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Posts posted by CaptainUndead

  1. "Ow... That's gonna leave a dent." Nobuyuki mumbled, rubbing on his forehead as he took Calrex hand and pulled himself up. "Yeah, I'm fine. 'Tis but a flesh wound." Nobuyuki replied to Calrex, brushing off the dust on his coat and pants. When he heard of Calrex planning on finding a dungeon, Nobuyuki became intrigued of the quest. "A dungeon... Never been to one of those." Nobuyuki thought, before accepting Calrex offer. "Yeah, sure. I'm up for a dungeon run." Nobuyuki exclaimed, opened his inventory and equipped the Four-Leaf Clover necklace, replacing his Pendant of Icarus. "Yeah... Not much is going on at the time being. All I did is just grotesque grinding sessions." The young warrior replied to Calrex, readied to venture out to find a dungeon.

  2. While planning on returning to his usual grinding, Nobuyuki received a message from Calrex. An invitation to join him on a little adventuring. "Well... can't say no now..." Nobuyuki let out a sigh, tracing on the map to find the shortest way to get to Calrex. Few minute later, he was able to reach Calrex through climbing a mountain, instead of took the normal route which was going to took a lot of time. Seeing the Ultramarine warrior stood and wait for him, Nobuyuki took the short cut and slides down from the mountain. But while doing so, he tripped over a large rock on the slide and gone airbourne. Landed on his face, Nobuyuki was lucky that the game didn't took fall damage into recognition, or else that would be a lame way to go, died of tripping onto his face.

  3. Unknowingly, not far from where Calrex is, Nobuyuki was on his regular daily routine of gathering Mat and get some experience on the way. Climbing up to a high vantage point, Nobuyuki opened his HUD and check for the time and where should he go next to avoid inconvenience. While scouting around on the Map, he saw a green dot with a name plate laybeled <Calrex>. "Hmm... Why is he here? Isn't the front line hosting a raid party soon?" Nobuyuki asked himself, wondering why isn't Calrex in the front line ready for the floor boss raid. 

  4. While Nobuyuki put his attention into the first four wolves, the fifth one was able to snuck behind him. found the chance of it attacking, the wolf lunged forward and aiming for Nobuyuki's neck. However, his body jerked backward, making the wolf missed the attack. Nobuyuki raised his sword, with the sword art ready, lunge forward and thrust his sword, pierce the wolf's body. It shone then bursted to million of small pixel, sharing the fate of its friends. Sheathed the sword to his back, Nobuyuki continued on his grind-fest.


    ID: 47989

    MOB: 5 {Missed}

    ID: 10 {Total Critical Hit!}

    CaptainUndead: 64/64 HP | Energy: 0/16 | DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 11 |


    DIre Wolf: 0/35 HP | DMG: 25 | MIT: 10 | ( - (( 9 * Vorpal Strike: 1x5) - 10) = -35 HP)


    LD: 17+1=18

    Looted: 175 Col, 2 Mats

    Total Mat count: 24.

  5. Sitting in the Cafe, waiting, Nobuyuki sipped on his cup of coffee. Once Comet came through the door of the shop, he wasted no time speed toward Nobuyuki and asked for Aikoh's whereabouts. "Relax, she's coming. I hope she doesn't stay in bed for too long." He replied, invited Comet to sit down next in the table. "You want something to eat while we wait?" Nobuyuki asked, picking up the menu. The time spent waiting for Aikoh stretch to nearly two hours, which make Nobuuyki to grew suspicious in whether if she's still sleeping or. 

  6. Nobuyuki continued on walking, that's when he met with a strange feeling of being followed by something. Unsheathed his sword and stand readied, he look forward. His <Search and Detect> skill allowed him to spotted another pack of five dire wolf. With no hesitation, the young warrior lunged at the wolves full speed? Leap into the air with his sword art readied, Nobuyuki unleashed a series of thrusts aimed towards the Wolves' hearts. All of them instantly bursted with not much of a chance to fight back.


    ID: 47948

    BD: 7

    MOB: died before action.

    CaptainUndead: 64/64 HP | Energy: 4/16 | DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 9


    Dire Wolf: 0/35 HP | DMG: 25 | MIT: 10 ( - (((7+1) * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 10) = 38 HP)

    Dire Wolf: 0/35 HP | DMG: 25 | MIT: 10 ( - (((7+1) * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 10) = 38 HP)

    Dire Wolf: 0/35 HP | DMG: 25 | MIT: 10 ( - (((7+1) * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 10) = 38 HP)

    Dire Wolf: 0/35 HP | DMG: 25 | MIT: 10 ( - (((7+1) * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 10) = 38 HP)

    Dire Wolf: 35/35 HP | DMG: 25 | MIT: 10


    LD: 17+1=18

    Looted: 700 Cols, 8 Mats

    Total Mat count: 22

  7. Walking not far from where he originally found the first patch of mushroom, Nobuyuki found yet another patch, this time lying on the ground. Gladly pluck it all up from the ground and placed it in his inventory, Nobuyuki continued on his journey. He find it weird that from the point he joined the game, mushroom is the only thing he found mostly. He blamed the writer and moved on.


    ID: 47946

    LD: 16+1=17 

    Found: 1 Mat

    Total Mat count: 14

  8. Finally, the unluckiness streak come to an end. He finally found something of use. A patch of wild edible mushroom grown under a tree branch up high, Nobuyuki tried his luck in attempted to get the mushrooms. He use the trees to slowly climbed up toward the branches. Using two trees at the continuous leverage, he slowly climbed up toward the highest branch. Quickly grabbed the mushrooms, he slipped his footing and fell down onto the ground. However, Nobuyuki was able to landed onto his feet. Get up and put the mushrooms back to his inventory, Nobuyuki pressed onward.


    ID: 47929

    LD: 16+1=17

    Found: 1 Mat

    Total Mat Count: 13

  9. "Well, isn't this quiet." Nobuyuki thought, as the two continued walking back to Town of Beginning. With Nixon behind him being skeptical about things, Nobuyuki felt a little uneasy. Turning around, he spoke up. "Ease up a little. You're being a little tense there. It's only walking, you're not worried about anything, are you?" He asked Nixon, walking backward. Nobuyuki paid extra detail onto the boy, seeing if he's onto something or not. "I don't suppose he's onto something at the moment. But better be careful." Nobuyuki told himself, warning himself not to put too much trust in strange people

  10. Continued on walking under the treeline of the forest, Nobuyuki continued to look for the materials. His unfortunate streak continued on, as Nobuyuki still unable to find anything valuable for him to use. "Blast. Rotten luck." Nobuyuki cursed, looking at the empty treeline. Shooking away the unlucky thoughts, he continued onward. 


    ID: 47919 

    LD: 13+1=14

  11. Laying on the bed unable to sleep, Nobuyuki's mind started pondering on the things that happened today. He had spent the good half of his day trying to find the boar king, but was unable to. Then he met a little girl, bugged around by two pesky passerby, that quickly turned into a massacre of pure chaos. Although he had successfully get Aikoh away from the crowd, which she clearly didn't enjoy staying in. Now, he's laying in bed, pondering why the girl decided to call him "onii-san". Shaking away the thoughts, Nobuyuki tried to get some shut eyes, but unfortunately couldn't. He stayed up for a long time, wondering what to do.

    ~Next Morning~

    "Wha...? It's morning already? I must have dozed off." Nobuyuki woke up from the sunlight shone into his eyes through the window. Opened the HUD to check the time, he found that it's only around 7:00 AM. "Still relatively early." He told himself, getting out of the bed and get ready for the meeting arrangement with Comet. On his way out, he knocked on Aikoh's room. Hearing no reply, he assumed that she still sleeping. He sent her a private message, telling her to come to the meeting point once she woke up. After that, the young warrior made his way to Heaven's Garden himself.


    To: Aikoh

    When you are ready, come and meet me at the Cafe in the end of the Street. It has a big sign with a pair of white wings. Turn left from the Inn and you'll find it. I have a special surprise for you once you get there.

    From: CaptainUndead



    It's been a while since Nobuyuki had left town, and after the awkward meeting with that kid. Roaming around the plain grassland, he felt like there isn't much for him here anymore. Walking around, Nobuyuki keep a look out for anything that he could find of use. Unfortunately, he couldn't find anything. That is when in the distance, Nobuyuki saw the same kid that he encounter moments before. "Comet... was it?" Nobuyuki asked himself, trying to remember the name of the kid. The young warrior thought that it would be best to keep a distance from the kid, not to startle Comet too much. "Great, now you look like a stalker and a pedophile. Good job, Nobuyuki." The young warrior cursed himself, insisting on walking away.


    ID: 47881

    LD: 12+1=13

    Found: nothing.

  13. "Woah, there. Easy now, you wouldn't want to fall down now." Nobuyuki was taken off guard a little when he saw her reaction. He knew she was going to be happy, but he did not expected for her to be that much excitement. Seeing that the sky is getting darker, Nobuyuki sighed. "Hey, uh... Aikoh. If you don't mind, I think we should go and have a good night rest for today. I'll send him a message to let him know that you're here. For the time being, let's go and get some shut eyes." Nobuyuki suggested, standing up from his seat and wait for Aikoh before both went to a nearby inn and rent two small rooms for both to stay for the night. In his room, Nobuyuki started on writing an invitation for the little boy Comet to set a meeting point at Heaven's Garden.


    To: Comet

    It's Tobi. For the time being, I am currently with a friend of yours. Her name is Aikoh. She is very excited that you're still alive and well. Come meet me at Heaven's Garden shop. Your friend will be there too.

    From: CaptainUndead


  14. Nobuyuki couldn't see in which direction the attack was coming from, since all tree branches look the same. The split moment he didn't pay enough attention, Nobuyuki was immediately struck accross the face with a large branch. Before he could recover from the attack, Nobuyuki was then struck by a mother branch, knocked him off his feet. He rubbed his jaw, feeling the effect of the blast. The young warrior opened his eyes. He immediately saw another two branches coming down onto him. As quick as he could, Nobuyuki rolled away from the attack. He got himself some distance away from the monsters. Looking back, he saw four Ents, each looked old, and grim. His Baransu gripping tightly in his hand, his eyes looked toward the Ents with a fierce and fiery look. Charging toward the four monsters, his sword flying brightly the limelight color, Nobuyuki leaped into the fair and deliver heavy and fierce strikes, all aiming toward the Ents body. Landed on the floor, he turned around, as all four Ents were destroyed. All bursted to millions of pixels. Sheathed his sword, Nobuyuki gradually walked away.


    ID: 47747 - 47750

    MOB: 9 {Critcal Hit!} ; 1 {Critical Failure} ; 3 {Failed} ; 10 {Total Critical Hit!}

    BD: 10 {Total Critical Hit!}

    CaptainUndead: 35/64 HP | Energy: 4/16 | DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 11 |

    • ( - (( 25 - 11) + ( 26 - 11)) = -29 DMG)


    Ancient Ent 1: 0/48 HP | DMG: 24 | MIT: 12 | ( - ((( 9 + 1) * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 12) = -48 DMG)

    Ancient Ent 2: 0/48 HP | DMG: 24 | MIT: 12 | ( - ((( 9 + 1) * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 12) = -48 DMG)

    Ancient Ent 3: 0/48 HP | DMG: 24 | MIT: 12 | ( - ((( 9 + 1) * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 12) = -48 DMG)

    Ancient Ent 4: 0/48 HP | DMG: 24 | MIT: 12 | ( - ((( 9 + 1) * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 12) = -48 DMG)


    LD: 12+1=13 

    Looted: 960 Cols ; 4 Mats

    Total Mat count: 12

  15. Walking around the Forrest, Nobuyuki had a feeling like he was being watched. Looking around for any sign of something suspicious, he found that a few tree branches were moving in a different direction compare to the the wind. Keeping his guard up, Nobuyuki pressed onward, withdrew his sword and readied to fight anything.

  16. Walking for a while with nothing to say, the silence atmosphere slowly spread all around the grassfield. No one to be seen, nor did they find any monster to kill nearby. Nobuyuki didn't mind the silence, but his companion might said otherwise. They could see Horunka village up ahead, and the place is as quiet as always. Not much people go to this village anymore. Not like when it use to be. "What should I do with the rest of the day once I made this delivery?" Nobuyuki asked himself, seeing the day is still young.

  17. "There!" Nobuyuki saw King Boar's weak point the moment it slump back down from the paralysis once more. Ran up toward the boar, Nobuyuki used the same sword art he just used previously. This time, the thrust from the sword pierced through the weak point of the boar. It let out a loud squeal, before bursting to million of pieces that slowly fade in the air. Sheathed his sword back to his sheath behind his back, Nobuyuki let out a sigh, readied to head back home, after his quest is completed. "Alright, this should be it for today. We should head back now. There are things in town I still need to work on." Nobuyuki told his companion, facing toward the direction of Town of Beginning. 


    ID: 47675

    BD: 10 {Total Critical Hit!}

    MOB: died before action.

    CaptainUndead: 64/64 HP | Energy: 0/16 | DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 11 | (Hate: 3)

    Nixon: 16/16 HP | Energy: 4/4 | DMG: 3 | (Hate: 1)


    King Boar: 0/50 HP | DMG: 25 | MIT: 12 ( - (( 9 * Vorpal Strike: 1x5) - 12) = -33 DMG)


    LD: 11+1=12

    Looted: 250 Cols, 1 Mat

  18. "Just as I had expected." Nobuyuki thought. His speculation was right. Aikoh and Comet was somewhat related to each other, since Comet did mention about finding someone. "I had meet Comet a few days back. He's a very nice kid if I do say so myself." Nobuyuki replied to Aikoh. "I believe I met him near an Inn somewhere in this town. If you wish, I could give him a notification so he'll know that you're here. After all, you two are best friends right?" Nobuyuki asked, looking at Aikoh. She seemed content when he mentioned about Comet. 

  19. Nobuyuki once again dashed forward, his sword glowing and his sword art charged forward. Since King Boar has already been paralyzed by Nixon attack, it was an easy hit. The young warrior thrust his sword forward, the attack pierced through the boar's body, dealing heavy damage toward the boar. Seeing the boar slowly stirred, Nobuyuki fall back before he took anymore damage. The King Boar slowly risen to its feet, squealing loudly as it looked at Nobuyuki's direction and readied to attack.


    ID: 47662

    BD: 5+2=7 {Hit!}

    MOB: Paralyzed

    CaptainUndead: 64/64 HP | Energy: 4/16 | DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 11 | (Hate: 2)

    Nixon: 16/16 HP | Energy: 4/4 | DMG: 3 | (Hate: 1)


    King Boar: 37/50 HP | DMG: 25 | MIT: 12 ( - (( 7 * Vorpal Strike: 1x5) - 12) = -23 DMG)

  20. Brandished his sword from behind his back, Nobuyuki slowly made his way toward the King Boar and it's minions. "Take everything down on sight, that's my plan of action." Nobuyuki told his plan of action, and charged toward the crowd of boars. Aiming for the four Guardian Boars first, he swung his blade in a horizontal arc, then another strike as he spun around, slashing toward the side of the boars. Then the third one and the fourth. all the Boar Guardians fell, left only the king. Confused by the attack, the King Boar charged forward, but missed the attack. Nobuyuki easily rolled out of the way. Readied his weapon, he has taken the boar's attention, and now waiting for his next attack.


    ID: 47657, 47658

    BD: 5+2=7 {Hit!}

    MOB: died before action; 1 {Critical Failure}

    CaptainUndead: 64/64 HP | Energy: 8/16 | DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 11 | (Hate: 1)

    Nixon: 16/16 HP | Energy: 4/4 | DMG: 3 | (Hate: 0)


    King Boar: 50/50 HP | DMG: 25 | MIT: 12 

    Guardian Boar 1: 0/16 HP | Dmg: 12 | MIT: 4 ( - (((7+1) * Vertical Square: 4x1) - 4) = -28 HP)

    Guardian Boar 2: 0/16 HP | Dmg: 12 | MIT: 4 ( - (((7+1) * Vertical Square: 4x1) - 4) = -28 HP)

    Guardian Boar 3: 0/16 HP | Dmg: 12 | MIT: 4 ( - (((7+1) * Vertical Square: 4x1) - 4) = -28 HP)

    Guardian Boar 4: 0/16 HP | Dmg: 12 | MIT: 4 ( - (((7+1) * Vertical Square: 4x1) - 4) = -28 HP)

  21. It's been a long time since Nobuyuki had a good rest. Lately, he had always been on the move, shifting between floors grinding for experience. Letting out a sigh of relaxation, Nobuyuki closed his eyes. "So... Aikoh, did you play this game with any other people, or did you play this game by yourself?" Nobuyuki asked. He have had doubts of Aikoh and the little boy named Comet he met some days back. Maybe the two could be somewhat related together. 

  22. "Think what you wish. There are more than one person with the name Tobi around in this planet. Beside, it's not my username." Nobuyuki replied to Nixon, as the two pressed onward. Finally, they found the King Boar. The boar that's nearly thrice the size of the normal boar that roams around. "Alright... That's the ones we needed to go after." Nobuyuki looking at the giant boar, surrounded by a the crowd of guardian boars. 


    CaptainUndead: 64/64 HP | Energy: 16/16 | DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 11 |

    Nixon: 16/16 HP | Energy: 4/4 | DMG: 3 | 


    King Boar: 50/50 HP | DMG: 25 | MIT: 12

    Guardian Boar 1: 16/16 HP | Dmg: 12 | MIT: 4

    Guardian Boar 2: 16/16 HP | Dmg: 12 | MIT: 4

    Guardian Boar 3: 16/16 HP | Dmg: 12 | MIT: 4

    Guardian Boar 4: 16/16 HP | Dmg: 12 | MIT: 4

  23. It's been for a while now, and neither of him or the girl seen anyone from the previous group that had followed them. Hearing her question baffled Nobuyuki for a second. "Did she just call me..." Nobuyuki was confused for a second, unsure what to do when the little girl called him "onii-san". Found an empty wooden bench, Nobuyuki sat the little girl down, and sat down next to her. "I don't know really. Maybe they're just a little over-enthusiastic. Either way, I say they're just irrational in making choices." Nobuyuki explained to her, didn't want the girl to hold any grudges or bad intentions toward anyone. Then he remembered. "Oh right, I haven't even introduce myself properly. Hi, I'm Nobuyuki. You can call me Tobi if you wish." The young warrior gave away his true identity. It was something that goes against his principles in AinCrad, but he trust the little girl enough for him to tell her his real name.

  24. Walking in the front, Nobuyuki didn't mind much of what Nixon was doing in the back. Scanning around for the Boar King, Nobuyuki sighed, It's going to be a long day, and getting to Horunka village should be a good place to start. "Tobi. The name is Tobi." Nobuyuki replied to Nixon as the two travel. The guy didn't seem like a trustworthy person, at least not enough for Nobuyuki to give his real name, not that he ever give his real name to anyone. The two travel some more, in the search for the King boar.

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