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Status Replies posted by Opal

  1. Sorry for the delays in posting. Working on applying for a job in Zurich and it's a time consuming thing.

  2. Several blacksmith and tailor enhancements have been adjusted and the Recovery enhancement added for blacksmith, tailor and artisan. Be sure to check the enhancement guide.

  3. Several blacksmith and tailor enhancements have been adjusted and the Recovery enhancement added for blacksmith, tailor and artisan. Be sure to check the enhancement guide.

  4. Several blacksmith and tailor enhancements have been adjusted and the Recovery enhancement added for blacksmith, tailor and artisan. Be sure to check the enhancement guide.

  5. Is that a profile picture I see? OwO

  6. Is that a profile picture I see? OwO

  7. Is that a profile picture I see? OwO

  8. Woohoo starting a new job on Thursday! So that will likely mean I won't be on as much as I have been the past few weeks. Most likely I won't be replying during the until I get home, but I'll definitely be checking in during the day.

  9. Taking Votes: Redo Round 1 of the Tournament using PvP mode or nah? (7 Votes wins)

  10. What are all of the EXACT rules of the combat tournament?

    If this is an 80 HP thing, rather than a half HP thing then that's fine. But then I should have the chance to change my opening attack to a 12x attack that hits for 92 and accomplishes the same stated goal of ending the fight with a single blow. If I'm not supposed to use the BD roll from the same roll as I took my LD from and if I'm not supposed to attack in the opening post because I won the LD roll then that should be made clear.

    I don't mind losing, if indeed I do, but I and the other players that are new since the summer tournament deserve to have all the rules of the tournament made clear.

  11. Hell, can't sleep at all. Might as well do some stuff ahead of time like before. Really should get some sleep medication before this bad habit develops into a case of insomnia. *sighs and goes crawl over to his workshop* If anyone needs me for something that needs immediate attention, PM me here (or on Skype) and I'll try to get to you, though I may not respond immediately.

  12. Hell, can't sleep at all. Might as well do some stuff ahead of time like before. Really should get some sleep medication before this bad habit develops into a case of insomnia. *sighs and goes crawl over to his workshop* If anyone needs me for something that needs immediate attention, PM me here (or on Skype) and I'll try to get to you, though I may not respond immediately.

  13. Im just a little curious. If its not to personal but, where are you from (Since some post like two-three in the morning? I myself am from Sweden :)

  14. Alright, so I'm making my Redemption thread. Who's on board?!

  15. Anybody feeling up for a PvP training thread before the S&Z battles start? Get some points beforehand XD

  16. Anybody feeling up for a PvP training thread before the S&Z battles start? Get some points beforehand XD

  17. Floor 12 boss raid meeting is up. PM me for an invite.


  18. Floor 12 boss raid meeting is up. PM me for an invite.


  19. Can <<Riposte>> be stacked with a non stunning Sword Art? Or does <<Riposte>> only do base damage and can not be stacked with Sword Arts? 

  20. With Tryst account abandoned so Azrael can focus on her other accounts, Tristan is now free for courting.

  21. Recent Profile Viewers: Forsake_Crusader - 15 hours ago 10:32.
    Forsaken_Crusader last visited the site 15 hours ago 10:38.

    I... I'm scared. Like he is going to die and his ghost is going to seek me out. He is watching me o_o


    P.S. Yes, I am unreasonably paranoid, how are you? :D

  22. After some time of not doing much of anything, your beer seeker has returned!

    Also, if anyone is needing anything from me, let me know..

  23. Just finished another photoshoot, now to slowly fix things. Many things.. Fixable things. Things that need fixing, fixing to be applied to the things that are to be fixed

  24. Just finished another photoshoot, now to slowly fix things. Many things.. Fixable things. Things that need fixing, fixing to be applied to the things that are to be fixed

  25. I think it's safe to say that Kalia is now a legitimate thing!

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