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Posts posted by tricolor_mina

  1. Spoiler

     ID# 117912 results:

     Battle: 3

     Craft: 4

     Loot: 11

     MOB: 7

    150 col, 3 T1 mats, 2 rare unidentified consumables

    ID# 118022 results:

     Battle: 7 - Hit! 39 DMG to Mina!

     Craft: 5

     Loot: 20 - Mina is tripped o-o

     MOB: 1

    Mina unlocked the chest after fiddling with the lock for what felt like almost an hour, before it finally creaked open, revealing a pair of consumables, and 3 mats. she let out a quiet cheer before turning around to speak to domarus, only to find herself staring a tiny dragon in the face "Eeeeeh?!!" she was tackled backwards over the chest she had found, and ended up tripping over what seemed to be a bunch of... tree roots?? She looked the tiny dragon over, searching for the health bar on it. She deadpanned when she realized that it was the quest boss that was staring her down. "Oi, Domarus! Put that new weapon to use and kill this!" she shouted, yanking at the roots to try and free herself...

    H[0] Tricolor_Mina: 321/360 HP, 36/36 EN, 3 ACC, 26 MIT

    H[0] @Domarus: 900/900 HP, 90/90 EN, 3-4 (?) ACC, 66 MIT

    Zylara: 175/175 HP, 65 DMG, 35 MIT, 1 ACC

  2. Spoiler


     Battle: 6

     Craft: 7

     Loot: 15 - +2 is 17, Treasure chest found!

     MOB: 10

    Mina let out an aggravated-sounding growl, before smacking Domarus with the flat part of Fallen justice with just enough force to hurt his health, and to color her cursor a deep, vibrant orange. she immediately pushed it into his hands, an irritated look on her face, before she opened up a trade window, and dragged the weapon icon inside. "Either you accept it, or i give it away to someone else. I don't need it." she said grumpily, shaking her head. She activated her search skill briefly, and, much to her surprise, she managed to spot a treasure chest. She sat there speechless for a bit, blinking in surprise at the appearance of the object. As it was, they were really rare, unless you had several buffs for your searching capabilities. "Is that a F***** chest?" she deadpanned. "Of all the places for one of those damn things to pop up it chose now?!"

  3. Name: Magnolia
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 3
    Roll ID: 117485
    Roll Result: CD 8
    Item Type: salve
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: 1 slot Health recovery
    a small silver container with a wax seal in the shape of a magnolia flower, with leaf decorations on the sides. the salve itself is a pale cream in color, with a thin golden swirl within the middle.
    Post Link: Click me!

    Name: Viper
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 3
    Roll ID: 
    Roll Result: CD 12
    Item Type: Salve
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: 1 slot Toxic Venom
    Description: A small silver container with black and purple decorations, filled with a dark purple salve that makes a weapon sizzle when applied.. It has a wax seal in the shape of a snakes head.
    Post Link: Click me!

    Name: Aloe Vera
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 3
    Roll ID: 117567
    Roll Result: CD 11
    Item Type: Salve
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: 2 slots Health Recovery
    Description: A creamy pale blue salve with small chunks of an aloe plant inside of it. has a pale green lid with a small plant on the lid. Soothes injuries with a pleasant cooling feeling.
    Post Link: Click Me!


    Name: Aloe Vera
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 3
    Roll ID: 
    117567 - 2
    Roll Result: CD 11
    Item Type: Salve
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: 2 slots Health Recovery
    DescriptionA creamy pale blue salve with small chunks of an aloe plant inside of it. has a pale green lid with a small plant on the lid. Soothes injuries with a pleasant cooling feeling.
    Post Link: Click Me!

    Name: Trickster
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 3
    Roll ID: 
    Roll Result: 12
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Crafters Respite
    Description: A dark red potion with a white phantom mask decorating a black bow on the neck of  the bottle.
    Post Link: Click Me!

    Name: Trickster
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 3
    Roll ID: 
    11771- 2
    Roll Result: 12
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: A dark red potion with a white phantom mask decorating a black bow on the neck of the bottle.
    DescriptionGive it a description~
    Post Link: Click Me!

  4. Item used - Gleaming stone
    used on... Fallen Justice (T2 Unique Rapier with 1 slot fallen Damage, 2 slots normal Damage to T2 two-handed battle axe with same enhancements)

    Mina realized her mistake almost immediately when Domarus started walking ahead of her. He had completely ignored her after she had decided to scowl at him. she had ended up hurting his feelings pretty badly, it seemed. either that, or he was just not in the mood to talk anymore. Mina frowned, before thinking about what she could do to help amend what she had done... an idea suddenly crossed her mind, and she let out a faint gasp. She opened up her inventory, and pulled out the Fallen Justice rapier she had gotten as a gift from Hestia and Sey, two of her friends. She pulled out a gleaming stone, and held the rapier in front of her, before tapping it with the stone. She selected the Two-Handed Axe option, before tapping the weapon a second time as it slowly began to start glowing, before shifting into its new form as a two-handed axe. "Domarus! Look at this!" she called out, holding out the gleaming black axe. it was ornate, and seemed to radiate with an ephemeral light.

  5. -Equips Golden fleece in place of crimson rose (LD boosted from 5 to 7)
    -MIT reduced by 18 points...

    Searching for chest...


    ID# 117645 results:

     Battle: 5

     Craft: 7

     Loot: 6 (+7 is 13, two points shy...)

     MOB: 6

    Mina let out a surprised yelp when a fluffy, golden cloak got dumped on top of her. "H-hey! what the hell?!" she spluttered, a startled look on her face. "Why'd you..?!" mina fell silent when she realized that it was a cloak that would boost her searching capabilities. She unequipped her cloak from before, and pulled on the golden fleece, frowning when she realized that the cloak was a bit stuffy due to their current location. "Mou, hopefully I don't suffocate wearing this thing..." she muttered, despite the fact that suffocation was actually not one of the ways you could die in this world (Drowning, however, was a rather real possibility.). she frowned with an annoyed look on her face at the suggestion that she was getting seasick. "You actually can't get sick like that in this world, Kayaba programmed it so that you can't get physically ill for any reason. Mental illness is fair game here, though." she said quietly, shaking her head. Mina inhaled deeply, before dunking her head underwater to try and look for some materials, or maybe even a chest. Her luck wasn't that good, though, and she ended up getting bit in the face by a fish mob, eliciting a screech from her. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaAAAaa?!?!"

    @Hestia @Sey @Alec

  6. Mina let out a sigh, shaking her head, before looking at Domarus with a sad look on her face. "Ethics are a rather... Rare... Commodity here, at least in this world." she said quietly, shaking her head again. "Hirru seems to be one of the players that suffered mental trauma from being locked up in this world... I think he might just believe that all of this is real, even the deaths of the NPCs or Bosses. If he's believing that, then I'm not gonna judge the poor guy."  mina shook her head faintly, her eyes darkening somewhat as she did so. Her usual scowl seemed to re appear with a much more intense feeling than normal. "Again. Pot calling the kettle black." she said coolly, a determined look on her face. "Just know I won't ever go down that path, I promise that with all of my heart." 'At least... not where you'll be able to see what I've done.' she thought, her eyes darkening even more. She had gotten the last of her preparations ready, and had collected a few of the oh-so-precious corridor crystals, with coordinates set to send whoever she caught into a high-level dungeon with a Anti-teleport trap in it. She had also collected a few MIT-increasing items, and Damage increasing items, along with having Yakimba as her main weapon. she had also put in a request for new gear, as well as a new mask with different stats. All she needed was the Vanish skill, and she'd be all set to go.

  7. Spoiler

    ID# 117563 results:

     Battle: 2

     Craft: 12 - Lovely! Perfect item~

     Loot: 9

     MOB: 2

    ID# 117564 results:

     Battle: 9

     Craft: 3

     Loot: 18 - failed craft

     MOB: 7

    ID# 117566 results:

     Battle: 8

     Craft: 11 - Rare Craft!

     Loot: 20 - Duplicate item!

     MOB: 9

    Ranked Up!

    ID# 117567 results:

     Battle: 6

     Craft: 2 - Failed, oh well!

     Loot: 4

     MOB: 5

    Total XP: 19, -3 mats

    placeholder :3

  8. Mina felt a bead of sweat roll down her face when she saw that they were going to be going on what seemed to be a mini boat, and were currently supposed to be traveling to a... Bigger Boat?! Mina deadpanned when she realized that they were actually going to be fighting in the middle of a lake... which would be kinda dangerous if it weren't for the fact that it was just a deckside boat brawl. she shuddered inwardly when Hestia mentioned her working with the others to fight. "Sorry, but I'm not really in the mood to die today... I'll just go searching around in the boat for materials and chests and things." she said weakly, glancing at the others. "I barely even do any damage compared to you guys... or have half of the stats that any of you do. Just let me know If I need to heal you guys." Mina stepped into the boat, deciding to push her mask to the side of her face, and curl up on the part of the boat she had sat on.

  9. Mina listened to hestia and sey as they conversed between both themselves and the quest NPC, the guide telling them that he could give them a ride to the quest island if they needed it. Mina immediately accepted the quest acceptance notification, and saw the icon for the quest location pull up on her map. Mina let out a faint sigh when she heard Alec mention that he had a Prosperity consumable that also added evasion. "Mou, you can pass that to Sey, I'd lose my evasion bonus If I took that, plus I can't fight loot standard mobs on my own on this floor." she said quietly, before pulling on the skull mask, and closing her eyes. "I have the First aid skill if any of you need it for any reason. I can only get a few uses out of it before I get close to running out of energy though. Just let me know If I need to use it." mina pulled on her red cloak, deciding to forgo wearing anything underneath the tube top. she watched carefully as the others continued with last minute preparations.


  10. mina smiled faintly when Hestia welcomed them all to a Guild meeting. they would be taking down a pirate crew from the sound of things, causing mina to frown a bit. Pirates weren't too out of place for the aesthetic that Kayaba seemed to have been going for for this world, but they did seem somewhat... odd. Granted, this Was a mostly water based floor, so it actually really worked for this floor. Especially given that they were more than likely about to go after a group of pirates. It was a bit dangerous for her, but she had faith in Sey and Hestia to keep her safe. Sey greeted her briefly with his usual exuberance, before turning to Hestia, and asking her if she had gone ahead and spoken to the NPC. Mina frowned, before she was greeted by a gruff looking man who seemed polite, and had a faint smile on his face. Mina had her mask hiding the side of her face with the scar, and simply decided to shrug, before nodding at the man. "Mou, It's nice to meet you too, Alec." she said coolly, her usual scowl lightening somewhat. "My name's Tricolor_mina, but everyone calls me Mina."


  11. Spoiler

    Noms Golden Garlic Bread (+3 LD)
    Noms Spinach Artichoke Dip (+2 EVA)
    Noms Field Rations x1 (+ 30 HP)
    Noms TFLaF Uncommon Overhealth potion (+50 HP)

    Level 18
    440/440 HP (360 + 30 from field rations, +50 from TFLaF overhealth potion)
    36/36 EN
    5 LD (1 from Armor, 3 from temp buff, 1 from Search skill)
    26 MIT
    5 Base Damage (1 from weapon, 1 natural base, 3)
    2 Evasion (Temp Buff)
    3 ACC
    T1 Bleed
    T1 Paralysis

    (Side note: mina still has pink hair)

    Mina entered the general area that her new guild was supposed to be meeting up at on floor 16. It was probably one of the first times aside from getting  gear that she had actually left for a floor that was above floor 10. as a result, she felt rather nervous about being here, since she was only level 18, and well... it had caused her to hyper prepare for anything that could happen here. She didn't apply a MIT potion, because she felt it would be too. She had joined after the second guild she joined ended up going inactive for the most part.It was run by Hestia, a frontliner she'd run into once or twice, Sey, one of her old guildmates, and a guy named Alec, a quickly rising T1 to T2 player. She walked forward onto the dock, shaking her head as she moved. She was late. All of the others had already arrived, and were obviously waiting for her to finally show up. Her weapons and armor were far too weak to actually do any kind of real damage, so she was more than likely going to just search for materials and chests while she was here. "Mou, I'm sorry I showed up late, Everyone!" she called out, waving around her hand.

  12. Mina frowned when Domarus mentioned that most of them just vanished or retired entirely from the frontlines. her eyes darkened slightly when she thought of the fact that there had apparently been two meetings rather than the standard single meeting for any given raid meeting while they were planning the boss raid. "From what I'm understanding most of these people left because of some type of bad blood..." she muttered darkly, shaking her head. "We're trying to get the hell out of here, what's the point of making it difficult for everyone else to make plans to beat down the only things holding back our progress!" when Domarus mentioned that the bosses were getting even more difficult, Mina just let out an aggravated growl. "Yeah, I've Noticed. Even the event bosses are getting stronger!" mina winced when a image of the memory flew into the forefront of her memories. A large, clawed hand ripping into her, and causing her to shatter. she shuddered faintly, before closing her eyes. she could still feel the uncomfortable numbing warmth that had spread over her before her avatar had shattered. she let out a sigh when Domarus mentioned that eventually things would get better, despite the current mess of things. "That's like the equivalent of trying to empty the bloody ocean with a bucket." she deadpanned. "I almost don't want to be up there after the fiasco that was floor 23..." mina nodded a bit when Domarus mentioned that having a DoT weapon was essentially just an easy way to guarantee damage from a weapon. "Mou, If I did join the frontlines, I'd be going strictly for status effects and accuracy. I'd rather just be able to deal damage that way, and make it guaranteed and not have to worry about MIT cutting the damage rate."

  13. Mina nodded quietly, staring at the ground. "Healers have always been valuable on the frontlines... it makes me kinda sad when I think of some of the good ones that we lost over the past year or so..." she muttered quietly, staring at the ground with a pensive look on her face. "Then again, we have lost a great deal of people to the different monsters in this game, or even to each other or themselves... its... depressing..." she started at the ground for several minutes, before Domarus brought up the fact that stats were really the only thing that mattered about a weapon, and that names meant very little. With a faint smile on her face, she materialized Yakimba, the heavy blade laying in her hands, and gleaming with a bluish light. "Even if it means nothing at all, I love the way this weapon looks!" She said brightly, looking at domarus with a smile on her face. "Isnt it a beautiful looking weapon? Granted, I would've preferred a rapier to a Straight sword, but eh. Its probably been a variety of different weapons now that I think about it!"

  14. Mina snickered when Domarus mention Zandra as one of the support players. From what shed heard it the Berserk healer, it was only once in a blue moon that she actually healed anyone for any reason. She was arguably one of the best DPS players, sure... but she was also supposed to be a healer. Granted, when she actually did heal other players, it was by a large amount. "Zandra is about the worst example you could've used, Domarus." She laughed, shaking her head as her shoulders twitched with mirth. "Granted, she probably is one of the best healers that exist on the frontlines, but other than that, shes almost purely DPS." When domarus asked about the name of Yakimba, and what it meant, she shrugged defenselessly at him. "Yakimba was gotten by one of the other frontliners as a boss drop... if you want to know the meaning of its name, you'd probably have to ask Itzal who it came from, and then go ask that person" she said softly, shaking her head faintly. Yakimba was a rather strange name, one that shed never heard of. She wondered inwardly if it was just a play on the word 'Yakima', then decided it couldn't be because of the way the word was used.

  15. Mina nodded faintly, glancing at her inventory as Domarus mentioned that it only went uphill for getting more powerful, and suggested to invest into new skills and or mods that would develop and strengthen her current abilities, as well as altering equipment, or getting a familiar to power up as well. "Mou, I actually plan to get a somewhat weaker familiar in favor of making it easier to craft items, or getting more exp per each craft." she said softly, glancing down slightly. "It sounds like its a bad Idea, but I feel like once I get to the front lines, I should switch over to being a support role..." she winced when she thought of how much of a damage decrease that it would end up being if she went to a full support build. She knew that they had plenty of DPS people on the front lines. In fact, a good majority of her friends, as well as her old guildmates (Though from what she had heard, two of them had disappeared after a large argument occurred during a front-liner meeting). Mina felt a sweat drop appear on her face when Domarus offered to pay for some of her new armor or weapons. "Mou... A friend of mine actually gave me a weapon recently that works for T2 Players. I also ended up with a Demonic item as a gift from Itzal as a Christmas present.."

  16. Mina nodded faintly, looking down at the floor as she did so. She clasped the pommel of her rapier in the palm of her hand, gritting her teeth slightly. "Damn it all...  I can't wait til I can finally have the opportunity to rip into a monster that is much more powerful and actually defeat it." Mina had long since resigned herself to the fact that she would never reach the same level of damage as everyone else. As much as she didn't like it, she knew it was going to always be like that. It was something she just needed to get used to, she figured. Even if she never reached that level of skill or power, she could support everyone else with her support skills. She already had <<Search>>, which was gotten at the suggestion of her friend, Itzal, and planned to get <<First Aid>> as soon as she could. It was absolutely necessary with her aiming to become a support player. She was also debating on getting a different sword skill, or maybe even a few skills aimed towards tanks. "Leveling up shouldn't be an issue. As it is, I leveled up twice from the first of these quests. I should be able to hit T2 within a reasonable span of time. But once I do, I might have to take a break to get some new armor..."

  17. Spoiler

    1x Rare T1 Armor 350 Col
    1x Rare T1 Weapon 350 Col
    2x Rare T1 Consumables 380 Col

    Col Total: 1,720 Col

    Deets of what I'm doing are above :>

    Mina walked into Daggers shop yet again, this time a bundle of items clasped within her arms. An unidentified weapon, an unidentified Armor piece, and a pair of consumable items. She had a happy look on her face as she walked in. "Hello again, Dagger~ I've come to visit you once more!" she laid the small item pile on the counter. "Sadly, I only have four of these for right now, but I plan to bring more soon!"  mina walked over to the side of the room, and lurked around the room and lurking around to idly browse the different items in the room. she smiled faintly, and grabbed a few extra sets of field rations, and a new immolation potion as well. she walked back over to the counter, before placing them on the counter. "I'll also grab these too, if thats ok?" mina said cheerfully, before sending the col over to him.

  18. Spoiler

    ID# 117126 results:

     Battle: 5

     Craft: 1

     Loot: 16

     MOB: 5

    ID# 117127

     Battle: 10

     Craft: 6

     Loot: 5 - salvage failed .-.

     MOB: 6

    Results: 2x failed crafts, +5 Exp (1 from failed craft, 2 from failed salvage, 2 from Ambition tool)

    Mina started fiddling with her cauldrons, yawning tiredly as she did so. It was going to be a good little while before she found her crafting skills good enough to actually enough to make satisfactory set of salves.

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