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Posts posted by Vayrin

  1. Vayrin smiled as Jomei declared he'd come to her for armor. That would be nice to have more orders to do. Col was always nice, and so was the EXP. As they had gotten closer to the place where the supposed Wasp Queen spawned, Vayrin nodded when Jomei explained to her that they may need to fight off a couple minions. The minions she could handle. She slowly reached for her back, and pulled out her Anneal Blade. And she continued to walk with Jomei, scanning the area for the Queen, or whatever decides to attack first...

  2. Vayrin slowly got to her feet as the boy cleanly finished off the Wolf. She leaned down to pick up her weapon and to sheath it. she gave a Greg a quick smile and began walking towards him. "Thanks. Y'know. For saving me." It sounded almost like she had trouble spilling the words. It was true, Vayrin usually didn't like to admit that she was inferior to others even if it was obviously true. Especially if her life was in their hands. But she couldn't say nothing. This kid may have well just rescued her, so she summed up the courage to thank him. "I apologize for acting rude earlier. I'm Vayrin." She said. By now Vayrin's hair had been in a little mess, and her face and clothes had been covered in dust from all the rolling she had done. She only hoped the boy would take her thanks into consideration.

  3. As Jevi finished off the Ox, Vayrin slowly stood up. She gave her sword a playful swing then sheathed it on her back. She gave a quick sigh of relief And closed her eyes for a moment. Even though she had only just met the girl named Jevi, she was glad she could trust her with her life, even for a few short seconds. Today was lousy luck. She could have easily taken the Ox down herself, but it was nice to have help. She breathed out and opened her eyes to notice Shizuka staring up at the sky. She followed her gaze to see the glow of the sunset. She gave a quick sigh as she admired it, but only a little. Personally, she thought this floor looked better at night. the Mobs were tougher as well, which is why she admired it more. All her memories were mostly of herself, seeing as she rarely teamed up with others. But she had spent most of her time on this floor then any others. Even though it was considered dangerous, Vayrin liked to climb the mountains during the night, and sit in the high places. This was the only time she let herself relax in the essence of nature. The bright lights from the town of Urbus far below, and the giant artificial moon hanging in the sky, casting large shadow over the mountains made her feel peaceful. Vayrin only thought about it for a moment before she was reminded of the 4th floor. She quickly shook the thought, as she didn't want to remember the event that took place there.

    "I'm not leaving either. Night is where the fun begins." Vayrin said with a slight grin, as she continued to walk down the path.

  4. As she got closer, Vayrin could tell that Koumori was also smiling. Good, he wasn't thinking about their conversation. She at least hoped. He soon replied to her comment. "Me? Well, I'm still a low level. I can't really venture out of the safe zones outside of any floors higher then this." She replied slightly depressed with the truth. She had been a low level for a while now. The longer she spent on these floors, the more she desired to become a front liner. Vayrin quickly shook the thought to Koumori's next comment. Vayrin slightly tilted her head when Koumori explained to her that he had run into people who thought he was a girl. She looked slightly confused for a moment. "Well, good thing I know you're a guy." She replied, smiling a tiny bit.

  5. Vayrin continued to smile as Jomei told her that she helped. She was glad it didn't sound confusing or weird to him what she had said. She then listened when he was telling her about the different kind of songs that you could learn in this game. This was the first time she had heard of any songs containing stat changing abilities. To her it almost sounded like the songs were supposed to be magical, but everyone who knew anything about SAO knew that the game had no magic in it. But then again, they needed to give the performers of Aincrad something to work with, and be able to change the stats of enemies sounded fair. Vayrin glanced over at Jomei as he tapped his chest armor. He explained to her it was made by the best tailor in Aincrad. Her name was apparently Ariel. Vayrin couldn't say she heard of her, but she wasn't surprised either. If she was the best tailor then she was probably another high level. Most of them don't tend to come down here really, and Vayrin was not one to hear the latest news on the higher floors. She mostly only heard when another floor had been cleared. Vayrin chuckled a bit when he said her stuff was pricey. "Heh, yeah. If she's the best then I'd imagine her stuff being expensive. My stuff will probably become more expensive the better I get." She replied, looking back at the path in front of them.

  6. Vayrin sighed heavily as she put her blade inside her sheath. She closed her eyes for a moment, letting the wind blow her hair while feeling the glow of the artificial sun on her face. She then opened them again when she heard a voice call out in the distance. Vayrin turned her head with a curious expression to find the source of the sound. She squinted in the distance to see a figure of a boy calling out to her. Vayrin couldn't tell who this was from this distance. With that thought in mind, Vayrin began walking towards the town. She would need to pass the figure on the way back so she could see them more clearly. As Vayrin began walking closer, the boy started the bear striking resemblances to someone she knew. That's when she figured out who it was. Her eyes widened a bit when she saw Koumori calling out to her. It had been a while since the last time she saw him on floor 4. But she remembered their conversation. She wondered if she had hurt Koumori in the words she had spoken, but then decided to not bring it up. "Hey, what are you doing on this floor?" She said once the two came into speaking distance. A small smile on her face.

  7. Day: 1

    Vayrin entered her shop, and got her stuff together. She was going to make her first order today. Or at least she hoped. Being a beginner tailor had it's disadvantages, but that's why she was working. So she could get rid of these disadvantages. She got straight to work.



    Craft attempt 1

    ID# 40509

    CD: 6 (Bad Item)

    LD: 20 (Salvaged Materials)

    [No Mats Used]

    Craft attempt 2

    ID# 40510

    CD: 1 [Critical Failure]

    -1 Mat




  8. Inside the sprawling town of Urbus, on the mountainous second floor lies a small tailor shop. From afar, it looks like every other Medieval structure in the town. Get closer and above the door you will see a small sign. The sign depicts a ghost like thread and needle, with a violet aura surrounding it. Underneath it are the words "The Violet Phantom". If you decide to go inside you'll find multiple tannery racks scattered around the room, along with shelves of different color threads, and a workbench filled with needles. Many different pieces of paper are plastered on the walls with basic sketch designs of different clothing. Wooden mannequins wearing various pieces of clothing dot the room as well. The room itself is dim, lit only by a large fireplace in the corner, and a few candles on the main counter. Behind the main counter you can see a violet haired girl scrolling through her menu with her feet up on the wooden counter, leaning back in her chair beside a sheathed sword leaning up against the wall. A serious expression on her face. When you enter she looks up.

    "Oh, uh hi. You here for an order?"


    Welcome to the Violet Phantom-


    Tailor Stats


    Rank-3: Professional Tailor (23/80 EXP)

    Clothing (available at rank 1) Shirt, pants, dress, etc. Clothing are used for protection along with other enhancements.

    Leather Armor (available at rank 2) Leather vest, leather boots, leather shoulder pads, etc. Armor is used for protection.

    Plushies (available at rank 3) Cosmetic plushie, lucky plushie, motivational plushie, etc. Plushies are items used for +1 LD, +1 Crafting Attempt, or +1 EXP.

    The CD Result Chart (Rank 3)

    [1] = Critical failure (Lose materials)
    [2-3] = Fail (Lose materials)

    [4-5] = Bad item (Possible to salvage items on a 15+ loot die result)
    [6-8] = Good item  
    [9-10] = Uncommon item (1 enhancement slot)
    [11] = Rare item (2 enhancement slots)
    [12] = Perfect item (3 enhancement slots)


    Epic Fail, Fail, and Bad Item: 1 EXP
    Good Item: 2 EXP
    Uncommon Item: 3 EXP
    Rare Item: 5 EXP
    Perfect Item: 8 EXP





    Order Form


    Item: insert name of item here

    Type: Clothing

    Shop: The Violet Phantom

    Creator: Vayrin

    Quality: Good/Uncommon/Rare/Perfect

    Enhancement(s): possible tailor enhancements are listed here

    Description: link a picture or write about the item you want

    NOTE: I will not create orders unless this form is filled out correctly. If filled out correctly, your order will be placed on the waiting list in order of most recent requests.







    Vanity Item: 100 Col/1 Mat

    Good Item: 200 Col/1 Mat

    Uncommon Item: 500 Col/2 Mats

    Rare Item: 800 Col/3 Mats

    Perfect Item: 1000 Col/4 Mats

    Prices are negotiable under certain circumstances.

    Waiting List


    - Coat of Empty Sky- Teselmar

    - Blood Oath Tabbard - Macradon

    Items In Stock


    Vanity: None

    Good: "Dead Man's Respite" - A light black vest that covers all of the upper body

               "Cloud Walker"- A long white cloak with black lining

    Uncommon: None

    Rare: None

    Perfect: None

    Completed Orders Awaiting Pickup


    - Black Casual Dress - Zandra Zvift

    - Black and Red Battle Dress - Zandra Zvift

    - Blood Oath Tabbard - Macradon



    -Received 1000 Col +1 Mat from Zelrius for "Lord Blackfyre's Cloak"

    -Received 100 Col from Rag for "Suit for the Opera"

    -Received 1500 Col from Coddexx for "Cloak of Violet Dawn"

    -Received 200 Col from Ethereal for "Strike Team Cloak"


  9. "HAAH!" Vayrin yelled furiously as she slashed at the air in front of her. Her sword glowing as it ripped through the air. She had been standing in the middle of the wide prairie, doing various moves and flips. Practicing her abilities. She had been pushing herself furiously as she continued to slash at the air in front of her. Left slash, backflip, stab, uppercut, side leap. Her eyes flashed with fury as the air around her exploded with color from the sword arts she had been using. The grass was blown in multiple directions with each slash. She had grown very fond of her most recent skill. The one that let her do feats that she couldn't do in the real world. She finished off with a stab. She froze for a moment, leaving her body in the stabbing position as she panted. She then gave her weapon a playful spin and sheathed in her back. she looked over at the sun. It had been setting, leaving a warm, yellowish glow over the vast fields.

  10. Vayrin was relieved to see the girl turn in her direction. It was indeed Manta. The girl who had helped her back when she was only level 1. And she had remembered her it seemed, or at least the first letter of her name. "Haven't seen you in a while." Vayrin said back to her as she walked towards her. "I thought  you were a front liner now, what are you doing on this floor?" She asked curiously. Then, another person had joined in on their conversation. She turned her head to see a taller, black haired boy walking towards them. He said it like he new one of them. She looked back at Manta, thinking it was her.

  11. As Vayrin prepared for the Wolf's next move, the best froze, then yelped as it was struck from behind. Vayrin noticed the same boy she had run into earlier coming to her aid. She was relieved to see that the beast's health had lowered significantly with his hit. Although it didn't kill it. He then began to explain how this was the kind of situation she needed armor for. He wasn't wrong. Vayrin had been a little overconfident in her current abilities and had underestimated the mobs on this floor. Then he explained himself, saying he wasn't following her but she was not concerned about that right now. She was just glad that he had seen her in trouble and came to her aid. "Just help me kill this wolf!" She replied. The wolf turned back to her, almost sensing what she had said. It's focus was still on her, despite Greg's entrance. It ran back to her. Vayrin charged her sword and slashed at the monster. It was a hit, but the creature ignored her blade, taking the damage just to hit her in the stomach. Vayrin rolled backwards, inches from the cliff edge. She lifted her upper body off the ground while she lied there, wincing from the energy loss. Hoping Greg could finish this.


    ID# 40493

    BD: 7+1(Accuracy)=8 [Hit!]

    MD: 7-1(+1 Evasion)=6 [Hit!]

    Vayrin's DMG: 4

    Alpha Wolf's DMG: 8

    Vayrin's HP: 24/32

    Alpha Wolf's HP: 15/40

    Greg Baxen's HP: 56/56

    Vayrin's Energy: 2/8

  12. Vayrin listened as Jomei told her his profession. It was rare indeed among most players. He was apperantly a performer. She then noticed his sad expression as he continued to say it wasn't a very useful profession. Her thoughts suddenly went back to a friend she had, which he had said something to her not too long ago that could work for Jomei's case. Even though Vayrin herself didn't really think it was necessary she told him anyways, in an attempt to lift his spirits. "Being a performer can be useful. Even if it does nothing in combat, you can still entertain people around you. The profession can make people happy, and that is something the players in SAO need under these circumstances." She replied, trying to replicate what her friend had said to her. "Even if the combat focused professions help us to get out  of the game, the entertainers are the one's who help motivate us to stay alive. I know that may sound weird, but you know what I mean." Vayrin replied again, not really sure where she was going with it. She then looked up at Jomei when he asked her profession. "Oh, yeah. I chose to tailor. I hope I can craft stuff for players who still want to do damage, but not be slowed by the heavy armor." She said smiling, clearly happy with her choice.

  13. Vayrin nodded at the boy as he told her name. But then her attention was redirected back to Shizuka jumped up. "Uhh, yeah sure." Vayrin replied to Shizuka's comment. Vayrin then looked back at her map and began walking. "It'll be evening soon. We should get this over with quickly if we don't want to be fighting the late night mobs." She yelled back at them, not taking her eyes off the floating window hovering in front of her. A couple minutes into their walk up to the summits of the mountains, Vayrin had closed her menu, relying on Shizuka to be their guide. Vayrin had her normal serious look on her face. Something that made her either look pissed off, or just really bored. Something she seemed unaware of. It was that rare occasion she was in the mountains with other people. In fact it was a rare occasion that she was with other people in general. It was rare to find Vayrin in the towns during the middle of the day. She was almost always outside of the safe zone grinding, looking for mat, or just exploring. Unlike Shizuka who had gotten herself involved in a guild and was probably grazing at the higher unlocked floors these days.


    As the three convened on the summit of the mountain which the quest was supposed to take place, Shizuka spoke back to them. Vayrin rolled her eyes as she reexplained the information about the quest. "Don't worry, we can do this." Vayrin said, walking past her towards the rock. Vayrin then stopped as the old man came up to her. "Now what do you think you're do-Woha, Hey!" Vayrin yelled as the man started to touch her face. Her hand went for her blade on her back but she did not pull it from it's sheath. she soon realized what was going on. With an extremely annoyed sigh, Vayrin lowered her arm from her back. The man was soon finished, and now Vayrin looked really pissed as the cat whiskers dried on her cheeks. "Lets just get this over with..." She said in a darker tone.

  14. Knowing all to well what was about to happen next, Vayrin got into her defensive stance, slowly panting. The large wolf charged forward at her. The large beast landed on top of her before she managed to dodge it's attack. Although, it's teeth were inches from her face as she lied on the ground holding it back with only her blade. Using a little of her remaining strength she managed to elbow the creature in the face, temporarily lifting a bit of the weight it had been putting on her. Using this to her advantage, she pushed upwards, moving the wolf off of her. She then kicked the beast in the gut, then slashed with her sword as it whimpered. The monster rolled back, but go to it's feet within an instant. Vayrin noticed it's health Gauge. It has more health then me? She thought as the creature growled at her. Vayrin panted, as she backed up. She had used a lot of energy dealing with those other three wolves, so she was worried this battle may not end in her favor.


    ID# 40488

    BD: 9 [Critical Hit!]

    MD: 2 [Miss!]

    Vayrin's DMG: 4+1(Crit/9=+1)=5

    Alpha Wolf's DMG: 0

    Vayrin's HP: 32/32

    Alpha Wolf's HP: 35/40

    Vayrin's Energy 3/8

  15. Vayrin leaned against the wall for a few more moments scrolling through her menu, when the shadow of a player passed her. She looked up for a moment, then went back to her menu. Vayrin then realized that player looked familiar. She looked up again to see a white haired girl walking by the had a striking resemblance to someone she had met a while ago. She squinted at the figure as she walked away. Vayrin then shot a glance to the hilt of her sword. That's when she remembered where she had gotten it. "Manta...?" Vayrin said quietly under her breath. She then began following the player and called out her name. "Hey, Manta!" She said suddenly, not even knowing if that was the right player or not. She hesitated to walk towards the player, waiting to see if it was her or not.

  16. Vayrin listened as Shizuka responded to her original question. Then suddenly it hit her. There WAS something on that side of the floor. She remembered. Without saying anything, Vayrin quickly closed her map and began scrolling through her menu again, giving a few more taps. She came to her quest log and scrolled to the quest <<Breaking the Unbreakable>>. She had accepted this quest some time ago, just like many others. Even though she couldn't complete it at the time, she still accepted it so she wouldn't have to make that annoying trip back to the quest board. "Right, now I remember there was a quest." She said, staring at the info. Vayrin looked up at Shizuka and the boy who had been standing on either side of her after Shizuka suggested they go. Vayrin couldn't think of a reason to deny it. The quest had no danger aside from running into the usual mobs along the mountain paths. She then looked back at her menu, her violet eyes reflecting it's glow. "I don't have any problems with that. Beside I could probably use the materials inside that cave as well. Same with this extra skill." Vayrin said in her natural serious tone. She then looked back at the boy. She had forgotten that she didn't even know him. "So, you in or out Mister...?"

  17. As Vayrin wandered through the streets towards the edge of town she kept her eyes on her map. Not taking notice to the players who had to sidestep out of her way as she walked passed them. She had been scrolling through the southern part of the floor on her map. A place she had rarely for no particular reason. All her grinding needs were served on this side of the mountain range. Although she doubted she'd find anything different on that side, she still wanted to go see. Her deep thoughts were suddenly broken when she heard the voice of an unfamiliar player behind her. "Huh?" Vayrin said as she turned her head, her hand still on her map. It took her a moment to remember what he said as she looked at the player who had spoken to her. He was a little taller then her, but he had a rather peculier look to on him. He had white and black messy hair along with an eye patch. In her time inside SAO, she had never seen an eye patch. The girl quickly shook the thought to think up a response to his question. "Do I need help?" Vayrin said, thinking about the answer for a moment. Not in particular, no. Although it couldn't hurt to ask what she had been curious about before. "Well, I mostly stick to this side of the floor. Do you know if there is anything different on the southern half?" She said.


    Vayrin turned her head again when she sensed someone else had entered the conversation. She saw a familiar face. Of course, how could she forget with her pink hair. It was Shizuka. The girl that had been on her short friends list, but she rarely saw her anymore with her recent spike in levels. Vayrin couldn't deny that she had felt a little jealous of Shizuka at first, seeing the amount of good fortune she had gotten compared to Vayrin's. She had gotten over her past feelings now though. Vayrin simply assumed she had been getting a lot of help from the higher levels in her guild. Something Vayrin tried to avoid. "Oh, hi Shizuka...You alright?" Vayrin replied slightly concerned due to the tone Shizuka used. Sounded like she was upset.

  18. Well, here she was again. The 2nd floor. Just as mountainous and large as ever. Vayrin had been walking through the streets of the town of Urbus, looking for any form of entertainment. As much fun as grinding was, she just felt like doing something different today. Vayrin stopped for a moment to look up into the sky. The sun had been slowly switching to it's evening cycle. As the many players and NPC's wandered around the town, Vayrin decided she'd just go exploring. Much of the second floor was still a mystery to her. With that thought in mind, she swished opened her hand to reveal her menu. With a few quick taps, she opened her map. She began to scroll through it as she walked towards the edge of town.

  19. Vayrin slowly stepped backwards as the Wolves started to close in on her. She got her sword ready as the three had been slowly making her back up to the edge of the path. Vayrin looked behind her to see that it was a sheer drop into the forests far below. Knowing she couldn't run, she held out her blade. As it began to glow, the first wolf jumped at her. She ducked and rolled, missing it's attack. the second Wolf did the same and she quickly sidestepped it's jump, spinning around and leaping backwards, missing the third wolf's bite. She panted as she had turned the odds in her favor. During her evasive mineuvers she had switched positions with the wolves. hey were now on the cliff edge. Using their limited space to her advantage, Vayrin charged up a sword art then leapt up in the air above the three beasts. With a furious yell, the arch her sword created punished all three of the creatures as the impact launched them off the cliff. As they fell, all three of them exploded into an array of shards before the even hit the ground far below.

    Vayrin panted, as she leaned on her weapon to recover. She turned around, only to see a much larger wolf with improved stats. So this was an Alpha...



    ID# 40392

    BD: 10(No Accuracy Bonus) [Critical Hit!]

    MD: 5-1(+1 Evasion)=4 [Miss!]

    Vayrin's DMG: Rage Spike - 1x2 - AoE - (4 Energy) - A basic, weak skill that leaps at the enemy and follows with an upward strike. 4+2(Crit/10=+2)+1(ragespike)x2(hitcount)= 17 Dmg

    Wolf 1 DMG: 0

    Wolf 2 DMG: 0

    Wolf 3 DMG: 0

    Vayrin's HP: 32/32

    Wolf 1 HP: 0/14

    Wolf 2 HP: 0/14

    Wolf 3 HP: 0/14

    Vayrin's Energy: 4/8

    Enemies Defeated

  20. As Vayrin continued to walk down the path she had taken note of the recent lack of mobs around her. Today was going very slow. As the sun had shifted into it's late afternoons stance, her eyes were fixed on her surroundings. She stopped for a moment, then looked behind her. Nothing. Vayrin had gotten the uneasy feeling she was being followed but she didn't know if that was actually what was going on. The boy she had met a couple minutes earlier had been gone, so she thought she was alone. Suddenly, in her distracted state, Vayrin heard a soft growl behind her. She spun around while unsheathing her weapon to see three hungry looking wolves staring at her from a nearby cave.

  21. Vayrin stared at the boy as he continued to speak to her. It seemed he was worried about her safety, and suggested she get some armor. It was true, she was not wearing any form of protection, but the way she saw it she didn't need any with her current strategy. Her HP was high enough to tank out any mob on this floor.

    "Well, thanks for the advice. I'll be sure to get some." She replied, not knowing if she would hold true to her word or not. Vayrin gave a quick nod to the boy,  her way of thanking people, and continued walking down the mountain path. Rethinking her battle plan for the next Mob she encountered.

  22. Vayrin got her blade ready and shifted into her defensive stance, ready for the Ox's retaliation. Although it didint come. She stood there as the Ox suddenly roared out in pain, then it exploded into an array of blue shards. Vayrin stood there for a moment confused as to what had just happened with her eyes widened. After the shards faded away it revealed another swordsman. He had been wearing blue clothing, and had blonde hair. At first Vayrin thought this had been someone else, but a longer look revealed that he was not the person she was thinking of. She had never seen this boy before.

    "Yeah. I'm fine." She said in a serious tone. She had to admit she was a little annoyed that someone else had stolen that kill when she was perfectly capable of finishing it herself. Vayrin sheathed her blade and looked up at the boy. "Just looking for Mats."

  23. The dust in the mountain path cleared as the furious Ox rushed passed the violet haired girl. Vayrin did a backwards cartwheel, missing the Ox's horns. The creature ran towards the giant mountain wall before it stopped itself right before impact. The girl got her blade ready for a counter move. She held it out her sword as it glowed. As soon as the animal turned in her direction she sprinted towards it, her eyes flashing with fury. The Ox charged towards her, but Vayrin kicked the ground and leaped to it's side dragging her blade across it's body as she ran passed it. (Feel free to enter the battle)

    ID# 40388

    BD: 9 [Critical Hit!]

    MD: 1 [Miss!]

    Vayrin's DMG: 4+1(Crit/9=+1)=5

    Ox's DMG: 0

    Vayrin's HP: 32/32

    Ox's HP: 11/16

    Vayrin's Energy: 7/8

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