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Status Replies posted by Opal

  1. Of course dice gods.. I WANTED an armory full of rare swords. Oh I can have that with no perfects? THANK YOU! 


  2. I think it's safe to say that Kalia is now a legitimate thing!

  3. I think it's safe to say that Kalia is now a legitimate thing!

  4. Of course dice gods.. I WANTED an armory full of rare swords. Oh I can have that with no perfects? THANK YOU! 


  5. Of course dice gods.. I WANTED an armory full of rare swords. Oh I can have that with no perfects? THANK YOU! 


  6. I think it's safe to say that Kalia is now a legitimate thing!

  7. I can see the glow of the sunrise! It's pretty :D 

    The question is though... Is it prettier than the blood moon the other night?

  8. Y'know, if I was a PKer... Now would be the perfect time to go nuts. The frontliners are all in the dungeon/fighting the boss. The strongest players are not around to stop stuff from going down!

    Just sayin' is all.

  9. Y'know, if I was a PKer... Now would be the perfect time to go nuts. The frontliners are all in the dungeon/fighting the boss. The strongest players are not around to stop stuff from going down!

    Just sayin' is all.

  10. Y'know, if I was a PKer... Now would be the perfect time to go nuts. The frontliners are all in the dungeon/fighting the boss. The strongest players are not around to stop stuff from going down!

    Just sayin' is all.

  11. Woot! Rank 6 Mentor Alchemist now~! ^3^

  12. Best of luck to those who are on the Assault Team on the upcoming Raid! 

  13. Best of luck to those who are on the Assault Team on the upcoming Raid! 

  14. Best of luck to those who are on the Assault Team on the upcoming Raid! 

  15. Hey guys. Just a small status update. I wont be getting one at all today, seeing as today is the day of my wedding. ^-^ I love each and every one of you, as if you were my family. So, ill see you guys tomorrow. Caio~

  16. http://i.imgur.com/L0s0kUN.png When GM's don't dev, they make silly things. Well, Zero and I make silly things xD

  17. A thought just occurred to me, Why didn't RCT just perform a sever maintenance and force log everyone out? Surely someone could of hackked into the SAO servers and created a GM account to do this or am I being a numpty and missing something vital? (I know Kayaba was a genius but still)

  18. 26 items ready for the boss fight and still crafting! And yet I bet it still isn't enough xD
    Sorry for taking so long with posting, celebrated our six year anniversary today so was a bit distracted~

  19. 26 items ready for the boss fight and still crafting! And yet I bet it still isn't enough xD
    Sorry for taking so long with posting, celebrated our six year anniversary today so was a bit distracted~

  20. The Sword Art list now looks somewhat friendlier and prettier (thanks Takao) and Katana has a new sword art (thanks Teayre for the suggestion).

  21. This whole "Your Replies have Merged" feature really tickles my phanny... And not in the pleasant way. Like... Come on... I didn't ask you to merge it. Just don't do it.

  22. Odd question with Shirosu time second edition!

    does anyone else have a backup character in mind incase the unthinkable happens and you die (le gasp) i know, i know, its odd, but in the corner of my mind i tend to have back up ideas incase i do something stupid XD

  23. For all any of you know, Mack is smithing a Gundam suit with bazooka's for hands to use clearing the 11th Floor.

  24. Performer enhancements revamped, they fulfill the role of the debuffer.

  25. Well from this it reminds me about something Tristan Delaney, Remember that duel of ours? 

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