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Posts posted by Daeron

  1. Daeron noticed that Zel was confident he was onto something. Looking around the tower, he runs his hands along the mossy walls. The walls are covered in moss, but they aren't cold. Usually moss isn't warm, what could be causing this.

    "Guy's feel the walls they aren't cold from the moss." Daeron felt he needed to point this out as he is feeling the wet moss.

    He turns to a wall and runs his hand along it some more. He couldn't feel anything but more moisture.

  2. Daeron finally caved to the pressure. He went over to Clarence and finally asked for a meal. Daeron was eager to find the boss room. He wanted to be the one to find the room. He wasn't sure of how the front lines worked entirely, but he did know, however that he is a part of them now, and he is willing to risk his life to help clear this game.

  3. ok, for my idea of skills each character will start with one skill of each type at level one

    each time a character levels up they get two ranks to place into skills but a skill rank cant be higher than the characters level

    Weapon skills: damage will be calculated as such: 1/2 level x weapon skill with a minimum of 1 damage and 2 for a crit with a crit being double normal damage

    Battle healing: regenerate 1/2 level x battle healing rank of health per post but can only be used when not attacking on that post so a character must be blocking or evading to regen. that, or just be standing still

    Crafting skills: add 1/2 your crafting rank to your crafting roll whenever you craft something made by that skill

    Searching: if your ranks in searching is higher than someone's hiding skill then you can detect them.

    (See above skill ranking points for increasing their skill rank.)

    Tracking: for each rank in tracking you can see footprints from one hour before (2 ranks = 2 hours, 3 ranks= 3 hours, ext)

    Listening: for each skill rank a player can hear 15 more feet, a normal player without the skill being able to hear 30 feet

    Detection: for each skill rank a player can detect the presence of people or objects 1 more foot away starting at five feet

    Hiding: If a player hiding skill is higher than other players searching skill then they can hide from them

    Acrobatics: For each rank in acrobatics a player can jump 3 more inches, a normal player is only able to jump 6 inches

    Night vision: Stays at rank one and allows players to see normally at night

    X-ray vision: Stays at rank one and allows players to see through normal objects such as walls

    Sprint: For each rank in sprint a player adds six feet per second to their running speed, a normal players speed being 2 feet per second

    Extended weight limit: For each rank in extended weight limit a player adds 5 pounds to their carry limit, a normal player being able to carry 30 pounds

    Equipment skills: 1/2 of the rank in the type of equipment being used is taken off of damage delt to the player with 1 being the minimum

    could use tweaking, but I'll help ya out.

  4. This is a new and improved Edition

    Alright after taking some time to think this through I think I have a good understanding as to what can be done with these skills. I will post each rank and what they do.

    Every Level You Earn, You gain 1 Skill Point to use for the following skills below.

    However, there are limits as to how far you can go with the skills.

    Before you do the Quest, <>, you may only level a skill up to 3 Points.

    Also, you may not make a skill go above your actual level.

    I will be suggesting a Quest to a GM soon so you can level up your skills beyond 3 Points.

    First off, Lets to the Passive Skills

    Searching: For every skill point spent into "Searching", you gain a +1 modifier onto your attempt to find another player.

    Hiding: For every skill point spent into "Hiding", you gain a +1 modifier onto your attempt to hide from another character.

    Tracking: For every skill point spent into "Tracking", you may find tracks from an hour earlier starting at 1 hour. However, you still need to roll to see if you can continue tracking them so you also gain a +1 modifier onto tracking successfully.

    Listening: For every skill point spent into "Listening", you may listen 5 more feet away and get a +1 modifier for being able to successfully listen to anyone. Your original "Listening" begins at 30 feet or less.

    Detection: For every skill point spent into "Detection", you detect traps or hidden monsters away easier with a +1 modifier per attempt to use "Detection".

    Acrobatics: For every skill point spent into "Acrobatics", you have an easier chance to dodge an attack with a +1 modifier per attempt to Dodge. Also, for every skill point spent into "Acrobatics" you may survive a fall from an extra 5 feet starting at 20 feet, you also get your +1 modifier included into this as well as performing tests of balance or acts of Acrobatics.

    Night Vision: For every skill point spent into "Night Vision", you are allowed to use "Night Vision" for an extra 3 posts starting with 3. After that, you must roll a 8 or Higher on your Combat Dice to continue using it. There is also a +1 modifier for every point spent into "Night Vision".

    X-Ray Vision: For every skill point spent into "X-Ray Vision", you are allowed to use "X-Ray Vision" for an extra 3 posts starting with 3. After that, you must roll a 8 or Higher on your Combat Dice to continue using it. There is also a +1 modifier for every point spent into "X-Ray Vision".

    Sprint: For every skill point spent into "Sprint", your character may sprint about 3 feet faster starting at 15 mph.

    Extended Weight Limit: For every skill point spent into "Extended Weight Limit", your character may carry an extra 5 Pounds starting at 40 Pounds.

    Next Off Are Combat Related Skills

    Battle Healing: For every skill point spent into "Battle Healing", your character has a chance to heal 1 extra health if successful, starting at 1 health. In order to heal, you must roll your combat dice based off of a situation. There must be a chance to fail your heal, thus taking your turn.

    Critical: For every skill point spent into "Critical", your character gets a +1 Damage Modifier for Critical Hits Only, starting at a normal 2 Damage Critical.

    Constitution: For every skill point spent into "Constitution", your character may earn 1 extra HP added to your current MAX HP.

    This is about as far as I have gotten. Until I further develop new methods for your skills to level, then I hope that works.

  5. Daeron hadn't thought about the fact that he had actually just sprinted a long distance. Indeed, he was hungry. His appetite grew. He pulled out a sandwich in a gesture saying, "No, I have my own, thanks." He also accepted the party. Daeron couldn't believe he was about to go through with this, looking for the boss and all, being a part of the front lines.

    "You guys probably know about as much as I do, but can anyone tell me why there is moss everywhere and if they have any clue as to what this could do with the boss." He was curious to find out what everyone knew so he could put together the pieces.

    He took a bite of his sandwich as he stuck with the group from behind. Even though he was eating, he was still capable of fighting using his dagger.

  6. Daeron had been walking through all the towers to get to the higher floors so he can learn what floor 7 is like. He has no clue what to expect until he finally gets through the door. Through it he see's a wasteland it seems like, abandoned. No sign of life around, only thing that looked different was the ground. There were tracks, they were very fresh, they seemed to go straight to the tower. Daeron not wasting any moment of time sprints to the town he finds and gathers supply and continues for the tower. Eventually he is in front of the tower until he hears voices. He walks toward the tower and enters now. He follows the voices until he finally finds 3 players standing in front of him. He didn't want to seem like he was following them, so what he does is make it noticed he's around.

    "Excuse me guys, but I'm exploring floor 7. I was wondering if I could tag along with you guys, not knowing what's here and with monsters getting stronger and all, a solo player isn't going to make it very far alone for much longer, plus if I end up in a boss' chamber, I don't want to be alone inside of there and die." He tried to look peaceful, knowing he must have just startled each other the players.

    "Name's Daeron. Level 6." he says making it official, his introduction to the players.

  7. Swift had managed to hit the moth. Of course, being a monster, it recovered quickly. Knowing how a combat system works in RPG games, she knew it would soon come after her. Sure enough, the moth came flying right back at her. Almost instantly she took a stance with her 2-Handed Straight Sword. Waiting for the perfect time to strike. She thought out multiple situations in the time she had, until she finally though of one.

    Quietly, she whispered something. "Zeitangriff" Her sword now glowing with a light-violet and pink glow, she stood there.

    Finally as the wasp came in she unleashed the attack. She made sure the other two players weren't about to step in their way.

    Combat Attack

    1-4 Miss The Wasp and Barely Miss The Girl With A Shield.

    5-8 Cut The Wasp's Left Wings Off

    9-10 Cut The Wasp Vertically In Half From Tail To Head

    Battle Dice Roll: 1

  8. Daeron felt the wing cut a piece of his arm apart. It hurt like hell. He had known that in SAO, people shouldn't feel pain. What was so unusual and strange about this though, was that he was able to feel the cut as if it had really cut him. Why did it hurt so much? He was wondering as well as to what had just distracted the moth. He missed, why did it run? He looked over to see Nikki asking him if he was alright.

    "Yeah, ugh, it's alright, it just hurts." Daeron says. He watches as the moth she had blocked off, finally regained it sense. This time, it came right up at her once more. "Look out! Behind You!" Daeron ignoring the pain in his arm, he jolted up and picked up his sword. He lifted his arms up as the moth came in closer.

    1-4 Miss and Take The Hit (Take 1 Damage)

    5-6 Take The Hit, But Hit The Moth (Take 1 Damage, Deal 1 Damage)

    7-8 Block and Hit The Moth (1 Damage)

    9-10 Block and Hit The Moth In Its Wing (2 Damage)

    Dice Roll: 6

    Daeron watched as the moth moved in closer. Finally, the moth flew past him, cutting his arm once more. Still being in pain, Daeron stabbed at the moth in the tail. It must not have done much, because it flew off as if it wasn't hit. Daeron looked up at his health gauge. It now said 11/13. He was taking a beating from low leveled monsters. He refused to let anyone die though in his party.

    "Don't worry, I won't let you die." Daeron said, grabbing his wound. "I'll pull through, focus on killing the wasps."

  9. Swift had been walking about the forest on the first floor for nearly an hour now. She had heard of wasps having loot that could be used for blacksmithing, or for selling, if she ever become a merchant in the future. She hasn't found anything good in it yet. Perhaps, she thought, this area was already picked clean.

    "Where the hell are all the monsters around this place? How am I supposed to train?" She finally complained.

    After taking about another 10 minutes of walking, she finally heard something. People. There seemed to be two voices, a girl, and a boy. It sounded like they were in a clash of battle. She continued to follow the voices. The nearer she got, a buzzing got louder and louder. It was to her, an obnoxious noise that won't leave her ears for a while. Watching as there is a girl shielding from above, and a guy who just got slashed by a wasp's wing, she knew this was her only chance. She wanted this loot from them, even if it means stealing a kill. She will feel bad, but she can't be kind to the people around here if she wants to get anywhere in the game.

    Swift pulled out a Two-Handed Straight sword and began rushing into the wasp. Catching the people, and the wasp, by surprise she had an upper hand. She counted both, two wasps and two people. Even if the wasps were high enough leveled, they couldn't take on a third person without losing focus of another. She doesn't want them to get the drop, assuming that's what they were after.


    1-3 Miss The Wasp

    4-5 Hit The Wasp's Wing

    6-8 Cut Off The Wasp's Wing (Critical)

    9-10 Cut The Wasp In Half

    Battle Dice Roll: 5

  10. Daeron listened to her strategy, or tried to anyway over the loud course of buzzing. She said that she would tank, but in honest truth, Daeron never needed defense really. He used speed to make quick maneuvers.

    "Use the shield for yourself, I have speed, I can dodge easier than you." Daeron understood he was taking a risk, knowing that the creature he was going to be facing could fly, however, he had a plan.

    Daeron continued looking around until he realized. What is if the attack wasn't from anywhere around them, but from above. Daeron quickly took a look up to find two wasps flying above them. Both being level 1, they were still menacing looking. Now discovered, the wasps finally charged in. The way it looked was that they use their wings for slashing and slicing. They must be moving faster for the naked human eye to follow.

    "Shield from above!" Daeron shouted at Nikki. He saw the other wasp coming at him.

    Battle Engaged!

    1-4 Get Cut By Wing (Take 1 Damage)

    5-6 Dodge Attack

    7-9 Dodge Attack and Cut Its Wing (Deal 1 Damage)

    10 Dodge Attack and Sever Its Wing Off (Deal 2 Damage)

    Dice Roll: 3

  11. I based my character traits off of my actual traits. Well for the most part. I'm a very straight forward girl. I know most guys don't like that, but I really don't care what people think. Say what you want, just remember, what goes around eventually does come around. Except with me, it comes back twice as hard and hurts worse than hell.

  12. Daeron watches as a shadowy object flies toward him. Thinking it was a weapon he almost dodges it, until he realizes last second, that it was a sandwich. Daeron catches it and tries to play it off as if he meant to do that. He heard her say that she wasn't lost, but instead was scouring about for quests or something else. Daeron was actually only half-listening, because he had finally been able to make out a face, and he saw a blush. Not sure why she was blushing, he finally takes a bite of the sandwich and swallows his bite.

    "Thanks for the sandwich. Name's Daeron, Level 6." He finally managed to make out a full face and figure completely visible now. It seems almost as if the fog had dimmed down or something.

    When Daeron took a look at the girl, he was astonished. She was beautiful he thought. After the Game maker made us reveal our looks, he noticed that this is what she must really look like. But what was such a fine looking girl doing in a game like this? Shouldn't she be out doing something a pretty girl does that could easily bring her wealth? Anyways, it doesn't matter to him. Even though he had never believed in it at first, he finally admits it. It was love at first sight for him. How could he fall for such a person so quickly and easily? Was it some sort of magic or something or was this really happening.

    "I must ask you. What is such a beautiful girl like you, doing in such a gruesome death game? I had no idea that girls like you play games." Realizing what he had just said, Daeron's eyes opened wide. "N-not that that's a bad thing. In fact, I feel almost lucky. Oh god. That came out wrong. You know what? I'm gonna stop talking now." Daeron stopped his talking and took another bite out of his sandwich given by the girl. He felt awkward and strange as well as embarassed and humiliated. His feelings had never gotten a hold of him like this before. Normally when he liked a girl, he played it off as if it was nothing. This was different. Something about HER was different.

  13. Names, Claire, both in the Forum and Real life, I prefer to be called swift, it just sounds better. I hate my last name.

    Interests: Any Music, Gaming, Reading, Drawing, Singing, Writing

    Skype? Sorry no, I don't Skype with people. How will you contact me? Well there is a thing called a Private Message. Rules don't say those need to be IC.

    How old am I in actuality? Well you creepy old perv, my real age is actually 16 so If you want me, be prepared for a fist to the face, kick to the balls, and then the official title of Pedophile.

    What animes do I watch? Well I watched Death Note, Highschool of the Dead, Fairy Tail, Sword Art Online, Attack On Titan, Bleach, Naruto, Darker than BLACK. I'm however open to suggestions.

    Am I cute? Well I see no reason to reveal that, so it's either you like me for who I am or GTFO ya weirdo.

    Both my character and myself are bisexual meaning for all those people who don't know what that is, we enjoy both sexes, male and female.

    Where do I live? Well now I see we're getting to personal stuff... I however live in a small town named Harrisville, New York. Don't bother pulling it up on a general map, you won't find it, that's how small it is.

  14. Daeron watched as it flailed its tentacles towards Sterling. Sterling quickly enough, cut off it's tentacle. Unfortunately, the attack wasn't enough. Daeron felt a strange uneasiness even as they were fighting it. He still felt his hair on the back of his neck stand up, as if they were being observed from a distance still. Daeron losing focus, once again, noticed the monster was coming towards him now. It opened it's mouth wide ready to bite. He knew what it was doing. It was trying to trick him into hitting its fruit. The plant-monster now close enough to bite him, he had to hit it to back it away, dodging it was too late at this point.

    Daeron raised his sword ready to stab at it hoping the fruit doesn't lower into his blade.

    1-2 Miss and Hit The Fruit

    3-5 Miss The Attack

    6-8 Hit The Mouth (Deal 1 Damage)

    9-10 Hit Inside of Its Mouth (Deal 2 Damage)

    Dice Roll: 4

  15. He explains all the advantages to being in a party, including switches and party attacks. Finally seeing two boars up ahead he points to them. He pulls out his sword and prepares for combat. He gives a stern look at the girl, as if to say, "Prepare yourself."

    "These boars are just level 1 so they should be an easy fight for starters." Daeron points out to her.

    He knows that they will be easy for him, but for a low leveled, little girl like her he isn't sure. He looks over at her, again smiling. Daeron just set his mind. He isn't letting a person die, especially not a girl who reminds him of his little sister.

    Daeron now running in for the first attack instantly raises his sword.

    Battle Engaged!

    1-4 Miss The Boar

    5-8 Hit The Boar (Deal 1 Damage)

    9-10 Deal A Critical Strike on The Boar (Deal 2 Damage)

    Dice Roll: 7

    Daeron 15/15

    Akua 5/5

    Boar 5/5

    Boar 5/5

  16. Daeron knew had asked something that he should have known the answer to. He knew he had dissapointed her some how. Daeron watched as she kept walking forward and then turned around waitning for him to keep up. Daeron quickly snapped back into focus, and caught up with her and now keeping up with her. He had now idea if she knew what was all in this world. Daeron wasn't a beta tester, but one of his friends was, who was now dead. He said there are so many monsters out there he couldn't even keep count. He remember that much of his words. Now everyone he knew in the real world, seemed only like a memory.

    "Do you miss your old life outside of SAO?" He knew the answer he was about to receive, but he knew he should make friends more than enemies. He just hopes he doesn't say something that could end up getting him on a bad side with such a skilled fighter.

    Just because she was a lower level than he was, doesn't mean that she can't beat him in a fight. The combat system in SAO is set up in a way that even lower levels could stand up against someone who is higher than her. Looking around the forest that they had just entered, he realized that this wasn't a forest he was used to seeing. Every now and then he saw a wolf in the distance. They must have been outside of its range, because none of them came rushing in on them. He heard buzzing off in the distance. It wasn't a loud buzz, but he definitely heard something.

    Daeron pulled out his one-handed straight sword preparing himself for an oncoming attack. He kept telling himself one thing. "I won't let anyone die today. And if someone does die. It better be me, not her." Daeron refused to let himself live over someone else. It may be a dumb way to think in a game of life and death, but he has always believed in honor. One thing in fact, he almost follows a code of chivalry like knights used to during the renaissance and middle ages. He has always enjoyed things like this, that's why he was drawn to SAO so easily.

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