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Posts posted by Husky

  1. Hearing Aster informed that the quest has been complete, and now she only needed to return to town and receive the reward, Husky let out a sigh, relaxed his body as he looked up to the sky. "The fog should started to get thicken soon. Maybe we should get back to town before it got too thick." Husky suggested, as the two packed up and headed back to the direction of Delilah. The trip was short, and they only have to backtrack the dirt trail back to town.

    On their way back, the forest stay quiet in an almost eerie way. The wind breezes was light, and the fog were moving in. Just as they reached the entrance of town, the fog in the Forest of Wavering Mist has already thickened, and it's impossible to see the small dim light from the lantern outside Husky's tavern anymore. "Well, I guess this is where we depart. I sure hope that we'll meet again soon. Take care, alright?" Husky waved goodbye, sending Aster back to town as he returned to his tavern along with his little wolf pet; both walking back into the fog, and slowly disappeared into the daylight, shining dimly through the mist of the wood

  2. "Lovely. It's nice having a partner to venture into the unknown." Husky cheered, leading the way toward the dark chasm where the little girl was reported missing. He brought up the quest menu, and read the mission brief for his companion, filling her in on the details of the mission. "There's a little NPC girl who was reported missing inside a cave to west of Urbus. Her mother asked us to help find her lost daughter, in exchange for a small gift. The cave was known to have giant bats inhabited within, and is notoriously known for being dark and eerie environmental. All we have to do is to find the lost girl, and bring her home."

    Hearing Teion asking about the subject of who is going to be the one who took aggro and tank the monsters in case combat is inevitable, Husky simply smiled, and replied to her. "Don't you worry about it, Miss Teion. My build is perfectly suitable for tanking things, so leave that to me. I'm perfectly capable of handling a few bats no problem."

  3. Approaching the three, Husky bowed and greeted the newly met warrior, along with the other two players whom he had spent some time with on quests and other things. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Xion." Husky smiled, as the man leaved and met up with the NPC. The Brunette warrior faintly recalled back to the event boss raid. He had seen a man in that armor suit before, fighting along side with most others. Sat down onto the table, opposite to the two girls. While Husky waited for warrior in full armor return to them, leaning against the chair, the Brunette looked toward the two other players. Teion seemed like she haven't change much, still that same monotonous expression on her face, with occasionally a few smiles, or sighs. Aster with her usual lovely and carefree personality, with her pet scooting around just under her feet. 

    "So, what are we getting ourselves involved in today. I suppose we're going to venture out into the dessert once again." Husky leaned forward, rested his hands onto the table. The metal gauntlet he wore created a thud as he set his hand down onto the wooden texture of the table. 

  4. Husky had just finished his daily routine of cleaning up the place and was just about to sat down and enjoy his morning tea when he noticed a notification popping up in his menu. It was a message from Aster. "Seems like she needed help with another quest. Welp, since I got nothing to do." The man shrugged, stood up from his chair and swiftly walked out of his tavern. He left Woofles behind for the day, since the little cub would not stand the dessert's heat. He did prepared a large piece of steak for Woofles to chew on while he was gone, just in case he ever got bored

    Making his way toward the fifth floor, Husky darted his eyes around and looking for his friend. "Aster said that she would be waiting for me inside a tavern. That's strange... Why would a girl like her staying in a place like that." Husky wondered, thinking back to the time when he introduced her his place, when she was somewhat reluctant to enter. As the Brunette warrior entered the place, he immediately noticed Aster thanks to her distinctive hair color. Beside her was Teion, the renowned blacksmith in Armodillo, and a man in a full suit of armor that he had yet to recognize or meet. 

  5. When Teion mentioned of quests, Husky was reminded of a quest he had just received not long ago. Saving a little girl from a dark cave. It has never really been Husky's strong point when it comes to talking with kids. Maybe she can help him with that. Considering the request for a short moment, Husky asked Teion to come with him on the quest. "Actually, I do have a quest in progress on this floor. If you don't mind, I think that you coming with me for this one would be a great help." 

    The Brunette warrior opened his party menu, selected the invitation and sent it to Teion. He was hoping that she would said yes, even though he could see that she was a little unenthusiastic about the ordeal.

  6. Seeing the two bandits switch their focus to Aster, Husky knew that he need to act fast before the bandits attack, or else his friend would taken the hit. Ran up forward, Husky activated the basic <<Aggressive Twins>>, aiming for one of the bandit. His gauntlets glowing bright red, as he strike two consecutive punches toward the dark elf. One toward the rib and the other to the face. The attack were just enough to kill the bandit, as it shared the same fate as its friend and burst to nothingness. The last bandit turned around and attack with its dagger. The blade scratched over Husky's armor, as the chestplate glowed and returned the damage to the sender, ending it as well. 


    ID: 62176

    BD: 8+1=9 (7 * Aggressive Twins: 2x1 = 14 DMG)
    MOB: 7

    Husky: 55/56 HP | 1/14 EN | 7 DMG | 30 MIT | 1 ACC | 14 THR | 1 HM | Hate: 2
    Aster: 44/44 HP | 11/11 EN | 2 DMG | 27MIT | Hate: 1


    Dark Elf Bandit: 0/36 HP | 18 DMG | 10 MIT (14 - 10 = -4 DMG)
    Dark Elf Bandit: 0/36 HP | 18 DMG | 10 MIT (-14 THR DMG)
    Dark Elf Thief: 0/28 HP | 12 DMG | 8 MIT - DEAD


    LD: 4

    Loot: 2 Mats

    Total Loots: 3 Mats

  7. Searching around for a short while, both found the hidden cave nearby. Thanks to Husky's navigation through the fog, they were able to locate the chasm over a big rocky hill. "This should be it." Husky murmured under his breath, as the two players kept themselves hidden behind a bush. Just as he had thought, the bandits were nearby. There were two dark elves bandit walking in front, each with brandished dagger and a bandanna covering their face and head. Behind them was another dark elf, but unlike the other two, this one doesn't have a weapon, but instead holding a bag of loot over its back. "That must have been them. Well, here goes nothing." Husky gave Aster a nod of reassurance, before standing up, reveal himself from the hiding place and confront the bandits. 

    Coming from behind them, Husky was allowed to get the upper hand. Leaping into the air, Husky let the system took control as he activated his Sword Art. Leaped in the air, Husky spun around and kick each of the three dark elves bandits in the face. All three was staggered and fall back, unable to attack, while the thief, weaker than the other two bandit, burst to million of pixelated particles, slowly fading to the air. Standing his fighting post, Husky get ready for the fight.


    ID: 62156 

    BD: 5+1=6 (7 * Tornado Kick: 1x6 = 42 DMG)
    MOB: 4 

    Husky: 56/56 HP | 2/14 EN | 7 DMG | 30 MIT | 1 ACC | 14 THR | 1 HM | Hate: 1


    Dark Elf Bandit: 4/36 HP | 18 DMG | 10 MIT (42 - 10 = -32 DMG)
    Dark Elf Bandit: 4/36 HP | 18 DMG | 10 MIT (42 - 10 = -32 DMG)
    Dark Elf Thief: 0/28 HP | 12 DMG | 8 MIT (42 - 8 = 36 DMG)


    LD: 3

    Looted: 1 Mat

  8. Seeing the look on her face when she began to recognized him, Husky knew that she remembered of the unfortunate event that happened first time they met. The brunette warrior let out a sigh, shaking his head ever so slightly. "Well, at least I was able to make her smile." Trying to be positive, Husky pushed away the small thoughts, and hope that this time he would leave behind a good impression.

    Hearing Teion telling him that she had forgotten his name, Husky didn't seemed to be very disappointed. "It's nothing. I didn't expect much, since I never really did introduced myself probably." Husky smiled, stood up straight and extended his hand for a small hand shake. "Allowed me to reintroduce myself. My name is Husky. A pleasure to meet you, Miss Teion." 

  9. Hearing Aster description of the quest, Husky was reminded of something. Living in this misty part off the world, Husky know a lot about this place, except for a few part he haven't explored There's a small cavern not far from where his shop located. He has traveled there a few times, and usually, he encountered a trio of bandits while he was there. Maybe there's some relation between them and the quest, since those three seemed out of place. "Hmm... I think I know just the ones you needed. Not far from here, there's a small bandit cave with three dark elves bandit. Maybe we can start from there." Husky asked, pointing toward the direction of the cave.

  10. Looking back up, Husky saw the amethyst purple colored hair of a very familiar person. "Right. It's Teion, a very well known and renown Blacksmith on the Fifth floor." Husky snapped, remembered of the girl he had done the Quest <<Blood of the Sand>> with. "Oh! Miss Teion. I didn't expected to see you here." Husky said, hoping that she would recognized him as well. "What brings you here, if you don't mind me asking." Husky said, keeping his formal talking. Since he didn't have a good first impression with her, as he was drunk most of the boss fight, Husky need to redeem himself and prove to her that he's a better person.

    Setting Woofles onto the ground, Husky faced the girl of amethyst purple. She seemed rather monotonous. Her expression remain unchanged most of the conversation back in the times when they were killing the land shark, or even now. It was as if Teion was not here, or at least part of her wasn't here.

  11. Husky was slightly disappointed when they arrived at the second oasis of the three. Still, not a sign of where the lost cargo is. "Darn it. If I have to spend another hour searching for this thing, I might really go mad." Husky thought as he sigh, shaking his head and wiping off the sweat on his forehead. The wind is slowing down now, and the sun has shifted somewhat, stopped directly raging down upon both of them from above. As Hirru commanded, Husky only nodded. He didn't want to have to reset the progress, since if they failed to search for the quest in time, they'll fail and have to start this whole arduous search all over again, or at least he have to. 

    Walking under the shade of the caravan, his foot dug deep under the shifting sand, as the hill itself covered their foot track. Half an hour of walking felt like an eternal, but finally, they make it. The last oasis. Squinted his eyes and looked toward the place, Husky notice a large box near the place. That's it. That's the cargo the woman talk about. "Finally." Husky cried out, sliding down the sandy hill and walk toward the cargo, ready to bring it home.


    ID: 62051

    CD: 7

  12. "More of less. Players do come here for food from times to times. It's not the best place, nor is it very well known, but I don't mind really." Husky shrugged, answering Aster's question. He continued, "You can come by some time in the future if you wish. But the place has an age restriction for Alcohol products." walking by his own shop. Woofles trotting a long with him, when walked by the shop, his tail waffles in excitement, and he let out a few playful bark at Husky. Soon, the group walk past the place, and continue on down the road.

    "So... About this quest. If my memory didnt play tricks on me, I believe that you will need to eliminate a few Dark elves before you can completed it, correct?" The Brunette warrior asked, reassured the objective of the quest Aster is partaking.

  13. "You speak of the great Hoya treasure of this temple. I can not let you acquire the treasure so easily, Human." The Minotaur spoke, looking down upon Husky. Just as he thought, they would not going to give him the treasure easily, not without a fight. Equipped his pair of Dragon scale Gauntlets, Husky stood tall before the Minotaur twice his size, as it continued. "You must prove to us your worth, by a trial of combat. Prove to us that you are powerful enough to bear such treasure." The Minotaur roared again, looking over to his friend. "You must accept the challenge, and defeat him, if you wanted to claim the treasure as your own." 

    Husky look over to the other Minotaur, whom wielding a large sword and a great shield, standing tall and ready. It stepped forward, and faced toward the Brunette Warrior. "I am feared by many man. I can toss a boulder twice my size without breaking a sweat. I am the chosen warrior of the Hoya. My enemy know me by many name, but you... You can call me... Tim." The Minotaur spoken, get readied for combat.


    [-Twin Fangs: 2 DMG | 1 PAR]

    [+Dragon's Might: 3 DMG]

  14. Standing in front of the temple, Husky looked up at the two great Minotaurs guarding the entrance. Both was heavily armored. One wield a large double sided ace, while the other wield a mighty long sword and a shield. Approaching both of them, one spoke aloud.

    "Halt, puny human. None can enter the great temple." The large Minotaur spoken aloud, readied his axe and step forth. "What brings you here, Human?" It asked, the voice was loud, tough and menacing.

    "I'm seeking for the Pendant of Hoya, resided within this temple." Husky replied. Woofles stand ready, growling at the large Minotaur. His hair stood on the back of hid body. 

  15. At the center of the Forst of Wavering Mist lies a temple. The place was well known by the players of Aincrad, being the place that held a rare artifact: The Hoya Pendant. Although giving no buffs, the pendant is a magnificent item when worn by a player. But such treasure comes with a harsh trial. The temple was located in a large maze of trees and thick mist. The mist always remain the same, even in the lights of day. If the traveller mated to navigate through to maze to enter the temple, they have to pass the Minotaur trial, by defeating one of the two Minotaurs guarding the temple. The, they can walk in and claim their prize.

    Husky, someone who has live in this misty part of the floor for as long as he could remember, know his ways around the place. With his knowledge of navigation inside the mist, the Maze wasn't the biggest problem he has to face with. Solving the maze itself was something else, since there is no wall to hug alone, Husky have to rely on the map to navigate, but alas, he made it to the temple.

  16. Husky gave Aster a nod of reassurance. He put his trust on her capability to take care of herself, in those moments where she needed to. With that, both entered the Forest of Wavering mist. Husky had live in this area of the floor for a long while now, so he had learned how to navigate through the misty forest. Most people would look straight ahead into the most, and follows the treelines. That wasn't a very smart ideas, since usually, they can get off-track easily if they did so, and it would be a big hassle to get back to town traveling in the mist, especially when it gets thicken in the afternoon. The best way to trace where you are going is looking toward the trail, and remember which way to turn. 

    While walking, the two saw a glimmer of light from a small lantern, hung next to a wooden sign. "Hakkasan Tavern" The sign wrote, hung by a small building in the middle of the forest. "Heh... This is where I live for most of the time, since living inside inns is costly in the long term, and I haven't got the money needed to buy a home for my own, I live in my shop for the time being." Husky chuckled, introduced Aster to his small humble home, and the small tavern he work in.

  17. Husky stood back, leaving the two players some space for them to work their magic. Gaster held his ground well, managed to land a critical hit onto the boulder, but Avilon seemed to have some troubles. Husky swiftly approached Avilon when she missed the boulder and fell on the ground. The Brunette warrior checked to see if she is fine. Since the game pain-inhibitor would have reduced some physical pain for all players, Avilon shouldn't be injured greatly like so. "Everyone have their problem when we first started fighting. You just need to aim a little higher, and your movement just need to be more sturdy and firm." Husky gave Avilon a piece of his advice, getting up from his knee and demonstrate it to her. 

    He stood with one leg forward, while the other leg stepped back. His hand leveled with his face, as he targeted the rock. Aiming toward the boulder, Husky step forward, and gave the boulder a good punch. His hand landed slightly askew to the center of the rock, but it was enough to deal damage. Return to his original posture, Husky relaxed, and stepped aside. "Well, It's really the sword art that do most of the work, I just followed where the system guides me." Husky smiled, letting both of them retry punching the rock.


    (Pardon my double roll. I messed up the link.)

    ID: 61658

    BD: 5+1

    CD: 1 [No recovery]

    Husky: 56/56 HP | 6/14 EN | 7 DMG |
    Gaster: 36/36 HP | 8/8 EN | 5 DMG |
    Avilon: 60/60 HP | 14/15 EN | ? DMG |


    Boulder: 5/50 HP ( -7 DMG)

  18. On the outer skirt of Urbus, a distance cry echoed through the area. An NPC woman seemingly sobbing none-stop, distressed over her missing daughter. Her distraught cries found themselves to the ears of the Brunette warrior. Husky was making his way back his favourite place to visit an old friend, but his attention was caught when he heard the cries of the NPC woman. Almost without hesitation, Husky ran toward the source of the sound, along with his pet wolf-cub, Woofles running close behind. 

    "Oh please, mister. My lovely daughter has been trapped inside a dark cave nearby. The giant bats kept me away from entering the cave, so I can't help her. She's lost inside the dark cavern, and if anything happened to her, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself,. Please, kind stranger, help me get my daughter back." The woman begged for Husky to help her. The Brunetter warrior accepted the woman's request without hesitation. He was determined to find this cave and get the girl out alive. He set forth toward the destination where the cavern resided.

    On his way through Urbus, Husky made sure that he wasn't wasting any time. His struts was wide and his rhythm was fast. Woofles laid on his shoulder, panting in excitement of getting to ride on his master's shoulder and the cool breeze brushed against his head and chest. While walking, Husky saw a familiar face, as if he know them somewhere. The person wearing a hood kept on walking, feeling uncomfortable that Husky is staring at him. That made the Brunette lost his attention, as he bumped onto a girl of amethyst purple hair.

    "I'm so sorry for my carelessness. I should've look where I was walking." Startled lightly, Husky bow his head and apologize for his mistake.

  19. Day twenty-first wasn't of anything special or productive. Husky was trying on a few new recipe to improve his cooking skill and expand the menu. However, the new recipe was more complicate than expected, and try all he might, the day ended up not what he had hope for. He did managed to create a few good dish, but it wasn't what he had hope for.


    Daily crafting

    • ID: 61640 | CD: 5+1
    • ID: 61641 | CD: 6+1
    • ID: 61642 | CD: 3+1 | LD: 16 [Salvaged]
    • ID: 61643 | CD: 9+1
    • ID: 61644 | CD: 7+1


    +10 EXP

    -4 Materials

    +3 Good Items


    Name: Steak and Fries
    Profession: Cook
    Rank: 4
    ID roll: 61640

    CD: 5+1
    Tier: 1
    Item Type: Snack
    Quality: Good
    Enchantment: None

    Description: A dish of tender medium-rare beef, with freshly cut french fries, adding some good sauce and spice. 

    Name: Fish Fillet
    Profession: Cook
    Rank: 4
    ID roll: 61641

    CD: 6+1
    Tier: 1
    Item Type: Snack
    Quality: Good
    Enchantment: None

    Description: A dish of fried fish fillet, along with some healthy steamed salad and broccoli.

    Name: Light Beer
    Profession: Cook
    Rank: 4
    ID roll: 61644

    CD: 7+1
    Tier: 1
    Item Type: Snack
    Quality: Good
    Enchantment: None

    Description A small bottle of light weight beer. Not too heavy, perfect for a snack after meal.

    +1 Uncommon Item



    Name: Light Energy Drink
    Profession: Cook
    Rank: 4
    ID roll: 61643

    CD: 9+1
    Tier: 1
    Item Type: Snack
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enchantment: [+1 Electrolytes]

    Description: A small bottle of light energy drinks, refreshing and energy replenishing. Perfect for a quick refill of energy


  20. "It's all right! Everything for a friend, right?" Husky smiled, continued following Aster to the outer-skirt of town, toward the entrance toward the Forest of the Wavering Mist. Hearing Aster talking about the cafe, Husky remembered visiting the place a few time to get some new recipe for his own shop. The scenery was nice, and the interior was well done as well. He remembered learning a few things inside the cafe, both cooking and interior placement. "Ah! I remember visiting that place a few times. It was a really nice place. Maybe we could get a drink there some time in the future." Husky laughed, unintentionally asking Aster out for a date.

    Finally, they reached the entrance to the Forest. Turning back, facing Aster, Husky reassured if she's ready or not, before entering the forest. "All right, now, before we enter, I just wanted to warn you that the mist will get a little thick at around afternoon, but the day is still young. So as long as we are done with the quest and return to town by around a 14:00 o'clock. We should be good. Unless you're comfortable staying inside the thick mist, then we can stay out longer." 

  21. Husky didn't know anything about the hidden timer on the quest, especially when the quest didn't mention about it, nor does he was informed by the quest giver. Nonetheless, Husky have his faith on the veteran player. There's no reason for him to lie about the quest, and Husky wanted to get out of this blazing sun just as much as he did. Nodded with contempt. Husky followed the caravan closely as it change direction and head toward the next location

    Husky's foot dug deep into the hot sand. Each step left behind a small trail, which was quickly covered back as she sand continued to shift. The dry breezes of the desert passed by briskly. It somewhat helped Husky to cool down when he continued on walking on the blazing trail toward the next oasis, however the sands that was carried by these hot breezes felt irritated to the skin. The brunette warrior had managed to covered his eyes and face from the sand as they walk. The field was relatively empty at the moment, which not much monsters blocking their path. Some could be spot far in the distance, which wouldn't worth the stamina and time running after. 


    ID: 61513

    CD: 2

  22. @Opal although I like your idea, not many  MMORPG I've seen allowed you to take full aggro of another monster unless the player the monster targeted leave the range where they can target, or not hitting that player for a specific amount of time. But I have seen spell that divert the damage that the player taken and either completely mitigate it, or back to the person who cast the protection spell, so I leave the hate system aside. 

    @Seul I wanted to make this skill be rewarding to those who is entasked with protecting other players either by choice or was given that task to, and for the attacker to be able to use an AoE Sword Art to bypass the skill like so would have rendered the purpose meaningless. Therefore, it would be best if the AoE is still blocked by the player who use the skill. I believe that if you're standing close enough to the attacker, even with a wider angle attack would still only damage you. However, If that make this skill more OP that it's originally intended, then maybe we could make it so that those who were targeted with an AoE will take 1/2 of the original damage.

    As for a better name, I still haven't thing of one yet, so that will still be put up for debate. 

    Forgot about @Lowenthal: both PvP and PvE used the same CD dice was the original intention, but in PvE case, you're not dealing with the problem of getting one shot right on the gecko, unless you're overly under leveled, in such case, you should not be tanking such damages, so the critical success seemed meaningless, therefore I have it removed. 

  23. "Ah, this quest. I personally doesn't like this quest, but it does give you a pretty cool piece of equipment." Husky nodded. He didn't want to tell her the fact that he hasn't complete this quest as well. "Would you like me to accompany you on this quest? I know my ways around the floor pretty well, so maybe I can be of use..." Husky smiled, joined along with Aster on her trip around town

    While travelling around town, a question aroused in his mind. "Hey Aster. If you don't mind me asking, what did you plan to do on this floor. I mean, there's not much interesting stuff to do around here. I guess the quiet atmosphere is nice for a change, but beside that, there's not much to do here on this floor." Husky added, with slight interest in his tone. Maybe he could introduce her to his bar, but then, she might be a little too young to drink alcohol.

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