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Posts posted by CaptainUndead

  1. "This should be the place." Nobuyuki nodded, looking at the giant mansion. The two phoenix seal as well as the sign: "Azure Phoenix Grill", this is what was shown on the address page he was sent. Nobuyuki stepped into the grand place. Walking to the counter of the place. He placed the pouch of material that the shop owner has ordered. However, once the shop owner came out from the back, Nobuyuki's eyes open wide, and his face turned pale. The shop owner was an orange player, a Player Killer. "Um... Uh... Here.... here's the order you have made..... fifteen materials... That'd be 4500 Col." Nobuyuki muttered, slowly backing away from the trading menu. The moment that he got the money paid, Nobuyuki waited no time to get out as fast as he could.


    [-15 Materials]
    [+4500 Cols]

  2. Sat up on the ground with his sword in hand, Nobuyuki glance over at the boar, getting ready to charged at them for another attack. "Don't worry about it. Just lay low and keep an eye out for any other monsters coming." Nobuyuki lightly tap onto the girl's shoulder to calm her down. With his weapon in hand, Nobuyuki readied his battling pose and waited for the boar to come at him. His sword blade glowed dark blue, as he thrust his sword forward. The boar took the hit head on, as it fell a side and burst to million of pixels


    ID: 46586

    BD: 6

    MOB: died before action

    Tonan: 1/4 HP | Energy: 1/1 | 2 DMG |

    CaptainUndead: 63/64 HP | Energy: 15/16 | 7 DMG | 3 EVA | 11 EVA |


    Boar: 0/4 HP | 3 DMG | ( -7 HP)

  3. Walking back to floor one for a few order he needed to pick up, Nobuyuki decided to take off early so he could use the rest of the day on more grinding. However while on his way to the Town of Beginning, Nobuyuki saw a girl. She seemed like she's trembling before her feet standing in front of a boar. Vision of the first time he saw something similar happened, and the guy in that situation died. He would be damned if he let the same thing happened, not under his watch. Speed toward the boar and the girl as fast as he could, Nobuyuki had his sword drawn readied. He jumped in between and took the hit, blocking the attack for the little girl. "You ok?" Nobuyuki asked, forgot that the boar is still alive. He's more concern of the girl and her blinking red health bar.


    ID: 46540

    BD: 1 {Critical Failure}

    Tonan: 1/4 HP | Energy: 0/1 | 2 DMG |

    CaptainUndead: 63/64 HP | Energy: 14/16 | 7 DMG | 3 EVA | 11 EVA |


    Boar: 2/4 HP | 3 DMG |

  4. "Hello. You must be Dameon? I was introduce to your shop, and people say you make good clothing for cheap price. If you don't mind, I would like to ask if you could make me something. I was thinking of a new set of black leather shoulder pads and arms protection." Nobuyuki entered the shop, looking at the show owner with a note on his hand. One of his friend has introduced him here, so the place must be good. Either way, he could use of some new equipments, and this seemed like the right place to come.


    Name: Aegis of Protection

    Recipient: CaptainUndead

    Item Type: Light Armor
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: [+2 Thorns] [+1 EVA]

    Description: A pair of dark blue arms and shoulder protection, providing max comfort when use, easy to maneuver and allowed User to return some damage due to the durability of the fine leather.

  5. Nobuyuki took a step back, raised both his hand and struck forward, both hands struck onto the hard surface of the stone. It took another reasonable amount of damage. The young warrior stepped back a few step, before he charged in for another attack. He wondered with this pace, how long is it going to take for him to actually break this rock.


    ID: 46486

    BD: 10 {Total Critical Hit!}

    CaptainUndead: 64/64 HP | Energy: 15/16 | Damage: 4 | 


    A Rock: 35/50 HP ( -6 HP )

  6. Stepped a few step back gaining momentum, Nobuyuki ran forward for another attack. He was able to apply more force into the punch thanks to the momentum he gain. However, Nobuyuki was surprise that his hand wasn't hurt by the impact of the punch. Nobuyuki retracted his hand, winding up for the third strike.


    ID: 46422

    BD: 9

    CaptainUndead: 64/64 HP | Energy: 15/16 | Damage: 4 | 


    A Rock: 41/50 HP ( -5 HP )

  7. With Manta's fighting gloves equipped, Nobuyuki make the first punch. "Let's just get this over with." Nobuyuki said to himself, wound up his first punch. The punch landed square in the middle of the rock. He could see that the punch didn't do much to the rock at all, but the quest said that it could be destroyed, also there are no indication that it's an immortal object.


    ID: 46394

    BD: 7

    CaptainUndead: 64/64 HP | Energy: 15/16 | Damage: 4 | 


    A Rock: 46/50 HP ( -4 HP )

  8. *Dungeon search attempt*

    No matter how fast he walk, Nobuyuki just couldn't caught up with the spark of light. It kt getting dimmer and dimmer, then vanished completely. Scratching his head in confusion, Nobuyuki turned and went back to town.

    "Ah... Finally back to town!" Nobuyuki let out a long yawn, stretching his body as he let himself fell down onto the comfortable bed inside a small inn. With the day finally coming to and end, his eyes slowly drifted shut, and Nobuyuki fell fast asleep.


    ID: 47379

    LD: 10 

    Dungeon search attempt: failed.

  9. Just around near the outskirts of town, Nobuyuki saw something glimpsing in the dark. Following his curiosity, he went to investigate. On his way there, Nobuyuki encounter attach of mushroom on the way. "There's always time for mushrooms." He told himself, sat down and harvested the mushrooms, then resume to investigate the strange light.


    ID: 46377

    LD: 15

    Found: 1 Mat.

  10. On his way back to town, Nobuyuki found a strange looking plant. It didn't look like anything he had seen before. Either way, he could see that it's a rare material, so he plucked the plant and put it in his inventory anyway. Maybe it could come in handy later on.


    ID: 46370 

    LD: 20

    Found: 1 Mat

  11. Walking around on floor 1, Nobuyuki was browsing through the shops and their merchandises available. That is when he came by Heaven's Garden. "This is Helios shop... I wonder how's the business?" Nobuyuki asked himself, stepping into the shop. "Hey there, Helios." The young warrior greeted the owner of the shop, before walking to the counter and took an order sheet, filling in the information.

    Name: Vitamin Gummy bears.
    Item Type: Snack
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: [2 Vitamin]
    Description: Delicious rainbow colored gummy bears that filled with nutritious vitamins.

  12. No one ever said to Nobuyuki that the way back home is any easier. From the bush lurking around four Preying Mantises. All of them jumped out at once. Although Nobuyuki was able to duck away from the first two attack, the other two landed. It leave him a few pixelated wounds on his body. Nobuyuki stood up from the ground, sword drawn ready. He will make them pay for what they did. Charging toward all four of them, Nobuyuki activated his sword art and leaped into the air. Thrusting severely critical hits toward the mantises. They never stood a chance. Sheathed his sword back to his back, Nobuyuki sighed, continued on home.


    ID: 46360 - 46364

    MOB: 1 {Critical Failure} ; 8-3=5 {Missed} ; 9 {Critical Hit!} ; 10 {Total Critical Hit}

    BD: 7+1=8 {Hit}

    CaptainUndead: 53/64 HP | Energy: 4/16 | 7 DMG | 3 EVA | 21 MIT | ( - (( 26 - 21) + ( 27 - 21) = -11 HP)


    Preying Mantis 1: 0/32 HP | 25 DMG | 8 MIT ( - (( 7 * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 8) = -36 HP)

    Preying Mantis 2: 0/32 HP | 25 DMG | 8 MIT ( - (( 7 * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 8) = -36 HP)

    Preying Mantis 3: 0/32 HP | 25 DMG | 8 MIT ( - (( 7 * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 8) = -36 HP)

    Preying Mantis 4: 0/32 HP | 25 DMG | 8 MIT ( - (( 7 * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 8) = -36 HP)


    LD: 19

    Looted: 640 Cols, 8 Mats

  13. Walking around for a few more minutes, Nobuyuki started to think about the circumstances he's currently in. With what he had right now at the moment, it's not going to be enough for him to join the front line and get to the floors above. If so, he just have to try harder to achieve that objective. For the time being however, he will just have to get back to town. Night hunting is already as dangerous as it is, and inside jungle terrain, the chance you would get jumped on are just that much higher. He wouldn't take that much of a risk.

  14. "So... This is the place." Nobuyuki let out a sigh, climbed the last step onto the peak of the highest mountain on the Seond floor. Resides on this mountain peak was a small wooden hut with an old martial art expert. Nobuyuki didn't bring his weapon with him this time around, since there are rumors around town that the quest didn't allow you to use any weapon. At first, Nobuyuki thought about how hard the quest would be. Will he have to fight a monster bare handed, or will he perhaps need to fight the old man himself. But alas, Nobuyuki was disappointed to learn that in order to acquire the Martial Art skill, he need to fight a rock. An inanimate object with no way to defend itself. Letting out a sigh of disappointment, Nobuyuki opened his inventory and equipped Manta's fighting gloves that she lend him just before the trip up to this mountain.


    Nobuyuki was sitting in town, waiting for Manta to arrive. He have asked her personally about this quest, and she did tell him that gloves or gauntlet are an exception. Asked her if she have anything similar, and if he could borrow it for a while. He was surprised that she said yes. Sitting on a bench, he waited for her to come.

  15. Strolling around, Nobuyuki found yet another patch of herbal plants readied to be harvest. "Must be my lucky day." he spoke, before sat down and collect the herbs. With the herbs harvested, Nobuyuki continued on. The sun is slowly setting. Maybe it's best to return to town now and be done with the day.


    ID: 46261

    LD: 18

    Found: 1 Mat

  16. Strolling around in the jungle, Nobuyuki scanned around the trees for something to harvest. The place is enriched with editable plants and wild animal. It's a perfect place for finding materials. Looking around, he found a patch of herbal plants that can cause paralysis to whom consume it. Wasting no time, Nobuyuki climbed up to the tree and grab the herb, planning on using it for future purposes.


    ID: 46258

    LD: 20

    Found: 1 Mat

  17. Nobuyuki walked around, wondering when it would began to get dark soon. The trip today has been very eventful, and successful. Not half a day in and already he got a good amount of loot. Looking out far ahead, Nobuyuki was jumped by yet another preying mantis. The sharp claws of the thing went through his face, left behind a large pixelated wound. The wound stretch between his eyes, through his face. He looked at the mantis with his blazing eyes, withdrew his sword from his sheath and held tightly in hand. Using the same sword art that killed the python previously, Nobuyuki ened the mantis swiftly, before sheathed the sword back behind his back, and continued on walking.


    ID: 46188

    MOB: 10 {Total Critical Hit!}

    BD: 8 {Hit!}

     CaptainUndead: 63/64 HP | Energy: 0/16 | 7 DMG | 3 EVA | 21 MIT |  ( -( 22 - 21) = -1 HP)


    Preying Mantis 1: 0/32 HP | 20 DMG | 8 MIT | ( - (( 7 * Star Quint Prominince: 3x2) - 8) = -34 HP)


    LD: 18

    Loot: 160 Cols, 2 Mats

  18. Back to searching for some more material, Nobuyuki smiled at his luck when just above the tree, a patch of mushrooms grew on the branches. Using the tree trunk as his leverage, Nobuyuki shot himself onto the branch and grab the patch of mushrooms before leaped down onto the ground. "Gotcha!" He told himself, putting the shrooms into his inventory for later usages.


    ID: 46187

    LD: 17

    Found: 1 Mat

  19. Nobuyuki continued on, with Erin walking behind him. "Well, the materials you gathers are pretty useful if you ever own a shop. They allowed you to create things in your shop that could be useful to you depends on your profession." Nobuyuki explained how the material works to Erin. He chuckled lighting inside when he heard that she was too lived a relatively isolated life like him. "Well, I suppose most gamers do live kinda isolated." He thought as the two trod on. This time around, he wasn't as lucky as the last time. There weren't anything that Nobuyuki could use for the moment. . Letting out a sigh, he continued on with his new found companion by his side.


    ID: 46186

    LD: 13

    Found: Nothing

  20. Even while sleeping, Nobuyuki still have his guard up high. The rustling of the leaves on the branch that the python suspending above alone was enough to alert him. As quick as he could Nobuyuki unsheathed his sword and sprang up from his seat. With the sword art charged, Nobuyuki ducked under the attack of the monster, and slashed his sword against his enemy. The sword glided in a vague star shape, dealing tons of damage to the snake. The damage was enough to killed the python. Sheathing his sword back to his sheath, Nobuyuki let out a sigh, unsheathed his sword and continued on.  


    ID: 46139

    MOB: 5 {Missed}

    BD: 7+1= 8 {Hit!}

    CaptainUndead: 64/64 HP | Energy: 7/16 | 7 DMG | 3 EVA | 21 MIT | 


    Python: 0/32 HP | 25 DMG | 10 MIT | ( -(( 7 * Star Quint Prominence: 3x2) - 10) = -32 HP)


    LD: 11

    Looted: 160 Cols, 1 Mat

  21. While resting under the tree, Nobuyuki took a quick nap. The ground surround him look clear enough for a rest. Nobuyuki relaxed his body, eased his mind as his eyes started drifting shut. What he didn't know was there is an unexpected companion that was hungry for a dinner. From above the tree, a large python slithered down. It spotted Nobuyuyki, and was ready for a meal. Suspending from a tree branch above, it coiled itself, ready to strike onto the young warrior.


  22. Still having no luck in finding Mat, nobuyukimdecided to take a small break under a large tree. He was hoping that the shade from the tree could provide some cover from the sun. The place was hot, but nowhere as hot as the dessert back on the fifth floor. 


    ID: 46126

    LD: 11

    Found: nothing.

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