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Posts posted by Daeron

  1. Daeron watched as the young girl stomped her feet as if she was throwing a little tantrum. In fact, this made Daeron chuckle. Something about her character, made him feel different. Like a brother almost. She seemed a lot like his younger sister, who was out in the real world while he was trapped in this world. He saw something in this girl, that made him feel like he wasn't trapped.

    "Calm down there youngling, I wasn't laughing at you." Daeron tried, but he just couldn't keep a straight face while saying it.

    As the girl finally admitted that she didn't feel comfortable grinding the monsters around yet, she asked him for help. He was surprised that she had been so open to this, seeing as how he could lead her to a Monster PK trap on the third floor. Although it would be a mean move off of him, he knew he shouldn't do it. He would have to much guilt on his hands.

    "Sure, I'll help you grind and farm the monsters down here a bit." Daeron finally said, as he finished sending her a party invite. "Do you know how a party works?" He asks her because she didn't know much about the game.

    Daeron had an idea where to go train with her and where the easiest monsters were to start off with.

  2. He watched as her hand pressed the "Accept" button and finally her green health bar had appeared in his top left corner underneath his. He looked at it quickly, realizing that it wasn't as much as his, but he knew he could work with it. Daeron listened to her plan on where to go, and what to do, and he took it into consideration. He had a few minds of his own, in fact, his plan was to go looking for the hidden dungeon on floor 1. He has heard great rumors about it and there being a boss in there who contains a very high amount of loot and prizes. After taking several moments of consideration he finally responds.

    "Your plan is better than mine, let's go ahead and head to the forest." He had said while pointing in the direction of the forest.

    Daeron took one more quick look at Nikki. She looked at him and talked to him as if she were some sort of celebrity. He doesn't recall having ever heard her name before.

    "I'm sorry, but I don't meant to sound rude or offensive in any way, but I was wondering. Do you expect me to know you something?" Daeron asked not sure what kind of answer he is about to receive. Either way, he prepared himself for a slap to the face, or a scolding, or even a kind gesture.

  3. Daeron had a blank look on his face. He had never met a player so lost on how to play. In fact, most players here understood the game already or they were beta testers.

    "Remember when you registered for SAO? The game made you select up to 9 skills total throughout the categories such as non-combat, passive, combat, and weapon skills. For example, my weapon skills are one handed daggers and one handed straight swords. This means I can use both of these type of weapons and nothing else. However in the future I heard you unlock more skills as you level up to the higher levels. I don't know if that's necessarily true though." Daeron felt like he just read an entire essay to her.

    He asked her multiple questions on what she knew and didn't know. He felt like he was interrogating a person for doing something and trying to weasel out every little detail that they knew to help him out. Which in this case, every detail did make the personal "tutorial" a bit shorter. He had finally thought of something. He reached into his bag and pulled out a book. The book was titled, A Beginner's Guide To Sword Art Online. He handed her the book.

    "Here, you'll need it more than I do. I think I finally got a hang of this game." Daeron says wiping a smirk across his face.

  4. Daeron looked at Sam, who seems to feel slightly uncomfortable, but focused at the same time. He had never liked, being told what to do or being criticized on his actions. Daeron, slightly mad, continued to walk forward. He looked behind once more to check if anyone was behind them, surely enough there wasn't.

    "Even though he's a player killer, he would be dumb to face on three of us at once. In fact, it would be dumb off of him to attack us right now anyways." Daeron explained.

    Daeron was sure that he wasn't going to attack them from behind, due to the fact that they were in a party. He finally focused forward again to make sure there aren't any enemies up ahead. Noticing up ahead, he saw something move. It looked like a large plant.

    "Careful guys. I think that's a Little Nepent with a fruit." Daeron told the crew behind him. "The Nepent is probably going to attack us, but be sure whatever you do, not to attack the fruit up on his head. If you attack the fruit, it WILL attract more nepents around, making them highly dangerous in numbers. Also, it's a level 3 monster so it's bound to be a slight challenge for us. However, if we work as a team, it should come along as now problem at all." He finished.

    Daeron pulled out his starter's sword and got ready for an attack at any moment as they drew near its programmed range. Any moment the Nepent would jump at them and use its vines or large mouth to attack them. For once, Daeron knew what they were facing this time.

    "Also, make sure nobody is around us. I've heard players use the fruit on top and attack them on purpous to Monster PK a player, therefore killing a player and stealing their loot without actually doing the killing, therefore, their name stays green. It's one of the few dangerous traps for the low leveled players." He points out as he looks behind them and all around them once more.

  5. Daeron was standing around doing nothing for the longest time, in fact, he had been relaxing for the day. Taking a day off, well, until a girl came along over to him and asked him for help. Daeron looked at her and realized that she must be a new player if she was asking how the game worked and where her weapon was. He was actually suprised that there are still levels lower than him. He had thought all this time, that he was one of the lowest levels. Being generous he willingly explained to her a few things about SAO, or hell, now a days.

    "...And well, your starting weapon should be able to be found in your inventory. It should be based off of the skills you had picked." Daeron finished explaining.

    He took a look at her. He seemed to have never met this person before, and well, decided he should be the first to introduce himself. Daeron stuck out his hand and told her his name.

    "Say, you seem like a new player. Am I wrong to ask this? By the way. Name's Daeron, Level 5, almost 6." Daeron introduced himself officially like he normally does when he meets new people.

  6. Daeron felt her grip and it was rather gentle. He wasn't used to a gentle grip, not this gentle. She also introduced herself to both him and the other player. When she asking if that was his boar she killed, Daeron wanted to laugh, but managed to contain himself.

    "No, no, no. That boar was all yours. I actually just came out here because I haven't been here yet." Daeron looked around to take in the view quickly. "It seems like you're a low level. The higher leveled players don't actually care if it was your boar or not, so that's where I got that from." Daeron explained.

    He took a glance at her spear, "Doesn't seem like it could do too much damage to monsters at a higher level." Daeron thought to himself. "Should I offer her help with leveling up a bit?" He questioned himself this multiple times and thought it through several times to see if it's a good idea. Finally Daeron raised his hand and swiped it to the right. He looked through the menu and selected a name, Nikki_Styx, and then he clicked Send a Party Invite. A menu had popped up in front of Nikki now asking.

    Daeron has requested to form a party with you.

    Do you accept?

    Yes No

    Daeron was nervous to do this seeing as how it's a new player, but he feels confident that he can help her level up a bit. Daeron now looking around sees a large and vast plain up ahead with nothing much but a dirt path along the way. Green grass everywhere, which a pack of boars was grazing up ahead.

  7. I've been on the forum for a little more than a week now, i know that's not a long time, but I was curious as to being able to level up your skills. Because i'm focusing on my character being a speed type so I want to work on getting my sprint up, but we can't really level things up. I read this recently and I really think this would be a cool thing to try. We could just add it into our journals then as part of our character bios.


  8. Daeron had felt bad about abandoning the boy earlier, but he knew he had to find Elyth. He knew he couldn't just leave her, seeing as how they have a bit better of a bond than him and the boy did. Daeron had been walking for a few moments shouting out Elyth's name, but no response. At the same time, Daeron did feel as if he were being followed by a person or a creature of some sort. Every few moments Daeron would turn around expecting a figure to be standing there in the mist in front of him.

    "Elyth! Where are you?" Daeron had shouted once more.

    This time Daeron knew he had made a mistake, because when he looked up ahead he realized there was a figure, but it wasn't a person, it was a monster. Daeron has seen this figure before, but he was never fully capable of finding out what it was. When the figure stepped forward a name in red was above it. Daeron realized that it was a Dark Elven Wolf Handler. Daeron noticed the name and didn't see the wolf near the Elf. Suddenly, Daeron turned his head about 45 degrees to the right to hear a growling from behind him.

    Battle Engaged

    Daeron wasn't sure of how to do this seeing as how there were two completely different monsters up ahead. He was in fact nervous about fighting, but he remember about Elyth and how he had to find her. He knew he couldn't do that if he died right now. Then it came to him.

    "That's right. Your wolf can't be given orders if you're dead you damn elf." He said to himself.

    The elf itself had 7 Health and the wolf had 5 health. Daeron being a level 5 only had 13 health. The elf spoke in some weird language and pointed towards Daeron. Not knowing what he said, he figured it was a command to attack Daeron. Sure enough, the wolf was sprinting full course at him and had it's mouth open ready to sink its teeth into him. Daeron knew he had to be quick on his feet.

    1-4 Get Hit (Take 1 Damage)

    5-6 Dodge the Hit

    7-8 Dodge the Hit and Counter (Deal 1 Damage To The Wolf)

    9-10 Dodge the Hit and Counter in a Vital Spot (Deal 2 Damage To The Wolf)

    Dice Roll: 10

  9. Daeron focused on the player. Something about her made Daeron curious. He wasn't sure if it was because of her stance or something else, all he knew was that she seemed determined. Well until a sword flew next to the boar. Watching as the boar ran into shied, Daeron decided to say nothing to see how she retaliated. Stunningly she shifted her focus back to the boar she hit the boar once as it shattered to pixels.

    The girl turned to look at me and she seemed odd to him. To go from such a determined focus state to a cheery and gentle person. "Hi." Daeron wasn't sure why as to why he only got one syllable out. Daeron looked behind the new player to find another player. This face seemed unfamiliar as well. Daeron out of sheer manners stuck out hid hand towards the shielded player expecting a handshake. "Name's Daeron, Level 5. Daeron was never good at introductions. He gives a smile to the face as if he's known this person for ages.

  10. "Daeron looked at Mono. "His name is Rage. I met him at a bar some days ago, Let's just say my fist said hi before me. Oh and the reason. His name is yellow is because yellow symbols mean that they're player killers. I saw the look Sterling had, we both share the same uneasiness about his being here. Rage is part of the front lines so we're curios at to why he's down here on the third flood instead of the seventh. All I recommend is that you stay on your toes." Daeron explains as he turns around to see if they were being followed.

  11. Daeron saw a player in front of him. As soon as he had seen the player and heard her voice, he had put his dagger away. He looks down at the spot where my loaf was shattered, and then looked back up at her. "No. That's not all, I have a second in case I ever need it for emergencies." Daeron had taken a look at the girl. He was astounded at her beauty. Daeron hasn't felt like this about anyone before. His stomach churned and then he looked away to hide his pink cheeks. "Out of curiousity, what are you doing in the forest? Are you lost?" Daeron had asked in a curious, but gentle tone.

  12. Daeron had been wandering through the forest-like Floor for several hours. He was out hunting monsters all day. After deciding to take a break Daeron sits down next to a tree and looks through his bag for some food. He pulled out a loaf of bread. He had finally been able to relax for the first time today. He began eating his bread, until he heard a sound. He dropped the bread, and got up. As the bread made contact with the ground, it shattered into hundreds of small shards and pixels. "Hello?" Daeron unsheathed his dagger as he called out to see if anyone was out there. In case it was a monster who had just heard him now, he wanted to be ready for a fight. His nerves had tensed up and a sweat pearl had finally gotten large enough to slide down his face. He wasn't sure what to expect so he stood there ready for anything coming at him.

  13. Daeron had just woken from a slumbering nap at the Inn in the Town of Beginnings. He had put on some of his finest clothes, which were the typical clothes you would see on a teenager. He had a feeling to do something, and was actually itching for a fight. Daeron had thought of no better way to get rid of this urge, then by actually fighting a monster. He didn't want to stress himself out so he went ahead and left the Inn. "I haven't been on this part of the outskirts of the town yet. Maybe I'll go check on down here to see if there's anything different." He walked down a path until he began hearing someone taunting. "Alright piggy... Lets see what you got!" He had heard a feminine voice. Daeron felt he should investigate on who it was. When he reached the outskirts, he saw a girl with blue hair holding up a shield and a spear. He realized that the girl had a green icon above her, like his. Daeron unsheathed his dagger from his belt and held it so the back of the blade was touching his wrist. He wants to fight the boar, but doesn't feel like being a kill stealer. For now, he just stands there and watches the girl take on the boar.

  14. Daeron had took a glance at his other party members, which both looked like they were uncomfortable. Daeron already didn't like Rage from a previous encounter, but this is really testing Daeron's patience. He pulls out his sword out of sheer discomfort. Daeron looked back at Rage to see the look he was being given. He still wondered why Rage is willing to "help" us, if he didn't like one of the members. He couldn't pull any conclusions as to why he was here, but for the loot that the cave holds.

  15. Daeron had gone to skin the boar, but the pelt of it was completely shredded by the time he was through with it. Instead he managed to pull out both of the boar's tusks and he put them into his inventory. He knew it wasn't a lot he could do with it, but it was a start for things he could sell. He knew that there is a crafting recipe for nearly everything in SAO and he knew someone would be bright enough to one day make something from boar tusks. He was proud of himself that he had accomplished this. Daeron got up and watched as the body of the boar depixelated and vanished. He then turned around to the walls. He also realized that he had a few wolf pelts and bones that he had gotten from his exploration with Mauvis and Kazumi.

  16. It was over, finally it was over. He had stabbed the boar multiple more times killing it beyond its death. He had won. As Daeron noticed that he won, he had gone to get his loot. He was laughing again at how pathetic he was. He had also realized that he had leveled up to Level 5. His health was now 13/13. He was truly happy again. He kneels down to take the tusks of the boar and the skin.

    1-6 Get Nothing

    7-12 Get One Tusk

    13-16 Get Both Tusks

    17-20 Get Both Tusks and the Skin

  17. Daeron took another hit by the boar and was starting to lose his focus again. He's letting his luck, get to his head and isn't maintaining the self persistence he usually has. "Why won't you die? Daeron asks the grunting boar who seems to be low on breath. Daeron finally takes a deep breath and sighs loudly. He raises his sword one more time and thrusts it at the boar to strike it. Daeron was tired. Tired of fighting a weak and pathetic boar who he was failing terribly with. The boar seemed to still keep struggling to hang on for dear life. As Daeron's blade came down on the boar he adds a final thrust to it for extra force.

    Daeron 9/11

    Boar 1/5

    1-4 Miss

    5-8 Hit

    9-10 Overkill

  18. Daeron heard a voice telling them to get back from behind. Quickly, Daeron turned around to see who screamed. It was Rage. They had an encounter before at a bar not too far back. "Why is he here?" Daeron asked himself while rolling his eyes. Daeron however, took caution and moved to the side realizing there was an orc that stood in front of them. He watched as Rage cut down the orc with ease. "I suppose you expect us to be thanking you and saying how we owe you now huh?" Daeron had asked this with a sarcastic tone of voice that almost seemed like he was trying to pick a fight. Even though Daeron was thankful, he didn't actually thank him for the assisstance.

  19. Daeron moved his hand back, he heard something. No, someone. It sounded like Elyth. "Elyth! Where are you? Daeron shouted in hopes of finding the voice. He had his mind set on finding the source. He had to be sure he wasn't going insane. He had to verify that he wasn't hearing things. Daeron began walking off from the boy who still layed there. "I'm sorry I have to try and find someone, I'll catch up with you later." said Daeron wandering off without a clue of where he was.

  20. As erroneous had said, he needed to prove a point for ooc use in the chat. I have found a way to solve this i think.

    Admins and GM's should make a thread only staff can access called the Strike system or something.

    What they do is warn players and every time a player is warned their name is put on the list if they then hit a third strike, they have access revoked. How long? I feel the admins should be able to decide this. I really hope you take this into consideration.

  21. Tired of fighting, Daeron misses the boar who seems to be very injured. Daeron refuses to stop and runs in at he boar at the same time the boar is charging in a limp. Daeron now determined, to finish off this boar releases a roar thrusting at the boar again.

    Daeron 10/11

    Boar 1/5

    1-3 Take The Hit

    4-5 Get Hit and Finish the Pig

    6-8 Dodge The Hit and Finish The Pig

    9-10 Dodge The Hit and Overkill

  22. Bringing the boar down to 1 HP with another hit on the boar relieved him, knowing he wasn't going to die due to a low leveled monster. He just needs to realize that he can't cloud his focus. Finally with a finishing blow, Daeron thrusts his dagger at the boar one last time to finish it off. The boar now weak can't move quick enough to dodge, but still attempts.

    Daeron 10/11

    Boar 1/5

    1-3 Miss

    4-8 Finishing Blow

    9-10 Overkill (Critical)

  23. This time Daeron hadn't lost focus for a moment, because as the boar came close enough, he had managed to step aside quick enough and managed to slash its side again. He almost felt as if he was being pathetic fighting a boar at his level on the first floor still. He kept thinking of what others are going to think, when truth be told, he doesn't care. Daeron quickly turned his body for another attack on the pig. His motives kept growing and growing as if it were a plant with miracle grow they would say in the real world.

    Daeron 10/11

    Boar 2/5

    1-4 Miss

    5-8 Hit

    9-10 Critical

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