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Posts posted by Husky

  1. Just as he had expected, when Richard had kicked the Elvish Commander away, it gave him a small window, just enough for the finishing blow. When Woofles has identified the weak point, the Silver Warrior jumped in at the first chance he got. Leaped into the air, Richard raised his leg, aiming for the Commander's face. However, the elf had duck aside, and threw his sword down onto Husky. The sword aim true, slashed at Richard's arm. Winced in pain, the brunette saw his opportunity at hand. The elf is wide open, and Woofles target indicator is still visible.

    Taking his chance, Richard pushed himself into the air, dealing a devastating uppercut. The damage, combined with the thorn damage from his armor was enough to finish off the Commander, as he fell onto the ground, bursting to million of particles that slowly fade in the air. "Now... finishing what I've started." The warrior sighed, moving into the large tent where the Elvish King sat. 


    ID: 72403
    BD: 5+1=6 (Hit!)
    MOB: Died before action

    Husky: 311/320 HP | 18 EN | 12 DMG | 30 MIT | 14 THR DMG ( -(22-30) = -1 DMG)


    Elvish Commander: 0/100 HP | 20 DMG | 55 MIT ( -(12-55) = -1 DMG) ( -14 THR DMG)

  2. As the two stared each other down, there was a dead silence in the village square. The Elvish Commander leered at the warrior with his menacing look, before brandished his silver blade, readied for his attack; and so did Richard. The two clashed against one another. While the Commander had landed his attack, buried the blade deep into Husky's shoulder, he had left himself wide open, allowing the silver warrior to go in for a full frontal attack. 

    Along with Woofle's help, Richard activated the <<Acupuncture>> sword art, unleashing a barrage of punches to the limps and weak points, dealing a substantial amount of damage to the elf. Kicking him back, the Warrior of Silver rushed in, hoping that the kick would staggered the Commander, buy him enough time for anther attack.


    ID: 72316
    BD: 10 (Critical Hit!)
    MOB: 10 (Critical Hit!)

    Husky: 311/320 HP | 18 EN | 12 DMG | 30 MIT | 14 THR DMG ( -(20 -30) =-1 DMG)


    Elvish Commander: 15/100 HP | 20 DMG | 55 MIT ( -(((12+2) * Acupuncture: 3x3) -55) = -71 DMG) ( -14 THR DMG)

  3. "Who's next!" Richard roared a mighty battle cry, as the elves surrounded the village's square panicked. The Commander stepped up, his sword brandished, readied for battle. The Elvish Commander lunged forward, and So did Husky. The sword swung with great speed, but the warrior had ducked beneath the blade. His fist glowing in red, as Husky readied to deliver a devastating blow. However, the elf was just as fast as he is. Both ducked each other's attack, as Husky retreat, readied for another retaliation. 


    ID: 72298
    BD: 1 (Critical failure!)
    MOB: 3 (Missed)

    Husky: 312/320 HP | 18 EN | 12 DMG | 30 MIT | 14 THR DMG


    Elvish Commander: 100/100 HP | 20 DMG | 55 MIT

  4. The Brunette warrior rushed forward. His fish was glowing with a crimson radiant. The sword art is charged, and he only needed to execute it. Before he did, Richard was pushed back by two spears, both punctured through his shoulder pads, and piece his skin. The other two soldiers quickly followed and speared Richard again, to his back. All four pinned him in place.

    Wincing in pain, the warrior tried to move, but with each movement only drive the spear deeper, his sword art is fading, and if he don't act fast, it would deactivate, and he'll be in more than just a sticky situation. Then, he saw a red glimmer. Woofles from a side targeted a weak point just under the soldier's spear.

    That was the opening he need. Grabbing onto the spears, Husky spun around in a quick rapid motion, as all four soldiers was dragged into the center of the spinning typhoon. Raised his leg, his kicks landed on all four. The <<Tornado Kick>> sword art connect, killing all four soldiers.


    ID: 72292
    BD: 5 +1 HM +1 ACC (Hit!)
    MOB: 8 (Hit)!

    Husky: 312/320 HP | 19 EN | 12 DMG | 30 MIT | 14 THR DMG ( -( 15 -30 MIT) *4 = -4 DMG)


    Elvish Soldier 1: 0/65 HP | 15 DMG | 30 MIT ( -((12 * Tornado Kick: 1x6) - 30 MIT) = -38 HP | -14 THR DMG)
    Elvish Soldier 2: 0/65 HP | 15 DMG | 30 MIT ( -((12 * Tornado Kick: 1x6) - 30 MIT) = -38 HP | -14 THR DMG)
    Elvish Soldier 3: 0/65 HP | 15 DMG | 30 MIT ( -((12 * Tornado Kick: 1x6) - 30 MIT) = -38 HP | -14 THR DMG)
    Elvish Soldier 4: 0/65 HP | 15 DMG | 30 MIT ( -((12 * Tornado Kick: 1x6) - 30 MIT) = -38 HP | -14 THR DMG)

  5. "Well, I'm not that good of a cook. There're many other things that I must learn to become a higher ranked cook, but yes, I am a cook." Husky calmly replied, a smile grew on his face. He could tell that Grave is excited at the news when he informed that he own a tavern. His voice changed all the sudden. His head shifted to aside in curriosity. His posture is different, and even leaning forward at that.  "Maybe the man's also a cook, or he just enjoy some good food. If he is indeed a cook, we have a lot more in common than I expected." Husky formulate his thought.

    "If I'm not wrong, maybe you're a cook as well?" The brunette asked, his hand placed just under his chin. Chuckled slightly, Husky thought of the idea of how two person with the same underused skills and jobs met at the same place seeking for the same quest. The odds kept on stacking and yet, here they are, talking.

  6. "Well, my offers always stand if you changed your mind. It's only a small gift, considering holiday season is just around the corner." The brunette boy smiled. It's the simplest details that got his attention most of the time. How her arms shivered when she gazed outside. The misty forest continued howling long and eerie howls, as the wind flew. "True that." The boy agreed with the girl. He continued, "It's amazing how the person who had created this place has done such a good job creating a world so close to ours, but yet intended for such a malevolent scheme. It's a shame, how the mastermind can become such a villain..." letting out a long sigh. Husky could see that he's going to ruin the night with such saddening thoughts if he continues. Clear his voice, he let the conversation steer to a different subject. 

    Husky chuckled lightly in his breath when he saw Lessa's reaction to his statement, his hand used to cover his mouth with polite manner. The boy would have never thought someone like her -a girl with such beauty, manner along with being smart and kind- would enjoy being alone. Then, somehow, he had expected that. "I see. If you wish, you can always seek some lone time here. Not many dwells this far out to this area, not that I blame them. The mist can be a pain to navigate at times." The bartender shrugged, giving Lessa some suggestion of a quiet place to go when she wish to be alone. "The tavern is always open for anyone seeking shelter, protection, or just simply a warm drink." 

    The night was still young. The moon has yet to reach its peak; already, it felt like past midnight. With the weather continued restlessly, Husky was glad that someone had stumbled across his place and paid a visit. Otherwise, it would have been a long night.

  7. When Graves had failed to heal Husky back up, the man could only shrugged. Husky had not expected that someone like Grave would ever learned such move, but nonetheless, he shrugged those thoughts away. Maybe it's just something to use in emergencies, when someone need to. Either way, it's not something he should have an opinion on. "Ah. Thanks for your assistance. I will be quite fine. Need not to worry about me, I can take care of myself just fine." Husky smiled, thanking Grave for his effort.

    However, when Graves mentioned about grabbing a drink, an idea pop up in Husky's head. Maybe this could be an opportunity to introduce the guy to his tavern, promoting the place. Business inside a moody and misty forest are always slow. Having someone come by time after time would help, as well as keeping Husky busy on task. "Hey, since you want to go out for a drink. How about you come over to my place. I own a tavern up in the outer rims of the town in the third floor, waiting for a customer. Maybe you can swing by and grab a drink time after time." He suggested, as the two arrived back to Amazon. "Maybe we could get ourselves a drink there as well."

  8. Seeing the girl getting so excited when he presented her order had Husky chuckled slightly. It almost reminded of someone he used to hang out with back in England, before his trip to Tokyo, which ultimately landed him in this virtual prison. It's a refreshing sight to see, allowed him to reminisced of his childhood. "Well, If you like it so much, I could make you more, free of charge. But it's best that you drink it while it still hot. It's a cold night outside." The bartender let out a small laugh, as he was giving his offer to the girl. He returned with a friendly look, hoping that maybe, she would like to taste the pastry he made as well. 

    He could notice that the girl was flustering a little, seeing her cheeks slowly turning pink. "Ah. I could understand. After all, you must get a lot of attention." Husky replied when she explained her reason for stumbling across his place. At that moment, he realized that he had forgotten something rather important. "Right! Where are my manners... Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Husky. It's a pleasure to meet you." He smiled. His hand placed over his chest, as he bowed, greeting the newly met customer. "What might your name be, if you don't mind me asking?" The brunette bartender resumed. 

  9. Just as he had anticipated, the boss didn't stand a chance. After Grave final attack, it had shattered to million of tiny pixels, and with the "Congratulation" text box appeared just after the boss died signified the battle is over, Husky could finally relax, and recollected his composure. "Nice work!" The warrior tap on Grave's shoulder, congratulated him for the successful punch before continued, agreed to his partner's suggestion of returning to town.

    The way back was somewhat shorter, now that they've learned the way back, as well as Husky now learned how to use the navigation system in his minimap. All they have to do, was to follow the trails, and soon, they're back in Amazon Village. 

  10. "Well I'll be damn... She's one marvelous girl." Husky was impressed. Never in his mind would he thought of this- A young and beautiful girl like her walking into the establishment at a time like this. Her golden hair matched the royalty of the High Elf in Delilah, her gentle sapphire blue eyes glimmered under the lantern light. Her face was stunning, not to mention her angelic-like voice. Shook away those thoughts, Husky paid close attention to the newly met guest. He noticed her gaze fixated onto his scar. However, he paid no mind on that subject matter. Many people have done the same, and as time progress, the brunette had learned to take notice, and grew out of that pesky little thing, learned how to ignore it. Husky had thought that someone as magnificent as her should've be in somewhere more elegant than this small tavern of his, especially during a cold night like this. Nonetheless, everyone is a guest at anytime, and the girl should not be any different. 

    "One hot cocoa, coming right up." Husky nodded, his smile stayed bright, as he swiftly get to work. The ingredients were all readied to serve, and the recipe require rather few level to craft. The high quality cocoa from Amazon Folly added the unique flavor to the cocoa. Within moments, the brew was complete. "Thanks the game for the cooking mechanics." Husky spoke under his breath. Oh his hand, a cup of hot chocolate with waffles dipped, and a small cream topping swirl on top. "Here you go. One cup of hot cocoa." The brunette bartender smile, set the cup down just before the customer. "It's awfully late to be travelling out into this dark corner of the floor, don't you think?" If you don't mind, may I ask what brings a benevolent flower such as yourself to a place like this?" Husky asked, his eyebrow raised in interest and curiosity. 

  11. The night winter wind were cold and unrelenting. The cold breezes blew against the trees, stripping the leaves from the branches, leaving behind nothing but bare woods, making the trees all the more frightening in this otherwise ominous forest. For those who would traveled to the misty desolated part of the third floor, they will find a small, cozy tavern. The dim light from the swaying lantern lit up the wooden sign. "Hakkasan Tavern" The name carved into the fine wood of the sign. It wasn't the best way to kickstart a new day, but Husky have had worse. Having a shop so far inside a moody place like this wasn't always the optimal decision to start a business, however, the place is a nice place to rest after a long day venturing around in SAO.

    Resting on the old yet comfortable armchair just in front of the fireplace, Husky scan through the newspaper for any information regarding the events that's happening in AinCrad. Woofles rested just by his leg, enjoying the warmth from the gentle fire, as he took a nap after his supper. In times like these, Husky truly felt content. Maybe he could get accustomed to this lifestyle. Being stuck inside a game, where if you die, you died in real life as well does have an affect on people's morale. He would just have to learned how to cope with it, and continued on. 

    Then, when he was least expected, the bell rang, as the door swung open. He had not expected a guest to find the tavern, not to mention this late in the day. "Please take a seat. I'll be with you at once." Getting up from his chair, he carried little Woofles into the back room, before placing the little Snow Wolf on his bed, as well as equipped the appropriate attire. Standing behind the bar, his face grew a gentle smile. He hoped that the scar on his eye wouldn't scare off whoever had come visit the tavern. "Hello. Welcome to Hakkasan's Tavern. How may I help you?"

  12. Without warning, the gigantic beast pounced over Grave and aimed straight for Husky. It paws slashed down onto the warrior, chipping away part of his armor, as well as his health bar. Pinned against the floor, with both his hand pushed downward, Husky had braced for another attack, but alas, grave came just in time and pushed the Byakko aside. 

    "Thanks, love... Appreciate all the assistance." Husky sighed, took Graves' hand and got back up onto his feet, as the tiger regain it composure, readied to retaliate. In the heat of the battle, time almost stopped. The warrior eyed the Tiger's every tiny detail. Its eyes focused onto him, it right paw placed forward, readied to swipe whoever got in the way. The other paw stepped outward, supporting the weight of its entire body. 

    "There!" Husky saw his chance. Without a second word, he resume to battle,assuming that Grave was close by. The Brunette Warrior lunged forward with fierce force, his gauntlet shone bright red, the <<Acupuncture>> Sword Art readied. Run toward the Tiger's left side, along with Woofle's help, he struck at the weak point. The punch struck with true might, pushed the tiger off balanced, bringing the beast down onto its side. The next two hit aimed for its head, strike to its eyes and snout, before falling back to a safe distance to avoid any retaliation. Its health bar dropped to the blinking red mark. The warrior was assured that the next hit come from Graves would be the end of the boss. He could only waited for the result.


    ID: 71090
    BD: 9

    Grave: 559/560 HP | 54/56 EN | D: 12 | M: 36 | Rec: 2 | CC: 1 | Reg: 18 | BLD: 24 | BH: 5 (Hate: 0)
    Husky: 290/320 HP | 13/32 EN | D: 10 | M: 30 | THR: 14 | ACC: 1 | HM: 1 | (Hate: 2)


    Byakko: 27/150 HP | D: 60 | M: 40 | ( -((11 *Acupuncture: 3x3) -40 MIT) = -59 DMG)

  13. Seeing that Sey has cheered up, Husky face grew a friendly smile. Getting up from the sandy hills, the brunette warrior tapped Sey by his shoulder, encouraging him to continue, "That's the spirit." before continued back to town himself. The trip back didn't took that long, and Husky had gotten better at navigating using the map to guide their way. 

    "Alright. That's the end of the trip." Husky stopped before Sey. "All you have to do now, is return to the NPC you received the quest from and get your reward. For the time being, I'm going to go and continue on with my usual business." He waved goodbye to his newly made friend, before went back into town, continuing on with what he had in planned for the day. 

  14. "Don't beat yourself up so hard about petty things like these." Seeing Sey was feeling somewhat guilty for not being able to help much, Husky approached the boy and try to cheer him up. "You know, when I was at lower level, a lot of people helped me out too. I would never in my mind, thought of the reality that I had relied on so much people to move on. The worse part is I never get to know them." Husky sat down onto the sand, taking a small rest before returning to town.

    "Maybe there're still good people in this game, those that you can rely on. Maybe it's not that bad. You're not worthless just because you can't fend for yourself against enemies that you couldn't take on at your current circumstance." Husky continued explaining.  He was hoping that his words would encourage Sey to move on forward. Maybe someday later, he'll even see Sey standing on even ground. 

  15. Brushing the sands off his gauntlets and chest piece, Husky made his way back to where Sey was. His face now relaxed; his mouth curved a small smile. "Alright, that should be that. Now let's head back to town." The warrior suggested, as the two head back to town. 

    "How was the fight? I sure hope you got a good view." Husky asked, on the way back to town. "It'd be a good opportunity for you to learn about fighting tactics." He suggested. Since this might be Sey's first ever expedition outside of town, maybe it's a good time to teach him something while he's at it.

  16. Seeing Grave rushing forward, Husky took his time going around the trees. While the man is taking up the attention of the scorching beast, he should be able to sneak up behind and throw out his own attack. Watching carefully on Grave's move, as well as the Tiger's fighting pattern, Husky analyzing over the battle, trying to find any weakness. Before the Warrior could even get into position, the beast has leaped out of the way, resetting Husky's path. 

    "Damn it." The warrior cursed under his breath. Being strategic is no longer an option, now that the Byakko is so far away. Husky saw his chance. One of the tree fallen has created a ramp perfect for an aerial attack. Running full speed, along with his trusty companion, both launched himself in the air, his gauntlets glowing in bright red, as Husky came down with a thunderous clash. Woofles had also activated his ability, marking the Boss's weaknesses, as his master fought the beast. The <<Acupuncture>> Sword art was activated, Husky had a clear shot toward the mark. His gauntlet connect with the Tiger's snout, dragging the whole monster down, before connecting two more hit, both aimed at the weak point just below its jaw. 

    "Got it!" Husky cried out, before leaping back, letting Grave continued his works.


    ID: 70879
    BD: 8+1 (Hit!)

    Grave: 559/560 HP | 54/56 EN | D: 12 | M: 36 | Rec: 2 | CC: 1 | Reg: 18 | BLD: 24 | BH: 5 
    Husky: 320/320 HP | 22/32 EN | D: 10 | M: 30 | THR: 14 | ACC: 1 | HM: 1 |


    Byakko: 100/150 HP | D: 60 | M: 40 | ( -((10 *Acupuncture: 3x3) -40 MIT) = -50 DMG)

    • Critical Special: Burn - Half of damage dealt is burn damage
  17. "Just wait for it..." Husky told himself in a calmly manner. The boss can't deal that much damage to him, but he can inflict a grievous wound to the shark if he knows where to strike. All he got to do was to wait until the perfect moment to strike. Then, the shark emerge from the ground. It almost leaped into the air, coming down toward Husky like a cannon ball. This time, he saw the shark attack. Leaping out of the way, he activated his sword art: <<Acupuncture>> just as the Land Shark hit the dry sand. His gauntlets were glowing in bright red, as he leaped forward for his retaliation.

    The beast, still dazed by the attack, had not a clue where was Husky coming in from. His fits were true, connected to the creature's weak point. The warrior let the game carried him through, as he struck his fist onto the shark's grills. Another quickly connect with the shark's eye, and the final one, leaped into the air and strike at its snout. The three hit was just enough to finish the job, as the shark stopped struggling; it shone in a bright spectrum, before bursting to millions of pixels, fading into the hot air of the desert. 


    ID: 70792
    BD: 9 (Critical hit!)
    MOB: 2 (Missed)

    Husky: 278/320 HP | 20 EN | 12 DMG | 30 MIT | 14 THR DMG |  


    Land Shark: -20/125 HP | 50 DMG | ( -(13 *Acupuncture: 3x3) = -117 DMG)

  18. The soldiers charged in relentlessly, all striking at a different place. Richard wasn't able to duck in time, took the full four hits from the four guards. Their spear pierced through his armor, cutting his skin beneath. Winced in pain, the Warrior grabbed the spears and pushed them back, but the guards only pushed onward. Richard was thrown off his feet and out of the tent, into the square of the town. Now, that all the spear was pulled out from his body, the man stood up, taking pose, as the guards rushed out of the tents and taken formation. Then, an Elven commander followed.

    Standing tall, the commander told his warriors to take hold, as they raised up their spears, forming a line of defense just in front of the gate. "Well... if that's how you wanted to play. I'll play with you." Richard puffed, before leaping in, readied to attack.


    ID: 70791
    BD: 2 (Missed)
    MOB: 10 (Critical hit)!

    Husky: 316/320 HP | 30 EN | 12 DMG | 30 MIT | 14 THR DMG ( -( 15 -30 MIT) *4 = -4 DMG)


    Elvish Soldier 1: 51/65 HP | 15 DMG | 30 MIT
    Elvish Soldier 2: 51/65 HP | 15 DMG | 30 MIT
    Elvish Soldier 3: 51/65 HP | 15 DMG | 30 MIT
    Elvish Soldier 4: 51/65 HP | 15 DMG | 30 MIT

  19. While Sey was hiding on top of the hills, battling with the harsh desert winds, Husky stayed near the shark and continued on with their battle. The shark has shielded itself well. Try as he might, it's hard for Husky to get into punching range without being hit or knocked away. The shark once again shook violently when Husky got near. It's head whacked against his body, pushing the warrior back. He fell onto the scorching sand, before quickly getting back up, brushing the sand off his armor. Husky took a kneel, waiting for the shark next move while he strategized his next move

    "Damn... the shark is being too violent. I need to finish this boss quickly, before Sey start taking elemental damage...." He sat still and think for a while. However, as he did so, the Land Shark has submerge down into the sand, until it was completely vanished. Husky, his expression hasn't change, calmly waited. "Right... If it doesn't let me get near him, I'll wait for it to attack me." Husky focused on the ground surround him, waiting for any movement from the sand beneath.


    ID: 70720

    BD: 5 (Missed)
    MOB: 7 (Hit)

    Husky: 278/320 HP | 30 EN | 12 DMG | 30 MIT | 14 THR DMG ( -(50 -30 MIT) = -20 DMG)


    Land Shark: 97/125 HP | 50 DMG | ( -14 THR DMG)

  20. The path on the burning sand was horrendous. Living in England since he was a small kid, Husky had not seen anything that would match this desert heat. The sands seemed as if they were real, and even felt like it as well. It was as if they were in real life, and not just a virtual game. None the less, he can't take any time admiring the wonders Kayaba has created and trapped them all under. There're works to be done, and at the moment, all they need is to find the boss, and defeat it. 

    After a while walking, they found the boss submerged under the sand. The shark fin exposed on top, along with the name tag: Land Shark on top. "That's our target." He exclaimed fixed the straps on his gauntlets, readied to move in for the attack. "Now, stick to the plan, and be very careful. I don't want any of my partner to get hurt." Husky nod, before going in. The shark emerged from the sand, revealing itself, as Husky went in for the attack.

    His first punch thrown grazed over the rough scales of the Shark. It swung it head around and snapped the sharp jaws at him. The warrior didn't duck in time, as the teeth clamps down onto his shoulder pads of his armor, puncture through the metal and pierce his flesh. He quickly retreat before the shark could deal any further damage, as the teeth left behind on his shoulder began to disappeared to tiny blue pixels. 


    ID: 70717
    BD: 3 (Failed)
    MOB: 10 (Critical hit)

    Husky: 298/320 HP | 30 EN | 12 DMG | 30 MIT | 14 THR DMG ( -(52 -30 MIT) = -22 DMG)


    Land Shark: 111/125 HP | 50 DMG | ( -14 THR DMG)

  21. Once the stranger has arrived to the town's gate, Husky had finished his preparation for the travel. Having finished this particular quest already, Husky knew where to look for, as well as the tactic to finish the boss. Therefore, killing the Land shark should be easy. 

    "Right, I never get to introduce myself. Sorry for being so rude. Call me Husky. A pleasure to meet you." The brown hair Warrior extended his hand for a hand shake. That was when he had realize a rather important detail. "Since you haven't finished <<The Traveler>> yet. That's going to cause a little problem. Just stay safe out there, and if there's anything happen, call me out. Also, once the boss has been found, do not approach it." He told his newly met partner, "Beside that, watch your steps, and stand behind me. I'll try and protect you with all I got." before set foot out into the scorching desert. 

  22. Accepting the party invitation, Husky was surprise that someone like him would took on a quest like this. "Now that's testing fate." The Warrior told himself, checking his inventory for his equipment and consumables. Over-preparation never hurts anyone. "Ah, <<Blood in the Sand>> That quest brings me back.... it wasn't really pleasurable to say the least, but I have taken that quest before. I'll be more than happy to help you out. Just be careful where you step your foot out there."  Husky spoke, remembered of the time when he took on the Shark while drunk from the Sake bottle he downed in one go. 

    "Alright, I'll be waiting for you outside the town. Once you have got everything ready, I'll meet you by the gates." Husky spoke, before making his way toward the town's gate. The Warrior took from his inventory a medium bottle of Damage potion, before drinking it down, hoping that the potion would give him enough extra damage to make the boss fight clean and quick.


    Consume: [Damage Potion: +2]

  23. "Ah, My apologies. Seeing someone in starter gear up in higher floors like this one was a rather rare sight." Husky took a step back, bowed and apologized to the stranger. "There 're people who has wander up to the higher floors to explore, but most of them have someone accompanied them, however, you seemed to be alone. It's dangerous to be traveling up here all by yourself." He stoop up tall, warned the new player of the dangers ahead.

    He would've returned to his own bidding, but leaving a new player all along like this would be problematic. Maybe he should asked to tag along. "If you don't mind, I could help you out if you needed anything. All you got to do is ask." Husky asked, keeping a friendly smile on his face.

  24. Winter has arrived, and yet the fifth floor was still blazing hot. It was never his favorite floor to be in, but there're businesses needed to attend to. Husky returned to the floor for the renown blacksmith: Teion. He need his gear to be checked out, and Teion's blacksmiths skill was undoubtedly hard to match. Woofles however, has to be left behind. The fact that he was a Snow Wolf, treading on hot sand would be a torture to him. 

    While roaming around the town, Husky noticed something odd. On the fifth floor, someone who still possess starter items. It's certainly odd that someone that low level could be found on a floor like this. Maybe he should go and asked him out.
    "Hi. If you don't mind me asking, are you lost?" Approaching the stranger, he asked. It would be rude for someone to be so blunt to a stranger, but it was for his own sake.

  25. Returned to the small town, Richard quickly made his way to the largest camp in the establishment. He pulled open the curtain doors, facing the Elven Kings and his guards. Four soldiers on each side, followed by two knights and the King, sat on his throne in the middle. 
    "I have a few words needed explanation for, King Argolas." Richard spoke aloud. His posture was tense, and rough, unlike when he first met the king. "You never told me about the excavation of the Treant's forest. You lied to me about the information!" He continued in a more aggressive tone. On his hand, he has selected the damage boost potion, readied to act on the slightest of aggressive move.

    "So, you have found out. Very well. If we cant convince you to help us, then we'll just have to let you go. However, letting you go would jeopardize my plan. Guard! Seize him!" The King shouted. The four soldiers sprang up and lunged forward Richard. However, he was faster. The warrior popped open the cap of the Damage Boost potion, and drank it all in one go. Then to took pose, and ready for a fight.


    [Consume: 1 Damage Potion +2]

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