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About Husky

  • Birthday February 11

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    Solo Player

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    Somewhere Beyond the Sea
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  1. I have a feeling that the Boss raid thread never should have been changed to OP. There is no need to change from OP to PP, since there is no barrier that can hold someone from running in to their doom.

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    2. Shirien


      That's what I mean, in character it's not an event that everybody knows about, it's a group of high level players or even just guilds meeting up and deciding on a date, and then they go. These groups would have to actually willingly make the knowledge known to the public beforehand.

      And I think it would make sense since the group leader likely sends out mass PMs to all the people who are interested or strong or something. Like, the meetings are held for a reason I like to think. That's why Little Timmy on floor 1 doesn't try to slay the dragon.

    3. Husky


      My question still stand as in why would the thread was changed from OP to PP. As stated above, no magically barrier would have exist to stop you from plunging to your doom, even if it was just a coincident that you find yourself inside the boss room somehow, and if there's a problem about people litching on the thread for free SP then made a rule so that if you're not contributing to the fight whatsoever reason, then you can not claim the SP reward.

    4. Shirien


      Ah, in that case I feel that starting OP for the signup phase and then PP for the the actual battle is fair, not because of late joiners, but late joiners that want to take advantage. If the boss has 1 HP then someone can swoop in like a vulture, and even if they don't do that they can enter the thread and just shiv someone and leave the next post.

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