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Posts posted by Opal

  1. The tiny imp coward under her massive shield. His eyes an expression that showed thanks but was unable to unravel why. He had spoke such harsh words to the girl only moments before this catastrophe and yet, somehow or another she had saved him a certain doom. Blinking a few times and nodding as she lodged the boulder from off her massive shield, the little imp turned to her and bowed his head in sincerity. 

    "You saved, Jaken. You have my thanks, Avilon. You are much more brave than I had given you credit for. Perhaps there is some backbone in you yet." Opal had said flicking her massive blade to the left. In anycase, they had to continue onwards from here. Jaken, the King Imp was now looking up back over at Avilon every few paces with a beguiled expression...and all he could wonder was why? Why did she do that? It was in deep thought that Jaken was now looking down at the ground as he pondered, and then ran smack dab into Opal's leg nearly knocking him over. 

    "Why did we stop?" he asked, looking up. Opal's lips curved into a smile as she brandished her weapon, "Mountain Lions." Giving a few taps of her weapon against her shoulder the woman began to rush the enemy, but a voice from behind her startled her as the king imp warned her of an impending flank attack. The two lions were decoys as she looked to her right, two more sprang from the shadows lurking and their massive paws beat against her thin armor but did nothing to strike her HP down but a sliver. 

    x4 Mountain Lions: HP: 28/28 || Dmg: 21 || Mit: 7

    Opals HP: 196/200
    EN: 48/50

    ID: 61826
    BD: 1+3 = Lol
    MD: 7

  2. The edge of her blade, the Masamune was not some dull object to be contested with. His palm slipped from the edge, no doubt he'd cut himself from the exposed blade and pushed it aside. Opal's eyes looking surprised at his reaction. She had noticed he read the message, but he was doing a good job hiding whatever he read to himself. The stern and angry look in his eyes were fueled by a mock rage that Opal had inquired for. Good, he was playing along for her. Her violet eyes espied around, her detect skills ringing out shadows into the light as she spied on her fellow spies. There was at least four she could decloak, however, there could be many others. 

    "Where do you think you are going? Walking away like that?" He had headed back to Urbus and it was quite fortunate they were going back in such a late manner. The day that was ripe with sun was now quickly fading past the horizon and giving way to stars and moon. The day cycle finally ending. Opal followed the pugilist, continued to yell at him from a distance to slow down. Bringing up an item in her inventory, the woman materialized a shroud of sorts. Bursting through the crowd quickly with a shot of speed, the woman raised her arms and swiped Grave with the shroud over his head, a hand over his mouth to keep him quiet and pulled him into the dark alleyway. She had slammed him up against the wall, a narrow part of the city where no one could peek in. She slowly raised the hood of the shroud off his face. As she had done so, her hand was placed over his mouth to keep him quiet, "Shhh!" her body was pressed hard into him, her breathing hard made her ample bosom rise and fall as her violet eyes squinted to make sure they were not being spied on. Finally she let go of his mouth so he could breath again and took a few steps back. 

    "We're in the clear for now. But we can't stay here. I know a few places where we can go to hide; I know how to disappear but I am sure you don't have any stealth skills. Go to Nimbus on floor seven and look for a shroud figure in black. That will be me, when I spot you, you will follow me from a distance and we can talk in private...talk as friends." 

    With a simple smile, she pressed a hand to his cheek then altogether, her body soon faded to shadows and she was stealthed in the darkness of the world.   

  3. ID: 61792
    LD: 4+4 = 8
    ENR: 2/3

    Lethargy wasn't too bad if she were in her bed, but she was in a cold and musky filling space of a cavern. Her eyes watered from the smell and from the dizzy sensations and occasional vertigo. Her body swayed side to side as she saw double vision, "It's getting worse, Jaken...I am starting to see double now." The familiar's lips quivered, "Ahh! Drink some water, Master! Wait! I thought I saw a stream earlier. Rest here and I shall return!" The woman grunted as she slid a hand against the crumbling wall. Eyes shifted back and forth as she closed them momentarily waiting for her familiar to return. Grunting softly, she found a soft patch of dirt on the ground and sat there for a moment. With how she was, she couldn't find a damn thing with this strained vision. 

  4. ID: 61791
    LD: 6+4 = 10
    ENR: 1/3

    The woman yawned as she felt her arm and shoulder nudged by the clammy hands of her familiar. She mumbled and leaned back up on the wall attempting to erect her form. Stretching her hands up in the air, she yawned once more again and thrust her fingers through the snow white hair of hers. "Alright, alright. Let's go Jaken, the quicker we finish this boss, the less likely I am to fall dead to these pathetic mob rats." The woman once more took up her blade and continued down the winding path of the corridor. She had to kill a few more specific mobs for the seal of the Mini Boss door to be unsealed. Checking her energy reserves, the woman cursed. "Well, I got some time. Might as well check for materials..." the woman's drowsy eyes looked back and forth but the blurry nature of her eyes could not catch anything of profit. 

  5. With her energy drained and more shiny things to add to her list, Opal swept up her loot and continued on after the sword art had dissipated. "It is such a drag culling down these worthless mobs...[censored]..." the woman yawned once more feeling the effects of what appeared to the boss room coming up soon. Her eyes glossed over at the door to her right, a wooden door in such a dank cavern. Her eyes shifted and her back fell against the wall and slid down. 

    "Mmm, maybe I'll just take a small rest," she spoke to her familiar. The little imp scurried towards her, his staff dropping next to him as he moved his hands over her shoulder nudging the woman awake, "No Master! Stay awake! There are more monsters out here in the open!" the King Imp said, afraid to be killed by the roaming shadows within this cavern. 

    Opals HP: 200/200
    EN: 0/50
    Sword Art: Haku Senpu || 19 EN || Dmg: 144- 25 = 119 

    x4 Medium Temple Guardians: HP 0/100 || Mit: 25  || Dmg: 75

    ID: 61789
    BD:  5+1 = hit
    MD: broken
    LD: 19+4 = 23 [+4 Rare Items]
    +4 Mats
    12/15 Mobs Dealt With

  6. Four more guardians met the blade of the Masamune. And just like the many others, they had drowned in their own digital blood and were crushed by the might of Opal's titan hand. Her violet gaze turned back to the clapping ego boosting familiar that cheered her on after every slaying, "You don't need to always clap for me, Jaken. It's getting a little old..." The odd little familiar hobbled with his staff over his shoulder and nodded, "But one must appreciate the beauty in the destruction of your sword, Master!" The woman nodded in turn and with a vibrant black smile. 

    "True enough, Jaken. Once we clear these next handful of floors, we'll be ready for tier three equipment and items. And we'll be unstoppable." 

    Opals HP: 200/200
    EN: 18/50
    Sword Art: Amatsu no Homura || 20 EN || Dmg: 180-35 = 145

    x4 Greater Temple Guardians: HP 0/140 || Mit: 35  || Dmg: 76

    ID: 61789
    BD:  5+1 = hit
    MD: broken
    LD: 8+4 = 12 [+4480 Col]
    +4 Mats
    8/15 Mobs Dealt With

  7. "Hunt me down and break my neck, he says..." the woman laughed as she saw her pop up for the duel become rejected. "In other words, 'I'll fight you when I can over power you. 'Which will be never. The longer you go without grinding out hours of experience, the more powerful I become in the end. Unlike you, I have dedicated myself to power and ambition. Because those are the ideas that fuel who I am. You are so pathetic, Grave. You have any idea how hard it was choke back the laughter in my throat when you talked to me, or how much you loved me. You ought to get laid, maybe you'll finally grow the balls to face me and be a real man without hiding behind the 'I'll get you back later when I am powerful,' spiel." the woman laughed and shook her head. 

    "Yeah, go on and bark back to your Vice Commander of the Blood Oaths, and tell them all of your failure today so that I may have another reason to laugh at you tonight. Trust me when I say Aincrad will know of your weakness and they will laugh when they hear the name Grave; the coward of Aincrad." The woman would rub salt on the wound the longer he stayed but her words, she knew very well they could be peircing into heart right now.

    "Wait! Grave!" 

    The woman rushed over back to him and slid in front of him, broken blades of grass trampled beneath her feet. The woman sighed and tossed her Masamune onto the ground, "I don't want to fight you, and I don't want to kill you. The things I am doing now, they are for a good reason and for a good cause. When I told you the Guild will need you now more than ever, is because that is the truth of the matter. One day you will need to make a decision like the one I made when I killed that player and became part of the Laughing Coffin. You will be faced with a decision that can hurl the bolt of zeus into people's lives. And when you do, it will change everything around you. I know I am a cruel woman who has said many things to you as of now..." she cleared her throat and brought up her small message box. 

    To: Grave
    From: Opal
    Body: Act casual as you read this letter. We are being watched by others from LC. I had to put on a show for them so they would not grow suspicious of me. We'll need to talk about what really happened at another time. I miss you and the guild...but trust me when I say, this is for the good of Aincrad. What I am doing is much bigger than anyone would think of. Please...don't give up on me....-soft smiley face- Now...Act angry as if I just killed your dog or something!

    The message was quick and simple, "Check your message box Grave," the woman said lifting up her sword and nearly pointing it at his throat in the same fluid motion.

  8. With her body hidden, the woman came up to a squad of what appeared to be metal clad guardians. "Interesting..." she thought internally. With her blade in hand, the katana glowed as she began the movements for her sword art. Charging in through the darkness and without a sound to be alerted, she ripped and shredded her way through the four of them. The heavy arms falling to their sides as they exploded easily and without consequence. She sighed, "Not even worth my time." 


    Opals HP: 200/200
    EN: 38/50
    Sword Art: Gen Getsu || 12 EN || Dmg: 114 Dmg - 7 = 107

    x4 Temple Guardians: HP 0/28 || Mit: 7  || Dmg: 21 

    ID: 61479
    BD:  Surprise Attack [+1 Dmg]
    MD: broken
    LD: 5+4 = 9
    4/15 Mobs Dealt With

  9. ID: 61748
    LD: 10 +4 = 14
    ENR: 3/3

    The cavern hallway seemed to get smaller and smaller almost suffocating the two as they made their way through the narrow passage way. Her ample bosom rubbing against the two walls as she seemed almost to be squished in like meat between a sandwich. She struggled, "Times like these...ugh...wish I was flat chested..." she annoyed herself with her buxom body, but the passage way cleared up as they came out on the other side. There seemed to be a large room within the cavern and several different pathways twisting and turning into different directions. 

    "How annoying. Jaken, pick a path." The Imp peered through the darkness they best he could and pointed to the left center path, "You better be right about this..." she said with a stern voice which made him gulp. The woman activated her stealth ability once more to get the drop on any suspecting enemies along the way. 

  10. ID: 61747
    LD: 16+4+2 = 22
    Advanced Dungeon
    ENR: 2/3
    Mobs: 0/15

    With her body pressed to the cavern walls, the woman released her grip from the Masamune as she shifted from the wall to the ground tumbling over. She cursed lightly as she shook her head, dizzy now as she retook her katana and placed a hand on the wall as Jaken rushed for her aid, "Are you alright?" The woman hand fell upon a trigger in the wall, the floor beneath them swallowing them up as they slid down a shaft. Both their bodies twisted and turned until they hit a lower level in the cavern. "[censored]!" the woman cursed loudly as she regained her senses, the small imp flat over her body as she took him by the ankle and moved him off of her. Getting up on her feet, the dizzy and lethargy seemed to be wearing off. "Well looks like we found an entrance to a dungeon. Might as well get some experience in...Get up, Jaken. We are pushing on."


  11. ID: 61746
    LD:5+4 = 9

    Opal yawned slightly, the melancholy air seemed to coincide with her sleepiness as she sheepishly moved through the drafty cavern, "Mmm, despite it be quite chilly in here, I feel uncontrollably sleepy..." the woman gave out another loud yawn as she stumbled a bit in her footing, "What the hell is going on?" The familiar did not seem to be ensnared by whatever was making her feel lethargic.  "Oh! Master Opal! I have heard tales of a dungeon boss that is of a plant species called the VileBulb.It releases toxins into the air that makes its enemies sleepy and lethargic. Perhaps we should retreat, it could be dangerous to continue on?" 

    The woman shook her head, "No, this is a good challenge for me...We'll--" she let out a long yawn and waved her hand to finish her sentence to carry on as they were. Shaking her head, the woman guided Jaken to the shadows as she leaned against the wall of the darkness and moved slowly with caution steps. 

  12. In the cover of the darkness in the cavern, Opal snuck up on a few slithering basilisks that were basking in the humidity of the environment. With her weapon draw and buzzing with impure violet light, she took to the wave of mobs with quickness in her step. Charging and sweeping around and rotating on her foot, the blade struck through the thick reptiles as easily as any other; quickly denouncing them of this mortal plane. With a flick of her blade she nodded to her companion and familiar to follow once again, "Path is clear. Let's continue on."

    <<Battle Engaged>>

    Opals HP: 200/200
    EN: 30/50
    Sword Art: Amatsu no Himura || EN: 20 || Dmg: 190-40 = 150

    x4 Cavern Basilisk: HP 0/150 || Mit: 40 || Dmg: 76

    ID: 61745
    BD:  Surprise Attack [+1 Dmg]
    MD: broken
    LD: 11+4 = 15 [+4800 Col]
    +4 mats

  13. ID: 61744
    LD: 4+4 = 8
    Stealthed At End of Post

    Once again there was no luck to be had as Opal peered over the edge of a font, her eyes quickly gleaming to see if anything could be procured from the mountain peak. With a gentle sigh and rubbing her hands against the brittle edge, the woman kicked off from the wall and found a small open mouth cavern. Jaken approached it first, "It feels rather cool in here Mistress Opal, you might want to bundle up in something warmer before going in." His opinion did not go without note as she nodded, "It is rather drafty in there, isn't it? But not nearly as cold as the fourth floor. I believe we shall be alright in going in without the need to 'bundle up.' Let us proceed within and attempt to find some treasure or something." She gestured once more with a head nod for her familiar to come. He rapped his staff thrice on the ground before moving forward with his Master. 

  14. ID:61743 
    LD:9+4 = 13
    ENR: 2/3

    Walking along the path, Opal had searched low and high for some of those hidden materials. But it had proven to be not so effective. She hummed lightly a small tune that she had often hummed to herself while she was embarking on such solo quests. The need for power and skill points was a much desired source of income and the way she was providing for herself now was more than inspiring for herself. She knew she was getting more power and she was quickly becoming greedy with her own desires. "Come Jaken, there doesn't seem to be anything here. Hey! Put that down." Sometimes it was like walking with a child...

  15. With the four nagas slain, Opal received a pop of of two different kinds. The first was the basic reward of getting the loot, the other was the long waited arrival of getting to level fifty. There was a small girlish cheer in her as she mentally raised her fist and roared out she finally achieved one of her goals. Her outward appearance did not show it, but none the less, "Looks like I am 50s player now. Just leveled up, Jaken." She said the King Imp. 

    The small creature gave her a sound round of applause as he cheered for her and congratulated her. She smiled thickly with her plump black lips, even if it was just an NPC familiar, the small token of such was welcomed to her. Clearing her throat, she nodded to him. "We'll get some ice cream after this adventure." She said in appreciation to the Imp. 

    ENR: 1/3

    ID: 61742
    LD: 4+4 = 8 

  16. A cold glare from the woman. Words he choked on, words her ears devoured. She shook her head, "You sicken me." she said at the player, "You are a plague in this world that needs to be purged from as well. You think so highly that our past has anything to do with the present right now? My plans are my own, and perhaps you are right. I am a hypocrite. But if you call me such a thing you might as well label yourself that as well. Everyone is filled with hypocrisy at one point or another. So don't you dare rub my face in the [censored] until you have rubbed yourself in it first. Now get this; what I do is my own damn business! You are still so naive, you can't see the threat around you, Grave! Open you god damn eyes!"

    With that the blade swept across the air in defiance to his earlier comments as if to cut them from the air, "Enough of this!" The woman raised her hand and brought up her menu and signaled for a Full lose duel. She would show him exactly how stupid and foolish he was to meet her here. Those words he spoke, he would never learn to shut the hell up and she would make sure he never spoke words like that to her again. With a simple flick, the message was sent away to him. She would challenge him here and now and be done with this frivolity. 

    "You have two choices to make, Grave. You accept this duel and you die. Or you run like a dog with your tail between your legs and never, ever talk to me again. If you do, I will break everyone you love and hold dear to you if it means ruining your pathetic, sorry excuse for a life! I will not have some inferior corpse speak to me in such a way and believe to call me what they wish! Now make your decision...before my patience for you runs out and the Monument of Life crosses your name off! I will show you exactly what kind of person I am now despite what you may think I may be!" 

    Notes: Opal sends Grave a Full Lose Duel Request with an ultimatum 

  17. RANK 1

    Armor Pierce - 1x1 - Stun - (4 Energy) - A standard thrust with the dagger.

    Side Bite - 2x1 - (2 Energy) - Two quick forward slashes.

    Round Accel - 2x1 - AoE - (4 Energy) - Swing the blade circular, creating small tempests of air.


    First round of Sword Arts for Rank 1 Dagger are listed above. For the sake of argument as before, we'll need to come up with EN based attacks as well as Cool Downs for these. At the current moment, 3 sword arts in rank one seems like a good starting point. 

    Armor Pierce: Sounds like it should be able to do something against armor instead of 'a standard thrust'; doesn't seem to suit the name at all. I like the Stun that comes with it. And we all know stuns have a 3 turn cool down on most things. 

    Armor Pierce - 1x1 - Stun - (3 Post Cool Down) - An attack that by passes the player's armor and stuns them upon contact. (With the description change, this will allow players to utilize sword arts in a more unique way rather than causing the player to adapt to the move set of a simple thrust)?
    Side Bite - 2x1 - (2 Post Cool Down) - A two toned attack. A bite to the left and right of the dagger user going for a hit at the sides of the body. 
    Round Accel - 2x1 - AoE - (3 Post Cool Down) - Swing the blade circular, creating a small tempests of air to slash at all opponents within range. 
    Standard Dagger Attack - 1x1 - (No Cool Downs) - A standard Dagger attack, not a sword art, but allows free basic attacks when all other Sword Arts are on Cool Down.


    Thoughts on these, perhaps power changes, cool down changes? We should keep to a format that is simple for all sword arts.  

  18. Undead Hydra Stats:
    HP: 000/700 []
    Dmg: 110

    Her sword art activated once more, slashes continued upon the undead Hydra as she tore flesh from bone. The eerie sound the creature made startled her when last of its HP was drained. With a bright flash the creature itemized and disappeared. The essence it left behind was that of dark purple pixels of its fragmented life now dispersing around the adventurers. Opal sighed and swept her hair out of her face turning to the Wild Dancer.

    "Good work out there, even if you blundered up a bit. But I say with it dead, we can call this a day and go back to your place for that...special somethin you hinted at earlier. God knows I could use it. The woman's weapon seemed to disappear from within her grasp as it materialized back into her inventory. Giving a small nod to the Wild Dancer she placed both hands over his shoulders and leaned over him; at this time both their pop up showing the rewards for killing the beast and the items they had gained throughout the adventure. 

    "Some nice loot, and that's a lot of col. I am one step closer to building my fortress. Come on, baby. It's time for you to rock my world."

    The two continued teasing each other until they arrived back at Yomi. Opal pressed a few choice buttons on her menu revealing her body in the Vice Commander's Uniform she once wore for the Knights of the Blood Oath, minus the panties. Her dark black hair and honey colored eyes and the long flowery tattoo that was painted over her body, it was just as she used to be. 

    "Kalesh! We of the Blood Oath need to be punished for our crimes! Punish me all night long!" As promised with his claws on, they took to the bed and the night was as savage as the two could make it. 

    Opals HP: 193/193 [Hate 4]
    Mit: 54
    EN: 13/48
    Sword Art: San Ge  || 12 EN || Dmg: 192 Dmg

    Kalesh HP: 128/128 [Hate 1]
    Mit: 48
    EN: 21/32
    Sword Art: Miss || 2 EN || DMG: 0

    ID: 61727
    BD: 5+4 = hit
    MD: Dead
    LD: 4+4 = 8 


    Thread Summary: +1 SP Each, +400 Col Each [2 Page Completion]
    Sub Dungeon Found Here: Click Me For Dungeon Roll [+3 SP Each, 6 Materials and 1800 Col]
    Thread Loot: 40 Mats, 16,640 Col
    == Opal:  23 Mats, 9620
    == Kalesh: 23 Mats, 9620 

  19. Undead Hydra Stats:
    HP: 154/700 []
    Dmg: 110

    Ravenous claws dug and tore bits of flesh from the Undead Hydra. Opal was pleasantly surprised by the competent player she had partnered up with. He was becoming something she would like to have around more often and not just for his dick. The woman's black lips curled into a smile as the giant hydra twisted and snarled after the attack; breaking free of the stun as it finally ended. On her guard, Opal danced left and right as the many heads struck the ground around her and Kalesh. Perhaps because the eyes of the Hydra were so small they could not locate the targets. Whatever the manner was, the Hydra found itself being carved up once more by the sheer strength of the former Samurai. Her violet blade sung in the air and gave off that eerie chilling violet glow from her blade. Sweeps and slashes of six came full circle and ripped off another head of the hydra. It guzzled in its own saliva as the heads dropped down and crashed around them into pixels. 

    "A few more hits, we got this." 


    Opals HP: 193/193 [Hate 4]
    Mit: 54
    EN: 24/48
    Sword Art: San Ge  || 12 EN || Dmg: 216

    Kalesh HP: 128/128 [Hate 1]
    Mit: 48
    EN: 22/32
    Sword Art: Pinpoint Massacre || 10 EN || DMG: 140

    ID: 61724
    BD: 10+3= [+2 Dmg]
    MD: 1
    CD: 1-6 [Opal] 7-12 [Kalesh]

  20. hydra__dipsy_demo__by_sandara-d74271p.jp

    Undead Hydra Stats:
    HP: 510/700 [Stunned]
    Dmg: 110

    Opal closed the gap between her and the roaring undead that she had come face to face with. From the distance they were, it was small but when she got up close to it, the creature was monstrous. She took a step back, it was the first time in a long time that made her retreat as she did. Violet eyes stared upwards as the slimy green saliva dripped from its mouth. Her brows furrowed at Jaken as he hide behind her. "No! No! I am too Kingly to die!" he said holding onto her leg. "Damn it, Jaken! Off! I need to attack it. Go cower somewhere else!" 

    With Masamune X glowing intently, the woman charged forward once more as Jaken was peeled off of him from a quick boot to his face. The woman ran headstrong into the aggro range of the behemoth and leapt into the air and aimed her slashes at one of the many heads. "I will take you down!" Sweep! Slash! Rip! The metal of her blade cut through a single layer of the undead hide as it molted off. Her feet hit the ground as she noticed her sword art had stunned the creature in place. She looked back and yelled for Kalesh, "Time to get in there and show your stuff!" 

    Opals HP: 193/193 [Hate 1]
    Mit: 54
    EN: 35/48
    Sword Art: Iai || 13 EN || Dmg: 190

    Kalesh HP:

    ID: 61722
    BD: Surprise Attack +1 Dmg
    MD: Stunned

  21. Opal's eyes flickered, "Then we slay them. Honestly, if you want something that badly, all you have to do is kill or break the player. If you need help, I'll be more than happy to do so. Two is better than one and we can make a pretty good team, I suppose that will be put to the test now though." The woman lifted her right hand and unearthed her Masamune with a tight grip yanking it from its earthen grave. 

    "You'll need col for the Info Broker, thirty thousand if you want the extra information on the quest to get the unique. We can make that much col in a few days for you. I myself am gathering the col so I can build me a fortress. I gave the Knights a hefty load several times in helps of getting their Guild Hall. Looking back at it...No, nevermind. Anyways, with my energy filled up, we should get going. If you prefer me to take the lead, that's fine. I'll attack and stun it with my Surprise Attack and follow with a stunning art. Then you can just pummel it while its down. This boss won't be easy, but we can break it down." 

    Opal shifted her eyes from Kalesh to the haze across their vision. She narrowed her eyes and took a deep breath as she concealed herself in the shadows and got her equipment together for the fight ahead.


    Switching out Gear: Item of Prosperity For Ring of the Blood
    ENR: 3/3

  22. Flick! The cigarette twisted into an ugly sort of spiral as the woman expelled the stream of smoke from her black lips. The item itself exploding into small pixels as it was sent to the world of oblivia. The world around her was dark, safe and secure, albeit the lurking zombies and the recently deceased creatures that like to spend their home here. Opal placed both hands on her hips, not that she was ignoring the Wild Dancer, more like attempting to hone in on some sort of seriousness mode that she attempted to conjure up. The radiant stars around her body flickered like a candle as they sparkled with each little breath she made. Her violet eyes finally back on Kalesh, "Careful with the name Berserker. The last one named as such found himself a little on the dead side. Though you are safe from me killing you, we already got that out of the way. None the less, holding a Unique Skill makes you a target for others. Mack has stated numerous times he wanted that ability for himself. Tearye is as close there is to this world as I can call a Blood Sister, so I wouldn't attempt to attack her for her Katana skill. I think I'll just be happy collecting demonics from Boss Raids, if I get lucky enough to get the final attack reward." 

    The woman looked at her pools of energy once more, just a few more minutes and they can begin their assault. 



  23. ENR: 1/3

    "Gratz on your level up. I didn't know you were power leveling like crazy. That kinda makes me feel like I am being lazy." The woman shrugged her shoulders as she impaled her Masamune into the hard soil ground. She would continue smoking until she felt her body and her mind were ready to come to terms with what she had to fight. With Kalesh being such a high leveled player, that meant taking out this beast wouldn't be so difficult. Of course...She looked at him with a slight stare, he still paled in comparison to herself, but the way he was going at it with those levels...he seemed like a suitable...

    The woman cleared her throat, flicking the ashes from her cigarette after she expelled a stream of the sweet orange scent into the musky air, "If you keep getting stronger, I may have to rely on you more as a partner for dungeon runs." 

  24. The ending was anything but spectacular as the last of the zombies were defeated by the Masamune X. Sweeping the blade to the side and flicking, the woman shouldered the blade and sighed. Using her free hand to press the rogue strands of violet colored hair from her face. "Alright. I am out of energy for the time being. I need to rest for three rounds and then we can continue on..." There was a roar from the opposite end of where they were standing. 

    Orange smoke escaped Opal's lips as she examined what appeared to be the boss looking right at the. In the darkness of floor ten, there was 3 pairs of eyes glowing in the dark and a deep menacing roar that seemed to echo everywhere, "Looks like we found the Undead Hydra. Shouldn't be too difficult to take down. But we should be prepared the best we can be. You have a damage potion on you? If not, you can have one of mine. We'll need to throw everything we have at this thing when we are ready." 

    Flicking the ashes away with her thumb nail, the scent of oranges rolled around her figure as she prepared herself mentally for this kind of challenge. This would be the most difficult Boss she would face to date.

    <<Battle Engaged>>

    Opals HP: 193/193
    EN: 12/48
    Sword Art: Gen Getsu || 12 EN || Dmg:108-10 = 98
    Zombies Slaid: 17/15

    x4 Weak Zombies: 0/40 HP || Dmg: 30 || Mit: 10

    ID: 61721
    BD: 8

    MD: sleeping with fishes
    LD:17 +4 = 21 [+4 Extra Mats, +1280 Col]
    +4 Mats
    Disguise on Cool Down

  25. "Yeah, yeah..." she said waving to the player as he commented on kicking their butt. The woman flashed in once more through the mob, her body becoming disguised amongst the rambling undead as they swatted at her left and right. Blinking through the attacks with her swaying body, her blade sliced and diced its way through the already dressed corpses and made pile after pile of their disfigured and gruesome shells. Scattered into the wind once more were their bodies as she continually blitzed through them without a care in the world. They were nothing but tools of the Cardinal system. Eyes back on Kalesh, "Just a few more to go, but then I'll need a rest as well." 

    <<Battle Engaged>>

    Opals HP: 193/193
    EN: 14/48
    Sword Art: Gen Getsu || 12 EN || Dmg:108-10 = 98
    Zombies Slaid: 13/15

    x4 Weak Zombies: 0/40 HP || Dmg: 30 || Mit: 10

    ID: 61719
    BD: 4+1+1 [disguise] = 6

    MD: rips
    LD: 4+4 = 8 
    +4 Mats
    Disguise on Cool Down

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