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Posts posted by Icarus

  1. There was one thing in life that he enjoyed more than the books that whisked him away from Geilund and that was music.  There wasn't an instrument on the face of the Earth that he did not appreciate and while he did try many of them out for himself, there were only a couple that truly called to him. The one that called him back time and time again was the piano.  Soren loved the smooth feeling of those pale keys sliding against the pads of his fingertips and the absence of resistance offered underneath the attention of his fingers.  He loved the feeling of the music resonating through him with every drop of the hammer; a chord within him was struck each time one was on the piano.

    Whether he knew it or not, his mind was made up before the question was every asked.  He would become a performer and play again of his own accord, not by the urging of the Lord and Lady Grann.

    There was a store on the first floor that he passed often on his daily errands.  Within this store, as could be seen through the wide panoramic window, was a fine grand piano that drew his attention for a lingering moment or two every time his path took him by.  Although, he didn't pay much mind to the shop itself, he did recollect that it was where many others had gone to undertake their profession quest.  It seemed logical that his next step would be to visit that particular shop and see what it had to offer.

  2. To say he was caught off-guard would be an understatement.  It wasn't common for one to know of Bastille, let alone derive that they were the inspiration behind the online handle for which he was now known by.  The coincidence left his hand bearing semblance of a cold, dead fish when she took it within her own hand, though his deliberation lasted only for the moment it took for his awe to wash away before he reciprocated the firm handshake Lessa bestowed upon him.  She had quite the grip.

    "Icarus is flying towards an early grave," he commented solemnly.  The hint of his smile still resonating on his lips.  "I saw them in Berlin when I was younger.  Little did I know how fitting the song would become once this game turned into a dangerous prison.  The name also serves as a reminder to keep grounded at all times--to not chase the sun, as it were."

    His emerald eyes searched her face and found that growing smile.  Was this normal for her?  Or was this sign of happiness something that was slowly becoming more foreign as time within Aincrad passed?  The thoughts swirling within the recesses of his mind seemed to have quieted quite a bit in those simple moments confined within their held hands, as if the world had suddenly become a whole lot smaller than it truly was.  Of course, such treats were always fleeting and before he knew it, the noise and commotion of everyday life came seeping back in being.  Steadily, Icarus released his grip upon Lessa's hand and retrieved his own.

    "Well, Lessa, forgive me if I've taken up your time; I'm sure you have business to attend to if you've come all the way to the Second Floor.  I'm just glad to know that there are souls like you wandering the upper floors.  Many of the other frontliners that I've come across could use a little bit of that light you're carrying with you."

    The smile upon his lips widened, though it was difficult for even him to tell whether it was wholeheartedly genuine or not.  He had grown so accustomed to smiling in life without feeling it, that he occasionally found himself doing it without realizing.  Icarus raised his hand in a gesture of goodbye as he backpedaled a few squared steps; he did not want to keep someone of her level idle with his mundane musings when she likely had other places to be.

    "Take care on your adventures."

  3. Your stats are correct with the exception of the 1/4 of your HP being your mitigation.  I believe your mitigation is simply a stat that you can acquire through equipment and armor skills.  You start out with zero.

    From what I have gathered, the best bet to stay alive at a low level is to do non-combat threads until you can sufficiently hold your own.  Otherwise, find a tanky/high-level buddy to keep you safe or escort you on quests.

  4. That tender smile broke into a wide, toothy grin just before a laugh escaped his throat.  In the same moment, Icarus raised his hand to shroud his split mouth from the girl standing before him, not revealing it again until his laughter had died out.  Her words were honest and to the point and he couldn't fault the blonde for that.  More importantly, in his eyes, she was right.

    "You're absolutely right, they were terrible.  I'm just glad I didn't have to do it; I don't think it would have ended well for me."

    When she turned to face him, he was allowed to take in the full of her.  He hadn't noticed it before but she appeared to be younger than him, which was surprising giving the tact and eloquence she exhibited when handling the situation moments before.  She was petite yet held her stance like she was always on guard; a warrior's pose.  Also, as it was the case with most of the people he had encountered in Aincrad, she was beautiful. With long, flowing blonde hair, eyes as blue as the heavens above, and a well-rounded face, recognizing her obvious beauty was the easiest thing he would do all day.

    The feeling in the air shifted as her expression seemed to harden.  She was reserved and based on what he knew of other adventurers, there was likely a good reason for her reservations.  Anything more than that, was a wonder to him. This girl was not one of the many, many books lining his shelves at home, whose pages were tattered and warp from years of returned reading.  No, she was a fresh mystery and he couldn't even crack the cover.

    "Either way, thank you."

    There was a pause where he studied her for a moment longer before he extended his hand for a handshake.

    "My name is Icarus.  It is a pleasure to meet you, miss..?"

  5. "Punctual as ever, Icarus," an old man standing beside a wagon commented; the wooden construct overfilled with fruits and vegetables from a local farm. "One day I'm going to show up and you and that blue hair aren't going to be waiting for me.  That's the day I know the world has really gone to hell."

    Before the farmer's stall stood the aforementioned man who bore the same name as the mythological son of Daedalus.  Despite being over six feet tall, Icarus didn't look terribly imposing; the simple set of not-so-fashionable starter clothes hanging on his body did well to conceal the athletic build appropriate to a man his size lurking beneath the plain fabrics.  That wasn't the true tell of his gentle nature, however; it was his eyes.  A brilliant green, reminiscent of a grassy field on a summer day and as clear as a fresh cut emerald, that had a look about them as if they had never been clouded by anger a day in his life.

    "That day might be coming sooner than you think, Kyoshiro," Icarus responded, his words sounding a little distracted as his attention was pulled elsewhere.

    There was a scene playing out down the road just loud enough for anyone nearby to overhear.  This particular play involved two grown antagonists picking on a young woman, verbally assaulting her with threats and insults that in no way could be considered jesting, all of which was reflected in the still colors of his calm eyes.  As the performance played out, he found his fingers gripping a little tighter to the sturdy edges framing the crate of vegetables within his grasp while a slow boil of contained ire started bubbling to the surface.  It was clear that these two weren't going to stop until they found the satisfaction they were stretching for.

    Someone needed to step in.

    "Will you watch these for me, please?  I'll be back in a moment," Icarus said quietly to the farmer, who nodded confirmation in return.

    Icarus was no more than a few long legged paces away from the stall when someone did step in.  A woman with long, blonde hair intervened and with commanding authority, quickly dealt with the two men and had them on their way, scampering away like two ashamed dogs with their tails between their legs.  He had overheard her words to them; she had talked down to them like a mother, unleashing her fabled "I'm not mad at you, I'm just disappointed" speech.  It proved to be most effective.  Surprisingly, witnessing the exchange had painted the curve of a soft smile onto the corners of his lips which wasn't a strange occurrence by itself, other than the fact that this particular smile was genuine.  Soon after, the young girl fled the scene as well, leaving the unknown champion to stand solemnly upon the spot of her victory without so much as recognition for her help.

    That just wouldn't do.  Icarus didn't have many interactions with adventurers aside from his usual dealings on the first floor and those usually left much to be desired.  This woman--she seemed different. He approached the woman from the side, as to not creep upon her from out of her vision, and stopped once there was no more than a few yards separating them.  At this distance, he could clearly see the fine craftsmanship of her armor and the particularly enchanting sword nestled at her hip; he immediately understood why the two scoundrels were so intimidated by her.

    "One would say, you have a way with words."  His voice was soft; his words gently spoken and bearing no inflection of sarcasm or anything else that would indicate he was speaking anything other than the truth.  There was a momentary pause for the blonde woman to familiarize with his appearance before he spoke again.  "The girl may not have thanked you but I will.  It's refreshing to see someone standing up for a stranger, especially this far down in the depths of Aincrad where the little people are mostly forgotten."

  6. It was difficult to think for yourself when you have spent as much time living for others as Icarus has.  Since the day the world of Aincrad became a prison for all those players unfortunate enough to get confined within it, he had done his best to keep peace and order within the Town of Beginnings while helping those who could not care for themselves.  It was his hands that fed the mouths of orphans their daily bread and it was his time that was spent traveling to neighboring towns on supply runs, yet he never complained.  The general consensus among the player populace was that the only way to free themselves of Kayaba's control was to adventure, grow strong, and reach the top of the castle; however, in doing so, the young and incapable were left behind.  In good conscience, Icarus--no, Soren--could not leave them in the overwhelming chaos that ensued as a result of the revelation that they were doomed to live in a death game, at least not without lending them a guiding hand first.

    Time had passed and the Town of Beginnings progressed as any civilization would.  The citizens banded together to tackle their shared goals head on, using the economy generated by their specialized shops to supply the adventurers with much needed essentials, as well as the needy who couldn't quite manage on their own.  For the most part, the low level players and the children were self-sufficient and as they became such, they had less of a need for Icarus and his services.  This left the tall man with unnatural blue hair bearing less responsibilities on his shoulders and more free time on his hands which was problematic for someone who was now used to carrying the burden of others.  Fortunately, Icarus had the foresight to see that the day when he was not needed anymore was coming and coming soon, allowing him the opportunity to take baby steps in the direction of living for himself.

    He would become an adventurer, that much he knew but first, something small.  First, he would find a hobby, a way to earn a living.

  7. Some were content with choking on the fruit.  Although the solemn, controlled expression structuring his face did not alter in the slightest, he looked on the fleeting scene between the man and child with a forsaken sense of hopelessness.  Tempers were quick to rise among all parties involved and as a result, no real resolution was made between them; the chasm between the high and low levels shifted further apart.

    Icarus looked on for a few straggling moments longer before nodding.  He had done what little he could and he was satisfied with that.  It was likely that anything else would have fallen upon deaf ears, anyway.  Without another word, he stepped away from the middle of the cobblestone road at a deliberate pace, returning to his position at the corner of the street where he remained vigilant.

  8. The distrust among players was palpable.  It was like biting into a piece of rotten fruit; the taste was sour and made one retch when trying to swallow but for one reason or another, neither side wanted to spit it out.  From an outsider's perspective, both of their arguments were flawed; high levels did not equate distrust, just as being a low level did not directly correlate with not contributing.

    The player known as Icarus was far from being considered a frontliner, that much was obvious, but he did have a heavy hand in setting up settlement and order for those less fortunate players who were stuck in the Town of Beginnings.  He was responsible for delivering milk and bread to the orphans every morning, helping unload the carts of delivered groceries in the afternoon, and checking around the streets as a local patrol at sundown--among many other tasks.  Icarus helped those who could not help themselves and yet, because he had never laid a finger to a monster beyond the city, some would say that he wasn't doing his part to free them from the virtual shackles that kept them here.

    While he did not share or agree with that particular sentiment, he understood.

    Icarus quietly approached the man armored in white and red (Macradon) and came to stand in front of him.  Clover green eyes looked over the man, who looked to be roughly a foot shorter than him, before offering him a calm smile.  His imposing size made a better door than a window and did well to block the girl from seeing the man, and vice versa.

    "There's no need to be offended, sir," he started.  "I wouldn't pay much mind to the words of a child.  It's clear she's inexperienced with the workings of this world and as you've put it, you're just a man who works hard to make a living.  If I were such a man, I wouldn't be bothered by such trivial things as words from the mouths of babes.  I would be content with knowing who I am."

  9. What was he, some kind of servant?  He was used to people waiting on him, not the other way around.  However, the kid's deal wasn't too bad.  It wasn't great but it was something to work on and negotiate.  Icarus idly rubbed his chin with his bare fingers as he contemplated the proposal.  That same hand extended to the prompts and accepted them.  Icarus also nodded as a physical representation of his agreement.

    "I agree but I will only assist you until I am able to pay you back.  After that, it'll be my choice whether I help you or not.  I go by Icarus.  It's nice to meet you, Ishida.  I'll be back with your Col as soon as I can."

    He waved as he started for the door.  As he turned around, there was another man standing close by.  Icarus looked him over quickly before staring him in the face and greeted him with a nod before casually passing him by and exiting the Armory.

  10. The shop owner was a.. kid?  Well, that certainly explained the mess that quite literally littered just about every corner of the smithy.  Young adults weren't known for being particularly generous when it came to parting with their goods which was going to make this request of his all that much harder to spit out.

    "I've come to ask an enormous favor of you," Icarus said.  His hands were folded neatly in front of his abdomen, holding to each other gently.  "I've been helping the people of the Town of Beginnings since Kayaba trapped us here.  As a result, I've been unable to get out and adventure like so many others, which means my pockets are empty as far as Col is concerned."

    Icarus paused deliberately to let that sink in to the shop owner.

    "I'm in need of armor and a fine weapon.  I can't pay you now but if you would perhaps loan me some of your wares, I can work hard to make sure that you do get paid.  I understand this is an enormous undertaking on your behalf but I give you my word as a man, it won't be for naught."  His words were spoken with integrity.  He had no reason to lie or attempt to cheat the shop owner.  Icarus knew that the only way the players of Sword Art Online would get through this terrible time was by working together.  He only hoped this teen knew that, as well.

  11. There wasn't much about the Town of Beginnings that Icarus didn't know.  He had spent much of his time since getting caught in the dangerous world of Aincrad getting the starter town situated.  It just wasn't enough to be another one of the players who raced out into the wilderness and immediately put themselves to task in order to get stronger.  Strength wasn't the only governing factor in this world.  There were many players, mostly young children, who were ill-equipped to face the horrors that awaited them outside the Town of Beginnings, which led Icarus to stay behind and help them get situated before he focused on himself.

    But that time had come and passed.  Now, the tall man known for his gentle smile needed to set out on his own adventure, which led him into the small, disheveled shop known as "Midnight Armory."  His long legs came in handy for stepping over and around all the clutter littering the floors of the quaint shop.  It wasn't anywhere near the nicest store he had been in but it was said to have a good reputation of being generous and generosity is exactly what he needed at the moment.  He cleared his throat as he stepped up to the counter.

    "Excuse me, is anyone there?  I'm looking for some assistance."  His voice was deep and loud but soft around the edges.  It wasn't rough or gravelly, like one would expect from a man of his well-sized stature.

  12. Roleplays
    » [open] Cooler than me - Complete; +1 SP, +40 Col
    » [private] Flying Too Close to the Sun - in progress
    » [private] Adagio <<Earning a Living>> - Complete; +2 SP, +400 Col, +16 Materials, +12 Materials
    » [open] Need to level up! - Complete; +1 SP, +100 Col, +1 Material
    » [open] A Girl and a Spear - Complete; +1 SP, +57 Col
    » [open] The new and the old - Complete; +1 SP
    » [open] An Escapist's Worst Nightmare - Complete; +1 SP, +57 Col
    » [solo/private/open] Ashes of the Wake - in progress
    » [private] Minotaur Wrangling <<Search for the Hoya>> - Complete; +2 SP
    » [open] Life of a daydreamer - Complete; +1 SP

    » [open] Am I in danger? - Complete; +1 SP, +67 Col
    » [open] Taft's Spring Festival - Complete; +1 SP, +62 Col
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

    Relationships (optional)

    Story Thus Far (optional)

  13. TCGCipher_Ike_01.jpg

    Username: Icarus
    Real name: Soren Grann
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Height: 6'4"


    Total SP: 17
    SP Available: 12
    SP Spent: 5

    Current Level: 8
    HP: 160
    EP: 16

    DMG: 7
    EVA: 0
    ACC: 0
    MIT: 18
    THN: 2
    RGN: 0

    About: History/personality

    Soren is a man of privilege.  He was born to the Lord and Lady Grann of Geilund, a (fictonal) state outside of Hamburg, Germany, where he was raised by no less than 100 family servants at any given time.  He was raised to know and feel that he was superior to anyone outside of their estate, although he could never truly wire himself to embrace that manner of thinking.  Compared to his three younger siblings, he was the one that was favored by the people in the surrounding towns simply due to the fact that he didn't treat them like they were nothing more than peasants; Soren saw them as people.  That wasn't to say that he was against his family in any sense of the word--he loved them and they loved him back, even if he didn't adopt their same lavish and indulgent lifestyle.

    That being said, he had his vices.  The eldest child of the Grann family was known for his seclusion.  Often times, he would up and leave the estate during the middle of the night to make the journey up to his family's cabin located deep in the woods of Northern Germany.  There was nothing but trees whitened by hoarfrost, lakes frozen by a forever cold, and heaps of snow for as far as the eye could see.  Soren also thoroughly enjoyed books and video games, particularly RPGs for their world-building, detailed storylines and faraway lands that seemed so much more compelling than the one he lived in.  It was almost like he didn't have a choice but to try Sword Art Online when the VRMMO first popped into the scene, it was the escape he was looking for.

    Soren has always been known to go by the beat of his own drum.  Yes, more often than not, he's helpful and overly generous when it comes to assisting others but that's only because its what he wants to do.  He lives his life on a whim in comparison to the remainder of his family, who abide by strict schedules and habit, a trait he inherited from his mother who was very similar in her youth.


    Kind-hearted - Soren is kind-hearted in game and out.  For as big and powerful of a man as he is, he would do everything in his power to not harm another living creature.  His capacity to care for people knows no bounds and he will always do what he can to help others.

    Strong-willed - His resolve is unbreakable.  He vowed to get him and everyone he cared for out of this game alive and there is nothing that anyone can do to stop him, not even Kayaba himself.  No matter what hardships Soren faces, he will always press on and do his best to make it through.

    Loyal - The friendships he forges with others are not just relationships of convenience, they are eternal bonds.  Once that bond is established, there is no limit to the lengths Soren would go to for that friend.


    Selfless (Too willing to help) - Too often will he put off his own tasks in order to help a friend or struggling newbie.  Much of his delay in developing as a player is due to sticking in the lower levels of Aincrad in order to help out others.

    Stubborn - The flip side of being strong-willed, Soren is stubborn.  Once his mind is made up, it's nearly impossible to change it.  That doesn't mean he isn't reasonable but the argument to convince him otherwise would have to be terribly powerful.

    Reserved - While Soren may strive to help others and be an overall good player, he does not let many people in.  Some people can go their whole life smiling and being nice on the outside but on the inside, never be truly happy.  Whether he's suffering or not on the inside is of no consequence, he'll put on his best and never let it show.

    Reclusive - Sometimes, when the world and it's people become too much to handle, Soren disappears.  Outside of SAO, he would slip away to his family's cabin to capture the solitude he so desperately sought.  Generally, he does this without saying a word to anyone, letting everyone to worry and wonder where he had gone.  He has no problem with being by himself and can go days, if not weeks, at a time without seeing another face.


    Not available

    Total Skillpoints

    » 17 SP




    Weapon skills:
    » Two-handed Straight Sword [Rank 1](+3 DMG)[5 SP]

    » Alondite (+3 DMG) [Perfect; Two-handed Straight Sword]
    » Grand Armor of Geilund (+27 MIT) [Perfect; Heavy Armor]

    » Bucket Helm of Hurt (+2 Thorns) [Rare; Heavy Armor]

    » 726 Col
    » 17 Materials
    » Two-handed Straight Sword [Basic/Starter]
    » Breastplate of Protection (+18 MIT) [Rare; Heavy Armor]
    » Grann Signet Ring (+2 ACC, +1 REC) [Perfect; Lucky Charm] [Obtained]

    » Cloth clothing

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