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Posts posted by Daeron

  1. With Daeron's weapon coming in on the boar once again, the boar took another hit from his weapon which slashed at its side. His confidence continued to rise and he realized the boar was rushing in at him a third time. It seemed almost repetitive. Watching the boar's feet learning its foot movements he prepares to dodge and counter again. Daeron raises his sword while at the same time, manages to cross a smile over his face.

    Daeron 10/11

    Boar 3/5

    1-4 Take The Hit

    5-8 Dodge The Attack

    9-10 Dodge and Counter (Hit)

  2. Daeron had dodged the boar's attack, but couldn't seem to get an attack in as a counter. Now finally feeling motivated to continue fighting, hoping his luck has come back, he runs in for another attack. Daeron realized that he is nearly right outside of the town walls so basically anyone who exits will see him fighting. "If I don't win this, this will be the biggest failure in history." Daeron now went in for another attack on the boar using another Slash.

    Daeron 10/11

    Boar 4/5

    1-4 Miss

    5-8 Hit

    9-10 Critical

  3. Daeron finally lands a hit on the boar right on its back. He was satisfied that he had finally managed to deal damage to it. He kept thinking of how embarassing it would be if he lost to a level 1 boar. Man that would be so pathetic. Daeron now taking another swing realizes the boar has turned around and is starting to charge at him once again like it did previously. Daeron knew that he had a few choices, get hit, dodge, or manage a counter on it.

    1-4 Daeron Takes The Hit

    5-8 Daeron Dodges The Hit

    9-10 Daeron Dodges and Counters The Boar (Hit)

  4. Daeron feeling the impact of the boar's body slamming into him. Daeron felt shook up but he quickly recovered. Almost instantly Daeron had turned to face the boar once more and ran in with a regular Slash. The boar which still had its back turned on Daeron. "If I miss this now, then there's really something wrong with me." Daeron nervous that he was going to miss another attack, runs at the boar yelling some sort of battle cry that was to be questioned.

    Daeron 10/11

    Boar 5/5

    1-4 Miss

    5-8 Hit

    9-10 Critical

  5. As Daeron's weapon began glowing he had missed the boar, which was now alerted by his failure and started running towards him. Daeron had felt that today was not his day. Nothing seemed to be going in his favor. Watching as the boar ran in closer and closer, Daeron prepared for the incoming attack.

    Daeron 11/11

    Boar 5/5

    1-5 Gets Hit By The Boar

    6-10 Dodges The Attack

  6. Daeron had found a few merchants along the time he had spent searching, but none really had what he needed. He needed something people would really want to buy. After moments of sitting around doing practically nothing, he finally stands and goes towards the plains outside of the Town of Beginnings. He plans on getting something that a monster might drop. Although Daeron had a very slight amount of knowledge on what items are dropped from monsters, he felt that it was the only way he could obtain something he needed. Stepping outside of the walls he sees a boar. Running at it, Daeron shouts, "Blitz" and uses his attack.

    Daeron 11/11

    Boar 5/5

    1-4 Miss All 3

    5-6 One Hit

    7-8 Two Hits

    9-10 All Three Hits

  7. As Daeron began walking forward, with his dagger put away, and a sword out instead, Daeron continued to stay on his toes. "Guys, I have a bad feeling about this. Something just doesn't seem right." Daeron was looking around almost everywhere to see if anything seemed suspicious. "It feels as if we're being watched on our every move." Daeron though trying not to oversee anything.

  8. Daeron looked at the dog with a smile, well until he heard Kazumi ask him to share food with the pup. Daeron's eyes widened in an instance and looked at the dog with a sight of regret. He realized he regrets having not killed it. "Ugh... fine. Why am i the one who has to share the food?" Daeron whines, handing over a piece of uncooked boar meat which he purchased from one of the NPC shops.

  9. Looking around for anything else to fight Daeron sees 4 Level 1 Boars some distance away. Daeron turns to face little Mavis and Kazumi and asks, "Are you guys prepared for another fight? There's four boars up ahead, but I think I can take two on at once. Daeron wasn't sure if he's ready to take on more than one enemy, but he feels that there's only one real way to find out.

  10. My mind was set, I need to get my hands on a few items that could be worth selling. I should go around asking other blacksmiths and tailors to see if they are willing to provide me with some merchandise if I help them get the material for it. I walk towards the Town Center/Square and try to find people who look like they could be crafting profession.

  11. I see that there is a few players with green icons above them, trying to trade their items in exchange for others. Some of the people who clear the floors sometimes come around here and take a look at what people are willing to hand over for something rare. That right there is what had set my interest up in the marketing industry. "These people can be so desperate, if they take it any further, they might say they are willing to take a life of a friend just to get a glimpse at something rare or from events. If I open up a shop, I could put out my rare or event items and sell them for higher prices so that those who couldn't get their hands on anything could have a chance to own it for a little of a fee, but other than that, it seems like a good business." I think to myself wondering what else I could use. "In order for me to open up a shop I might want to go ahead and look around asking other players to see if they have any items they are willing to trade so I can get my hands on them for my shop. Maybe we could even be a branched shop, that has multiple people selling at once and we just split the cash accordingly."

  12. As I stated, I want to be the first merchant of Aincrad. My plan was to open up a shop called, A Little Bit of Everything, because I don't want to specifically organize a shop for only weapons. If I had a little of everything, almost every consumer would have reason to come to my shop, because they can hopefully find it at mine. "Another morning in Aincrad." I say in hopes of waking up in my own bed still, knowing that we were really trapped in this death game. I should probably take the time off now from leveling and such so I can prepare myself for the economy to take effect. I say putting on my shirt. Lifting my body off the bed seems to be a challenge everyone must face in both, the real world and the virtual world, seeing as how I still struggle with it to this day. I walk outside to take a gander at the sky, which was sunny as always, at it's standard setting. I remember the day we were told that we were trapped here. Everyone went into a panic or sort of frenzy, an uproar had broke out. "I need to get my head straight." I think to myself. Walking to the center of town I realize that there are already some market stands constructed, but nobody is working at them quite yet, besides the NPC's of course. I smile walking down that street, like I do every morning from the Inn. Looking if the NPC's have any good items. Walking to a NPC Food Stand called, Bite Size, I look what the female NPC has in stock. There were very many choices and they were all so petite to look at, the name of the shop was interpreted to be literal in this situation.

  13. Earning A Living

    I had been a part of the SAO community now trying to level up in order to make it to the 8th floor soon. One thing I had noticed is that we were almost past the first 10. It came to me that the Col system would officially take effect as soon as we pass a certain floor, due to unknown reasons. This is all I knew. This meant I had to figure out some way to earn col for the future so I can make a living of some sort and don't starve on the higher floors for example. I had a reason to find a method of work. Many people around me were already getting good at their professions such as blacksmithing, which seems to be a popular choice, tailoring, or even performing. I figured, I don't want to be known for any of this. I want to be Aincrad's first merchant. In the real world I had always fancied sales and stuff like that, in fact, I was advanced a grade level in my mathematics because I was superior to my classmates in this class. I never had a true liking for history or anything that involved blood, sweat, and tears worth of hard work. So instead I took a liking to sales representing because It involved being able to use my charismatic literature to impress the consumer or customer to purchase my product.

  14. After hearing her offer her to treat me I wanted to burst out in complete and utter laughter. Fine, but we split the bill alright? Now where was I? Oh Yeah! Last one at the Inn is a rotten egg! I say smiling, but before I run off I move towards her and kiss her cheek, smile, turn around and begin walking to the inn.

  15. For my first time being on the third floor, I was astounded by how the place looked. Walking forward I hadn't even noticed a player had just fallen in front of me. Hell I would have stepped on him had he not spoken. Instead of being a kind guy and help him up, I felt like I should have a laugh. "It's alright I guess, but if you wanted to bow before me you have just said so. I say with a smile even though the player can't see it.

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