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Posts posted by tricolor_mina

  1. Spoiler
    Achievment Name Progress
    Last hit on Zombies 2/50
    Zombies killed 2/100
    Crit Fails/Evasions 0/25 or 1/15
    Amount healed (Self) 90/150
    Amount healed (thread) 90/120
    Consumables used 2/13

    Achievements are listed above~!

    Mina cracked open one of the spider cider bottles in her inventory, and chugged down the apple-flavored drink. It was decorated with festive fake spiders, and fake silk, and was tinged a deep purple color. The flavor was great, but it seemed like there were tiny legs in there? She read the label. "... Made with WHOLE spiders, not just the juice??? What kind of person makes a drink like this?!!" she spluttered, hurriedly drinking the rest of it as to not end up choking it back up at the thought that it was a drink made out of actual spiders! She shuddered convulsively, completely missing the attack of the same zombie that still seemed quite eager to rip her face off, which was kinda terrifying? She checked her health, letting out a relieved sigh when she saw that the spider cider healed her enough that the damage was somewhat paltry in comparison.

    Action: Chugging a spider Cider (+90 HP)


    Zombie  3

    ID# 126824 results:

     Battle: 9 - Minor Crit! 20 DMG to mina!

     Craft: 8

     Loot: 7

     MOB: 3

    Zombie 4

    ID# 126823 results:

     Battle: 3 - Miss!

     Craft: 9

     Loot: 5

     MOB: 3

    Zombie 1: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 2: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 3: 50/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 4: 50/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Tricolor_Mina: 275/360 HP, 23/36 EN, 0 MIT, 3 ACC, 1 Bleed, 1 Para, 5 Base DMG

  2. Spoiler
    Achievment Name Progress
    Last hit on Zombies 1/50
    Zombies killed 1/100
    Crit Fails/Evasions 0/25 or 1/15
    Amount healed (Self) 0/150
    Amount healed (thread) 0/120
    Consumables used 1/13

    Achievement list is above~!

    Mina let out a warcry as she rushed into the still staggering zombie, hitting it with a quick two-part Sword art, dealing just enough damage to defeat it. She realized that one of the other zombies was charging towards her, and moved slightly so that she could at least try to guard. The monster easily knocked her over, and started ripping into her with a renewed vigor. apparently killing two of its friends had it sufficiently angered enough to try and kill her quicker than it had before. She heard a loud thud, and the sounds of screaming. 'Well isn't this fantastic, they're trying to go back to killing the NPC's!' She thought venomously, glaring at the undead creatures as they continued rampaging on the innocent NPC's "What the hell was that guy thinking summoning the undead to entertain people?!" She spluttered, looking out at the destruction that was running rampant in the Tent. "He was just ASKING for something like this to freaking happen!!"



    ID# 126820 results:

     Battle: 9 - Minor Crit! 6*2=12 DMG to Zombie 2!

     Craft: 11

     Loot: 11 - Zombie 2's ability doesn't activate! Zombie 2 is Dead!

     MOB: 2

    Zombie 3:

    ID# 126821 results:

     Battle: 10 - Hyper Crit! 20 DMG to Mina!

     Craft: 1

     Loot: 13

     MOB: 10

    Zombie 4:

    ID# 126822 results:

     Battle: 3 - MISS

     Craft: 7

     Loot: 18

     MOB: 3

    Zombie 1: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 2: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 3: 50/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 4: 50/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Tricolor_Mina: 205/360 HP, 23/36 EN, 0 MIT, 3 ACC, 1 Bleed, 1 Para, 5 Base DMG

  3. Spoiler
    Achievment Name Progress
    Last hit on Zombies 1/50
    Zombies killed 1/100
    Crit Fails/Evasions 0/25 or 1/15
    Amount healed (Self) 0/150
    Amount healed (thread) 0/120
    Consumables used 1/13

    Achievment list is above~!

    Mina snorted with laughter when the first zombie completely missed her without her even needing to move, and left itself open for an attack from her. She slammed her rapier into its body, tearing it up further, and leaving it with a red health bar, entirely skipping the yellow part of it. She ripped her weapon out, just barely avoiding an attack from the second, but leaving herself open to an attack from behind. She was starting to get very annoyed with these stupid things, especially given that they were slowly letting her creep towards the halfway mark on her health bar. She jumped away from the zombie that had decided to sneak up on her, and ran around to the other side of the zombies, aiming to get a different viewpoint on them.



    ID# 126807 results:

     Battle: 4 HIT! 6*5=30-10=20 DMG to Zombie 2!

     Craft: 6

     Loot: 9

     MOB: 8

    Zombie 2:

    ID# 126809 results:

     Battle: 1 - Critical Evasion! Automatic miss

     Craft: 7

     Loot: 20

     MOB: 4

    Zombie 3:

    ID# 126810 results:

     Battle: 2 - MISS

     Craft: 3

     Loot: 11

     MOB: 2

    Zombie 4:

    ID# 126811 results:

     Battle: 7 - HIT! 15 DMG to mina!

     Craft: 4

     Loot: 9

     MOB: 2

    Zombie 1: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 2: 10/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 3: 50/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 4: 50/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Tricolor_Mina: 225/360 HP, 24/36 EN, 0 MIT, 3 ACC, 1 Bleed, 1 Para, 5 Base DMG

  4. Spoiler
    Achievment Name Progress
    Last hit on Zombies 1/50
    Zombies killed 1/100
    Crit Fails/Evasions 0/25
    Amount healed (Self) 0/150
    Amount healed (thread) 0/120
    Consumables used 1/13

    Completed Achievements are listed above~!

    Mina's eyes darkened with rage as she was clawed at by two of the Zombies, the third one just stumbling about, ignoring her in favor of clawing at some innocent NPC characters. She closed her eyes, allowing the attack to continue for a few more moments, letting the zombies claw at her just a bit longer, before unleashing a flurry of strikes at the first zombie that had attacked her, not dealing enough to kill it, but doing enough to put a notable dent in its health bar. She stumbled back a bit more afterwards, panting. Her health hadn't taken too much of a hit, though she did seem to be quickly approaching half health, which made her feel a tad bit uncomfortable with her situation. She stood up straighter, and readied her blade, scowling at the undead beasts



    ID# 126801 results:

     Battle: 5 + 3 = 8, HIT! 6*5= 30-10= 20 DMG to zombie 2!

     Craft: 5

     Loot: 7

     MOB: 7

    Zombie 2

    ID# 126802 results:

     Battle: 6 - HIT! 15 DMG to mina!

     Craft: 7

     Loot: 1

     MOB: 1

    Zombie 3

    ID# 126803 results:

     Battle: 10 - CRIT HIT! 20 DMG to mina!

     Craft: 9

     Loot: 14

     MOB: 4

    Zombie 4

    ID# 126804 results:

     Battle: 5

     Craft: 12

     Loot: 18

     MOB: 2

    Zombie 1: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 2: 30/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 3: 50/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 4: 50/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Tricolor_Mina: 230/360 HP, 29/36 EN, 0 MIT, 3 ACC, 1 Bleed, 1 Para, 5 Base DMG

  5. Spoiler
    Achievment Name Progress
    Last hit on Zombies 1/50
    Zombies killed 1/100
    Crit Fails/Evasions 0/25
    Amount healed (Self) 0/150
    Amount healed (thread) 0/120
    Consumables used 1/13


    Achievements completed are listed above~!

    Mina didn't even bother raising her weapon, instead, she decided to down one of her energy drinks, spluttering at the bad taste. "Urgh, that stuff tastes awful!" she muttered, scowling at the half empty can, before shaking her head, and downing the rest. She felt movement to her sides, and simply stepped backwards, letting the zombies slam into each other, and knock themselves down. The sight elicited a laugh from her, causing her to completely miss the third one sneaking up on her, and allowing it to tear into her with its hands, dealing a decent chunk of damage to her. She let out a yelp as she was dragged to the floor, the zombie still trying to claw at her face and arms. "Dammit get offa me you sorry excuse of a zombie!" she spluttered, kicking it off of her, though not hard enough to damage it. the stupid thing was just stumbling around now, while the other two seemed to regroup with it.

    Action: Mina downs an off brand energy drink. Gains 3 energy!



    Zombie 2:

    ID# 126798 results:

     Battle: 2 - miss

     Craft: 5

     Loot: 15

     MOB: 7

    Zombie 3:

    ID# 126799 results:

     Battle: 4 - miss

     Craft: 9

     Loot: 15

     MOB: 8

    Zombie 4:

     ID# 126800 results:

     Battle: 10

     Craft: 4

     Loot: 9

     MOB: 5

    Zombie 1: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 2: 50/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 3: 50/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 4: 50/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Tricolor_Mina: 265/360 HP, 34/36 EN, 0 MIT, 3 ACC, 1 Bleed, 1 Para, 5 Base DMG

  6. Spoiler
    Achievement name Progress made
    Killed Zombies 1/100
    Final Hit on Zombies 1/50
    Critical Failures or Evasions 0/25 or 0/15
    Amount Healed (Self) 0/150
    Amount Healed in a thread 0/120
    Consumables used 0/13

    Achievements Completed are listed above~!

    Mina shot forward, charging up yet another Crucifixion as she charged at the zombie in front of her, before stabbing into it with her rapier, flashes of crimson and black denoting a critical blow as she finished the last movements of the attack, and drove her rapier into the zombie's neck, easily sending it flying away, and causing the zombie to shatter into polygons. She felt herself get slammed into the ground as the other three zombies knocked her over, clawing at her body with their disgusting-looking hands. 'Eugh! what I wouldn't give for an AoE sword skill right now!' she growled, before jumping back, and readying her blade once again as the creatures started lumbering towards her once again, the undead mobs aiming to kill her with their claws, and tear into the innocent NPC's nearby. It certainly wasn't something she wanted to take sitting down, though. "Come on then! Show me what you undead pricks can do!" she roared, getting into a battle stance.


    ID# 125264 results:

     Battle: 9 (Minor Crit! 6*6=36-10= 26 DMG to Zombie 1

     Craft: 12

     Loot: 8

     MOB: 1

    ID# 125265 results:

     Battle: 4 - miss!

     Craft: 9

     Loot: 12 - Zombie 1's ability does not activate. Zombie 1 is Dead due to bleed.

     MOB: 3

    ID# 125281 results:

     Battle: 7 (Success! 15 DMG to Mina )

     Craft: 8

     Loot: 1

     MOB: 2

    ID# 125318 results:

     Battle: 6  (Success! 15 DMG to Mina!

     Craft: 8

     Loot: 14

     MOB: 6

    ID# 125319 results:

     Battle: 8 (Success! 15 DMG to Mina!)

     Craft: 6

     Loot: 15

     MOB: 7

    Zombie 1: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 2: 50/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 3: 50/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 4: 50/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Tricolor_Mina: 285/360 HP, 30/36 EN, 0 MIT, 3 ACC, 1 Bleed, 1 Para, 5 Base DMG

  7. Spoiler
    Achievement name Progress made
    Killed Zombies 0/150
    Final Hit on Zombies 0/100
    Critical Failures or Evasions 0/25 or 0/15
    Amount Healed (Self) 0/150
    Amount Healed in a thread 0/120
    Consumables used 0/13


    Completed Achievements are Above

    Mina stabbed her rapier repeatedly into one of the Zombies, dealing only 20 Damage to the buggers. What made it more annoying was the fact that two of them managed to damage her for a decent chunk of her health. Granted, it wasn't that much, and she could easily waste the turn needed to heal herself if she wanted to, but she didn't need to do so at the moment. It would be a sore waste of a good healing item! She debated on the energy drink, before noting that It would be a bit pointless to drink one while she was staring down four zombies at once... Maybe she could do that when she only had to deal with two? Oh well, that wasn't an important thing right now. all that mattered was trying to save the NPC's running around... And figuring out what that damn ringleader had planned.

    Combat Start!!


    ID# 125197 results:

     Battle: 3 (+3 is 6, Success! 30-10= 20 DMG to Zombie 1)

     Craft: 11

     Loot: 14

     MOB: 4

     ID# 125199 results:

     Battle: 8 (Success! 15 DMG to Mina)

     Craft: 4

     Loot: 3

     MOB: 6

    ID# 125200 results:

     Battle: 4 - Miss!

     Craft: 4

     Loot: 18

     MOB: 2

     ID# 125202 results:

     Battle: 7 (Success! 15 DMG to Mina)

     Craft: 10

     Loot: 17

     MOB: 10

     ID# 125206 results:

     Battle: 3 - Miss!

     Craft: 10

     Loot: 18

     MOB: 1


    Zombie 1: 30/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 2: 50/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 3: 50/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 4: 50/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Tricolor_Mina: 330/360 HP, 30/36 EN, 0 MIT, 3 ACC, 1 Bleed, 1 Para, 5 Base DMG

  8. Spoiler


    Level 18

    5 DMG

    26 MIT --> 0 MIT (no worn Light Armor. skill inactive!)

    360 HP

    36 EN

    3 ACC

    2 LD

    1 BLD

    1 Para

    -Mask of Rose (3 ACC)
    -Righteous Executioner (1 Bleed, 1 Para, 1 DMG)



    R3 OHR

    R2 L. Armor


    BR Inventory:

    5x Obnoxious Corn Dogs

    4x Off Brand Energy Drinks

    3x Spider Ciders

    Crimson Rose (2 MIT, 1 LD armor)

    Stats are above lovelies~!

    Mina jumped down from the balcony, whooping as she charged out. She wasn't scared about the current situation, she was freaking Excited about it. This was so, so SO much more lively than the whole business with Miraak that had happened a while back. She had forgone wearing her armor, knowing that these creeps probably couldn't do that much to her, not with how they seemed to act at least... Oh well, not something that she was focused on. She noticed with a start that there were a few zombies that had zeroed in on some of the NPC's, and were preparing to feast on them. Not something she would just let happen, not even in a million years. She jumped from her perch in the stands, and landed near the NPC characters, and Prepped herself for this event. "A lovely Spectacle, this much is for certain... but I refuse to allow any of you to beat down any more of these poor NPC's!" she hissed, popping her skull mask onto her face. "Stupid Zombies, Shall I educate you on the difference between you and I, Ne?"

  9. Mina's eyes widened when she saw the tent suddenly grow filled with other players, many of whom she didn't recognize. She did, however, recognize Hestia, Zandra, Macradon, Jomei, Bahr, and... Morgenstern. He'd become distant with everyone that he'd been really close to before, and had just decided to up and vanish from everyone's lives. He had basically disappeared, and now that he was back... he'd gained that Damned orange Cursor... She noted him talking to someone who seemed related to him, and just running off, leaving the girl standing there looking alone, and pretty afraid from how it seemed. "Just what the hell has gotten into you, Morg..." she thought, her feelings towards the blonde growing venomous. "You've changed so much since we've last met, and not for the better it seems." she waltzed over to jack, snagging a trio of Spider Ciders, smiling at the design. It certainly fit the event, that much was certain. She then snatched up four of the Off-Brand energy drinks, knowing that she would definitely need them in the coming fight. She also snuck away 5 of the Corn dogs from one of the other players. Apparently Mishiro's lover had gone a tad bit overboard with how much he had given her, and she had too much extra, so it didn't matter too much from how it seemed. "Looks like I made the right choice wearing my armor to this, Ne?" she said, flinging away the decorative cloak as the Zombies started to burst from the ground, and attack the NPC's. "Bah! It's showtime, Love! Time to show these fiends just how strong I really am!"

    Item Amount Spent
    Spider Cider 150 Col
    Off Brand Energy Drink 400 Col

    Total Spent: 550 Col

    Nabbed from the Treasure Chest: 5 Obnoxious Corn Dogs

  10. Mina hopped down from a nearby tree that she had perched on in order to watch the festive-looking ringleader announce that there was going to be a Halloween circus, which caught her interest. Events weren't very common, and when they did pop up, usually they had fantastic rewards up for grabs. Mina checked the entry price, which was only 500 col, which she quickly sent to the NPC guarding the entrance, and ducked inside of the tent once she was given her ticket for entry. She was wearing a festively-dyed cosmetic cloak over her usual attire, her usually pink hair now an inky black, and streaked with orange and purple. She looked around the area, hoping to see a few faces that she would recognize. She was familiar with Alec, who she gave a friendly wave to, and was startled when she saw a player with emerald green hair near the upper part of the stands. 'looks like a bunch of old faces are popping out of the woodwork, huh..?' she thought to herself, moving to go stand with Alec, the only player she actually knew here. there were two frontliner players that were present, the emerald-haired guy, and Calrex. She was mildly surprised that Hestia and Zandra had yet to show up, seeing as they were almost always there for events of any kind.

  11. Spoiler

    ID# 121926 results:

     Battle: 3

     Craft: 4

     Loot: 13 (+7 is 20, success! 1 T2 mat found)

     MOB: 8

    mina quietly slipped out of the boat, and swam around, trying to find any materials that caught her eyes as she moved. a few moments later, she spotted what looked like a piece of vibrantly-colored coral, and decided to go grab it, a determined look crossing her face as she did so. "Ghnnngh!!" a slew of bubbles seemed to stream from her mouth as she struggled with the coral, before managing to rip it free a few moments later. She swam back up, the fluffy cloak keeping her warm somehow, despite her being soaking wet... she figured that it was just due to the limitations of the in-game software when it came to liquids, something she had noticed when she went swimming in one of the many lakes on the various floors.

    @Hestia @Sey @Alec

  12. Spoiler

    ID# 120122 results:

     Battle: 5 (+5 is 10, success! 10*6 is 60 -10 is 50 DMG to Rain minion 19)

     Craft: 2

     Loot: 8

     MOB: 7

    [H: 4/0/4/0] @tricolor_minaHP: 359/360  EN: 20/36  DMG:10 MIT:`16 ACC:5  EVA:1 (bleed/paralyze/toxic venom on crit)
    [H: 0/0/0/0] @PeneloHP: 68/80 / EN: 2/4 / DMG: 6  /MIT: 9  / EVA: 1  / ACC: 1 
    [H: 0/3/0/2] @Arabelle HP: 364/370  EN: 0/34  DMG:10  MIT:9   ACC: 3  EVA: 2
    [H: 1/0/0/0] @DustinHP: 480/480  EN:33/48  DMG:11  MIT:14  ACC:2  EVA: 1  BH: 4
    [H: 0/0/0/0] @Dagger HP: 340/340  ENG: 26/26   DMG:1  MIT: 18  EVA: 1

  13. Placeholder...


    ID# 119531 results:

     Battle: 6

     Craft: 7 - Salvage (Successful)

     Loot: 19

     MOB: 10


     ID# 119532 results:

     Battle: 10

     Craft: 9 - successful craft, uncommon MIT potion (Phantom's shield)

     Loot: 8

     MOB: 6

    ID# 119533 results:

     Battle: 2

     Craft: 3 - failed craft

     Loot: 13

     MOB: 5


    ID# 119534 results:

     Battle: 2

     Craft: 11- successful craft! rare T1 MIT potion crafted (Phantom's scales)!

     Loot: 19 - Duplicated craft! 

     MOB: 8

    ~Downs Trickster (Crafters respite}~

    ID# 119535 results:

     Battle: 8

     Craft: 12 - Perfect craft! Trickster (Crafters respite)

     Loot: 18 - Duplicated craft!

     MOB: 6


    ID# 119536 results:

     Battle: 2

     Craft: 11 - Successful craft! rare Damage potion (Jack of Spades)

     Loot: 2

     MOB: 10

    ~Rank up!~

     ID# 119537 results:

     Battle: 5

     Craft: 8 - Successful craft! Uncommon Damage potion (Jack of Clubs)

     Loot: 14

     MOB: 8

    ID# 119538 results:

     Battle: 9

     Craft: 7 - Successful Craft! Uncommon MIT potion (Phantom's shield)

     Loot: 6

     MOB: 4

     ID# 119539 results:

     Battle: 9

     Craft: 4 - Salvage (Fail)

     Loot: 5

     MOB: 1

    Total: 37 EXP (28+9(bonus exp from ambition tool)) -8 mats (1 is retained from successful salvage)


  14. Post action- Howl
    +2 hate to all four minions for P1

    mina scowled underneath her mask when she saw that their teams healer had gotten attacked several times by a few of the minions. she let loose with yet another gutteral sounding roar, hoping dearly that these damned things actually targeted her instead, because god forbid one of them landing critical strikes on the healer. even though the damage wasn't too terrible for most of the party, not all of them had great armor. the battle was going fairly well, and the DPS players of their team were easily clearing out everyone. the other team, the one lead by Mace, was easily killing the vast majority of the rain minions due to most of their players having an AoE skill. Mina closed her eyes, and glanced over at one of the monsters, her hand placed on the pommel of her blade in case she needed to kill one of the rain minions.... though that would probably not end up happening. hopefully nobody was unlucky enough to get severely hurt by any of these things, considering their extremely low damage.



    [H: 2/0/0/0] @tricolor_minaHP: 360/360  EN: 20/36  DMG:10 MIT:`16 ACC:5  EVA:1 (bleed/paralyze/toxic venom on crit)
    [H: 0/0/0/0] @Penelo: HP: 68/80 / EN: 2/4 / DMG: 6  /MIT: 9  / EVA: 1  / ACC: 1 
    [H: 2/1/2/1] @Arabelle HP: 370/370  EN: 10/34  DMG:10  MIT:9   ACC: 3  EVA: 2
    [H: 1/1/1/2] @DustinHP: 480/480  EN:36/48  DMG:11  MIT:14  ACC:2  EVA: 1  BH: 4
    [H: 0/0/0/0] @Dagger HP: 340/340  ENG: 26/26   DMG:1  MIT: 18  EVA: 1

  15. Mina stopped behind domarus, simply letting him keep walking. she felt a sense of guilt rush through her body, before she simply dropped her head, and let it tilt to the ground. she didn't like this feeling, not one bit. it was just a strange, seemingly broken, and empty sensation. all of a sudden, she felt something wet on her cheek. she put her gloved hand to her face, probing the spot with the tips of her fingers. she was... crying..? what excuse did she have for doing that now? Tears didn't make up for what she probably did. They wouldn't make anyone feel better. and they certainly wouldn't make Domarus talk to her again. She was almost certain that she was at fault for his silence. She felt her legs slowly start to tremble, and she felt more tears start to roll down her cheeks. she put her hands to her hair, a quiet sound of frustration coming from within her throat. 'What point do I have in fighting these feelings anymore..?' she thought, before her legs gave out on her, allowing her to quietly fall to her knees. the sound was slightly muffled by her red cloak, and the softened ground. 'I don't deserve to call him my friend, I can't believe I treated him like that..! ' a choked sound bubbled in her throat, before she decided to fully curl in on herself.

  16. Post action- Howl (-8 EN)
    +2 hate to Rain minions 1, 2, 3, and 4

    Mina strode forward, shaking her head. She wasn't afraid of these monsters, not even if they crit against her. the monsters. she was easily able to defend against it, considering that she would only take a single point of damage. The only reason she was being a tank for this event, was because there were some players that would be doing rather badly if they weren't protected by someone. she scowled when she saw the ugly beasts that were daring to bare their fangs at everyone. She stared at them, her red eyes darkening while she stared. She took in a deep, strong breath, and let out a booming roar, startling them into aggroing into her. She closed her eyes, before she chuckled to herself. It was certainly an easy thing to do, to piss off the monsters, or scare them to the point that they were instantly starting to focus on her.


    @tricolor_minaHP: 360/360  EN: 28/36  DMG:10 MIT:`16 ACC:5  EVA:1 (bleed/paralyze/toxic venom on crit)
    @Penelo: HP: 80/80 / EN: 4/4 / DMG: 6  /MIT: 9  / EVA: 1  / ACC: 1 
    @ArabelleHP: 370/370  EN: 34/34  DMG:10  MIT:9   ACC: 3  EVA: 2
    @DustinHP: 480/480  EN:46/48  DMG:11  MIT:14  ACC:2  EVA: 1  BH: 4
    @DaggerHP: 340/340  ENG: 26/26   DMG:1  MIT: 18  EVA: 1

  17. Stats are below lovelies (As well as some other goodies)~


    Level: 15
    360 HP
    36 EN
    Base DMG 10 (1 (Base) +3 (R3 Rapier skill) +1 (Righteous Executioner) +2 (tofu burger)
    16 MIT (16 from armor, 8 from skill, -10 from tofu burger)
    T1 Bleed (BD 9+)
    Para (BD 9+)
    1 EVA
    5 ACC (3 (Mask of rose) +2 (Hummus dip)

    Mask of Rose (3 slots ACC)
    Righteous Executioner (1 slot Para, 1 slot Bleed, 1 slot Damage)
    Crimson Rose (2 slots MIT, 1 slot LD)

    OHR Rank 3
    L. Armor Rank 2

    consumables used:
    Water Canister (1/3 charges left)
    Viper (T1 toxic venom (8 DMG per turn for two turns on natural crit of 9 or 10))
    Tofu Burger (+2 DMG, -10 MIT)
    Hummus Dip (+2 ACC)

    Battle ready inventory
    Aloe Vera x2
    Teleport crystal x2

    given to @Kityuisa

    Midnight soul
    Perfect Light armor
    (2 slots MIT, 1 slot EVA)

    Mina arrived at the quest zone, a tired look on her face. She knew that this would probably turn into a royal mess once it got completely started. She knew full well that this fight would more than likely be a large one, and judging by the amount of players flooding in, the event was going to be interesting to say the least. she knew that there would need to be at least two or more tanks as well, otherwise people would be getting hurt quite a bit, that is, if they didn't have at least basic armor. she had given over her cloak to a rookie-ish player who lacked in any powerful armor, before donning her brightly colored red cloak, and moving towards the front of the group, and beginning to prep for the fight. she pulled Righteous Executioner from its sheathe, and began to gently spread the toxic venom over the blade, taking care to fully coat the sharpened blade of the weapon. once that was finished, she started with the two consumables in her inventory, the hummus dip, and the tofu burger. she quickly ate both, feeling the burning sensation that came from the protein taking effect. once the sensation ended, she stood up, and began practicing her fighting skills. She couldn't howl every turn, but she could do damage to the different monsters, and kill them one by one. Mina opened her inventory, and clicked on the button to equip her mask, which slid onto her face with a splash of pixels. from underneath it, she smiled coldly, and chuckled before speaking.

    "Mou, It's showtime lovelies, lets see what you all can do!"

  18. Mina kept up with domarus, albeit barely. the younger male moving fairly quickly after they had reached town, and floor three. the floor was fairly nice, despite the circumstances that they were there. The third hatchling was waiting for them in the forest. This one seemed to be able to spawn elves that would aid it in combat, ones that seemed to be fanatically devoted to their little "protector". Domarus hadn't spoken since they had left, and it made her feel somewhat nervous about the situation. She hadn't any clue if he was feeling ok, or if he was just ignoring her for what she had said before... she knew she hadn't been very polite when she shoved that axe into his hands earlier, so she probably did end up hurting his feelings. She had noticed that her brash, Blunt, and unfiltered way of speaking caused her to hurt peoples feelings quite often, even those who had known her for a long time and knew how she tended to act if someone asked her something of her. It got even worse if she was angry, in which case she'd just snap at people til she got her way, and she ended up doing that to Domarus, a person who needed comfort and kindness, not rude attitude and harsh, blunt actions. She decided to remain silent for now, her eyes dull and half lidded as she contemplated what happened earlier.

  19. mina looked up, a scowl crossing her face. "Glad you think it's funny, Hest..." she said grumpily, shaking her head. "Joking aside, when are we gonna finally reach the quest... area....!" A sweat drop began slowly trailing down her face, a nervous look spreading across it as she swallowed nervously. "Hestia, what... What the actual hell did I let you drag me into..?" she said weakly, shrinking backwards into the boat out of fear for her safety. I mean, sure, she was in a much safer position than most, and wouldn't be in much danger given that she was just staying in the little boat, but it was still a bit disconcerting to say the least. Mina took one look at the scruffy, dangerous-looking pirates that were staring them down, and she immediately decided that the best course of action for her part was to just stay on the boat with the friendly NPC, that way she didn't end up needing to be shark bait.

  20. Mina was still struggling with the twig-like vines wrapped around her ankles while the Dragon sat on top of her, when something that looked like a red and black blur charged the dragon, and swiped into it with the weapon clasped within their hands. when everything came back into focus, the dragon shattered and completely vanished into glittering blue polygons, and she had realized that it was Domarus, he had already started walking back towards town, after mentioning that they should probably head back to town. "H-huh..? Wai... wait a minute! wait up Domarus!" she called out, a startled look on her face. She started running after him as quickly as she could, worry coloring her features. She didn't expect him to just up and leave immediately after killing the quest boss. She bit her lip, a feeling of nervousness coursing through her. It was nerve wracking to say the least, and she began to wonder inwardly if she had done something wrong or not... if she had somehow hurt his feelings..?

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