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Status Updates posted by Alex

  1. Holy crap! This is kinda late but happy  birthday Erron!

  2. How do you get to the Perma Roller? Thanks for the help! (40% remaining)

    1. Koumori


      Did thank you I've been looking for that! Now I can use my phone to do rolls!

    2. Alex
    3. Hirru


      You are quite welcome.

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  3. I am drawing Ninja Dash, my form of the my little pony rainbow dash dressed up as a ninja. If it turns out how I like, then I'll show you all!

    1. Zeke


      D'awwwwwwww!  Yes, please!

    2. Alex
    3. Alex


      I used too much pen.



  4. I am going through rough times... Please do not expect me to reply within the next few days.

  5. I apoligize for all of my missing replies and such. I have been very busy and have had a lot on my plate/mind. I know I haven't responded since last saturday and I'm sorry. I'll try my best to get replies in this weekend.

  6. I feel sick and feel like my body wants to stay at 130 Degreed Farenheit...................

    1. Alex


      My body wanst actually that temperature, but it just felt like I was burning up yesterday....

    2. Aetharan


      Kinda figured 130 was an exaggeration, since that'd be a pretty clear case of 'already dead'.  Just wanted to make sure you knew where the red lines were and all.

    3. Alex
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  7. I finished making my cover gif too, along with the signature stat graphic thing. Anyways, the cover photo looks kinda bad, but I made it in like 30 minutes, so hey! Anyways, gotta hit the hay before my very important meet tomorrow. (And I will be aware that I can be kicked off the Varsity boys team at any point if I get beat by more than one person on our team in Junior Varsity, then I'll be off and my goal of state will die there. But I must keep with it..... MUST KEEP WITH IT!!!!

  8. I might become an alchemist, but one question before I do-  Why are there no potion enhancements that restore energy?

    1. Kalesh


      Because it would take something away from fishermen and chefs I think.

    2. Piera


      Dang Kalesh already answered it. But yep, every profession has something unique to them. Just like chefs/fisherman can't 'craft' food that can teleport a player xD
      I wondered that question myself but figured it to be that.

  9. I realized earlier. It was a special moment. The moment I realized I'm a bad a**.

  10. I see, Lowenthal, you have voted my journal as a bad one. What is bad about it? Thanks for your response! I just wish to make it the best possible.

    1. Rainia


      Imo, you shouldn't ask for people's opinion on a WIP journal. Also, for the people who did vote, why did you vote on something that wasn't finished?

    2. Alex


      bc most forums make you make the poll when you first create the topic and I didn't know if I had to when I first created the topic sorry.

  11. I thought my journal would be approved by now.....

  12. I was grounded from my phone because the noodles I was supposed to cook weren't completely cooked when they got home. 

    1. Alex


      school's chromebook. Can't take that away, HAHAHAHAHA!

    2. Zeke


      lmao Good, you don't deserve to be grounded for that.

    3. Alex
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  13. I will not reply till morning, sorry. Got to finish some homework, ice my shin splint and then head to bed. See you in the morning!

  14. I would come back to the site, if only I had the time to do so  :(


  15. I'm up, I'm up...

  16. If were just attacking normally with one hit does that use energy?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Feitya


      However, this is actually super punishing to level 1 players with their virtually empty energy pool. If they miss once at level 1, they are punished for it by not being able to take any action due to going to -1 energy and being forced to wait a turn to do any attacks. and at level one, missing your turn is extremely deadly. While many people level without combat early on, this system is unintentionally harsh to level 1 players that want to fight things.


      A hot fix for this would be ruling that you can't go below zero energy, but it's not specified ether way at the moment so using simple math makes it negative energy. Which is a fine system for higher levels, punishing them for attempting big hits and failing with a temporary 'Fatigued' state of being in negative energy, but at level 1 fatigued means death and there is no way to avoid it.

    3. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      No, they would be perpetually at 0 Energy after an attack. See it like so:

      • First post start at 1 energy, use attack and go to 0 by end.
      • Next turn heal 1 energy and have 1 to spend, attack, then have 0 at end.

      Energy can't go into - numbers from miss, though I'll make that clear in guide. 

    4. Alex


      Thank you Tristan. I was confused about that.

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  17. Is anyone gonna post in the OP?????

  18. journals done. Didn't put as much work as I thought I was going to put into it, but I needed to get it done. Will probably add more details and pictures eventually. Please approve: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8515-alexander-the-asian-applestatusdone-unapproved/

  19. Just finished watching my 9th episode of Attack on Titan today. Sheez. I'm a lazy bum, Four and a half hours of staring at a computer screen? Jeez.

  20. Man I suck at drawing. I also messed up with the pen.



    1. Zeke


      That was rather quick for how nice of a drawing it is. 

    2. Alex


      I had started on it about three hours ago. 

      I posted the status after I had already started working on it

    3. Alex


      Oh I have an Idea!  I will color it with pixilr and crop it!

  21. Man o man, wish I already had my tailor shop. Now I need to go find some NPC shop in an RP to buy dress clothes from. How much would those cost??/ (Since there good generic items, and are just for RP fluffies.)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      Who was this someone you asked?

    3. Alex


      I don't remember exactly but that was what I was told to do.

    4. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      Well your character as it stands in current rules has to buy them from a tailor or merchant, who both can craft/sell good tier equipment. So unless you can show that exact proof from a staff member, I can't take your word.

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  22. Mario Kart Wii-Hee!

  23. Maybe I do not want to be an alchemist... But then what do I want to be????

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    2. Alex


      Pretty much. And I don't exactly want to be a merchant, so it's either artisan, tailor, or alchemist....

    3. Piera


      There's too many alchemists xD  there's four in the Velvet Room alone. And two that aren't. All are pretty active.

    4. Alex


      I'm a gonna be a tailor 

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  24. My first Role-play Post in Forever!!!!!

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