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Posts posted by Vayrin

  1. Vayrin stood just outside the town of armadillo. The sand had almost engulfed her feet, but she took little notice to it. She had her blade out, and had been slashing at the air furiously with various Sword Arts. Others may have walked by and given the girl some weird looks seeing as she was fighting the air, but she was actually practicing. Mostly testing out her new skill that she had only acquired a few days ago. With a kick off the sand, she performed a very fast back flip only to stab her glowing sword in the air as soon as she landed. The girl stopped for a moment and smiled. This would not be something she could do in the real world, which was why so many people had been hyped for this game in the first place. The new skill she had gotten was rare among low levels. Even though many could have gotten it, they decided not to. She came up to the fifth floor to test it's use in even the most harsh climates. Even so, the sand did little to slow her.

  2. Vayrin strolled back into the Inn with confidence. She pushed open the door and sped walked through the room, ignoring the other chattering players and NPC's alike. She waked straight towards the bushy beareded NPC sitting on the bench near the fire. When she got into it's sight range, it stood up and began to speak to her. "You're back! Did you get the required materials? Splendid! With materials like these you can now easily craft clothes for you and your fellow players! Good job Tailor!" The "Quest Completed" window appered in front of Vayrin. She was a little startled by it's sudden apperance but then read it's contents. "Quest Completed! Rewards: Profession (Tailor)" Vayrin gave off a small smile and pressed the circle icon, making the window fade away...


    Rewards: 470 Col. 3 SP. (1 for completed thread +1 for completed quest +1 For extra SP quest reward.)

    Profession: Tailor

  3. ID# 40354

    BD: 8(No Accuracy Bonus) [Hit!]

    LD: 19 [Col=5xDire Boar's HP=70 Col+1 Bonus Mat!]

    Vayrin's DMG: 4

    Vayrin's HP: 22/28

    Dire Boar's HP: 0/14

    Vayrin's Energy: 3/7

    Enemy Defeated.

    Rewards: 70 Col. 2 Mats.

    With a kick of her feet, Vayrin sprinted towards the Dire Boar again, her sword glowing as the fury on her face and eyes reflected it. The Boar did the same and charged at her. When Vayrin was confident with her distance, she jumped upwards, just barley missing the beast's furious tusks under her. She then brought her blade down with both of her hands into the monster's head. The beast froze, sputtered, then exploded into an array of blue shards. Vayrin rolled onto the ground as the monster dissapered huffing, trying to catch her breath. She slowly got up with her eyes closed as she sheathed her weapon. She opened her eyes to see the battle's results window. "Results: 70 Col. Violet (x2)" Vayrin smiled  when she read the rewards. She had found her two more flowers...She only hoped she didint need to go looking for acsessories ever again. She gave a sigh of relief and tapped the circle icon, dismissing the window. She turned around, and started walking back to the Town.


  4. ID# 40338

    BD: 3+1(Accuracy)=4 [Miss!]

    MD: 2 [Miss!]

    Vayrin's HP: 22/28

    Dire Boar's HP: 4/14

    Vayrin's Energy: 4/7

    The Boar huffed furiously and  let out a loud squeal as Vayrin backed up from the creature. It then kicked the ground with it's huge hooves and came charging straight for her. Expecting this, she managed to roll out of it's way, regaining her footing. She lashed out at the Boar once again, but it had moved just out of her blade's reach as it prepared for another blow.

  5. ID# 40337

    BD: 10(No Accuracy Bonus) [Critical Hit!]

    MD: 7 [Hit!]

    Vayrin's DMG: 4+2(Crit/10=+2)=6

    Dire Boar's DMG: 3

    Vayrin's HP: 22/28

    Dire Boar's HP: 4/14

    Vayrin's Energy: 5/7


    As soon as Vayrin slashed the giant beast's side, it snorted it's nostrils in fury. It swept it's big head to the side to try and get a good hit on the girl. Seeing this coming, Vayrin leaped backwards. Although the beast's giant tusk manged to skin her torso, doing it's additional damage. As Vayrin landed, she saw her HP drop another 3 units. This beast could take a lot more punishment then it's smaller cousins, but it seemed to be just as stupid as them. Vayrin sprinted forward again straight at the creature. Blade glowing she sliced upwards directly across it's face, leaving a giant red scar.

  6. ID# 40336

    BD: 5+1(Accuracy)=6 [Hit!]

    MD: 8 [Hit!]

    Vayrin's DMG: 4

    Dire Boar's DMG: 3

    Vayrin's HP: 25/28

    Dire Boar's HP: 10/14

    Vayrin's Energy: 6/7

    As Vayrin rested for a moment against the tree trunk, she was focusing on the soft breeze that had been blowing over the field. It felt nice on her skin. She didint really feel it until now as her mind had been focused on other things. Soon though, her moment of relaxation had been interrupted with the sound of fast hooves. Vayrin's eyes opened when the sound came closer, then suddenly she heard the sound of timber cracking behind her. Realizing what had happened, she swiftly rolled forward as she felt splinters of wood break behind her. Whatever had caused that, it had hit her. Vayrin rolled into a defensive stance and pulled out her sword from it's sheath. She gazed in front of her to see a very large Boar. It was bigger then her to say the least. Vayrin's face grew angry and she tightened her blade as she read the name of the creature to herself. "Dire Boar..." She had never seen a Boar like this before. Vayrin did not take too long to hesitate though. She held out her blade and as it began to glow she sprinted towards the creature, landing a solid hit across it's side.

  7. ID# 40332

    LD: 10 [No Materials Found]

    Vayrin had walked as far as the forest that she had once ventured in before for another quest. She stared at it a moment and remembered her battles inside. She found it honestly hard to believe that these flowers were so rare. Maybe people liked them enough to actually use them for their crafting. She wouldn't unless she needed to. Vayrin never planned to open up a shop if she became a good tailor. She may make stuff for herself and others, but she did not really want to charge people for it. Although she probably would need to.

  8. ID# 40329

    LD: 11 [No Materials Found]

    The sun begin to change the setting to a mid afternoon. It had become warmer then before, even though there was a slight breeze kicking up the grass and Vayrin's hair. She didint seem to notice though, her face was fixed on the fields ahead. Her serious expression had gradually changed to an annoyed one. She did not think a few flowers would be so hidden from her sight. Never the less, she continued walking.

  9. ID# 40324

    LD: 1 [No Materials Found.]

    As it materialized inside Vayrin's inventory, she opened her menu again. With a couple more taps, she repeated the process of opening up her quest log. As it opened in front of her, she read more of the info. As her eyes skimmed through the quest's introduction to it's requirements, she stopped. She apperantly needed to collect another 2 of these flowers. Vayrin gave another sigh, and brushed some of her violet hair behind her ear as it hung in front of her eyes. She then continued to walk, not finding any more Violets in the direct vicinity.

  10. ID# 40323

    LD: 17 [Material Found!]

    As Vayrin walked farther and farther away from the town, she didin't really see any difference in the landscape. She sighed in frustration as these littple plants seemed hard to find. She continued walking, passing a few players fighting the, although she took little notice seeing as the could clearly handle themselves. Then, Vayrin saw a little purple dot in the corner of her eye. She looked over to see a lone Violet sitting in the grass, completely still. She smiled as she walked up to it. Vayrin knelt down, and with relief she plucked it from it's stem. The flower then dissipated and was added into her inventory.

  11. ID# 40318

    LD: 7 [No Materials Found.]

    She had walked passed a few daisies growing in small patches in the green expanses, but still no Violets. Maybe the info was supposed to make you look for a specific spot. Vayrin sighed as she continued her pace. Nothing but green lay around her. She then decided to change directions. She had been walking along the walls of the town, so maybe the flowers here had all been taken. That being said, she didint know if they respawned or not.

  12. ID# 40317

    LD: 13 [No Materials Found.]

    Vayrin walked outside of the town and began to walk into the grassy fields that surrounded it. She continued to walk around, keeping her eyes sharp for the little purple flowers. She thought they'd be easy to spot, but for some reason she couldn't seem to see any. She continued to walk with a brisk pace through the fields, carefully avoiding the large herds of Boars traversing the plains.

  13. Couple more minutes of walking the massive cobblestone road Vayrin had arrived at the massive gateway leading to the outside of the town. She stared up at it for a moment, then gave a swish of her hand to open her menu. Vayrin quickly tapped a few buttons to open up her quest log. She needed to make sure there was no specific place she needed to go in order to find these Violets. Her eyes skimmed across the info. No information regarding their exact location was given, so she assumed they could be found anywhere.

  14. ID# 40315

    BD: 2+1(Accuracy)=3 [Miss!]

    MD: 9 [Critical Hit!]

    Vayrin's DMG: 0

    Ox's DMG: 7

    Vayrin's HP: 21/28

    Ox's HP: 1/8

    Vayrin's Energy: 5/7

    Vayrin gritted her teeth as she stared at the Ox. She watched intently as Jevi managed to land a hit, and dodged it's next attack. Luck Vayrin didint manage to have on her first attempt. Vayrin lept backwards, getting ready to see Shizuka's attack, but she was surprised to notice her HP gauge rise to full. She looked back to see Shizuka had healed her. Vayrin gave the pink haired girl a nod and then faced back to the Ox. She ran towards it again, but the Ox was ready for her. She attempted a slash, but the Ox quickly moved out of her way and hit her in the side again. Vayrin rolled on the ground back into her defensive stance as her HP gauge lowered. She realized the Ox's attention was still fixed on her. This could be used as a distraction. Vayrin looked back at at Jevi. "Now! Finish it!"

  15. Well. That was unexpected. When she becomes a good tailor she won't be making clothes for fashion purposes, but it seemed SAO had some sort of fashion system implemented it. Well, seeing as the NPC had nothing else to say to her until she completed the objective she turned around and left the Inn. She looked both ways down the street to find the nearest exit of the city. She then began walking towards it.

  16. Great. Even though she had no info on this quest, she expected it to be some sort of fetch quest. Vayrin let out a small sigh, even though she knew she couldn't convince an NPC to change it's computer wired mind. "Where do I need to go?" She said back to the NPC with an annoyed tone in her voice. Hoping the NPC could pick up the words she used, it responded. "People like to have acsessories on their clothes sometimes. Go out to the fields and find me some violets."

  17. After another moment, the NPC spoke to her again. "Splendid! Not a lot of people pick this profession. I hope you put it to good use." Vayrin had gotten confused after hearing the words the NPC said. She thought people would choose this profession for the same purpose she did. She didint think too much about it though because the NPC interrupted her thoughts again. "Well, if you want to become a tailor, you'll need the right materials to craft items. Go get the materials needed to craft said item."

  18. "I choose to be a tailor." She said towards the NPC. He stood there for a moment, Vayrin only guessed he was calculating the result of her choice. She had actually no idea what would happen on this quest, so she was prepared for anything. Despite the amount of people she mad met over her travels she never had asked about this particular quest. She had good reason for her choice though. She wanted to be a tailor because she knew they specialized in making the perfect armor for players like her. Fast and nimble.

  19. He gave an answer she was half expecting. There really was no other reason to see the high levels down here when most of them were fighting on the front lines. Most of the shops were situated on the lower floors though, so even the high levels will come down to run them. To break the awkward silence that would soon follow she decided to keep the conversation going seeing as they were still a couple minutes out from the wasp queen. "What do you sell?" She said curiously. She was gonna start her own profession soon, so it may be good to get other people's opinions on what to do.

  20. As the two walked along the path, Vayrin couldn't help but feel curious as to why Jomei was all they way on floor 2. He said he had been to the front lines, and judging by his gear, he seemed to be a high leveled player. Soon her curiosity got the best of her. "So. What's a player like you doing all the way down here on the 2nd floor?" She said, not breaking gaze on the path in front of them. She could tell it was pretty obvious what she was doing on a low floor. You could tell just by her gear she was still a low level.

  21. Vayrin stood there for a moment thinking about the options. There were indeed many, but she couldn't quite decide. This was one of those things she should have come up with before she accepted the quest. Vayrin sighed for a moment after she realized  her stupidity and just decided to pick one she felt like would be useful. Black smithing was a very useful skill, although there were plenty of black smiths already. She could purchase weapons from any of them if she needed to. Then after another moment of thought she pictured her desired player build. Fast, and nimble. Then an idea popped into her mind. She knew what profession she wanted as a smile flashed across her face.

  22. Vayrin raised one eyebrow up when Jomei suggested his help. This was kind of a surprise seeing as she didin't expect this stranger to offer his help with the first problem she mentioned. "You want to help me with the wasp?" She said, with a slight confused tone and look on her face. She definently wanted it, she was just confused as to why he was offering. "Uhh. Sure I guess." She replied. The only other person who had helped her with a field boss was Zelrius. He was probably on the front lines though. Vayrin turned towards the path. "I think she's this way." She exclaimed and began walking.

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