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Posts posted by CaptainUndead

  1. While walking around, Nobuyuki couldn't find anything useful to gather. The jungle is getting a little hotter than before, as small droplets of sweat rolled down from his face. Looking up, he wonder if it's going to get dark soon. Thinking about that, Nobuyuki had a feeling of being watched by someone. 


    ID: 46099

    LD: 12

    Found: nothing

  2. The tiger still chasing after Nobuyuki, didn't want to give up the prey. The young warrior quickly stopped mid trace, causing the tiger to overshot forward. With just enough energy, Nobuyuki activated the sword art and ran toward the tiger. He leaped into the air, and deliver a powerful downward strike onto his target. The attack was just enough to ended the monster. It burst to millions of tiny particle, as Nobuyuki sheathed his blade and continue on in the material hunting trip.


    ID: 46081

    MOB: 5+1-3=3 {Missed}

    BD: 5+1=6 {Hit!}

    CaptainUndead: 55/64 HP | Energy: 1/16 | 7 DMG | 3 EVA | 21 MIT | 


    Tiger: 0/36 HP | 30 DMG | 1 ACC | 10 MIT | ( -(( 7 * Sonic Leap: 1x3) - 10) = -11 HP)


    LD: 7 

    Looted: 1 Mat.

  3. As he turned and ran, the tiger chased after him. It pounced onto the warrior, but with quick reflex, Nobuyuki was able to tumbled aside and escaped. He continent running, waiting for his energy to get just enough before he could deliver the killing blow.


    ID: 46079

    MOB: 7+1-3=5 {Missed}

    CaptainUndead: 55/64 HP | Energy: 1/16 | 7 DMG | 3 EVA | 21 MIT | 


    Tiger: 11/36 HP | 30 DMG | 1 ACC | 10 MIT |

  4. Waiting for the tiger to attack, Nobuyuki stood and thought of a plan of action. He saw tiger tried to pounce forward and attack him. With quick movement, he quickly step back and swung his sword down. The tiger missed the attack, but his blade didn't. It slashed through the face of the tiger. It let out a loud roar, now locked onto Nobuyuki for a kill. The young warrior began to turn and ran, kiting the tiger around until he have enough energy to finish it off.


    ID: 46077

    MOB: 3+1=4 {Missed}

    BD: 5+1=6 {Hit!}

    CaptainUndead: 55/64 HP | Energy: 1/16 | 7 DMG | 3 EVA | 21 MIT | 


    Tiger: 11/36 HP | 30 DMG | 1 ACC | 10 MIT ( -(( 7+1) - 10) = -1 HP)

  5. Focusing on the tiger, Nobuyuki waited for its next move. He didn't have to wait long, as the tiger bounced onto the the warrior with its sharp fang and claws ready to dug into his flesh. Couldn't duck away in time, Nobuyuki suffered the attack, as it sharp fang dug deep into his arm. He shook the tiger off before giving it a big uppercut swing and quickly follow by a down swing connecting with the first created a V shape arc with his slashes. Pushing the tiger aside, Nobuyuki stood and waited. 


    ID: 45021

    MOB: 8-3+1=6 {Hit!}

    BD: 8 {Hit!}

    CaptainUndead: 55/64 HP | Energy: 1/16 | 7 DMG | 3 EVA | 21 MIT | ( -( 30 - 21) = -9 HP)


    Tiger: 12/36 HP | 30 DMG | 1 ACC | 10 MIT ( -(((7+1) * Vertical Arc: 2x2) -10) = -18 HP)

  6. Just as he was expecting, hiding from the bush, a large tiger pounced out in an attempted to attack Nobuyuki. The warrior simply leaned his body backward, causing the tiger to overshot and missed the attack. He drew his sword, aimed at the tiger and readied to retaliate. Stepping up, Nobuyuki raised his sword and slashed toward the tiger. The attack barely landed, and chipped just around the ankle of the Tiger's foot. Weaving the sword around, Nobuyuki strike the tiger again with a consecutive strike from his sword art.


    ID: 46015

    MOB: 1 {Critical Failure}

    BD: 5+1=6 {Hit!}

    CaptainUndead: 64/64 HP | Energy: 4/16 | 7 DMG | 3 EVA | 21 MIT | 


    Tiger: 30/36 HP | 30 DMG | 1 ACC | 10 MIT ( -(((7+1) * Snake Bite: 1x2) -10) = -6 HP

  7. When he just finished killed the four mantises and their pathetic attempt to ambush them, he felt another present lurking nearby. Keeping his guard high, Nobuyuki kept on moving. Walking for a while, Nobuyuki couldn't found anything useful for him. He shook his head and continued to move on. Through the whole way, he kept his guard high, waiting for anything to jumped out on him. 


    ID: 46012

    LD: 8 

    Found: nothing

  8. All four of the preying mantises pounced onto Nobuyuki, in which he simply tumbled aside, and duck under the attack. Got back onto his feet, Nobuyuki gripped tightly onto his blade, and ran toward the four monster. He leaped into the air, and with his sword glowing brightly azure blue, Nobuyuki delivered a series of thrusts to the hearts of the monsters. Landed down onto the ground, he turned around and watch as the mantises' health bar dropped to zero, and the four monster burst to millions of tiny particles. "That was fast." Nobuyuki told himself, sheathed the blade to behind his back and continued on walking.


    ID: 46003 - 46005

    MOB: 4 {Missed} ; 5 {Missed} ; 1 {Critical Failure}

    BD: 7+1=8 {Hit!}

    CaptainUndead: 64/64 HP | Energy: 4/16 | 7 DMG | 3 EVA | 21 MIT | 


    Preying Mantis 1: 0/32 HP | 20 DMG | 8 MIT | ( - (( 7 * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 8) = -34 HP

    Preying Mantis 2: 0/32 HP | 20 DMG | 8 MIT | ( - (( 7 * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 8) = -34 HP

    Preying Mantis 3: 0/32 HP | 20 DMG | 8 MIT | ( - (( 7 * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 8) = -34 HP

    Preying Mantis 4: 0/32 HP | 20 DMG | 8 MIT | ( - (( 7 * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 8) = -34 HP)


    LD: 15

    Looted: 640 Cols, 4 Mats

  9. The jungle was one of the most favorite place Nobuyuki had been to. Under the shades of the trees, he could enjoy the sunlight shone from above. The weather is nice as well, not too hot, nor was it too cold. What he enjoyed best is that the place is enriched with edible plants that he could gather for his shop. Since he had done paying up the debt he had for Zandra, now he could use this Mats to make his own product, and reopen the bakery again. "Let's hope I can find at least something decent to gather." He told himself, setting foot out of the village, and  head straight into Amazon Folly looking for some materials.

    Heading deep into the jungle, Nobuyuki have yet to encounter any monster. Just as he lowered his guard, he could hear rustle from behind a large bush. Outcome four monstrous preying mantis. Nobuyuki unsheathed his sword and readied for the battle. 

  10. With Calrex finishing off the boss, the hardest part of the quest is completed, and now, all they need is to return to the town and turned in the quest. "I expected the boss to put up more of a fight... but when asked the most high level player to help, what do I really expect." Nobuyuki let out a long sigh, sheathed his sword to behind his back and walked over to Calrex. Approached the Ultramarine from behind, Nobuyuki tapped on his shoulder and spoke "That's the hardest part dealt with. If you wish, you can go back to the upper floors now. I need some time for more grinding." With those words, Nobuyuki leave the room and head back to town to return the quest. Before he left, he told Calrex. "If I were to make my mistake... You will be the last person I see.... Please tell my friends about me when you get out?" With those words, he left the cave, and went back to town alone.


  11. As Calrex went forward and took the aggro of the three head, Nobuyuki found his window to attack. He stepped back a little to create some momentum. Running forward, he called out for Calrex. "Calrex, give me a boost!" Leaped on Calrex's shield and using it as his momentum, Nobuyuki shot himself upward toward the Cerberus. Once reached the elevation of the Cerberus's head, Nobuyuki activated his sword art. The little time he had suspending in the air, Nobuyuki gave six swift thrust to the Cerberus's heads, each received two in the face. "NOW! Finish it!" Nobuyuki shouted out on his way down to the ground, giving his partner the signal to end the boss. 


    ID: 45915

    BD: 6 {Hit!}

    Calrex: 262/263 HP | Energy: 55/57 | DMG: 13 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 30 | Hate: 1 | [Burn]

    CaptainUndead: 56/56 HP | Energy: 2/14 | DMG: 6 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 21 | Hate: 1 |


    Cerberus's Head 1: 27/75 | DMG: 24 | ( - (6 * Sharp Nail: 3x2) = -36 HP)

    Cerberus's Head 2: 39/75 | DMG: 24 | ( - (6 * Sharp Nail: 3x2) = -36 HP)

    Cerberus's Head 3: 39/75 | DMG: 24 | ( - (6 * Sharp Nail: 3x2) = -36 HP)

  12. After the quick snack, Nobuyuki brushed off any crumbs that's on his body. Taking a deep breath, Nobbuyuki was readied to continue on and finish the boss. "Alright. I'm ready. Let's get this thing over with." He told his partner, as the two entered the boss room. Nobuyuki unsheathed his sword from his back, and stood still by side with Calrex, as he eye the three head of the Cerberus. The three head of the dog seemed like it moved individually. "So... I suppose you will do the tanking, or you can just finish it quickly and get out."  Nobuyuki spoke, didn't took his eyes off the giant three headed dog. Holding his sword in hand, he waited for Calrex to make his move, before following in after

  13. Nobuyuki was blasted off balance by the attack. The blade of his sword snapped in two, and slowly disintegrated from his hand. Trembling on both his hands and leg, Nobuyuki still managed to get back up onto his feet. With his weapon now gone, he couldn't use his sword art anymore. But the stubborn fool would not give up, even if he was obviously defeated. His whole body soaring, and his vision started to spun wildly. Unaware that the fight has ended, he sluggishly trudged toward Zelrius and swung his empty hand for a punch. The attack wasn't even close to hitting. Nobuyuki lost his balance and fell onto the ground, completely drained of his energy and fighting willpower. Shakingly, he tried to get back up, but failed, once again fell onto the ground.

  14. With both of Zelrius's swords on the offense, it leave him completely open for an attack. Nobuyuki wait no time to took that opportunity to retaliate with what he got. He swung his sword up for one attack, then drive it down for another, creating a V shape pattern with the two strikes. With that, Nobuyuki pushed Zel away, before the attacks Zelrius dealt start taking affect. A stinging pain struck him throughout his limbs. Crouched down onto the ground, Nobuyuki tried his best to raised his sword and struck a defence pose.


    ID: 45829

    BD: 9 {Critical Hit!}

    CaptainUndead: 92/256 HP | Energy: 13/14 | 6 DMG | 3 EVA | 21 MIT | 


    Zelrius: 334/392 HP | Energy: 45/48 | 6 DMG | 4 ACC | 3 EVA | ( - (7 * Vertical Arc: 2x2) = -28 HP)

  15. Not seeing Zelrius attacking, Nobuyuki waited for a while for Zel to act, still nothing. Nobuyuki decided to make his move. Running forward, Nobuyuki readied his sword art. But midway, he stopped on his track and thrust his sword forward. THe length of the glowing aura of his sword extended and chipped just a small part of the blond haired warrior's shoulder. With a quick jump he fall back, created distance between the two. "Then just get it over with."


    ID: 45826

    BD: 8-3+Savvy: 1=6 {Hit!}

    CaptainUndead: 176/256 HP | Energy: 8/14 | 6 DMG | 3 EVA | 21 MIT | [Savvy]


    Zelrius: 362/392 HP | Energy: 45/48 | 6 DMG | 4 ACC | 3 EVA | ( - (6 * Vorpal Strike: 1x5) = 30 Damage)

  16. Laying on the ground, Nobuyuki couldn't move his body due to the stun effect. However, he could still speak during the stun. "I'm not.... a quitter." Nobuyuki manage to whimpered. At the moment the stun wears off, the warrior was able to sat back up from the ground. By the time he was able to fully stood back up onto his feet, Zelrius was far away, standing ready with his sword art charged. Nobuyuki raised his sword and stand ready, facing the man with the tile as the Hero of AinCrad. "Just keep calm, and..." He told himself, but not even able to finish the sentence, Zel as already make his move.


    ID: 45822

    BD: Stunned

    CaptainUndead: 176/256 HP | Energy: 13/14 | 6 DMG | 3 EVA | 21 MIT | STUNNED


    Zelrius: 392/392 HP | Energy: 45/48 | 6 DMG | 4 ACC | 3 EVA | 

  17. Unsheathed his sword, Nobuyuki took his stance. Readied for the countdown to end, his mind emptied, nothing but focusing on Zelrius. Taking a deep breath, Nobuyuki lunged forward as soon as the countdown reached zero. His blade glew the limelight color, as it glide in the air, and struck down onto the blond haired warrior. Zelrius simply stepped aside, as the blade missed it target completely. "S#@$" Nobuyuki cursed in his thoughts, for he know he's going to pay an expensive price for missing the first attack.


    ID: 45820

    BD: 6-3=3 {Missed}

    CaptainUndead: 256/256 HP | Energy: 12/14 | 6 DMG | 3 EVA | 21 MIT |


    Zelrius: 392 HP | Energy: 48/48 | 6 DMG | 4 ACC | 3 EVA | 

  18. "Thanks. Much appreciate for the tips. Sometime, the system makes you think that you're in full control. I'm not sure if that's because we have grown accustomed to how the system works, or some other reason." Nobuyuki sighed, as he followed Calrex suggestion, and sat down. Even though he wanted to run into the boss room, and just get rid of the boss for good, he was in no condition to do so. He need to sat down and recover his energy first. "Good idea." He replied, opened his menu and  took out two muffin. Offering Calrex one, he munched on the other. "You want a muffin? I made it myself." He said with a mouthful. Nobuyuki finished off his portion of food swiftly. He sat still, and waited until his energy bar reached back to full.


  19. Everything surrounded Nobuyuki ceased to exist, all but his target ahead. His blade started to glowing the limelight color, as Nobuyuki stepped up. As the Hell Hound running at full speed toward Him, Nobuyuki took stance and ready, his sword art fully charged. The feral dog leaped into the air, aiming for the young warrior's neck. He swiftly crouched down, before delivering two accurate slashes toward the the hound, aiming for it's head and body. The first strike went straight through the hound's head, as the second strike consecutively followed, connected a V shape as it went through the hounds again. Two well placed strike ended the Hound's life, as it followed the same fate of its friend, glowing brightly before bursting to tiny particles. Sheathed his sword to behind his back, Nobuyuki turned his head and look over to Calrex. Surely it wasn't anything special, compares to the things that the others might have done before. "How was it?" Nobuyuki asked anyway. He just wanted a comment on how to improve his footwork, or his tactic.


    ID: 45750

    MOB: 6-3=3 {Missed}

    BD: 10 {Total Critical Hit!}

    Calrex: 263/263 HP | Energy: 53/57 | DMG: 13 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 30 | Hate: reset |

    CaptainUndead: 56/56 HP | Energy: 5/14 | DMG: 6 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 21 | Hate: reset |


    Hell Hound 2: 0/30 HP | DMG: 27 | ( - (8 * Vertical Arc: 2x2) = -32 HP )

  20. Standing in the middle of the the Arena, Nobuyuki stood. His heart racing, and his hand trembling a little. His eyes closed, as he thought about his action. What were he thinking, challenging a man with the capability of solo a floor boss. However, there's nothing he could do now. He's on his own now, and his life might ended right here, and now, the moment Zelrius step over that gate. Still, his body wouldn't move. His mind was telling him to run, but at the same time, it told him to stay and fight, so at least if he died, it wasn't from running away from a challenge. Stood still and tall in the middle of the Arena, he waited.



    -Stinger [+2 DMG]

    -Brown Coat of Evading: [+2 EVA] [+9 MIT]
    -Chainmail of Protection: [+9 MIT]
    -Leather Shoulder Pads: [+1 Savvy] [+1 EVA]


    | 256 HP | 14 Energy | 6 DMG | 3 EVA | 21 MIT | 1 Savvy |


    ID: 45745

    LD: 15

  21. Looking at Shizuka as she walk away, Nobuyuki had an angry look in his eyes, all most pissed off. Not only does she didn't see her mistakes, she down right insulted him. Through out his days in Sword Art Online, he and Shizuka are two completely different person, both methods of fighting, and how they act. She has always been careless, manipulative, and always had everything given to her. Nobuyuki on the other hand has to work for everything. He never asked for any help, always managed to get the work done by himself, and work his hair out to get him where he was now. How dare her judging him and calling him a weakling. Nobuyuki stormed out with furious anger. "I will show you. Just you wait. I can be strong." 


    ID: 45742

    LD: 5

    Received: 125 Cols

  22. "Hello. I've come back for the order you've completed." Nobuyuki said, as he walked into the shop with a pouch of money with him. He placed the pouch onto the counter, and before he took the sword, he told her. "Well, the thing is, that I'm a little short on money currently. If you give me some time, I can go and gather up some material to pay up for the amount of money I owe. Does that sound good?" Nobuyuki asked. He placed the money pouch onto the counter, and received the sword. With that, he quickly left the place, and immediately on his way to farm up some material.


    [-1300 Cols]

    [+1 Baransu]

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