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Status Replies posted by Opal

  1. Been pre-writing my series for my personal story arc. Happy to announce, 1/25 completed. :D 

  2. Well, I am going to sleep. Enjoy my shop's name in the meantime.

  3. There's a guild called The Velvet Room and the leader is Lowenthal and he calls himself the Fool? Honestly I can't even hahahahahahahaha

  4. If I am forgetting to post anywhere, please let me know! I didn't realize how many threads I was apart of. -panic mode- 

  5. Contemplating, not going spriggan in ALO since it seems to be getting all they hype now...#TheOriginalSpriggan

  6. Contemplating, not going spriggan in ALO since it seems to be getting all they hype now...#TheOriginalSpriggan

  7. im off to bed guys. I'll tie up loose ends tomorrow morning

  8. Anyone want a perf item? Already rolled just wanted to see what people wanted. 

  9. Anyone want a perf item? Already rolled just wanted to see what people wanted. 

  10. Should I cook Hot Dogs, or order Pizza?

  11. Should I cook Hot Dogs, or order Pizza?

  12. Anyone have any interesting stories that they'd like to RolePlay out. And maybe, if feeling generous, add me?

  13. Anyone have any interesting stories that they'd like to RolePlay out. And maybe, if feeling generous, add me?

  14. Anyone have any interesting stories that they'd like to RolePlay out. And maybe, if feeling generous, add me?

  15. 90% of my hits over the past few days have been 9s and 10s XD

  16. YYYYEEEESSS  I am now on varsity. Through deadly fast running and fishing/reeling my opponents, I am on varsity(You have to be top seven on your team to be on varsity here). Afterwards, I had a mini allergic reaction but I'm fine now.... . Just my stomach hurts after that Wend'y bacon cheeseburger.....XD Anyways, I got 5th on our team, ( There are 13 of us guys) ad 21/41 overall. If I worked on my final sprint a bit more I could have caught those two people who passed me right before the end..... I was dead the whole way. 21:29 was my time. Is that a good time? Honestly, I do not know.  :)

  17. Updated my ALO Sig. Now my flames aren't so murky. I also got rid of the character just because I personally didn't like it.


    As a welcome home gift to our returning Veteran, Oikawa, I also made his as he request.


    (I am actually Jealous at how good his looks) (Credit to Takao for Templates)

  18. Where to begin? Anyone up for an RP? I'm rusty but getting back to prime is my goal.

  19. Not feeling well, might not post tonight sorry to ppl I'm RPing with. 

  20. Guys Im sorry to say that I don't think I'll be active on here anymore :( I'm starting college next week and I've already got a ton of pre-prep work to do, and I have a feeling I'm not going to be able to commit here anymore :/ I had so much fun while it lasted everyone! Thanks for giving me an excellent summer <3 I'm sorry to leave.

  21. When I look at my old posts and see typos I feel like an absolute idiot. I hate typos!!

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