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Status Replies posted by Opal

  1. For all you little girls and boys in doubt. No need to wonder where your god is. He's right here and he's freash out of mercy. *found what horrible thing to do to players*

  2. For all you little girls and boys in doubt. No need to wonder where your god is. He's right here and he's freash out of mercy. *found what horrible thing to do to players*

  3. Hmmm... plots on what horrible things he should do Let's see....

  4. So... I get trapped by vines and then get a nat 1 in the boss fight... -_- Someone doesn't want me to hit anything QQ

    1. Opal


      XO Will take me a few days to render out such an image. I'm sorry Opal...to put you in another horrible scenario. 

    2. (See 51 other replies to this status update)

  5. So... I get trapped by vines and then get a nat 1 in the boss fight... -_- Someone doesn't want me to hit anything QQ

    1. Opal


      You know. I could very well take this a step further and do a picture of this. Will mostly likely be kept to PMs as it would be adult material related. haha. 

    2. (See 51 other replies to this status update)

  6. So... I get trapped by vines and then get a nat 1 in the boss fight... -_- Someone doesn't want me to hit anything QQ

    1. Opal


      Opal isnt a virgin though...<.< by any means. 

    2. (See 51 other replies to this status update)

  7. So... I get trapped by vines and then get a nat 1 in the boss fight... -_- Someone doesn't want me to hit anything QQ

    1. Opal


      Because the darkness is alluring, Calrex. 

    2. (See 51 other replies to this status update)

  8. So... I get trapped by vines and then get a nat 1 in the boss fight... -_- Someone doesn't want me to hit anything QQ

    1. Opal


      That thing gets passed around more than a cheap...Who---Ok..we wont go that far, but yeah...>.> 

    2. (See 51 other replies to this status update)

  9. So... I get trapped by vines and then get a nat 1 in the boss fight... -_- Someone doesn't want me to hit anything QQ

    1. Opal


      If I were to Challenge Zero...would that be suicide? >.> I wouldn't mind getting my hands on that...particular skill. <.< 

    2. (See 51 other replies to this status update)

  10. So... I get trapped by vines and then get a nat 1 in the boss fight... -_- Someone doesn't want me to hit anything QQ

    1. Opal


      Ahh sounds like the old Black Mass Ritual days...

    2. (See 51 other replies to this status update)

  11. So... I get trapped by vines and then get a nat 1 in the boss fight... -_- Someone doesn't want me to hit anything QQ

    1. Opal


      I know a few male virgins...>.> IC of corpse. 

    2. (See 51 other replies to this status update)

  12. So... I get trapped by vines and then get a nat 1 in the boss fight... -_- Someone doesn't want me to hit anything QQ

  13. So... I get trapped by vines and then get a nat 1 in the boss fight... -_- Someone doesn't want me to hit anything QQ

    1. Opal


      And why I am slightly turned on at the moment. @_@

    2. (See 51 other replies to this status update)

  14. Please forgive me for my possible stupidity, but I have a question (well, several questions actually). It regards combat and such.

    • How much damage does a simple, straight sword do when you have no combat experience or anything else special? I think its 1 from reading the tutorial, but I'd like to ask to make sure.
    • What does EN stand for? Energy? How do I work with this during combat?
    • Also, what does it mean when you subtract from whatever you're fighting with (a simple boar, for example) and you subtract from their MD? Is this due to another die function?

    Thank you for any answers, and again, forgive my ignorance. Still getting used to the mechanics of all this. ^^

  15. Please forgive me for my possible stupidity, but I have a question (well, several questions actually). It regards combat and such.

    • How much damage does a simple, straight sword do when you have no combat experience or anything else special? I think its 1 from reading the tutorial, but I'd like to ask to make sure.
    • What does EN stand for? Energy? How do I work with this during combat?
    • Also, what does it mean when you subtract from whatever you're fighting with (a simple boar, for example) and you subtract from their MD? Is this due to another die function?

    Thank you for any answers, and again, forgive my ignorance. Still getting used to the mechanics of all this. ^^

  16. Oh hey, a thing! I didn't know this was a thing - status updates, practically. Yay, I did a thing! XD Lol

  17. So guys, it's time to watch Teayre get pwned.

    Feel free to read and enjoy.

  18. Calrex says to burn my homework. *Not too shabby of an idea..... Say my dog ate it*

  19. Calrex says to burn my homework. *Not too shabby of an idea..... Say my dog ate it*

  20. So... I get trapped by vines and then get a nat 1 in the boss fight... -_- Someone doesn't want me to hit anything QQ

    1. Opal


      Oh snaps, breaking out the heavy artillery...

    2. (See 51 other replies to this status update)

  21. So... I get trapped by vines and then get a nat 1 in the boss fight... -_- Someone doesn't want me to hit anything QQ

    1. Opal


      I make sure to have a fresh supply of goats blood via Alchemy. Spray that stuff on the battlefield and you'll be good to go. 

    2. (See 51 other replies to this status update)

  22. So... I get trapped by vines and then get a nat 1 in the boss fight... -_- Someone doesn't want me to hit anything QQ

    1. Opal


      You should have sacrificed more goats to your Overlord; RNGesus. He is not pleased with you. =/

    2. (See 51 other replies to this status update)

  23. Coming this Sunday: Nirvana actually posting for once in her life.

  24. OOoh! I see how it is! Trying to out Solo Play me, huh? Trying to get the ol' one-two on me, Eh!?? WELL!  I CAN PLAY THAT GAME TOO!!!! >D Good luck with your SPs, buddy. :D 

  25. Hey guys, ill get to posting soon. Im at work, and got a LOT of paperwork to do. So, give me a half hour to an hour. ^-^

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