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Posts posted by Daeron

  1. As well as shark, i am late, only difference is, mine is fashionably late so there's that. However, I hope you enjoy your stay on the forum as much as I do. Perhaps we can become good friends one day.

  2. Daeron watched as the tentacle or vine came at him. However, a kunai hit it away as well as into the body. He must have noticed that it was low health, because the Nepent was now going after Mono, who had done the most damage to it. He was the lowest level of the group, and he wasn't going to die. Not with Daeron being in a party with him. Daeron quickly pulled out his sword and ran at the nepent from behind.

    1-4 Miss

    5-8 Hit Nepent From Behind (Deal 1 Damage)

    9-10 Cut through the Nepend, thus killing it.

    Dice Roll: 5

  3. I know what you are doing. I really do appreciate the feedback, it gives me a view of what I should take a look at. So for acrobatics would you recommend this?

    Acrobatics: For each rank in acrobatics a player can jump 3 more inches, a normal player is only able to jump 6 inches and can withstand 2 feet further of a fall with reduced fall damage a regular player being able to take on a 10 foot fall.

    How does this sound? Again, I really do appreciate you trying to help me. It means a lot that someone is actually voicing on how it could be improved, which is what I want too. I want to be able to do the best possible work for this system so It's fair for all, but still helps everyone out in a simple manner.

  4. Pleasure to meet ya. I look forward to being able to roleplay with ya a bit. If you are ever in the need of help. You can go ahead and send me a message. Also, join our Skype chat. we have calls every sunday and it's the best place to talk OOC

  5. Yes, the problem is, with the battle healing, it's set up in a way that a standard player has a 0% chance at beating you because, he deals 1 damage then, and you heal 3 thus making you invincible. I only removed the current skills at the moment to do such tweaking, so they aren't as complex. We need something everyone will be able to understand and remember easily. nothing is fun when you need to do research on how much damage you can do.

    Also, I can make it so the higher your acrobatics is, the more intense tasks you can do. Such as being able to maintain balance easier and longer, for narrow passageways above a pit for example, or improving your physical strength too for tasks. This doesn't mean that your damage will go up, it just means you can handle harder jobs easier. A person with higher acrobatics could climb a mountain faster than one with no acrobatics training.

    I will need to contact a GM to find out how we could improve this.

    Shark said, that we need 5 votes on yes, for them to take a look at this, and we hit 9. Now any tweaking that needs to be made, he will recommend for sure. Seeing how people want such a system means a lot. I'm working on developing new methods and formulas for those things. Give me time and I'll have something better.

    I did have in mind. What is if there is a Critical Bonus. For every 3 points added into this skill, you can have the chance of dealing 1 extra damage with your critical damage. This allows the chance for stronger hits, but limits it to only criticals. Criticals are known to be fatal or deadly blows to a monster or person. Doing only 1 Extra damage to a player with 23 Health won't seem like much after time. Compared to dealing a 5 damage hit on the player.
  6. (Attacking Mudcrab2)

    Daeron watched as his team members were fending off one of the monsters. He finally came to a conclusion. The best way to win this fight is by taking on more than 1 at a time so they attack us less. We already outnumber them, but we can outnumber them further, possibly making them want to retreat in the end. Daeron swings his one-handed straight sword at the Mud Crab shouting some sort of war cry. It was more of a mumble, but he made sure it sounded cool.

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