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Status Updates posted by Morgenstern

  1. Sorry for the inconvenience of me not being on and around while I am on Vacation. I thank you all for the understanding, it has been great so far. I'll be gone for only another week. See you then! 

  2. Sorry for the wait on my threads people, I was busy today, and going to get off now to get too bed. I will get posts in VERY early tomorrow. 

  3. Sorry that I haven't been Rping much lately. Think I finally got caught up with My RL work and now I can continue

  4. Sorry to those I owe posts to today, My night has been rather busy... Will get straight to them in the morn!

  5. We must save my Family!

    1. Helios


      The bandits are coming!

    2. Beoreson


      *Sweet sweet revenge* *Stabby Stabby*

    3. Morgenstern


      *Screaming* WE MUST SAVE MY FAMILY!!!

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  6. We must save my Family!

    1. Morgenstern


      Is she Okay? Uhh Im not a doctor, but I don't like her chances...

    2. Mack
    3. Grave
    4. Show next comments  9 more
  7. Where is the Spoiler button for posts? I am not seeing it. 

    1. Shark


      Issues have been made known to us. We are working to get this resolved, so in the meantime, please be patient and use the inline code Ariel mentioned.

    2. Morgenstern


      All right thank you.


    3. Shark


      Button is back


      I fixed it


    4. Show next comments  9 more
  8. Why is all the text bold recently?

    1. Vargas


      Nope, but I like the bold move they are taking if that's the case.

    2. Aereth
    3. Vargas


      I now see what you meant about the bold issue.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  9. Yes, my internet finally connected, time to post. *sees new episode of RWBY* .... *sighs* DANG IT!!!!

    1. Vigilon


      You're not alone, bud. I watch RWBY too...

  10. You know you are having a bad day when a tree calls you a temite than throws you a few thousand feet in the air. "GET OTTA MY WAY BIRDS" Pssh. Air hogs

    1. Nerius


      *greedily eyes Seul's group for someone else to launch*

    2. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      *looks at Morg and lols while rethinking about karma*

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