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Posts posted by tricolor_mina

  1. Mina heard jon reassure her that he was through with running, through with leaving. She felt relief, and hugged him closer, though she freed her head so she could look up at him, her eyes shining with unshed tears. "I... I wanted to be able to see you again, without you leaving me behind..." she said, locking her gaze into his. "I just... I can't handle being alone like I've been lately, without any of you. You, Itzal, Kasier... all of you left me behind, intentional or not..." She thought over to the shadowy figures of Kasier and Itzal, and the brighter light of Domarus... She almost laughed at the irony of it all. The guy who once ruined people's lives, and acted like an egotistical prick ended up turning out to be more of a beacon of light than the person that she was hugging at the moment. Mina knew that things weren't ever going to be anywhere near the same as they were before, not unless they worked hard to make it that way.

    She felt a tear run down her face as she thought about what she wanted to say next. She shuddered, before continuing. "... I guess I just... really, really missed you... " she said, a faint laugh escaping her throat towards the end of her sentence.


  2. Mina saw Jon turn around swiftly at the sound of her voice, his eyes wide with shock and fear. Well, that certainly wasn't the effect she'd wanted to go for. She didn't want to make him freak out, or worse, run away. This was the first time in months that she'd been able to meet up with him again, and she would be damned if she tossed that aside because both of them were scared. She refused to run away, to shun him. It was so painfully obvious that he had changed from the bright and cheery guy she had met alongside the rest of her old guildmates. She missed those days, hell, she regretted not spending enough time with everyone. Everyone else seemed to have gone their own separate ways. She just didn't want him to run away like he'd done so many times in recent memory. Every time she'd tried to say something to him, he'd run away... It hurt, but she figured that it was because he'd been hurting inside. He asked her why she was here, calling out to her from where he was standing. she didn't respond, her hair hiding her face initially, her entire body shaking like a leaf.

    Then, he'd turned to face the water once more, before saying he was just looking at the water, saying that it was pretty this time of day. Her breath hitched in her throat, before she managed to let out a response, barely loud enough to be audible. "...I-I... I'm... I'm here to..." her mind couldn't form a proper response, she was just being thrown around by her emotions. Without even really thinking, she launched herself forward, running towards Jon. 'I can do this!' Memories from their old encounters with each other and their guildmates. 'I can do this!' she sped up slightly, before tackling Jon into a hug. "I-I'm here because I needed to talk to you! I won't let you run away this time!" she cried out, burying her face in his shoulder as she hugged him. They wouldn't be knocked into the water due to the force of the hug.


  3. Mina had silently arrived to the location, her eyes scanning out around the area, probing for any potential dangers to herself. Normally, she wouldn't go out this far up into the floors of the floating castle that everyone here called their prison, but she figured that a change of pace would be a much-needed respite from the hectic scene in the lower floors. She wasn't going to be able to handle that kind of thing for very long, and she knew it. She loved to help out others, but she knew that it was necessary to take a break every so often. Such was the reason she got brought here today, she reasoned. She was wearing a simple black turtleneck, with a long red and white skirt, and a small pink jacket that barely came down to her ribs. Her new weapon, Jack's burned Lament, was sitting in it's sheathe, swaying slightly in a faint breeze.

    She noticed a blonde haired player staring at their reflection in the water, when she stopped dead as she saw the orange cursor, giving her a start. She placed her hand on the pommel of her weapon, a nervous look on her face at first... until she saw some familiarity in that person. she vividly remembered sitting down and chatting with him before, remembered relaxing with him at the shop of their best friend's, and drinking to good health. She remembered sitting in guild meetings and having parties with him. One of her closest friends in this game, save for itzal... She called out to the blond player, reaching out the hand that had briefly hovered over her weapon, as if she were attempting to touch him.

    "... Jon..?"


  4. Mina scowled at the scarecrow from underneath her mask. The Jerk was mocking everyone in their groups. Thankfully, the others were dealing quite a bit of damage to make the scarecrow realize that it's taunts were little more than pathetic mockery as they were certainly much stronger than they initially seemed. She noted that there were a few players that managed to crit, and that one of the players that had gotten the aggro to the event boss had been switched over to the first party where they could be protected and healed by Cordelia and Penelo. She noted that Jinx, Minako, and Arabelle were all still in the same party as her, which was mildly frustrating. Oh well, nothing she could really do about it now. She Slashed into the scarecrow, noting a viable difference in it's armor now that it had been partially burned away by flame. Her damage sadly only went up 5 points from before, but it was certainly something she supposed.


    ID# 128106 results:

     Battle: 5 + 4 = 9, HIT! 6*7= 42-25= 17 DMG to the Scarecrow

     Craft: 10

     Loot: 3

     MOB: 8

    Party 1:
    [2] @Cordelia: 460/460 HP | 46/46 EN | 13 DMG | 0 MIT | 3 ACC | 3 EVA 
    [0] @Penelo100/100 HP 10/10 EN | 6 DMG | 51 MIT | 1 EVA | 1 ACC | 1 LD | 5 F. Aura
    [0] @Yukiro200/200 HP | 20/20 EN | 9 DMG | 1 ACC | 63 MIT | 3 EVA | Regen: 1 | Burn: 1 | Blight: 1 | Freeze: 1
    [2] @NIGHT60/60 HP | 4/6 EN | 7 DMG | 45 MIT | 3 ACC | 0 EVA | Recovery: 2 | Burn: 1 | Blight: 1 | 1 LD | Negate Darkness
    [2] @Nora100/100 HP | 10/10 EN | ? DMG | ? MIT | ? ACC | ? EVA

    Party 2:
    [0] @Arabelle: 459/460 HP | 44/46 EN | 14 DMG | 54 MIT | 4 ACC | 2 EVA 
    [2] @Jinx460/460 HP | 36/46 EN | 102 MIT |18 Thorn | 5 Regen | Paralyze: 2 | Bleed: 1
    [2] Tricolor_mina: 360/360 HP | 36/36 EN | 7 DMG | 71 MIT | 4 ACC | 0 EVA | Burn: 1 | Blight: 1
    [0] @Minako: 80/80 HP | 8/8 EN | 4 DMG | 18 MIT | 0 ACC | 0 EVA | Recovery: 2| Burn: 1| Blight: 1. | Heavy Momentum: 2

  5. Mina looked at her group, noting that she was with arabelle, Jinx, and one of the rookie players, Minako. She looked over at the other group of players, which consisted of 3 rookies, Penelo, and a player that was unfamiliar to her. Great, absolutely FANTASTIC. Nobody that was capable of tanking even remotely decided to join up with the rookie players. Mina decided to put that on the backburner for now, and decided to charge at the overgrown piece of straw. Her rapier didn't do too well piercing through that straw, though the flames on it seemed to be making it burn a bit. 'Maybe burning it would be a good idea...' she thought, leaping back from it, and shaking her head to clear it. It didnt matter right now, what mattered was taking this thing down before anyone ended up dying.


     ID# 127813 results:

     Battle: 3 +4= 7-  HIT! 6*7= 42-30= 12 DMG to the Scarecrow!

     Craft: 7

     Loot: 16

     MOB: 10

    Party 1:
    [2] Cordelia 460/460 HP | 46/46 EN | 13 DMG | 0 MIT | 3 ACC | 3 EVA 
    [0] @Penelo: 100/100 HP | 10/10 EN | 6 DMG | 51 MIT | 1 EVA | 1 ACC | 1 LD | 5 F. Aura
    [0] Yukiro: 200/200 HP | 20/20 EN | 9 DMG | 1 ACC | 63 MIT | 3 EVA | Regen: 1 | Burn: 1 | Blight: 1 | Freeze: 1
    [2] NIGHT: 60/60 HP | 4/6 EN | 7 DMG | 45 MIT | 3 ACC | 0 EVA | Recovery: 2 | Burn: 1 | Blight: 1 | 1 LD | Negate Darkness
    [0] @Nora: 100/100 HP | 10/10 EN | ? DMG | ? MIT | ? ACC | ? EVA 

    Party 2:
    [0] @Arabelle: 460/460 HP | 46/46 EN | 14 DMG | 54 MIT | 4 ACC | 2 EVA 
    [2] Jinx: 460/460 HP | 36/46 EN | 102 MIT |18 Thorn | 5 Regen | Paralyze: 2 | Bleed: 1
    [1] @Mina: 360/360 HP | 36/36 EN | 7 DMG | 71 MIT | 4 ACC | 0 EVA | Burn: 1 | Blight: 1
    [0] @Minako: 80/80 HP | 8/8 EN | 4 DMG | 18 MIT | 0 ACC | 0 EVA | Recovery: 2| Burn: 1| Blight: 1. | Heavy Momentum: 2

  6. Mina arrived in the area as quickly as she could, already swapping on her armor and her new weapon, <<Jack's Burned Lament>>, which was sheathed at her side. Her hood was pulled up, and she had her mask on, obscuring the upper part of her face. she was eating a few of the obnoxious corn dogs, and after those were finished, she devoured the funnel cake, granting her bonus damage, and even an extra accuracy! She noted 3 people that she recognized from other events and locations, and three that she did not. Thankfully, they were all familiar faces, and one of them was even a healer! She gave a semi-friendly wave to Penelo, though she completely ignored Arabelle, who was being somewhat hostile to the players that had dipped out of the event that involved the star-crossed lovers. Oh well, not her problem. she just hoped that the girl could keep her grievances with those people out of the boss fight. She made a mental note to keep an eye on the players that looked like they were going to be injured by the giant scarecrow. she checked her inventory, smiling. "Mou! anyone need TP crystals!? I got a bunch of them that I don't mind handing out!"



    360 HP

    36 EN

    7 DMG

    1 BLIGHT

    1 BRN

    4 ACC

    71 MIT


    Jack's burned lament (Cursed/Bleed/Blight)

    Crimson rose (1 LD, 2 slots mit)

    Mask of rose (3 ACC)


    R3 Rapier

    R2 L. Armor



    5x TP crystals -> 2 TP crystals (1 each given to Yukiro, Night, and Nora[Send's a Corndog to Nora as well])


  7. Spoiler

    items grabbed:

    Jack's burned lament (cursed/Burn/Blight)

    funnel cake (Voucher used, +3 DMG, +1 accuracy item)

    Ghost treat

    Mina walked back to the shop, a few vouchers in her hand. She simply pointed at one of the weapons behind the concession stand, which was handed off to her quickly. She then pointed out the ghost treat, taking a look at the label: Guaranteed to make your little friend spooky! She smiled faintly. "I can use this for my familiar when I finally find her!" she said happily, sending it into her inventory. She used the last voucher on a funnel cake, quickly sending it into her inventory as she heard something behind her rumbling. Something was happening in a different part of the tent, something completely spooky! "lets go have a little look at the festivities, ne?" she murmured, walking over to the other area with a smile on her face.

  8. Combat~!

    Mina missed her next attack from her perch, causing her to fly sideways as the zombie smacked its arm into her body, knocking her away with the strong blow, and knocking the metaphorical air out of her virtual lungs as she slammed into another pillar, eliciting a groan from her. How could something that only hit for 1 damage through mitigation throw her around like a ragdoll?! It bothered her immensely to say the least. She moved around to the side of the thing after she got up, wary of getting in it's way after that. It was a miracle she hadn't been stunned by that!


    ID# 127519 results: (Mina's attack)

     Battle: 2 - Big swing and a miss...

     Craft: 9

     Loot: 1

     MOB: 1

    ID# 127520 results: (Hulking zombie's attack)

     Battle: 8 - HIT! 1 DMG to mina

     Craft: 5

     Loot: 2

     MOB: 6

    Tricolor_Mina: 339/360 HP, 9/36 EN, 3 ACC, 1 Bleed, 1 Para7 Base DMG 71 MIT 

    Hulking Zombie: 114/180 HP,  54 DMG (Para: 0/1,Bleed: 0/2)

  9. *Note: the zombie doesn't count towards the kill goal, mina is just having fun now~!

    Mina rushed forward towards the giant zombie, her rapier immediately flashing with color as it struck it with paralysis and bleed, and dealt extra damage to it. her weapon might not have been the best one to use for combat like this, but it still seemed to give her some kind of way to fight back. The zombie was barely able to move due to her paralyzing attack, eliciting a smile from mina as she climbed up a pillar to avoid the big guy. She was so, so glad that she had brought her armor with her, otherwise she might have gotten seriously injured trying to fight this thing. Didn't matter for the moment, as the stupid thing was currently paralyzed and unable to move, but it would matter the instant it could actually move again.




    ID# 127516 results:

     Battle: 9 - Minor crit! 8*6=48 DMG to Hulking Zombie! Bleed activates, Paralyze activates!

     Craft: 10

     Loot: 2

     MOB: 10

    Hulking Zombie

    ID# 127517 results:

     Battle: 6  - Miss due to Paralysis

     Craft: 4

     Loot: 19

     MOB: 7

    Tricolor_Mina: 340/360 HP, 10/36 EN, 3 ACC, 1 Bleed, 1 Para7 Base DMG 71 MIT 

    Hulking Zombie: 126/180 HP,  54 DMG (Para: 0/1,Bleed: 1/2)

  10. Achievment Name Progress
    Last hit on Zombies 4/50
    Zombies killed 4/100
    Crit Fails/Evasions 1/25 or 2/15
    Amount healed (Self) 150/150
    Amount healed (thread) 120/120
    Consumables used 13/13

    Gold= Complete!

    *Uses the 500 Col voucher

    Items obtained and placed in battle-ready inventory.


    3x Off brand energy drinks - Downs all three

    1x Fairy floss (+2 DMG) - Noms immediately

    Dons her armor (+1 LD, +18 MIT (Armor skill active!)

    Munches 2 obnoxious corn dogs (+45 MIT)

    Mina was panting as she walked back over to the shop, before she placed one of the three vouchers she had obtained on the counter. She limply pointed at the off brand energy drinks, signalling with her fingers that she wanted three of them, and then she pointed at the fairy floss, signalling only for one of them. She sat down on the ground, quietly munching on the food that she had gotten via the voucher she had obtained. Her injuries were quickly healing, and she was ready to go fight again. there was a big zombie that was wandering around, carrying a club of some kind, which sounded interesting to her. She finished downing the food items and the drink, before striding her way over to the zombie, a smirk on her face. "Ding ding! Time for a fight, ya big hunk of junk!"

    Tricolor_Mina: 340/360 HP, 15/36 EN, 0 MIT, 3 ACC, 1 Bleed, 1 Para, 7 Base DMG (Fairy floss used! damage buffed to 7 from 5!)71 MIT (Armor skill active! Obnoxious corn dog used!)

  11. Spoiler
    Achievment Name Progress
    Last hit on Zombies 2/50
    Zombies killed 2/100
    Crit Fails/Evasions 0/25 or 2/15
    Amount healed (Self) 150/150
    Amount healed (thread) 120/120
    Consumables used 7/13

    Gold= Complete!

    Achievements listed above!

    Mina continued to dance around the zombie, her smile widening the faster she began to move. the song was reaching a crescendo, causing her heart to race in her chest as she continued to dance, her rapier glowing with a brilliant energy. She watched how the colors from bleed, paralysis, and critical damage splashed together to create a colorful attack, which she immediately loosed on the zombie, laughing as she did so. one, two three, The zombie had already started to crack and splinter, its health hitting zero just at the third attack alone, four, five, and six! the zombie exploded into shards of polygons, the thing having been utterly over-killed by mina's attacks, causing her to wince slightly at the sight. Maybe she had been a little harsh?




    ID# 127508 results:

     Battle: 10 - CRIT! 7*6= 42-10= 32 DMG to zombie 4! Zombie 4 is DEAD! (also, overkill.. ;;

     Craft: 2

     Loot: 14 - ability does not activate.

     MOB: 1

    Zombie 1: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 2: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 3: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 4: 30/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Tricolor_Mina: 320/360 HP, 5/36 EN, 0 MIT, 3 ACC, 1 Bleed, 1 Para, 5 Base DMG

  12. Spoiler
    Achievment Name Progress
    Last hit on Zombies 2/50
    Zombies killed 2/100
    Crit Fails/Evasions 0/25 or 2/15
    Amount healed (Self) 150/150
    Amount healed (thread) 120/120
    Consumables used 7/13

    Gold= Complete!

    Achievements listed above!

    Mina barely even bothered to send attacks at the zombie, a bored look on her face. She let out a sigh, before she jumped down from her perch, dodging and weaving around from the zombie as it matched her speed. it was almost like a dance, she reasoned, smiling as her heartbeat picked up from that thought. She loved dance fighting, it was really such an elegant art, that was for sure. She was able to dance around the zombie, the stupid thing barely even able to keep up with her, and even then it was starting to stumble a bit. She could hear music in her head, giving her steps to follow, steps to dodge, and let her move fast enough that the stupid thing had trouble reacting to it. She let out a cackle as she danced around the creatures, a wide grin on her face, just barely visible underneath her mask.




    ID# 127506 results:

     Battle: 1 - aaand there goes my luck TwT Critical miss...

     Craft: 3

     Loot: 9

     MOB: 9

    ID# 127507 results:

     Battle: 2 - Miss! (At least the zombie missed too...)

     Craft: 12

     Loot: 19

     MOB: 3

    Zombie 1: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 2: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 3: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 4: 10/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Tricolor_Mina: 320/360 HP, 9/36 EN, 0 MIT, 3 ACC, 1 Bleed, 1 Para, 5 Base DMG

  13. Spoiler
    Achievment Name Progress
    Last hit on Zombies 2/50
    Zombies killed 2/100
    Crit Fails/Evasions 0/25 or 2/15
    Amount healed (Self) 150/150
    Amount healed (thread) 120/120
    Consumables used 7/13

    Gold= Complete!

    Achievements listed above

    Mina let out a cry of surprise when she was clawed into again by the zombie, startling her slightly. She gritted her teeth, before throwing the zombie off of her with a loud cry. She was kind of getting sick of the stupid thing treating her like a chew toy. Not that she'd be able to stop the little jerk from doing so until it was dead and a pile of polygons. She nimbly lept up onto a nearby pillar, high enough that the stupid zombie couldn't follow her for the moment. She materialized another energy drink, downing it swiftly, ignoring the foul taste of the drink. this one was by far the worst one. She wanted to know who in their right mind ate something spicy with something bitter?! it was too late for regrets, though, so she just dealt with the flavor so she could regenerate some of the energy that she had lost.

    Off brand energy drink used!


    ID# 127505 results:

     Battle: 6 - HIT! mina takes 15 DMG!

     Craft: 1

     Loot: 19

     MOB: 2

    Zombie 1: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 2: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 3: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 4: 10/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Tricolor_Mina: 320/360 HP, 10/36 EN, 0 MIT, 3 ACC, 1 Bleed, 1 Para, 5 Base DMG

  14. Spoiler
    Achievment Name Progress
    Last hit on Zombies 2/50
    Zombies killed 2/100
    Crit Fails/Evasions 0/25 or 2/15
    Amount healed (Self) 150/150
    Amount healed (thread) 120/120
    Consumables used 6/13

    Gold= Complete!

    Achievements listed above!

    Mina rushed forward, slamming her rapier into the zombie over and over again, her expression one of fury. She wasn't about to let herself get outdone by a lifeless corpse that decided it wanted to start walking around on its own free will. She wasn't about to let one knock her around, that was for damn sure. She pulled her rapier free a few moments later, the zombie seemingly dazed as it stumbled back, the splashes of glowing red pixels all over its body. At most, it would probably just take a single combination attack to take it down, which had her sighing in relief. Just one more attack before she didn't have to worry about the lousy thing anymore. It was enough that she pulled herself together and threw herself into a defensive combat pose, her eyes narrowed underneath her mask at the zombie. "Come at me you undead SOB!" she shouted, her eyes full of defiance as she stared it down.

    Combat will be filled in momentarily



    ID# 127503 results:

     Battle: 4 - HIT! (4+3=7) 5*6=30-10=20 DMG to zombie 4!

     Craft: 5

     Loot: 16

     MOB: 3

    Zombie 4

    ID# 127504 results:

     Battle: 4 - MISS!

     Craft: 10

     Loot: 12

     MOB: 2

    Zombie 1: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 2: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 3: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 4: 10/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Tricolor_Mina: 335/360 HP, 6/36 EN, 0 MIT, 3 ACC, 1 Bleed, 1 Para, 5 Base DMG

  15. Spoiler
    Achievment Name Progress
    Last hit on Zombies 2/50
    Zombies killed 2/100
    Crit Fails/Evasions 0/25 or 2/15
    Amount healed (Self) 150/150
    Amount healed (thread) 120/120
    Consumables used 6/13

    Gold= Complete!

    Achievements listed above!

    Mina let out a cry of surprise when the zombie slammed into her again, nearly knocking the wind out of her. It had landed two critical blows in quick succession, surprising her. it wasn't painful, but it certainly surprised her to be attacked like that, and so quickly too! Her attacks ended up faltering miserably, causing her to miss the zombie entirely with her blows, a groan escaping her throat at this. "God, I hate these things, why the hell are they moving so fast now?!" she hissed, her eyes narrowed underneath her mask. the damage was pretty weak given that she had 360 health in total, though the attacks were now grating on her nerves because of how accurate the monsters were getting despite how garbage their stats were. "I swear to Kami if I ever meet Kayaba in person after this, I'm beating him senseless!" she snarled, bodily throwing the zombie off of her.




    ID# 127372 results:

     Battle: 2 - miss (2+3=5)

     Craft: 7

     Loot: 9

     MOB: 3

    Zombie 4:

    ID# 127373 results:

     Battle: 10

     Craft: 5

     Loot: 4

     MOB: 10

    Zombie 1: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 2: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 3: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 4: 30/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Tricolor_Mina: 335/360 HP, 11/36 EN, 0 MIT, 3 ACC, 1 Bleed, 1 Para, 5 Base DMG

  16. Spoiler
    Achievment Name Progress
    Last hit on Zombies 2/50
    Zombies killed 2/100
    Crit Fails/Evasions 0/25 or 2/15
    Amount healed (Self) 150/150
    Amount healed (thread) 120/120
    Consumables used 6/13

    Gold= Complete!

    Achievements listed above~

    mina swiftly punched her weapon into the body of the fourth zombie, striking it as fast as she possibly could, dealing 20 damage to it. She ended up getting knocked backwards from the zombie as it clawed at her chest, easily knocking her down to the ground. She let out a wheeze of shock, her eyes wide with surprise. she hadn't expected it to rip into her like that, and not that fast, either, especially as it had just been stumbling around like an idiot during all of this. It hadn't even really been able to attack her up until she killed half of them, and even that was a coin toss from how it seemed... It also seemed she was able to dodge much easier than before? Either that or these mobs had a crappy targeting system. Probably the latter since they seemed to be missing more than she was dodging.




    ID# 127369 results:

     Battle: 6 - HIT! 5*6=30-10=20 DMG to zombie 4!

     Craft: 6

     Loot: 3

     MOB: 3

    Zombie 4:

    ID# 127370 results:

     Battle: 9 - CRIT! 20 DMG to mina!

     Craft: 3

     Loot: 6

     MOB: 6

    Zombie 1: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 2: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 3: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 4: 30/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Tricolor_Mina: 355/360 HP, 12/36 EN, 0 MIT, 3 ACC, 1 Bleed, 1 Para, 5 Base DMG

  17. Spoiler
    Achievment Name Progress
    Last hit on Zombies 2/50
    Zombies killed 2/100
    Crit Fails/Evasions 0/25 or 3/15
    Amount healed (Self) 150/150
    Amount healed (thread) 120/120
    Consumables used 6/13

    Gold= Complete!

    Achievments listed above~

    Not that she wanted to be used to that kind of thing, she supposed. She gently popped open another off brand energy, and downed it, sighing at the bitter taste. this one was probably the worst-tasting drink of any kind that she'd had in Aincrad, and probably in her entire life. why anyone would add green tea, mint, and what felt like a really bad artificial cherry that flavored it. needless to say, it was so, so GROSS! She shuddered a bit, ignoring the zombie who simply pitched forward, moving fast enough that it just plowed on forward, and hit one of the walls. Mina supressed a snicker, smiling at the zombie while she finished her drink, however disgusting the stupid thing might be. Even her failed potions tasted better than this sludge!

    Action: downing an off-brand energy drink


    ID# 127368 results:

     Battle: 1 - Critical evasion! automatic miss for zombie 4!

     Craft: 11

     Loot: 9

     MOB: 1

    Zombie 1: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 2: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 3: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 4: 50/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Tricolor_Mina: 375/360 HP, 17/36 EN, 0 MIT, 3 ACC, 1 Bleed, 1 Para, 5 Base DMG

  18. Spoiler
    Achievment Name Progress
    Last hit on Zombies 2/50
    Zombies killed 2/100
    Crit Fails/Evasions 0/25 or 2/15
    Amount healed (Self) 150/150
    Amount healed (thread) 120/120
    Consumables used 5/13

    Gold= Complete!

    Achievements are above~!

    Regardless, mina decided to crack open another spider cider, making a happy sound because of how nice it tasted. It tasted like fresh strawberries mixed with agave nectar, which was always a rather good sweetener, and made the flavor pop. She had just barely finished drinking it when the zombie ripped into her arm, dealing the small chunk of damage that they had been rather consistently dealing to her. It really was just a minor annoyance though, to be honest. She simply shoved her arm into the zombie, knocking it off of her, but not hard enough to do any kind of damage, sadly. Oh well, she still had enough time to completely finish killing it. She checked her arm, a frown on her face. once again, it was marred with the red damage marks, but she figured it was just something she'd have to be used to at that point.

    Action: spider cider used! 90HP to mina~


    Zombie 4:

    ID# 127365 results:

     Battle: 8 - HIT! 15 DMG to mina!

     Craft: 12

     Loot: 4

     MOB: 9

    Zombie 1: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 2: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 3: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 4: 50/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Tricolor_Mina: 375/360 HP, 13/36 EN, 0 MIT, 3 ACC, 1 Bleed, 1 Para, 5 Base DMG

  19. Spoiler
    Achievment Name Progress
    Last hit on Zombies 2/50
    Zombies killed 2/100
    Crit Fails/Evasions 0/25 or 2/15
    Amount healed (Self) 150/150
    Amount healed (thread) 120/120
    Consumables used 4/13

    Gold= Complete!

    Achievements are listed above

    Mina spun around as her weapon swiftly began to slice through the third zombie for the third time, the blade easily piercing through the body of the zombie. one, two, three, four, five, six times. the weapon's force on the sixth blow ripped the head off of the zombie, and caused it to explode into a cloud of deep red polygons. Mina briefly celebrated her victory while she watched the polygons slowly fade and break apart. then she put her focus back on the other zombie, a slight frown underneath her mask. she wasn't sure how well this was gonna go if she stayed really low on energy. It was already pretty painful just to hit the creature for enough damage to pierce its MIT, but it also didn't do enough damage to kill her easily. if it did, all she needed to do was take a moment to equip a piece of armor to mitigate the damage done.



    ID# 127357 results:

     Battle: 8 - HIT! 5*4= 20-10=10 DMG to zombie 3! zombie 3 DEAD!

     Craft: 6

     Loot: 13

     MOB: 10

    Zombie 4

    ID# 127361 results:

     Battle: 2 - Miss!

     Craft: 7

     Loot: 6

     MOB: 6

    Zombie 1: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 2: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 3: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 4: 50/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Tricolor_Mina: 300/360 HP, 12/36 EN, 0 MIT, 3 ACC, 1 Bleed, 1 Para, 5 Base DMG

  20. Spoiler
    Achievment Name Progress
    Last hit on Zombies 2/50
    Zombies killed 2/100
    Crit Fails/Evasions 0/25 or 2/15
    Amount healed (Self) 150/150
    Amount healed (thread) 120/120
    Consumables used 4/13

    Gold= Complete!

    Achievement list is above~

    Mina slammed her rapier into the third zombie again, putting it into the red zone, but not hitting it hard enough to make it shatter to smithereens. the good thing about that was the fact that she apparently dazed them, causing them to stumble to the sides, and mostly ignore her. she laughed a bit at the mob's misfortune, noting that the creature she had attacked was now in the red, and would probably die just from a simple rip ravine. She walked over to the zombies, watching them stumble around a bit longer, a bored look on her face. she smiled at the zombie, not that they could see it through her mask, and just watched as they continuously stumbled about,  not exactly worrying about them dealing enough damage to her to seriously wound her. All she needed to do to prevent that was to just munch down on some of her MIT food items, and put her armor back on.



    ID# 127345 results:

     Battle: 8 - HIT! 6*5=30-10=20 DMG to zombie 3!

     Craft: 6

     Loot: 1

     MOB: 8

    Zombie 3

    ID# 127346 results:

     Battle: 5 - miss!

     Craft: 6

     Loot: 2

     MOB: 6

    Zombie 4

    ID# 127347 results:

     Battle: 3 - MISS!

     Craft: 5

     Loot: 10

     MOB: 8

    Zombie 1: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 2: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 3: 10/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 4: 50/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Tricolor_Mina: 300/360 HP, 16/36 EN, 0 MIT, 3 ACC, 1 Bleed, 1 Para, 5 Base DMG

  21. Spoiler
    Achievment Name Progress
    Last hit on Zombies 2/50
    Zombies killed 2/100
    Crit Fails/Evasions 0/25 or 2/15
    Amount healed (Self) 150/150
    Amount healed (thread) 120/120
    Consumables used 4/13

    Gold= Complete!

    Mina cracked open another drink, this time the off brand energy drink. This one actually tasted more like an off-brand coffee rather than an off-brand energy drink, which was nice. mina had gotten yet another injury from the zombies, eliciting a fierce scowl from her. thankfully, it was only a single wound that really needed to be looked at. She moved around  the place, watching the players rushing around to get the rest of the zombies that were running around. there wasn't as much of an issue when it came to the stronger players actually ripping into the zombies, as they were just able to cleave their own paths through them to save NPC's, though it seemed that the zombies were just devouring anything in sight that wasn't a player. oddly enough, only the clowns and vendors seemed to be untouched. she made a mental note to stop back by one of the vendors, as she got notifications about vouchers that appeared in her inventory. 200, 500, and 1000 col vouchers for the food bar. 'seems pretty damn worth it to me!' she thought, smirking. She'd go back by their shops when she killed these last two zombies.

    Action: downs another off brand energy drink


    Zombie 3:

    ID# 127343 results:

     Battle: 8 - HIT! 15 DMG to mina!

     Craft: 9

     Loot: 10

     MOB: 8

    Zombie 4:

    ID# 127344 results:

     Battle: 5 - MISS! no damage.

     Craft: 6

     Loot: 2

     MOB: 2

    Zombie 1: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 2: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 3: 30/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 4: 50/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Tricolor_Mina: 300/360 HP, 22/36 EN, 0 MIT, 3 ACC, 1 Bleed, 1 Para, 5 Base DMG

  22. Spoiler
    Achievment Name Progress
    Last hit on Zombies 2/50
    Zombies killed 2/100
    Crit Fails/Evasions 0/25 or 2/15
    Amount healed (Self) 150/150
    Amount healed (thread) 120/120
    Consumables used 3/13

    Gold= Complete!

    Mina scowled at the zombies, hoping to cow them into submission just by staring at them. they weren't a nuisance per say, but they were still so. Damn. ANNOYING! She had glowing red lines all around her arms, legs, and face due to them clawing at her frequently. mina held her weapon out, pointing it at the zombies, before charging forward, and slamming into the third zombie, allowing for a decent chunk of damage to be dealt to it. She struck once, twice, three times, four, five, six times, before the zombie was flung back and hit the back of the tent wall, causing mina to wince slightly. "Yeesh, I think I over did that last attack..." she said, sweatdropping at the poor zombie, who was now in a heap at the other side of the wall. She stretched her arms above her head, yawning a bit. "After this, I think I'm gonna take a nap, I'm getting kinda sleepy..."




    ID# 127333 results:

     Battle: 8 - HIT! 5*6= 30-10= 20 DMG to zombie 3!

     Craft: 8

     Loot: 10

     MOB: 6

    Zombie 3:

    ID# 127334 results:

     Battle: 6 - HIT! 15 DMG to mina!

     Craft: 10

     Loot: 14

     MOB: 5

    Zombie 4:

    ID# 127335 results:

     Battle: 6 - HIT! 15 DMG to mina!

     Craft: 2

     Loot: 20

     MOB: 8

    Zombie 1: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 2: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 3: 30/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 4: 50/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Tricolor_Mina: 315/360 HP, 18/36 EN, 0 MIT, 3 ACC, 1 Bleed, 1 Para, 5 Base DMG

  23. Spoiler
    Achievment Name Progress
    Last hit on Zombies 2/50
    Zombies killed 2/100
    Crit Fails/Evasions 0/25 or 2/15
    Amount healed (Self) 150/150
    Amount healed (thread) 120/120
    Consumables used 3/13

    Gold= Complete!

    Achievement list is above~

    Mina took another look at her health, and let out a sigh as she pulled out another spider cider, shuddering at the thought of drinking it. it tasted weird, and apparently had ACTUAL SPIDERS in it! she checked out the label this time, noting a different flavor. Preparing herself for a nasty taste, she took a deep breath, before chugging it. Her eyes widened in surprise when she realized that it actually tasted good somehow! after she downed it, she ended up being forced to take a blow from the third zombie that had gone after her, wincing at the numbness that accompanied the small amount of damage. She then watched as the fourth zombie pitched forward, and, with a rather surprising burst of speed, slammed into its ally, knocking both of them away from mina, who nearly face-faulted at the display. "I... I can't even, that was just pitiful dammit!" she spluttered, staring wide-eyed at the zombies from under her mask.

    Action taken: using another spider cider (+90 HP)


    Zombie 3:

    ID# 127324 results:

     Battle: 8 - Hit! 15 DMG to mina!

     Craft: 10

     Loot: 1

     MOB: 6

    Zombie 4:

    ID# 127325 results:

     Battle: 1 - Critical Evasion! MISS

     Craft: 12

     Loot: 20

     MOB: 2

    Zombie 1: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 2: 0/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 3: 50/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Zombie 4: 50/50 HP, 15 Dmg (20 on crit), 10 MIT

    Tricolor_Mina: 345/360 HP, 24/36 EN, 0 MIT, 3 ACC, 1 Bleed, 1 Para, 5 Base DMG

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