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Posts posted by Shirosu

  1. Chasing the fox wasted quite a bit of time as Shirosu stumbled over logs, fell in holes, and overall made a mess of herself, all the while the fox kept on its little laugh, leading her deeper and deeper into the forest. Skidding to a halt she realized what the little critter was doing and glared at it a few feet in front of her. "Are you trying to lead me to a badder monster?" she grumbled, then something out of the ordinary happened, it shook its head and flicked its tails as if to say come. Cursing herself Shirosu decided against her better judgement and followed the fox.  

  2. With the tinkling getting louder Shirosu was sure she must see the origin of the noise soon, and she did find them, it came in the shape of a beautiful snow white, that had two black tipped tails and a look on its face like that of the cat that just caught the canary. Sitting in a branch high above her the fox looked down, a tinkling sound, akin to laughter coming out of its partially closed mouth. Startled she pointed accusingly at the fox,"You! were you the one that lead me on a gooses chase and straight too the wolf?" the fox tilted its head as if to say it had no clue what Shirosu meant the turned around to hop gracefully among the undergrowth of the forest,"Hey! Wait!" she called after the fuzzy creature, following it deeper into the woods. 

    • ID: 29863
    • BD: 6+1=7 (hit)
    • MD: 1
    • Shirosu: 17/19
    • Wolf -1/10

    For her final attack she decided to go acrobatic and took a flying leap into the air. Dumbfounded the wolf started looking in circles but didn't realize what was happening until her knife met its scull. Melting away into pixels Shirosu picked up her third wolf pelt and added it to the ever growing collection that was her work materials. Glancing around she sighed, having no clue what she wanted as a familiar. then she heard the tinkling, getting up she walked in the direction of the sound, a suspicion starting to form. 

    • ID: 29855
    • BD: 6+1=7 (hit)
    • MD: 6 (hit)
    • Shirosu: 17/19
    • Wolf 2/10

    Shirosu spun around and to her dismay the wolf was already right next to her its gaping jaw aiming at her face. Throwing up her arms protectively the wolf got a good hold on her arm and she flinched, even though she knew she couldn't feel pain. In retaliation she used her knife hand to slice at the Wolf's muzzle until it wined and let go from the onslaught. Giving it one extra poke on the head Shirosu retreated even further to ensure she had reaction time for the next surprise attack the wolf presented her with. 

    • ID: 29854
    • BD: 10 (3+2=5 DMG)
    • MD: 8 (hit)
    • Shirosu: 18/19
    • Wolf: 5/10

    Bouncing on the balls of her feet Shirosu threw the wolf off her one more time and when it it the forest floor, she sprinted around to the hind end of the creature and reversed her grip on the blade before using all of her might to force it into the thick hide. The wolf howled in pain and just as Shirosu was about to dart out before resuming her attack, the wolf spun around and nicked her arm with its teeth. She jerked its head away with a quick backhand and a glare before dancing away, she wasn't to worried, seeing as it had only been a scratch. 

    • ID: 29852
    • BD: 2+1=3 miss
    • MD: 2 miss
    • Shirosu 19/19
    • Wolf  10/10

    Chasing the blur through the undergrowth lead to Shirosu becoming more irritated, but curiosity always won out over her annoyance. She leapt into a clearing a skidded to a halt , the white blur temporarily forgotten, when in front of her she saw a wolf, "Seriously" She mumbled. Both her and the wolf lunged at each other, but instead of attacking Shirosu threw up her knife in a last second block and sent the wolf backwards. She grinned and said," Come on baddy, lets have a little duel, and no, your not the right kind of beast to be my familiar, have fun in pixel heaven" 

    • ID:29850
    • LD:9

    Muttering to herself Shirosu didn't make her displeasure hidden as she stomped through the forest, her hands on her hips in a bold manner. In the distance she heard the tinkling sound again ever so slightly and looked up her eyes narrowing and trying to make out shapes from the near by foliage. Thats when she saw the hint of white in among the green again. "What the..." She said her eyes focusing intently on the spot, but just as quickly as she had seen it the blur of white disappeared. Her curiosity getting the better of her she turned of the trail and went deeper into the woods looking for the source of her interest. 

    • ID: 29830
    • LD: 2

    Standing up and brushing herself off Shirosu growled in frustration at her incompetence and stormed off, not paying attention to where she was going and this time planted her face into a tree trunk. "Ow!" She exclaimed rubbing her forehead and finally getting mad flipped the tree off before climbing out of the stream bed and finding the path she was on before. Sighing she felt like this would be a long, long day, and one in which luck would not be in her favor.  

    • ID: 29829
    • LD: 9

    Still seeing nothing of interest Shirosu huffed in disappointment, but in reality she didn't expect much. All of a sudden her foot didn't touch ground and with a shout of surprise she fell face first flat into a dried up stream. Spitting dirt out of her mouth Shirosu spewed a couple of choice swear words, her face going red from the fall. After her barrage of cus words stopped Shirosu paused and swore she heard something close to a tiny laugh, like tinkling bells, "Is...Is anyone there?" She questioned, getting a chill. When there was no reply she wacked herself in the head and scolded herself for being foolish.  

    • ID: 29828
    • LD: 8

    While she walked, Shirosu saw no harm in attempting to find a few materials, seeing as she would need to start saving up for her business.  And while she currently saw nothing she didn't take it to heart and instead enjoyed the calm atmosphere of the forest. She considered what she would like as a partner, nothing too large, and easy to take places with her. Out of the corner of her eye Shirosu thought she saw something white, but when she turned to look, there was nothing there, shrugging her shoulders she continued to plod along. 

  3. Shirosu eyed the NPC gypsy with mild surprise, for quite some time now she had been wondering how Mack got his hands on the little cub chewie, now she knew. The NPC lady had been talking about that sometimes, if you feed a monster, they would become a familiar. Looking a the quest screen that popped up Shirosu grinned and accepted the quest eagerly, she had been wanting a little furry creature to hang out with for awhile now and this seemed a better opportunity then she had been presented with for awhile now. Turning around Shirosu decided to try on the second floor in the expansive forests for a suitable companion. After leaving the portal in Urbus Shirosu left the town to go searching through forests. 

  4. Finally giving up her struggle, Shirosu gave in to the whole idea of the situation and decided that while she was here, she may as well to her best to annoy mack for the time being. She continued to do things like pull his ears, tug a tiny piece of hair, ect. nothing dramatic just enough to be annoying all the while ignore when ever he jostled her and rebutting with a slightly harder tug on an ear. She was grateful that a few people seemed to be in her favor, a few even seemed to want to fight Mack instead of letting her suffer up here. She slowly started to see the slight hint of humor in the situation, even though she was still pissed and her ego had completely fled the premises. Doing her best to give a small grin she explained " I'm ok, just a little mad right now, not as bad as it looks, i'm all bark really, no bite" She hoped no one would make a fool of  themselves for her, then there would be two fools instead of one, not an ideal situation. The she growled in Macks ear"And no! i wont be quite, im so embarassed right now i could holler lady gaga's bad romance to the sky and it wouldn't change a thing"

  5. ID: 29820

    Roll: 1 (FAIL)


    Name: Casual Dress

    Profession: Tailor

    Rank: 1

    ID: 29821

    Roll: 9

    Quality: Good Item

    Item Type: Clothing

    Enhancements: None

    Description: A well crafted teal casual dress, of hip length cut, with white patterns covering the top half. Designed those odd calm moments in SAO when you just want to wear something other than armour and field clothing. 

    Image: Casual Dress


    +3 exp

  6. Name: Crimson Wraps

    Profession: Tailor

    Rank: 1

    ID: 29763

    Roll: 11

    Quality: Rare

    Item Type: Clothing

    Enhancements: +2 Unarmed Damage (2 Slots)

    Description: A pair of blood red wraps for the purpose of beating the living snot out of you opponents in a fist fight. The red helps to hide the blood....

    Image: Crimson Wraps



    Roll: 1 .......(Ultimate Fail!) 


    +6 exp




    Welcome to the White Foxes den! 

    When you enter this shop on a secluded corner of the Beginner town, you'll be greeted by a cozy little shop warmly lighted by the windows out front. Strewn across the room on stands and mannequins alike are finished and forgotten projects, some no more than scraps of leather quickly thrown together, others beautifully beaded and crafted. Not much bigger then 10x15 meters the space is used wisely with double shelves and built in storage, a few step stools here or there for better access at the higher shelves. In the corner of the room theirs a little dog bed, curled up in it is a white three tailed fox kit with black tail tips and ears, who often greets customers when they enter, spread out around his bed is many hand sewn toys, he's obviously the name sake of the shop.

    Will do trades, sales, and commissions (Perfect commission closed for now!!!)

    Lv:  Assistant Tailor (5)

    Exp 168/320 EXP




    • Uncommon- 2 mats or 400 col
    • Rare- 4 mats or 700 col
    • Perfect- 6 mats or 1000 col



  8. Starting to get a little annoyed at all the crowding Shirosu spoke up," Ok! Thanks everyone for all the advice and help, now can i make a small recommendation?"  Glancing around and hearing no complaints she continued," How about we all go some place where we can socialize, have guild talk, and beat each other up with more room ok? Are there any places like that around here, a restaurant, or perhaps a pub?"  The shop, witch had been crowded to start with, just kept collecting more people and to be honest, as much as she appreciated all the goodwill, she needed just little space to be able to talk to everyone separately and not in a huge mumbo jumbo of people. She glanced over a the burly blonde dude hoping he was ok with this, she wasn't sure how he felt about his shop being so busy and not all of them looking for weapons, some just to be annoying. 

  9. OOC: I plan on making her a smart, not stupid, battle junkie XD

    She was calmed a little by Xions words of wisdom, silently thanking him for thinking that way about newbs. Shirosu accepted the party request with glee her eyes sparkling in excitement,"Hell yeah im ready to go hunting!" she said her dormant energy starting to bubble.  "Tanking huh?" she said, quite interested on the build, she herself was planning on trying for a hard, fast hitter who could dodge easily, seeing as she didn't have the strength to be a tank. She grinned and said," That's comforting to know, maybe by the end of this i wont come back looking like a weird mouldy piece of bread"  

  10. "That sounds like a plan" She said, getting more excited by the second, she really, really, wanted to try that out, and Xion seemed willing to hope and friendly enough. "Are you ok sticking around with a total loser like me and help me beat up some monster?" she asked seriously, not wanting to be a hindrance. She thought about how she was still easily high level monster meat, and she didn't really want to seem, weak, even though she knew kinda was. 

  11. Shirosu perked up at the thought of a field boss,"You dont say" she said, starting to look a little eager, "Nope, I haven't beaten one yet, the prospect intrigues me"  She had heard off them, but still had yet to see one. She looked at Xion, her face hopeful for the prospect of being able to wreck something like that, a most awesome way to destroy boredom and anger, with the possibility of gaining a little bit more dignity. "If you help, i would definitely love to try!" she exclaimed, "Im pretty sure i would become a grease spot on the ground if i were to try it by myself"

  12. "Yeah" she laughed, "It would be like releasing a can of whoop ass on me, im pretty much like a bottom feeder right now," She thought upon an answer to give him, doing some mob killing right now would be nice, take her anger out on a few creatures and gain some levels at the same time, seemed like a good idea.  leaning back she said," Sure, some mob hunting sounds pretty good right about now, but where do you suggest we do it?" 

  13. "Maaaackkkkkk!" she whined reading the notice the look of pure horror on her face explaining her feeling to the fullest and serving as incentive to increase her futile struggle.  When she saw the gate's her heart dropped, seeing as a crowd of guild members had assembled, the most pathetic sound she had ever made in her entire life escaped from her mouth. The closer they got, the more her cheeks coloured, to the point of being almost scarlet, and she covered her face with her hands and groaned.

     Soon, all the shell shocked faces started to brighten up and she heard laughter, her punches, no matter how hard she hit felt like trying to beat a solid brick wall, and wasn't going to get her anywhere. When she started hearing the comments Shirosu started to get a little pissed,"Oi!" she shouted over her shoulder towards the guild, her eyes narrowed into slits. She tried to hold that face for a little bit, but soon went back to loudly complaining about the current situation,"You were the one that started it," She accused pulling Mack's ear, hoping to annoy him.

  14. Shirosu laughed at Xion's comment about Mack thinking her was Kayaba's gift to the world, easily recognizing the thought behind those words. "I can see why that stuff would be useful" she commented, thinking about how easily she took damage when fighting, her offensive was still very sloppy and her defense could always use practice then her shoulders slouched when she thought about how hard it would be for her to pick that stuff up. When Xion mentioned that combat was a great way to get rid of boredom she raised an eyebrow and leaned inwards,"And what would you be hinting at there?" The corners of her lips hinting at a cat-like smile. 

  15. "Oh, Hey" she said straightening up and returning Xion's smile by way of favour this was really her first time meeting the man, seeing as she was still very new to the guild "Yeah, im ok, I'm just a bit, shall I say, diminished in ego currently, Mack sure knows how to lay the law" She laughed, still feeling a little embarrassed from the earlier situation, talking alway made her feel a little better at least. She saw im stare at the paper files with distaste and hid a little laugh, yup, no one like papers. "Bored?" she repeated ,"That's probably an accurate description of my behaviour huh? and i probably should do something to alleviate it, but im kinda stuck on what to actually do." She grinned sheepishly, her golden eyes shining ever so slightly. 

  16. Shirosu sat in the guilds base, the homely shop that was the Wanderer's Forge, her mind currently occupied on ridiculous revenge plans that would never happen in regards to the guild master and owner of the shop.  She eyes narrowed at the thought at how easily he had been able to subdue her and toss her around like a sorry little kitten, sure, it had been a valuable lesson, and she didn't hate Mack, she was just a little touchy at the moment. In her hands she held the Knife Mack had given her Eagle's Claw, and fiddled with different grips and stabs, unconsciously, her thoughts in the atmosphere. Sighing she tilted her head back, she needed to do something, anything to distract her right now, but didn't really have an excuse to do anything. 

    OOC: like i said, i got no clue what to do

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