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Posts posted by Jevi

  1. As Jevi began to push herself back up onto her feet, she was nearly knocked back over again as Minako came rushing over, throwing her arms around the woman in an overly excited embrace. It caught Jevi a bit off guard, but she shone a small smile and pat the girl on the back with the hand that wasn't holding herself up. The brunette let out a small groan as Minako removed herself from atop Jevi, allowing her to fixate herself and sit upright. "It's alright. I'm excited that we finally found that last tusk too." Jevi's brows turned upward as her lips curled into a small smirk, "Hey, that's what happens when you go through hell... though I guess this wasn't dangerous.. just tedious as f***" she said with a small laugh, "We really have been connecting a bit over those few hours though." Finally, Jevi pushed herself up onto her feet and retrieved her sword from the dirt where it was stuck. "Yeah, lets head back." 

    It was not a long walk back to the Town of Beginnings, and Jevi felt a small wave of relief as they passed through the invisible barrier into the safe zone. The woman walked with her hands resting within the pockets of her pants, the heavy iron plates on her boots and chest shifting and clanging with each step. Her attention turned to Minako who finally spoke up after a long bit of silence. She leaned in towards Minako to listen to what she had to say and whisper into Jevi's ear, to which the woman stopped in her tracks and turned to face Minako. "Of course I meant that." she said a bit sternly "It was their choice to follow you into SAO, which was deemed a perfectly safe game to play. How were you, or anyone else, supposed to know that we would get stuck here? You're in the same boat as everyone else, and if someone tries to blame you for this.. then tell them to f*** off! Or they can go through me." she banged her iron gauntlet on her chest plate, resulting in another clang of metal. 

  2. After catching her breath, and calming herself down a bit, she heard the snorts of another boar pup nearby. Her head shifted quickly, and yellow eyes glared at her new target. She rose up to her full height and stormed her way over to the small, defenseless monster. "I swear.. if you don't drop the tusk.. then I'm gonna.."  Raising her sword up high over her head, Jevi straight down. Due to her blinding rage, she miscalculated, and the sharp edge of her blade cut into the dirt and stuck. "[censored]!" she shouted, dropping to a knee to try and pull the sword out. The boar took notice of her, and immediately turned and charged in for an attack. With a vicious squeal of a battle cry, the boar jumped its highest and collided with Jevi's cheek, knocking her onto her side. However, due to the enhancement from her armor.. yet again.. the boar magically exploded into crystals. As the woman's shoulder collided with the ground, her cheek red from the contact with the boar, she noticed the small screen that had popped up in front of her.. <<+1 Boar Tusk>> "FINALLY!!" she shouted

    ID 125575
    BD 2 Miss
    MD 8 (7 Thorns DMG)
    LD 11 +1 Boar Tusk

    [0] Minako | 20/20 | 1/2 | 6 DMG 
    [0] Jevi | 499/500 | 50/50 | 7 dmg | 2 Acc | 36 Mit | 7 thorns | 12 Bleed

    Boar Younging:
    0/5 [     ]

  3. It did seem that Minako's last few strikes on the boars were not flukes, and that she was actually getting a hang of combat. That was the one good thing she was getting out of this at least.. For it felt like they've been out in the wilds for hours waiting for a damn boar tusk to drop. Jevi let out a groan as she looked towards the sky, at this point she needed a drink. Hell, she barely ever drank, but right now, she wanted one. Eyes peering down again, she saw another boar grazing just before it, not paying attention to the tall woman who lurked nearby. "Come on.. let this be the one.." she whispered to herself before shooting forward and slicing her blade through the hide of the small pig. The crystals faded and... no boar tusk. "Oh come the [censored] on!" she shouted, "How hard can it be for this [censored] game to give us one [censored] loot drop!" 

    ID 125341
    BD 7 Reaver
    LD 5

    [0] Minako | 20/20 | 1/2 | 6 DMG 
    [0] Jevi | 499/500 | 49/50 | 7 DMG | 36 MIT | 7 thorns | 12 Bleed

    Boar Younging:
    0/5 [     ]

  4. "Well, at least you're getting the hang of combat..." Jevi said, trying to look on the bright side as they struck down yet another boar pup with no rewards. She pat the brunette on the head before walking off a few feet in search of another boar. "Lets double our efforts. I'll head over this way and see what I can find. You, take a walk in that direction. Hopefully, one of these boars should have that last tusk." The tall grass crunched shifted under Jevi's heavy boots as she slowly moved forward, her curved sword in hand. From the grass beside her, she heard the squeal of yet another boar pup. Turning her attention to the monster, this one not catching her off guard, Jevi activated another sword art and tried to cut it down... again, missing the mark. Lucky for her, however, this boar pup was able to actually land an attack.. one that would, indefinitely, destroy itself due to her enhanced Heavy Armor. As the boar struck Jevi's thigh, it pulsed red for a moment before erupting into hundreds of tiny crystals. "Dammit, not this one either. Any luck?" she called over to Minako.

    ID: 125339
    BD: 3
    MD: 7 (7 Thorns DMG)
    LD: 6


    Image result for crying cat

    [0] Minako | 20/20 | 1/2 | 6 DMG 
    [0] Jevi | 499/500 | 50/50 | 7 dmg | 2 Acc | 36 Mit | 7 thorns | 12 Bleed

    Boar Younging:
    0/5 []

  5. Minako was partially right.. it wasn't her fault that they couldn't kill the boars, but it also wasn't because of the boar's stats. Not only was Minako still maybe level 2 or 3, Jevi's stats were not that great for her level. She could hardly hold her own in a fight as well. However, she wasn't going to let Minako know that, she obviously looked up to her, and that was enough to boost Jevi's confidence just a bit. As Minako rose to her feet again, she squared off with the young boar and with a few skillful movements, she was able to take it out. Jevi grinned and clapped her hands together, "There you go! See? A little tough love and encouragement got you going!" After they had taken out another boar, and gotten another tusk on top of that, Jevi thought it was over. However, Minako brought up needing one more to complete the quest. Jevi thought about it for a moment before sighing, "[censored].. you're right.. I miscounted. Alright, lets find this last one and get out of here." 

    Behind her, Jevi noticed rusting in the grass, like something was trying to sneak up on them. Gripping her blade in her hand, Jevi quickly spun around and swiped at where she thought the monster was. "Gotcha!" she shouted, before cutting through nothing but grass. About six inches back, out of her blade's reach, she saw the red eyes of the boar pup staring at her, and with a small squeal, it charge at Jevi. The woman picked up her foot that it went to attack, and pivoted so it ran right past her. "Your turn! Take it out!" 


    ID: 125321
    BD: 1
    MD: 4

    [0] Minako | 20/20 | 1/2 | 6 DMG 
    [0] Jevi | 500/500 | 49/50 | 7 dmg | 2 Acc | 36 Mit | 7 thorns | 12 Bleed

    Boar Younging:
    5/5 [     ]
    3 damage on hit

  6. Realizing she was now sitting on her own, Jevi decided to give Minako a moment before walking over to join her and her new friend who, surprisingly had not run away yet. As she took her seat, she was met with another player quickly rushing up on her other side. "Spencer!" she exclaimed in a cheery voice before reaching out to hug him. "I'm so happy you're here."  She turned to the other two players who she had nearly forgotten were sitting there, "This is my friend Minako, and this is.. uh.." She had not met the man yet, but she expected him or Minako to introduce themselves. 

    Before they could get much farther into their conversation, the lights around them dimmed, meaning the show was about to begin. Taking center stage was the creepy NPC, Jack. He welcomed everyone, and went through his whole intro before things got weird.. His voice seemed to shift with the mood of the room, revealing that things were not going to be as relaxing as she expected. From the group, and from all sides, the undead began to pour in, their moaning and hissing being drowned out by the screams of those around them. Crowds began to push through the players, trying to make their way towards the exit.
    "Minako!" Jevi shouted as she was separated from her other friend, "Be safe!" She shouted, turning and running off with Spencer.

    The women ran to the concession stand to purchase some items to boost her stats before meeting up with Spencer, who had also dragged in Teion and Ryo.
    Good, two other capable fighters.. we should be safe taking them on.

    1 x Obnoxious Corndog x 700 col
    1 x Funnel Cake x 1000 col
    -1700 Col


    Obnoxious Corndog (+30 Mit)
    Funnel Cake (+3 Dmg)

    @Spencer @Teion @Ryo


    Level: 25
    HP: 500/500
    EN: 50

    Dmg: 10
    Mit: 73
    Thorns: 1 (7 dmg)
    Bleed: 1 (12 dmg)

    Talon of The Eagle: +2 Dmg, +1 Bleed
    Desert Hawk Armor: +18 Mit, +1 Thorns

    OH Curved Sword (Rk 4)(+4 DMG)
    Heavy Armor (Rk 4) (+25 Mit)


  7. Players continued to file in through the single entrance to the tent, filling up the seats that surrounded the ring in the center rather quickly. Still a few faces that she did not recognize, until the seat next to her was, quite quickly, taken. The energy and excitement from the individual next to her seemed to radiate, as if it could have given off a glow. Raising her eyes to look, she saw it was @Minako. Jevi's hooded gaze and sour expression lightened at the sight of her friend, "Minako, hey" she greeted with a small smile, "I'd say I didn't expect to see you here.. but this actually seems more like your scene than mine." she ended with a small chuckle. Jevi nodded her head, agreeing to Minako's initial statement, "Yeah. It's alright. Never really had too much Halloween fun before. Last year I tried.. but I went a bit out of my comfort zone."  She wrapped her arms about her slightly showing midriff and leaned forward, remembering her scantly clad Halloween costume she wore last year to make Ruby happy. 

    "You know.. snacks would have been a great idea." Jevi said, adjusting back into a comfortable sitting position before looking around to see if there was any NPCs selling something to munch on. Minako, on the other hand, was looking at something else that she could sink her teeth into, rather, someone. Minako took interest in a male player sitting alone a bit away from where they were. Larger frame, shorter hair, hell.. Minako wasn't wrong, he was a bit attractive. Jevi looked to Minako as she continued to ogle at the man, "Well why don't you go talk to him? He's sitting by himself." 

    "Hm? Oh I really haven't been up to much.." Jevi said, "You know.. just here and there... been in my shop.. a lot... not really.. crafting..  She spoke, trailing off towards the end of her sentence as to not lead on to Minako that she's been doing jackshit aside from waste away in her shop being depressed. 

  8. Jevi sucked her teeth when she saw she was being waved over, I thought I was hidden well enough.. Gripping her curved blade in her hand, the brunette slowly rounded the corner of the hedge and glared at the three figured. She took a few steps closer, but did not close the distance much more than that. "We haven't trashed any of them. They're impossible to kill." With a quivering lip, the brunette raised her blade and pointed it towards the other three, "And how am I supposed to know that the three of you aren't another illusion? Another creation of that.. [censored] shadow thing?"  Her eyes looked between the three players, looking for any signs of aggression or that they might be doppelgangers. When the realization finally hit that, maybe they were actually Teion, Ryo, and Spencer, she dropped her guard, and let her sword clang to the floor before it disappeared back into her inventory.  "I'm.. I'm sorry... I just don't know who to trust anymore.." 

    After taking a moment to collect herself, she rose her head to the three players, "Alright..Whats the game plan? Because I've had enough of this damn place playing tricks on me." 

  9. Well, it had happened again. The depression hit her lick a ton.. maybe two tons, or bricks and it left her just wanting to be alone. After going through that hell with the Holy Dragon Alliance, getting stuck in some mansion where she was haunted by her past, and how insignificant she was to her friends still scarred her. Her brunette hair sprawled out over the pillow as she laid in her sorry excuse for a bedroom shoved into the corner of her forgery. It was always warm in her shop, though she preferred it that way. However, this one particular day, it finally got to her. She tossed and turned in her bed before finally sitting up. "F***!" she yelled "I'm sick of this s***!" She knew the only person that could pull her out of her depression was her, and letting her mind marinate in the negative atmosphere that filled the forgery was only going to make it worse. Fixing her dark hair up into a ponytail, with two tufts of hair framing her face, she equipped some clothes that could pass her for a decent human being. She needed to get off of the Fifth floor, the heat of the desert only agitated her more. She figured where else to go than the Town of Beginnings, usually there was something going on there that she could use to take her mind off of things.

    As her body materialized onto the First Floor, she could see herds of players and NPCs alike moving in scattered groups through the square and towards the other side of town. Jevi was right to assume there was an event going on, per usual, but it must have been something big to attract this many people to it. Rather than scouring the message boards to find out what it was, Jevi, instead, decided to just follow along and see where everyone was going. Eventually, the crowds came to a halt in front of a large, vibrant colored tent. In front, a man in similarly dressed garb addressed the crowd, and welcomed them to his circus. Jack? Jevi thought to herself, Wasn't that the name of the guy who ran last year's Halloween event? If that were the case, maybe something spooky and exciting could get her blood pumping enough to cheer the hell up. 

    Dropping 500 col to get into the show, Jevi moved through the parted canvas curtains that served as a doorway and towards the main event, or at least where the main event would be held. Yellow eyes scanned the slowly growing crowd for any familiar faces. The woman sucked her teeth when she saw absolutely no one she recognized. "Damn.. Already paid, guess I might as well get comfortable." 

  10. Jevi wore a small smile on her face as Minako walked off to take down the last of the boar younglings. The two stared each other down for a moment before Minako went in for the attack, or what she believed was an attempt to attack at least. With a high swing, the girl was thrown off balance, knocking herself to the ground. Lucky for her, at least, the boar's trajectory as it charged at the player had been for where her chest once was, so it missed its attack as well. Closing her eyes, Jevi placed an open palm on her forehead, releasing a sigh through her nostrils. Am I really about to complete this whole quest for this girl..? she thought to herself before taking a few steps forward towards the downed girl. "Come on Minako, pull yourself together." Reaching out a hand, she offered to help the younger player up. "As for you.." she said, turning towards the little beast with her curved blade. Raising the sword up over her head, she swiped downwards to cleave the boar in two. However, the small animal was quick, and hopped to the side to avoid her blade. "Why you little bastard.." she cursed under her breath.

    ID: 124146
    BD: 4

    Boar Younging:
    5/5 [     ]
    3 damage on hit

    Jevi | HP: 500/500 | EN: 49/50

  11. Trembling fingers rose to grasp at the hand that slowly choked the life out of her. The pain was nonexistent, but the threat of death was still very much present as her health bar continued to trickle down lower and lower. The curved sword that Jevi brandished against the vision of Opal clanged to the ground below her dangling feet as he continuously attempted to pry herself free from this evil form's grip. Despite how much strength she mustered, Opal's fingers were like stones; cold and unmoving. Golden eyes clamped shut, nearly giving in to the inevitable death she was going to face at the hands of this demon.

    The pressure was finally released from her throat, dropping the brunette to the ground. Jevi rubbed at her throat, which held bright red wound marks from Opal's fingers, coughing and gasping for breath. Opal's form flickered from the image of the woman she once knew to a black ooze, similar to the monster that trapped them all here in the first place before releasing an inhuman scream and splattering into the ground. The strange substance then made its way back towards the mansion with haste.

    With a few deep breaths, Jevi finally rose back to her feet and shoved her sword back into her scabbard. "I've just about had it with this damn place..." she said under her breath. From the mansion, she could hear Hestia's booming voice, summoning all of them back to the mansion so they could finish this thing off once and for all. With an expression as cold as the hands that were wrapped around her neck not moments earlier, Jevi stormed back towards the mansion the way she came... if she could find her way back. After traveling through different sized hedges, hoping she could find her way, Jevi stumbled upon another three figures. Hiding herself around the corner, Jevi peeked around at the forms of Ryo, Teion, and Spencer, all standing together. I can't be so sure that they're really them... it might be those shadow things...

    @Spencer @Teion @Ryo


  12. "A boar...what?" Jevi asked Minako, her dark hair shifting as she cocked her head to the side. Her eyes then trailed down to the armor she was wearing before letting out a small laugh "Oh, right. Thorns damage heh." Swiping open her menus, Jevi traded the accidental boar tusk over to Minako. "Alright, so what is that, 2 now? We just need one more right?" Looking around her general area, the woman did not see any young boars lurking in the grass around them. They may need to travel a bit farther out before running into another one. "I think its only fair that you take out the last one." Jevi said with a wink, "This is your quest after all.. only way you're gonna learn is by doing it." Taking a couple steps farther out into the fields, Jevi heard the rustling of a nearby bush, and the small tusks of a baby boar poking out from the shrubbery. "Look, there's one more. I'll be here to back you up if you need it."



  13. The woman's taunting seemed to work, despite not actually having the proper skills to gain the attention of a mob. The small boar's red eyes turned on Jevi, its nostrils flaring as it squared up with the woman. The young boar let out a squeal as it began to charge forward, but was met with a timely end as Minako's blade struck into the side of its hide, the tip of the blade poking through the opposite side of the monster before it shattered into red fragments of data. The brunette lowered her guard, letting out a small sigh of relief that the simple fight was finally over.. however her worries only returned when Minako exclaimed she did not receive the quest item needed, and only a little bit of col. Her head drooped for a moment before she looked up at the other brunette with a small smile and upturned eyebrows, "Nah, its alright. You keep it. You earned it." 

    Just as Jevi was telling Minako to keep the money, she heard another squeal of a boar pup, one she had either not noticed, or one that had simply respawned in her blind spot. The beast rushed forward, leaping at the woman from behind and crashing into her armored back. As the small tusks of the monster collided with Jevi's heavy armor, a pulse of red light shot from her back, causing the boar pup to be thrown back onto the ground as mere fragments. "Huh?" Jevi said as she turned, seeing nothing but the small rain of red crystals as they dissipated into the ground. In front of her, a small screen rewarding her with one Boar Tusk. "Wait.. how did that happen?" 

    ID 115295 | MD 7   | LD 13
    3 (-36) = 1 Dmg to Jevi
    9 Thorns Dmg to Boar Pup

    [0] Minako | 17/20 | 0/2 | 6 DMG 
    [0] Jevi | 479/480 | 38/40 | 7 dmg | 36 Mit | 7 thorns | 12 Bleed 

    Boar Youngling 0/5 | 3 damage 

    +1 Boar Tusk


  14. Yellow eyes grew in size, as her free hand slowly moved up towards her neck, where a pendant made of opal dangled. Thats right, Spencer had given this to her last Christmas, after he had seen how upset she was at Opal's death. Her hand balled into a fist around the opal, gripping tightly at the necklace before yanking it from her neck, the item disappearing into her inventory as an immediate reaction. That was the realization she needed to prove that this wasn't the real Opal.. which meant that wasn't the real Spencer. Jevi's eyes, which once held a look of confusion, despair, and sadness, turned to rage and anger as her brows lowered. "F*** you b****" she said before brandishing her curved weapon and rushing at the false woman. A random screech sounded out from the mansion, distracting the fake Opal for a moment. That gave Jevi the chance to rush forward and strike, though her assault proved fruitless as her blade simply crashed off of the fake Opal's armor as if it were made of stone. 

    Piercing red eyes shot back to Jevi, and her hand followed, gripping around Jevi's throat. The unyielding pressure of the creature's cold, lifeless fingers tightened around the player's neck, lifting her up off of the ground. Jevi kicked her feet and pulled at Opal's hand to no avail, struggling to catch her breath. The green bar that hung in the corner of her vision very slowly began to deplete as the life was choked from her. 

  15. The brunette fumbled as she rushed around the corner of the hedge maze, moving as quickly as she could to follow the pained voice of her friend. The girl was met with a dead end however, causing her to quickly turn around and try another direction. She stood for a moment, wearing a confused look on her face, when she realized that the different forked paths in front of her did not match the ones she saw moments before... as if she was in a completely different part of the maze. "What the hell..?" she said to herself under her breath before taking a few steps forward to take in her surroundings. From the path just to her left, a figure all to familiar to her ran by, and sprinted down the path just before her. The dirty blonde haired boy had not even noticed that she stood there as Spencer rounded the corner. "Spencer!" she called out to him, with no response whatsoever. "Spencer!!" She called a little bit louder.. still no response. 

    Suddenly the man stopped, as if he had heard her pleading, and turned around to face her. His eyes seemed frantic, looking for his own escape, still not noticing the brunette that stood before him. "I'm right here.." she said, her voice sounding desperate for her friend to acknowledge her as he walked forward, not even looking at Jevi. Behind Spencer, a dark silhouette began to take shape, as if it had formed from the shadow of the hedges far across from her. A sound that was not noticeable to her at first became all to audible as all other sounds seemed to fade, the clacking of high heeled boots walking against the brick ground. The female's figure became much more visible as she continued forward, with features she remembered too well... at least of the woman before she had changed. platinum blonde hair fell over one of her once honey colored eyes.. which were now replaced with piercing red orbs that matched the bright lips that curled into a smirk. "But... but you're dead.." Jevi said with wide eyes as she stumbled backwards, unsure of what or who she was looking at. The red smirk became only more sinister as the figure of Opal ripped her long katana from its scabbard and cut through Spencer, causing him to fall to his knees.

    "And so is he..." she said in a voice that resembled Opal's, but sounded much more twisted and demonic. 

    "Je..vi.." Spencer said in a whisper, his eyes losing color as they now looked into her's. Blood began to trickle from the sides of his mouth, the wound on his back creating a much larger puddle that covered the bricks he knelt on. Finally, the boy's lifeless body collapsed, though his eyes never left the brunette's. "Nononono" Jevi said as she stumbled back again, falling on her behind. "This isn't real..this isn't real." 

  16. The brunette looked around, and saw no immediate signs of danger to her. Everything seemed pretty quiet, and, despite the air of the greenhouse still being a bit muggy, it was nice to get a fresher breath of air. Jevi would let out a small sigh, "This peace probably won't last for long.." Slowly, she began to take small steps forward, taking notice of the vines that tried to reach where she stood, tapping at the glass like the grubby fingers of kids looking into an aquarium. The poking of the greenery became a bit more forceful, chipping at the glass little by little. The sudden voice from behind her caused her to let out a small yelp as she quickly turned around to view just who had crept up on her. She recognized the noirette as Hestia, one of the members of the guild she had little interactions with. "For f***s sake Hesita... how do you walk so silently with such heavy armor.." After taking a sharp breath, yellow eyes looked over to the woman, "Of course I remember your name, we-" Jevi was cut short by a shrill scream, what sounded like that of a man. It did not take her long to recognize the voice as that of Spencer. 

    The brunette's hardened face turned to that of concern as she spun around once again and rushed out the open door of the greenhouse. "Spencer!" she shouted, as she ran towards the entrance of what she believed was a garden.. but found out soon that it was a maze of tall, overgrown hedges. Weeds and long branches grew out from the sides of the giant shrubs, making it a bit tough for Jevi to simply rush through to find her way to her friend who seemed to be in some sort of danger. "Spencer I'm coming!" she shouted again as she found herself at a fork in the maze, not taking long to decide to move down the path to the right. 

  17. Group 2

    A single brow slowly rose as Jevi continued to look across the table at the boy, who seemed to pay no attention to the woman who sat across from him. Crossing her arms at her chest, she let her shoulders press against the back of her chair. As she expelled a small sigh, she opened her mouth to speak again.. but was soon interrupted by her companion. Dustin immediately began to play the "bad cop" role, brandishing his sword and threatening the man after he ignored Jevi's question. The woman simply sat there as Dustin laid out the accusations, her teeth grinding behind her closed lips, just hoping he would pipe down soon. As if someone flipped a switch all of a sudden, the boy sat down with an innocent smile on his face, claiming he did not want to hurt the other player. Jevi simply glared at Dustin when he began ordering drinks, asking if she wanted something as well. Her eyes followed him as he leaned into Jevi, saying he was probably going to make a bad decision "You think?" Jevi said back with a growl, trying not to raise her voice. 

    There was finally silence as three coffees arrived at the table, one being passed to Jevi, despite her not wanting one. "...you finished?" she said to Dustin with a sidelong glance. "Now" she said, turning back to the boy who's dinner they had interrupted. "I had no intent of coming in here.. relating you to a string of killings. If you really had a hand in that, then you wouldn't be in an inn so close to the town. Am I right?" Jevi took the drink she had pulled towards her and rose it to her lips, taking a sip. "But you know of him at least, from that pretty relaxed comment you made about him." she said with an added smirk. "I don't care what you did to get marked as a criminal, and this guy over here sure isn't going to try and do anything about it either. All we want to know, is if you can point us in the direction of Wyson." Jevi took one more glace at Dustin as she rose her coffee to her lips again, "And since you are such a gentleman, I'm sure you'll have no problem picking up the price of our friend here's dinner.. and the drinks you ordered."

    @Dustin @Froppy

  18. Jevi felt a bit of relief that Teion was willing to comply with her request to get the hell out of there. The kid was really starting to creep her out, and his wailing screech that came from him as the purplette scooped Noot up into her arms. "Jeez, pipe the f**k down you brat.." Jevi said under her breath, before she noticed the shadows in the corners of the room accumulating into a single form just behind Connor. The figure rose up and screamed at them, like a mother protecting its child, with both a frightening terror and desperation in its voice. As its voice sounded out, a burst of its dark energy jumped out from its body like static electricity, knocking objects all about the room over. A shadowy arm rose, pointing slender fingers at the two women, demanding that they be destroyed. Wide golden eyes shifted from the tall figure to the other side of the room, where the dolls that once sat lifelessly on the shelf began to move and come to life. The vibrant color in their eyes had been completely blackened out, though the rest of the features on their face remained frozen. The ceramic and plastic figured moved slowly at first, getting used to their newly movable parts.. but they soon picked up speed, heading directly towards the two women. 

    She allowed Teion to rush past her, holding the precious cargo of one baby penguin in her arms, before turning to follow after. Jevi felt the cold, lifeless grasp of one of the dolls as it grabbed onto her ankle, with strength that seemed impossible for a figure of its size. "Get the hell off me you creep." she cursed, trying to shake the doll lose. Suddenly, the tiny figure's mouth opened, the plastic along the side of its lips tearing, opening up even wider than usual, to reveal hundreds of razor sharp teeth. With quick motions, it sunk down on Jevi's ankle, causing her to stagger and fall to a knee. "F**k!" she shouted, before reaching back and pulling the ceramic creep from her boot and throwing it at another approaching doll. By the time Jevi regained her footing and turned to follow Teion, the woman had made her way up into the attic, with the door closing behind her. 

    Now was not the time to shut down and wait for anyone else, she needed to get out of this mansion and get back outside. Rushing forward, Jevi burst from the room and down the hall, quickly turning and rushing down the stairs. Due to the small legs of the dolls, they struggled to follow after Jevi, one or two of them tumbling to the following landing as they tried to use the stairs normally. The woman's first attempt to run was the front door, which was, of course, guarded by thick thorns and vines. The woman began to frantically look around for another passageway outside, only to find two more doors along the back of the staircase. With the dolls quickly making their way down the stairs, some throwing themselves down the flight of stairs to catch up to the woman, she had no other choice. The brunette quickly opened the door and slammed it shut behind her.

    Leaning her back against the door, Jevi stood there for a moment catching her breath. She felt a bit of relief as she took in a deep breath of fresh air, accompanied by the fresh scent of various plants around her. "Looks like I'm in some sort of green house.." she said to herself as she took a step away from the door and began to slowly walk to the other side of the small, glass room. As she stepped past the long tables, she looked at the various plants that the greenhouse sustained, wondering how, if no one lived in this house, they kept themselves alive. 

  19. Jevi and Teion each turned from each other with the introduction of a third voice; a young boy who came into view from a hiding spot they had not noticed before. The boy, who's name was Connor, told them about how his father owned the house they were currently in, and about the workers he had befriended before they disappeared. The whole story did not sit well in Jevi's gut, and her normal, kind instinct that would kick in when a child was around did not. No, instead only her survival instinct remained. Even as the child exchanged an adorable greeting with the baby penguin, Jevi wanted out. The boy desired the penguin, saw him as a gift from the two before going to see his father again. Teion tried to explain to him why they could not let Connor keep Noot, and that they were currently trying to find Spencer so they could return him. Jevi stepped forward, placing a hand on Teion's shoulder, who was crouched before the boy, "Teion, grab Noot." she tried to avoid making eye contact with the young, now slightly confused boy, "We need to get out of here. I have a very bad feeling about this.." Teion had not explained to Jevi what she meant by her question about 'being real.' However, she had her suspicions about what she was going to say.. and if that were the case, this innocent looking child was not who he seemed. 

  20. Not only had the brunette noticed the tiny penguin enjoying himself on the creepy rocking horse in the even creepier kid's room, but she also noticed the purplette taking a closer look at some dolls on the opposite side of the room. Jevi did not watch many horror movies back in her old life, but she knew for sure that things were not adding up for this to just be some regular room with no crazy hauntings. It seemed, however, it took a lot less than a ghost to make the hairs on Teion's neck stand, for as Jevi released a sigh, the girl spun around with wide, fearful eyes. Jevi simply stared back, yellow eyes blinking before letting out a single chuckle at Teion's unnecessary jump. "Well, I have been told I can be quite terrifying." she taunted, taking a couple more steps into the room towards the lone girl. 

    The playful smirk faded when she noticed azure eyes wandering around, looking past Jevi, most likely looking for her own purple haired man. Teion confirmed the suspicion, asking about Ryo's whereabouts, but also threw in quite an odd question as well. Jevi let out a light chuckle, "That is a dumb question." she said, "Yeah, I'm real.. at least I think I am." She said, continuing with the slight joke. "As for Ryo.. well. He was right behind me when I saw you run into this room.. but he was gone before I could say anything. I think he may have ran down the other hall looking for you." The memory of the two being snatched up in vines and dragged to this upper floor flooder her mind, as well as saving Teion from such a fate. Her yellow eyes shifted from looking to Teion, as a slightly bashful expression took over her face, "Sorry I.. ya'know.. kicked you in the chest." 

    Stepping back to the situation at hand, Jevi thought more on the strange question Teion had posed. Her brows furrowed as she turned back to the woman, "What.. exactly did you mean by me being real?" 

  21. Whether Ryo had even replied or not to Jevi's obvious remark of escape, the shaken up woman turned to the door behind her and grabbed the handle. Upon pulling it gently, she found the sliding glass door was not locked, and it allowed them inside. The air inside of the mansion was stale, and the woman needed to take a deeper breath than usual to fill her lungs. She wanted out of here.. she knew Ryo, being the guy he was, was going to risk everything to find his woman first.  As valiant as that was, and as much as she respected it, Jevi did not have time for that. The vines attacking her was one thing.. but now this shadow beast itself that separated Spencer from the group and knocked Jomei off his feet with one blow? 

    On the far side of the hall Jevi caught a glimpse of the purple haired woman rushing from the left and into a door on the right. Guess they would not need to look long to find Teion after all, "Hey Ryo.. huh?" turning to look over her shoulder to address the man, she saw that he was gone. Completely vanished with no trace. "Where the hell did he go?" she questioned to herself, taking a quick look around to see if she could find him. "I'm not doing this s**t on my own." she said to herself again before hurrying down the hall where she saw Teion last. 

    Jevi opened the door to the room she believed Teion had run into. The bright color of the walls and various toys scattered about the room revealed it to be a child's room. Of course. A kid's room. Creepy rooms were one thing, creepy children's rooms were on a whole other level. As soon as she had opened the door, the sound of something creaking continuously caught her attention. A toy moving on its own, or a door opening and closing with no wind were the first things that came to her mind. Taking small steps forward and peeking around the room, she saw that it was, indeed, one of the kid's toys.. but to her relief, it was not moving on its own. Sat upon the wooden horse was a tiny penguin, playfully enjoying the rocking of the horse. A wave of relief hit Jevi, and she let out the breath she had been holding in quite an audible sigh. 

  22. Group 2

    The brunette took one last look at @Froppy, who was still just as quiet. "Jeez girl.. whats gotten into you? I thought dealing with Sleepy was going to be tough.. but I haven't heard a word from you." Still with no reply, Jevi let out a heavy sigh and turned back to @Dustin "Guess its just us then.." Placing a hand on the door, the woman opened the inn, and was immediately hit with the warmth of the lit fireplace. The tavern itself seemed to be quite cozy like most places on this Fourth Floor, serving as a nice escape from the cold, snowy weather. However, being this one was far out from the safe zone, its patrons were not quite as 'cozy.' None of the players looked too friendly, almost as if walking into a biker bar on the wrong side of town. Almost reminded her of the place her and Tel went to find Erin.. Some of them even had orange crystals over their head "Christ.. its like finding a needle in a haystack.." 

    Yellow eyes scanned the room for their target, looking for one player in particular with that eerie marker over their head. On the far side of the tavern, she saw a young man sitting quietly, eating alone. His hair was dark, short and raggedy, and on his ear with a bright gold earring. Jevi inconspicuously rose a hand, and pointed at their target, looking over to Dustin and Froppy, "There's our guy." The woman walked past the tables of rough looking players, ignoring the looks any of them gave her as she passed, especially the ones she felt burning into her from behind. Once she arrived at the table, Jevi pulled the chair opposite of the player out, "Mind if I join you?" she asked rhetorically, sitting down anyway without his permission. He doesn't look like much of a killer... we should still be careful though. Jevi gave Dustin a quick, sidelong glance before turning back to the man across the table from her, "Look, I'm not going to beat around the bush. I'm looking for someone. Goes by Wyson. Want to fill me in?"

  23. Jevi looked around the balcony for their best course of action to get back inside and find the others. Behind them, were two doors that seemed to lead to some sort of hallway on the second floor of the mansion, and another off to the side. The two towers that stood tall on either side of the building seemed a bit far for the two to get to from where they stood currently, so their best course of action seemed to be the simplest for now. Before any action could be taken, a tall creature made of darkness itself appeared in front of the brunette, grabbing hold of her arms. Despite feeling fearful from its sudden appearance and icy cold grip, Jevi appeared strong on the outside.. though her mouth contorted as she struggled to not quiver in horror. Its booming voice cursed Jevi for ruining its plans, and removing a hand from her arm, pulled back as if to strike the woman with a vicious blow. 

    Yellow eyes clenched shut, expecting to be hit with a force that would drain most of her health, if not kill her. Yet, all of a sudden, the tension in the air seemed to dissipate, and the monster seemed a bit calmer.. yet even more sinister than before. The hand that moved to strike Jevi instead began to stroke her long, brown hair, revealing that it had other plans for herself and Ryo and making one last comment about Ryo's familiarity with kidnapping before vanishing into thin air yet again. Jevi's eyes focused on where the shadow once stood for a moment, trying to keep her composure. The woman's shoulder's shuddered as her fists clenched. "We.. We need to get out of here.." she said simply to Ryo. 

  24. A deep grow bellowed from the open doors of the mansion, welcoming the players and thanking them for bringing others for it to 'feast on'. The brunette shook her head and turned on her heel, "Nah, f**k this, I'm, out." Though as she spun around, the woman was met with a wall of vines, thorns, and branches moving outward, blocking the dirt road they had approached from. Yellow eyes scanned the surrounding treeline, and could see the same thing happening all around, trapping the nine players in with the mansion. "Dammit." she cursed to herself before turning around again. By now, most of the group had made their way inside, following after Hestia and Ruby. The brunette looked to her side, where Ryo and Teion stood, wondering if they had any sort of mind to go inside the spooky mansion as well, or try and find another means of escape. However, the sound of commotion from just inside the foyer brought all eyes on the open doors. A tall, dark figure's long fingers were wrapped around Spencer's throat, keeping the man standing just on the balls of his feet as it lifted him up. "Spencer!!" Jevi shouted in a voice of concern, rushing towards the doors. 

    The man was thrown down a dark flight of stairs, out of sight from the rest of them. Brown eyes knit in concern for her closest friend in the guild as he disappeared into the shadows. Jomei rushed to try and take down the beast himself, but too was flung to the ground with ease. Ryo's shout caught Jevi's attention as she turned around to see what he needed her for. Off in the distance, his woman was checking something out.. and the now sentient vines were not too appreciative of that, and began to reach out for her. Ryo launched into action, slicing the greenery that extended closer and closer towards Teion in two, but now the vines were grabbing towards him as well. Jevi, ripping her own curved sword from behind her, cut one of the vine's that reached towards the katana user's flank. She soon found the leafy green vine wrapping around her opposite wrist, and with all of her strength, she pulled away, ripping it in two. 

    The greenery overcame Ryo, as he threw himself in the way from Teion being grabbed. As he became enveloped in the vines, he shouted out for Jevi to get Teion back to the mansion. The brunette nodded and stood with her back to Teion, acting as a shield for the woman. Before she knew it however, her leg was pulled out from under her as a vine took hold of her ankle. With one last effort, Ryo tossed the katana and cut the vine in two, freeing Jevi from its grasp. Jevi quickly rose from her feet and rushed past Teion, grabbing her arm while passing. These vines were endless, so there was no point in fighting them off. The two managed to get to the front stairs of the mansion "I'm sure he's fine don't w-mmrph" Jevi's words were cut short as a vine wrapped around her face, covering her mouth. The woman tried to pry the foliage from her, but its grip was too tight. With another cut of her sword, she stopped another vine from entangling with the purplette in front of her, and then her own arms were grabbed by vines. Jevi shone a quick look to Teion and shrugged her shoulders, before lifting a foot up and planting it on her abdomen, pushing her into the front door and away from the danger. Only seconds later, the brunette found herself in darkness, not able to move at all.

    Moment's later, the darkness faded into the light, and Jevi fell from the green cocoon that had trapped her. The woman took a few deep breaths as she landed on her knees, before looking up to Ryo who stood above her. "I'm fine." she said, picking herself up and brushing off her clothes. "She's inside, with the others." Jevi took a few steps towards the railing to look out over the edge. The entire front courtyard where they once stood was now completely covered in trees and vines, as if the forest itself had been closing in on their position. "Tch, looks like they're stuck in the mansion now.. but more importantly, we need to figure out where the hell to go."

  25. Spencer seemed pretty adamant about getting everyone together to hang out. The brunette sat crosslegged on the bed she rented at the local inn,stared at the message for a moment before letting out a tiny groan and letting her back fall onto the bed. They were all her friends, she could even call some of them family, and it had been awhile since she had seen any of them. She just did not, for the life of her, want to be social at this very moment. With a crooked mouth, looking over the sender of the message once more, she sat up again. Spencer was probably the one she was closest with in the guild at the moment, she could not turn down an invitation from him. Sliding forward, the girl let her feet touch the hardwood floor before standing and equipping her casual clothes. Now dressed and ready for the day, the brunette made her way from the inn to the meeting place Spencer had come up with.

    Jevi now stood with the rest of her guild mates, listening to Spencer and Jomei talk about the mansion where the guild had really come together. From what they said, it almost sounded like some sort of randomly generated event, that, in the end, still rewarded Jomei with a plot of land to start a house on. Guess thats how he afforded that nice house in Taft.. she thought to herself, before noticing the tall mansion that stood before them. The other four guild members who were involved in the first expedition into this building, all seemed a bit shocked to see it there. Like Spencer said, guess it wasn't supposed to be there. Everyone seemed a bit hesitant to get any closer, aside from Hestia.. who walked right up to the doors without a care in the world. Jevi sucked her teeth, "Didn't she hear anything that you guys said? If its bigger than the old mansion that was there, its probably more dangerous too. Going in there alone will only get her killed." The brunette stood back with Spencer, waiting to see what his plan of action was for this new building; ignore it, or explore it. 

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