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Posts posted by Shirosu

    • ID 29341
    • BD: 4+1=5 (Miss)
    • Shirosu 13/13
    • Mack 48/51

    "I can try" she called, almost relived he hadent pummeled her into a grease spot in the field. leaving the dagger in a reverse grip she sprinted once again at the burly man but something felt wrong. She knew the moment she switched directions in order to try and fake him out she had messed up, because her ankle rolled on her, Oh no. was all she thought as she fell forward, an easy target for anything that had the ability to move and hit.  She grit her teeth and prepared for a hit, in the back of her mind hoping he would miss. 

  1. OOC: Most defintily <3 is it ok if i put your hp down?

    • ID: 29311
    • BD: 7 (hit) 
    • Shirosu 13/13
    • Mack 38/41

    "Alright!" she said getting pumped when the timer hit 0 she sprinted towards the burly man keeping her knife with a forward hold. She was hoping to confuse him into thinking that she was trying to play it safe, when in reality she would reverse it when she reached him. Leaping into the air she quickly switched her grip into the reverse one and using the momentum she sliced down hard. Shirosu felt the blade hit but wasnt sticking around to find out how Mack reacted, instead she used her feet to leap of his chest and back to a safe distance where she would then turn around to see the extent of her damage. 

    OOC: is this alright? 

    • ID: 29294
    • BD: 4+1=5 (Miss)
    • MD: 1 (fail)
    • Shirosu: 10/11
    • Boar: 6/6

    Going for another strike at the boar Shirosu tried to jump above it this time to get the upper hand  Upper hand?  she snorted in amusement at her own joke, but quickly focused back on the target, her Eagle's Claw in a reverse grip. tried to use her momentum to strike towards the ground at the boar, but before see realized it the boar had already bolted in the other direction. Her eyes widening in horror she face planted in the ground, the boar a couple feet of doing something useless.  Tearing her face of the grass she sat down hard, her eyes blazing in rage, "Stupid pig!" She yelled pointing at the creature, sadly huffing and puffing at it did no good, only a solid strike would. 

    • ID: 29291
    • BD: 2+1=3 (fail)
    • MD: 7 (hit)
    • Shirosu: 10/11
    • Boar 6/6

    Shirosu decided it was time to do some mob killing instead, at least then she knew she would get leather from creature. Picking out a single boar she charged it hoping to get it by surprise, but instead it turned around and charged her as well. She was hoping that she was fast enough to land a blow and get out of the way, but the porker had a different idea. it jumped into the air, which was something Shirosu hadent seen before and in panic did her best to get out of the way but it still grazed her. After getting her footing Shirosu Sighed," Still need more practice eh?" to no one in particular. 

    • LD: 29289
    • LD: 15  +1 wool

    "Are those...Sheep?" Shirosu asked herself seeing a large group of wandering fluffy things, "Yes!" she shouted to the sky and ran towards the herd, being quite at the same time realizing she was probably stealing wool, but oh well, a small chunk missing from a sheep wouldn't hurt anyone not even the sheep itself. sneaking into the herd she picked a larger sheep, and gently took a piece of wool from it, all the while petting it on the head muttering to it softly to keep it calm.  "Hey!" she heard someone shout and took that as her que to vacate. Turning around she sprinted away from the herd and far into the hills before the NPC even got as much as a glimpse of her, "Whoops" she laughed

    • ID: 29288
    • LD: 9 can't find anything AT ALL
    • Shriosu 11/11 *pride very hurt*

    Shoulders hunched Shirosu scolded herself for acting like a five year old girl that had never seen a bug before, but she couldn't help it just when ever she saw the crawling little legs...... "Arg!" she exclaimed, shivering up and down in disgust, she would have to be very careful not to let anyone find out about her bug issue, things like that were easy prank material. she eyes kept scanning for something, anything, to use, but nothing was immediately available.  Maybe i'll try to kill some boars for leather, she thought miserably.

    • ID:29286
    • LD: 11 Bitty bugs
    • Shirosu: 10/11 ouch >:( 

    Oh hey! she thought to herself, maybe there's some silk worms around Shirosu scoured through the cotton plants hoping to find one little worm.  As she rummaged through, cotton kept flying into her face and driving her crazy, constantly making her sneeze. when she gave up looking for the tiny little buggers she lifted her hands out of the bush only to find them covered in bugs. Shirosu froze, and then squealed as they started nipping her and ran in circles trying to dislodge the nasty critters. 

  2. "Ok" she said "Sounds straight forward enough" she looked at the little screen and accepted the duel, and a count down started in front of her. Hesitating she asked,"Now who attacks first?" she wanted to make sure she knew what she was doing so that she wouldn't get completely pummeled, that was the hope any way. She finally started to take a competitive look of Mack, she was much smaller and lighter, so hopefully she could use that to her advantage to doge around the blonde mans attacks. But one solid hit from him would probably send her soaring through the sky so she would have to careful and try to distribute his attacks to less central areas so she wouldn't end up being a bird. 

  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2sLo7Ax18s 

    • ID: 29212
    • LD: 17 +1 cotton 

    Muttering to herself as she strolled out into she field Shirosu flung her hands up in the air with exasperation. She had decided to do the quest <<Earning A Living>> in order to become a tailor, but the NPC she had be talking to was so vague that all she had really gathered was that she had to go find materials as they had dropped a basic sewing needle in her hand. As she held the little piece of metal she had continuity pricked herself, and now was sucking her thump from the most recent stab of the evil thing.  She decided to look for plant materials first, seeing as they were easier to attain, she hoped. spotting a cotton plant she ran over and grabbed a handful, to her delight the soft fluffy stuffy was clean and sutibe for crafting with. 

  4. "Oh......" Shirosu turned around and bounced on back, her cheeks obviously coloured in embarrassment, walking up to the burly blacksmith she asked,"So how does fighting another player work? Considering my lower hp and everything" she was genuinely curious, she knew fighting another player would be interesting and even thought she really didn't have to high of hopes for winning, she was always up for the experience. 

  5. Looking over in curiosity Shirosu asked,"More interesting? I thought there where only boars on the first level....Oh wait righhht!" she exclaimed slapping her forehead "I forgot there were wolves too" she cocked her head to think about then, jumped up and down and said,"Sure ill take on a wolf, never like mutts anyway they drool too much" With that she scanned the immediate area for any wolf and when she didn't spot one she began to jog further down the field to find her prey. "Here doggy, doggy, doggy" she called, her hands at her mouth in hopes of naively attracting one.

    • ID: 29048
    • BD: 7+1=8 (hit)
    • Shirosu: 8/11
    • Boar: 0/6 -3
    • LD: 5

    "Alright!" Shirosu shouted pumping herself up ,"I can do one more hit"  she rushed the boar determined to hit it hard. this time when it sped up she dodged swiftly out of its tusks reach and slashed, her knife met its mark right on the dot.  As the boar exploded into pixels she threw her hands up into the air with excitement. "That one went much quicker" she said enthusiastically turning to face Mack, a big grin on her face, "i'm slowly starting to get the hang of this" right after she said that she started scouting for her final target and she quickly picked out a single boar on the edges of the field, sorry piggy she thought with a grin your bacon now

    REWARDS (added to other rewards)

    • 30 Col
    • 2 Crafting Material 
    • ID: 29045
    • BD: 6+1=7 (Hit)
    • MD: 10 (Critical hit) +2
    • Shirosu:  8/11  -3
    • Boar: 3/6 -3

    Shirosu approached the boar, once again using the reverse grip, her foot steps calculated and once she knew she was ready she attacked. Rushing forward she gained its agro and swerved back and forth hoping to confuse it and prepared her attack. Just when she thought she would get a nice clean hit the boar put on a burst of speed and rammed its head right into her gut. Right before it launched her she managed to hand a hit on it, but the damage was done and Shirosu skidded back head over heels. Landing on her back she swore and scrambled to her feet, coughing a little from the impact," Man these boars just love to pound on me" she coughed before turning her attention back on the critter.  

  6. "Good" she said, still thrilled about the thought of combat , It was thrill fighting something, she wasn't going to be junkie, but the adrenaline most definitely kept her going.  Shirosu opened her menu for a second then Exclaimed "Hey! I level up!" with that she started skirting the edges of the boar herd again looking for another lone pig, not really wanting to try her luck with two. Spotting her next target, she realized it was a touch close to some others but she could lead it far away enough with some goading, so she wasn't worried so with a small bounce on the ball of her feet she jogged towards the pig, ready to take it on. 

    • ID:28991
    • BD: 8 (Hit)
    • Shirosu 8/9
    • Boar 0/6 -3
    • LD: 16

    Taking a deep breath she reassed her target and thought about their behavior patterns, which was mainly a direct charge. Figuring that if he lured it on and dogged with a slice it would be effective. Standing still as the boar charged her Shirosu flipped the Knife once more into the reverse grip, it seemed natural, but needed practice. She decided walking would help her cool her nerves as the monster charged so instead of running towards it she strolled, her focus becoming sharper each second. At the last moment before it struck her Shirosu planted her feet, crouched down, and lunged slicing horizontally with the blade across the boars flank finally landing a successful hit. The creature burst into a digitized mess in front of her face shocking her slightly but she recovered and stood up straight reaching her hand up, to wipe the imaginary sweat from her forehead. "Much tougher then I thought it would be" She sighed a low whistle escaping her lips. "Two more times right?" she asked over she shoulder at Mack, the cloak rustling gently in the breeze.


    • 30 col
    • 1 Crafting material
  7. OOC: OTL why rolls whyyyyy ;n;

    • ID:28989
    • BD: 1 (Critical failure) 
    • MD: 8 (hit)
    • Shirosu 8/9 -1
    • Boar 3/6

    Just as she said those words the boar charged without her noticing, swearing she spun in an attempt to throw of its agro a little and lept back a few times hoping to doge its rampage. Yelling in frustration she miscalculated and stabbed with the knife, the blade missed the boar by inches . No! she thought but there was nothing she could do as the boar tossed its powerful head and gored her, sending her flying. After landing rather ungracefully Shirosu got to her feet and took a deep breath, getting frustrated helped no one, she had to look at this differently. 

    • ID:28951
    • BD: 1 (critical Failure)
    • MD: 5 (fail)
    • Shirosu 9/9
    • Boar 3/6

    "Oh!?Ill try that" she said calling over her shoulder and decided to try it out, flipping the knife into a reverse hold she prepared herself for another attack. as she approached the boar again it decided it was time to get furious and ran much faster then it has before. "Wha!" Shirosu exclaimed and rolled out of the way on the last second trying to strike out at the boar with the reverse grip but missing by a mile. "Man" she grumbled in frustration her eyes glued on the boar in a glare," guess ill have to practice that some more." shaking her head she said, "next time ill finish it" 

    • ID: 28928
    • BD: 5+1=6 (Hit)
    • MD: 4 (Miss)
    • Shirosu: 9/9
    • Boar: 3/6 -3

    Once more try, she thought fiercely and she spun around and lunged once more in the direction of the angry boar. As they neared each other more this time Shirosu grabbed the edge of her cloak and used it like a bull fighter, knowing the crimson color would hold its attention. The way she waved it drew the boars gaze away from her face and onto the cloak instead and using this opportunity she stuck, and with an exclamation Eagle's Claw met its mart for the first time laving a digitized scratch on the boars flank. after she landed the strike she dodged out of the way to avoid being mauled.

  8. OOC: yup!

    • ID: 28921
    • BD: 3+1=4 (fail) 
    • MD: 3 (fail) 
    • Shirosu: 9/9 
    • Boar: 6/6

    The boar had an immediately agroed on her and charged in her direction, she drew her knife, hoping to get in close for a good shot. Shirosu's feet where light as she ran low to the ground her focus only on the boar, in an instant her butterfly's dispersed and all that was left was excitement. But at the last second before she struck the boar swung its body unexpectedly and in a way that would hurt. In order to avoid taking damage she lept out of its path of action at the last second, her initial attack abandoned in preference of her health.  "Shoot!" she growled in frustration as the beast charged back, neither landing a blow, mind you, she guessed hoping to land a blow on her first monster was a bit of a stretch for a newbie.  



  9. "Thanks" She said in reply to him overlooking her fashionable lateness, her face still looking slightly guilty. She ready accepted the cloak and amulet from the Blonde man and as he explained all the parts of this cloak and meaning she equipped it. The flowing garment felt a little weird, but she soon accepted the feel of it and decided she didn't mind the length. Looping the amulet around her neck she lightly touched it with a slender finger and it morphed into the dagger that Mack had previously mentioned. "Ahhh" she said, a little bit of excitement glittered to life in her eyes" This will be my first time actually battling a few monsters, i've been itching to for quite awhile, but i'm not into killing myself so i was waiting for my level to raise a little." 

    When he said for her to lead the way she took to action immediately, turning on her heels the cloak fluttering behind her, she strode toward the fields, butterfly's forming in her stomach. She scanned the fields, her gaze hunting for a single opponent to agro, preferably a boar for her first go, then she spotted one grazing far away from the others, that meant even if she lept in the wrong direction she wouldn't agro more Perfect, she thought and started sprinting to her target. 

  10. Preparing herself for what she had just agreed to Shirosu walked out into the brisk morning air, her fast pace leaving tiny puffs of dust in her wake. Today was the day of initiation into the guild Crimson Blades, not a very large one yet, but the master Mack seemed trust worthy in Shirosu's books. At her hip the newly acquired Eagle's Claw, a gift from Mack glittered in the sparse beams of the morning light, she was excited to try it out. Just yesterday she had realized what was happening in this death game and knowing it was in her interest had accepted the request to join Mack's guild.

    Rushing towards the gate at the entrance of town Shirosu raised her hand and called," Yo! Mack, i'm coming"  Sprinting the few final steps to the towering gate that lead to the first floor fields, she glanced at the hulking man apologetically and said," Sorry if i'm late, not a very good first impression eh?"  Slapping her cheeks lightly, turning them a light shade of pink, she quietly exclaimed,"Focus!" then turned her attention to Mack and inquired," SO whats the plan for today?" 

  11. Shirosu glanced over in Koumori and rolled her eyes at the internal squabble they seemed to have, but when she had looked over she saw that someone had reopened the tent flap she glanced at the figure staring intently to its occupants. "Oh um hello" She said to the new comer, melting on the inside she muttered under her breath really quietly," Are there no girls in this game?" 

  12. Shirosu entered the tent with a look of fascination at all the weapons and armor, some of the designs were beautiful others brute and obviously heavy. Walking over to the table Mack placed a long knife in her hand and told her it was called "Eagle's Claw"  he also explained its enhancements and Shirosu stared in awe at even its handle. The knife was very well crafted and its was beautify etched with pattern resembling something kinda Celtic. Holding it gingerly in her hands she asked sheepishly, "Are you sure your willing to supply me with such an nice weapon?" She was stunned that he would give a newbie something that was probably worth quite a lot but decided it best to accept the kindness, she was still pretty helpless after all. 

    When he asked once more about joining his guild Shirosu took a deep breath and said," I will accept your offer to join the Blades, it seems like a good choice on many different levels for me" She didn't like tying herself to people but it felt like the right thing to do, after all she all ready owed him for the weapon and it seemed like a good survival strategy, safety in numbers. When he donned the large flowing cloak she vaugley noticed the resemblance to Kyaba's GM cloak but ignored that thought and took a good look at the garments of the guild. 

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