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About Kalesh

  • Birthday 09/13/1993

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    A good question
  • Interests
    Gaming for sure, I like to watch anime too (obviously, come on, I am here.), and I also enjoy reading which is a major bonus if you are into RP like me.

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  1. Alrighty, pending approval of the thread my IC excuse for Kalesh being missing for this many months will be done and he'll actually exist again.

    That said I'm not RPing with anybody outside a safezone until the PK rules edited (as Mack says they are being). Or you are somehow able to convince a PST or GM to contractually obligate the two of us to not stab each other in that RP. Not because I don't trust you guys, but because I don't know what the new rules are going to be and what loopholes might occur mid-RP as a result. Once I do know I'll be able to make that decision and not be uninformed. I'm fine with taking risks, I just am not fine with not actually knowing the risks.

    I shall unleash my full fury once this passes <3

    1. Takao


      Wanna make a thread with me down this dark alley outside of the safe zone?

    2. Kalesh


      Do you have candy?

      All the cool SAO-player-made animes that don't exist in the real world?

      An item that makes fishing good?

      Jokes aside though Kalesh is as close to dying of hunger as possible in SAO and is getting ready to kick your door down and demand you cook a hunk of dragon meat and sand shark. So that's a thing. Mainly because you are on the third floor.

    3. Takao


      An item that makes fishing good? you ask too much of me. i'm a boy, not a god.

      Though it'd be funny if you demanded Takao to cook a hunk of dragon meat, 'cause his familiar is the one who runs his Cafe and also happens to be a dragon.

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