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Posts posted by CaptainUndead

  1. "Alright, that break should probably enough. Maybe I can start on finding material again." Nobuyuki said to himself, standing up from the seat. He stretched his body up straight, before continuing his hunting trip. Walking under the treelines, he was hoping that he could find something of use, but alas he found nothing, just like the previous time.


    ID: 47644

    LD: 11+1=12

    Found: nothing

  2. Nobuyuki was a little startled when the girl from the previous party, and also the one in the tavern few days back followed them. Looks like to wasn't a clean get away after all. Seeing the girl brandished her weapon and asked a little seven years old girl to go on a hunting trip only furiated Nobuyuki even more. Reaching out for his swordplay his back, he scowled at the girl. "Don't you think that asking a seven years old out on killing boars is an absolutely stupid idea? What if she got hurt, injured or even worse? What about that? Can't you people think rationally for once. We're stuck in this death prison, and you people just messing around. Honestly, I don't think I should waste my time here." Nobuyuki took a gentle hold of the little girl's hand, turned around and walk the opposite direction. Before he go, the young warrior gave a warning to the girl. "Tell your friends, if you ever touch my sister, you will regret it." With those warning words, the two walked off.

  3. "Oh great... Another of these nutters who's too emersive in the game." Nobuyuki rolled his eyes. Looking at the stranger that he had just ran into now asking to join him on his quest, Nobuyuki sighed. It'd be rude if he didn't let the man to come with, but then it would also be very risky if he did. Looking at the man, he sighed. "Ok, I'll let you come with me, but you will need to be careful, things can get really risky and dangerous." Nobuyuki addressed the stranger of the dangerous journey ahead. "If you're still up for it, then I won't mind you tagging along.

  4. With all the commotions that's happening within the group, it created a perfect distraction for Nobuyuki and the girl to snuck pass everyone and quietly heading back to town. Nobuyuki held a gentle but firm grip on the little girl's and the whole way. He had established a good trust between the girl and himself, but not everything can be a hundred percent certainty. After the two had made a good distance from the group, and now in some place elsewhere in town, Nobuyuki let out a sigh of relief, letting go on the little girl's hand. "That was one heck of a pain to deal with." Nobuyuki mumbled under his breath, inaudiable to the little girl

    "Alright... I think we're safe from those guys now." Nobuyuki turned to the little girl. This is the second time he saw someone as young and innocent as her, with the first time being Comet. "Now that they're out of the picture, you might be confused about why am I doing this. Well, the truth is, I saw that you're a little annoyed by the first two, so I decided to went in and help, but I have no idea what I was doing at the time so I just fake being your brother." Nobuyuki explained his action. He was glad that the little girl saw that he was trying to help and went along, or else the whole ordeal would be much more complicated. 

  5. Nobuyuki narrowed his eyes, the group is getting bigger and bigger by the minutes, and that's not good to him. At this point, it's getting really crowded and very cramp for Nobuyuki to be able to withstand. He knelled down next to the little girl, and placed his hand over her shoulder. "I need you to trust me on this one." He whispered to her, as Nobuyuki took a gentle hold of her hand around the wrist and slowly lead her away from the mess. "What am I doing right now?" Nobuyuki asked himself, slowly trudging through behind the crowd of people with the little girl by his side.

  6. Nobuyuki was annoyed at the amount of people slowly adding up into this party. The place is slowly becoming a mess for him, especially when these guys look like teenagers trying to act cool and sociable. He didn't want to leave the little girl alone in this mess of a group. Slowly recognizing one by one from the group that cause one hell of a clutter in the tavern few days ago, now Nobuyuki even more unwillingly to let the little girl alone in this mess. "Er-hem. Antofer, was it? You planning on dragging a little seven years old girl into the wilderness? Do you know how reckless and irrational that is to make a decision like that?" Nobuyuki scowled at the boy wearing blue and brown hair, tried to focus on one person at a time. He was trying his best of putting up an act being a big protective brother, and by far, his act was convincing to say at least. 

  7. Another day in AinCrad. Waking up from his bed in the Inn room, Nobuyuki planned on deciding what to do for today. It has been busy for the last few couples of day, but with that, Nobuyuki was able to grind up some experience faster and more efficient. Order a plate of boar steak and sat down on an empty table in a restaurant nearby, Nobuyuki quickly decided on what to do for the day, eliminate the boar king, or get back up to the upper floor and do a quest, all the while enjoying his meal. After a while, he had came to the final decision. "Alright, today I'm taking down the Boar king." Nobuyuki said with determination, as he get out of his table in the restaurant and paid for the breakfast. After that, Nobuyuki started his quest for hunting down the boar king. With only one man fighting against something as big as that is going to be a hard battle, especially he had to take care of the King's guardian as well, but that wont stop him from accomplishing his first order. However, while rushing out onto the field, he wasn't notice someone coming from another street. Nobuyuki nearly ran over whoever he just ran into. Getting back up onto his feet, he turned around and look at the person, extended his hand offering some help. "Sorry about that. I was in a hurry so I didn't see you coming." He apologized the person, pulling them back up from the ground.

  8. "Ah, Finally returned to the upper floors. This is an interesting one... " Nobuyuki sighed, walking out of Amazon village. He held his weapon tight in his hand as Nobuyuki walked on the bridges suspending between trees. The place is very much interesting to the young warrior, including the river filled with deadly monsters down below. None the less, Nobuyuki headed down to the ground, and started his hunt for some monsters. Admiring the view of the forest of Giant trees, Nobuyuki almost forgot about the fact that he is fighting for his life in this game. Sometime, Sword Art online gave him a feeling of him truly at home. But still, to beat the 100 floor with the other guys and break free from this death game is still his goal ahead. Walking on the ground for a while, the young warrior suddenly hear rustling from behind the trees. Drew his sword and get into his fighting pose, Nobuyuki faced toward the sound, readied to attack whatever came out of the corner.


  9. "Hmm.... I think that the boar king is somewhere around here...." Nobuyuki mumbled, wandering around the grass plains of the first floor. Someone has ordered a special material dropped by a rare mob: the Boar King. Boar King was a mini field boss with a lot of health and damage that roam around in the forest  near from Horunka village, and it's usually accompanied by around four guardian boars. However, Nobuyuki has unknowingly made his way back to the Town of Beginning. "Damn... I backtracked. Better went back to Horunka." He cursed in his head, as the young warrior turned and head back to where he came. That is when he saw a little girl, around the age of Comet - the kid he encountered in the Town of Beginning - accompanied by two other boys. The little kid seemed like she was being bothered, and was a little annoyed. "Nobuyuki why do you do this to yourself!"  the young warrior cursed himself, as he quickly make his way to the little girl.

    "Hey!" He shouted out loud toward the direction of the three. "Phew.... I finally found you." Nobuyuki said as he kneel down next to the little girl. He continued. "I told you not to go too far from here. Make brother worried sick." Nobuyuki hoped that the little girl would understand that he's trying to help her getting out away from the guys. "So... who's these two, they aren't bothering you are they?" Nobuyuki asked, looking at the two boy sitting next to her. 

  10. "At least the breeze was nice." Nobuyuki sigh. His bad luck of gathering material is getting worse by the minute. Unable to find anything for quite a while, Nobuyuki decided to sat down and take a break before continued on doing anything else. He sat down under a tree after scouting out the perimeter. He rested his head against the tree trunk, and slowed his breathing. Like the book said, if he meditated and relax his body, he could relief some stress and frustration, therefore having a better time finding things

  11. Strolling under the leaves and the cool winds of the forest, Nobuyuki still was unable to find anything of use, but leaves and tree barks. Not losing hope on the journey just yet, Nobuyuki pressed onward. "I hope my luck will get better today." Nobuyuki told himself, taking a deep breath before walking onward. The day is still young, and it would be a shame if he wasted it all on roaming around and not finding anything of uses.


    ID: 47509

    LD: 6+1=7 

    Found: Nothing

  12. Seeing the enemies drawing near in the corner of his eyes, the young warrior activated his sword art as he ran back in. Nobuyuki thrust his sword forward, piercing through the hearts of the wolves. Jumped back, Nobuyuki watched as the wolves burst to million of pixels. Sheathed his sword back, he walked away, humming. Nobuyuki is getting bored of how easy the wolves died, but still, he didn't complain much. It's either this or he spend a gruesome amount of time battling a monster.


    ID: 47496

    BD: 6+2=8 {Hit!}

    MOB: All died before action.

    CaptainUndead: 64/64 HP | Energy: 4/16 | DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 9


    Dire Wolf: 0/38 HP | DMG: 25 | MIT: 10 ( - (((7+1) * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 10) = 38 HP)

    Dire Wolf: 0/38 HP | DMG: 25 | MIT: 10 ( - (((7+1) * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 10) = 38 HP)

    Dire Wolf: 0/38 HP | DMG: 25 | MIT: 10 ( - (((7+1) * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 10) = 38 HP)

    Dire Wolf: 0/38 HP | DMG: 25 | MIT: 10 ( - (((7+1) * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 10) = 38 HP)


    LD: 15+1=16

    Looted: 760 Col, 4 Mats

    Total Mat count: 8

  13. Nobuyuki traveled around the empty and quiet forest for a while. He had a feeling that something was lurking, and for the whole time, he had been on his guard, readied to fight with his sword in hand. But unluckily, he couldn't find anything of good uses. Disappointed, Nobuyuki pressed onward, trying to find something more of use, that is from behind the bushes, he saw four wolves, lurking. 


    ID: 47495

    LD: 7+3=10

    Found: nothing

  14. Walking around for a few more minute, Nobuyuki couldn't see anything useful. Usually, he would gathered anything that he could find, since he closed his shop and had opened a Material gathering on his own, but even for this vast forest, he could still unable to find anything to gather. Then, he heard something rustling behind a bush. Drew his blade, he took stance for anything that's readied to jumped out on him.


    ID: 47474

    LD: 2+3=5 

    Found: nothing

  15. "Alright.... that's easy enough." Nobuyuki smiled, sheathed his blade back to the sheath behind his back. Continued on searching for something useful, Nobuyuki stumbled upon some good wood material for carpenter works and probably some good black-smiting as well. However, that wasn't what Nobuyuki really needed for the time being. Leaving the place, Nobuyuki went and look for something that could be of use to him.


    ID: 47453

    LD: 12+1=13

    Found: nothing

  16. Walking around on the ground, Nobuyuki kept his eyes pealed. Just like on the third and sixth floor, danger can be lurking around any corner, and he had got to be careful. That is, until he hear a resonating growl. From afar, he saw a pack of four wolves, looking much bigger than the ones he saw on the previous floors. Withdrew his sword, Nobuyuki ran toward the four dire wolves head on. Dashed toward the wolves, he thrust his sword consecutively in a series of attack to the heart toward all the wolves. Before they could do anything, they all fell, as all of the wolves burst into million of pieces that slowly faded in the air. 


    ID: 47436

    BD: 7+2= 9 {Hit!}

    MOB: all died before action.

    CaptainUndead: 64/64 HP | Energy: 4/16 | DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 9


    Dire Wolf: 0/38 HP | DMG: 25 | MIT: 10 ( - (((7+1) * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 10) = 38 HP)

    Dire Wolf: 0/38 HP | DMG: 25 | MIT: 10 ( - (((7+1) * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 10) = 38 HP)

    Dire Wolf: 0/38 HP | DMG: 25 | MIT: 10 ( - (((7+1) * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 10) = 38 HP)

    Dire Wolf: 0/38 HP | DMG: 25 | MIT: 10 ( - (((7+1) * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 10) = 38 HP)


    LD: 11+1=12

    Looted: 760 Cols, 4 Mats

  17. "Ah... Finally I'm back up here." Nobuyuki let out a long sigh, stepping out of the teleporting gate of the floor. The place is peculiar odd, compare to the other places that he had been to. A village made of hanging bridges, and house carved into the trees, it's a subject that somewhat intrigue Nobuyuki. As he walked around the village, on the hanging bridges, the young warrior wa amazed by the scenery. Never have he seen something so impressed like this place. But still, his true intention here wasn't to sight seeing. Climbing down from Florenthia village, Nobuyuki began treading on the dirt trail of the forest, looking for opportunities to grind up some experience.

  18. The bar kept getting noisier and noisier as the commotion between the newbies in the tavern. With a long sigh, Nobuyuki stood up and paid for his meal, before renting a room for him in the tavern. Heading up to his room, Nobuyuki fell down onto the bed in his inn, and relaxed his body. "Alright, I suppose I can spend a few days here to get my fliers out on the service board, then I'll go back to the upper floors." Nobuyuki decided what to do for the next few days. 

  19. Nobuyuki was just finished posting his fliers up to the service board. Just when he was about to make his way up to a different floor, he looked back at the bulletin board only to find a man scraping off all the fliers and rearrange them one by one. Usually it wouldn't bother Nobuyuki much to see someone doing something odd, but this time, that guy placed his service flier up in a corner of the service board, obscured by other fliers. "Just my luck..." The young warrior let out a sigh, looking at the man now sitting at the fountain, seemingly distressed. "Tch... perfectionists." He said under his breath, making his way back to the service board and re-posting his flier.

  20. "Maybe today I should go and post this up on the service board. Then I can start on the second floor as well..." Nobuyuki rose from the bed of his room in the inn. The sun is already high up, and it would be a waste of sunlight if he keep staying in bed for too long. Leaving the inn after he had pay for the room, Nobuyuki made his way to the center of the first floor, where the service board is, along with the quest board. Posted up his material gathering service for cheap price, Nobuyuki noticed a very peculiar man sitting in the middle of the town, on the ledge of the fountain. There's an odd and uneasy feeling about this guy. Nobuyuki thought, as he slowly made his way to the other bill board.

  21. While sitting in his little booth alone, sipping away some non-alcohol beaverage. He thought of how would he spent the next day. He stil have some material gathering orders to complete. His Aegis of Protection needed to be modified, so that will cost some more materials, and he still needed to get some trinkets pick-up on the forth floor. Maybe tomorrow, he could head up to the forth floor to find the mats, or he could gather materials here than make a detour up to the forth floor for pick-up order and then headed straight up back to floor eight.

  22. The best way to do things is to do it in a group of 2 - 3 people in a Private Party. That way you wouldn't have to wait too long for the post rotation but still a relatively quick and easy session (depends on your partners activeness as well as the difficulty of the quests). What you can do is go solo. You don't have post rotation, get 100% rewards, and don't have to worry that you might written something that's contrast your partner's ideas. However the amount of works is doubled, and then it can be risky from times to times. You can just Roleplay passively for either the plot, or you just didn't want to fight, but then you gain nothing but Cols and SP. Finally, going all out may gives you a lot of rewards and benefits, it can be extremely dangerous and CAN lead you to your ultimate demise.

    Personally, I took the Solo wolf style for my first few threads, and it just too much work to handle. Your progress run much slower when you do solo, but the rewards might worth the risk. Group however allows you to speed leveling really fast, especially when you have someone to leash you through the quests. I'm sure that the community itself has tons of people willingly to do the quest for you *cough* *cough* Calrex *cough*. 

    Now that you have a brief analysis over all the paths, the choice is yours.

  23. Pondering on where to go, Nobuyuki decided to take a small break in the tavern back on the first floor. He usually went there when he had nothing much to do. Sitting in the corner and enjoy whatever foods and drinks they had to offer, Nobuyuki would observe the people on the streets, or in the tavern itself. It helps him think of his next plan of action, and where to go. However, on that day, the bar was very loud and disrupted with all the commotions that happened between a group of people that are supposingly new travelers. Chuckling in annoyance, Nobuyuki turned his head to the window, and began to think.

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