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Posts posted by Opal

  1. Within the grasp of darkness did her body lye. Waiting for the opportune time to strike the nagas at the entrance to their lair. Violet eyes scanned and found the four just fumbling around as she stalked her prey. It was easy to take out these trash mobs. Her violet eyes focused and she charged, her blade hissing through the air; no battle cry. With long sweeps of her blade, she cut down each man-snake and ripped through their flesh like it was nothing. Pixels of all colors danced around her as she collected her loot and whistled for Jaken to follow. 

    <<Battle Engaged>>

    Opals HP: 193/193
    EN: 10/48
    Sword Art: Amatsu no Himura || EN: 20 || Dmg: 190-40 =150

    x4 Sand Naga: HP 0/150 || Mit: 40 || Dmg: 76

    ID: 61717
    BD:  Surprise Attack [+1 Dmg]
    MD: rip
    LD: 11+4 = 15 [+4800 Col]
    +4 Mats

  2. Single Target attacks had its perks and the woman smiled as he savagely took down one of his zombies. Shouldering her weapon and looking back over at him, "Hey, Kalesh. Why don't you sit this one out? I can take the last two groups out by myself. Your weapon will come in more handy when we have to fight the boss at the end. Give yourself some time to regenerate your energy." The woman was unable to hide back in the shadows unless she wanted to wait an extra turn, however waiting could easily getting them detoured by these zombie mobs. Pushing off with her right foot, the woman flashed through the crowd of zombies activating her sword art once more. Long sweeps of her blade caused the orange lines of death to appear over the undead and quickly ripping through them one by one till they fell. Shifting and accepting her loot; she herself pressed on as the mighty Jaken, with staff in hand continued with her. 

    <<Battle Engaged>>

    Opals HP: 193/193
    EN: 25/48
    Sword Art: Gen Getsu || 12 EN || Dmg: 108-10 = 98
    Zombies Slaid: 9/15

    x4 Weak Zombies: 0/40 HP || Dmg: 30 || Mit: 10

    ID: 61716
    BD: 6+1 = hit
    MD: rip
    LD: 11+4 =15 [+1280 Col]
    +4 Mats

  3. Her blade, the Masamune X, tapped against the metal shoulderings of her armor as he spoke. Who was he to suggest who and who she was not? "Your words, Grave. Are as childish and immature as ever. When did you get to decide who I was? When did you get to decide what sort of person I would become here? Hmm? You are nothing but a baby grasping at the sun searching for the light in my soul. Let me tell you something...." It was a meter that he stood. She turned on her foot, a rush of air once more hurling around her as the blade shot forward right at his neck. Three feet of the lengthy katana, "...All I have to do is activate a sword art from a step into the pose and you will be annihilated. But you are right about one thing, I am a demon. I am a hungry demon waiting to devour the world if I must. My hunger never sated, and let me tell you something else. I am not the only demon here. Mack, he is as bloodlust driven as I am. He would go to the ends of the earth to hunt someone like me down because he cries Freedom and Justice! He might be a Soldier of War, but he is just another political figure looking for the attention of Aincrad. At least while I was with the Knights, I kept order. And now you are all breaking apart one after another. That's a weakness I will exploit..." 

    The woman held her violet drenched blade at his neck and did not move, his back was turned, he was so cocky like she would never kill him. Scoffing mentally, the woman responded to his last line of questioning, "That information would be irrelevant. Until this land disappears or the light from my eyes is extinguished; this castle we are stuck in; this is the real world. This is what we are living in now. Your fancies of escaping...so gullible. So childish. And you don't need to hope. Just last week I had given the order to slay 8 level 15 players in the field. The Brothers handled the job well...That's eight more player's name scratched off in the Monument of Life. The purge has started, sweetheart; and soon will begin the purification." 

    Releasing the blade from his neck, the quickness to which it reverted back to her was seen through her mastering of the Katana. Her eyes held no hate for the player, but she knew it all too well much like the others, "We are opposites now, Grave. Do you know what that means? It means from this point on...we are enemies." 

  4. With her concealed in the the darkness of the floor around her. Opal was able to speed like the Terror of Night to the mobs they sought to destroy. Releasing the weapon's built in energy, she swept the long Masamune blade in different directions. Orange slashes carved into the bodies of the under as they fell in lumps of limbs before they even noticed her. However the Walkers were many in their path and she only shaved off a 4th of their numbers. With them dispatched, her body came out of the darkness as her vision shifted to Kalesh, "I'll tell you that story another time. Right now we need to clear a path through these zombies." 

    <<Battle Engaged>>

    Opals HP: 193/193
    EN: 36/48
    Sword Art: Gen Getsu || 12 EN || Dmg: 114 -10 = 104
    Zombies Slaid: 4/15

    x4 Weak Zombies: 40/40 HP || Dmg: 30 || Mit: 10

    ID: 61689
    BD: Surprise Attack +1 Dmg
    MD: Haha...
    LD: 15+4 = 19 [+4 Extra Mats, + 1280 Col]
    +8 Materials

  5. Bickering amongst themselves. Opal reveled in such delights as she sat back and watched the event unfold. Name calling did nothing to her. Time and time again she had been called so many things that they just seem to fall on deaf ears now, or she has selective hearing. Whichever works for whatever the occasion. She mentally shrugged and watched as the last of the sheep took the plunge into digital oblivion. She was not worried that this group could kill this Sheep Master, but she was inclined to smile by the fact they may end up turning on each other and getting so caught up in their own personal issues that they forgot what this was all about. Flicking snow white strands of hair from her face with her purple nails and long fingers, the woman kicked off the wall and continued smiling on as the group began to march on once more. 

    With arms folded and her body swaying, the female trailed along with the rest of the group, safely within the passages of the shadows and only seen with a keen on by that boy with the brown hair. His solemn look was priceless to her. Such despair. "Despair....." The woman said under her breath, "Oh, what was that Mistress Opal?" 

    "Nothing Jaken, I was just thinking of giving everyone the gift of despair." She said with a bemused smile. The small imp stroked his chin and then his small fingers clicked, "Oh! I got one!" The tiny imp bobbled left and right and eventually struck out his hand holding the item in both hands to Opal. The woman frowned, "Despair, Jaken! Not a Pear!!" 

    "Yes, Mitress!! Dis Pear!!" the woman lifted her boot and planted it into her familiar's face and continued following the group, the small Imp dizzied by her assault as he quickly came to to catch up. 


    OOC: @Zandra is next~

  6. Opal took a moment to collect her thoughts and analyzed the body of mobs that were ahead of her. They were blocking the entrance as her violet eyes scanned the area. "They seem to be on high alert Jaken. Thing a stealth kill would be enough to take them down?" She asked her familiar, he in question tuned to her and nodded, "Best plan of action, Mistress Opal. Can't go wrong with a well executed stealth attack." he replied.

    The woman stood up and pointed her finger to him commanding that he stay put for the time being. The little green Imp nodded his head as he watched her full figure delve into the shadows and mix with the darkness. He could not see her as she lurked and moved like a shade in the darkness. 


    Notes: Stealthed

  7. Not bothering with her Stealth, Opal took to the wind. Her figure a black blur as her Katana pulsed with violet energy. Engaging the well known Amatsu no Himura, she laid waste to the Snake People before they could even lift up their tridents at her. Sweeping slashes along their scaley bodies was enough to drop them in their place. Around her form the scattered remains of the Naga blew up in front of her in blue pixels as she collected her loot.

    "Let's go Jaken, there is another group ahead." 

    <<Battle Engaged>>

    Opals HP: 193/193
    EN: 28/48
    Sword Art: Amatsu no Himura || EN: 20 || Dmg: 200 - 40 = 160 Dmg

    x4 Sand Naga: HP 0/160 || Mit: 40 || Dmg: 76

    ID: 61620
    BD: 10 [+2 Dmg]
    MD: dead
    LD: 10 +4 = 14 [+4800 Col]

  8. ID: 61619
    LD: 14+4 = 18 [+1 Mat]
    ENR: 3/3

    Breathing from her nose, Opal once more poured over the rocky and broken temple formation looking for something to sate her urges for material collecting as she had only a little bit to go in replenishing her pools of energy. Violet eyes scanned the distance of the land as she shifted her weight and got up from where she knelt. The little imp Jaken carried his staff in a particular way as he hobbled to an odd shaped plant and plucked it from its root. 

    "Is this what you were looking for Mistress Opal?" he asked holding the item in his hand, "Ahh, yes. Thank you, Jaken. Good work," the compliment gave the familiar a prideful look. And the duo continued to look through the abandoned temple ruins. 

  9. Opal sat back in her seat and squinted her eyes slightly at the female in front of her, "Yes. You put in as much as you want put out. Everything is time and patience, skills in a profession take time just like going out and leveling up your avatar. But yes, you can make your shop a private establishment. You are not required to open it to the public. But remember there is work in all forms. If you give a little, you get a little. If you give a lot, you get a lot. Depending on how ambitious you are, you can clear levels and ranks in your profession very quickly. And unfortunately no, once you take a profession you are stuck with it." 

    Arms were lifted and rested on the corner seat as her body moved and positioned itself in such a way where she propped her leg up on the seat and slid into the corner to rest her body. One arm on the table stretched out and the other hanging off the edge of the booth seat itself.  

    "The adventure was alright. I planned on going alone but someone disrupted me and things just fell into place. A girl by the name Avilon, I am her mentor now so it seems. You two will probably meet each other at some point when I take you to meet Master Sensui. As for Jaken, he is a rare breed of Imp as he has chimed in many times. The King of Imps. I paid for a certain rumor about him that he and his people were having some kind of civil war. When Avilon and I searched through the Jungle, we stumbled upon a dungeon that lead us down into the undergrowth of the floor. That is where we ended up fighting a Imp Necromancer that was making the trouble for King Jaken and his people. Eventually I slain the foe, however, Jaken was no longer with his people. Most of them died, and rescuing him from certain death. After that things just happened, he became my familiar. The reason why he follows me around is because he is actually helpful in battle. I was able to replace an extra accessory slot with him as the said enhancement. So it works out quite well." 

    A snoring bubble came from Jaken's mouth as the creature was fast asleep. Opal smiled and looked towards Jazmyne, "Are you ready to work off that meal now and slay some creatures? You need to learn combat and you are useless to me without knowing the very basics and fundamentals. Or we can call it a night and get some shut eye. We can reconvene in the morning and get some early work out then. Do you have a place to stay?" 

  10. Opal looked about and she stood several feet of the menacing Stygian, the color was enough to bring her back to this place when she first met Mari the PKer. She wondered what the woman would think now that she had slain a front liner? A more general acceptance? Opal shrugged to herself from the mental question proposed to herself. She sighed and looked towards Kalesh, he was a bouncy player full of energy. She offered him a black lipped smile his way and breathed inwards once more looking to her left and right. She then examined her HUD and her energy pool..

    "I'm just about there to be filled back up in my pools of energy. Jaken!" The woman sounded off with a commanding voice that made him yelp when his named was alerted to her, "Ahh! Yes Mistress Opal! What pleasure may I be of use to you?" The woman shifted from one leg to another, "Go take a swim." 

    The King Imp nodded his head and turned about to proceed with the command until he stopped to think about it, "Wait! Do you mean to have me to go into the bloody water as bair!? Ahhh! Mistress Opal you are too cruel to me sometimes!" The woman laughed and shook her head, "Nevermind Jaken. I was having a bit of fun with you. I was wondering if there was a way to cross to the Stygian from here." 

    "Ahh, let's me see. MMmm, According to the map data there is no known bridge and it stretches a good portion of the map. I'm afraid if you wished to cross, you'd have to swim across but that in itself is quite dangerous. The bloody water houses many ferocious mobs." 

    The woman nodded in kind to the answer, "Alright Kalesh. We'll wait it out for a few more minutes. We'll go upstream as you say and try to pass the hoarded of undead while we are at it."

    Notes: ENR 3/3

  11. When I get home from work I will edit my first with the motioned edits of those new traits. And then we'll begin working with sword arts; both EN Based should the system stay the same, as well as Cool Downs should the system be changed. I feel we have enough special traits for the dagger use to move on with the project! Thank you everyone for pitching in your ideas. :)

    When working with sword arts, just so we are not overwhelmed; we'll tackle those one rank at a time. :) 

  12. The woman laughed and lowered her weapon, "Throwing names around like you knew the person. You wanna know what Azide called the people of this world? A waste of life.He said they were degenerates! Hahaha." She laughed once more, holstering the weapon she pointed at Grave over on top of her shoulder and glared at him with a half smile. "As for Lindow. He could be rolling around in his grave for all I care. He was a part of my life for a moment in time, just like you, Grave. Just like everyone else. When you are no longer needed..." 

    The woman took a step forward and her blade slashed the air causing the wind to catapult towards Grave and ruffling his silver hair. "Just like that..." The woman took a step back from her poised position and shook her head, flicking the violet fringe of hair from her eyes, "I'll tell you the reason I told everyone else. It just needed to happen. I had a job to do and I did it. Simple as that. Did I enjoy it? Meh. It could have been better, could have been worse. But players being dead, it's nothing on my conscious. Now that you asked the question, I believe we are done here?" 

  13. ID: 61564
    LD: 20 + 4 + 2 = 26 
    Advanced Dungeon! 
    ENR: 2/3

    The movement caught the female off guard, her eyes narrowing at him when his clawed hands pressed to her thighs. What was his game? He got dangerously close to her, eyes fluttered for a brief moment when their bodies made contact. Her ample bosom pressed to his chest as she gave an odd smirk. Normally it was Opal who was the brazen woman and ended up getting too close for comfort at people, but Kalesh was bold in his movements. Not even labeled as boyfriend or girlfriend and he already moved as such. The words he spoke caught her attention, giving a raised brow in response. The next few words from his spoken lips, so close to her made the woman giggle at first and then laugh.

    "Such a dirty talker..." she said with a hand on his shoulder. It was a tease which ended with a quick swat to her plump bottom and full backside as she gave a gentle yelp. "Hey! Alright, Kalesh. I think you need to keep your hands to yourself. I understand I am a pretty tempting object for you, but we are in the middle of a run right now and I tend to be more serious when I have a target on my back. Anyone can come up from anywhere and--" 

    Opal took a step forward, the Stygian River, she could smell the blood in the air that came off the water's surface. Murky zombies began to drool and show themselves from the trenches, "I tend to be more serious when I am out like this, besides I rather get screwed somewhere comfortable. Like a bed or a patch of grass. There is nothing but rocks and dirt here..." 


  14. 20 minutes ago, Rain said:

    I'd rather not... my net's terribad at downloading stuff. :c

    Stating that your net is terribad might explain why you are getting the errors. Im not wizard, but I think the DNS is part of your ISP? I think there is a way to fix DNS issues though. 

  15. Some other possible Trait ideas:

    Quick Hit: Don't need to roll for attack, but the damage is halved and non mitigatable [OP?]

    Lucky Hit: The dagger uses its full dmg capability and passes through all mitigation [once per thread]

    Series of Strikes: This kind of works with the extra attacks, Two Attack Actions per thread. Can combo 2 sword arts with one another. 

    Other suggestions would be cool. The above I agree with also. Once we flesh out the other weapons, we can hone in on working with Energy and Cool Downs.


  16. ID: 61433
    LD: 12+4 = 16 [+1 Mat]

    Dismantling the haunted armor, Kalesh was able to take it out in a pinch of time. She laughed lightly at his dry comment, "Well, I wouldn't say too dry." she curved her lips into a sort of wicked and flirty smile. It was verbal foreplay for the both of them, perhaps it was just something they needed for the time being. Opal was pleasant enough most of the time, but when she wanted it, she had to have it. It was like the craving of a cigarette, they were strong urges like that. Clearing her throat, she took a moment to pause. The ground and area illuminated around their bodies. She knelt down and plucked a purple flower from the diseased ground, "Nightshade. Might come in handy for a poison later on." she said mostly to herself. 


  17. Swish! Swish! The attacks came in rapid succession, the glowing aura of the purple blade slashing and cutting down four more of the spectre that seemed to haunt the area her. But fortunately for her, the Surprise Attack was coming in handy. A great invest for the player as she had used it quite extensively since she acquired the mod. Feeling her grip on the weapon loosen after the spectral bodies exploded into pixels, she ran a finger over her menu to collect the bounty and turned her head towards her companion. 

    "I'm down on energy until it regenerates. Might wanna be careful on which mobs we take down while I am recovering, but if you still have plenty of fight left in you by all means. Let's head for the Stygian River, when I was here with Mari, we were almost attacked by an Undead Floor Boss known as the Hydra...I wouldn't mind taking it down at my level now." 

    <<Battle Engaged>>

    Opals HP: 193/193
    EN: 9/48
    Sword Art: Amatsu no Homura || 20 EN || Dmg 190 - 38 = 152 Dmg

    x4 Shadow Spectre: HP Dead/150 || Mit: 38 || Dmg: 76

    ID: 61441
    BD: Surprise Attack [+1 Dmg] Charge [+2 Dmg]
    LD: 12 +4 = 16 [ +4800 Col]
    Current Equipment: Masamune [+6 Dmg], Vambraces [+54 Mit], Prosperity [+3 Pros] 
    +4 Mats

  18. "Time and patience, that has become the long and short of it in all things necessary in this world. Don't worry though, we'll get you leveled up so you can rank up your Wild Dance. Perhaps when you get some other things taken care of, you can pick up a second weapon class to help with other things. Perhaps a two handed sword, or two handed axe? Those are decent AoE weapons."

    The woman shrugged her shoulders, Jaken clapped his small little hands as the staff of his was leaning against his shoulder, "Bravo Master Opal! You are a deadly woman indeed! Was she not great how she handled those monsters just now?" The imp was proud of his Master, as he spoke and directed his question to the Wild Dancer. The woman smiled, "Stop trying to flatter me, Jaken. Come King Imp. We embark the shadowed path once more. Kalesh, if you are up to you, you may seek out some mobs as well. Though I think you will be more handy when it comes to us fighting the Dungeon Boss, should we find such a place." 

    Once more Opal and her familiar seemed to seep into the darkness once more casting themselves into the shadows. Her body bounced back towards Kalesh from the radiating sparkle of her aura that was sweeping over her feminine figure, although it was as ghostly as it could be while she was in her Sneak Mode. 


    Notes: Re-established Sneak LD 22+

  19. Opal watched as Kalesh prepared himself. With a nod to herself as well as Jaken, the two spirited away into the darkness around Yomi. Her eyes fixed on a few floating Shadow Spectres ahead. Their moans transgressing the plans of the living as their ethereal bodies floated left and right. She smiled as her weapon glowed with the aura of her on coming Sword Art. Like a banshee herself, she ran straight through them evicertating their robed figures creating orange gashes left and right until she came out on the other side of the battle unharmed by the attack. She whipped her body around, snow white hair dancing around her as the Twinkling Star aura continued to radiate around her. They burst into pixels only moments later as she flicked the strands of hair from her shoulder.

    "Did you want some of that action? I might have gone overboard." 

    <<Battle Engaged>>

    Opals HP: 193/193
    EN: 28/48
    Sword Art: Amatsu no Homura || 20 EN || Dmg 190 - 38 = 152 Dmg

    x4 Shadow Spectre: HP Dead/150 || Mit: 38 || Dmg: 76

    ID: 61439
    BD: Surprise Attack [+1 Dmg] Charge [+2 Dmg]
    LD: 18 +4 = 22 [+4 Extra Materials, +7800 Col]
    Current Equipment: Masamune [+6 Dmg], Vambraces [+54 Mit], Prosperity [+3 Pros] 
    +4 Mats


  20. "Let's go gain a few levels then, Doll." Opal stood up and stretched her arms out over her head. Making a sharp look towards Jaken she called him by his name. Propping up to his feet and dusting himself off, he clammered towards Opal and shook his head, "Ready to go Mistress!" The Green Player Killer nodded and looked to Kalesh, "I'm ready as well. But we'll need to use these potions." 

    Traded to Kalesh
    x1 Twinkling Star Aura
    Description: Small little dust flakes that look like shining stars bob and dance
    around a player's body illuminating the area around them 7 feet by 7 wide. 
    x1 Mitigation Pot [+36 Mit]

    With the trade menu once activated again, Opal placed a simple silver vial into the empty space and flicked her menu, "Take that potion as soon as you step outside. It'll last through the entirety of our adventure. We'll be able to see a quite a few feet away from ourselves, however the monsters will still get a toe up on us unless we both have Night Vision. Which I am lacking at the moment." 

    With her directions given, Opal stepped outside into the darkness. Yomi was not one for being a pleasant and delightful place for players. Getting a negative score in accuracy was already a pain in the ass against the hard to see through darkness. Opal used one of the Twinkling Star potions and crushed the vial in her hand. The liquid dropped from her palms towards the ground creating a sort of harmonic tone as bright stars soon fluttered about her body radiating a special luminous aura. She turned to Kalesh and smiled, waiting for him to get his potion used. With her hand stretched out, Masamune X fell into her hands and she swept the long seven foot blade side to side, its purple blade hissing through the air. 

    "Alright. Unlike last time I have mastered my Sneak & HIde skill offering me a Mod in Surprise Attack. You won't be able to see me, but I'll be keeping my eyes on you. Just follow the twinkling stars and you'll be able to see me when I am in hiding. However the mobs won't. Let's go slay us some monsters." 

    Notes: Stealthed LD: 22+
    +4  Dmg Pot Used


  21. "Like I said, being an alchemist has its perks. They are items I can recreate anytime..." the woman shifted her legs, one over the other in the opposite manner as her body leaned in from the table and propped her head up on the palms of her hands watching Kalesh finish of his fish and Jaken burping loudly enough for them to hear, "Oh! Haha, excuse me. Thank you." The green imp picked up his staff once more and returned to the roaring fire of the Inn and sat in front of it to once more begin his meditative stance. 

    The comments aroused by the Wild Dancer about pvp struck Opal, she gave a careless nod to him. "With the right skills, pvp can turn things around rather quickly. I have found parry to be pretty useful. There are a few Uniques I wouldn't mind having my hands on as well. I have challenge two players so far and they both chickened out. One of them being Zero who once held the Darkness Blade, the other was that sniveling child Hikoru who has Shadowed Path. Oh, I suppose that makes three. I challenged Lowenthal when he had Shadowed Path. These chumps claim they are strong and then we they are given a challenge, they run away with their tails between their legs. Some front liners, huh?" 

    The woman shifted her eyes from the green imp who was meditating by the fire to Kalesh when he was acting a bit more personal. She was beginning to put two and two together from what he was asking her to do, "Yes. I still have my old Vice Commander stuff; if you are into that. I don't mind part taking in such an erotic event...But you have to promise me...to wear the claws this time." 

    She smiled, thick black lips looking back at him. She rapped against the table twice with her knuckles as her body moved, "I can help you with whatever quest you want. On this floor we'll need to be a little bit more prepared. I have a few potions that will brighten the area around us so we can move through the darkness of this floor. If you are up to it, we can go check out some of the dungeons around here. Did you know Mari the Player Killer also keeps her tent on this floor? People give her a bad rap. If you are full, we can go now. I'll help collecting some materials for you as well. Are you up for a little late night hunting?"

  22. They were sympathetic eyes, he seemed to be struggling with the words he used against Mack and his Knights of the Blood Oath. Opal turned to her familiar as he ran towards the table, and looked at Opal, "If you want. I am not very hungry right now. You can feed Jaken, it won't do anything to him." Opal's finger circled the table, her nail making an indent into it as she nodded. 

    "When I was the Vice Commander, I spoke at length with Commander Heathcliff on what the ideal guild would be. His dream and my own were to make a guild for the Front Lines as clearers, not vengeful Player Killers. I even made rules that stated no one would intercept or decide to play Judge, Jury and Executioner. Those ideals are no longer a standard now that Mack is Vice Commander. His guild is just out for blood now...I guess that fair considering the name, but that's not the way I wanted to leave the Guild. I can't do anything about it now. Unless I kill them all." 

    The woman shrugged, "I know what you are going through. I have a big target on my back as well. Not just the Knights, but a lot of players as well. When you publicly announce to the Front Lines after killing a player you are part of a PKing Guild, word gets out pretty quick and people know who you are by reputation. I've been called so many things; but sticks and stones ya know?" The woman's finger stopped digging into the table. 

    "I can't promise to keep you safe, Kalesh. You are my friend as well, I would like to believe we have a good bond going. I can supply you with a few low level uncommon potions.Or, I think I have a few safeguards still around. Being an alchemist has its charms." Offering a small smile the woman cycled through her inventory with a pointed finger dropping items into the trade window for him.

    Trade to Kalesh:
    x2 Safeguards
    x5 [+20 HP Recovery Pots]

    "Hmm..." she hummed a bit, "Or...ya know. I could possibly stay with you longer? Not as a bodyguard or anything. You watch my back and I'll watch yours?" She wasn't exactly sure where she was going with that, "I would assume if they are attempting to hunt you down, going out and leveling up would be a pain in the ass. You and I can team up like we used to do. My skills have become deadly." She gave a sharp laugh, holding a hand over her mouth as she did so and shook her head, "I suppose you already knew that." 

  23. "You wouldn't be the first man to say that to me..." the woman spoke up. While Kalesh was having his own monologue, the woman had blended in with the rest of the inn, her ebony armor almost translucent to the darkness around her but the fire roaring in the pit was noted and the smell of seasons fish had led her to this very spot. It was only a miracle by default that she found the man. Trying not to spook him, she straightened her body out and smiled, thick lips curving into a smile as she sat down on a lofty chair and shifted one leg over the other. 

    "I never got a chance to say thank you for what you said back there at the meeting. To be honest, I've been keeping tabs on you since you left. I have eyes and ears everywhere, and its funny that you pick this floor where rampant player killers such as Laughing Coffin enjoy most of their time. We actually have a base not too far from this place. Its closer to the Stygian but green player killers are able to reside here. Listen Kalesh..."

    The woman sighed slightly and leaned in her seat as she looked into the roaring flame, "Thank you. For those words. I know it may not sound like much and I am sure you said them out of your own will and possibly not in defense to me personally, but still I find it convincing enough that you did. For my sake or not, thank you. It has been difficult lately. I understand there is no trust between myself and the other frontliners. I made this my path a long time ago, and I am more than ready enough to continue on it. However, I may lie and cheat every once in awhile. But I still have some semblance of honor and truth. It is besides the point now. They have shown their colors and their color will flood the streets one day, if not by my hands then someone elses." The woman gave a shrug and leaned back in her chair once more as Jaken, her familiar sat crossed legged on the floor by the fire and placed his staff along his lap and seemed to meditate for the moment. 


  24. She should have been outraged by the situation. Those twats would not take her for her sincere word, but that was their paranoia and in the end, her status as a member of Laughing Coffin gave her grief. Again, that was fine. She would not change it for the world and if it meant she could not have one of those talismans then she can at least make the player's fighting the boss and his three-hundred minions as miserable as they could. 

    "It would be hard for them to slay the dregs when they are stunned and taking damage." The woman said flicking snow white hair off her shoulders.

    "What was that Master?" the green imp Jaken did not understand the comment, it was random and out of the blue for Opal to say such things. She narrowed her eyes at the creature. "Yesterday, the talismans?" The green imp nodded, now he was remembering, "So you plan on killing the players? Wouldn't that make you even MORE less trust worthy for future plans?" he asked holding his staff with both hands and looking up. 

    "It would not matter. Anything I do will not win their hearts over. In their eyes I am the cold blooded murderer that decimated and destroyed the one they knew as the Berserker. But those words they spoke, self righteous cunts. Let me tell you, they had the gall to call me a murderer. But an Orange Player a friend!? Both Zelrius and Dom were player killers, nobody questioned them or why they had done it! And yet they were fine with taking orders from the Brigade. Until I stepped..." 

    The green imp jumped when her words were spoken loudly and aggressively. He turned his expression downcast and shuffled his feet as they walked, he had no comment to make towards her or what had happened, "The moment I killed an Orange Player, I was declared Public Enemy number one. I wonder if I had done it in private, would they see me the same way? If it was in self defense? If it was the good of Aincrad!?" she shouted once more stopping and yelling at herself trying to make reason with the invisible spectrum to those who had slain her words at the meeting and cut her down for her logic. She whipped her body around, "For everything I had did for those Punks! They have NO RIGHT to QUESTION ME! I built the Blood Oath, I strengthened their Bond! I brought those infidels together to form a better Aincrad. And this...This is how I am treated! I will make them fuckin' rot. Every last one of them..." 

    Jaken stopped, his heart was racing and pounding. A simple sweep of that katana could end his life in a matter of moments. He gulped when her angry eyes turned cold and desolate, her finger joints cracking as she carried on and complained. The green imp swallowed hard once more when she told him to follow him. 

    "So why this floor then?" Jaken asked hoping to move the subject along.

    "Because... I wish to visit a friend." 

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