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Posts posted by Vayrin

  1. After listening to Zelrius's speech, Vayrin had a little more understanding of his view. He was not wrong to feel like he did, well Vayrin couldn't hope to know anyways. She was not a high level yet, but she still felt like she understood his feelings. As they got back to Snowfrost, Vayrin took little notice to its splendor. She said nothing after Zelrius spoke, only thinking. She looked up when he had begun walking towards the platform. She only nodded at him as he teleported off. After he disappeared into a blue flash, Vayrin turned her attention over to Shizuka.  "I promise he'll see me on the front lines. I'll be damned if I'm not before this game is over." Vayrin said, a slight anger in her tone as she gazed at the ground, her hand clenching into a fist. Vayrin then looked up at the red haired girl, expecting a similar response. Vayrin then gave a small sigh. "I'll be heading over to the inn."  She said as she walked off, giving a small hand gesture waving at Shizuka.  "Accompany me if you want. I don't mind." She stated, her eyes hazily looking at the snow-covered street in front of them.

  2. Well, it was what she expected. All people needed some quiet time to think for a while, especially in SAO. She had heard of many people in SAO who had gone crazy because they couldn't accept the reality they were now living in. Some even saw it was pointless to try and clear the game. Some became PKers... Vayrin quickly shook her thought though when the blonde haired boy spoke up again. Her eyes widened a bit. She had been surprised by his last comment. Not often did anyone care to accompany her, seeing as she had been a Solo player. She thought for a moment though, and came up with a response. 

    "You want to come with me?" She said rather confused as to why the higher level wanted to tag along. "I don't really have anything planned."  She said again, opening her menu and reviewing her quest log "I mean, I have a few quests, but I can't do them yet."

  3. Vayrin quickly caught the potion with one hand. She looked at it for a moment and then tossed it to Shizuka.  "You can have it if you want."  She said quickly, then she sped walk to catch up with Zelrius.

    Vayrin's tone got more serious after his last comment. "You sound like that's a bad thing." She said, her eyes facing him as they continued to walk. She honestly didn't understand why some high leveled players thought that doing quests for lower leveled players was annoying. "Do you even realize how much this helps us? What you did just helped me level up some more." She said again, her voice had become quieter now. "I know you're not in it for yourself, seeing as your in a guild and all."  Vayrin said as she shot a quick look to the Azure Brigade logo on his jacket. "So why do you view helping others as a bad thing?" She said again. "We all want out of this game. And I think it would be easier to break out with more skilled people fighting. Don't you?" She said again, looking forward.  "The faster we level up, the more of a chance we have of surviving this. That's why I wanted to accompany you two on this quest. I'm not in it for myself, I'm in it so I can become powerful faster, so I can help others...The same way you helped us." She stayed quiet for a moment to let that sink in. She was not using Zelrius for her own uses. She was using him to help her do the same for others when the need arises.

  4. "No reason in particular." Vayrin responded to the boy's question. She looked out at the large expansive mountain range. "I just came here to think. I like the view." She said as she turned back towards the boy. "May ask you the same thing. You seem to look like a high leveled player, so why come all the way down here?" Vayrin asked curiously. He indeed look like a high leveled player. His rare pair of swords showed her he had the unique skill of duel wielding. Something no low level would be able to obtain. "Forgive me if I sound nosey, just curious." She said again. Perhaps he had the same intention she did. Just to think. the view up here was quite nice as well so she would not be too surprised if that was the case.

  5. Whoops Vayrin could tell by the expression on the boy's face that she had sounded a bit rude. Not what she was intending. So she instead decided to fix it. "Sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude. That's just my regular tone." Vayrin said with a small smile, hoping that would lift the spirits she seemingly lowered on the boy. To break the silence that would follow, Vayrin gazed up at the sky and looked at the clouds. "The day is nice I guess, just boring." Who'd figure being stuck inside another world with a sword on your back would become boring at some point? She looked back at the boy who had been in his position. She was curious so she couldn't help but ask. "Whats that pose for? Thinking about something deeply I assume?" Vayrin said smiling.

  6. As she predicted, her blade would not need to be used after all. As Vayrin watched Zelrius completely destroy the boss, she said nothing. Staring at the scene with her normal serious expression. Only a few moments later the boss popped from existence, and the quest had been completed. His duel wielding skill sure seemed to be helpful. As Zelrius turned around and began walking towards the two, Vayrin slowly sheathed her blade. Feeling a little embarrassed that she pulled it out in the first place.

    At Zelrius's next comment, Vayrin shot a look over to Shizuka. Then she looked back over to the boy who had already begun walking off. May as well. To town at least  Vayrin thought to herself. At that moment, she simply nodded at Shizuka and began to follow Zelrius. To break the silence, Vayrin decided the only polite thing to do was to thank the boy for completing the quest. "Thanks for that."  She said simply, still staring in front as she walked beside him. "It's my goal to become a high level, so this really helps me out."  She said again, giving off a slight smile. 

  7. Vayrin looked over at Shizuka's comment about the party invite. She looked down and noticed it for the first time.  "Oh, sorry. I had thought you only sent me a friend request, didn't notice the party invite..." Vayrin said again, as she tapped the accept button. Feeling like an idiot.

    "Me?" Vayrin was surprised by the Zelrius's question. What type of build did she want? She hadn't really thought about it, seeing as she was not 100% sure on what builds there were. "I guess I never really thought about it before. I'm not entirely sure what different builds there are. All I know is that I am aiming to be fast and nimble, but still able to do decent hits on my enemies." She thought about it for another moment. That is what she wanted to be. A super fast player who didn't need to rely on heavy armor to protect her. She didn't know if there was a build for that, but that was the best explanation she could give.

    As the three reached the place where the supposed beast spawned, Vayrin continued to slowly drag out her weapon from its sheath on her back. Not thinking it would really help, but just in case. Her hand had actually been ready to pull it out the entire time. Even though she highly doubted these two would try and harm her, they were still outside of a safe zone. PKers or hostile mobs could attack anytime. Vayrin stared at the cavern entrance, the air from her mouth could be seen blowing out. "Let's do it."

  8. Vayrin continued to walk down the slope of the large mountain, seemingly unconcerned about anything else at the moment. The rocks clipped beneath her boots, some of them falling off the cliff that lay beside her. She turned around the slope corner and noticed a rather large rock. She didn't take too much time observing it however. It had been the same as it was before when she came up the trail. Or was it? She quickly noticed another player sitting on top of it, in a rather peculiar pose. He seemed to have blonde hair and an overall Black and Gold look to him. Strange to see someone like him all the way up here, seeing as the rest of the trail had seemed devoid of any life. She began to walk past him, ignoring the strange presence he gave off. That's when he spoke.

    Vayrin turned about halfway facing the boy on his perch. He had done the classic conversation starter, so she figured it was rude to simply ignore him. "Yeah, I guess so. Depending on what a 'nice' day is to you." Vayrin said again in her serious tone, unintentionally sounding a little rude.


  9. Vayrin quickly shot the red head a glance after the Blond haired boy walked off. Her attention was then fixed on a notification in front of her. A friend request from the girl. Her name was apparently Shizuka. Vayrin looked up at Shizuka with a slightly worried look over her face. She rarely got these. Over the entire course of the time, she spent in SAO, she only had one person on her friends list. It would be okay to become temporary friends for this quest Vayrin thought. She had only just met the girl, so she was not counting on any long term friendships at this moment. Vayrin lifted her hand, and hesitated for a moment before pressing the circle icon, accepting the request. After that, Vayrin gave a quick sigh, indicating that action had been difficult. She then looked back up at Shizuka. "Well, let's get going."  She said, her regular serious look masking her face.

    During the time they spent walking, Vayrin could not help but feel like this boy was familiar. Something about him made him stand out to her. It was probably nothing, Vayrin thought. Maybe the blonde hair. She had seen many people with blonde hair. After she quickly shook the thought as the three walked along the frozen landscape. As they trudged along, Vayrin thought she'd better break the silence. If they were going to fight together, then she may as well get to know these people better. She looked up at Shizuka about to say something when the blonde boy beat her to it. He introduced himself. He had a rather long title, and her earlier assumption about him being a high leveled player seemed to be correct based off of his title. Vayrin's eyes widened a bit when she realized he was talking to her.  "Oh, I'm uhh." She hesitated, trying to come up with her own title but then soon remembered she had none. "Vayrin."  She said quietly. 

  10. Another day of quest assessing. Vayrin sighed as she lied against a rock on one of the mountains. She had been swishing through her menu, looking through her quest log. She tapped through it, seemingly uninterested in whatever she was searching for. One hand lied on the ground while the other merely donated a finger to her cause. The afternoon sun blazed down on her as she continued to gaze into her menu. This had pretty much been her day. After slaying some mobs on the 1st floor, Vayrin had come to the 2nd to review her quest log and judge which one's seemed to be doable. The reason why she came all the way up to the mountain to do that was simply because she enjoyed the view.

    With a sigh, Vayrin closed her menu and slowly stood up, making her way down the mountain path. The Quests on this floor still seemed to be too dangerous for her. Another day of grinding on the first would help that not be a reality for much longer. That's what she thought at least, as her hazy eyes guided her down the slopes.

  11. The night time snowflakes drifted past her as she sped walked through Snowfrost. Her breath appearing in front of her mouth in the chill air. Vayrin actually had an ulterior motive for coming to Snowfrost today. She had been accepting various quests on all the floors. Even though she was not strong enough to do most of them, she still put them in her quest log to save time when the chance arose. And for that reason she had been on the 4th Floor. 

    Still shaking from the cold, Vayrin managed to walk to the edge of town without realizing it. She lifted her head, revealing her face underneath her hood and took a look around. Part of her hair hung outside it as she peered at the frozen landscape. Not far off from her, she saw two other players doing the same. Just standing there talking. Not thinking much of it Vayrin opened her menu to review her map. Her hand stopped when she heard one of the players say "Avalanche". That was a quest on this floor that she had just recently accepted. If they were planning on going for it, she seemed slightly intrigued in tagging along. Only if they let her of course. From the look of it, there was a blonde boy, and a red-haired girl. Judging by their equipment, Vayrin quickly assessed the boy seemed to be a higher level, due to the amount items he had. The girl looked to be a low level like Vayrin, so if they were planning to go on the Avalanche quest, they probably had a good plan for taking the beast down. Without thinking much of it, Vayrin strode towards the two.

    "You guys planning on taking down Avalanche?" Vayrin said suddenly from behind the two.

  12. "Still really cold..."

    Once again Vayrin found herself on the 4th floor. She was one of the many players who actually enjoyed it, despite its cold temperature. Although the last time she was here was not as nice as it usually is. Once again she had been walking through the snowy streets of Snowfrost. Ignoring everyone around her as she had her hood up, trying desperately to cover her face from the unforgiving wind. The reason why she was on this floor today though, was because she had decided the Inns in Snowfrost were the coziest. She never really liked the ones in ToB since they were always jammed up with NPC's and civilian players Think that's what they call them. Vayrin thought to herself.  Shivering from the wind, Vayrin opened her map to find her destination. Shaking her hand, she closed the menu and continued to walk down the snow covered streets. Hoping something exciting would happen at least. It was still kinda early in the evening. she didn't really want to spend the rest of it in her room.

  13. Vayrin huffed as she had her blade out. She closed her eyes for a second to try and catch her breath. Her attempt was interrupted though with the sound of a notification. She opened her burning violet eyes to see the alert her menu had given her. It read "Item Obtained: Little Nepent's Ovule" Vayrin's eyes widened and a quick smile flashed across her face. This was the item the quest needed to be completed. She stood up and pressed the dismissal button on the notification and it disappeared. Satisfied, Vayrin let a sigh of relief and sheathed her sword. She then began walking out of the forest. Her first quest had been completed.



  14. As she predicted, the monster burst into a fit of rage, and tried to rush her again. This time Vayrin did the same, holding her blade out as it glowed in the now darker forest. The Nepent opened it's jaws and attempted to bit her. Knowing its moves, Vayrin dragged her sword to it's side. As it made contact with the Nepent's side, the impact sliced right through the monster's body. The creature's expression froze as it's two halves rolled over on the ground. A moment later they both burst into an array of shards.


    ID# 37535

    BD: 9(No Accuracy Bonus) [Critical Hit!]

    MD: 3 [Miss!]

    Vayrin's DMG: 2+1[Crit/9=+1]=3

    Vayrin's HP: 16/16

    Little Nepent's HP: 0/5

    Energy: 2/4

    Enemy Defeated

  15. With sudden speed, the creature had tried to rush her from behind. Vayrin saw it coming a moment early though, and rolled out of its way behind the base of a nearby tree. As soon as she regained her balance, Vayrin huffed from the close hit, and pulled out her weapon. She waited a moment as the creature looked around for her. She held out her sword, and it's purple glow alerted the creature to her presence. It rushed at the tree and attempted to whip its leg around the truck to hit Vayrin. She rolled again, this time to the monster's side. She landed a slash on its side then leapt backwards and expected a retaliation. 

    ID# 37534

    BD: 6+1(Accuracy)=7 [Hit!]

    MD: 5 [Miss!]

    Vayrin's DMG: 2

    Vayrin's HP: 16/16

    Little Nepent's HP: 3/5

    Energy: 3/4

  16. The sun had begun to set on the distant horizon now. Vayrin's purple eye's reflected it's shine from the western half of the forest. The tree trunks made it cast various shadows along her path, which strangely made the place feel...Empty. Even though Vayrin was the only player here, for some reason these woods just felt like a void of life to her. Now that she started thinking about it, she had not seem to have seen any players around here at all. Vayrin thought it was weird to be sure, but she figured it was probably a quest everyone had already done by now. Her thought was short lived though, when suddenly she heard the rushing of legs behind her. Vayrin quickly grabbed the hilt of her sword and turned her head halfway behind her to see a Little Nepent rushing at her. Only this one was strange. It had a flower on it's head.

    Energy: 4/4

  17. Alright! 2 down. Vayrin smiled as she sheathed her weapon. She was actually quite happy with how things were going. Despite losing a bit of health in that last battle, she was still confident she could handle the next. The fight was not over just yet. She stood there for a moment, gazing at the spot where the monster had exploded. Her eyes quickly found the attention of a few strands of her hair hanging over them. She quickly brushed them behind her ear, and kept walking.

    Energy 3/4

    HP: 16/16

  18. Annoyed with her clumsiness, Vayrin readied her weapon again, as the creature ran towards her. It raised another leg in an attempt to attack her, but Vayrin retaliated before it had the chance. She threw her sword upwards, slicing off one of the root legs. The Creature cried out in pain as it backed up. Vayrin then spun around and stabbed the monster through the torso. It was over. The Nepent burst into the blue shards and floated towards the roof of the forest.

    ID# 37529

    BD: 9(No Accuracy Bonus) [Critical Hit!]

    Vayrin's DMG: 2+1[Crit/9=+1]=3

    Vayrin's HP: 13/16

    Little Nepent's HP: 0/5

    Energy 2/4

    Enemy Defeated

  19. Like before, Vayrin held her blade out and waited for it to glow. Then with speed, Vayrin ran towards the creature. The Nepent heard her footsteps and turned its body towards hers. Vayrin slashed at it, dealing a solid hit along its side, although she didn't spin around fast enough. The Creature had not been slowed by her strike, it simply returned with one of its own. Suddenly Vayrin was sent tumbling over as the creature managed to hit her in the back. Annoyed with this, Vayrin quickly got up, facing the monster, ready for her next move.

    ID# 35728

    BD: 7+1(Accuracy)=8 [Hit!]

    MD: 7 [Hit!]

    Vayrin's DMG: 2

    Little Nepent's DMG: 3

    Vayrin's HP: 13/16

    Little Nepent's HP: 3/5

    Energy 3/4

  20. The longer she sat there, she waited for a Nepent to appear on it's own. This was a test to see if some quest creatures would move around the areas they were supposed to be in. As she waited she slowly closed her violet eyes, which had been reflecting the evening sun's glare. Even though it was all artificial, she sometime's forgot she was inside a video game, due to it's realism. A few minutes past as Vayrin rested her eyes when she heard the sound of more leaves rustling near her. She slowly opened her eyes and saw another Little Nepent several feet in front of her. It had not noticed her. Smiling Vayrin slowly got up, grabbed her hilt and walked toward the creature. 

    Energy 4/4

  21. As Vayrin continued to walk, she began thinking of other ways to find these creatures. She didn't know how often they moved, so she decided to try something. Vayrin walked up the bass of a large tree, and plopped herself against it. She gazed out at the edge of the forest, the sun was now clearly visible as it had begun to set over the horizon. As it shone on her face, Vayrin felt a peaceful feeling. She slowly leaned her head against the trunk and gazed upwards at the trees leaves far above.

    Energy 3/4

  22. The battle didn't take much time Vayrin assessed. The sun still casted the tree's shadows on the forest floor, seemingly the same she had seen before. As Vayrin continued to walk, she didn't hear any more Nepents. This didn't discourage her though, she knew there were more since this was obviously the place where the Quest had been located. If it wasn't, there wouldn't have been a Nepent around that tree. Although, Vayrin had grown a little annoyed that the quest info failed to describe the Nepean's appearance. She just knew they were plant-like creatures. And it obviously tried to give her mixed messages with the "Little" part in the creature's name.

    Energy 2/4

  23. As the steel of her sword began to glow once again, Vayrin's violet eyes were fixed on her target which was currently coming towards her. Gritting her teeth, Vayrin charged the beast, and before it had a chance to strike first, Vayrin brought her blade across its front. Her weapon ripped through the plant's skin across its torso. Vayrin stood in the same position as the creature exploded into blue shards. "Well, that was exciting." Vayrin whispered to herself trying to catch her breath. Her luck had been very good today as she had yet to lose a single unit of HP. Although she still needed to kill more of these things. Vayrin gave off a sigh of relief and turned around. She continued walking through the trees looking for more Nepents.

    ID# 37521

    BD: 8(No Accuracy Bonus) [Hit!]

    Vayrin's DMG: 2

    Vayrin's HP: 16/16

    Little Nepent's HP: 0/5

    Energy 1/4

    Enemy Defeated

  24. Grinning that she successfully landed a good blow to the creature's side, she attempted another slash, although this time the monster was waiting for her. The creature quickly shoved backwards, just barely missing her sword. In this moment Vayrin figured the monster was ready for it's move, and sure enough it was. The Nepent, spun in her direction and attempted to bite her with its big mouth. Seeing this Vayrin skipped backwards with speed, missing the monster's jaws. So this monster was smarter then a Boar it seemed. Vayrin's face turned serious, and she got her blade ready for another move.

    ID# 37519

    BD: 3+1(Accuracy)=4 [Miss!]

    MD: 2 [Miss!]

    Vayrin's HP: 16/16

    Little Nepent's HP: 2/5

    Energy: 2/4

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