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Posts posted by Opal

  1. Opal had shifted once more as she looked over her shoulder. Shadows had fled into the forest and from a distance she saw a young man take to the walls of the trees as well that littered the first floor mob area. Her eyes slowly narrowed, then her lips curled into a thick grin. Raising her hand she sent out a message to the brothers to deal with the nuisance. If he was a witness, he needed to be taken care of. 

    Purify and Purge, the deadly duo hid in the shadows of the forest contemplating what to do with their winnings. 

    "Bro! That was so damn cool! Did you see the look on that kid's face when I impaled him? It was such a rush!" 

    "You get excited about every little kill you make with that spear. Come on, let's get out of here-." Just as the twin dropped a hand on his brother's shoulder he received a ping from his inbox. He read the contents, "Hey, Purge. Wait a sec, we missed one it seems."

    "The hell we did! We got all those fools easily enough, what are you going on about?" 

    "Shut up! Apparently there was a witness. Sloppy work on behalf of the scout, which means I can even up the score." 

    The twin brother sighed and nodded, "Whatever." They took to the shadows once more and waited in ambush to kill this so called witness. Blue hair bobbed left and right as the Brothers were stationed up in a tree and looking down, almost chuckling, "Let's have some fun." 

    Plop! Plop! 

    Four feet fell towards the ground, robed figures now wearing masks stood in front of the nuisance before them, "Hey there buddy. Whatchya up to?" 

    Purge laughed at his brother's question, shouldering the ebony spear that was used to kill the child as it bounced over his shoulder. The other twin, Purify was scanned this new player and noticed the rapier in his hand and chuckled, "You planning on hunting some mobs in the forest? Wanna team up a bit? We'll share the loot." The orange cursor above their heads were a clear indication that they were just messing with player. Purge got antsy and flicked his staff at the bluenette, "Man, enough of this bullshit. Let's just kill him already? I wanna spend the col I got on some puss-" 

    "Enough, already Purge. Didn't you ever hear the phrase 'fun of the hunt'? Hey, Kid! Have you ever heard a little pig squeal before? It's quite the ear cringing sound. I heard it moments ago when my brother slaughtered that child. Did you see that? They way his spear gutted a little child? Hahaha, you look angry. You think you can take us both on? With that common looking Rapier?" 

    Opal had been watching from the scene unfold as she was watching the two brothers work. They did sure talk alot...But there was something else about this kid with the rapier. He might be useful to her, that is if he could survive this encounter with Purge and Purify. Before his HP bar would drop, she'll jump into the fray and 'save him.' She sent a quick message to the two detailing what the scenario would be like. This would be more of a play or a show and she would have this young kid do some dirty work for her in the future. Her black lips curled, she was a conniving bitch.

    Purge ran his finger through his menu when the message appeared, "Hey Bro..."

    "Yeah, I know! Alright, Mr. Duelist...let's get this party started!"

  2. Since the last thread continued to get derailed from where I was going at, Im gonna start a fresh thread for the information we need to gather to fix weapon classes by individual weapon. I am tagging @Mack and @Life since they are our resident GMs. You guys dont need to weigh in unless you wish, this will be a community effort to help revitalize weapons on an individual level and hopefully revamp, fix and balance weapons so they don't just act like every other weapon just with a different 'skin' 

    This topic will only be used to discuss Individual Weapons. If you wish to discuss cool downs of other abilities or sword arts of a particular weapon, create a different thread. So back to Daggers and what we have so far.

    Dagger: Used mostly by rogue style characters, In other games the weapon can be concealed easily, great for stealth and assassination. Mechanically works well with crit and fast paced characters. High combo attacks but normally does very little dmg compared to larger weapons. However, higher chance of critical and lets not forget a free attack with Surprise Attack which is basically our Back Stab Ability. 

    Unique Trait Ideas:

    - A Passive Ability that allows the Player to roll again if they miss the first time. [Once per Thread]


    -A Passive ability that add +1 to Acc or +1 EVA during defending Player's turn. 


    -Free Bleed/Poison mechanic: A Critical Strike will automatically apply bleed/poison to the Mob without the need of an enhancement to do so. 


    -Extra Attacks used per a Cooldown Timer system instead EN Based Sword Arts


    Base Damage [Suggested Ideas]: 1, [+1 Per Weapon Rank]

    Neo Sword Arts [Suggested Ideas]: 

    Unique/Personal Sword Art: Kinda like a Character's Limit Break/Noble Phantasm ect [ We can discuss this at length after we finish up the problem areas as this would be an Add-On rather than a fix.]

    Suggested Idea for Unique Sword Art: Unlocked at GM, And Evaluated by Staff/ GM.


    When I had suggested Unique Trait ideas on this Dagger, I meant only 1 unique trait given to it. The Dagger would not have all of the above, they are just suggested ideas that would work with this weapon class. Dagger uses, please weigh in your opinions as what you would like to see changed about this weapon class. Once we finish up Daggers, hopefully Mack and Life will take a peek at this thread and help get this new form rolled out. Of course, depending on how we do dmg for weapons we might wanna just stick with Unique Traits for Weapon Classes and talk about Dmg and Sword arts in another thread. 

  3. ID: 61024
    LD: 3+4 = 7 No mats

    Opal had commanded Jaken to scurry about looking for materials. Opal shifted her eyes as they rolled, the little girl talking about being loved once more. What use was love? With love you open the world around to being fragile and broken hearted, no one needed that. Well at least for Opal, however, she used her body willingly to get what she wanted from people. Sex was a natural part of humanity, but love was a subject and a feeling she had no desire to take part in. The woman gave a slightly disgusted look and shook her head, "Yeah, if you want love. Good luck finding it, I guess..." It was all she could comment on the situation. Opal stopped as Jaken came running back.

    "Anything...what?" he asked back forgetting what he was supposed to do. Opal's eye twitched, "You were supposed to look for materials while we are walking. Did you find anything?" 

    The King Imp gave a nervous laugh and shook his head. Opal sighed, her long fingers combed through her hair as she flicked it back behind her, the snow white hair catching the breeze as she sighed and looked down at her familiar, "Well, go back and start looking again. I know it's not your speciality, but still..."

    "Have no fear Mistress Opal! I will find these materials!" The King Imp took off with a scurry once more ahead of the group, Opal took a few steps forward and looked over her shoulder at Avilon, "So, why are you so hell bent on finding love?"

  4. The naked dark beauty shifted beneath her silken sheets, pale fingers stretched out over her pillow holding onto a half burned cigarette as the ashes dropped with a quick flick. Her violet eyes were had become almost lifeless as she stared at the door. Prior to the event, she had read a message from her Master Sensui that the indicated event of the first Floor Massacre had begun in the field. She was not to take part of it, but she was given right to oversee the operation, however, it was already on going and for some reason or another she could not force herself to move out of her bed. 

    A heavy set of blinks followed to moisten her eyes. She yawned and turned over on her back, the orange scent of her cigarette mixing with the air around her as she inhaled deeply and blew the citrus smoke from her black lips and flicked the stick away from her body. As it spiraled in motion...it pixelated away...


    The scream sounded off yet again; another murder. They were twin brothers; known simply as Purge and Purify. The duo had formed a bond with Sensui a long time ago, and were almost Commanders under the sigil of the Laughing Coffin, however, no one knew their name and rarely had they shown their faces to the general public. They were in all instants Orange Players and between the two, they had a collected kill count of forty five players after this bloody massacre. Their laughs were cold and merciless, "Hey, Purge...what about this player?" 

    Sniffling a little boy no older than ten years old out in the hunt. Away from civilization, and away from safe harbor. His little sword sweeping through the air as he tried to hold back tears. First his older sister died in front of him, and then his best friends. And now...now he was gonna die, "No one lives, remember? Orders are orders," the twin brother said.

    "Yeah? But we don't take orders from anyone. Even from the Boss." 

    "Who the hell cares? A kill is a kill. If you don't want to, I'll get the point and win the game!" 

    "What? No way! I saw him first! So I get to kill him!" 

    The spear, black in every right of its existence, slammed into the helpless child as he was uprooted from his position, "Hahaha, hey guys! Check this out!" Impaled on his spear was the boy who could not free himself and slowly his HP was sinking further and further. With a few hops of his spear the little boy flailed about until blue pixels were all that were left. The group of player killers laughed as the bodies of those they had slain finally pixelated away. All of them had been wearing their dark and shabby robes hiding their faces; save for one player who cared little for the anonymity of the event. With one hand on the cowl and the other on the hood, long purple hair unfurled from the hood as she shook her head; eyes of midnight black espied over the field and she dusted her hands free.

    "I believe that does it." The woman said to herself and looked over at the others. It was until they all backed away by what appeared to be another figure approaching them. Laughing Coffin was a guild based on the principle they could kill whoever they wanted, there was no alliance within the alliance and everyone could do their own thing. However, fear was a powerful tool and if things were to go smoothly, even the biggest and baddest of the guilds needed leadership and direction.  The figure stood amongst them, as they backed away. The woman with the long purple hand bowed, "It is done, Master. Eight Players had been slain this day." 

    "Did you all have fun?" came the feminine voice from the robes. The two brothers Purge and Purify looked at one another and laughed and laughed shaking their head, "Hell yeah! This was a lot of fun. Up to the hunt, and all the way to the slaughter through and through! When you require us again, you know how to reach us. Payment?" 

    The robed figure brought up a gloved hand to access the menu and shifted a large amount of col and broke it into several bags dropping it into the field, "You all did well, your efforts this day will make a day in history of Aincrad. Congratulations."  

    And with that, each player collected their payment and loot and were gone going into stealth and leaving the bloody field all together. Soon spawns of boars appeared along with other mobs. As if nothing happened, the wind blew and the sun was still warm and happy as anything else. The scent of death nonexistent, no blood stained the grass, as for the players? They were just scratched off the Monument of Life, forever forgotten. 

  5. A smug grin on her face when she began to laugh, "What oasis?" she asked innocently. "I actually lured you here pretty easily enough. This dungeon houses a very particular enemy I couldn't kill myself, so I needed something or someone to help as a meat shield for me. Congratulations! You are the winner!" She poked his nose as she poked the acceptance button of his proposal to join the party. With her Masamune in hand, the woman shifted to her weight one leg and smiled at the lone wolf, Jomei. 

    "You are so easy to get under your skin." She mused. She lead the way as he mostly didn't know where to go. With a sway of her hips once more, she echoed out a small laugh as they came across their first group of mobs, "Still know how to use that rapier?" she teased again. With narrow violet eyes, she bolted with a charge sweeping her glowing blade over the Mummy's and ripping them asunder from the overpowered sword art. In clumps of robes they pixelated into the oblivion. She looked over her shoulder, sinister black lips curling..."Reminiscent of slaying a player. Only Dom blew up into more pieces...I guess he had that going for him...Sad to say, nothing else. Shall we continue?" Her dark expression lifted with her chippy voice as she swept her blade to the side and placed the cold steel over her armored shoulders tapping it against the metal making an annoying clinging sound once in awhile as they walked.

    "You can take on the next group." It was almost demanding sounding from her voice as she looked over her shoulder at the hooded ginger. She would make more conversation but she had a feeling her wasn't quite warming up to her right now. She wondered why amusingly knowing already the answer to that rhetoric. 

    <<Battle Engaged>>
    Opals HP:  193/193
    EN: 36/48
    Sword Art: Gen Getsu || 12 EN || Dmg: 90-5 = 85 Dmg

    x4 Mummy: HP: 0/20 || Dmg: 15 || Mit: 5

    ID: 60993
    BD: 9 + 3 = +1 Dmg
    Notes: 4/15 Slain

  6. Relaxing in her seat, Opal slid one leg over the other as Jaken 'Humphed' and crossed his arms looking into the other direction opposite of herself. With her eyes narrowed at the familiar, she used a pointed nail and began poking and prodding the Imp while she returned her attention to the brunette before her, "Sword arts will come naturally as you level up your weapon rank. Once you do, you will get a pop up notification of the new sword arts and how to use them. Sword arts take a bit of time getting used to since they are part of the system and you gotta let yourself go to the system. It controls your actions more or less, of course with some variations of the circumstances..." Jaken who was being poked and prodded by her finger was constantly slapping it away as if trying to shoo away an annoying fly. Opal squinted her eyes at the familiar and continued her actions and provoking the Imp King while conversing with her female companion across the table.

    "The first thing I learned when I was a low level player?" She repeated the question, "How to use my body to get what I wanted." she teased, but she was not far off the mark in honesty, "I did a lot of things to get what I wanted. Master Sensui approached me one day, we talked and I enjoyed his company enough to sleep with him...several times. He had an idea to rule Aincrad. If we were going to be stuck in this castle, then this castle needed a King and Queen and he selfishly declared himself King of Aincrad. Of course plans did not seem to fall in place for him. Time went on and he grew more and more selfish and greedy. He realized he needed pawns and soon the roots of Laughing Coffin started to form in his mind. Like minded players eventually flocked to his aid, when you are given promises of power people tend to either look the other way or go for the jugular. I was one of those people, but my journey was long and difficult. Full of deceit and calculated measurements." The woman's finger did not stop with the insistent poking and prodding of her familiar. She knew he was getting mad, continuing to bat her finger away with his green hand as she talked. Eventually the woman stopped and gave a glare at her familiar. Jaken took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly. It seems he came to peace with whatever mental terms the two had come up with. 

    Opal's black lips curved, and her attention returned to Jazmyne. "If you wish to become my Apprentice so to speak, you will be doing some pretty shady things. Hanging around me is going to label you as a pariah amongst other names. But I am sure by now after what you have witnessed that I could do...That is something you want. We will make you strong, resilient and unbreakable. I can see us having a lot of fun together."

    The woman's violet eyes shifted to the waiter as he came out with a cart full of food, placing the warm dishes down on the table as well as the beverages. He gave a shallow bow and walked off allowing the women to enjoy their meal. Jaken sniffed the air and was given his own plate of food. Despite being a cold woman as many people believed Opal to believe; she cared enough for those around her. Perhaps some inkling of lingering emotion that had transpired to protect people back when she was still Vice Commander. She gave a lazy sigh as her legs move beneath the table coming undone from their previous twist. 

    The Imp King rubbed his hands together and started to dig into his food, much like any familiar was, he stuffed his face without care of the world around him as he chewed noisily and devoured whatever was in sight. Opal flicked her familiar's bald head, "Slow down...it's not going anywhere." 

  7. The emerald blades of grass rolled. This place again. This would be their third meeting, but Opal was not Opal this time around. She had killed a player and was no longer his Vice Commander. Thick black lips curled into a smile; both inticive and smug. Her sword Masamune X in her hand and unsheathed. Grave was the type to get physical and emotional, the katana in her hand was a precaution for him to stay at length where he was. 

    "I'm here at your less than courteous request, Grave. I'm a busy woman these days, so if you have something to say you need to say it. And don't think you can call on me anytime you wish or feel like it." she raised her sword and pointed it at him; she was indeed a changed woman. The soft spoken Opal he once knew before the training, the hardened warrior that she catapulted herself as Vice Commander of the Blood Oath; and now this version. She was a woman with many faces, but this one...this one unnerved people the most. Deadly good lucks, a killer body, and a killer in its most primal of forms. She was not Opal he knew, did he ever really know the true Opal? 

  8. The doors open widely as a cold blast of chilling air filtered through. The thoughts of many were on the recent player killers, the people involved, the death of heroes easily slain by others. And with news of Laughing Coffin becoming a plague in people's minds, the very woman who had set the plan in motion clicked her boots against the tavern's flooring and entered with a smug look on her face. She had seen how the Child Hero use to swagger in during meetings feeling overly confident of himself and how he acted, and he was slain by a friend. The woman would exude that same confidence, but she was no child and she no hero. Black glossy lips curled and she flicked her snow white hair off her shoulder giving the tavern a quick look around. Eyes widened when she saw Kalesh, and she gave him a secret look before her eyes moved to the others, "Well, if this is the best Aincrad has to offer..." she laughed finding a seat in the tavern. She had missed the last boss fight, which she wished she had not. Hearing Teayre's recent outbreak and murdering two other players had brought a serene smile upon her lips. Player killers are player killers, they are Orange for a reason. However, her case was slightly different, she was still classified as a Green Player, but that could change at any time. 

    Honestly not caring for anyone else but herself for the moment, the busty woman found a seat for herself in the back and opting to keep her familiar Jaken at the inn. Him being here would not be worthwhile and if it was anything like past instances of these meetings; that Takao guy would say his peace and leave everything up to the burly red head and newly appointed Vice Commander of the Knights of the Blood Oath. She mused over that notion, that title seemingly to be weighed by some kind of curse. She wondered how things were going under his thumb and rule. Gesturing with a snap of her fingers, an order was placed for a sweet and fruity drink, opting out of her usual desire for a beer which everyone seemed so dependent on. She laughed when a tall glass of a multi colored layer drink was presented to her with a straw and a little umbrella. She sipped her drink and her black lips curled into a seductive smile for no one but herself and prepared to take the notes. Although her presence here seemed to be bothersome as people were more than prepared to do what was necessary should she act out. 

    But that was the thing with Opal, even the slightest of smiles could send people off the edge, the very words she could speak would break a person; there was a time and place for that. But she desired demonic equipment and with Boss chances for the moment being the best opportunity to get those kind of equipments, she would have to show her face among this melancholy look of players which just made her shake her head with that glaring smile. Relaxing in her seat, the woman lifted one leg over the other as it bounced gently as she enjoyed her beverage waiting for this meeting to commence, from the looks of it, it had yet to start. 

  9. Opal complained inwardly about the progressive and slow walk of the group. Of course it was safer to walk with caution but the woman seemed to be dragging herself around more than walking. She complained to her familiar who was taking it like a trooper, nodding and offering words of encouragement for her to continue. Finally some action was about to be revealed in the form of some ankle biting rams. Opal frowned and watched her 'team' members get horned by some, evaded by others. It was then that Ariel, team leader of this boisterous little group, chirped and alerted the Frost Queen herself to handle the mobs. Opal sighed and scrunched her face up, folded her arms and slid against the wall and said nothing.

    "Ugh, Master Opal. I do believe they are waiting on you..."

    "Oh yes, Jaken. I am quite aware of what is going on. However, should they ask me to do something, they will grovel at my feet first and then and only then beg for my help to slay these worthless mobs. I am not going to waste my energy on killing baby sheep, nor am I going to be stupid enough to allow them to whittle away my energy reserves and drop my guard coming out of my Stealth." 

    The familiar blinked his eyes and nodded, switching his staff over to one hand and mimicking her pose against the wall. Opal sighed inwardly and flicked her wrist as if shooing them away or passing her turn, albeit the action they could not see unless it was Takao who had easily spotted her out of the group, would be the only one able to see the action should he even care to bother to look. She was not going to listen or obey to orders no matter how sweetly the command was given. She'll do things her own way and only her way and when she felt like doing such things. 

    OOC: @Zandra your turn, baby doll. 

  10. Awesome suggestion; especially if we wanna do more Player vs Player scenarios. So from what Lowenthal suggested; we create a Skill out of it that can be bought or make it into another Mod? 


    Skill Name: Prepared Action [10 SP] No Ranks
    Effect: Sacrifice a turn to enable Protect [Insert Player Name] With rules indicated below...ect ect. 
    Rules of Use for PvP: Husky's Post
    Rules of Use for PvE: Hated Generated by [Insert Player Name] is instead redirected to Prepared Player for one turn. 


    For use against Mobs; it might need something else since we use the Hate mechanic. Normally, partys will have tanks in them or someone who can tank the damage. While it might be a cool idea to use against mobs, I dont know how it would work with the hate mechanic in place. Unless Vs Mobs, it removes Hate from the Player and add its on to the other player instead.

  11. I understand we are worried about what our current Sword Arts, or weapon we use is unbalanced. That has been stated and we are getting way off topic just stating over again that its an imperfect system. We know this; so now we need to find the problems and then make solutions for those problems without being bias of our own SA and Weapon Classes. 

    So; first point of discussions should be about the weapons themselves. Lets take  10 steps back and work on those unique traits we were going over and start with the first Weapon Class and work on it rather than jumping all around with damage, sword arts progression, our own SA and Weapons. First on that list should be: [First on the list; that one being in the sword arts category. Dagger is listed first so let's just go down that list and do each weapon class first.]

    Dagger: Used mostly by rogue style characters, In other games the weapon can be concealed easily, great for stealth and assassination. Mechanically works well with crit and fast paced characters. High combo attacks but normally does very little dmg compared to larger weapons. However, higher chance of critical and lets not forget a free attack with Surprise Attack which is basically our Back Stab Ability. 

    Unique Trait Ideas:
    - Each Rank of the Weapon Class gives the wielder access to better chances at critical attacks. Must be NATURAL Rolls. 
    Rank 1: 10 BD
    Rank 2: 9-10 BD
    Rank 3: 8-10 BD
    Rank 4: 7-10 BD
    Rank 5: 6-10 BD

    - A Passive Ability that allows the Player to roll again if they miss the first time. [Once per Thread]

    -A Passive ability that add +1 to Acc or +1 EVA during defending Player's turn. 

    -Free Bleed/Poison mechanic: A Critical Strike will automatically apply bleed/poison to the Mob without the need of an enhancement to do so. 

    Base Damage [Suggested Ideas]: 1, [+1 Per Weapon Rank until 5th Rank which gives +2 Dmg]

    Neo Sword Arts [Suggested Ideas]: 

    Unique/Personal Sword Art: Kinda like a Character's Limit Break/Noble Phantasm ect [ We can discuss this at length after we finish up the problem areas as this would be an Add-On rather than a fix.]



  12. I feel as though Katanas being an Unlockable Weapon type should have a bit more 'Umph!' in them as well. But I also agree that the sword arts, while a neat system to use, could really use some work and maintenance. At the current moment though, I think staff and I am meaning only TWO GMs at the moment, have a LOT on their plate to deal with. Mack is running around RPIng, and making adjustments to help accommodate PvP and PKing, not to mention they also have to tackle the long list of rewritten rules that needs to be done as well. 

    So I think staff in general have a lot on their hands at the moment. As a Community though, if we can bring some people together on this and tackle it one Weapon at a time and present staff with a new change, perhaps that will help alleviate some of stress they might be dealing with already. Instead of asking them to fix it, we should get together as a community and help with getting ideas out there. @Takao Spoke with him on Skype and we were talking about how Sword Arts are just duplicates of attacks of other weapons, weapons themselves have no identities of their own making them desirable only for power output only which is a problem. 

    So! Maybe we can get a group PM together and start working on edits ourselves and present something down the line for staff to look at. Takao always has great ideas when it comes to these things; TAKAO 2016!!! 

  13. ID: 60856
    LD: 6+ 4+2 = 12 
    Dungeon: OPAL!

    Opal had been tagging the trio since the beginning of their adventure, yet she was not alone. Bringing with her to this ambush were four other likely initiates who wanted to become official members of the Laughing Coffin group, and yet to prove themselves, much like herself they had to kill a player or at least show worth in combat to do just that. Opal was also not quite a complete member herself, while had destroyed a certain player on one of the more recent floor raids, it had not been only a bittersweet victory for her. She had to collect another life, no thanks to Sensui and his bullshit rules for the guild. None the matter, the woman and her minions hid in the natural steamy fog of the Volcano floor. When they had come to the area of the ambush, the woman rolled a small black vial out towards them as it slowly started to leak mixing with the volcano steam. The black putrid fog twirled and mixed and became a difficult to see through the blanket of haze surrounding them. Then there was the laughter, disembodied laughs seemed to echo around the group as Opal and her minions stood up.

    "Alright, if you want to prove yourselves...kill them all, but leave the Dragoon to me." As she stood, the woman's eyes glowed a violent violet. Her fingers wrapped around the hilt of her Masamune X as a long, purple single wing unfurled from her back and expanding outwards. With black lips curling into that smile of hers, she gave the command for them to attack and they did just as they were told. Kicking off the ground and starting the ambush, Opal weapon glowed ominously as she charged right for Lawfer. 

    Sparks ignited from the metal on metal touch as their weapons collided. She had got so close to Lawfer and soon the black fog was slowly starting to disappear, however her dark aura of laughter continued just adding on to that foreboding feeling in their guts. While the Dragoon was entwined with Opal; her minions clashes swords with his party attempting to bring their HP down to zero. 

    As Opal confronted Lawfer, she laughed and her eyes narrowed at him, "Hello there, Love. Miss me?"  She leaned back and parried the next attack by the Dragoon gaining some distance between the two. Laughing as she spoke, "It has been awhile hasn't it? I told you I would come back to hunt you down and here I am! Keeping my promise. Time to finish what I started...Die Lawfer!"

    The earth almost bowled beneath her feet as she launched herself forward once more, that wicked black smile on her face never left as her boots hit the dirt ground as she made way towards her assailant. The blade of the Masamune now set a fiery purple glow, a sweep of her blade; then her fist turned purple as she gave the man a quick jab into the gut. The first two strikes signaling for her sword art; Ra Setsu. Landing on her right leg from the follow up attack, she twisted around with both hands on the hilt of her blade and slashed once more across his chest. 

    She laughed as the man was sent flying several feet back, having time to flick white hair from off her shoulders. She looked to her left, her minions seemed to be faring poorly against the well versed in combat Ratatosk and Nikodemus. She cursed lightly under her breath; "Amateurs." Her attention was brought to Lawfer, "..Don't make this too easy on me now. I want your death to have meaning!" Once more she charged straight for him, sword in hand as if to thrust him in the belly.

    OOC: So, RP combat. The Laughing Coffin initiates are all Orange Players. Ratatosk and Niko have permission to kill them if they so chose; or just drop them down to a level of HP they feel is comfortable without killing them. RP Combat may be done with whatever whim or fancy you so please, right now we are all pretty much on the same 'level' just have fun and build up some story and fun excitement! Unfortunately, no Dungeon. I can give it another shot unless you guys wanna end this sooner than later. :)

  14. The ravenous crowd hushed at the strong words of the Player Killer. Even when the assassination attempt failed Opal smiled thickly with her black silky lips. It would take more than one man to take down Oikawa; he was no pushover. But it showed how expendable some members of the group were to her. As the lynching mob came to settle down after the words and the event, Opal slowly raised her hands and began clapping out loud with that impish giggle she so boldly trademarked. Besider her stood three individuals which marked her little gang of misfits and the one remaining fellow that was pinned down to the ground up front. The woman finally revealed her face to the crowd as she continued her soft giggle. 

    Silken black lips twisted into a large smile; "My oh my. So many come to the aid of a Murderer. Isn't that quaint?" She asked rhetorically, she looked at the player that was pinned to the ground and her eyes narrowed and then flicked the silver hair from her face. The people around her parted like the Red Sea and murmured her name as they all knew who she was. 

    "That player there," she pointed to the failed assassin, "He may have the mark of the Laughing Coffin, but I do not recognize him as such. You may do with him as you'd like." 

    "B-b-b-b-but Opal!" the man yelled at her name. The woman raised a dark, thin brow as her name was called out. She cleared her throat and then stated, "No reliance within this alliance." The man twisted his head back to the others and began to sweat and curse; "Damn it...damn it all..." he said still pinned under. 

    Still robed, the female let out a gentle sigh, "Well, I wanted to just see what would happen if I came. As you can tell, I only have three members with me. These people all around, they still don't think you are the man you were once worth. You may take the Redemption Quest, Oikawa...but you still killed a player. It is plain and simple. You will be forever stained with that memory, and forever stained with that blood on your hands." the woman laughed, that laugh of hers that was so condescending. 

    Lifting her hand, she pointed to Lawfer; "You and I...we have unfinished business. I'll come and hunt you down in due time, for the rest of you. You may want to keep on your guard, but for now, sleep easy knowing you get to live for just one more day." Her lips spread once more as she smiled and clicked her fingers. With that the woman began to walk away back to the city and disappearing amongst the crowd of players. 

  15. "As many of you know..."

    That's when Opal had appeared. She was shrouded in tattered robes as a bunch of other players gathered around. Masses of people wanted to hear from the Legend that was Oikawa and what had truly gone wrong during the 15th floor boss raid. Among the rabble of the crowd the woman could see through her dark hood some members of the front lines accompanying Oikawa and keeping a careful eye on the others. His explanation was long winded and when her name was mentioned, she could not help but attempt to hide the black lips smiling across her face. The full length robe moved slightly in the wind, still cascading and hiding her figure. She would be difficult to pick out of the crowd as many players of all kinds were stationed there to listen to his side of the story. Little did Oikawa know that she had brought an assassination to the group of rabblers. Among them were several other members of the Laughing Coffin group to help spur the flames of hate towards him.

    Oikawa had a way with words; he used elegance in his speech and was respectful even to the one who he had slain. He was careful and articulate, but somehow or another those words of flowery language would not stop some people from being verbally abusive, "You 'Hero Butcher!" someone amongst the crowd shouted, and it was that single line that sparked the fires within the crowd. 

    "Jealous Asshole!"
    "Cretin! You should be the one who died!" 
    "Give us back our Hero!" 

    The mob seemed more interested in running him down now and lynching the Orange Player. People raised their swords in the air while the yelled out obscenities. Opal was amused by the masses, only a handful of her group members were here and it was surprisingly many others in Aincrad that shared their concerns for this player, "You have no right to do Redemption! MURDERER!" 

    "MURDERER!" the crowd moved like an ocean attempting to assault the Orange Player. Opal watched from within the crowd, raising her arm to meet her mouth and gave a gentle cough. That was the sign, the trigger that would cause her assassin to begin his attempt on taking down Oikawa. While the crowd was shouting at the player with their hands raised in the air, the assassin was slowly moving forward. A dagger in his hand as he moved rapidly through the ocean of people. Bursting forward with speed and a battle cry; "FOR BLACKFYRE!!!!" The man launched himself from the crowd up high and low, with his dagger thrusted and ready to take the life of Oikawa. Opal laughed as the crowd shouted, a massive swell of confusion now going on as she stared and watched the events unfold, "How will you get out of this one, Oikawa?" she mused to herself. 

    OOC: Have permission from Oikawa to incite this, the Assassination is purely RP Fluff and will not actually kill Oikawa. Who will be the hero to stop this person? 

    -Hiding in Plain Sight: LD 22+


  16. OOC: Macradon,  if you are the one summoning Mobs, you also need to roll for their combat phase as well. You dont just leave it blank for whatever reason. Also, groups of 4 unless you wanna handle all 10 by yourself. I'll take over control of the mobs from now on. Wrong math on the Mitigation as well. 

    - Party List - (Correct my mistakes if I have any)
    [0]Macradon 161/161 HP | 17 DMG | 66 MIT | 39/39 NRG (-2 Energy Miss, +2 Energy Recovery)
    [0]Opal           168/168 HP | 11 DMG | 0 MIT | 30/42 NRG

    ID: 60642
    BD: 10 +2 Dmg
    MD: 10 -Dead First No Dmg
    Sword Art: Gen Getsu || 12 EN || 78 - 6 = 72 Dmg
    Notes: 4/10 Mobs Dead

    << Jungle Snake >> || 0/24 HP || 6 MIT || 18 DMG
    << Jungle Snake >> || 0/24 HP || 6 MIT || 18 DMG
    << Jungle Snake >> || 0/24 HP || 6 MIT || 18 DMG
    << Jungle Snake >> || 0/24 HP || 6 MIT || 18 DMG


    A whiff and a miss, while Macradon had sported an oversized baseball bat for a weapon, the weapon itself was sluggish and a bit slow for the jungle snakes. The woman laughed as his sword cleaved through the air and missed the rapidly moving targets. The woman shook her head, flicking hair off her shoulders as she gave a curvy smile, "Step back, hon. Now you'll get to see what a true Front Liner looks like." Not even charging for the attack, the woman started her assault, the long blade of the Masamune came crashing down into belly of the land around the snakes, where her precision was deadly accurate. Swiftly the blade swept through the air with a radiant silver energy as it crashed and decimated the jungle denizens with a few quick and easy successive slashes. Their bodies disappeared from her view as she sheathed her blade, "Done and done. Let's tackle the next group up ahead." 

  17. Reclaiming the cigarette from Jazmyne and her unique take on the nicotine stick made her laugh, "You'll get used to it the more you do it. I smoke like a chimney in the real world, so the craving of something between my lips when a man is not around is quite a necessity. Besides I can make all kinds of flavors and strengths of these now. I used to have a boyfriend here and then, well...disappeared somewhere. But it was to keep up with certain roll I had to play in. Enough of that," the two women stood up and Opal rotated her arm around while holding her shoulder. Taking a last minute drag and flicking it away from her body, the buxom woman gestured for Jazmyne to follow. 

    "Thick lips and a nice ass can get you places. Being a young woman as yourself though, I would stear clear of Urbus and its Western District for now. It's pretty much what I would label the slums of Aincrad right now, but there are some interesting people who reside there. You sound like you have a plan for your equipment, that's good to know. Once we are finished eating, we can go out and look for some mobs to hunt down and get some combat experience in you. You'll need to know how to use that whip and its sword arts eventually." 

    Stepping lightly through the emerald grass, the two women appeared at the front entrance of the Town of Beginnings. Opal sighed, "I really dislike this floor. It is always cramped...but watch this." Opal moved with the fluidly and grace of a Goddess. Lips as black as midnight curved into a smile as she took lead, her chin lifted as she walked with commanding presence. People parted like the Red Sea before her, murmuring the name of Opal the Player Killer as she moved with her wicked swaying hips, "The name Opal, many people who have heard the news of recent floor clearings will know that name and myself as well. People are scared or too intimidated to talk to me, but I can freely move without having to touch elbows with anyone. One day perhaps," Opal looked over her shoulder to the petite woman and smiled, "...you too will be both feared and revered." Opal continued her gait and made way towards a less than crowded bar on the first floor. She knew of it by sign and was comfortable resting in this place, it was more of a darker sort of tavern above anything else, even the Town of Beginnings had its own little niche for darkness and sin. 

    "Here we are, won't find a seedier place than this on this floor. I can tell you that much." Opal gave a wave to the barkeeper, a PC she had come to know on numerous occasions. Opal placed a hand on Jazmyne's shoulder and leader her to the back tables, they almost seemed exclusively made for Opal and her guests as they sat down in the quiet environment. As they sat down, two screens appeared to each of the ladies with a list of items that were purchasable. 

    "Pick out what you'd like, my treat today." Opal shifted her finger against the ghostly screen and she ordered her food and drink quite quickly and flicked it away from her. As Jazmyne was making her decisions, Opal brought her hands together over the table and would soon begin a small round of explanations. "We'll need to catch you up on the terminology in the game so you can understand what items do. So simply put; a potion is an item that takes an action during combat. In combat you may only do one action; attack, use an item, or perhaps using a special ability of sorts. When dealing with potions, most of them lasting for the entirety of an adventure, its a good idea to use buff potions before the battle begins. Typically in the preparation of before going on a dungeon run or a quest. You wanna buff yourself first; now crystals are excellent items used during combat. You can use a crystal and attack in the same period of time. Crystals are more sought after for serious players since they allow you to attack as well. I myself, have not found crystals to be too useful. I have enough mitigation to defend against attacks that health crystals don't really seem necessary. But it depends on the situation." 

    Opal stopped and looked at Jaz to make sure everything was soaking into her head, "If I am going to fast for you, just let me know. Most of the time you won't have to worry about potions if you are in a good party. And you'll be sticking with me a lot of the time, because I like the companionship..." Jaken who sat next to Opal scowled at her, "And what am I?" He asked folding his arms into his robes as he looked the other way feeling a bit abandoned by his Master, "Oh Jaken, no one can replace you. I just meant another player that can help out in battle." The small Imp gave a "humph!" and did not reply any further on the comment. 

    Opal tapped her fingernail on the table and leaned her head in one arm, "Anyways. Questions or concerns? Feel free to ask. This game can be complex sometimes, but once you get the basics down, it's pretty much downhill from there." 


  18. ID: 60612
    LD: 10+4+2+2+2[heartrock salad]= 20
    Dungeon: Intermediate



    Intermediate Dungeons


    Rules and Requirements

    1. Intermediate Dungeons cannot be fled from at any point after participants engage in combat without the usage of teleportation crystals.
    2. Participants must fight a total of ten floor strength monsters of their own design before moving on to the boss.
    3. Participants must fight a boss monster with the following statistics in order to qualify for the reward:
      HP = floor * 60 | Damage = floor * 7


    2 SP upon completion
    A Col value of ((floor + loot die) * 70)
    4 Materials


    While Opal had been puffing away, her crystal eyes scanned the map and found a path that lead besides the marsh of the jungle. But she had heard rumors of something called the Midgar Snake travelling those waters. Was her party equipped to handle such a Legendary Creature? They would find out soon enough.

    Standing up and brushing the dirt from her pristine white outfit, she gave a simple flick of her cigarette as it crashed away into pixels, "Alright. We are heading west away from the marsh. There is rumors of a massive snake that makes its lair in the forest that way. We are gonna slay that creature and bring epic honor to the house of the Blood Oath." 

    The woman shifted and rose her hands upwards stretching into the sky and giving a small yawn, "We can start heading out now. For those of you who need to save their energy, take the rear guard for now. I will continue to lead us." 

    OOC: Let's spawn the minimum requirements for enemies, unless you guys need materials for whatever reason. Let's knock this thread out in the next couple of days. 

  19. Leaders and scouts; Opal stood among the company as the black sheep of the herd besides the one donning the Orange Crystal. To be brutally honest with herself, she felt a bit jealous of Oikawa and his murdering color change. She had done the same thing despite it being an orange no body she killed. With a reluctant sigh, the woman shifted her body and continued walking with the rest of the group still hidden within the shadows. It was then that they came up to the small inlet of land that surrounded them. The village was shoddy at best, and there was clearly a destructive path of some sorts as something wrecked havoc over these poor souls. Opal's black lips twisted into a grin, "Katrina?" she asked down to the Imp. Jaken who was following her soundly at her heel looked up and blinked, "I- I ugh...I'm sorry, Master. I don't understand the question." Of course he wouldn't, the woman let out a laugh that echoed around her. She doubled over as her hair flipped over her face and she shook her head left and right, then batted her snow white hair away with a simple flick of her wrist to push it back behind her. 

    "Don't worry about it. It was a just an inside joke." The party had stopped for the moment, and Opal found opportunity to scan the players that made up her party. 

    "Let's see who is all here; Mack and Ariel; competent. Oikawa; competent. Zandra the Healer; also competent. Macradon the fake Berserker; honestly that boy thinks too much like that kid I killed. Whatever happened to being your own man? And then we have Takao our scout; also quite competent. But I remember him being a lot more enthusiastic about things. He looks so sullen and worn out; possibly a good lay would get his mind off of things for a bit. We should hook him up with a woman, Jaken." The woman said to the King of Imps, although the small creature did not understand what she had meant by that but he agreed with a nod none the less. 

    "Master Opal, you are forgetting one more!" The woman's eyes scanned the buildings and found that little Hikoru was here as well, "Oh that cry baby? I thought this quest was for Front Liners, not cry babies. I remember back in the Rohk fight, that little kid attempted to run away with his tail between his legs. Hahahahaha! That was so fun to watch, I had to stay in character though at the time. He is a rather emotional fellow though. I've seen him cry on multiple occasions and he is paired up with Ariel? Guess we know who wears the pants in that relationship. Ahhhhahahahahaha!" the woman's laugh sounded off once more from behind the group, she could not help but laugh at the poor company she was with. Sighing and flicking snow white hair off her shoulder once more, the woman had begun looking about and found a rather odd occurrence. 

    "Mack is not using his normal axe...Make note of that Jaken, I may need to switch out weapons." The woman slid herself against a pillar of rubble as she folded her arms while the party stopped, Ariel seemed to be confronted with a choice which slowed down the party to a stop which is why everyone was now standing about waiting patiently; "Ugh. Patience..." the female scratched her brow and made secondary preparations for the boss fight just in case. 

    OOC: @Zandra, you are next baby doll. 

  20. Opal nodded her head gently as Jazmyne listed off her good traits and that she was more than ready to take on the role of a DPS as she had mentioned this was not her first game, unlike Opal who played very little if any at all these sort of massive open world rpg types. Delicate fingers flicked the ashes of her cig before spiraling it around and holding it out to the woman who had requested it, "We can share this one." She said passing it over. 

    She looked over her shoulder and brought herself upwards stretching her arms once more into the air and setting them in front of her in her lap. The small Imp stood up brushing the grass over his robes and coughed. He stood and looked at Opal, they nodded at one another and she began, "This is my familiar, Jaken. He is the King of Imps. You can get a familiar if you want from a quest called Feeding the Enemy. It's not too difficult to do if you plan on just picking up a pet. But if you want something a little extra, like Jaken here. You'll have to be a little lucky, this one comes with a mod to increase my Accuracy. So he comes with me to battles," The imp scurried towards Jazmyne and shouldered his staff, "I am Jaken! King of the Imps!" he implored with a raised hand. Opal had suspected he was about say something else, but instead he opted out and sat in their circle and once more began to 'meditate.' Opal frowned, "He is actually a lot more talkative than thins." 

    The woman shrugged and laughed at Jazmyne's next comment, her gesturing hands at Opal's homegrown melons as one might say. Sitting up straight and showing her full bust, the woman was proud of her full hips and voluptuous body, "My parent's and I have hispanic blood. We are known for our large hips and our big boobs. My mother's side of the family all have big boobs. So yeah, these are as real as they can get both in and out of the game. I've heard no complaints so far from men or ladies alike so far. Good tools to use for when you want something as well. I'm not afraid to use my body to get what I want." the female shrugged her shoulders, nonchalantly as if not caring about the price to be paid for abusing her body as such. 

    "So DPS..." Opal placed her hand down in front of her bringing up her menu, "I assume you know the ins and outs of the game by now? Equipping items, using potions and crystals...combat?" Opal looked up from the ghostly screen in front of her with a single eyebrow raised curious to know how far she had got into the mechanics of the game, "And a whip user as well...Interesting. We'll need to get you outfitted. If we showed up to see Master Sensui and I presented you to him, he would laugh at me with the shabby starter clothing you have. So, we'll need to get you geared up and ready to go. I don't have much..." Opal trickled her painted finger nail over her inventory and began to highlight a stack of items and shot the message over to Jazmyne. 

    Opal Trade Screen -> x11 Mats -> Jazmyne

    "In the world of Aincrad there are actually two kinds of currency. Col the coins we use and then materials. Normally shop owners want materials rather than col, because materials are used to create their items. Depending where you go, you should be able to outfit yourself with a Perfect Quality armor and a Weapon, or you can go with two accessories. It depends on what you really want. I would go for the weapon first and then work your way to the other items you need. Don't worry about potions, I am an Alchemist and I a pretty decent rank as well, so I can supply you with that extra stuff." Opal ended the trade once Jazmyne had accepted it and placed her hands back in her lap once more looking the girl up and down. 

    "How about we go get something to eat? Are you hungry?"

  21. Opal stopped but didn't turn around as Avilon bowed her head and made that comment. Opal sighed and shook her head, the small imp Jaken looked up at his master and smiled with a nod tapping his massive staff over his shoulders without burden. Opal slowly turned around on the balls of her feet, her violet eyes narrowed as she looked at the girl, child, whom was trying so hard to respect Opal and her seniority. 

    "Mentor, huh? Listen, Honey. I am not telling you you can't be whimsical and childish, that sets you apart among everyone else. While some people are dead serious, it's good to go out and have fun. There are just minor tweaks that need to be made to your personality." Opal tapped a finger against her moist lips, rolling her weight to one foot and folding her arms casually. She squinted at the young girl, "For now, we'll just need to do something about beefing up your mentality a bit. You cry over the smallest things, like people not loving you like you love them. Where do you even get the idea of love is anyways? Kinda makes me sick..." The woman once more twisted on the balls of her feet and continued on her way through the mountainous paths of floor seven. Jaken yelped and followed suit, "Better hurry up, Little Girl," Jaken said waving his staff.  

  22. ID: 60581
    LD: 17 + 4 + 2 = 23 
    Dungeon: Advanced




    Rules and Requirements

    1. Advanced Dungeons cannot be fled from at any point after being entered. Teleportation crystals are disabled in these dungeons.
    2. Advanced Dungeons cannot be found or completed in solo threads. If the player rolls LD22 or higher in a solo thread, an intermediate dungeon will be found in its stead.
    3. Participants must fight a total of fifteen floor strength monsters of their own design before moving on to the boss.
    4. Participants must fight a boss monster with the following statistics in order to qualify for the reward:
      HP = floor * 70 | Damage = floor * 11


    3 SP upon completion
    A Col value of ((floor + loot die) * 100)
    6 Materials


    Opal turned to Jomei and shook her head, "Haha, you are so cute. Of corpse we'll talk about it! You might not remember, but you had me pressed up against the wall, your hot breath on my neck. Your hands were all over me, Jomei. I couldn't have stopped you even if I wanted to! Hahahaha!" annoying laughter filled the air from the brazen woman, as she allowed her exaggerated laughs annoy him as much as possible. She was going to get under his skin which probably would be a bad idea. Anyone can blow up with the amount of heat this floor gave off, and plus not being in the right mood for such games like the ones she played, might send Jomei off the deep end. 

    The woman skipped a few steps ahead of him as she brought her Masamune out with a stretched hand. The ornate metal saya flicked over her shoulder and she waited for the ginger to catch up. When he walked so slowly in front of her the woman snickered with her black lips curling, "Batter's up..." WHACK! Her saya smacked Jomei in the butt sending him into the odd sandstorm ahead of the duo. She hopped in place and took the plunge right after him. They were whipped around the sandstorm left and right, the grains of orange and red sand colliding against their bodies as Opal continued to laugh, "This is where the fun begins, Lover!" Her voice had been raised as the sound of the storm was overpowering their natural voices. 

    Abruptly, Opal unsheathed her weapon, grabbed Jomei by the hood and threw him with all her might out of the raging sandstorm. The woman cut her way out of and was spit out moments later, however, they were no longer in red and orange sand of the desert. Instead they were in some odd chasm of sorts underground, to top it all off it was quite cool as well. 

    "Isn't that kinda neat? I discovered one of those odd sandstorms a while back. Apparently it actually a weird teleporting device, like a portal or something. But here we are!...Which I honestly don't know where we are. I'm guessing underground sex is out of the question?" she asked with a small pout towards him as he got his bearings together. 

  23. Opal's violet eyes carried her vision through a small portal or glimpse of a possible future between the two. The female Samurai, Kunoichi, Player Killer, Hell Bent Renegade, Murderer...names that would trickle forth on the lips of player's names when she walked by them; walking through towns or even a dungeon amongst others. The female presented her hand in the form of an open palm and slowly closed it as she spoke, "The world in the palm of your hands? A little girl such as yourself has no authority for the time being. You are weak, useless, utterly a nothing. A small little stain on this little floating castle. You are merely one of thousands of other players. But we'll change all that, certainly. But before then, you also must understand humility, defeat and fear. Because these things empower a person. Fear and defeat will help you grow and you will learn how to use these mechanics upon those who have placed it upon yourself." 

    Opal dropped her arm to the side and then shrugged, "I'm kidding.  Hahahaha!" the woman's laughter echoes annoyingly about the small field in which they stood, the woman teasing the girl before her with all this serious dialogue of being weak and puny and how she was just another player, "I started out with nothing in my time. A man helped me along my journey to get me here. You shall meet him as well, in fact, I believe that is what we are going to do. How about we go for a little walk?" Opal brushed the long snow white hair off her shoulders and brought her menu up and began idly chatting with another player on the other end through speed texting. Although Opal had to wait several moments before going onto her next message, "My leader is a busy man it seems. He does not have time to look at you, so that is out of the window. I suppose until he gets back to me, we will have to make our own fun." Opal said with another careless shrug of her arms. 

    Swinging her body around to meet Jazmyne's eyes, her black lips curled and smiled and then all together, her body fell into the grass and she sat down, "Sit with me little Buttercup. Remember those questions I wanted to ask you? I am ready to ask those now." Opal patted the grass next to her for the woman to sit down beside her. Waiting for the moment, Opal brought up her menu, sliding one leg over the other and leaning back with one hand stretched out to keep her body propped up, giving a very casual and laid back look. 

    Within moments between her fingers materialized a smoking cigarette. Orange perfume gifted the air from its aroma as the woman silently sat taking a rather long and much needed drag from it. Black lips parted as the orange plume lifted from her mouth and speared the air with its scent. All the while, Jaken sat next to Opal on her opposite side and hunched over with his arms together as he seemingly looked as if he were meditating.  

    "Do you smoke?" Opal asked, for the moment. It might be rude to indulge in such nicotine desires if the party was also interested in relaxing, "Should you want one, feel free to ask. I alchemize these things up the wazoo at my shop. But yes, on to the questions. You being a player, have you decided what sort of build or class you are aiming to achieve while here? If you are seeking power, I would suggest not taking a support class. And while Tanks have hefty amounts of HP and Mitigation, they won't shine later on till they powered up their weapon ranks. So I can see you going into DPS, I myself fashion myself as more of a Utility player, but it's mostly all Tank, Dps, Support right now." Opal indulged once more on her orange flavored cig, allowing the smoke to billow out of her mouth before blowing it straight up into the air with a tilted head. 

  24. The woman stood up with the help of the Crimson Wild Dancer, noticing that his 'claws' had reverted back to just his hands. Her black lips curled slightly from the notice of such a thing, "Thank you," she said brushing her thighs and butt off free of the sand. Rolling a finger over the panties to keep it back in place from the previous movements, Opal felt like she was ready to get the hell out of this beach. She brushed the strands of violet hair from her face when Kalesh mentioned he was half ready and to get going before it was too late.  She had to address this comment, "Oh trust me when I say you'll be ready to go for me. As for it being too late..." The woman got close to Kalesh, a hand on his cheek as she gave a rather flirty and seductive smile, "We are going to be up for a while, because, you are gonna satisfy me until I tell you to stop." Her licorice lips held her half smile as she took him by the hand and began leading him, "Let's go Jaken. We are leaving now." 

    The small creature who was enjoying his time in the water bobbed up and down until he reached the shoreline and his small feet pattering towards the couple, "Wait for me, Master Opal!" he said holding his staff in hand and marching behind them. Opal laughed and shook her head, "Don't worry. He won't be in the room. You don't mind standing guard outside do you Jaken?" 

    "Of course not! It would be an honor to watch over your room while you sleep!" the little creature responded back. Opal giggled, "Sleep. Right. Oh and if you hear me screaming, please do not rush in. I forbid you from entering unless I give you permission. Is that understood?" The small imp stopped for a moment questioning her command but in the end the result was the same with a "Yes, Master Opal!" She nodded her head to Kalesh, "We should not be interrupted tonight." she said curtly. They two had walked to the teleport plaza of the floor, "We are going to Urbus. I frequent the inns on the South Side a lot because of Orange gone Green players usually stay there and people generally leave me alone while I am in that area." She had told Kalesh of her current residents, despite it being a rather shady side of the city, it suited her fancy and that's all that mattered. 

    "I'm not gonna bother changing out to my other clothes. This bikini will be coming off soon anyways..." she said with a suggestive tone, almost trickling in a small giggle while she said it. The woman's hand tightened over his as they made their way to the teleport plaza, "I'll see you on the other side. Teleport; Urbus!" The woman's body engulfed with light as she was shuttled from one location to the next.


    Kalesh had arrived in due time after she had arrived. Once more she began to lead him through the narrows of Urbus. It was clear the way they were going, many of the players looks dangerous and cutthroats alike seemed to line the bars in this shady district. However, Opal was moving with a much more pronounced speed. She was horny, and was ready to get the fires ignited between the two. Through the darkness and the dangerous narrows of Urbus, they had arrived at a rather seedy looking Inn, no name, no sign, just a large establishment that looked rather odd. She pushed the doors open, there seemed to be a lot going on the inside rather than the outside. There were moans emitting from all over the place, it seemed more like a den of debauchery and sin than anything else. Perhaps it was some sort of Bordello that she had lead him into; it was not something that had crossed her mind to dabble in at some point in the future. 

    "Finally..." she said, leading him to her room, the door shutting soundly behind her as it lit up with red candles. The walls were thin and could easily hear the moans and creaks of the bed from the other side of the walls. Opal paid little attention to it, "It's not always this busy. But don't worry, we'll be making our own noises pretty soon." The woman gestured for Kalesh to move to the bed. The low level of light in the room was barely enough to see their own faces. But Opal had followed the Wild Dancer to the large bed and he sat down, Opal sat between his legs looking over her shoulder, her fingers curling around the edge of her bikini top, "It's alright. You can touch..." she said to him in an almost a low whisper. Her milky shoulders moved as the top dematerialized, she felt his warm hands on her as she batted her eyes, "Mmm...now the fun begins..." She turned around and pressed his shoulders causing his body to fall into the bed as she straddled him, "Remember what I said...don't stop until I am satisfied..." 

    -Kalesh and Opal leave the Thread-

    OOC: Permission from the man himself to execute the actions, also I could not resist myself! Haha! Have fun~ 

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