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Posts posted by Vayrin

  1. As the two walked through the area where the Wasps supposedly spawned, Vayrin also felt an unusual feeling. The absence of smaller wind wasps seemed to be weird. Vayrin watched her sides while holding out her blade, hoping Jomei was doing the same. It was possible had been here recently and had already taken out their foe. Although they still needed to keep looking. Suddenly, Vayrin heard faint buzzing, but it was getting louder very quickly. She quickly snapped her head to the direction of the sound to see a large blue aura forming behind them. As soon as the light faded, the wasp queen was in it's place. The creature's health gauges quickly faded into sight, and the creature started to flap it's wings. Making a large humming sound along with it. She tightened her grip on her blade, glared at the creature, and got into a defensive stance.


    [Wasp Queen]

    HP: 50

    Attack Damage: 12

  2. ID# 41071

    BD: 1 [No Effect.]

    Walking up to the boulder, Vayrin gave her hands a quick shake, got into a makeshift boxing stance, and slugged one arm at the boulder. The boulder seemingly had no effect to her punch. Vayrin gave a quick sigh and nodded at Takneil for his turn. Perhaps a guy would have better luck punching things then she would. "This is gonna be my whole day isn't it..." Vayrin mumbled under her breath.

  3. Vayrin held out her blade, standing back to back with Koumori as the elves surrounded them. She leaned back and whispered "I got these two, you take care of the other two..." She sprinted forward the second her mouth stopped moving She attempted the stab one of the elves, but he narrowly missed her steel, She spun around to block the others attack. She held up her blade and it allinged itself with the elve's. Using his open stomach to her advantage, she kicked him back a couple feet. She awaited their next move while Koumori fought off the others.


    ID# 40882

    BD: 3+1(Accuracy)=4 [Miss!]

    MD: 3-1(Evasion)=2 [Miss!]

    Vayrin's HP: 32/32

    Elf 1's HP: 14/14

    Elf 2's HP: 14/14

    Elf 3's HP: 14/14

    Elf 4's HP: 14/14

    Vayrin's Energy: 6/8

  4. Name: Lucky Shirt

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: Rank 1

    ID: 40855

    Roll: 10

    Item Type: Clothing

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements:  Loot Die [+1 LD]

    Description: A black cotton shirt that for some reason has made it's wearers more lucky when looting.

  5. Day: 4

    The door swung open. Back to work. Vayrin walked over to her counter, and gently put her blade down on it. She walked over to her workbench, bringing a candle over for extra light. Pulling out her good needle, grabbing some thread off the shelf in front of her, she got to work.



    Attempt: 1

    ID# 40855

    CD: 10 [Uncommon Item Crafted!] [-1 Mat]

    Attempt: 2

    ID# 40857

    CD: 11 [Rare Item Crafted!] [-1 Mat]

    Very pleased with her work, Vayrin set the two items she had just crafted on the shelf in front of her. She was about to walk out when she looked back at the rare item she had made. Perhaps she could use it for something. With that thought in mind she walked out of the shop.

  6. "Well. That was faster then anticipated." Vayrin said as she slid her weapon back into her sheath hanging on her back. "Guess you redeemed yourself after that clumsy roll." She said giving Koumori a quick smile. Now that they had gotten the required materials, they could probably start heading back. Ten minutes into their walk though, Vayrin had heard something behind them. She turned her head to see 4 angry looking elves, dressed in bandit attire. Vayrin tapped Koumori on the shoulder with one hand as she started to pull out her blade in the other. "I think we may have upset some friends..."

  7. "Yeah. I guess it has." Vayrin said as she looked over the cliff edge, staring at the sunset in the distance.  She should probably get back too, even though she liked the night on this floor, recent events taught her not to go alone without protection. She sighed again, and waved back to Greg as he began leaving. Maybe scould stay out a little longer. Just to admire the view. With that Vayrin sat down on the cliff edge and let her legs dangle off of it, gazing at the vast mountain range shadowed by the orange sun.



    Rewards: Vayrin -  200 Col. Alpha's Plate, 1 SP

                     Greg Baxen - 200 Col. 1 SP

  8. Vayrin gave a slight nod when he thanked her for her "good luck" She was primarily meaning towards his goal. It seemed reason enough, unlike lots of people who mostly thought about their own lives. Vayrin did have a very good reason to get back, not just the normal. Although she never thought about it. The more she did, the more worried she was gonna get about failing. Her thoughts were interrupted though when she received a notification. Vayrin's eyes widened a bit when she saw it was a friend request from Greg. She stared at it a moment, almost nervous to press anything. She had rarely gotten these before, in fact she only had two friends on her list. Vayrin lifted one hand, she hesitated for a moment, and then pressed the circle icon, accepting Greg's request. She gave a quick sigh, seeming it had been a difficult action for her to carry out.

  9. After seeing Koumori roll on the ground after the Dark Elf dodged his attack, Vayrin seemed to take no notice. She charged up her weapon and sprinted back towards the creature. It did the same, it's dagger glowing. As soon as the two came into striking distance, It tried to slash at her first. Vayrin spun out of the dagger's path, and then brought her weapon around to stab the creature. The impact of the blade to it's side made it stumble and roll backwards on the ground till it's back hit a tree. Vayrin stood still, holding her blade out, staring at the creature with fury in her eyes, waiting for the next move.


    ID# 40851

    BD: 6+1(Accuracy)=7 [Hit!]

    MD: 4-1(Evasion)=3 [Miss!]

    Vayrin's DMG: 4

    Vayrin's HP: 32/32

    Koumori's HP: 74/74

    Dark Elf's HP: 8/12

    Vayrin's Energy: 6/8

  10. Vayrin thought for a moment before she responded. She had never been asked this question before, so she was completely caught off guard. She came up with a simple reply to give to the boy. "All those people. Down in the towns. Those who chose not to fight. They need us." Vayrin said in a hush whisper. She looked down as she said it, her eyes deep with thought. That was all she could say, or wanted to at least. "Trust me when I say we can't let them down." She said once again. Hoping that would satisfy Greg's curiosity on the matter. She did not like thinking about the real world. Not since what had happened to her on the 4th floor. No. She wasn't going to remind herself of the past events. Vayrin lifted her head and turned back to Greg. "I hope it works out for you."

  11. Vayrin pulled out her blade once their foe had been spotted. She nodded at Koumori when he suggested she went for the first blow. With ease, Vayrin sprinted towards the Dark Elf with her blade glowing. Her first attempt to strike proved unlucky though, as the agile creature leaped just out of the reach of her sword. It followed through with it's own strike after she missed. Vayrin managed to spot the dagger flying at her from the side. She quickly twisted her body to miss it, then she did a quick back flip to gain some distance from her foe. Her expression had turned fierce, even though this foe was weaker then most she had fought.


    ID# 40772

    BD: 2+1(Accuracy)=3 [Miss!]

    MD: 6-1(+1 Evasion)= 5 [Miss!]

    Vayrin's HP: 32/32

    Dark Elf's HP: 12/12

    Vayrin's Energy: 7/8

  12. Vayrin gave her attention to Greg as he explained that he had become a blacksmith. No surprise there, most guys she had met in the game had become blacksmiths. She guessed they considered it the most useful skill, seeing as weapons do damage. Although, her reason for becoming a tailor was similar to his reason to be a balanced fighter and smith. She wanted to become a balanced fighter and tailor herself. She'd be able to make herself the required stuff that she felt like she needed as well. Sensing that Greg had finished what he had to say, she turned again and started walking down the path when he spoke up again. She froze in her step when she heard what he had said. A question she rarely heard, and no one had asked her before. Mostly because the answer was the same for everyone. Friends, Family, life outside the virtual world. Or that was at least the surface of it. She did have a deeper reason for why she fights. Nothing she had told anyone before, mostly because she spent most of her time alone. "Would my answer be any different from yours?" She replied back, not turning around.

  13. Day 3:

    Vayrin once again entered her shop from a long stressful day of grinding. Taking off her weapon, she leaned it against the wall and walked over to her workbench. using the same routine as before, she grabbed her threads and her good needle, and began working again. Hoping she could make some progress today.



    Attempt: 1

    ID# 40747

    CD: 9 [Good Item Crafted!] [-1 Mat]

    Attempt: 2

    ID# 40749

    CD: 6 [Vanity Item Crafted!] [-1 Mat]

    Well, she managed to complete another order today. Taking the clothes she had just created, she neatly placed it on the shelf and cleaned up her workbench. She then walked behind the counter, grabbed her weapon and walked out of the shop. That was all she could do today.

  14. Vayrin continued to roll her eyes as Greg went on to explain how he didn't want to lose his girlfriend. From how much he was talking about her it almost sounded like he was nervous that he would. Most people wouldn't even mention their spouse after a new encounter with someone, but if he felt the need to, then he must be afraid of something. Vayrin gave a quick sigh when Greg asked her what profession she had. "Yeah, I'm a tailor. I own a small shop here on floor 2 in Urbus." She replied, not knowing his reaction. "Just did the quest recently. It may have been tougher for me then others..." She said looking down. It was indeed annoying that she had to hunt down those three flowers, then defeat a rare mob. Most people would have better luck then her. It was a challenge at the time, the Boar was huge compared to her...

  15. Vayrin nodded at Greg as he agreed to go with her. At that thought she began walking down the trail, assuming he was following her. As she continued to walk, she stopped suddenly as Greg began to speak to her again. The hell does he think I'm going to do? Vayrin thought as she stayed silent. Funny ideas? What would Vayrin possibly do? Did he seriously think she was gonna hit on him? Sure he may have saved her life, but she wasn't just gonna go ahead and get that close to him. Not Vayrin at least. Any other girl may have had those kind of feelings, but she had been solo this entire game, so even him stating that offended her. Her thoughts paused though when she had heard Shizuka's name. The one girl who seemed to be on her friends list. Small world aint it? She turned back about half way so Greg could see the serious tone on her face and eyes. "Listen kid. I don't know what you'd think I'd do, so before you go getting those funny ideas let me explain to you that I have no intention on getting that close to you. I thank you for saving me, but I'm not gonna just suck up to you like that." It was true. Vayrin had no interest in loving anyone at the moment. It had not even grazed her mind until now. Sure she had been hit on multiple times, but she never took any of it seriously. "And good luck with Shizuka. I've had my fair share of adventures with her, so I know what she's like." With that, Vayrin's expression became annoyed as she turned and continued walking down the path. She was annoyed that people had thought of her like that. It would take a lot more then material gathering for Vayrin to have those kind of feelings for anyone...

  16. Vayrin rolled her eyes as Koumori called her by the name of her shop. She doubted that she was worthy to have a title like that anyways. 10 minutes later the two had arrived at the shop where the quest was handed out. She looked over to Koumori and nodded when he asked if this was the right place. Before Vayrin could say anything, a rather large NPC stepped in front of her, staring at Koumori. "Welcome young swordsmen! You are here for the oppertunity to get yourself some fine armor right?" The Npc looked to be a blacksmith. He had a large red beard, and was wearing a forge apron around his chest. He leaned forward and put a hand on Koumori's shoulder. "Well, you may be out of luck my friend." He replied with a sad expression on his face. "I seem to be fresh out of materials to forge you said armor. But. I know where you can get them. Not too far from here is a Dark Elf. he may have what you are looking for! Kill him and gather the materials, then I can make you a fine pair of spaulders!" He said again. The quest window appered in front of Koumori as Vayrin stood there waiting for his reaction with her arms crossed.

  17. "Yeah, we're heading back to town so you can accept the quest dummy." Vayrin said smiling as she continued to walk towards the town. Seeing as Koumori hadn't already done so, then needed to get back to the town so the quest NPC's could go through their routine and let Koumori accept the quest as well. "I hope your fighting skills are good, I may not be able to take this guy out on my own." She said as she passed by Koumori in his half step position, giving a small nudge to put him off balance.

  18. As Koumori went into his "pretending to be a girl" act, Vayrin just smiled and opened her menu, scrolling through it looking for the quest info. She had accepted the quest a while ago, along with almost every other one on the lower floors. She began reading the information. "Well, looks like we need to meet up with some NPC's first in the town." She said, closing her menu looking back up at Koumori. "It's the <<Worn Out Welcome>> Quest in case you hadn't figured that out yet." She replied. She then began to walk past Koumori towards the town. "Best not waste time. We may have trouble fighting a dark elf at night."

  19. Vayrin nodded as Greg explained to her the stats of the armor she had just accepted from him. She liked the evasion part. With her skill, it had become very useful at times. That was the skill she liked to focus on was evasion. She accepted the armor from Greg's trade request, and it had dropped into her inventory. She looked back up at Greg, not really knowing what else to say. Then she had an idea. "Well, you've proved to be helpful. I want to continue hunting for materials, so you can join me if you wish." She said giving off a small smile. It was nice to have company every once in a while, especially if she could rely on her companions to get her out of sticky situations. Only if they wanted though.

  20. Vayrin tilted her head when the boy explained how he wouldn't stand by and watch other people die. She'd probably do the same, and with stats like his, she wasn't surprised that he had done so. He had extended his hand for a handshake. Vayrin looked at it for a moment, and hesitated. She then summed up the courage to shake it and did so. He told her his name was Greg. The girl raised an eyebrow when she heard the monster had dropped a piece of armor. Greg apparently didn't need it as it's stats were too low for his liking, but Vayrin on the other hand would probably find some use for it. Also, seeing as he had suggested she get some armor before hand, and she almost got killed by another monster because she didn't have any protection, it would be considered rude not to accept it. "Uh, sure. I guess I could use some armor after that last battle." She said, accepting the trade request.

  21. Name: Lord Blackfyre's Cloak

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: Rank 1

    ID: 40601

    Roll: 9

    Item Type: Clothing

    Quality: Good

    Enhancements: N/A

    Description: An all black cloak, Golden colored fur lining and inside, A golden flame symbol on the back.

  22. Day 2:

    Two new orders today. Vayrin was pleased that her shop was getting some attention, and hoped she could keep it up by satisfying anyone who decided to choose her shop to order. She came over to her workbench, got out her good needle, picked up some thread off the shelf in front of her without even looking up, and began to work.



    Attempt 1

    ID# 40600

    CD: 1 (-1 Mat)

    Attempt 2

    ID# 40601

    CD: 9 (Good Item crafted!)


    Vayrin finished up what she was doing. With a smile she observed the new item she had just created, hoping it would satisfy her customer. With that in mind, Vayrin placed it on her shelf and exited through a door behind the counter. That was all she could do for today.

  23. "You want to help me with a quest?" She said thoughtfully, not knowing why. It was true that Vayrin had done very few quests in her time. Only a few, but none of them really had become really rewarding. She thought for a moment about the one's available on the 3rd Floor. She then remembered hearing about a quest called <<Worn Out Welcome>> Her thoughts went back to Koumori as he jokingly replied to her last comment. "Don't worry, I'm sure your a very pretty girl in most people's eyes." She replied jokingly back. "I think there is one quest we could do if you're up for it."

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