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Status Updates posted by Koumori

  1. Glory!

    1. Glory


      stop being adorable and post. is secretly excited to thread with you again



    2. Koumori


      Hahaha. You don't have to hide it!

  2. When I look at my old posts and see typos I feel like an absolute idiot. I hate typos!!

    1. Opal


      I normally RP up until about 5 or 6 am in the morning. I know those feels. 

    2. Koumori


      Haha that's commitment though

  3. Yes! The couple has finally been formed :)

    1. Jomei


      What couple? o.o

    2. Koumori


      Koumori and Glory 

  4. Reading Internet comment sections is fun

    1. Takneil


      depends on the site but I usually get a kick out of it XD

    2. Koumori


      yeah. They get so heated for no reason it's hilarious XD

  5. I'm having far too much fun with my thread right now XD

    1. Amira


      That's how it should be! :)

  6. That SAO Abridged Episode 8 doe. Finally YouTube :D

    1. Kalesh


      ... Abridged Asuna is pretty awesome.

  7. School is really putting a damper on the fun here. Why school, why?!?!

    1. Beoreson


      *School manifests into a being* "Deal with it." *Disappears*

  8. Seems like everyone is scared by this update. Not looking forward to reading this tutorial now. 

    1. Zeke


      Right when I needed thing to get more confusing. Haha

  9. I find my lack of notifications disturbing. 

    1. Koumori


      Ignore this (if it pops up in notifications) this is just a test for something. 



  10. Take a hint iCloud. I don't want you in my life. Asking me to sign in twice a day isn't gonna change that. 

  11. Just wanted to apologize to anyone I have threads with as I probably won't be online today

    1. Ayumu


      You're cool! ^^

  12. All this Overwatch news has made me draw Tracer for the past 3 hours. Not even done


    1. Koumori


      On a related note, all the photos I take on my phone are too big to be posted

  13. When the site goes down as you try to submit a post you spent 30 minutes on :(

  14. When the site goes down as you try to submit a post you spent 30 minutes on :(

  15. 3/4 of all my posts with Manta and Sousuke are just me writing about inner turmoil. At least I'm getting some sort of character development...

  16. New Star Trek TV Series I hear? Color me intrigued. 

  17. Using my charm and expert persuasion I was able to push back almost all the homework I didn't do over the weekend! Yay me

  18. Mack, that's for sending that message earlier and inadvertently sending me an email notification. That got me back on here to reply to some stuff haha

  19. So before I disappear again is there anything out there that's still waiting on my response? Don't want to leave anyone hanging. 

  20. Seems like a lot of people are coming back recently. Myself included

  21. I almost forgot. Happy Back to the Future Day!!

  22. Like the new pic!

  23. So what's the rule about getting inactive threads locked?

  24. Is there a way to erase certain messages without clearing your entire inbox?

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