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Posts posted by Shirosu

    • ID: 29506
    • LD: 4

    She saw the town of beginnings in the distance and knew it was her last chance to find anything, but after an intense staring contest with her surroundings, Shirosu sighed and gave up, no more materials for her today, oh well.  Entering town Shirosu approached she located the place where she had met the elderly woman NPC with her needle and quilt who she had initiated the quest with.  "Ahh" she said looking up, a kind smile on her face, "Great job, now you can officially be a tailor, put your practice to good use young one" and title screen appeared in front of her and she gave a loud "Woot!" now she would actually be semi useful at something. turning on her heels she sprinted through town to the teleported to the forth floor to let her guild master, Mack, know.

    Quest Complete!

    • 7 material
    • 40 col 


    • ID: 29504
    • LD: 3

    Shirosu panted as she plodded along, her eyes still slightly bulged at the site of so many bugs, she shivering from much earlier resumed as she muttered many profanities about bugs and how they should burn in hell. She was getting close to the town and the closer she got, the more she believed she wouldn't find any more materials,  Shaking her head she forced herself to smile and laugh the day off, it had been a slight adventure, and she asked herself the essential question, am I alive? yes, did anyone I know die? No, and did I kick some mobs buts? Hell yeah!  She had made that list for herself early on as a way to gauge the situation, so no matter how bad it want the worst case scenario. 


    • ID: 29501
    • LD: 6 (tratorious cotton >:( )

    Shirosu spotted the cotton plants one last time and she debated going over to see if they were still coated in bugs, and crept up as if something large and scary might hop out. When she didn't hear anything her hope of the bugs being gone went up so she walked over and reached her hand into the plant to pick some. Well that turned out bad, "Wha!" she exclaimed as the bug swarmed out of the palt and started to chase her, and man did she run from them, screaming like a 5 year old girl, her feet kicking up grass in her panic to escape the swarm. She was pretty sure people from miles around could hear her voice as she yelled, "No! No! No! No!" all the way across the field. 

    • ID: 29500
    • LD: 17 (+1 material)

    As she scuffled along the trail out of the forest she noticed something on the path, leaning down she studied it and when it turned out to be a beautiful feather she scooped it up with a grin. As she walked she admired the beauty of the feather and thought about how long her day had been so far, that thought made her depressed, so she decided to avoid it. Putting the feather in her inventory Shirosu spotted the edge of the forest and walked out into the crossing fields, populated with murderous bacon that was out for her soul. 

    • ID: 29496
    • BD: 6+1=7 (Hit)
    • Shirosu 15/15
    • Wolf 0/8
    • LD: 12

    Throwing the wolf back Shirosu decided it was time to finish the hairy creature, so she leapt into a tree. The wolf ran in circles looking rather confused as to where she went, and that's what Shirosu wanted. When the wolf had its back turned to the tree she lept down as silently as she could, the wolf never knew what happened as her knife slashed a long line along the beasts spin. With the explosion of pixels she saw their where, instead of just the pelt laying before her, but also this time col as well. "Yes!" she exclaimed collecting her prizes, she was extremely pumped about the second pelt, its was in really good condition. She decided that was probably the last mob of the day and that she was gonna go back to town collecting a few more things if she could on the way. 

    • ID: 29495
    • BD: 3+1=4 (miss)
    • MD: 5 (miss)
    • Shirosu 15/15
    • Wolf 3/8

    Like she had with the pervious wolf she used this one as practice for her defensive skills while it attacked her. She noted this one was considerably more aggressive and its coat in much better condition.  She and wolf kept clashing but Shirosu wasn't panicked, she was enjoying learning how to handle being on the defensive, and her knife work slowly getting more intricate. There were a couple close calls when the wolf almost ripped off her face but she always managed to push it back, she slowly started to smile, making the best of her situation and getting into it, other wise she knew if she dreaded fighting she would never make it to floor 100 alive. 

    • ID: 29493
    • BD:10 (3+2=5) 
    • MD: 2 (miss)
    • Shirosu: 15/15
    • Wolf: 3/8

    Notching a shadowy figure stalking through the forest, Shirosu crouched to the ground and observed another lone wolf walking along the trail, she smiled, the last one had ambushed her, but no she could ambush this one. Running silently and low to the ground Shirosu approached the wolf at a very quick pace, and it didn't even notice her until she was basicly upon it, it whirled to face her but she had already leapt over its head to its backside where it was wide open. She gave it a good hard stab before leaping away, it thrashed and snapped at the air in her general direction but she was already long gone. and circling the animal looking for another easy opening to pick it off with. 

    • ID: 29491
    • LD: 8

    Wiping imaginary sweat from her brow Shirosu stretched and decided to take a small break from mob hunting. her eyes scanning the ground she double check to make sure the mangy mutt hadn't left anything else before she looked deeper into the sparse woods. Finding nothing on interest she started a leisurely walk along the trail, her eyes peeled for anything that would work nice as clothing. Spotting nothing, she sighed, "Who knew finding materials could be so tedious" all she had to show for right now was 1 cotton, 1 wool, 1 boar hide, 1 handfull of berries, and a wolf pelt and she had pretty much been at this all day. 

    • ID: 29490
    • BD: 5+1=6 (Hit)
    • MD: 4 (miss)
    • Shirosu 15/15
    • Wolf 0/8
    • +1 material 

    Finally the wolf was really starting to slow down, bu she decided to hold it off for a few more seconds and wait for the perfect opportunity to strike. That opportunity came in the form of the wolf slipping and completely leaving its flank open. Rushing forward she didn't hesitate a second to driver her blade home into the side of the wolf, and as expected it exploded into the typical cloud of pixels, leaving behind a beautiful wolf pelt. Her eyes lighting up she exclaimed,"I could make something really cool out of this"! She stached the pelt in her inventory a grin on her face, and thinking maybe ill find one more wolf or boar to pummel. 

    • ID: 29479
    • BD: 1 (FAIL)
    • MD: 2 (Miss)
    • Shirosu 15/15
    • Wolf 3/8

    She slowly felt like she was starting to wear the wolf down, she noticed her hits were becoming stronger while the wolves became weaker. Soon, she thought, Soon ill be able to take it down. In the mean time she taunted it furiously, throwing as many insults as she could at the raving beast, she realized this was currently the perfect time to practice her defence with Eagle's Claw, so she took full advantage of the attacks since they hadn't hit yet. Just as she was getting comfortable with the wolf's pattern, it switched it up and did something completely different, "Woah!" she said barely blocking it before sending the wolf back outside her invisible defense ring, "That was close" 

    • ID: 29475
    • BD: 3+1=4 (miss)
    • MD: 1 (FAIL)
    • Shirosu 15/15
    • Wolf 3/8 

    Growling Shirosu and the wolf kept clashing, every time they repelled each other, each one never taking or dealing damage and honestly, it was getting tiring. She would charge it, and it her, but was alway met with a stalemate no matter how creative she got.  the wolf seemed to be getting more desperate, and even though Shirosu was impatient, she wasn't going to die if she kept this up for awhile. She finally got into the wolf's backside, and aimes what looked like a solid slash there, but it missed, once again by centimeters so Shirosu was forced to retreat and wait to try again. 

    • ID: 29468
    • BD: 2+1=3 (miss)
    • MD: 1 (FAIL)
    • Shirosu 13/13
    • Wolf 3/8

    When the wolf came running back into the clearing Shirosu held her breath and stayed as still as possible, and just when it walked under the tree with a yell she jumped down in an attempt to catch the wold off guard. The wolf looked up and right before her knife would have hit the wolf jumped out of the way, its lips peeled back and a ferocious snarl with drool dripping from its maw. "You, my mangey friend, are disgusting." she said pointing accusingly at the mutt. one hand over  her mouth for smell control seeing as how rank the creature was. skipping a few meters back she quickly resumed a stalking session with the beast. 

    • ID: 29465
    • BD: 2+1=3 (Miss)
    • MD: 2 (miss)
    • Shirosu: 13/13
    • Wolf: 3/8

    Before Shirosu could really think of a strategy the mangy creature ran towards her, its tongue rolling with a crazed look in its eyes. When it lept towards her using a high springing leap she blocked its attack with the flat of her blade, her revers gripping giving the knife extra support. Pushing the Wolf off her back into the bushes she tried to land an extra strike but missed by inches, oh well, atleast she still had no damage, for the moment. doing a quick surrounding check Shirosu got an idea and with a grin spun around and scaled a tree, she was gonna play with ambush attacks, couldn't go too wrong. 

    • ID: 29461
    • BD: 10 (3+2=5 Dmg)
    • MD: 2 (miss)
    • Shirosu: 13/13
    • Wolf: 3/8

    Hearing a quiet growl behind her Shirosu looked over shoulder curiously and when she was greeted with a snarling mouth and rank breath she went into panic auto pilot. She whipped her dagger from its sheath and leapt upwards before stabbing downwards on the wolf's head and rolling as far away as she could all within a matter of seconds. "Oh, my, goodness."Was all she could currently say, the wolf had gotten right next to her, if it hadn't made a sound she would have been the one taking major damage. "You're a sneaky one," she glared at it reading her knife and preparing to throw off the wolf concentration. 

    • ID: 29459
    • LD: 16 (+1 material)
    • Shirosu 12/13

    As her eyes scanned the forest floor she noticed quite a few things that would spruce up a piece of clothing, and what she finally decided to pick first was some berries, of multiple colors to act as dyes for any fabric she would work with. With a grin she held the berries and transferred them to her inventory, very slowly but surely she was getting some where in the case of her career choice. Shirosu sat on the ground in the clearing of the forest contemplating how a sewing system would actually work in the game, personally she was too much of a clutz so it game system might have to contemplate people with incompetent crafting skills like her. 

    • ID: 29457
    • LD: 12
    • Shirosu 11/13

    As she neared the cotton she heard the faint, but unmistakable buzz of a fair number of bugs,"Nope!" Shirosu exclaimed and quickly turned around heading away, far, far, away from plants she needed, she would prefer to do much else other deal with bugs.  She saw the forest on her right and decided to go intere to see maybe if she could find any decorative items that would be useful for tailoring. She entered the forest cautiously, having never been their before and also her recent training session with Mack had left her quite aware of how dangerous it could be for a low level player she she did her best to remain on guard. 

    • ID:29456
    • LD: 9
    • Shirosu 10/13

    Shirosu kinda just strolled along, hoping to get a glimpse of anything useful for making clothing, sadly, her attempts were starting to feel more and more useless each time, figure that."I'm going to have to go find a familiar at some point," she muttered to herself. she liked alone time but a animal companion was always different and always welcome in her books. She spotted more cotton plants in the distance and hesitantly approached them in the hopes that she would not be greeted by a large swarm of creepy crawlies out to get her with the grotesque little mandibles. 

  1. OOc: Oh hahaha! This is good! she wearing leggings but i can still pull this off XD

    "Whaaaa!" she exclaimed, as she found herself upside down with her shirt riding down towards her face, squeaking she grabbed the hem and tugged it back to her waist before it could go past an important area her pale cheeks becoming scarlet. Shirosu's  hair dangling in a long mess below her as she puffed out her cheeks in a pouting motion and stuck out her tongue knowing that she had angered him ohh so slightly with that low blow. "Ouch!" she said when he tweaked her nose, but she quickly forgot about that as she got swung onto his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and they started moving towards town, "Hey!" she yelled, pounding at his back feebly with her fists "I'm not two, i can walk"! but she figured she would be stuck like this all the way back to the forge. Groaning in defeat she relaxed, occasionally punching the gigantic man lightly in the back but for now, she was stuck.

  2. OOC: OTL These rolls hate me

    • ID: 29419
    • BD: 3+1=4 (miss)
    • Shirosu 9/13
    • Mack 45/51

    She recognized the truth in words quite readily, but it still didn't do much too soothe her swiftly decreasing confidence.  Shaking her head she laughed at the obscurity of her situation, "I feel like a horse fly annoying a bear, enough bite to be of interest, but no more then an annoyance"  Getting her game face back on she decided to try something...odd instead of trying to win in speed she was going to hopefully, confuse him. she lowered her knife slightly and walked towards him, her pace even, almost appearing non threatening. Once she got almost within arms reach she decided to try it, figuring she had nothing to lose. rather rapidly she droped to the ground and shot through tall mans legs, hoping she wouldn't get caught, and taking his advice about not caring for polite behavior and tried to aim a kick in between his legs in a rather un-lady like fashion.

    OCC: poor thing is desperate haha, she ain't a lucky one,   

  3. OOC: Yup she would have been toast, poor thing, still got a ways to go. XD

    • ID: 29411
    • BD: 2
    • Shirosu 9/13
    • Mack 45/51

    When her feet were swept from under her Shirosu full expected to hit the floor and roll away, nope, her feet never touched the ground. Growling when he grabbed the front of her shirt and held her up in the air, her dagger quickly plucked from her grip. She gave the man a very harsh glare, her eyes burning for two reasons, she was frustrated at being so easy to catch, second of all, where he had grabbed her..... She blinked in shock when he smacked with her the flat between the eyes,  before nicking her again. When he threw her backwards and her feet touched the ground she quickly scooped up her knife and stalked around Mack once more , but not really sure how to proceed. 

    She decided to try one last tactic, she started jogging around Mack, trying to keep him guessing when she would attack, then she lept high up,  bearing down with the knife in a stabbing motion like he had advised, she was doubting this would work, but there was only so much you can do, when your new short, have no raw strength and were low level, so she prayed for the best and gave it her all. 

    OOC: she is just DONE XD stupid rolls haha

    • ID: 29402
    • BD: 8 (hit)
    • Shirosu 12/13
    • Mack 45/51(-3 DMG)

    Shirosu struggled in vain against the large mans arms, quite helpless in his grip. While she wasted energy uselessly trashing about he calmly mentored her on changing her patterns of attack and trying to think more about how it would turn out. "Got it" she gasped and squealed very quietly when he nicked her with her own blade. When he released her she pounced away like a feral creature kept in a cage to long and started circling him, looking for openings. She sized him up again trying to think what would work against someone tall, then she realized, maybe she could use his height against him? 

    Crouching low to the ground she tried using a zigg zaging pattern, never staying in one spot to long, she eyes never leaving a spot on his feet. as she near him, still constantly changing direction, she made as if to try and hamstring him, but at the last second she changed tactic and glanced up, slicing higher up then her eyes would have hinted at. She felt the blade meet an area around the chest and did her best to doge around to his backside where she would be harder to grab. 

    • ID: 29345
    • BD: 6 (hit)
    • MD: 2 (miss)
    • Shirosu 9/13
    • Boar: 0/6

    With a small shout she lept towards the pig but changed direction at the last second to throw it off balance and swung the blade, slicing it from head to rump. In a shower of pixels Shirosu sat down collecting the scrap of hide left over from the vicious little beast all the while spewing a select few curse words to release her frustration. Getting up and shaking off the bad feelings she decided it was best to go back to stationary objects while her health build back up so she wouldn't get herself killed meaninglessly. 

    • ID: 29343
    • BD: 5+1=6 (hit)
    • MD: 10 (critical hit +3
    • Shirosu 9/13
    • Boar: 3/6

    Growling she spun on the pig and recklessly sliced at the enraged boar. She got a good hit on it, dealing half its damage, but not before leaving herself wide open to a retaliation. Taking the opportunity the boar gorged her and she went flying through the air, landing a few meters away from the hit and skidding another more. Coughing she stood up, holding her stomach from the brutal hit, "I hate you" she said glaring at the swine. she brushed herself off and prepared for another strike, reading her blade, "im going to murder you, you hear?" 

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