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Posts posted by Opal

  1. Opal nodded to herself after flinging in a handful of different things. One by one they plopped into the black steel cauldron, her long ladle of unknown origins stirred the broth of green liquid as she gave the contents a raised brow. Unlike the earlier night, it had foamed and bubbled. The green liquid within did nothing but bubble lightly. She sighed and stretched her arms upwards releasing the ladle and falling back towards the wall to wait for the 'powers that be.' 


    ID: 62671
    CD: 4+1 = 5

    CD: 9+1 = 10

    CD: 10+1 = 11

    CD: 4+1 =5

    CD: 6+1 =7

    CD: 6+1 =7

    CD:1 +1 =2
    LD: 18 [Recovered]

    CD: 10+1 =11

    +20 Exp, -10 Mats

  2. The woman had no plans to come, in fact she was more than willing to let the lot of them die after their chauvinistic display at the meeting. The woman have a disgruntled moan as her familiar, Jaken walked beside her. "How is the equipment coming along?" quick question from her as her eyes gazed down at the small imp. "All ready!" he said with a quick response. She had arrived with the rest but was in this moment stealthed; none could see her figure and form and the unique weapon she now carried in her hand. With the buffs in full swing, the woman eyed the crowd before..."Not too many people showed up. This is gonna be a pain in the ass, why the hell am I helping them anyways after how I was treated?" The Maiden's Kiss was a unique weapon that did Holy Damage on certain timed attacks, the woman knew she was not going to do nearly as much damage as anyone else with those fancy amulets that were talked about, so there was no reason to go all out in that department. Better yet, she could just sit along the sides lines and not participate in this battle and just watch the events unfold. She would not be harmed unless the mobs and boss had a keener eye than that brunette. In any case, the woman leaned against a rock hidden in the shade and shadow so that none would disturb her peace. When the battle began she would do what she wanted. 

    Notes: Stealthed LD+22 



    Stats: Level 51 || HP: 204 || Energy: 51 || Tier 2 Player
    Dmg: 10 (Base Dmg)  18 (Maidens Kiss) 20 ( Maidens Kiss+ Chrg ) 21 (Maidens Kiss + Chrg + Surprise Attack) [+1 Dmg Banner of command= Zandra]
    Keen: +1
    Acc: +3 
    Mit: +108

    Maidens Kiss: +8 Holy Dmg (Rolls 8-10)
     Ring of the Blood: +2 Acc, + 1 Keen
    Vambraces of Slumber: +54 Mit
    Jaken Familiar: +1 Acc

    Rnk 5 Katana
    Rnk 2 Charge
    Rnk 5 Sneak & Hide
    -- Surprise Attack [Auto Hit +1 Dmg]
    Rnk 3 Search N Detect
    -- Reveal
    Rnk 2 Battle Healing: 8% Heal on CD+10

    +4 Dmg Pot Item Located Here
    +54 Mit Pot Item Located Here
    Banner of Command [+1 Dmg]
    Safeguard (Item Located in Sig)

    Battle Ready:
    Masamune X (Katana: +6 Dmg) || 

  3. Name: Perfect Shards of an Aegis
    Profession: Terrorist
    Rank: 7
    ID: 62537
    Roll: 12 [11+1]
    Quality: Perfect
    Type: Status Update Potion
    Enhancements: Dmg Mitigation [T2] +54 Dmg Mit
    Description: Aqua colored potion that hardens the warriors natural armor class, removing up to 54 points of damage from every attack. 1 Point of Dmg is taken no matter the amount of mitigation you posses when struck.  


    Name: Whetstone 
    Profession: Alchemist
    Rank: 7
    ID:   62531
    Roll: 11 [10 +1]
    Quality: Rare
    Type: Status Update Potion
    Enhancements: Dmg T2 +4 Dmg
    Description:  An alchemical item that will sharpen base damage of any weapon by +4 points. 

  4. Agitation. The feeling that welled up inside the prideful woman as her attack released a barrage of hot air towards the would be known Snow Beast. Her serene eyes now composed of fire and spite for her own self as the creature, while stunned, could do nothing but sweep her blade over the foul creature and whiff at it with her blade. She cursed lightly at herself from the embarrassing strike. Had she taken an extra foot in her leaping attack, the Snow Beast would have been removed from their presence, but instead the eye sore continued on. Eventually soon breaking free of its stun state and then unleashing its hell upon the two. 

    ID: 62539  BD:  2+3 = 5 hurrah 

    Opals HP: 152/152
    EN: 18/38
    Sword Art: Miss

    Teayre's HP: 169/169
    EN: 23 /41 [Iai Used, 13 Energy Used, 1 Regen] (15 + 4)* 10 = 190 DMG

    Snow Beast: 60/250 [Stunned for one turn]

  5. To and fro, left and right, the woman moved from table to cauldron as she splashed an eccentric mix of materials into the bubbling liquid in front of her. With a poof of smoke the cauldron rumbled to life as she quirked her brow. "Well, can't say its the worse of the times I have done my crafting. Who needs to measure anyways?" Giving her hand a quick wave in front of the frothing and boiling liquid, the woman moved the smoke from the vicinity and lit a scented candle to help move the smell from out of her laboratory. 


    ID: 62531
    CD: 10+1 =11

    ID: 62532
    CD: 3+1 =4

    ID: 62533
    CD: 4+1 =5

    ID: 62534
    CD: 8+1 =9

    ID: 62535
    CD: 1+1 =2

    ID: 62536
    CD: 6+1 =7

    ID: 62537
    CD: 11+1 =12

    ID: 62538
    CD: 4+1 = 5

    +14 Exp, -8 Mats

  6. The blade of her Masamune reflected against the ice capped rocks all around her. Her white colored eyes bounced from rock to rock as her blade skimmed the surface of the massive chasm. Eyes fixed on the Crimson Maiden, Opal only nodded and stopped in her tracks. “Well, you are the one who has done this quest before. I am open to other suggestions. Between you and me, we’ll only need to do a single attack on it. It’s already getting so late already,” the woman shifted yawning lightly in her place as the glass like ice shimmered over the area. With her long blade tipping over her shoulder the woman continued to walk side by side the more colorful player in the chasm, Teayre being the Crimson Leader for this little journey.

    <ENR: 2/3>

  7. 31 minutes ago, Erroneous said:

    Uggh... fiiiiiine I guess I'll fix this with my godly admin powas.

    To any character who "dies" in Sword Art Online, you shall receive 1 voucher for 1 free toasted cookie at Quiznos.



    =/ It expired already. Totally derailed the convo, shame on you Erron. 
    As for the character reimbursement, I think bringing to the table that newer players starts at a higher level so the initial grind isn't such a hard and difficult rose would be a great step forward as well as keeping the community together by helping dead players not lose everything they worked for in the past. 

  8. Opla had stopped following the crowd midway and stayed out of their way. The plan was for them to draw out Sheeptar, which meant there was no action to be made until it was out in the open. Seven players were more than enough to draw the Boss out towards the public's eye and until then, he odachi would be remained sheathed. Remaining in the shadows of the land, Opal back tracked from the group. 

    "Why are we going the other way?" Jaken, her familiar asked as he pointed, the group now out of sight as she walked even slower. The woman turned to her curious friend, "Ahh, because it is not worth the time of day to go all the way there and then all the way back. When they lure out the Boss, then we'll have some fun. Until then, they can handle themselves. If not, we can amscray the hell out of here. Anyways, time for a lunch break, Jaken. Orange or apple?" The small familiar bounced, "How about I give you this pear!"

    The woman turned her head, lifted her foot and planted it into his odd shaped face, "Moron,' she said with an audible laugh as the familiar's face was now imprinted with her boot. "I still don't get it!" he said sweeping his staff left and right. "I shall give you despair!"  she laughed while saying the line again, "But I already have one!" he remarked, which sent off another fit of laughter from the woman. Flicking tears away from her eyes as she laughed so hard, the woman leaned back against a suitable wall, unbeknownst but one, however no longer in sight, in the familiar claws of the shadows. Her violet eyes scanned the area, "No monsters around here...smoke break." She said getting the required item from the inventory while her familiar snacked on something fruity of his own. 


    Notes: Stealthed; LD+22, away from the party not in combat. @Zandra is next.

  9. "If you don't then just back off." Opal propelled herself once more into the mobs as their sharp claws struck her head from toe. Her vambraces and armor mitigation were easy enough to stop the attacks from cutting through her armor. Violet eyes canned over the Mountain Lions and her blade glowed an ominous violet purple almost seething with a chaotic energy. She spun on her foot and attacked, horrible screams of the lions echoed off the valley as her blade cut and sliced through their digital flesh. Bodies fizzled into pixels as they were easily drawn to a close. No loot necessary, it was just a means to get things done. With a slight 'humph' the woman flicked her white hair from her face and moved forward, "Come on. We are spending too much time doing nothing."

    x4 Mountain Lions: HP: 0/28 || Dmg: 21 || Mit: 7

    Opals HP: 192/200
    EN: 37/50
    Sword Art: Gen Getsu || 12 EN || 108 Dmg - 7 = 101 Dmg

    ID: 61932
    BD: 3+3 = hit

    MD: 10
    # Deceased: 4/15

    OOC: Feel free to spawn the next set of enemies. 

  10. A sheer black satin and lace teddy wrapped around Opal's curvy form. In her bed with her body propped up with some pillows, the woman dangled her cigarette from her lips as her hands moved fluidly over her menu as she made memos of the things to do in the coming days and weeks if necessary to prepare Jazmyne into the ranks of the Laughing Coffin. Take a handless drag from her cigarette, her black lips expelled the orange smoke from her lungs as it drifted into the air above her like a sitting haze. The room filled with the citrus scent as she scanned the floors which she visited and what sort of mobs would be beneficial for grinding. In the end, it would come down to Opal doing most of the work, however, it was not too bad. She could gain both the materials and the col desired from such mobs and possibly even better look than before. Her violet eyes scanned over her equipment and she left out a small sigh. A hand flashed over and the screen disappeared. Sliding into her pillows, the woman took a longer than needed drag to finish off her cigarette, her small fingers pinched the butt as she opened her mouth, allowing a voluminous cloud once more escape. Her eyes fluttered with the release as she flicked the item away from her. A small shattering of pixels erupted from the destroyed item as the scent mixed in the air once more.  

    Opal slipped even further into the pillows until she was laying flat on the bed. A window was close by as she looked out to it, the moon full and brilliant. She had wondered if Jazmyne was sleeping well enough in her surroundings. It might be a bit new to her, but she would be able to tough it out. The city in general was quiet enough, and there was no noise from outside the Inn as far as Opal could tell. The woman twisted and turned, her long white hair falling off her shoulder and behind her as she looked towards the door. Of course, the young woman would be asleep by now. And she had no desire to wake the sleeping girl up for trivial matters despite Opal being wide awake at the current moment. Eyes closed shut attempting to draw out pleasurable vivid dreams. A woman so lonely...

    A hand began to snake its way between her legs as she turned onto her back. Nimble fingers moved back and forth as she arched her back lightly, the feeling of her fingers on her sensitive flesh made her squirm lightly in the bed. She moaned silently to herself as she bit her lower lip with those pearly white teeth. As she felt herself, her eyes opened and she looked over her shoulder; standing there was Jaken with his staff poised.

    "I heard you moaning, Mistress! Are you hurt!?" The woman sighed heavily before throwing her pillow at the familiar, "Go back to sleep, Jaken!" 

    OOC: We'll need 1 more post to finish this off.  

  11. ID: 61584
    LD: 5+4 = None

    The woman walked with the grace of a jaguar stalking its prey. Her eyes scanning the area but finding nothing in the deep shadows of the ruins temples. Jaken's staff bounced lightly with every second step much like last time as his yellow eyes scanned quickly left and right as he looked for his Master's next set of targets. Despite searching for a possible quarry, the woman found the morning light and the area to be somewhat desolate of game. Her eyes rolled as she shifted from shadow to shadow, holding her Masamune and doing practice sweeps and cuts to the air. She was getting antsy, if she didn't find something soon...She looked to Jaken, giving him an odd look.

  12. ID: 61853
    LD: 16+4 = [+1 Mat]

    With the staff that Jaken carried sounding off with a gentle tap after each second step, the duo fell into a rhythmic beat down the beaten path. Opal's violet eyes gazed around until she saw a glimmer of something by the mountain path. Kneeling down for the moment, she picked up the item and analyzed it carefully with a flick of the menu button. It was a worthy item to call her own for experimentation or something else down the line that required such details. She sighed, "Alright Jaken. It's time to get some light work done. You spot out the mobs, and I'll take them down."

    The imp nodded as his Mistress flew like a bat into the shadows. He would keep his bulging eyes peeled for anything that would make good sport for his Master. 


  13. Early morning sunrise was the time of day when Opal stepped out of the inn she was staying at. It had not been long since her last adventure to the temples that brought about a decent outcome of loot and materials for herself. With the positive thought process going on for her, she would make her way back out to those ruined temples in search of another dungeon. Just because she was a high level did not mean for her to stop in her training. The woman who was to be respected and to be feared needed more than just stats and power. She needed wisdom and the lay of the land at her fingertips. Although by now she had uncovered a healthy part of this floor with her being her for so long. Looking down to her right she noticed her familiar rubbing the whetstone along the long blade of the Masamune X. 

    "Is it ready?" she asked. A happy nod as he held the weapon out to her. "It is ready Master Opal. Are you fully equipped for the adventure ahead?" 

    The woman noted his comment and took a moment to look over her stats and equipment. Everything seemed to be in order and she gave a nod. "Let's head out, Jaken."

    Notes: +4 Dmg Pot Used
    Equipment: Masamune X, Vambraces of Eternal Slumber, Prosperity Trinket, Jaken [Familiar]

  14. Opal's eyes narrowed as she picked up the snoring Jaken, "Then it looks like your are following me." There was a pop up notification on Opal's menu when she had stood up. It was time to pay off for the meal and drinks the two had devoured and time to get out of this little bar. "I am assuming you know how to change floors?" The woman asked, holding the door open for Jazmyne as they stepped out into the dark city. Under one arm was the fast asleep Jaken, and with her hands stretched out, she dropped her minion onto the ground rousing him from his sleep.

    "Umph!" a noise emitted from the creature as he got up and dusted his robes off and scowled at his Master, "You could have simply told me to wake up, ya know!?" he barked at her and picked up his staff. Opal ignored him and turned to Jazmyne once again, "Follow me. We'll be heading to the teleport plaza and then from there we'll be heading to floor seven to the city of Nimbus. It is quiet floor and the inns are pretty nice, it is where I normally stay or at Taft, but Taft has become a bit more crowded due the floor being a Blood Oath Domain." The woman shrugged her shoulders with the passing of the name as she began their small walk to the teleport plaza. "I'll wait for you on the other side. Teleport: Nimbus." 

    In a flash, the woman and her familiar were carried off towards the destination and reappeared in the dark city of Nimbus. Taking a few steps forward, she waited for her new companion to appear before moving forward. Some time elapsed until the woman with the waist long brown hair was shuttled from the light. Giving a nod, Opal gestured once more for her to follow. The two continued through the city of Nimbus, a dramatic decrease in human traffic compared to the first floor. White long hair swayed side to side as her body moved with a bit of a sway itself as they headed towards a rather neat and clean looking Inn. Opal held the door open for the woman and they walked inside. There was a gothic darkness to this sort of Inn, and Opal smiled waving her hand to the NPC, but in fact it was just a formality of quickness to work out that she would be using two rooms at the Inn. 

    "I bought out a room for you so you could have some privacy tonight. Your room is on the left and my room is right next door. I'll be up for a little while longer to prepare us for the battle tutorial tomorrow as well as more fun things to do. So if you need me for anything, you are free to come visit. If not, I bid you a goodnight." Opal smiled briefly and closed door behind her going into her own room. She sighed as the familiar followed her in and took a seat by the fireplace. The woman lazily moved towards the large bed and fell with a flop.

  15. Loot Drop

    x4 Rare Items

    Items 1 - 4:

    Name: Renergize x4
    Item: Loot
    ID:   61123
    Roll: 18+4 = 22
    Quality: Rare
    Type: Electrolytes [Cook]
    Enhancements: +6 EN Restore
    Description:  Items that were looted off a corpse when Opal had slain some Sand Trolls. The Potion is brown and smells atrocious, however, it will quickly add in lost EN with a quick chug of the vial. 

    Loot Drop

    x4 Rare Items

    Items 1 -4:

    Name: Temple Gummies x4
    Item: Loot
    ID:   61789
    Roll: 19+4 = 23
    Quality: Rare
    Type: Prosperity [Cook]
    Enhancements: +2 Prosperity
    Description:  Items that were looted off a corpse when Opal had slain some Temple Guardians.  4 Packs of Temple Gummies in a variety of flavors were dropped that gives an extra boost in col loot rewards when devoured. Good for 1 Adventure! 

    Thank you for reviewing my Evaluatations! :)



  16. After her last flurry of strikes, Hypnos reared its ugly head at her. Dull looking eyes opposed her as its pendulum swung back and forth, once more she was hit by an unforeseen force of mental energies and she fell from her proud stance. White hair whipped around her as she staggered. A low grunt emitted from her mouth as the Masamune was planted into the crust of the earth in the cavern floor. Sweeping hair off her shoulders with the back of her hand, the woman once more took the reigns of battle. Blade alit with purple as she moved in for the kill. Quick long sweeps of her blade caused the creature to stumble back, no gutteral moans escaped as with the last strike of her sword, the Boss came crashing down and exploded in crystallized confetti. The deed was done, the room became lit with torches and the exit was just up ahead. The female samurai had enough of this place. Collecting her loot and accepting the experience from the dungeon, she and her familiar made it back to Nimbus without another word. 

    Opals HP: 154/200
    EN: 7/50
    Sword Art:  Zekkai || 7 EN || Dmg: 126

    Hypnos: HP Demolished/490 ||  Dmg: 77 

    ID: 61841
    BD: 10+4 = [+2 Dmg]
    MD: 7
    LD: 15 + 7 = +1540 Col
    + 3 Materials
    +2 SP


    Thread Rewards: +400 Col, +1 SP
    Thread Loot: + 30 Mats, + 23,680 Col, +8 Rare Items 
    Sub Dungeon: Sub Dungeon: 61747 +2 SP, +3 Mats, +1540 Col

    Edit: I forgot you cant solo Advanced Dungeons, so I tweaked the rewards for Intermediate Gains.

  17. Hypnos turned, its dark yellow body moving towards Opal as she backed away slightly from the annoying Dungeon Boss. Its pendulum swung and she was hit with an invisible projection of sorts. She had fell down to one knee as the imp coward and moved out of the way. Grunting as she returned to her feet, the busty woman recollected herself and moved in for the attack. Her blade dipped in an evil aura now stretched out towards Hypnos. A quick succession of slashes ripped through the yellow flesh of the creature as she took the domain of dominance once again from it. The flurry of strikes sending the creature backwards and its health point bar in the red. One more hit should do it, unless she would get unlucky and miss. 

    Opals HP: 177/200
    EN: 6/50
    Sword Art:  San Ge || 12 EN || 216

    Hypnos: HP 74/490 ||  Dmg: 77 

    ID: 61840
    BD: 7+3 = hit [+1 BD, Keen Activated]
    MD: 6= hit

  18. Opal took a moment to gather herself after the last attack. The boss had been stunned but she was wondering if once out of the stun it would project stronger mental waves. Her eyes scanned the room for something she could use in the long run. Looking down at her feet the small imp that was her familiar looked up at her, "Mistress if you don't make another attack soon, it will come out of its status effect." Offering to her an already known dilemma. The woman cursed lightly as she looked onwards as Hypnos began to move and break free of its stunned state. Its body moving slowly as it got on its haunches and stood up. Its metal device in hand swinging back and forth more frantically as Opal was now having a difficult time standing up. Her blade cleaved the floor in attempt to stop the pendulum. 

    Opals HP: 200/200
    EN: 18/50
    Sword Art:  Missed

    Hypnos: HP 290/490 ||  Dmg: 77 [Stunned]

    ID: 61838
    BD:1 +3 = 
    MD: Stunned

  19. Without hesitation, the woman came from above the creature. Starting off with a charge, she journeyed twisted and turned in the air with her violet blade glowing a horrific evil purple. A single slash was all it took to create a massive gash in the unmoving creature. It stirred for a moment, its eyes glancing around until the female figure was in view and then its body was stunned by her sword art. Along with it came a chunk of Hypnos' HP. Only a few more hits and she would make mincemeat out of this thing. With the creature weakened as well, the effects of his drowsy waves were starting to fade off. Her mind was clear and her hand was tight on the hilt of her katana, "Only a few more attacks...So long as I don't [censored] miss." she cursed. 

    Opals HP: 200/200
    EN: 19/50
    Sword Art:  Iai || 13 EN || 200 Dmg

    Hypnos: HP 290/490 ||  Dmg: 77 [Stunned]

    ID: 61837
    BD: 9 , +1 Dmg [Surprise Attack], [+1 Dmg Crit]
    MD: Stunned

  20. Making sure she was prepared for a harsh battle switching out for her Blood Ring for the Prosperity Item. The woman took a moment to look in the room as it was covered in darkness. She cursed lightly as she could not see a thing, but it made it all the more better for her to engage in her stealth tactics and get the one up on this boss; whatever it may be. Violet eyes stirred in the belly of the darkness, glaring with squinted eyes as she engaged her stealth. Blending with the shadows around her, she was able to move around a large yellow creature that was sitting still and not moving. In its hand was a swinging pendulum. As she got closer she could feel her body becoming cumbersome and strained to stand up right. So it was this creature after all that was making her ill. In her stealthed form she readied her blade and would commence the attack on the Boss known as Hypnos!


    ENR: 1/3
    Prosperity Ring > Blood Ring

  21. The katana blade was a violet purple, the guardians were no match for her steels as she cut through armor and flesh alike. Orange gashes appeared over their bodies in slices and dices as disassembled their bodies from head to toe. In a flurry of digital flakes, the woman was surrounded in the colors of pixel death as she waved her around to cleanse her body of the crystals. Violet eyes scanned her loot and quickly accepted the pop up and then prepared for the boss ahead. With a gentle hand on the door she pushed it open, the familiar Jaken quickly returning to her heels. 

    Opals HP: 200/200
    EN: 31/50
    Sword Art: Haku Senpu || 19 EN || Dmg: 152- 25 = 127 

    x4 Medium Temple Guardians: HP 0/100 || Mit: 25  || Dmg: 75

    ID: 61836
    BD:  +1 Dmg [Suprise Attack]
    MD: broken
    LD: 13+4 = 17 [+3200 Col]
    +4 Mats
    16/15 Mobs Dealt With

  22. ID: 61835
    ENR: 3/3

    King Jaken rushed back to aid his Master with a skin pouch full of water. His little green feet pattered against the stone flooring of the cavern as they echoed and bounced off the walls. Opal slid upwards as her body swayed and attempted to keep her eye sight straight ahead. Blinking several times, the woman extended her hand out in thanks and gratitude with a simple nod as she was given the pouch of water. Drinking the contents, she titled her head back as the liquid ran down the side of her mouth as she thirsted for the item. Finishing it off with a soft sigh, the woman's vision became more clear and the dizzy sensation she had got earlier was now tapering off. She was able to stand without a drunken sway and held her katana tight in her hand. "Alright Jaken, let's kill this damn thing and be done with it." Her body was now fluid with the shadows around her as she delved into the dark spaces of the cavern, with a few mobs left around the main entrance to the boss room, she could quickly dispatch them. 


  23. The woman moaned lightly when the bed shifted from movement. She stayed in a deep sleep, but she was known to be a moving sleeper when she felt safe enough to sleep. Her dreams were scattered for the most part. Bits and pieces of the past glued and unglued seemed to come and go as she slept there beside the Crimson Wild Dancer. Her silky smooth leg pressed against him folding over his leg as she once more got comfortable. Her body now turning and twisting about as long slender arm pushed from the sheet and wrapped around the warm body next to her. Face moving towards the exposed chest of the male as she snuggled her form closer to him. She had stirred only for a moment, moaned once more took in a heavy breath and then slowly exhaled once more falling deeper into her slumber. 

    Moments had passed since then, her fingers curling over the warm flesh as her nails raked the skin. Her violet eyes blurred from the darkness as they peeped open. Half squinting and looking up at what appeared to be the jaw of the person, she gave a low yawn in the process finding that she was naked. Her back arched as she turned around on her back, head on his shoulder as she stared upwards towards the ceiling. 

    "We still in Yomi?" she asked, still tired as she stirred. Her arms raising up in the air and stretching, exposing her chest from the thin sheet over their bodies. The woman was not abashed by the actions she had done. She yawned once more as her body once more got into comfortable position, the need for that first hit from her morning cigarette causing her hand to fall upon her menu. A few disgruntled sounds along with swipes of her hand and mild cursing emitted from her looking for the item in question. Once it was found, she sighed as it appeared in her hands. The smoking tip already giving off the orange scent as it mixed with the air around them. She turned and lifted her body, the sheet falling off her form as she sat on the bed and leaned over taking in a full drag of the much needed false nicotine. Lips pursed as the stream of smoke expelled from her mouth with a gentle blow. With that first hit, she had become a bit less bitchy and turned her body towards him with her lips curling into a smile. From the night, she was covered in orange gash marks from his claws, it was quite kinky to be treated in such a fashion as it was with the male. He really did show his power and angst for the Blood Oaths for a good portion of the night. Slipping back towards the headboard of the bed, she brought a single leg to her chest and smoothed her skin with her free hand while she flicked the ashes of her cig away from her sexual partner. 

    "I assume we have some other business to take care of today. I believe I said I would help you with a few quests, right? I'll be good to go as soon as I finish with this." she said gesturing to her half burned cig as she took another unhealthy long drag of it, tilting her head up and blowing outwards once more. 

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