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Posts posted by Kalesh

  1. He felt himself smiling as Niko managed to land a blow, and seemed at least a little enthused at the success. "Nice. Well, progress is being made!" He said as he approaches for his turn. Taking a breath Kalesh calms himself and then lunges forward with his fist, connecting against the rock surface without recoil or self-damage, a grin crossing his lips as nods to Niko to take another shot, hoping that the gauntlet wearing player could get another good hit in and push them to the half-way mark!

    [ID# 61065][BD: 5+2=7] Concentration 3/5

    Kalesh: 5 DMG
    Basic Attack!

    The Rock (Not the Wrestler): 30/50 HP

  2. Kalesh watched as Niko failed to quite make an impact on the rock's durability again, not thinking much of it as he didn't have the martial arts skill. It was always possible for one to just fumble from an action not being familiar. That's what Kalesh told himself as he stepped forward and swung his fist at the rock, but instead of a firm impact he misjudged the distance and his knuckle scraped against the stone, making him recoil and grab his hand to make sure he hadn't damaged it! He let out a relieved sigh when his bare fingers and knuckles hadn't been damaged from his fumble. "I'm used to using my fingers, not my fists, oddly enough..."

    [ID# 61063][BD: 1] ((Feel better? xD IT'S CONTAGIOUS)) Concentration 4/5

    Kalesh: 5 DMG
    Critical Miss!

    The Rock (Not the Wrestler): 40/50 HP

  3. Kalesh smirked at the reference and said "It's a cute idea, but something tells me the armor mods aren't going to stack." He shrugs his shoulders "Plenty of time to plan it out." It's not like he was sitting on a hoard of SP to throw around on a whim. For the time being he wasn't going to be being too adventurous if it sacrificed his actual efficiency. "I'm not really planning on being a 'tank' so much as a 'sponge'. Like, I am thinking of having decent mitigation from the skill and armor, and I will likely use consumables too..." he takes a sip from his water to help keep his throat from drying up as he spoke. "But I am going to be using thorns too, and not a lot of evasion, just a little." He looks down at his claws "These things are built for endurance, for not running out of energy easily... That and critical hits. So I am going to be trying to maximize that. Crit? Bleed. Getting hit? Doing damage. Hitting? Doing damage. Other guy used his tough stuff at the start and is low on energy? Mine is regenerating almost as fast as I can spend it... Might get some passive health regen too. That kind of thing" He was trying to think of a way to maximize his weapon's strengths so their weaknesses wouldn't be too big of a concern. "Only Kayaba knows if it'll work in practice... But I am willing to see if I can run the long-con in combat." 

    When conversation turned to the floor battles he shrugged his shoulders and said "I haven't heard what happened in the most recent one, just the one before that." He decided not to mention that it was from Opal's lips directly, just to avoid conflict. "Opal and Oikawa killed people... I actually met Oikawa for the first time recently, without remembering quite who he was." He chuckled softly, glad that the orange player had opted against wiping him out of the harddrive. "What happened during the latest one, though?... More of the same...?" He looked to Takao, his attention fully on the other player instead of the closing distance towards the arena. It wouldn't be long before it would start to show over the horizon. "... Not changing subject, but are there other claw users up on the frontlines?"

  4. Kalesh smiled and pat Niko's shoulder as he passed before taking a deep breath and slamming his fist into the rock with force, feeling his body stop against the stone surface, unable to break through but he gave one more hard push, sending a shudder through it before he backed off and took several steps back and to the side. "Yeah, can't say I blame ya. I can't even use my sword arts against this thing." He shrugged his shoulder, for better or worse that was the case. He just had to brute-furce his way through like everybody else when it came to this quest. He gives Niko a thumbs up, smirking to him while silently wishing him luck in getting his next punch to cause some damage.

    [ID# 61052][BD: 3+2+1=6] Concentration Cooldown 5/5 ((I ALMOST sucked :P ))

    Kalesh: 5 DMG
    Basic Attack (1x1x5)

    The Rock (Not the Wrestler): 40/50 HP

  5. Kalesh hummed in thought as one players want him to get it done and finished while another wanted to try it themselves. "Well, as fun as fighting for you sounds, Sierra" He gives her a wink "How about a compromise? There are -two- bats we need to fight in there. The first one, we will fight legitimately. Once that one dies, I'll equip my weapons and destroy the second." He shrugs his shoulder and opens the front of his jacket to show several hidden pockets, his hand reaching up to pull out a red crystal. "If the bat messes with one of you, and you are low on health, I'll give you some HP using this." He puts the healing crystal into his jacket again and nods to Khrysaor "Indeed, onward we go!" As the party leader, and the guy able to take the most abuse, he lead the way for the group. It wouldn't take very long for them to arrive at the dark and dank cave outside of town with the child lost inside. "It'll be dark in there once we step inside, so you'll have some trouble hitting or dodging, by the way. Well, more than you usually would. Everyone say you're ready and I'll run in first, just follow me or use your map to check my location and go there." Party members had convenient benefits like that to make teamwork easier.

  6. Kalesh smiled but tried not to laugh when he saw Niko exit with the facepaint on, a small shame that every player with the skill had to share at some point. He had to cover his mouth though when he concluded that 'niko' and 'neko' were just a vowel apart. He quickly contained himself though and straightened his back. Regardless of if Niko hit or miss he approached next and said "My tuuuuurn!" He says while lunging forward with a firm punch! His hand collided with the rock hard, his fist unharmed and unflinching against the stone as he stepped back a bit and shook his wrist around. "Shouldn't take long for the two of us to break this thing. It's just gonna take some grinding!" He says happily while waiting for Niko to take their next turn.

    [ID# 61036][BD: 6+2=8]

    Kalesh: 104/104 HP | 5 DMG
    Basic Attack (1x1x5)

    The Rock (Not the Wrestler): 45/50 HP

  7. Kalesh smiled as he arrived at the spot with the 'unbreakable' boulder that had stumped a few players somehow. He saw Niko, the guy he had gotten the idea to help out, and approached happily. "Hey, how's it going, ready to get punching?" Kalesh himself removed his clawed gauntlets and revealed his bare hands underneath "I don't have any gauntlets, but I won't need any I like to think." He starts going through menus a little more and retrieves a potion. He decided he would use the potions used to give him help to help others, why not? He gulps down the contents and with a grin says "You get the first punch, I'll go second." He says confidently while clenching his hand into a fist now and then. He hadm't actually put the skill to proper use in quite a while, but was eager to get this quest done a second time to see his progress!


    Level 26

    104 HP
    12 Damage (Claws)
    3 Damage (Unarmed)
    7 Mitigation 
    2 Accuracy
    3 Evasion
    1 Recovery

    » Mercenary's Masquerade(Perfect) - +2 ACC +1 EVA
    » Mercenary's Method(Perfect) - +2 EVA +1 Recovery
    » Damage +2 (Uncommon) (x3)

     -1 Damage +2 (Uncommon)
    Total Unarmed Damage 1+2+2=5

  8. The crimson haired player nodded in response to Takao "That makes sense to me I suppose, even if mastering three weapons is a bit too costly for me." He chuckles softly with a shrug "I'm going to be focusing on giving myself a good base before I start branching out into the 'special' stuff. Like upping my armor skill, get some mods, maybe invest in howl for if I am paired with a newbie in the future." His shoulders shrugged and his eyes moved skyward slightly as he puzzled out his 'build' in his mind. "Baaasically, as an end result I want to be able to take a punch without using a shield." He obviously wasn't wearing platemail, so he wasn't going to be going full mitigation. "Hm... Now there's an odd idea, once I feel comfy, I can save up a hundred SP, and then dump it all in heavy armor and a weapon. Wear fully body armor and just go everywhere in disguise when I am bored or not in a dungeon." He chuckled at the ridiculous idea of living a double life as a greatsword wielding warrior as well as a claw user in light armor. "Even to me that sounds silly. But hey, that's the fun of RPG, make your stupid builds work...  And as for dungeons? I'm down."

  9. Stepping ever forward he turned his head to face his black haired companion. Kalesh nodded in thought, it made sense to him he supposed that tiers would need to unlock periodically. "Well, the moment we hit twenty one, I am going to be needing to get allll new items again, potions included!... it feels weird to be have lower tiered items." He shrugged his shoulders, he had always been obsessive about replacing his gear in MMO. Old habits die hard was the most fitting set of words for his situation he figured. "And you get better chances of higher quality items by being higher ranked, right? To me that pays off on its own!" He chuckled and shrugged his shoulders softly, blinking at the mention of fishing. He smirked "Amazing, actually! I got really lucky just the other day, I caught a rare quality monster fish! Killed it and was able to salvage three items with the strong enhancement." He gushed, it was hands-down the best catch he had ever made! "It took me getting to rank three, but it aaaaall finally paid off for me." 

  10. Kalesh couldn't help but laugh a bit at her counter to his tease, nodding his head with a smile as he said "That's true, I should have outgrown this jacket ages ago." He shrugged his shoulders and stuck his tongue back out at her in turn before she explained her situation with materials and the like. "Makes sense, that's when tier three hits right...?" He was fairly sure that was the case. When Zandra got close he blushed a bit in surprise, his eyes going wide once the words caught up with his brain though. A wide grin crossed his lips as he looked down at his hands, clenching them into fists. "Yesssss, that's awesome!" He whispers with excitement clear in his voice. He had missed his chance last time, now he wondered if he would be able to grab one of those special skills this time around. "I guess until then, I'll have to keep training and leveling up! Ohh man, I'm motivated now!" Any desire he had to slack off today was dispelled with that little tidbit of information. He pointed a finger towards the horizon and said "Let's start walking, we can talk on the way!" He was eager to see the king of monkeys defeated, it would be the first stepping stone on his rise to power! He had to be worthy of a unique skill after all and not just a wanna-be with a skill he can't put to full use!

  11. I think you may have misunderstood what this request is for, Niko~

    This thread is a personal one for me, as in I am the one being power-leveled, and am even offering a reward to those who help! It's not a community event~! I don't mind having an RP with ya, but it's not going to be related to the request. There are no 'slots'. You could start your own request though, there is no limit to that kinda stuff :)

  12. (I swear I did, I just forgot to actually write the part about Kalesh reacting to seeing a wet clothes xD Whoops! Well, better late than never.)

    Kalesh listened closely to Zandra's words while looking to her, trying not to let his eyes wander too much but it was a bit hard when someone is wearing a t-shirt and skirt while totally soaked in water. He didn't know if it was instinctual or not, but it tended to draw eyes. Until he glanced up long enough to see both her eyes for a moment, and realized he should be speaking. "Y-you mean it? Really? Well, thank you very much! I can hardly say no to that!" He happily starts to take the three tier 2 potions for damage and mitigation and put them into his inventory for later use! When the conversation changed to the monkey king he nodded happily "Thanks to you as well, I really appreciated the company and help." He returns her thumbs up without hesitation. "As well as the help I am getting here and now~!" He may as well have had a smile glued to his face, feeling almost spoiled rotten with such a gift. The quality didn't matter to him so much as the thought behind it!

    +3 Damage +2 (Uncommon)
    +3 Mitigation +18 (Uncommon)

  13. It didn't take long for Kalesh to find his way here, it wasn't his first time appearing on this floor, or at Zandra's shop for that matter! It was around where the party had happened after all. After entering the shop however Kalesh smiled to Zandra and said "Hello~ I came here to take you up on your offer from before." With that said he started to look at what potions she had in stock, tilting his head as he saw a three damage and three mitigation potions in tier two. "... How many am I allowed to have? I'll go through them like candy, so I don't want to rob you blind." He smiles to the black haired woman curiously, making no moves to grab potions without permission from her first.

  14. Kalesh grinned as he saw Mack exit through the teleport plaza, his hand waving as he approached the massive man. "Hey, thanks for coming!" He said with no lack of happiness in his voice. It would have been annoying to need to wait for the next time the monster decide to spawn and go on a rampage. "It's been a while since we spoke, how's the guild doing? The smith shop?" He tried to at least seem a little courteous, Mack was doing him a favor after all, but his eyes did occasionally flash upward towards the sky as if to trying to find something.

    Feeling it would be best to get the main stuff out of the way he said "Alright, quick mission briefing, we will be heading in..." He waits a few seconds more for a lightning bolt, grinning and pointing in the direction the bolt had connected with the earth in the distance. "That direction to try and find the field boss I mentioned in my PM. I am pretty sure any boats will just get upturned in the storm, so we'll be going on foot... It'll get muddy." He crosses his arms as the rain kept falling, soaking into his red hair. He was happy he wore a jacket most of the time right now. "Have you battled Sea Wyvern before? I haven't, but this is the floor I spend the most time on. Mostly observation and guessing, I'll be honest... But would you be okay with playing the role of tank once we find the wyvern in question?" He pushes his fingers into his head and starts to scratch nervously. He didn't consider himself a leader by any means, so he was sure there might have been spots where Mack would have done better than he in preparing them for the fight to come.

  15. Kalesh had been floating the boat he normally used for his fishing on this floor, letting the calm water just support him as he relaxed and enjoyed the breeze with his line in the water. To this day he figured this floor was just about the best place for fishing. Water everywhere, and you don't even need to leave the safezone to do it, and you could very likely explore much of the floor by boat as well. He enjoyed fishing out of all the professions since it didn't require much effort save in short bursts. He could spend hours just slacking off and napping and pass it off as work without a second thought if he got just a single bite that day. It was a good fit for him he liked to think. 

    Today however was fairly different than the usual fairly calm days. There was a powerful storm brewing in the sky above and he knew what that tended to mean. Kalesh sighed as he pulled himself up and onto the dock before the winds or rain became too strong and left him in the water fully clothed. He unequips all his fishing gear and begins to put on his fighting/adventuring gear. He heard a crack of thunder and saw lightning, and his suspicions were confirmed. With a toothy smile he starts to type up a private message to the former leader of the Crimson Blades who was called @Mack. In the message he asked if the other player would be willing to help him out in taking on the Lord of the Seas with Kalesh on floor twelve. Once it was sent he eagerly awaited the reply as the water started to come down harder and faster by the minute. In his mind he was going to have to work somewhat fast to get out there before another player decided to try and take his kill. With the storm they had almost no chance of making it towards the boss by boat, so they'd have to trudge through the land unfortunately. In either case Kalesh was waiting by the teleporter, eager to see if Mack would take up his request or if he'd have to start inviting people via roulette.

  16. Kalesh covered his mouth with one hand to keep from laughing as he walked up to Avalanche without an ounce of threat in his being. He raised his spare hand high and with the claws facing forward brought it down in a mighty cut vertically across the monster's body. With that, he broke the tiny health and mitigation threshold he needed to kill the monster and get a material out of due to its strength. With the creature shattering apart into pixels Kalesh released his mouth and started to laugh heartily, filling the air with his laughter at how simple the fight was despite the nagging worry that had been in the back of his mind. He sighed softly after several minutes and shook his head with a smile as he looked over his total gains of the day. All in all he was happy with today's work. "Right..." He says softly to himself "What to kill next...?" He turns to head back to town, his mission on this floor complete.

    [ID# 61020][BD: 6+2=8][CD: 9][LD: 4]

    Kalesh: 100/100 HP | 14/25 ENG (+2 -3) | 7 MIT | 12 ATK
    Pinpoint Massacre: (1x3x12=36)

    Avalanche: Dead/100  HP (-36+25=-11) | 25 MIT | 24 ATK

    +Snowfrost - Halves Burn Damage
    +1 Material



    9 Materials
    1500 Col
    3 SP


  17. Kalesh happily let go of the fish as Zita grabbed it, chuckling happily as he watched the bird fly off. It made him happy that familiars at least appreciated the fish he caught, even if most of the humans in this game didn't. "Guess that's a yes." He says before turning his eyes to Zandra and saying while her familiar ate "Hm... Well, I'll think about dropping by then! Couldn't hurt to see what you have in stock potion-wise." He felt a grin crossing his lips slowly as a joke formed in the back of his mind. "And I wouldn't worry, you don't look like you've aged a day since we met." He winks playfully, to some the joke might have been a bit off-color since their virtual bodies didn't age but their real ones did, but he was nothing without the occasional tease. "Oh, before we go, do you want to kill things on the way for materials and stuff? Or would you rather just gather while we walk?" He figured that if they were going to make the trip there was no harm in getting some materials out of it.

  18. Avalanche turned to face Kalesh, he knew that was the point of no return. By now the monster was without a doubt aggroed to him. A toothy grin forms on Kalesh's face as the monster began a charge at him, and Kalesh continued his own approach as well. He noticed the golem raising its right club-like arm formed of ice, the move easy enough for Kalesh to predict. With a side-ways hop the Avalanche's attack hit where Kalesh had once been, missing him entirely. Kalesh on the other hand spun on his heel and towards the now land-bound arm! With a flurry of fast-paced stabs  that practically turned the limb into swiss cheese Kalesh reduced the monster to only the barest amount of hitpoints. "O-oh my god, really?!" He was almost in hysterical laughter at seeing the monster barely able to survive a full-power combo from Kalesh, hanging on by a sliver of red and little else.

    [ID# 61019][BD: 4+2=6][CD: 10][MD: 8-3=5]

    Kalesh: 100/100 HP | 15/25 ENG (-10) | 7 MIT | 12 ATK
    Pinpoint Massacre: (10x1x12=120)

    Avalanche: 5/100  HP (-120+25=-95) | 25 MIT | 24 ATK

  19. Once again that familiar feeling of renewal filled his virtual body, giving him his energy reserves back in their entirety and granting him the chance he had been waiting for to close the distance with the monster and get it to aggro him properly. Kalesh took a deep breath as he got closer by the footprint to the massive creature of ice and snow. He was ready on the inside, but whether or not he was physically ready was going to be another matter when his claws were to begin digging into the monster's virtual body. Thanks to the lowness of the floor Kalesh felt very little if any threat however from the soon to be ice sculpture turned disaster.

    [ID# 61018][LD: 8] Energy Fully Restored!

  20. While circling slowly towards the monster he concluded the that monster might have been maybe three heads taller than him. It made the creature immediately appear more intimidating, having an air of danger just by size. That said, he couldn't help but smile as he mentally confirmed himself the truth of the situation. Regardless of size, the creature had a set amount of damage it could sustain. Despite it's size, the monster had a set amount of damage it could deal. It was data, it was absolute values, and a man half Kalesh's height would have equal issues and equal success in a clash of wills against this creature.

    [ID# 61017][LD: 2] 2/3 Out of Combat Turns

  21. Before too long he concluded to himself it would be wiser to wait until his energy had regenerated to the point he could fight Avalanche one on one at full strength. With that in mind he slowly circled around the creature, partly to make sure no enemies or other players would interrupt their battle when he was ready, marking his territory essentially, as well as combing the area for anything he could keep for later~! One could never have too many materials in a game like this where things were quite literally a matter of life or death. Skipping an ore vein over just because you feel lazy could lead to death three days later and all you gained were maybe thirty seconds.

    [ID# 61016][LD 10] 1/3 Out of Combat Turns

  22. Kalesh happily gave a wave when he saw Zandra approach with her familiar Zita, pleased to see her familiar had stood the test of time of course. Not all familiars were quite so lucky, including someone he knew who lost their familiar. He focused his mind onto Zandra's words however and was pleased to respond "Ohh, I don't feel like you owe me anything, you gave me all those crystals when we were looking for Zita!" He smiled at the bird once again before turning his attention towards Zandra again. He opens the front of his jacket and points to the uncommon quality health crystal from back then. "I still have one left, I am veeeery cautious." He says with a smile before saying "Buuuut yes, I do want some companionship for a quest, and welcome the help!" He equips his long-fingered claw weapons and points a metallic finger in a direction. "We're going to be tracking down the Monkey King. A tough battle for me alone, but together it should be easy enough!" He says hopefully in part to help convince himself more than Zandra. He hummed in thought and took a fish out of his inventory and offered it to Zita "Does Zita like fish?" He asks curiously while letting the bird examine the uncooked and still fresh fishie.

    -1 Fish

  23. I think 3 rounds is more than sufficient. If we get down to it, stuns take away -all- evasion as well as keep them from acting at the price of a few points extra energy, but don't have any RNG stuff behind it except the BD. For this, I feel like a decent CD roll on top of the BD roll to actually land the effect would be less of a worry than a stun. PLUS we have to spend SP on it after already spending 10 for Fighting Spirit. If anything I'd have it without a cooldown entirely if you ask me.

    Unless you are suggesting the ability acts independently of the BD, in which case it being 4 turns is sensible to me But no more than 5 turns maximum, our +1 accuracy skill only takes 5 to trigger on command and costed zero SP!

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