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Posts posted by Opal

  1. "You know what happened. I killed him," she said flat out. There was a no beating around the bush for the answer. True enough, Dom showed some kind of competence in the boss raids, she was even directed under his command in one of them and did as she was told while he took charge. Yet the fact that remained, "He was an orange player. Meaning he took the life of someone once as well. The system judged him as a murderer. Now, I don't know what he did to be as such, it could very well be out of self defense. Or it could have been for pure pleasure. And yet, no one really seemed to care that a murderer was going to these raid meetings and being accepted. There was a person behind the death of the player, perhaps he or she had a family, a wife, a child..so on and so forth. They were family, it was bad enough for one of their own to be stuck in this hell, but he played judged, jury and executioner to that player and killed them."

    The woman set both her arms down on the table, her eyes downcast at the player as she now began to speak, "We do things we are not proud to do. Whether we take the life of a player, or take the life of a murderer to exact their revenge. Lowenthal, as well as Zelrius..were both player killers. They took lives in either sheer joy of it, or for the sake of themselves. People kill and take away others. And once more, there are even more players sprouting all over Aincrad that bear the sign of Murderer. Hikoru, Mari a long time player killer, though she has not been seen for such a time. But when I killed Dom, and revealed I was part of Laughing Coffin...the eyes turned on me. Everything I did for everyone went straight down the toilet. My reputation, my respect it all came crashing down. I was labeled a traitor, murderer..."

    She brought her hands up around her shoulders and hugged her body for a brief moment, "Even your wife, Calrex. Tearye is an orange player. A murderer. Were her actions justified in your eyes? The players she killed, were they really a threat to her and her life? We can blame it on the uniques and how they twist a person...but is that really ok? You have stood by her side even now. She murdered two players...and yet you...WHY AM I ANY DIFFERENT THAN THEM!?" Opal slammed her hands down on the table, her drink almost bounced off the table spilling the contents all over, yet the frantic look in her gaze succumbed as she fell back down in her seat.

    "I killed one player...a possible murderer who may have been a threat to more people when it came down to it. And yet, I am the Pariah. How do you think I feel when I am shunned to such an extent? I am in Laughing Coffin, but my motives..." the woman's nails dug into her palm as she clenched her fist, "I will continue being the Pariah if that is what Aincrad wants. But my Crusade is far from being over. Eventually I will come for Tearye, Lowenthal, Hikoru, Mari...Oikawa. And the other Orange Players. They have taken life, theirs can not be spared. I will not allow it....And when that is done, I will end Sensui and Volcano and myself. Because that is justice. That is MY justice."  

  2. Opal felt his leg move away from him, was he so uncomfortable? She let out a small smile, "Your lose." Bringing the frothy cup to her lips, she listened to him explain what he was so confused about. The woman let out a small sigh and brushed her hair with her fingers, "Do you understand?" she asked him when he said that and trailed off with his knowledge of who she was. The woman folded her arms over the table and leaned in, "Exactly at what point during our meetings did you ever happen to realize or figure out who I am? You are not to judge someone you don't know and say my actions are out of character." The woman insisted on being quiet to him, not using any sort of anger or otherwise provoked state of tone that would be directed as being hostile or aggressive. 

    She leaned back in her seat, bringing her legs together comfortably. "I broke my character, you say. And yet, do you even know who I am? I remember telling you such things, yes. But this goes beyond the first time I met you and beyond the time I met Myoga. Sensui initiated contact with me before I was even part of the Crimson Blades. I wormed my way through everything using deceptive tricks and stories...Mostly, stories." she said with a bit of a grimace in her tone. It was the past however, and one she would not make light to this meeting.

    "Yes, Sensui is the leader of Laughing Coffin, for the time being that is. As you could tell he had brought a few of his service dogs with him. I was to go to the meeting to see if I could offer help to the frontlines. While I might be in a PK associated guild, I also want a chance at demonics as well. Numbers equate to everything in this world. Now I have a question for you." 

    The woman sipped her drink and placed her manicured nail down onto the table, "Who did I kill and what was he?" 

  3. Thunk, thunk 

    Opal's shimmering eyes looked on at the giant, rare spawn gorilla like monster as it broke a tree in half and was using it as a club like weapon. Opal gave a huff, that is not at all intimidating. Her eyes rolled at the thoughts, but when she was getting ready to attack there was a noise coming from her right side. A man no doubt, who the hell was coming all the way out here anyways? No one knew she would be out here grinding for the experience alone, and yet this...Fool! 

    She stood and swept her blade towards the stranger, pointing the edge of Masamune at the stranger. Finally she turned her head, eyes going wide with the sudden realization of who it was. The man from the meeting, the man she spoke with at the festival...And now getting in her way. Ferocity gripped her gaze at the warrior; how dare he disturb her, even if he had come in peace, he would leave in pieces after she dealt with this thing. 

    With her distracted however, the great ape planted his foot down and the large tree came coursing over Opal's smaller body. She was the size of a pea compared to this thing as it swung the heavy trunk at her. With some quick and fleet of foot work, she danced around the attack and came to a skidding halt as she attempted to raise her blade and counter attack.

    "[censored]!" she let the obscenity rip loose from her mouth, "Baldur, was it? You better leave me be till I kill this thing, or I'll come towards you and set off the aggro zone closer to yourself and let you deal with this thing." The woman's face showed sheer dislike for a brief moment, but it was her own fault for being distracted as she was. But it felt better for blaming someone else for her mistake. Finding the grip on Masamune once more, the woman got back into stance and slid her foot forward. She wouldn't miss next time, "What the hell are you even doing out here for? Don't you have better things to do?" A wind passed lifting off her body the white of snow hair, it died quietly as it shifted around her body before coming back down towards her waist and fluttering with the passing breeze. The giant, rare spawn gorilla like monster had yet to notice the new member, she didn't know his stats and she did not feel like she needed to step in and save him, should he get closer though, he'd have to deal with this thing on his own. 


    <<Battle Engaged!>>

    Opals HP: 1080/1080
    EN: 106/108
    Sword Art: -2 Miss 
    Equipment: [Party Equipped]

    A giant, rare spawn gorilla like monster: HP: 1010/1010 Dmg: 70

    ID: 67835
    BD: 1+3 = ;_; I blame Bal
    MD: 5
    CD: 1 

  4. Ping! "Mmm?" The woman shifted in her cozy little bed on floor seven of an inn when the alert had popped up. Normally she turned off her mail alerts during the night, she didn't enjoy the distractions whether it be she was sleeping or out in the field doing God knows what. As she rolled over to read the message, she squinted at the sender, "Calrex? Oh...God..." Opal immediately felt that he was sending her a private message to claim her head after the ruckus she made at the meeting. Maybe is she just deleted it and feigned ignorance, she wouldn't have to deal with him right now.

    However, she was a catty woman and a curious one as well. Despite her better judgement, the woman ended up poking her screen to see what this was all about. Reading the contents, she let out an audible sigh of relief, it was a request for them to get together for a little chat it seemed.  And it would be in a safe zone, so there didn't seem to be too much trouble about going in and seeing what he wanted. Giving a yawn and stretch, the nearly naked female roused her display and got dressed in something casual. Just a pair of black pants and off the shoulder t-shirt seemed to be simple enough to go to for a nighttime meeting. She felt it was not necessary to go all out in full armor since this was a meeting at a bar. Clearing her throat and taking a good look at herself in the mirror, tugged on her long ponytail and allowed all that hair to whip back and forth freely from her body. It spilled out from all over as it was kept in a strong tie, her violet bangs now mixed with the rest of the snow white hair as she brought her hand over and swept it over into the mix and placing a small little clip to keep the hair out of her eyes. Feeling confident with how she looked, the woman began her travels to floor eleven. 

    It did not take too much time to find the location of this bar. He heels clanked against the wooden stairs of the second floor of this bar. She stood at the threshold as her eyes examined the nearly empty room. Remembering his message, he also brought up the others who were at that meeting. Sensui only made a few public appearances and Volcano, well...he wasn't the sort of person who did well in safe zones. So it was just her and that other woman whom she knew nothing about. She was questionable, just randomly showing up at Sensui's side. No doubt one of his many lovers. The woman rejected the thought from her mind and moved towards the bar, getting a cold beer as she moved towards the back finding Calrex sitting there. 

    Her long legs slid underneath the table as she sat opposite of the Frontliner Tank. With beer in hand and giving a quick taste, the woman narrowed her eyes slightly, black lips and all smiling as she looked at him, "What did you want to talk about?" Her foot mischievously moved under the table as it rubbed against his shin, her eyes giving a rather brazen look with a very tempting smile. "Some kind of booty call? Wouldn't your wife be upset with you with us meeting like this?" 


  5. Black lips curled into something of a frown as her violet eyes travelled upwards towards the trees. Her Masamune in hand revealed in the off center light of the floor as she took several steps back and eyed a creature in the trees. She gave a low whistle as to summon it down to her level. The odd monstrosity looked down at the member of Laughing Coffin and her pitched whistle. Snapping its attention to her, he shifted in the trees and came down with an earth shattering wake, causing the ground to bowl beneath his feet. 

    "There you are..." She said, moving her hands through her inventory and retrieving an imperfect damage potion (2 available after post) as it coated her blade with a few fluid movements. With the radiant color of red coating the blade, the woman swept her blade off to the side and gave the slightest of smiles. This was something she had been hunting for a little while now, and this monster was only inhabitable on this floor. With her stance ready, the woman watched as the creature beat his chest like an ape sending out a rip roaring growl from his massive gritty chest. The noxious smell of its breath bore down on Opal as she gave a disgusted look. 

    In her new armor, finally crafted vanity armor from one of the other members in her guild, she wore a more conservative look. It was a less showy armor, but the unmistakable Laughing Coffin tattoo made home on her right hip bone and coming across towards her belly. The armor itself was a deep hue or purple much like her themed color of choice. Her violet eyes were a brighter color thanks to some aesthetic potions. A short cape, quaint in nature, wrapped around from her neck down to her waist. Nothing extravagant or edgy, but it complimented her new armor well enough. Legs that once were banded in leather, now were covered in black velvet pants with armor guards that also complimented the suit of armor she wore. 

    With things in place now, she could go on and get this battle started. It was nice to get away from everyone, even her guild. She had to prepare for anything and everything, her tongue got her in trouble too much these days. But then again, all the challenges she sent out were dismissed. Everyone liked to talk and poke, but no one actually had the balls to go through with it...except of course, Calrex. Her eyes narrowed thinking back at the meeting and how he indeed intimidated the woman. She could not shake that feeling, he would be a problem to deal with. She grunted and took another step back finding focus on the upcoming battle. Sweeping the blade left and right, Masamune almost seemed to cry with every thrust she would make with it. For a name such as it, the blade was tainted of its meaning. A pure name such as this...to be stained in the blood of another. 

    No matter. It was of course, for the greater good. 


    Notes: +4 Dmg Pot used from Sig, updating that now. 

  6. With salute, the woman marched along with Jomei shortly behind. She had thought she was leading this little party, but it was nice to see him take charge of the situation. He seemed to be lacking that side of the dominant gene. Walking behind him she noticed his butt, and laughed to herself. None too later did those lumbering mummies come back to spawn yet again, "Hey persistent buggers. But that's good. It's nice to have a little warm up before we get to the real deal. I suppose I could take a turn and sweep these up." The violet blade began to shimmer with the controlled aura of a sword art. Eyes lowered and the woman poised her blade. Both hands on the hilt, she flew in like a bullet. The dry and stagnant air in this underground cavern was stifling, yet the small breeze lifted up from action, white snow hair whipping back behind her as she entered the combat frame. 

    Swish Her blade went in and cut and sliced through the fabric of the feeble enemy. Their bodies once again corpses as they fell from her sheer power, yet they were as weak as they came. Taking a stance much like Jomei had done, she turned to him and gestured for him to continue, "After you, sexy." 


    <<Battle Engaged>>
    Opals HP:  193/193
    EN: 25/48
    Sword Art: Gen Getsu || 12 EN || Dmg: 90-5 = 85 Dmg

    x4 Mummy: HP: 0/20 || Dmg: 15 || Mit: 5

    ID: 67776
    BD: 6 + 4 = hit? hit. 
    MD: 1
    Notes: 12/15 Slain

  7. Opal's eyes widened, slurs and words out of the pompous mouth of the ginger. How dare such a weak and pathetic, spineless worm like that even speak to her in such a tone. Her violet eyes gave an intense glare and her mouth was about to open before the booming voice of the Ultramarine Knight was heard over the crowd. Opal's eyes widened even more, although he did not speak directly to her...well, for the most part, but that speech of his made her eyes go intense with what appeared to be fear and realization. She had just kicked up a [censored] storm to one of the strongest players in Aincrad. To deal with him now would be absolutely futile, but the words echoing in the back of her mind from what Tearye had said...Kill? Her? That was a laugh and a challenge worthy of being accepted. However, there was this Blue Element leering over her now. 

    Opal for the better most part took her lashings and the spear to the rib from the remainder of the group. She had caused enough trouble as it was. Once more she was about to speak before a cold hand was clasped over her mouth, the scent of an ocean wafting in the air from a Gentleman's Cologne. Opal's eyes remained silent and still when those cold hands reached her mouth before she could say another word. Her eyes moved to the man's long brown hair and stood deathly chill and silent, "Excuse my Subordinate, would you? She tends to run at the mouth at times. Swallow." He said to Opal almost whispering it in her ear. There was now something in her mouth? She swallowed whatever it was an immediately her eyes started to lose their luster and flare. 

    "Ah forgive my interruption...Volcano, put that silly thing away." The man beside the long haired Gentleman was a massive man who had more muscle than brains on him. Flaming red hair and deep crimson colored eyes with a small white flag in his hand being waved back and forth as he was told to stop, "But ugh...we came here for peace, right? I just wanted to let every--Oh hey! It's you!" he said pointing to Calrex, "You gave me a walloping last time. Trust me, I've been getting stronger too. Next time will be a different story, Buddy...Oh! Sorry Master Sensui." 

    "Anyways, Opal my Love. Did you wish to say something to these kind people?" 

    "Ugh, not necessarily..." an elbow to the rib caused her to lurch forward, "Uh, whatever. I'll take care of myself in the raid, you don't need to worry about me. Even if I wanted to kill you all, I can't now..." Her eyes soulless and lifeless as she looked back at Sensui and rolled her tongue in her mouth, "If you need another DPS, I offer my service as I always do. Damn these drugs are making me so sleepy..." the woman yawned and started to get woozy before being caught by Volcano and slung over his shoulder, "Well then. I will apologize to you all for her rude behavior earlier. I'm glad we got here before things escalated further. That's right, you all don't know who I am. Forgive me and my manners. I am Sensui, this is my right hand man, Volcano and this woman's name is...Oh! I do forget names sometimes..." there was another member of Sensui's party here as well, but she had been standing behind the large Lummox known as Volcano. The woman was breathtakingly gorgeous and her eyes shown a deep almost sun colored yellow. She did not speak, but she stood among them none the less with not a weapon to her side. When addressed, she simply looked at Sensui and didn't say a word. However, those eyes of hers did stop at Baldur and lingered there for a moment longer before closing them all together.

    "Ahh, yes. She does not speak much. Where was I...? Oh! Introductions. Well, that is who we are. We are Opal's caretakers so to speak, I am the Leader of Laughing Coffin after all," it was then the air which was still had been carved into a chill as it swept by his long golden brown hair, his dark eyes smiling with his body language as he bowed to them formally, the saber at his side dangling ever so elegantly off a small chain. 

    "While we had our differences, I believe we can come to some sort of agreement to allow Opal here to enter into your teams? I know she can be quite the handful," he laughed and looked over to the ginger known as Jomei. Oh yes, he had know about each and everyone of these players, all of those she had been friends with and all of those who she had betrayed. "In any case, please do go on with your meeting. Should you require Opal, she will be there at the next Boss Raid. Ta-ta for now. Volcano, come. Ugh..." The woman with no name stood silent, eyes closed and stomped away as he attempted to apologize as they left out of sight. 


    Cal pointed out to me it might be better idea to color code who is talking in this post since I got a few NPCs. 
    Sensui is this color, Leader of the infamous Laughing Coffin Guild
    Volcano is represented by this color, Sensui's right hand man! And Calrex's 'sparring' buddy.
    And Sexy Opal is colored Purple.

  8. Just now, Hikoru said:

    @Opal I will have to politely decline. I won't fight someone to die, I will fight for fun. And if you think that trying to lose my dignity, then I'm afraid your going up the wrong tree. I have none, as you've probably seen at the Rohk fight. Also, I will speak as I please, and I will not take orders from a pig-nosed witch thank you very much. So next time you speak of me, say as you wish, as I do the same about you.

    OOC: Personally I hope that you don't hate me OOC, I like your character and such, and it's a nice concept. Sadly though i am in no need to die from a PvP fight, I just want to do fights for fun. But I would like to get to know you OOC, and i think itd be nice to talk to you and get to know you as a person. Never be afraid to contact me on Skype or whatever, im always free ^-^

    OOC: Thank you for being respectful! I love to cause drama, its part of the character. She is one mouthy girl. Be prepared to be berated though with her. She has such tendencies because of her stats. One day someone will end up knocking her down and she will die. 



    What is this? Another spineless worm is it? You pathetic lot who speak out of your ass but can't back it seem to come out of the woodworks, more and more. You little piece of Trash, think you can speak to me in such a way and think you can get away with it? No, in my presence when you talk to me you get down on your hands and knees and pray to me as your God, Queen and Savior. There will be no mercy shown, not a quarter of it! You will be given the same demands as Lowenthal, that Boar. If you are gonna talk the talk and attempt to be little me as I do you, you best back it up with your Master of Shadows title, or I just might rip it from you the first chance I get! 

    This is unfortunate however, I suppose I will be sending out my children to let the people of Aincrad know that you and Lowenthal are nothing more than barking dogs with no teeth. You salivate for power but you do nothing to gain it. You bide your time as a coward hiding in your little cave waiting for one day that you might be relevant. Let me tell you all something! This is harsh reality, and in this world and any world, the Strong will live and your spineless worms will die because you are weak and fodder for the strong. Stepping stones, that is all you are. Stepped on and pushed under and drowned. You allow people like me to fall into power because I go untested! Is there NO ONE in Aincrad who has the balls to back up their words? Or are all of you just spineless worms just waiting for someone like me to stomp you out of your misery? You wanna go home so bad? Allow me to send you on your way out! 

  9. 3 hours ago, Lowenthal said:

    Public Message to @Opal

    Respectfully declined die to time constrants. Maybe we can reschedule for tea sometime?

    OOC: This is an in character forum category, wasn't sure if you knew. But i'll take your response as being in character and reply with my own.


    I see so, you have time to come to boss meetings and talk [censored], but you don't have time to back up your claims? You are as pathetic as the worms that I sleep in the dirt. You sir, have no courage, you have no right to ever talk, or even look at someone as Superior as me. If I even so much see you breathe at me wrong, I will make my point and break you entirely. If you wish to run and hide back into your little cave, that's fine. But your [censored] talking days ends NOW! Unless you backup your words, do not ever speak to me ever again under any circumstances. And I will forever drag the name of Knights of the Blood through the mud and eviscerate them from this world. 

    With that being said, since this spineless nobody had declined my challenge, @Hikoru, your Execution has been moved up. I'll gladly take your life in exchange of this bastard. If you talk the talk, you best walk the walk! Or keep your mouth shut in my presence! 

  10. I'd like to think of myself more of a writer than a role player. But I guess that tend to goes hand in hand. In honesty, I understand having a relaxed and stress free word count for individuals who are short on time and can not make a productive quality post for another. However, I feel if we really wanna challenge our minds and explore writing as an art rather than a term of power, I think the WC should be upped to 500 words per post. This is obviously a intimidating number for those who can barely squeeze in the 150, but I think the new counter as of now is reasonable sufficient. 

    Instead of looking at it as a displeasure, look at it as a challenge for yourself and be a better role player! 

  11. As they continued to back track through the mountain path, Opal and her party were mostly silent. The older female of the two was pondering on what her next move as she walked gracefully through the rubble ruins of the once glorious temple district. Now all that remained was broken down rock and dirt that seemed to cover every path in this mountain area. With her white hair bouncing back and froth behind her, there was little to say and or do as the city of Nimbus quickly came to view, "Finally...." Opal said letting out a long sigh, not that she didn't enjoy her time with the Shield Knight, it was just a rather long and tiring day for her. A few drinks in her, a warm shower and possibly a blunt would end this day on a good note, and the ample amount of experience to boot was nothing to shake a finger at. Sweeping her body around to face Avilon, the woman smiled with those curling black lips. 

    "Enjoy the rest of your day, we part here. Come Jaken, we feast and drink and trip out on shroom now." 
    "Yes Master Opal!" 

  12. There she was, that bright eyed cheery expression as Opal and Jaken came slinking from out of the shadows. Clearly both of them look battle worn and tired, "Sorry to keep you waiting. It was quite the adventure back there. But..." with a ding, or more like pop up, Opal and her partner both received the skill points, items and necessary loot gains from the both the dungeon boss and the quest boss, giving the woman a rather sizable gain. She smiled thickly with her black lips as she brought her dirty hand over her control panel and swept it away after giving it a look over.

    "Right. I think it will be best if we head back and then part ways from there. Keep that spirit of yours up, Avilon. One day you will be a formidable knight, but chose your allegiances carefully. In this world...Only the strong survive while the weak are left in the dust." Opal gestured for them to follow, she would send the Pink Haired Aegis to safety as they headed back to the main town of the floor. 

  13. With the final attack struck, Opal took a moment to relax her body as the Gate Guardian began to shake and rumble. The ground before her began to split in two causing the land to shift away. With violet eyes and her familiar freaking out all the same, the woman grabbed her King Imp, Jaken and began to break away from the scene. With her feet bound left and right streaking away from the crumbling edge, the woman tossed her familiar and across the ways to safety as she made a diving throw towards the cliff. With her body airborne, she reached forward and grabbed the cliff with four fingers. Her body hung there swinging back and forth as she summoned up all her strength to pull herself back up to level ground. Jaken attempted to bring her about with both hands on her arm and helping her aloft once again. Dust riddled the woman's ebony armor, but she was happy to be safe and alive.

    "To think, I was just about to be expired by the land. Thanks for the help, Jaken." A thanks? To her familiar? The King Imp got all doe-eyed and threw his body down in kowtow towards her, "Oh Master Opal! Such kind words!" At her feet the little creature sobbed, once King now obedient servant.  "Come, we must collect Avilon and get the hell out of here." 

    <<Battle Begin! Round 4!>>

    ID: 67335
    BD: 7+3 = hit
    CD: 4
    LD: 3

    Opals HP: 120/200 []
    EN: 2/50
    Sword Art:  San Ge - 7x2 - (14 Energy) [Dmg=252]

    Gate Guardian [Advanced Sub Dungeon Boss]
    HP: 00/490
    Dmg: 77

  14. The gate Guardian was getting ready for a swing with its mighty bronze blue fists. When they came crashing down, none were laughing and none around. Opal slipped through the attack easily as she brought her blade up and in front of her body. With a thunderous amount of articulated slashes, the bronze Gate Guarding had found itself in a predicament. Sweeping blows took control over its movements as Opal drove it back into a corner, her last sweeping blow of the Masamune roared out with in blinding slash that sent it toppling over on itself. The damage of the attack was phenomenal as she stood there poised and ready to finish the job. In a churn of chunky movements, the Guardian released its pent up anger and smashed the ground with its mighty fists. With a stomp of its mighty trunky legs, the Guardian sought Opal out and to eventually decimate her into oblivia.

    <<Battle Begin! Round 3!>>

    ID: 67334
    BD: 6+3 = hit

    Opals HP: 120/200 []
    EN: 15/50
    Sword Art:   San Ge - 7x2 - (14 Energy) [Dmg=252]

    Gate Guardian [Advanced Sub Dungeon Boss]
    HP: 67/490
    Dmg: 77

  15. "No you don't!" Opal lifted her blade upwards and cut the head off the Serpens as it was about to attack her. The violet blade had an ominous glow as it cut through the steel scales of the snake as it was ripped and rendered into defeat by her powerful sword art. With her blade through the head of the giant snake, she snapped her head to the right and felt her body hit by the crushing blow of the Gate Guardian. Her body lifted upwards and spiraled around as she felt her body scrape and roll against the ground near the edge of the cliff. Eyes widened as the Gate Guardian came back to finish the job. With speed like a panther, she roared through the wind and rolled out of the way of the attack and got back on her feet. There the Gate Guardian stood in its strong armor and massive arms swinging getting ready for a shift of attack modes. She sighed and brought her hand over her shoulder to sweep away the snow white hair, "Bring it on, bad boy..."

    <<Battle Begin! Round 2!>>

    ID: 67333
    BD:5 +4 =hit
    MD: 10 [+2 Dmg]
    CD: 9 [+24 HP Regen-BH Activated]

    Opals HP: 120/200 [+24,-25]
    EN: 27/50
    Sword Art:   Gen Getsu - 2x3 - (6 Energy)   [108 Dmg at Serpens-40 = 68 Dmg]

    Gate Guardian [Advanced Sub Dungeon Boss]
    HP: 319/490
    Dmg: 77

    Amphis Serpens: Quest Boss
    HP: 44/175
    Dmg: 70
    Mit: 40
    Other Notes:  On MD rolls of 9 or 10, the boss will attack the two players with the highest Hate and poison them, dealing attack damage AND 20 damage for 5 turns that cannot be mitigated.

  16. Crawling in the ooze of darkness around her, the two bosses lay in wait not knowing how the outcome of their soon to be demise. Like a streak of darkness herself, the woman shot forward with the speed and ferocity she carried. Her violet blade held in both hands as the darkness enveloped her as she shot forward coming out of her Sneak Attack. Swish The blade ignited with a glow as it struck both reptile and Gate Guardian at the same time. The series of twisting strikes sent their HP down a good bit, eviscerating a numerous number of battle wounds to makeup their body art. The woman laughed dealing the first blow to them. However, unfortunate circumstances had risen. Both gate Guardian and Serpens found her as a little throwing stone tossing her body left and right in air juggling her around and beating her into the rocks with an assault of their own. She burst back with a growl as her body hit stone and fell to her knees exasperated from that last attack. Her HP bar steadily descended. She as still alright as she moved her sleeves towards her mouth and smeared the sweat and drool from her face.


    "Round two..."


    <<Battle Begin!>>

    ID: 67732
    BD: [Surprise Attack -Auto Hit-+1 Dmg]
    MD: 6 [Both hit]
    CD:1 [No BH]

    Opals HP: 121/200 [-16, -23]
    EN: 32/50
    Sword Art:  Amatsu no Homura - 3x3 - AoE - (18 Energy) : 171 Dmg

    Gate Guardian [Advanced Sub Dungeon Boss]
    HP: 319/490
    Dmg: 77

    Amphis Serpens: Quest Boss
    HP: 44/175
    Dmg: 70
    Mit: 40
    Other Notes:  On MD rolls of 9 or 10, the boss will attack the two players with the highest Hate and poison them, dealing attack damage AND 20 damage for 5 turns that cannot be mitigated.

  17. RGN+ 6 From Survival
    HP: 166/200 
    ENR: 3/3 [All full!]

    As they came around the bed of the not so rivery kind, Opal noticed that her health bar and her energy pool were at adequate levels. This was a good sign of things to come as the closer they got to the zenith of the mountain path, the more rumbling and shaking could be seen and heard and felt along the way as both the Gate Guardian and the Quest Boss were nearing. She gave a rather dry gulp, this would be one of those times where she invested time and effort into her plan of attack. She would drive herself into the shadows, strike them easily with an AoA and then do some pretty lethal damage in the attack. That was the plan and she knew that sometimes, plans were never just that easy to go off on. But she let out a rather confident aura about herself as she stopped to see both the Wurm and the Gate Guardian a stretch of land away. Yes, this would be the deciding factor. How powerful was she now? She gripped her blade tight into her hand and began her plan of attack, "Follow close, Jaken and stay to the shadows with me." Becoming one with nightshade, the woman fell into the mask of darkness around her as she began to sneak her way towards the foes. She would release hell in just a moment. 


    Notes: Stealthed [Readying Surprise Attack]

  18. RGN+ 6 From Survival
    HP: 160/200 
    ENR: 2/3

    Opal's uncaring violet eyes set forth a stone wall as she pressed her hand against it. The rock crumbled beneath her touch as she narrowed her eyes at the ground, "Looks like this way might be blocked. We have the Gate Guardian and the Wurm in this area, Jaken. We'll be fighting both bosses at the same time. It might get a little dangerous but I think I'll be alright in the long run. Masamune has not let me down now..." The woman said softly as she examined the wall, she could attempt to charge through it and break it down with a shoulder barge. The Laughing Coffin member shrugged, and eyed her little Imp Familiar as if she was about to say something to him, but then opted out of not saying a word. With a hand brought about her shoulder and with a quick flick of her wrist, the snow white hair billowed out from over her ebony armor and swept upwards into the wind before tracing back down over her curvy backside. With not much more to do at this point, the woman gestured for Jaken as they continued on their winding path towards both Dungeon Master and Gate Guardian. 

  19. ID: 67331
    RGN+ 6 From Survival
    HP: 154/200 + 40 [HP Crystal]
    ENR: 1/3

    As Opal sat idle, she noticed that her HP bar was slowly movin back up to the green zone. Investing in that Battle Healing certainly made things easier on her while she was on combat, although it was a rather hit or miss skill. She was more than happy to use up one of eight? Nine skill slots available to her for its specific usage; however, damn the Gods and powers that be that it was only usable in battle. Her head leaned back against the dirt of the mountain cliff as she looked up. With a heavy sigh and a long whispery blow from her black lips, the smoke lifted into the air as tossed the cigarette away from her body, "Last one Jaken. Until I can make more...So I might be a little catty for a few days until I get some materials. Should have premade them before I left. Oh well." 

    The woman stood up and shifted her hand over the menu bar and called up her inventory. Calling for one of her imperfect crystals, the one crushed the contents upon her armor as the green healing fog surrounded her body, giving her a jump of an extra +40 health regenerated points. 

  20. Opal slouched over as her breathing became apparent after that last attack. Looking up once more to see the fragmented pieces of the final mob destroyed, the woman let out a heavy sigh of relief and fell over against the mountain wall where she perched herself to recover. Her back slid down, causing her back armor to spark against the crag of rock. As she sat down on the ground, the woman swept open her menu and found the handy dandy cigarette she enjoyed so much, "I deserve this after all that trouble, right?" She said to her familiar who nodded, but was unsure of what the point of to using that thing. He had seen her do it often but made no notice of the dirty stick that blew out that intoxicating air. Coughing lightly as he moved away, the woman laughed and blew the smoke outwards and away a second time. 

    "Alright, I just need to recover for a moment. Might as well use what I have in my stocks. I'm pretty low on HP after that last few battles. Man, that was tiring." The woman took in another long drag, as the white snow hair dropped over her lap in folded tendrils as she flicked the end of her cig with her thumb nail.  

    Greater Mountain Lions: HP: 00/50 || Dmg: 75 ||

    Opals HP: 108/200
    EN: 3/50
    Sword Art: Tsuji kaze - 1x4  (4 Energy) = 64 Dmg

    ID: 67330
    BD: 2+4= 6 hit
    MD: 5= Miss 
    CD: 12 = +24 HP Restored [BH Proc]
    # Deceased: 15/15

  21. Another assault by the sandy colored Mountain Lions. Their ferocity was not letting up as the black attire that safely wrapped around Opal as armor was now streaked with orange digital gash marks. Her body taking the blows as her armor mitigation attempted to soften the blows. Yet they were fierce and unrelentless, her HP bar dangerously low as it curved into the yellow zone. The woman bit down on her lower lip, summing the energy once more to release her Tsuji Kaze. The attack went off without a hitch, lightning slashes from the long weeping blade of the Masamune carved into the next beast as it screamed out a howl to its brethren to avenge it. With a successful blow afoot and the demise of the creature, only one left stood between her and the Gate Guarding and the Massive Wurm that was lurking in the area. No matter, this was no time to rest. Her eyes shot forward and she retained her focus once more as Jaken cheered off in the sidelines like some screwy looking cheerleader. 

    Greater Mountain Lions: HP: 00/50 || Dmg: 75 ||
    Greater Mountain Lions:
     HP: 50/50 || Dmg: 75 ||

    Opals HP: 84/200
    EN: 7/50
    Sword Art: Tsuji kaze - 1x4  (4 Energy) = 64 Dmg

    ID: 67329
    BD: 8+3= hit [keen activates next roll]
    MD: 7= hit
    # Deceased: 14/15

  22. Opal was taken for a spin, one attack after another as a flurry of clawed and precise strikes struck her body. In rows of three, orange gash marks littered the woman's body from head to foot as she was stricken by devastating attack after devastating attack. Violet eyes ran red with rage as her Masamune thirsted. Eyes set on the foul beasts, her blade art swept through one of the lions, killing it with a simple twist and flick of her long blade. The others had backed off for the moment, but it was enough to give Opal some breathing room, but her Disguise skill was now on cool down. A skill which she wished she would not have used, but her body and her low pools of energy needed this fight to end. Sweeping the long blade upwards from the earth and centering it once again at her body. Her hands gripped tight the lavender colored hilt as her feet pushed back to watch and gauge the opponent AI. 

    "A ferocious blow, Master Opal!" barked her familiar, but the sound of his voice was drowned out by the intensity of this skirmish. 

     Greater Mountain Lions: HP: 00/50 || Dmg: 75 ||
    Greater Mountain Lions:
     HP: 50/50 || Dmg: 75 ||
    Greater Mountain Lions:
     HP: 50/50 || Dmg: 75 ||

    Opals HP: 126/200 [H:1]
    EN: 10/50
    Sword Art: Tsuji kaze - 1x4  (4 Energy) = 64 Dmg

    ID: 67238
    BD: 2+3+1 = 6 [using disguise!]
    MD: 9 [+1 Dmg]
    # Deceased: 13/15

  23. Streaking down from the path with her Jaken wobbling with his tiny feet too and fro, the woman made her attack against the next lot of Mountain Lions. Much like the others she had slain, they were much larger in size than the ones Avilon was attempting to pick off prior to this engagement. But it was no matter all the same for the Member of Laughing Coffin. With a hahaha and hurhurhur, the woman laughed and twisted her body as she threw her body into the fray once again. Her blade seemed to fizzle out into a diminishing glow as her sword art was interrupted by the growling thunder of the Lions. She swept her blade across their hides missing them with each concentrated strike, "Damn this system and failed attempts and there goes my pool of energy." She had said out loud, black lips curling as the three mighty cats seemed to growl and prowl around her as they surrounded the Player Killer. 

    With mighty leaps of predatory skills, they launched their waves of attack at the woman. Her quick footing spinning her body around as if she danced and weaved out of the line of attacks rather easily, kicking up a small cloud of dirt and debris in the process. With her white hair flowing and whipping around as she maneuvered the lions out of attack range, it was time for a counter attack! Huzzah! 


    x3 Greater Mountain Lions: HP: 50/50 || Dmg: 75

    Opals HP: 192/200 [H:1]
    EN: 13/50
    Sword Art: Missed -2 EN   

    ID: 67327
    BD: 2+3 = Miss
    MD: 5
    # Deceased: 12/15

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