once he greeted the two, she immediately realized that it was Spencer, and her blush only deepened, “S-Spencer! Hey. Thanks, you look amazing as well.” The girl stammered over her words. Following behind Spencer was another two girls, one she recognized as Kimi, the other, taller woman Jevi did not recognize, but introduced herself as Hestia, and another member of HAD at that. “It’s nice to meet you Hestia, I’m Jevi, and this here is Ruby. So it looks like the whole guild is here.” She said with a smile, before turning to Kimi,And it’s good to see you again too Kimi. Maybe this won’t be so bad after all.”


  17. "...Should I?" Jevi said, raising an eyebrow at the awfully strange reply she got about asking what her profession was. Turned out that Minako was an 'internet celebrity' streaming her life and video games for all to watch. Jevi had heard of people like that before, and she usually tended to stay away from watching them. Why would she want to watch someone else play video games when she could just do it herself. It started to make sense, Minako's bubbly personality, that greeting she had gotten yesterday that looked like it was practiced. Despite Jevi's feelings towards online streamers, she still smiled at Minako's response, happy that she found joy and success in such a hobby. However, the conversation seemed to turn when she told Jevi that in her last stream, she told everyone about how she was going to be playing Sword Art Online.. mostly convincing a number of the seventeen thousand people that had been watching her. It was then that the bubbly girl's emotions changed, the moisture that had welled up in her eyes finally spilling over and falling down her cheeks. "Oh, Minako." Jevi spoke in a concerned tone, placing a hand on each of the girl's shoulders as she looked her in the eyes, "You can't blame yourself for that.. you had no idea that this was going to happen. Besides, there's no way that all of those viewers went out and got the game. And even if a number of them did, they won't blame you for getting stuck in here." Jevi was normally not sympathetic like this with people, let alone caring about how other people felt. That did not stop the woman from pulling Minako into her chest and wrapping her arms around her to console her. 

  18. Another message, which Jevi opened, from Ruby again. Of course she would say she did not have to come after she had already gotten herself dressed and walked out the door. Her eyes, however, were more focused on the nickname Jevi-baby that she threw in there. Jevi's face contorted a bit before shaking her head, "Oh Rubs.. please don't make a habit of that.." she mumbled to herself. The brunette walked among the crowds of people wearing similar fashion, since Jevi did not know how to traverse Taft's streets for the life of her. At least she was not standing out too much from everyone else, as to avoid stares from passer bys. Finding herself lost in her own thoughts for a moment, Jevi heard the footsteps of someone rushing up to her, before a familiar voice spoke her name. The bronze skinned woman turned her head to the masked girl wearing a yukata, who she did not recognize as Minako until she removed the mask. "Oh, hey Minako." Jevi said with a smile, removing her own mask for a moment, "Yeah.. I wasn't too keen on going. But I figured it beat just sitting in an inn and doing nothing while everyone else was out having fun."  With the significantly shorter brunette at her side, Jevi and Minako continued to follow the crowds and make their way towards the Taft ballroom. Questioning if she could find the right guy for her at the event, Jevi chuckled. "Oh come on Miss Internet Celebrity.. It'd be pretty tough for anyone to resist you." she said with a smile, trying to encourage her friend to go and talk to people when they got there. When the comment was reversed to Jevi, a hand found its way to the back of her neck. "Yeah.. about that.." she began, about to reveal that she was currently in a relationship, but the opening of the large doors to the ballroom distracted her. 

    There were a lot more persons in attendance than Jevi had thought, and she had no idea that this many people truly cared to celebrate this 'Hallmark Holiday' in such an extravagant fashion. Suddenly, she felt Minako's tiny hands grip onto her sleeve, a nervous expression taking over her face. "Hey, its nothing to be worried about, I'm sure it'll be fun." Suddenly, Jevi was taken by surprise by a presence behind her that covered her eyes, which caused her to let out a small gasp. However, the familiar voice caused her to let out the breath she did not know she was holding. "Very funny." she said, moving Ruby's hands out from in front of her. Turning around to face the woman donned in a black dress and lacy black mask, her lips curled into a smile, "Hmm you look great." 


  19. Jevi was never a fan of Valentine's Day.. Never had anyone to spend it with, nor did she usually ever want to celebrate it anyway. This year was no different, and all she wanted to do was spend the night lazing around. "Maybe I could call it an early night... try to get a good nights sleep for a change." the woman thought as she let her eyelids [censored] with a small sigh. Expecting as much, the soft, yet familiar, chime of bells drew her eyes back open yet again. Pretty much, she knew who the message was from, and what it was about. Tapping on the notification anyway, the let the message expand open. The message was from Ruby, inviting her to spend some time at the Valentine's Day ball with her. Golden eyes shifted away from the message for a moment before letting out a small sigh. Deciding against her lazy night in, the woman sent back another reply.


    To: Ruby
    Subject: Do I have to?

    Hey Rubs,
    Yeah, I already have a dress to use, just going to pick up a mask on the way there. I'll just meet you at the place.
    - Jevi


    Pushing herself up from the bed she was laying on, Jevi began to scroll through her menus, finally finding a dress she had gotten for something.. she didn't even know what. Tapping on the item, Jevi's casual clothes were replaced with a blue, Chinese styled dress with a pair of black high heels. She then raked her fingers through her hair, making it look a bit nicer before tying up the long locks that fell down her back into a high bun. "Alright.. now I just need a mask." the woman said to herself, sounding as enthused as ever.

    On her way up to the Eleventh Floor, Jevi had stopped by a small shop that had opened up just for the occasion, selling many different types of masks for the event. Jevi decided upon a blue mask with black lace, and a tall feather along the side. Placing the item upon her face, the brunette continued back onto the streets of Taft until she came upon the extravagant ballroom, where many players had already gathered. "Guess she's not here yet.." Jevi said to herself as she looked around for the vibrant head of pink hair. 



  20. "Yeah yeah. I'm fine." Jevi said, her arms crossing at her chest. She could tell that Ruby was somehow able to judge how Jevi was feeling, just by the simple slump of her shoulders and a sigh. Jevi simply shrugged her shoulders, her golden eyes trailing to the dirt at her feet, "Just my pride getting the best of me is all."  The brunette shook her head when Ruby had offered to use lower ranked attacks in an effort to give Jevi more of a use for the quests, "Don't worry about it Rubs. I just really need to level up and get better gear is all. I just.. don't want to keep feeling like [censored] because I'm useless." Hey shifted back to look at Ruby yet again, offering her a small smile, "Thank you though. I probably would have been swinging at them forever trying to take them down on my own." she ended with a small chuckle. "Come on, lets start heading back towards the town." 

  21. Jevi's high ponytail bobbed with each step they took, her chin slightly tilted towards Minako as she went on about how she slept-- which was much more than Jevi had, that was for sure. The brunette could not help but let out a small chuckle when Minako compared how she sleeps to blacking out from too much drinking. "Yeaah." Jevi said, elongating her speech sheepishly, knowing far too well the effects of sleeping after a night of heavy drinking.. this time with the splitting headache and nausea a hangover so graciously provides. Golden eyes shifted from Minako to her front again as she asked what she thought about that kept her up at night. Her lips pursed, her lower lip curling more under the other as her teeth gently nibbled on the skin. She really did not want to fill Minako's mind with all of the terrible things Jevi had been through.. those she cared about disappearing, others dying.. 

    Lucky for her, Minako simply took it as her rambling on, and dismissed her question. The brunette let out a silent sigh, before she caught on to a comment Minako had made. "Rambling helped with your job? What exactly did you do?" 

  22. "W-what?" Jevi was a bit confused by Ruby's nonchalant comment about simply moving on from this fight. Turning her head to give the pinkette her attention yet again, she saw the woman prepare a sword art, her leg glowing just as her sword normally would. Stepping back out of the way, Ruby launched forward with a tornado kick, knocking all three of the enemies back, each one shattering like glass as their health had depleted to zero. The brunette's shoulders slumped, feeling dissatisfied that Ruby had made easy work of the three.. Jevi being almost completely useless in this fight, as well as the past two. Her sword found its way to its holster on her back, before bringing her arms back to her sides. Golden eyes shifted back to Ruby once she felt a palm on her cheek, asking what she wanted to do next. Jevi simply sighed, "Well.. its still pretty early. We could go straight for the next dragon I suppose."  

  23. The corner of Jevi's lip twitched into a smirk when Minako revealed details that pertained to the second quest's objective, collecting boar tusks from taking out mobs. With one hand placed on her hip, the woman shifted her weight onto a single leg, "Sounds simple enough. This sounds more like something I can actually help with." It seemed Minako was just as excited for this quest as Jevi was, so it did not take long at all to begin their trek towards one of the gates leading out of the Town of Beginnings. Aside from the ambient noises of the town--which included players talking with each other, NPCs crafting in their shops, and the almost silent background music that played in this part of town-- the two walked in almost complete silence for half of the trip. Finally Minako spoke up, asking how Jevi slept. "Uhm.. alright I guess." the woman replied "My thoughts kept me up for a little bit.. as they usually do.. but I still think I got a few hours in. How about you?" 

  24. The day's events had gone better than expected. What first seemed like a meeting that Jevi would regret, due to their opposite personalities, the brunette truly enjoyed helping out Minako with her beginner's quest.. even enough to maybe call it a nice friendship blooming. Jevi could remember the last friendship she had as such with Glory.. though that girl say Jevi as more of a 'guardian angel' rather than a friend, she had managed to bring out the better side of the woman, just as Minako was. The thought on the relationship formed with the younger Glory all those months ago had Jevi staring up at the ceiling of the inn she stayed in, wondering if her friend was alright.. or if she had perished like the rest. Slowly, the lids over her golden eyes shut, as Jevi fell to sleep.

    The next morning, Jevi woke as the sun rose, leaving her just enough time to get herself ready and meet Minako at the other side of town. As Jevi's bare feet touched the cold wooden floor, her hand rose to summon her menus, while her other hand wiped the sleep from her weary eyes. Navigating through her options, the woman equipped her combat attire, which consisted of a similarly sleeveless shirt, with plated armor atop her body, legs, and arms. Once her armor was in place, the woman summoned a hair tie, and gathered all of the locks that fell over her back and shoulders into her fist, locking them in high ponytail with the hair tie, leaving the two braids to fall from her temples and end just above her shoulders.

    With the Inn behind her, Jevi made her move through the always busy streets of the Town of Beginnings, trying not to let any other players bump into her and ruin the pleasant mood she was in. Soon enough, Jevi heard a familiar voice calling her name from the opposite side of the rode-- Minako, standing outside of a blacksmith's shop. "Oh, hey Minako. Hope you weren't waiting long. So, what do we have to do for this quest?" 

  25. "Hm.. guess that would help, wouldn't it." the brunette said through a chuckle, keeping her back pressed to the wall of the Alchemist's shop, "Well, I'll leave the potion name up to you.. its your creation after all." As the two spoke, the old man walked up behind Minako, awarding her with extra goodies, as well as addressing her with another matter. At least, that was as much as Jevi could get out of the conversation. Every couple of words the NPC got out, Minako would simply say 'skip'...which surprisingly worked... cutting the NPC's sentences short and moving on to his next point. Golden eyes grew wide in shock, "That... that actually works?" she said under her breath, before Minako finally turned her attention to Jevi again. With the new quest she had received, she asked Jevi if she would be able to tag along again. With a friendly smile, the woman nodded, "Sure. I don't see why not."  

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