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Status Updates posted by VolvoWing

  1. Anyone down for an RP once I'm approved???

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. VolvoWing


      Well I was asking if you wanted to do that instead of our own personal PP. I think it's easier to gather SP this way.

    3. Seul


      Eh... Maybe-

      When I first joined I did all the easy quests with people who could one shot field bosses to get SP quickly. xD

    4. VolvoWing


      But the problem with that is that then the rest of the RP can get rather boring lol

  2. I really want to be a blacksmith but there is already a lot of blacksmiths..... Is there any profession in need at the moment????


    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. CaptainUndead


      An advice on starting business. Set the values of Items cheap at first to build up reputation, and then slowly increasing the price once you're well known.

    3. VolvoWing
    4. Macradon



      An advice on starting business. Set the values of Items cheap at first to build up reputation, and then slowly increasing the price once you're well known.

      And there's me, who has been having the same prices since start, and still booming with customers.

  3. This RP is getting no where, but Cooler Than Me ended up being the right title!!! Low levels vs High levels.


    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Zelrius


      Fine, I won't add the SP to my numbers nor will I log it in my journal. The last thing I want is for people to get salty over the fact that I wrote a single post trying to steal SP. That was not the intention, but you know, whatever. Drop it.

    3. VolvoWing


      I wasn't saying anything against him, I was just saying he got lucky lol

      @Zelrius You're fine I wasn't saying anything against you lol

    4. Seul


      I didn't say time is /always/ equal to having a high level.

      Just that it's sorta reasonable. If someone put time into building a character for a full and active year vs a character that was made last week, chances are the first character is going to be higher leveled.

      But hey, it'll all even out eventually when one levels starts costing like 20 SP. xD

  4. Need someone to loan me nice equipment before I take gemini.... Felt like taking it before I use any skill points.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. VolvoWing


      I told him I might not need the Mask. 


      I would like a shield with MIT, and maybe Paralyze....

      And maybe a new sword with DMG, and maybe accuracy....


      Thank you. I will pay you back however you need. :) Your awesome.

    3. Macradon


      You would probably need Mitigation over Paralyze and DMG over accuracy, you can always buy or get a potion to grant your equipment 1 slot more, but its a higher level quest you can do later on.

      I will be making the items soon.

    4. VolvoWing


      Thank you. I noticed you got a ton of perfects..... I will pay you back, but.... Please lol. I WILL go mat hunting for you.

      I will collect you a ton of mats and col. Thank you thank you thank you.

  5. I think the XP needed to rank up with your profession should be increased. Zandra is already rank 9 and we haven't even got to floor 15.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Hikoru


      Volvo, just get into the system. Yes, it may not seem balanced at first, but you go and get a profession and see how much you have to work to get where she is. It's a lot of work to get to a higher rank, so you should just try it out for yourself before you go and critique everyone

    3. Zandra


      Volvo, you... sry but I dont know what to say. Ive spent about 700 materials and 87 days of crafting. If thats already, I dont know what you think is balanced? Crafting every day in a year and spend 5000 materials?

    4. VolvoWing


      Idk... Just ignore what I said...

  6. Whew already got about half an RP typed up in Google Drive. :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Seul


      Earning a living is always a good quest to start with that doesn't require fighting-

    3. Beoreson


      *Remembering the good old days when noobs could walk outside of safezones without fearing death.*

    4. VolvoWing
  7. Wow thanks guys. All I did was smack a pole, lol. 

    1. Amira


      You're supposed to dance on it, not fight it.

    2. Macradon


      Well it is weird to smack a pole ... in the safe zone ... Like punching a rock ... wait

    3. VolvoWing


      Lol yah maybe I'm trying to get some secret skill.

  8. Anybody have a good song to cure writer's block??? Lol

    1. Macradon


      Depends on what you want to write. Epic instrumental usually helps men get the muse on.

    2. Ebony
    3. VolvoWing
  9. Question on the Regen enhancement. Does that mean on the opponents CD??? How would that work if your fighting a mob and using your MD for their damage???

    1. Seul


      It activates with your CD.

      Like- It depends on the turn order.

      Let's say you start a fight and attack then the enemy attacks and you take damage. Then it'd be your turn again and if you roll a 6+ on your CD then regen activates.


    2. VolvoWing
  10. Regen says "from your opponent". Does that mean your stealing it's HP or no???

    1. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      No you're not. It specifies that you regen if you take damage from an opponent. No damage is dealt to enemy, that's what Thorns is for.

    2. VolvoWing


      Alright. was confused for a moment, thanks. 

  11. Helping my step dad put new cabinets in this weekend. Gonna try to get Gemini and Earning a Living done though.

    1. Zandra


      A tip when you starts your alchemical career, gather the Col and get the +1 CD and +1 EXP as soon as possible. They are gonna help you alot :) I wish you the best of luck fellow alchemist :)

    2. VolvoWing


      :) Thank you. You as well :)

  12. Does BBcode work on here/???

    1. Macradon


      I don't believe so

  13. I only followed bare minumum on my journal so I can add info as Jason evolves as a character.

  14. Join my non-combat OP!!! Just trying to get some free SP, before stepping out of the gates. 


  15. Once I grow to a safe enough level to do so, I am looking for some people to help me SP grind!!! (quests and crap) Any volunteers???

  16. Sorry about not posting today guys. Had a really busy day.

  17. Now I may DESTROY the Gemini!!!! 

  18. You know it's gonna be a great battle when both your opponent and you roll a 1 on the first in-battle post. 

  19. This will be easier than I thought....

  20. Anyone here watch The Flash??? Just watched Season 2, Episode 11 it's getting awesome.

  21. Gonna try to get some posts in the weekend, ended up being a busy week.


  22. Wow how did Azide end up dying???

    1. Xion


      Pidgey on steroids (AKA Rohk the floor 14 boss) 

      Pidgey on steroids (AKA Rohk the floor 14 boss) 

    2. Seul


      He died from excessive AoE damage in the most recent boss fight.

      He died from excessive AoE damage in the most recent boss fight.

    3. Ratatosk


      Nobody healed him

      Nobody healed him

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