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Posts posted by Daeron

  1. Daeron laughed at her response. It was good to see some optimistic players still. For Daeron had nearly given up hope on anyone still "counting on them". This reassure him and set his mind for the upcoming fight. Daeron then took her hand and began leading her to a location. "Come on, I'll show you something fun to do." he said, leading her to a secret area that he found once while roaming the floors, something he does often now in his past times since he can't go into towns.


    "And trust me, as for beds. I miss them soooooo much." he said laughing. He led her for a short ten minutes until they arrived at a location. He had told her to cover her eyes about ten seconds before they got there so it could be a surprise. When he told her to open them, all she would be able to see is a cave with blue, red, yellow, and orange, and all sorts of colors floating around in the cave. It was light shimmering off of gems and jewels that were all about. Sure one could take the riches for themselves, but then it would take away the essence of beauty if brought to the area. "I go here when I'm on the third floor, mostly because it's a breathtaking view." he said as he walked slightly into the cave, running his fingers across the gem coated wall.

  2. Daeron waved the apology away as if it wasn't that big of a deal. "I did talk about it to the guild. I've been waiting three weeks on your guys' reply, still nothing. If you don't want me in, then just say so. I'm not going to be all about begging you all if you guys are trying to get that out of me. I'll give it a few more days, after that, I won't need to meet up with the rest of you because then I won't care for any of you guys anymore. Waiting has never been my thing, and if you think it has become a thing of mine now... then you're sadly mistaken. I'm sorry, but I must be off." Daeron said as he gave him a two finger salute from his forehead and waved it away. Nodding, he walked off into the wilderness where he was not too much earlier, waiting for the day to pass.

  3. Daeron entered the shop, looking for the smith of the business. Setting down 3,000 Col on the counter, he had a reason for it. "Listen, I need this armor fast. The boss fight is coming up and I need it now. I'll pay this three thousand col now, and another three when you're done. I don't care of the cost as long as I get my stuff quickly. If anybody in here volunteers to help him, then so be it. I'll be sure to be thankful to you too." he said as he left the shop, worried he won't have his gear in time.

  4. Daeron hugged Mari for a moment, until she released him. That was when Kosan had made a mistake in even daring to speak in the manner that he did. When he mentioned Alkor, he could see a variety of reactions. His however, remained unknown. Clearing his throat, he took a step closer to Kosan. "Listen to me now, kid. I know what happened to Alkor. It was my fault he died. I had no intentions of his death. He was in my group in the boss raid, and it was my fault that he's gone. I don't blame anyone for hating me. It was due to MY ignorance that we lost players." Daeron then put a smile on his face. "Oh and as for me and Mari? We don't have much of a connection. In fact, we're JUST friends. But you... oh you poor soul, alone and never to be loved." he said tapping his finger to his chin.


    He stepped past Kosan, now standing behind him and speaking into his ear over his shoulder. "You think because Mari and Kiru are here I won't make a move to harm you too? Listen to me good, fool." Daeron had enough of this, he was tired of people speaking of Alkor in a bad way. Although he never truly liked him, that didn't mean everyone else could call him out on his death. It truly was Daeron's fault for losing two people in that raid. He feels the pain of letting two souls die just like that. "If you dare to speak of Alkor like that again. I swear, I will kill you. Even if it means having to fight the entire Azure Brigade to get to you. So I recommend that you shut your mouth right now you swine."

  5. Daeron chuckled when Mari nudged him. Then turning over to Crozeph, "No, that's a weak monster for me. I fight field bosses on a regular basis as those are the only monsters that pose real threats. And even those aren't strong for me anymore." Daeron noticed the heat had picked up slightly more as the sun had risen to about noon, it's highest point now, meaning the heat can't get much worse. With some sweat dropping down Daeron's face, he took out a bottled water and drank some of it. Then he held it over to Mari if she wanted the rest.


    "And yes. Anything can kill you on this floor. If it's not the monsters, it's the players, if not that, then it's the heat of the floor alone. Gotta stay hydrated and away from people you don't know." he said, sort of hinting to the player that him and Mari could easily slaughter him in seconds. Though he hadn't any intentions to, he made sure the player knew where his place was in the ranks among players and among these three that he was the lowest of them all.

  6. Daeron had hit the monster, but because of that, it had swung it's metallic arm backwards, and managed to contact with Daeron, sending him back about two feet. Standing back up, Daeron rushed in from behind again as that seemed to be one of the easiest spots to hit where the monster had the hard time of reaching him. It was by mere luck as Daeron liked to think that the monster had even hit him. This time, this fight would end within possibly four or five hits if everything went entirely his favor.


    ID: 12326

    Battle: 9 [8 Damage] [Avoid Thorns]
    Craft: 4 [0 Healed]

    Mob: 7 [8 - 5 = 3 Damage] [Thorns Effect, 0 Damage]


    Daeron: 72/80 HP


    Iron Guardian: 40/125 HP

  7. He missed. Somehow, he had tripped on a dumb crevice in the ground that could easily have been avoided. The monster wasn't quick enough to turn however, not allowing it enough time to strike, he stood back up. Luckily for his battle healing skill, he recovered some health in the process, making this effort slightly more worthwhile, rather than missing and healing nothing. Continuing the same path he was going to strike, he went in for the same attack he had wanted to use just mere moments ago, with the monster still not turned around fully.


    ID: 12325

    Battle: 8 + 2 = 10 [8 Damage] [Avoid Thorns]
    Craft: 4 [0 Healed]

    Mob: 7 [8 - 5 = 3 Damage] [Thorns Effect, 0 Damage]


    Daeron: 75/80 HP


    Iron Guardian: 48/125 HP

  8. Though he managed to land the hit, so did the monster. Luckily for him, he was able to avoid the part of it's own weapon where it dealt out the bleed effect. Assuming that he got away by a hair, he didn't want to risk being reckless again. Coming in again, but this time from behind after running around the large bulky enemy. Daeron swung his weapon with is right hand this time, trying to a vertical downward strike, a basic attack that he usually went with, but he would rarely use when in a difficult battle as it was too easy to be read.


    ID: 12323

    Battle: 1 [0 Damage] [Avoid Thorns]
    Craft: 10 [3 Healed]

    Mob: 3 [0 Damage] [Thorns Effect, 0 Damage]


    Daeron: 78/80 HP


    Iron Guardian: 56/125 HP

  9. The fight is beginning to come to a closing stage, where he felt comfortable being reckless again, now knowing he can win this. With his battle healing closing up any wound he may have sustained from this fight, his healing was rather quick and it was a huge advantage. His attacks were quick and draining on the enemy, but were also the same on his own stamina. He was beginning to grow tired physically, and the heat was making him slightly delirious about his movements. Daeron took his weapon into his left hand for a change, to try and trick his monster and tried to swing it in a diagonal motion.


    ID: 12322

    Battle: 9 [9 Damage] [Avoid Thorns]
    Craft: 10 [3 Healed]

    Mob: 9 - 1 = 8 [9 - 5 = 4 Damage] [Thorns Effect, 0 Damage]


    Daeron: 75/80 HP


    Iron Guardian: 56/125 HP

  10. Getting closer and closer to defeating the monster, he realized that he had dropped the monster to near halfway point, if not already past it. Daeron was confident now that if he worked effecient enough he could win it rather quickly and then get the hell out of here. He hated this placed, plus the scorching heat from outside was making him sweat profusely which was rather smelly and made fighting even more difficult. More than it was already. His came forward again with his weapon coming in a vertical upward slash motion rather than the forward lunge of a horizontal strike of a sort.


    ID: 12320

    Battle: 7 + 2 = 9 [8 Damage] [Avoid Thorns]
    Craft: 12 [3 Healed]

    Mob: 8 - 1 = 7 [8 - 5 = 3 Damage] [Thorns Effect, 0 Damage]


    Daeron: 76/80 HP


    Iron Guardian: 65/125 HP

  11. Luckily for him, his battle healing did smooth out some of that damage, and if it wasn't for his light armor skill, then he would have taken even more damage. If Daeron decided against going tank, this would be the moment he'd regret it. Instead, he was grateful, and as for the bleeding, it wasn't bad when your healing had kicked in on time. Though now, he was some more health down, he didn't want to risk it any longer. Coming in for another attack, Daeron prepared himself for the worst possible situation by lunging his weapon forward.


    ID: 12319

    Battle: 9 [9 Damage]
    Craft: 12 [3 Healed]

    Mob: 1 [0 Damage] [Thorns Effect, 0 Damage]


    Daeron: 73/80 HP


    Iron Guardian: 73/125 HP

  12. Continuing to duel versus the monster, Daeron had a serious problem, now seeing how strong this boss actually was. Perhaps Daeron had made a mistake of trying to take this quest on alone. However, if his battle healing could kick in quick enough and the monster hit him no more than this one time, he should be alright, or so he hoped anyways. Daeron had a slight expression of concern on his face, now being able to see how quickly it could drop it's health when it can get a hit on him. by the ten health he lost along with some serious bleed effects, this would total out to be a whole 9 damage in a single attack, very hostile this monster was indeed.


    Daeron was hesitant with his next attack, not sure if it was smart to keep fighting, however, in the end, Daeron's weapon came down once again before it was too late to retreat. He was within the monster's grasp now and if it wanted to strike him again, then so it could, but this time, Daeron would try to be sure to avoid this attack.


    ID: 12317

    Battle: 4 + 2 [8 Damage]
    Craft: 12 [3 Healed]

    Mob: 3 [0 Damage] [Thorns Effect, 2 Damage]


    Daeron: 72/80 HP [2 Bleed/1 Turn]


    Iron Guardian: 82/125 HP

  13. Daeron hated snow. He really hated it. Not because it wasn't a beautiful sight or anything, he just never liked the cold or even the thought of winter being a realistic thing. His breath exited his mouth as a slightly transparent cloud, that disappeared into the air, leaving his face. His lips had a light coloring of blue around them and his eyes were still orange and fierce like a fire. Just because his new colored hair was different, he would never give up his eyes. He loved the fierce glare he could give people only to scare or worry them without having a weapon drawn.


    As he was trying to relax, and slowly drifting off into sleep when being in a snug position, nearby, he heard voices. Not strange ones either, they were common voices, he heard rather often. Just by the tone, he could tell two of them instantly, Mari and Kiru were there. Deciding it was time to reveal his new outlook to people, he approached the voices from just nearby. It had been a while since he had seen Mari and Kiru. He hadn't a clue who the third voice was, all he knew was that it was definitely a male, young too.


    As Daeron left empty footprints behind him, he let out more breaths in between his steps only to let the breath escape as a visible cloud once again. Once he was able to show himself, he simply stood there with his hands on his hips and he looked at everyone simply saying, "Surprise." to try and make his entrance grande rather than a boring entrance. If there was one thing Daeron enjoyed greatly was that he enjoyed having flashy entrances and flashy styles of fighting. "Good to see all of you." he stated as he began to near them.

  14. As per usual, Daeron had nothing to do. He went into the woods that were on the second floor. He spent much of his time most of the time just simply roaming about with no goal in his mind. He wasn't far out from where a town would usually be, even though he couldn't enter them. He heard voices. Deciding it would be interesting seeing some players see his new appearance, now that he no longer lived with the brown hair. His new golden-blonde hair stood out of his face and was spiked up a bit.


    He stretched himself out before going to the desired location of where he heard the voices just in case he ran into trouble as players would do anything to get an ambush on a player killer. After some minor static stretches, he began with his left foot, and continued walking towards the noise. The closer he got, the more he was able to distinguish actual words, until finally, once he turned around from a tree trunk only to see a number of people. Wondering to himself why he always bumped into groups rather than single players, he would never know, however, it was nice seeing people again. He had spent a lot of his time alone wandering around, and less of his time with people.


    Standing nearby quiet for a while, he heard one player ask what they were up to. Looking up, he saw the player's name was "Skylar" one name he hadn't heard around before. By the way it seemed, these players weren't the strongest either, but it was definitely interesting seeing how other players would react with Daeron's new look.

  15. Succesfully, Daeron had just taunted his foe with a fancy strike. His weapon becoming like a carry through the wind. Daeron slashed sideways with his blade once again, this time in the opposite direction though. If this fight kept up at this rate, Daeron could end it quickly and get the hell out of here without taking more than two points of damage. Luckily for him, his accuracy allowed him to land nearly every single shot that he had tried to dish out so far, and the monster had just been too slow to land a single direct hit, but he felt his luck was about to change at any given second.


    ID: 12300

    Battle: 1 [0 Damage] [Avoid Thorns]
    Craft: 7 [0 Healed]

    Mob: 10 [10 Damage - 5 Damage = 5] [Thorns Effect, 0 Damage] [bleed 2/ 2 Turns]


    Daeron: 73/80 HP 2 Bleed/2 Turns


    Iron Guardian: 90/125 HP

  16. Still no sign of being able to take damage other than the slight amount of thorn damage he had taken, Daeron didn't bother waiting to strike again. Instead, he turned around and went for a flair shot, where he spun around to swing. Though he might regret trying to be fancy, if it landed, it would be a self accomplishment and a great boost of confidence in Daeron's skill and might, showing he can do whatever he wanted and still win a fight. That's one of his flaws however, he was always one of the type of people to play with their food at the dinner table.


    ID: 12299

    Battle: 7+2 = 9 [8 Damage] [Avoid Thorns]
    Craft: 6 [0 Healed]

    Mob: 5 [0 Damage] [Thorns Effect, 0 Damage]


    Daeron: 78/80 HP


    Iron Guardian: 90/125 HP

  17. This time, the thorns didn't even touch him, unknowing how the system functions these abilities, he was just glad that it didn't. It was actually able to deal quite a bit of damage from the thorns alone. Even though he could oppose his foe with greater force, that thorns does stack and he's sure that the bleed it probably came with also stacked nicely with the damage already dealt on him. He also didn't know if he'd have to fight his way out of the cave.


    Daeron grunted, but the monster screeched rather than roared when the weapon hit it. Daeron grinned, with his newly founded blonde hair, he thrust his weapon forward at the monster's torso, or so he thought that's what it was.


    ID: 12298

    Battle: 10 [10 Damage]
    Craft: 3 [0 Healed]

    Mob: 5 [0 Damage] [Thorns Effect, 0 Damage]


    Daeron: 78/80 HP


    Iron Guardian: 98/125 HP

  18. The first hit of the fight had been landed, however, just like Daeron suspected, this monster too had thorns on it, assuming it was like a tougher version of the previous monster, it probably had bleed effect on it too. Great. Daeron swung his weapon again, ready to take out another chunk of health from the monster. The monster didn't have all that much health as a large piece of it was already eradicated simply by the force of a single strike. Bringing his weapon across sideways this time, Daeron tried to analyze what the monster would try to do this time.


    ID: 12297

    Battle: 9 [9 Damage]
    Craft: 2 [0 Healed]

    Mob: 3 [0 Damage] [Thorns Effect, 0 Damage]


    Daeron: 78/80 HP


    Iron Guardian: 108/125 HP

  19. Daeron's had a change in his weapon before he came however. His weapon had provided him with additional accuracy, and no longer helped him sustain though, so this monster wouldn't be nearly as difficult as it may have once have been. The enemy looked enormous, but nothing Daeron couldn't handle. Daeron rushed in, unwilling to wait this fight out, he was ready for this quest to be over so he can get the item for the boss fight.


    His weapon came down towards the monster, with a hard swing beginning to near the monster. The metallic shimmer of the body was strange, as there was little to no light in this cave except for a torch along the wall here and there.


    ID: 12296

    Battle: 4 + 2 = 6 [8 Damage]
    Craft: 6 [0 Healed]

    Mob: 1 [0 Damage] [Thorns Effect, 2 Damage]


    Daeron: 78/80 HP


    Iron Guardian: 117/125 HP

  20. Daeron grunted, hearing that the guild may not even want him back. His mood having been sort of "killed", he wanted to get this meet and greet over with as he didn't want to do much talking anymore. "Listen Clarence. When you see Keith and the others... tell them I'm sorry." he said as he began to stand up and looking up at the sky. The clouds moving at their usual slow pace, made no appearance of rain. Then again, the only time it rained was if the floor was already full of leakage of the skies when you got their. Most floors seem to stick to their climate.


    Daeron had thoughts running through the back of his head, about how he still liked some people, but then again, times pass, people change, and with that, it results in a change of heart and feelings as well. He didn't know what he wanted anymore.

  21. This weapon was given to me from prior to the perma-roller so no roll exists proof of me getting it. It was prior update 2.0 of the forum.


    I have found the link of the weapon.




    Re-evaluation item here:


    Name: Ragnarok

    Item: 1-Handed Straight Sword

    Quality: Perfect

    New Enhancement: +2 Damage, +1 Accuracy

    Description: This sword appears to sap the strength and soul of those it strikes, however it only looks like that for cosmetic reasons. Its sharp edge, and light weight, make it a fierce and dangerous weapon. 

  22. Daeron cleared his throat after having observed these parties.


    "I like them. With me being the highest level in the fight I can take the most hits techinically. Also, I'm investing into Night Vision so I can still do damage. With my battle healing and life steal along with potions I can sustain a lot too, meaning that roaming to attract the aggro from other groups. However, rather than 3 groups. We should Ryu in your group Mari and then I can be in Shark's Group. I will alternate groups every other rotation so that I can keep the attention off of each group as much as possible. Once I get low, then I can substitute back for a bit into a "back group" that isn't fighting for a rotation or two so I can recover my health along with some of yours and then allow me to get back in the action." Daeron said trying to explain a possible situation. He had the health of a field boss, and the strength of a boss. He could be a huge help in this fight if everything played out right. As long as he kept the aggro, he was good. 


    "Also, I have Howl ability now. Meaning if I go first, I can attract the aggro right away so nobody else is in harm's way. The boss will purely focus me for at least two rotations, allowing you all to have free strikes. I'll be tanking all of the monster hits too though in the process. So take out the minions quickly, so we can recover from a slight amount of damage on me. One of us higher levels then can take the role of tank for a moment for the other to heal. Once their good, call for a 'Switch' and then that person can go heal. This boss should be no problem whatsoever as long as we keep up our rotations in a functional manner." he suggested as well, trying to bring out some possible form of strategy.


    "I say that we hold of a few days after this meeting to get any last minute things done. I am doing a quest that gives me a banner that heals nearby allies as a reward. So it will help out greatly in the fight." he finished as his closing statement, now allowing anyone else talk.

  23. Daeron advanced further into the cave system, where he passed by more of those knight foes. Luckily for him, he made it into a single room where no monsters stood but one massive metal figure with a heavy body. The title above stated <<Iron Guardian>>. Daeron had assumed that this was the boss, meaning that he would have this last fight hopefully before being able to complete this quest.

  24. ID: 12029

    Battle: 10 [10 Damage, Life Steal 1 HP]

    Crafting: 9 [Heal 0 HP]

    Mob: 10 [1 Damage Dealt] [1 Bleed Damage, 1 Turn]


    After this counter attack, Daeron was simply left with a slight bleed effect left behind, which must be a clue as to what the boss might hold. He was shocked the monster couldn't put the bleed status on him before this strike, either way, he was glad he found out from the weaker monster rather than the boss itself. The monster had shattered into tiny blue pixels of data that dispersed into the air. Daeron took a gulp from his water, only to find that his lips still stayed dry from the arid oxygen on this floor, making it slightly harder to breathe than normal. Regardless, it was still better than floor 10, where he struggled with his vision.


    Daeron: 80/80 HP -1 HP 1 Bleed For 1 Turn +1 HP


    Iron Knight: 0/35 HP -10 Damage

  25. ID: 12027

    Battle: 7 + 1 = 8 [8 Damage, Life Steal 1 HP]

    Crafting: 9 [Heal 0 HP]

    Mob: 2 [Miss] [1 Thorn Damage To Player]


    Daeron took a moment to take a breather after his attack. He knew that if he executed his next attack perfectly, he could finish off his foe with ease and move on to the "big guy" that lurks about this cavernous cave on the ninth floor. Daeron may not have been in the blistering heat anymore, however, the heat from outside was still pouring into the entrance, where he still felt it tingling against his skin. If anyone left this floor without sunburn they would be one lucky person.


    Taking his stance back to his fighting position, he held his blade ready to find an opening in the next chance he could find through the series of the monster's failed attempts to fight so far. Daeron's weapon cut at the opponent's health once again, only to have him take some more thorn damage. Luckily due to his weapon's life steal, he was able to recover that before it could become too significant for his liking.


    Daeron: 80/80 HP -1 HP, +1 HP


    Iron Knight: 2/35 HP - 8 HP

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