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Posts posted by Opal

  1. ID: 61368
    LD: 14+4 [+1 Mat]
    EN: 2/3

    Using her booted toe, the woman was able to uncover a shiny looking rock from among the rubble of the temples. Her violet eyes shifted around her as she bent down and lifted the chunk of rock from the land, tapping the necessary buttons for it to go to her inventory and then itemizing it within. She sighed and swept the long violet streaks of hair from her face when she had bent down. She was still recovering her energy, which meant no action for a little while longer. And yet she was fine without it so far. Floor seven always stirred emotions within her, despite going back and thrusting the blade of traitorism into her friends backs...there was maybe still an inkling of that light where she held some kind of regret. She would have to live with what and continue moving forward. 

    "Regretting is not going to help me." 

  2. ID: 61367
    LD: 10+4

    Flicking the snow white hair from off her shoulder, Opal was now searching through the broken soil for any useable materials. She was once more alone again. Friends and companions seem to disappear once she had become the pariah of Aincrad, and yet she never felt more alive than she has ever been. She had a few personal friends, if they could be called as such. The woman Avilon, while the girl was eager to learn she might be too nice for the sort of work Opal and the Laughing Coffin association. Then there was Jazmyne. She would work well with her collective group of misfits, but time would tell for that. She had slim pickings but Kalesh seemed like a trustworthy companion as well; holding no bonds or ties with a guild made him a reliable friend as well; and a good [censored] buddy when the mood struck. 

    ENR 1/3

  3. ID: 61365
    LD: 19+4 = 23 
    Dungeon: Advanced! 




    Advanced Dungeons


    Rules and Requirements

    1. Advanced Dungeons cannot be fled from at any point after being entered. Teleportation crystals are disabled in these dungeons.
    2. Advanced Dungeons cannot be found or completed in solo threads. If the player rolls LD22 or higher in a solo thread, an intermediate dungeon will be found in its stead.
    3. Participants must fight a total of fifteen floor strength monsters of their own design before moving on to the boss.
    4. Participants must fight a boss monster with the following statistics in order to qualify for the reward:
      HP = floor * 70 | Damage = floor * 11


    3 SP upon completion
    A Col value of ((floor + loot die) * 100)
    6 Materials


    "Friends come and go in this world. Anyone can die with a snap of the fingers." Opal explained looking over her shoulder to the less expressive woman as before. Opal shook her head, "If you are seeking companionship, then you need to stop searching ya know? If you look for it, it will never be found. Let it come naturally, like you and I. It was an off chance that we met and here we are now, right? Going on adventure and having...Well, I suppose this is fun?" The woman gave a brief smile when she heard Jaken step on an impression on the ground making a clicking sound in the process. 

    "Ugh...oh dear...what have I done?" Jaken looked up when he heard the rumbling of a noise coming from above in the mountain. Opal unsheathed her weapon and narrowed her eyes at the peak, "[censored]. Everyone take cover!" The woman stood as massive large boulders began falling and tumbling down the mountain. Narrowing her violet eyes, the woman tore through the massive stone cinders with her impressive Masamune. The destructive power of the blade was enough to cut them in half one after another as she stepped side to side to clearing away the debris as it fell upon them. The dust of the mountain was kicked up and wafted over the party until it slowly settled. Jaken, in his dubious efforts to find materials, instead activated a corridor in the mountains that lead to the Forbidden Temple of Serpius. 

    "Well, I suppose its fate that we find a dungeon around here. If everyone is safe, let's get going." 

  4. "When face with Master Sensui, you need to be confident and never break before him. Once you break, he will find you easily enough to separate body from mind and will humiliate you till the end of your days. So it would be safe to say when you meet him, become a strong woman as you were today. Be defiant and do not lose your composure when you meet him. That is all I can say," the woman said, holding an amber bottle of liquid and took a slow drink of it. She was not very much hungry at the moment, but the two companions seemed to have been starving for sometime. Even her familiar was going through the food quite quickly.

    A mouthful of food was in Jazmyne's face as Opal expressed a small smile when she was asked or rather demanded to learn more about the professions of Aincrad, "They are rather simple. Alchemists create potions and buffs. One of the most necessary of all professions. Blacksmiths create steel weapons and heavy armor while Tailors create leather and light armor. There are chefs who create buffs through their foods and are able to sell their good items as normal food items. You will never go hungry being a chef so long as you have the materials to create the items. Fishermen are the least popular of the bunch, they are just a lower tier of cooks in Aincrad. Their profession could really use an update though. And lastly would be the Artisans; they tend to create accessory equipment which can be greatly beneficial to most players and they can create cosmetic jewelery as well if you are inclined to fashionable wares. I heard the Bead Style is pretty 'in' right now." Opal gave a shrug of her shoulder. Jaken happily full plopped back in his seat and reclined a few moments later he fell over and fell asleep next to his Mistress. 

    The woman took another swig of her drink placing it back now and licking her full black lips, "Oh, and there is the Performer as well. If you are into music and instruments, that might be something you could look into. They create great pvp and pve debuff songs so those would also come in handy. There is a wide variety of Blacksmiths right now as well as alchemists, decent number of chefs and artisans. I know of a few players who own Tailored shops, maybe one Fisherman and a handful of Performers. It's up to you in the end on what direction you wish to go." 

  5. With the Zolom on its last bar of health, the woman catapulted her body with her blade glowing the aura of silver and ivory. The katana was hissing through the air as it struck the massive snake several times cutting into its digital flesh and annihilating it in three blows. The large serpent hissed out one final hiss and then its body slumped over and impaled itself into a rather large dead tree. Its stood there for a fraction of a moment before it exploded into pixels as Opal and her trio of companions conquered the dungeon boss. With glory and SP rewards in their belt. The woman flicked her wrist and turned to her company. 

    "Good job, everyone. Let's head back!" 

    ID: 61364
    BD:8 +3
    MD:  2
    LD: 16+3 = 19

    Sword Art: Hi Ougi || 33 Dmg

    Party List - (Correct my mistakes if I have any)
    [2] Macradon 161/161 HP | 17 DMG | 66 MIT | 29/39 NRG (-12 energy, +3 Recovery)
    [0] Lawfer       120/120  HP | 12 DMG | 0 MIT | 23/30 NRG 
    [1] Opal           168/168 HP | 11 DMG | 0 MIT | 16/42 NRG

    Giant Anaconda; Zolom: HP: 0 / 360 || Dmg: 42 

  6. I would assume the player gets to pick the trait as soon as they pick their weapon class? As a Mod for the Dagger? Or they get to chose when they GM their weapon? I like the idea of variety and I actually would have no problem with that as you say it would add more diversity to the dagger users. -thumbs up-

  7. 41 minutes ago, Life said:

    Extra attacks isn't viable as we run off an energy system.

    That was the point I was trying to make. We would need to switch Sword Arts from Energy Based attacks to Cool Down timers instead. But thats a different answer to a different question than what we have going on now which the point of this thread was to give Daggers amongst the other weapon classes a special trait so they are not all doing and acting as the same thing as one another. 

    So my suggestion is; we put in "Extra Attacks" as a maybe for the Dagger Class, and in case the system stays Energy Based, then we use a different/back up trait instead. 

    Then in that case, we have "extra attacks" as a maybe and something more universal as the suggested in the first post. Since you guys wish to make Rapiers more crit based attacks, that leaves:

    - A Passive Ability that allows the Player to roll again if they miss the first time. [Once per Thread] [Mack approved of such a thing in his response. As a GM this might be a good offering for Dagger users.]


    -A Passive ability that add +1 to Acc or +1 EVA during defending Player's turn.  [One choice, maybe the player can decide?]


    -Free Bleed/Poison mechanic: A Critical Strike will automatically apply bleed/poison to the Mob without the need of an enhancement to do so. [Macks uggested great use for PvE, but poor for PvP. It would depend on the amount of DoT. Would it be greater than the normal enhancement or the same?]

    Hidden Blade - with every landed attack the player has a chance to landed a second attack. (A natural CD 11+ would be required to land the second attack. It can never crit.)  [Suggested by Rain] 

    1 hour ago, Grave said:

    Mainly because 1. It's tedious and annoying to waste energy, meaning you have to wait to do anything and 2. It's non-canon. Yes, we have a few non-canon elements on-site, but EN is something that can be removed without too much trouble if we all work together.

    Also, when's this group PM gonna get started? :P

    Instead of making it a PM, it's better to give the entire community a chance to weigh in their ideas. Just because they dont use a Dagger does not mean they can weigh in on their ideas. 

  8. ID: 61248
    LD: 9+4+2 = 15

    The struggle between the Light and the Dark had already begun. Opal's slashes became more infuriated and precise as the battle dragged on. She was meticulous when it came to this work, she honed herself with her blade for countless months becoming the calibre she was known for. Her violet eyes sat upon Lawfer, her blade screaming through the air as it nearly cut the long blonde hair of the Dragoon. She cursed under her breath when she missed his throat. Eyes glared and she whistled to the others, "This is getting no where. You fools can't even take down two pesky children. You are on your own!" 

    The woman inverted her blade and slashed once more and twisted on her foot revealing a black vial. Crushing it between her fingers, the glass shattered and the steam of the volcanic area started to mix with the blackness of the liquid. Her voice cut through the darkness, "I have seen the faces of you friends. I will find them and slaughter them like sheep! Stay alive until then, Lawfer. Cause I will rip the world you know from your arms and give you nothing but despair!" 

    One of the initiates was able to withdraw successfully from the battle, however, one of them was gravely injured by one of the other players. When the black fog was lifted he was on the ground, his eyes full of horror and beyond terrified. He was only a grunt and did not think this through, he had shamed himself and he would probably end up losing his life for it. 

    OOC: Failed on the rolls, so maybe just call it a thread and collect the rewards?

  9. Each brother revealed crystals in their hands, crushing the objects between their fingers, their HP once more going back up to the normals, "You fool, you had us going there for a moment. You are all talk, but we have plenty of healing items on hand between the two of us. And now you will d--!" Purge was cut off by a thump on the ground. Behind the bluenette player was a player that many had seen and heard of before. Her violet eyes glaring, her ebony clothing and dull nightshade tint of her armor, the long snow white hair and the flecks of violet coated bangs; Opal. 

    She took a step forward showing the first three inches of the seven foot blade of the Masamune X, they both took a step backwards and gulped, "Hey bro...she is serious isn't she?"

    Like a black blur, she moved from her once stood position, and appeared before the twin brothers. Her back was facing Creius now and she mouthed a few words to them before her blade and the attached AoE attack went off without a hitch sending them flying backwards into the trees. She stood tall once more and looked over her shoulder, "You alright?" Her attention drawn back to the orange players, "You want more?" She asked to them giving the chance for them to run away. She held her arm out to Creius shaking her head, no doubt he would want to run after them.

    "They'll lead you into a trap and kill you. Then what will you do? You are already marked by the Laughing Coffin now, they've seen your face, they know who you are. And they will make your life miserable and torture you every chance they get. And what the hell were you doing with them out here anyways? You have any idea what kind of danger you put yourself in soloing? This might be the first floor, but this place is now riddled with the uprise of Laughing Coffin and other PK guilds. There is a turf war going on as well and you just might have stumbled onto something you should not have." The woman whipped her body around and flicked her katana outwards, her eyes narrowed at the player and shook her head.

    "One player. That is all you are." 

  10. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/7f/30/96/7f3096b216054cf47f704f990ceca9d0.jpg[/imig]

    As Lawfer made the killing blow on the final two snakes. The ground rumbled and the trees shook. From a massive hole from the ground came a giant snake at least 60 feet tall. Its eyes poisonous green as it lengthy body wrapped around and coiled up. Its head and beady eyes starring at the group of adventurers as they were the ones who killed its offspring. 

    The serpent hissed loudly and the battle was about to commence!

    Opal stood her ground, her amber eyes looking at the monstrosity before her. Unsheathing her weapon once more, she Charged for the quick slash of her blade. The aura wrapping around the blade as it quickly cut through the thick reptilian hide of the snake creature. A long orange gash cased the Serpent and stunned it in place. 

    "Alright, just got chop it down now." 

     Party List - (Correct my mistakes if I have any)
    [0] Macradon 161/161 HP | 17 DMG | 66 MIT | 39/39 NRG
    [0] Lawfer 120/120  HP | 12 DMG | 0 MIT | 23/30 NRG  -8/+1
    [1] Opal           168/168 HP | 11 DMG | 0 MIT | 16/42 NRG

    Sword Art: Iai || 13 EN || 120 Dmg

    Giant Anaconda; Zolom: HP: 240/ 360 || Dmg: 42 [Stunned]

    ID: 61244
    BD: 3+3 = 6
    MD: 3 Miss

  11. 16 minutes ago, Grave said:

    That's where Corridor Crystals come in! If they were implemented, a player could set up a Corridor in a subtle location and take the orange player through with them into the Black Iron Palace.

    If we had something like that, players would grow paranoid and overly suspicious of the player leading them somewhere. If I was said player, I would be fighting and not following. 

  12. Making Daggers a speed class weapon and Rapier more crit is a viable choice. Mack suggested extra attacks, but I think that should be limited as well as to not be OP. If we use a cooldown timer instead of EN, then extra attacks might be a more viable solution for the Special Trait of a dagger class. 

  13. And if said player did not wish to be put in Jail? What then? Take Calrex for example; he is a Super Tank. He goes Orange and we have this Prison System. Is anyone gonna go up to him and say, "hey, you gotta go to jail now." And he would be like "No, I think not." You'd either need to create a massive army to take him down, but in that case, why would he want to RP with anyone in a thread if he was marked? And since we might have NK-KE Threads now, he can simply state he does not wish to join said thread and walk away. 

    Prison system sounds neat on paper, but unless you FORCE the player to go, you really have nothing that can be done. 

  14. From all sides she was ripped apart, ridiculed and questioned. Her word meant nothing to them. False. Lies. Accusations. She had slain one player, an Orange Player, a player that could have proved more disastrous to herself. She killed the Berserker. It was an eye for an eye, but the added kick was she claimed to be part of a guild of player killers. Yet she was not one as of now; only that of a Player-Killer-Killer. Justified, yet ignored. Her arms folded as she took the insults, head lowered and eyes closed as the room spoke of her. Some even so rudely pointed fingers at her like children would do. There was no use, she was a pariah; outcast. Both Oikawa and Kalesh left, she would have thanked the red headed Wild Dancer herself, but he was gone before she could even bat an eyelash at him.

    The woman stood and headed towards the exit and turned around, "One final word. You were all dead the moment you put on those nervegears, as I am. We are all on borrowed time...some of us are on a shorter noose than others." The woman turned once more and left the building. They would feast on their justice and swell like fattened pigs to the slaughter. It was only time that would tell before their juices would flood through the streets of Aincrad. 

    -Exit Thread-

  15. Through the darkness of the shade of the valley, the woman sprinted and charged into the fray of Sand Trolls that were caught completely by surprise. Her Masamune shining with a violent aura now decimated her targets. Slash after slash she cut into their sandy hides until they were nothing more than exploded pixels. Once more her familiar clapped his small hands at her brave victory. To the floor dropped her reward, a handful of materials and a rare blood vial that would restore her energy. 

    "Looks like I don't need a chef after all." 

    <<Battle Engaged>>

    Opals HP: 193/193
    EN: 9/48
    Sword Art: Amatsu no Himura || EN: 20 || Dmg:  190 -38 = 152 Dmg

    x4 Sand Trolls: HP 0/150 || Mit: 38 || Dmg: 76

    ID: 61123
    MD: Dead
    BD: 7 [Surprise Attack +1 Dmg]
    LD: 18+4 = 22 [+4 Rare Items]
    +4 Mats

  16. Small hands clapped for his Mistress as Jaken allowed his staff to fall onto his shoulder as he marveled at her strength, "Yes Master Opal! Well done!" he shouted with a small cheer. The woman gave off a half smile at her familiar and flicked her blade to the side, "All in the day's work, I suppose. But I am sure we'll be finding more soon. Come Jaken, off to the shadows with us. I shall be bringing the pain with my Suprise Attack on the next round. Let us carry on."

    The green Imp nodded his head, it was time for them to venture out and seek more col and loot. 

    Notes: Now Stealthed and Primed for SA. 
    Current Equipment: Masamune X, Vambraces of Eternal Slumber, Amulet of Prosperity 

  17. Unfortunately Opal had misdirected her attack. The Jungle Snakes were a evasive bunch and she could not collect the focus she needed to mow them down like she had done prior to this. She sighed as the Sword Art didn't go off as she had planned for it. Perhaps it was better for her to strike from the shadows once more instead so she could get the extra damage in and the auto hit. Taking a moment to recollect her thoughts, the woman shrugged. 

    "Looks like I got out of focus, either of you two can take it from here." 

    - Party List - (Correct my mistakes if I have any)
    [0]Macradon 161/161 HP | 17 DMG | 66 MIT | 39/39 NRG (-2 Energy Miss, +2 Energy Recovery)
    [0]Opal           168/168 HP | 11 DMG | 0 MIT | 28/42 NRG

    ID: 61122
    BD: 2 
    MD: 3 Miss
    Sword Art: Missed
    Notes: 8/10 Mobs Dead

    << Jungle Snake >> || 24/24 HP || 6 MIT || 18 DMG
    << Jungle Snake >> || 24/24 HP || 6 MIT || 18 DMG

  18. Jaken followed his Mistress around. Her blade soaked with the powers of the whetstone. She eyed the first group of dregs, "This would be a lot more fun if they were players. But I guess I can't complain. Help me out Jaken, find a good spot for me to cut them open." The King Imp pointed, helping Opal make her way through the mobs. Sweeping slashed adorned their bodies and eviscerated the crowd of Sand Trolls. She opted out of using her accuracy enchanted equipment and instead was using something she had got at an Artisan's shop a while back. The item was able to give her a bigger col boost when dealing the final blows to the enemy. Coupled with her Surprise Attack, she can easily farm col and materials with the easiest of motions. Flicking her blade,t he woman continued her path of destruction.  

    <<Battle Engaged>>

    Opals HP: 193/193
    EN: 28/48
    Sword Art: Amatsu no Himura || EN: 20 || Dmg: 190 -38 = 152 Dmg

    x4 Sand Trolls: HP 0/150 || Mit: 38 || Dmg: 76

    ID: 61120
    MD: Dead
    BD: 9 [+1 Dmg]
    LD: 9+4 = 13[+4800 Col; Prosperity Equipment]
    +4 Mats

  19. Flicking silver strands of hair from her face, the Laughing Coffin initiate who was more than just a normal initiate found herself in the lost ruins of floor seven. Her eyes scanned broken marble foundations and pillars, dirt crusted roads that lead to nowhere in particular and a sky darkened by the cavern like system. Her violet eyes fixed on the features of the crumbling structures as she reminisced over her training with her former master Myoga. 

    "It has been a long time since then..." she had spoken mainly to herself until the green imp poked his head up at her, "Ah Mistress Opal, what are you talking about?" The familiar blinked, but she gave no answer to him. She only sighed and stretched her fingers across her menu and swept a whetstone across the surface of her blade. 

    "Let's go Jaken. We have a day ahead of us." 


    +4 Dmg Bonus; 1 Whetstone Used

  20. Name: Shards of An Aegis
    Profession: Alchemist
    Rank: 7
    ID:   61115
    Roll: 10 [9 +1]
    Quality: Rare
    Type: Status Update Potion
    Enhancements: Mit +36 T2
    Description:   Aqua colored potion that hardens the warriors natural armor class, removing up to 36 points of damage from every attack. 1 Point of Dmg is taken no matter the amount of mitigation you posses when struck.  


    Name: Whetstone 
    Profession: Alchemist
    Rank: 7
    ID:   61116
    Roll: 10 [9 +1]
    Quality: Rare
    Type: Status Update Potion
    Enhancements: Dmg T2 +4 Dmg
    Description:  An alchemical item that will sharpen base damage of any weapon by +4 points. 

    Thank you for reviewing my Evaluatations! :)

  21. Opal had stumbled around her shop, scrounging up whatever materials she could find and got just a handful. With her cauldron set to high, she tossed them in without making any possible measurements and just based everything off of luck. The liquid bubbled in front of her and then popped several times as black smoke seemed to erupt from within blasting hot liquid all over the place. With her lips twisted into a crude expression, the woman retrieved what she could and would have to start from scratch. 


    Rolls here:

    ID: 61111
    CD: 5+1 = 6 good +1 Exp

    ID: 61112
    CD: 6+1 = 7 good +1 Exp

    ID: 61113
    CD: 2+1 = 3 Bad +1 Exp

    ID: 61114
    CD: 4+1 = 5 good +1 Exp

    ID: 61115
    CD: 9+1 = 10 rare + 3 Exp

    ID: 61116
    CD: 9+1 = 10 Rare +3 Exp

    ID: 61117
    CD: 4+1 = 5 good +1 Exp

    ID: 61118
    CD:4 +1 = 5 good +1 Exp

    -8 Mats, + 12 Exp


  22. People had looked at her with but only a glance. There was something in their eyes that made them fear her, or perhaps become angry. She did not know, she was no mind reader. Taking a seat beside her was the female Healer, Zandra. Opal sighed and didn't take much notice of the woman. Next another player had taken a seat to the opposite side; Lawfer. His words hit a barrier, she gave him a blank look right before Takao was prepared to talk, "I'm sorry. What did you say?" was her response to him. And then the meeting had begun. The details were to the point and Opal's eyes smiled with her thick black lips, surely she would be given one of those talismans due to her effectiveness with her AoE abilities. There was talks of people scared to fight the three-hundred minion plus the boss, Opal was not a bit scared of this boss battle. Raising a hand, "I'll take one of those Talisman's. I have an AoE plus stun attack that would deal considerable amount of damage when given the chance to go off, so it would be in your best interest to give me one of those talismans. Of course you could opt out to not give me one of those items. But is your general discomfort for me going to outweigh the need to making this battle speed up faster? How many lives will you end up killing because you all decided to hold a grudge against me? I'll let you think about that, but if you prefer I do not have a Talisman, then I suppose I can't overpower your vote..."

    The woman rested her voice, sipped her drink and twisted one leg over the other waiting for the decisions to be made by the Powers That Be. Whatever the case, she made her point. If Takao was so grudge-induced by her previous actions that he would risk the lives of others because of that, then it will be blood on his hands and she did not care one way or the other. 

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