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Posts posted by Vayrin

  1. Vayrin stood shocked for a moment at the monster's size. It was around the same height as her which she didn't expect. She shook this thought as the Monster saw her. Getting her sword ready, Vayrin leapt backwards as the monster attempted to lash out at her with one of it's root-like legs. Missing the blow, Vayrin held her sword out making it glow. She then ran back at the monster, rolling to its side and slashed it's less defended back, landing a solid hit.

    ID# 37517

    BD: 9 (No Accuracy Bonus) [Critical Hit!]

    MD: 2 [Miss!]

    Vayrin's DMG: 2+1[Crit/9=+1]=3

    Vayrin's HP: 16/16

    Little Nepent's HP: 2/5

    Energy: 3/4

  2. As Vayrin continued to walk through the shrouded forest, she heard the rustling of tree leaves near her. Assuming this was caused by he monster she was hunting, she slowly reached for her sword on her back, and unsheathed it. She began walking toward the sound of the rustling trees, confident she was ready. She came across a rather large tree, from what she could tell the source of the sound was coming from behind it. Gripping her sword tighter, she somersaulted around the trunk to meet her foe. Sure enough it was a monster know as a Little Nepent. The only thing was, the quest failed to mention that it was not little at all.

  3. The trees blocked out most of the sun. Hazy shadows fell over the forest floor as the sun's glare slowly faded into evening. Vayrin walked through the trees, looking for her targets. She had no doubt this was the right place, it said so on her map. she didn't think she'd have a hard time spotting them either. As far as she knew, they were the only mobs in this part of the floor. She had been thinking about their stats as she walked. According to the quest, they had the same stats as a Boar except they had more health. That was not a problem though, she could easily take down Boar's now, and these Nepents only had 1 more HP than a typical Boar does.

  4. As she continued to walk, the trees became larger than they had appeared when she first took note of their position. Only a few moments later Vayrin stood at the outside of the forest. With that in mind, she quickly swished her hand and opened her menu. The Violet haired girl gazed at her stats for one last check before she engaged the monsters inside. As well as reviewing their info. Satisfied with the result, she gave a quick sigh. Vayrin began to walk into the forest.

  5. That was actually quite fun Vayrin had thought as she sheathed her weapon. After handling that battle flawlessly, she had become a lot more confident in herself. She then continued to walk through the fields to her destination. She could see it from the distance. The grove of trees where one of the easiest quests took place. She began to walk slightly faster, as a slight wind picked up.

  6. As Vayrin rolled to her feet, she held out her blade. As it began to glow again, the Boar had turned around for another charge. Smiling Vayrin ran straight for it. The Boar returned her action with the same one. Vayrin quickly lashed out her weapon in front of her when the two got close enough. The Boar suddenly froze as Vayrin's blade had been locked in between its eyes. The Boar's health Gauge hit 0, then it popped from existence. Giving a satisfied sigh, Vayrin sheathed her weapon. Practice makes perfect.

    ID# 37512

    BD: 7+1(Accuracy)=8 [Hit!]

    MD: 1 [Miss!]

    Vayrin's DMG: 2

    Vayrin's HP: 16/16

    Boar's HP: 0/4

    2/4 Energy

    Enemy Defeated


  7. Similar to the first time she attacked, Vayrin ran straight towards the creature and dragged her blade across its side with as much force as she could. Her sword ripped through its hide and she spun around. Unlike last time, she was ready for its charge. The Boar sniffed furiously and ran at her. Already expecting this Vayrin quickly rolled out of its way, smiling. Things were going better than last time.

    ID# 37509

    BD: 7+1(Accuracy)=8 [Hit!]

    MD: 1 [Miss!]

    Vayrin's DMG: 2

    Vayrin's HP: 16/16

    Boar's HP 2/4

    3/4 Energy

  8. Vayrin wasn't very nervous about this quest to say the least. Even though it had been a while since her last battle. As she walked through the large fields towards the forest the mobs she needed to kill was supposed to be, she noticed others fighting the Boars that resided in the pastures. She thought back on the day she fought a Boar for the first time. She got nearly killed if it wasn't for two other players who were nice enough to help her out. Vayrin stopped walking when she saw a lone Boar sniffing the ground several feet around her. She was now a higher level than she was before, so she was confident she could easily take it down without other's help. She grinned as she pulled out her blade from it's sheath and began walking towards the beast.

  9. Her mind raced back to another day's events. The first floor was not just covered in rolling hills. Various forests dotted the massive floor's landscape, and one of these forests was the home of a quest. After she just rifled through her stats, she realized she could safely undergo this quest by herself. She thought back on the quest info that was given. It seemed relatively simple. All she needed to do was kill a few weak mobs to gain a medicine ingredient. She was a high enough level to safely take on this quest, and it still gave her a decent amount of XP. She thought about it for a moment and decided to go for it. She needed to start getting active if she ever hoped on becoming a high leveled player on the front lines someday. With that in mind, she began to walk out of the large town.

  10. Today was looking to be another normal day for Vayrin. She was wandering through the Town Of Beginnings like every other day. She was debating if she should go out hunting for some extra loot and XP. She needed it. The Violet haired girl strode at her normal brisk pace, ignoring the crowd of players and NPC's around her. The girl's normal serious expression washed over her face. She stopped for a moment and opened her menu. With a quick swish of her hand, the white panel appeared in front of her. Her expression unchanging she flipped through it, looking at her stats. She smiled and closed it again. She gazed upwards and noticed she had been near the entrance to the large town. The green pastures lay beyond. That reminded her of something.

  11. Vayrin had buried her attention into her map as the two walked through the sandy streets. Not really noticing anything around them as they moved. Her attention snapped back to Nirvana when she spoke up again.

    "Uhh. I'm Vayrin."  She said slightly confused with the question. She had already told Nirvana her name when she asked the first time. "You already asked me my name."  She stated.  

  12. Helios responded saying he thought it was a pretty good entrance, to this Vayrin assumed he was being sarcastic. After her last comment, the awkwardness of the conversation seemed to have dissipated a little. She decided it was fine to have some company, so she didn't try and ward Helios off by being rude or serious.

    "Oh? Uhh. Sure." Vayrin said, as a reply to Helios's question. She moved over a bit, even though there was plenty space across the base of the large clock tower.

  13. Well. Apparently there were some quests she could do. Not surprising actually. She just never looked into it before. Vayrin thought about it for a moment, then looked back at Lowenthal.  "I haven't done any of those actually."  Vayrin said.

    "I guess I could try, I'll need the XP." She said again. This was exciting to her. Never been on a quest before, so she wasn't 100% sure on how they worked. She then looked back at Lowenthal. "I suppose I'll need a guide though."  

  14. Vayrin stood there, listening to his response. The man simply greeted her, then walked away. Not knowing what else to say, she just turned towards the entrance of the Inn again and started to walk inside when he said something else. She turned in his direction. He asked her if she needed anything. At this Vayrin stood there, as he offered to help her with whatever it was she was doing. 

    "Oh. Uhhh." He offered to go on a quest with her, although she had never thought about it really. She simply assumed she was too low a level to go on any quests. "I'm only a level 3" She replied to him, smiling a bit. "I doubt there are any quests I can go on without getting killed."  She said again.

  15. Now Vayrin had gotten quite confused with Koumori's behavior. She had been looking through her map, agreeing with his statement, when in the corner of her eye she noticed him look to the floor. He then continued to leave, as Vayrin pulled down her menu. She watched him as he left, still sitting in her chair at the empty table. His last words to her just made her look back down at the table. She didn't try and hurt him, if that's what he felt. She didn't think anyone would become offended because of another's opinion. Not about their purpose anyways. 

    Her menu blipped with a notification. Surprised by it to be sure, Vayrin never got many of these. She opened it to see the message Koumori had sent her. He apologized. Vayrin swiveled her eyebrow up, not knowing why. He had no reason to apologize to her, none that she knew of at least. With that in mind, Vayrin slung over her hood, put her hands in her pockets and walked out the door. She turned and noticed Koumori standing it the courtyard. She nodded at him.

  16. "It shouldn't matter. Whether it's utterly pointless being here, or if there is something we are supposed to discover, in the end, it won't matter in the slightest. We are not here by choice. Knowing that there is a way out of this game is motive enough. That's what I believe anyways." Vayrin said quietly. She was not trying to be hostile this time, she was just stating her honest opinion. "That's what helps me sleep at night."  She said again. As Koumori stood up, he pulled his scarf up and declared an end to their conversation. Vayrin swished her hand to open her menu and looked through her map. 

    "Yes, that would be best." She said again, not taking her eyes off the menu.

  17. This kid was acting rather peculiar to say the least. He apparently figured out what Vayrin was thinking and responded coming clean, acknowledging what he said was kinda weird for a conversation starter. He then continued to awkwardly stand there, not knowing what to say next. Then he just said he was going to leave. At this Vayrin couldn't help but smile and giggle a little. By this point she assumed he had been trying to flirt with her or something but he had no idea what he was doing. 

    "That was not the smoothest entrance, no."  Vayrin said again smiling at Helios. Helios made her laugh, and that did not happen to often for a girl such as Vayrin, so she decided to give him a second chance at...Whatever it was he was trying to do. If he even knew. 

  18. As Vayrin rounded the street corner she found her destination. She began walking towards the door. Just as she reached her hand out to open it, it had done so by another player. She seemed to have had a habit into bumping into other people. She staggered a bit, but managed to keep her balance. She looked up at the person who had ran into her to apologize, but he had beaten her to it. She observed the much taller figure. He then introduced himself as Lowenthal. Guild leader. Vayrin spaced out for a moment, not really meeting many guild leaders. She had no idea any of them would be on the first floor at any given time. She quickly shook the thought.

    "Oh..Uhh Hi. I'm Vayrin..." She said quietly, staring at the man. Not knowing what else to say.

  19. After hearing Koumori's response, she quickly concluded that he had no idea what their purpose was in the game. Based on what he said, he thought they were meant to find something, but the identity of what they were supposed to find eluded him. She thought about it for a moment, but she couldn't place an answer on it either. Then Koumori asked her what she thought. Vayrin had no idea. Like she told him before, Kayaba was just a mad man. Power hungry, and he found the perfect way to attain that power.

    "The answer could be a lot more simple than that." She told Koumori. "Kayaba could just be power hungry, and he found a way to make himself a god. I doubt there is any specific reason other than that."  That's what she wanted to thing anyways. She hoped it was not some wild conspiracy theory, and they were test subjects for some type of sinister experiment. 

  20. "Yeah, I'm fine." She said again, not looking up. Whatever she was thinking about, she wanted to stop. Koumori was right, and she needed to believe that. She had been thinking about what Koumori said. She wanted to believe it and dismiss what he said at the same time, but she couldn't figure out how to go about it. 

    "What do you think our purpose is here?" Vayrin finally said, looking up from the table.

  21. He was strange. To her at least. She couldn't tell what his motive was for coming over here, although he said he was bored it didn't seem like that. He quickly realized the awkward situation he had created and tried to fix it. He asked about the 12th-floor boss plan.

    "Yeah, I heard about it."  She said, looking down. Soon the 13th floor would be unlocked, and Vayrin knew after that they would head for the 14th. She needed to catch up so she could help. That was her goal. She looked back up at Helios. "Why the sudden interest?" He was a curious fella to her. She didn't know what his intention was.

  22. Vayrin sat there for a moment, still staring at the table as Koumori took his seat. Apparently he understood where she was coming from as well. Although, she didn't know if she could believe him or not. Either way, she just decided to let it go for now. She was not trying to hurt anyone, and she guessed it was good that people like Koumori were still trying to make the best out of their situation.

    "No. It's fine." Vayrin said again, still looking at the table. Avoiding eye contact with Koumori as he suggested drinks. Her voice was much quieter now than it was before. 

  23. Vayrin relaxed her tense body a bit. Koumori was right, she needed to calm down a bit. It just annoyed her when people were treated this way. She hated it when people didn't take Sword Art Online as serious as she thought they should. She could relax a bit though, Koumori was not trying to provoke her so she just tried to follow along. Vayrin relaxed her hands, which she had unnoticeably clenched into fists.

    Perhaps Koumori was right. Only a little. After all, Vayrin only started fighting not that long ago, and he had obviously been busier then her. On the other hand, she had no idea what his life was like in the outside world, so maybe he didn't have as much as a motive to get out as she did. Although, anyone who wants to see their family again should be motive enough.

    "I'm sorry." Vayrin looked down at the table as Koumori leaned against the mantelpiece.  "I may have spoken out of turn. I understand where you're coming from..." Perhaps the little things actually did matter. 

  24. By this point, Vayrin had gotten annoyed with Koumori. He obviously didn't see where she was coming from in the sentence she gave him. And worst of all he was worried about her. That was bad. 

    "Don't. Just don't give me your sympathy."  She said, her eyes fixed into his. "The last thing I need in this death game is for people to worry about me. I thank you for what you did for me, but even though your a higher level, we still have both been in this death game for the same amount of time..."

    She continued to stare at him with the same expression.  "You can't honestly think any of this is good for us. We can't afford to be slowed down to enjoy an artificial life, when we are losing our real one with each passing day."  She paused, letting Koumori soak in what she just said. "We may be young, but this game is possible to beat. And I'm going to help if I can."

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