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Posts posted by Shirosu

    • ID:30267
    • BD: 1 (fail)
    • MD: 3 (Miss)
    • Shirosu: 11/23
    • Wolf 1/12

    She ended up defending from the wolf for quite some time, she felt herself tiring, but held out and continually defended against the beast. she spent some time throwing it away again and again, hoping to wear the snarling wolf down enough to be able to land a final hit on the creature. she started to dis the wolf and call it names like "death breath" and "Mange Bag" just to let of steam while she defended against it.

    • ID:30266
    • BD: 4+1=5 (miss)
    • MD: 10 (2+2=4 DMG)
    • Shirosu: 11/23
    • Wolf 1/12

    When shirosu went in to what she thought would be her final attack the wolf regained its balance and noticing her aerial attack swung its head around and latched its jaws onto Shirosu's leg before she could make a retreat. Snarling the wolf shook its head hard and threw Shirosu to the ground a few meters away. Stumbling to her feet she found that her avatar had taken considerable damage and was limping, "Damit!" she said, her eyes narrowing on the wolf, trying to guess how it had recovered so fast, stupid beast. 

    • ID:30262
    • BD:10 (4+2=6 DMG)
    • MD: 10 (2+2=4 DMG)
    • Shirosu: 15/23
    • Wolf 1/12

    Before she realized what was happening the wolf gave a gigantic leap and with a thud it pinned Shirosu on her back, its teeth sinking deep into her shoulder. With a gasp shirosu plunged her knife hilt deep into the creature's chest but it still refused to release her shoulder and shook her head back and forth damaging her further. With a howl Shirosu wedged her feet under the beast's chest and heaved them off her with a desperate huff.  throwing the mangy beast away She struggled to her feet and cradled her shoulder, pixels dissolving into the air from the large gash. she had a look of hatred as she stared at the beast, she knew it was weak and just needed one finishing move. With a cry Shirosu leapt up and bared down on the stumbling wolf, revenge shining in her eyes.

  1. Her hand creeping up to her mouth Shirosu was giving her best effort not to to laugh because she knew if she did that would be the end for her because she wouldn't stop. Koumori just kept cranking out humorous material after humorous material, and when he was pretty much on top of her that was the last straw, a small giggle escaped her lips and knowing she was done she stuck her tongue out at him then  fell all the way backwards and gently pushing him off her Shirosu cracked. it started slow then build up to a full bellied laugh and she rolled on the ground her eyes streaming, she hadn't had such a laugh since landing in SAO or possibly ever, she had finally met her match in humour. "Oh....My...God" she gasped out between laughs, her sides beginning to ache. "I...I don't think iv had that long of a banter conversation with anyone in a long, long time." Pipping Gin ran over with a decided liking for Koumori and leaping up on his shoulders gave him the living scarf treatment. "Oh hey!" she said kinda surprised,"That's the first time hes done it to anyone but me"

    (Hand five for new best buds huh!?!? they will be the comedic pair of friends SAO XD this will be fun)

  2. "Ah! Welcome, come in and Sit Vasth, I just ran out and bought some coffee from a shop earlier, no clue how it tastes but eh! might as well try" setting a pot of water on her stove Shirosu went around finishing up her last minute tidying all the while talking,"Sorry for the mess" she said, indicating to all the half finished sewing projects that were strewn over the tables and all the gnawed chair legs" iv been....busy lately, this little bugger isn't much of a help either, especially since he's teething" she said plucking the fox kit Gin off  a near by table and setting him back on the ground where he ought to be. "So!" she said, letting the coffee brew and sitting down at the table across form Vasth, "May i begin by saying thank you for talking to me on that first day, I know you didn't do much, but it helped to snap my head out of the clouds and cleared my mind so that i could focus on the present, not a possibility of what might happen" Gin wandered over and after sniffing Vasth, decided he was of acceptable sitting value and before the guy could protest, jumped up onto his lap and curled into a ball. 

  3. Shirous cheeks puffed up when Koumori grabbed her hand and deciding it was time to up her game she leaned in closer and said, a sly grin creeping onto her face, she was gonna use a modified quote from an old game called,"Honey if you love me would you please,please smile" in witch one person attempts to make the other laugh before the opposite party can reply,"Honey i love you, but i just can some" with a straight face. Getting her game face on Shirosu responded to the earlier jab "Oh Honey, I would love to, but you see" she winked," you gotta work for my kiss" with that she playfully pecked him on the cheek and sat back, her cocky grin getting wider by the second, really, really curious as to what his reply would be. It really was the beginning of an awesome friendship. Feeling like he had seen enough Gin the fox squeaked and plopped himself on Shirosu's lap and stared up at Koumori rather curiously, almost as if he was considering making him part of his "acceptable" group, just so he could sit on the guy. 

    OOC: oh my goodness these two are cracking me up XD the constant jibes are hilarious

  4. Sitting in her humble little shop and current home Shirosu was absentmindedly scrolling through her contacts when she saw Vasth's name, she remembered him being the first person to talk to her when she was panicking in this death game, but soon after they had been flooded with people and hadn't really been able to talk. She decided that to be nice and thank him for his help she would message him and invite him for coffee, seeing as she had finally found how to brew some.

    Hey Vasth

    This is Shirosu and i was wondering if you would like to come for some coffee, if your into that. I never got to thank you, or really even got to talk to you about the first day. If your intrested  It would be at my Shop at xxx Blank street in the town of Beginnings 

    Hoping he was ok this that Shirosu stroked Gin, the little fox who was curled up on her lap like a cat making little sleeping noises.  

  5. "a cyclops huh?' she said, wondering how ugly the one eyes beasts looked, guess she would find out. Following in suit she entered the teleporter and shouted just the same," Teleport! Town of Beginnings" Blinking as she entered the warmer climate Shirosu grinned and jogged up to Xions side, "Lead the way, i have no clue where to find them but i'm to excited to hunt one down and battle it" She was happy Xion was doing this for her, he seemed friendly enough and she was also thankful that he was taking her to do something she couldn't other wise do alone. 

  6. Shirosu couldn't help but laugh at how quickly he caught that and responded, most people she knew would have to think a few seconds before they caught it but Koumori had recognized it right off the hop. She pretended to fan herself with her hand at the statement before replying," Yikes, i hope you know CPR, cause you took my breath away with those words and catch of yours" she tried so long to keep a straight face but i didn't last, she was soon on the floor giggling like a five year old, she hadn't joked around this much in quite a long time and it was kind of reliving. After calming herself down Shirosu decided to sober up a little and prayed that Lyra would be here soon with vines, or help, either was fine. "Might as well sit down" she said leaning against the holes side," don't think we'll be out of here in a hurry yet. "

  7. OOC: doesn't have to be the first floor if you don't want XD it can be slightly higher up now (yeah leveling) 

    Nodding Shirosu check all of her gear, which wasn't much, bundled up and exited into the forge, the blast of cold air greeting her like a punch to the face. "Burrr" she said stepping up next to Xion, stamping her feet in the ground to keep warm. "So  where are we off too, id like to kill me some monsters," she was generally pumped right now, she had been cautious about attacking higher leveled beasts at the moment for fear of her little life, but now she was feeling a little more confident and was excited to try some attacks out. 

  8. Taking his offered hand Shirosu stood up, brushed herself off, and did a couple of jumping jacks hoping to return feeling to the end of her appendages. ," Yes that would suck," she sighed thinking about having to PM a guild member because she was stuck in a hole, and she could never message Mack about it seeing as she was with Koumori and he would probably kick her out of the guild is such a thing happened, if she had to resort to it she would message Opal, she thought, she was pretty sure she wouldn't tell unless she became extremely drunk. Sighing she grinned sarcastically and said," So ever fallen for a girl like that?" she asked hoping he would get the pun in her little statement, looking back up she could only hope the creators of this hole wouldn't show up

  9. Shirosu became more nevious the further they want without attack, her movements slowly starting to pick up speed, if their were bandits waiting for an ambush why hadn't they attacked yet? it was all much to suspicious for her and was starting to fry her brain. She was right next to Koumori when it happened, the ground disappeared right out from under her,"Huh" was all she could say before she was falling into a deep, dark, pit. A scream escaped her lips before her mind even realized what was happening, out of nowhere Koumori grabbed her arm and pulled her into a hug, she really wasnt in the state of mind to think any of it other than being grateful he had done so. She felt the Jarring impact and gasped at how hard they had hit, the moment he released her Shirosu rolled of him, not wanting to crush him any longer, coughing and trying to speak but having a hard time forming words. "i'm *cough cough* I'm fine, thanks *cough* for back there, i was in no mind to speak"  The when she heard the yip Shirosu panicked and pulled Gin out of her hood,"Are you ok?" she asked her fox the turning and repeating the question to Koumori. Thankfully Shorosu saw the Lyra hadent fallen into the whole so there was a way for them to get out. 

  10. the attack was definitely a brutal one, looks like it had been very messy by all of the blood everywhere, not done by a professional, probably bandits .When Lyra squealed Shirosu felt sorry for her, they were probably people she knew, even if they were NPC's,she nodded about being on high alert and walked over to where Lyra was standing, curious about the mood swing again, but feeling sentiment so she talked calmly to the girl,as if she were a frightened wild animal, doing her best to reassure Lyra that her and Koumori weren't going to let that happen to her. The Black haired girl sniffled and nodded in agreement, but didnt continue talking like she had before. "We should get through this place as quick as possible" she said worriedly to Koumori, "the less time we spend here the better"

  11. "Protection from us is right" She muttered under her breath, clinging to her fox rather protectively now. "Oh hey Lyra" She said, totally playing it off like they hadn't been talking about her at all, Shirosu was a good liar when she wanted to be. Shaking her head Shirosu didn't feel right around the amazonian women, even for an NPC her behaviour was too erratic, and she seemed to be trying to gauge something from us, which Shirosu didn't like. When Lyra hugged her and Koumori Shirosu tensed up and stood stock still until the women released her.  When Koumori pointed something out she jogged over and studied thinking hard about what she saw. "Could this possibly be from one of the other NPC girls that didn't make it back?" She was deeply worried by that, it felt suspicious. 

    • ID:30207
    • BD: 8+1=9 (5 dmg)
    • MD: 6 (hit)
    • Shirosu: 19/23
    • Wolf (2 dmg): 7/12

    Using her moment from when she threw off the wolf earlier Shirosu pounced forward to land a solid hit on the wolfs neck, but not before it got a good bite on her arm. "Tch!" Shirosu ripped her arm away, leaving some visual damage on her avatar in the form of floating pixels. "You've got a nasty bite" she said in a guarded tone, eyeing the wolf warily. much worse then you typical boar the bit had done 2 damage instead of the basic 1. 

    • ID:30205
    • BD: 2+1= 3 (miss)
    • MD: 1 (miss)
    • Shirosu: 21/23
    • Wolf (2 dmg): 12/12

    Her next target came to her in the form a snarly wolf that charged out of the near by forest and agroed on her for no reason.  The beast leapt at her in a mighty rage, and reacting by reflex she threw it off, sadly in the direction of Gin who growled at it and ran away. Turning back on Shirosu the wolf howled and charged in for another attack, its eyes obviously looking to mow someone down. 

  12. OOC: Whoops sorry i can fix that XD

    "Oh, hello" Said Shirosu as the NPC lady approached her, she had noticed her bugging Koumori up frond and had been secretly snickering about it, but now, she had a feeling it was her turn. Bending down to her height Lyra said,"How do you see anything at this height? everything else must seem gigantic too you" Shirosu decided to humor her and laughed,"Ah well you see, iv never been tall so i see things as how they appear to me, and yes, occasionally things do look very large"  The women nodded in agreement then spotting Gin scooped up the little fox which barked in protest, squirming to get away from the strange giant who had grabbed him, and back onto his kind masters shoulders" And why do you have this little creature with you, wouldn't i make a prettier fur instead?" hearing that the little fox intensified his struggling, quite aware of what that meant. Quickly snatching back the little fox for fear of the amazonian lady skinning him she said nervously," I just like having him around, hes good company" the lady didn't even skip a beat and said," You also have weird colored eyes too" "yeah guess i do" she said, forcing herself to be friendly and not chase the girl away. 

    • ID:30184
    • BD: 5+1=6 (hit)
    • MD: 4 (miss)
    • Shirosu: 21/23
    • Boar: -3/12
    • LD: 20!

    seeing a perfect opportunity while the Boar was off balance from kicking her, she rushed in and kicked it in the side, getting it to fall over and while it was on the ground she planted her foot on it before ending it with a blow to head, leaving it explode in a cloud of pixels. she collected her mat from the boar happily always in need of more for crafting most of her failed items. But next to the mat lay a bag of col, 60 col to be exact ad another mat. "Woot!" Shirosu said pumping her arm, Gin ran over to investigate and licked her cheek a couple of times happily. "One down, how ever many more to go" she sighed

    • ID:30182
    • BD: 8+1=9 (4+1=5)
    • MD: 8 (hit)
    • Shirosu: 21/23
    • Boar: 1/12

    With a shout Shirosu started to zigzag towards the boar, her feet propelling her forward indentured, when she got close to the boar, she faked as if going to hit at its left side and falling for the trick the swing its head in that direction, she then planted her feet and changed to hit the boar on its right side, at this time it was still looking to the left. Grabbing the closet tusk she pushed the head further away and using Eagle's strike sliced the pig from neck to rump, but forgetting about the back legs Shirosu got kicked in the ankle and she hoped away cursing loudly. She turned back to see that the pig was close to death and just needed one more strike to finish it off.  

  13. "Good morning Mack" Shirosu said politely over in the guild masters direction, just to be courteous, who two, was smoking a pipe, oh well, not her place, the turned to Opal and said with an impish grin," Sounds like a plan to me, I get to beat things up? Awesome.  Lead the way Opal" When she back tracked towards her Shirosu was sightly confused what she was about to ask her but when Opal mentioned just generally being annoying around Mack she couldn't resist a secretive grin. "That could be hard though, that man is more stoic then a rock in the middle of winter, so he may just end up tuning us out but its worth a shot. by the way" she gave Opal the eye and said,"Random twist of fate eh? i bet you went to your contacts and randomly scrolled though with your to pick someone haha, done that myself once or twice" Studying the women all she could get of of her first really good meeting so far was that Opal really beautiful and Shirosu was pretty sure she knew it too, and she seemed to make an art out of flaunting it, sadly, She could never do that, not enough rack, and wayyyy to self conscious, 

  14. Shirosu screamed, not loud, but it was an unmistakable sound of a totally freaked out person who believed they were gonna hit the ground, hard. In mid air at least she got a good view of a couple of roofs before the decline and closing her eye tight she prepared for impact. Next thing she knew Mack had caught her and was holding her like, well, princesses style. "What the Hell!" she yelled up as the man before he tossed her over Beoreson who wasn't much better then Mack and she ended up on someone's shoulder, again. "Can you put me down Beoreson?" she asked, really, really hoping he would, but net thing she knew Xion, one of the council members walked on over, took her little guild amulet and changed it into the crimson sword of the solider rank. "Oh thanks...."She said giving a little grin, then finally gave up on any possibility of herself being able to walk by herself today and simply slumped overdoing her best to get comfy for the next while.  

  15. The NPC women seemed very grateful to them for taking the quest and when her daughter came running over it be came very apparent the Shirosu would not like this Lyra. The tall blonde girl she estimated to be around 16-17, and she quickly decided the both her and Koumori were weak just by their statures. She puffed out her cheeks and glared a little but soon forced herself to calm down, their was no need to blow up at and NPC. Still Shirosu was amazed at the realism of the NPC's to this day, it helped to make her believe that she wasn't in a game at times and kept her from constantly stressing because half the people on the game looked like animated figures. "yup! we should go" Shirosu said, already forgetting about the Lyra girls insult and ready to be on their way, her face lit with excitement. It also seemed like Gin was picking up on it because he started to constantly making tiny little sounds around her neck and seemed to be getting excited himself.  She took a few steps ahead of Koumori onto the trail and looked back asking with a grin,"You two coming or what?"

    • ID:30119
    • BD: 2+1=3 (miss)
    • MD: 2 (miss)
    • Shirosu: 22/23
    • Boar: 6/12

    Shirosu started to practice her defense once again, taking a good opportunity to used the angered mob for throwing practice. When ever it would reach her she would block its attack and throw it off, she did this again and again trying to build a good blocking data base in her head for future battles. starting to tire with this Shirosu kicked the boar away one more time before leaping away to plan out a strategy for the next attack.  She was always trying to get more creative, so she did her best to try something new each time. 

  16. OOC: sorry if my RP posts look sad in comparison toy yours haha, I'm not very good at packing in lots of info XD

    Shighing She covered her eyes and muttered,"That day was so stressful, thanks for the apology though, and you'll be fine, im a little less irritable right now, finally getting everything in order" when they found the worried quest NPC Shirosu eyed the extremely tall amazonian lady defensively, pretty much having to look straight up to see her face. The amazons she had heard about in Greek mythology hadent really been tall, just a tribe of warrioristic woman who had kicked ass, not ridiculously tall women who were so intimidating. In a whisper she said,in Koumori's direction" Shes tall enough to ko even a pro basketball player, who needs Michael Jorden when you have this lady, yikes" She watched the exchange between the NPC and Koumori and when he asked for her approval she grinned and said,"Never did an escort mission before, seems simple enough, why not eh?"  She was all about trying new things while she was here, and the more training she could get in, the quicker she could get to the front lines to help with getting out of the death game. " Accept it and then we can totally own it and complete it no problems" 

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