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Posts posted by Shirosu

    • ID:30114
    • BD: 10 (4+2=6 DMG)
    • MD: 6 (hit)
    • Shirosu: 22/23
    • Boar: 6/12

    Noticing a perfect target Shirosu approached it slowly then when she was just outside its aggro range she bolted forward, fast as a snake she leapt on the large boars back with a quite war cry and plunged her blade between its shoulder blades, Squeezing with her legs Shirosu ended up being on a little rodeo ride, the boar jumping, bucking and kicking doing anything to dislodge its surprise rider, but it wasn't to long before Shirosu was kicked of when the swine started to roll, she got a little squished but dart away from the pig relatively unharmed and turned back, satisfied with how well the first strike went. 

    • ID: 30109
    • LD: 16 (+1 mat)

    Getting out into the field Shirosu got Gin to hop off her shoulder and presented him with a piece of Scrap mat to gnaw on while she fought, seeing as he was teething something horrible and all of her table and chair legs had a number of teeth marks in them. But before she got into the nitty gritty she decided to take a quick peek around for anything of value for crafting, too her surprise she found a beautiful sparkling gem and with a grin pocketed the item for future use. Then turning her attention to the field she looked for some lonely, higher level boars. 

  1. getting herself ready Shirosu prepared to get down to the nitty gritty of the online world, grinding. She remembered it being a boring, grueling task in which she KO monster after monster after monster to increase her level, welp, she was doing that now. As she walked around gathering things for the day out, her little fox Gin followed her around like a lost puppy yipping mournfully, "Gin, i swear, i'm not leaving you OK, you can just watch the battles, no need for you to be all lonely here" That seemed to pacify the kit and wandered back to his bed to play with a couple of bells Shirosu had left laying around. Finally feeling like she was prepped Shirosu called to Gin who bolted out of his bed and onto her shoulders in a flash, quickly securing his favourite spot as that of a living scarf. The she exited the shop, put up the closed sign and headed to the fields for some good ol'grinding. 

  2. OOC: awesome ;D

    Shirosu laughed at his comment, "Ahh sorry about that, i was just really pissed then, too many people, and i was a little annoyed at you twos childish squabble, but it was nothing that left a permanent imprint, after all, i was still very unsure of what the hell was going on and the more people there were, the more confused and irritated i got." So that's what had been bugging him, she had noticed a few confused looks coming her way and wondered what they were about, now she knew, she was kinda sad that her behavior on the first day had lead to that impression, but hopefully that would clear it up. "I forgot to mention, i have a slightly short fuse, and tend to get umm, snappy quickly, not violent, just fed up with people"   When he explained the different quests she nodded her head thoughtful and with an impish grin, she said,"Finding something good always turns out to be a blast, you just cant complain" 

  3. When she heard his explanation about the whole not getting a familiar thing she didn't press, knowing it wasn't her place to question a persons personal motives for reasons like that and instead threw her hands up in defeat in regards to the Midget statement and she conceded,"Fine, fun sized is acceptable,Its a bit more publicly acceptable anyway" she laughed winking back. Shirosu gave a little fist pump at the thought of doing a quest, even for the sake of doing one. She trailed Koumori as  they started towards the edge of town to find a suitable quest to do," Any ideas of what quests might be around?" she asked, genuinely curious, her eyes flicking from NPC to NPC looking for ant sign that one harbored a quest for them. She was currently pumped to be doing something other then sight seeing, that was fun and all, but some excitement always brightened her day. 

  4. "Ah yes!" she said plucking the three tailed fox out of her hood and holding him up, "This Gin, his mom kinda died in my arms and i couldn't leave him alone so, i ended up with a familiar." Gin sniffed Koumori experimentally then yipped, and squirmed back onto Shirosu shoulders where he became something of a living scarf.,"You should think about it," She said," It may seem like a fad, but they really are good for keeping you company when you would otherwise be alone" After saying that Gin made a purring sound deep in his chest and she pet him affectionately.  "Ha! I'd be hard pressed to beat them in anything probably," she said in response to the arm wrestling match,"Heck! im so short they probably think i'm a midget" She was thankful when he said that she couldent be a lose for taking a crotch shot at mack and grinned in response as well, She perked up at the sound of a quest, seeing as she was usually up for one "Sure id love to go hunt for a quest," She need to do more of thoses, they were great level raisers, and heaven knows how much she needs to raise her level. 

  5. OOC: awesome! i knew a rp with you would be good for that reason. 

    When Koumori bust out laughing Shirosu couldn't help but crack a grin, when she thought back on it now she found it rather humorous herself. She was pleased that she could make someone's day as well. When Koumori started getting into how to distract Mack for a proper crotch shot Shirosu was the one holding her sides and laughing her head off, it was perfect just too perfect, and she knew about the eagles, her knife was named after that obsession. A little head pop out of the hood that was currently down and a yawn displayed to sharp rows  of baby teeth to Koumori,"finally awake?" she asked the little fox tickling it under the chin before turning back to their conversation. "Yeah, different is right" she replied scratching her head and gazing at the gigantic trees. "So," she said,"have any other plans while you were here, or do you care to explore with a bored loser like me?" 

  6. Little by little a grin started creeping onto Shirosu face and finally she burst out laughing, not caring that she was on Mack's shoulder any more"Oh my goodness guys" She gasped, trying to catch air between laughing bouts" Is everyone high strung today? You're all making quite a deal out of nothing much, just complaining, disgruntled girl being carried around on a guy's shoulder" She wiped a tear away from the corner of her eye before continuing," No need to get all defensive, do i wanna try and beat Mack up? yes. Am i going to succeed? no, but either way i'm in one piece and fine." When Mack told her to wave and that she was a soldier now she sighed,"That was quite a bit of work into becoming a soldier, especially with this fiasco"

  7. Entering the seventh floor with curiosity, having never been there before, thankfully, all Shirosu had to do was follow the small trail of guild mates here or there to find Beoreson's shop. Perched on her shoulder was her new familiar, Gin the three tailed fox, who preferred, as Shirosu was finding out, to be with her as much as possible. finally finding the place Shirosu entered to find it filling with people, at the moment she saw Beoreson, Opal, Ablasster and Mack. "Hello!" she said stepping in, her golden eyes taking in all of the decorations and how it was set up,"Nice place" when she saw Chewie and a little puppy under a table she grinned and address Gin who was on her shoulder,"You should go play with them" the little creature huffed and curled around her neck like a scar ignoring her suggestion, she signed and pet their head. turning to Beoreson she said with an impish grin "I heard you have Ale, never had alcohol before might as well try today"   She was in a good mood today, so she was feeling adventurous. 

  8. OOC: srry for the late reply OTL

    Shirosu was sitting in her shop reading up on some news and playing with the little fox Gin, her silver eyes darting between the two tasks, she almost didn't notice when a PM notice popped up in front of her from Opal, "Hummmm" she said a little surprised and opened the Pm , she read it quickly and with a grin grabbed her gear, equipped her guild cloak and her knife then bolted out the door calling over her shoulder,"I've got work Gin, be back soon ok!" Right before the door closed she heard a little tinkling laugh from the fox and with a grin she hurried to the town square. Finally reaching the clearing where she spotted Opal and Mack waiting, Shirosu skidded up to them and panted apologetically,"Sorry i'm late," the she asked herself quietly," Why am i alway late?"  She noticed Opal smoking but didn't mention it, that was her life choice, not Shirosu's, so she didn't care. 


  9.  digging through all of her tailor attempts she finally found what she was looking for and called,"Gin, come" the little fox scampered over, a failed attempt in its mouth,"Hey there cutie sit still for a few seconds and then ill throw whatever you're holding for you ,ok?" the fox yipped around the material and hunkering down Shirosu put a little blue collar with a golden bell around the kit's neck, and touching the name tag wrote, "Gin" in fancy lettering. "There you go, all done," she said stroking its head, then taking and throwing the material she stood up and watched the kit thinking,I don't think i could have found a better one. 

  10. Finally arriving in the town of beginnings Shirosu navigated the familiar streets with ease before entering her little shop, fox in tow. "Welcome to you new home" she said letting the fox hop down to explore the new space. she watched as it scampered around, peeking through things, batting others and just being over all cute. Shirosu just had to sit down on a chair and watch it run around in its glorious cuteness. It constantly yiped, piped and made its tinkling laugh to itself and it explored, finally it started to settle down and she got up to find something. 

    • ID 30020
    • LD: 11

    Finally making it out of the forest after a good hour or so,Shirosu gave a quick glance backwards and the said to Gin, "Say good bye little one" the little fox perched on top of her head, let out on little yip in the direction of the forest before crawling back down to her shoulders and snuggling in next to her neck.  With that clouser from the fox Shirosu turned and jogged into the town where the fox curiously glanced around at all the players and food stall, but never leaving her shoulder. putting a hand on Gin she said, "time to get you home."

    • ID:30015
    • LD: 3

    Taking it slower this time Shirosu decided to try once more while she walked to find materials, her little friend comfortably seated around Shirosu's neck like a fluffy scarf. She didn't care when she saw nothing because she kept up a constant chatter with the kit, and it seemed to be paying very close attention to her every word, every now and then she would hear a slight tinkling sound come from the foxes mouth, like laughter, when ever she related something that was semi amusing. Shirosu continually got distracted by its three tails as they often flicked up into her face over her nose, making her sneeze on multiple occasions and resulting in a laugh from the kit. 

  11. Struggling to push through all the giant ladies Shirosu followed Koumori through the crowd, apologizing when ever she accidentally bumped into someone, whether they be NPC or Player. Making it to the larger tree she turned and said,"Long time no see" She said by way of greeting, a small grin on her face" everything's been pretty good with the guild, most of the members are good, Mack's a bit of a smart ass though, tried to get a crotch shot in on him like you did, failed miserably, and he exacted revenge in the form of carrying me around on his shoulder" She sighed thinking back on that." In answer to what i'm doing here, my reply would be that i kinda just wanted to check out the different floors seeing as I haven't really left the first floor." She glanced around, quite fascinated by all the buildings, "Anywho what brings you here?" she inquired, returning his previous question. 

  12. ooc: OTL i for got young foxes were called kits

    "Ok then Gin" she murmured quietly, stroking his head,"We gotta find a way out of the forest. i'm personally kinda lost" The little fox looked up at her inquisitively and lept up onto her shoulder and just like his mother had, pointed with his tail in a direction. Shocked she stared at Gin and then laughed," Guess you guys understand basic speech huh?" the little fox kit yipped and Shirosu felt her heart melting in affection for the kit, even though she had only just met it. Turning in the direction Gin pointed Shirosu started her trek back through the forest. 

  13. Name: Bell collar 

    Profession: Tailor

    Rank: 1

    ID: 30011

    Roll: 8

    Quality: Good Item

    Item Type: Clothing

    Enhancements: None

    Description: A little blue collar with a golden bell attached. its decently crafted out of soft leather and is meant for small animals. 

    Image: Bell Collar


    ID: 30014

    Roll: 2 

    +3 exp

  14. Before she could name it Shirosu needed to know the little one's gender. Using the oldest trick in the book, instead of using her head and checking its health bar, Shirosu disturbed the little foxes sleep by picking it up and turning over the disgruntled creature. "Ok!" she said in excitement over the complaints and yips from the young one " I have a little boy fox here."  turning back to the naming screen she pondered a few more seconds before ultimately settling on the name Gin, and not like the booze, but instead for the Japanese word for Silver, thinking a japanese name would be suitable considering where she found him. "Hello Gin!" she said fondly patting the soft ears, all three of the tails wagging in unison. 

  15. Shirosu sat on the deck that surrounded the shrine, still murmuring comfortingly pup, trying to be non threatening so that the cub would eat the bread. Slowly inching forward the little pointy nose snapped up the first small piece and started to probe for more. holding the loaf in her lap Shirosu slowly got the little one so come right next to her before giving it another piece of the bread, that too disappeared down its gullet. Getting more confident it placed a paw on her lap and finally happy with the progress Shirosu presented it with the rest of the loaf. It fell upon the loaf ravenously, as if it hadn't eaten in days, and when it filled itself, a screen popped up.  Name your familiar? is asked and with a tiny squeal Shirosu placed her hand on the screen and thought about what to name the little one that had curled up in her lap like a cat. 

    • ID: 29937
    • LD: 14 (Tamed!)

    Looking at her hands where the little fox had died Shirosu decided to check out what it had been indicating so urgently about. Approaching the shrine with caution Shirosu gently laid a hand on the door and pushed it open. What greeted her was a little, frightened, growling ball of white fluff. Leaping with shock, Shirosu's hairs stood on end, before she calmed down and laughed at her skittishness. Taking a better look at the fox pup revealed it to have three tails instead of its mother's two and piercing Blue eyes that held quite a lot of fear in them. Scrolling through her inventory All the while talking calmly and softly, Shirosu grabbed a piece of the beginners bread and held it out, tearing a small chunk off and throwing it at the Foxes feet. 

  16. Rushing over Shirosu reached down and scooped up the little creature, and gasped, "Where you poisoned the whole time???" There wasn't anything she could have done, but she was greatly confused at the situation. The fox barked weakly and pointed towards the shrine with its tail," Why did you lead me here?" she asked in confusion to the dieing animated character. It barked one more time, pointing more urgently with its tail before the poison drained the rest of its life, and it dissolved into pixels in her arms. 

  17. Finally stumbling into a clearing the fox sat down and revealed that held within this break in the forest sat a beautiful medium sized shrine of Japanese architecture. "Woah!" Shirou exclaimed approaching the shrine, but before she could get too close she heard a dull thud and turning saw that the little fox that had lead her had collapsed onto its side. Turning she approached it warily, looking for any traps, but it didn't move, and when she got closer she saw under its status bar that it was currently poisoned. 

    • ID: 29931
    • LD: 13

    Pausing for a second, Shirosu bent over to catch her breath and at her feet she saw something that seemed to sparkle a little, Bending down she scooped it up, but the item was sadly unrecognizable and non useable. tossing it into the bushes she turned back to the little fox and sighed, "How much further?" she grumbled, tiring of plodding through the forest.  In reply the fox lifted both its tails into the air and happily prance further in front of her. Groaning Shirosu stretch backwards and tripping over another root, followed the fox some more. 

  18. Just out of Sheer curiosity the short little woman had decided to take a small road trip through some of the safe zoned cities within the first 10 floors. She was currently on the sixth floor, also known as the town on Amazons, as she ducked and weaved thru the crowd Shirosu couldn't help but admire the tall NPC's her 5'4" making her look like a house elf next to all of them.  She was currently admiring a shop that sold little trinkets like beads and jewelry, all pretty, but not any use in a battle. Turning away from the shop, Shirosu caught a glimpse of brown hair and paused before following it through the crowd, harboring a suspicion she might know who it was. Finally catching up to them she called,"Oi! Koumori! it's me Shirosu!" She hoped her voice would catch his attention over the hubba bubba of the town. 

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