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Posts posted by Husky

  1. For around 5 minutes, Richard sat still and allowed the Treant explain their action against the elves. The information that the Treant gave him was contrasted with what the elves has been telling him. The Treant had told him that the elves attacked the Treant Village for rare woods to build up their settlement. The Treant suffered heavy loses, and considered that as a declaration of war. There, he was given two option. He could fight the Treant, or return to Flora and investigate the information further.

    On his way back, Richard had a clear anger expression imprinted on his face. He couldn't believe that even NPCs could have spout out such lies like they did. No matter what, he will investigate this bidding to the root.

  2. Richard was determined to get to the bottom of this situation. For a feral monster, the Treant was almost reluctant to fight, unlike other monsters who was programmed to fight the player until one dies. If the Treants was anything like the Elven King has described them to be, then they shouldn't be hesitating to attack him under any circumstances. 

    He saw an opening just under the Treant's legs. Dashed forward, Richard slide under the Treant, getting in front of it before the monster could get away. Raised both his hand up, Richard tried to calm the monster down. For a few first seconds, it doesn't seemed to had any affect; but then, he could see the Beast calm down.


    [Objective: Roll a CD of 6 or higher to calm down the Treant]

    ID: 70364
    CD: 11 (Success)

  3. The Treant stumbled from the attack, fall down to a side. Just as Richard readied to jumped in for another attack, he noticed something odd from the large monster. "It's.... reluctant to attack." He took notice of the Treant struggles to get up, almost fearing him. Richard stopped for a while, hesitate to attack. However, the Treant, didn't realize that its attacker has stopped, swung it branch toward the Warrior from the side. 

    Richard ducked under the attack, ran toward the Treant. He stood tall, tried to calm down the panicking Treant. However, it was to no avail. He couldn't get in front of the monster to calm it down, as it wildly swinging it branches around once again. This time, it hit Richard by the side, and knocked him down to his back.


    [Objective: Roll a CD of 6 or higher to calm down the Treant]

    ID: 70362
    BD: 3+1 (Fail)
    MOB: 4 (Fail)


    ID: 70363
    CD: 2 (Fail)
    MOB: 7 (Hit)

    Husky: 318/320 HP | 21 EN | 10 DMG | 30 MIT | ( -( 30 DMG -30 MIT) = -1 DMG) 


    Treant: 62/160 HP | 30 DMG | 20 MIT | ( -14 THR DMG)

  4. Falling back a few step, Richard took pose, observing the situation. Although the Treant is bigger and have a wider reach than him, they are also much slower, and usually unable to duck attacks thrown by players, so as long as Richard keep his distance from the arm, waiting for his opportunity to come, then attack. A simple strategy, but effective nonetheless. With that, the Warrior waited for the Treant's next move. 

    As the monster lifted its heavy foot off the ground, Richard went in for the attack. Both of it's gigantic hand rose up to the air, the strike down. However, the attack was sluggish, and easily dodged. He jumped aside, before lunged forward and activate his sword art. The gauntlets shone in a red mythical light, before Richard dashed in and landed the first punch to the hip of the Treant, just below the arm. Then, using his momentum, he punched the tree monster another two times, both aimed for near the limbs on its body. One final punched toward its spine, as he jumped away, and the monster toppled over onto the floor.

    ID: 70314
    BD: 8 (Hit)
    MOB: 1 (Critical Hit!)

    Husky: 319/320 HP | 21 EN | 10 DMG | 30 MIT | 


    Treant: 76/160 HP | 30 DMG | 20 MIT | ( -(( 10 * Acupuncture: 3x3) -20 MIT) = -70 HP

  5. There was a light gust of wind. The breeze brushed through Richard's skin, as he slowly crept up onto the Treant. However, before he could approach the monster, his cover was blown away. The giant Treant stood up and turned to face him. It stood up, nearly as tall as the trees. "Crap, I guess stealth isn't an option." He cursed under his breath. Gripping his iron fists, Richard took pose and ran toward the Treant with full speed. However, the warrior wasn't able to throw his punch, the Treant was faster. One giant swing covered the entire area. Unable to duck under the attack, Richard took the hit head on. 

    ID: 70308
    LD: 16 (Stealth Fail)

    ID: 70309
    BD: 2+1 (Failed)
    MOB: 8 (Hit)

    Husky: 319/320 HP | 30 EN | 10 DMG | 30 MIT | 


    Treant: 146/160 HP | 30 DMG | 20 MIT |

  6. "Treant attacks? I've heard of wild treants in the forest before, but an entire army of them, that's odd." Richard thought to himself, collecting any useful information given by the elven king. The quest details informed him to venture up to the far north, where a settlement of Treant is located, and take out the menacing Treants that's terrorizing the town. "Sound like a simple task. I'll see to it that the Treants are dealt with." The Brunette warrior nodded, accepting the quest, as he ventured into the woods with his trusty companion, hoping he could resolve this mess on his own. The Treants are known to be quite a beafy mob, for a third floor monster, but with his equipment and level, Richard shouldn't have much problems dealing with these pesky moving tree.

    Not long after delving into the northern region of the forest, where the monsters are much tougher and stronger than the mid-woods, Richard found the first Treant, settled in an opening. The warrior hid behind a large tree, spying the Treants and waited for the right moment to confront with the threat.

  7. "I see. I could tell that you've had a lot of experiences in these subject." Husky paid close attention to Grave's descriptive analysis on his tactics of on taking the boss down, as well as the pros and cons of being a Martial Artist. "To be brutally honest. I only want to fight with my hands because I don't feel comfortable around weapons like swords or spears. I would have never thoughts of weapons advantages or such. Those are simply not my cup of tea." The man shrugged, continued down the jungle path, retracing his path to the location where the blazing tiger rest.

    It wasn't long for both of them to find the Boss monster. Byakko, it's name was visibly seen just aside form it's head, on top of three green health bar. Sneaking behind a fallen tree trunks, the two Marial artist player crept their way toward the boss, while hoping that they aren't revealed. "On your call, we'll both strike them." Husky gave his newly met companion a nod, reassuring their tactic. If both rush at the Tiger the same time, it's attention will be devided, give both of them the much needed window to unleash another wave of attack, before it could response.

  8. Traveled not too far from Delilah, Richard and his companion reached the small town in the outer skirt of the Northern forest, where the mist didn't covered the entire place. The settlement was formed by many tents circled one another, as if the town was just a small campsite. A small wooden wall surrounded the place, protecting the people from the roaming beast in the wild area nearby

    Approaching the town, Richard was greeted by an elf, dressed in a robe of loyalty. The elf wore a golden crown, with his elegant golden locks rest gently over his shoulder. “Greetings, Noble warrior. I believe that you have received my message. I won't waste much of your time. I am King Argolas, the leader of Flora, and we're in dire need of your assistance. Our town has been constantly attacked by evil forces of the Treants. They attacked us from within the forests, far up North. We have tried to fight back, but to little avail. I'm afraid the this town of ours wont last long." The King of Flora plead.

  9. On their way out of the room, Richard noticed that he have received a mail notification in his inbox. "That's odd." He thought to himself. He barely get any mail from anyone lately, so who could have know where he live and sent a letter to his inbox. Taken over by his curiosity, the brunette warrior quickly opened his newly received letter and took a look. 


    Dear Player

    We're the Militia Force of Flora, seeking helps from brave adventurers who's up to the dangerous task lies ahead. Please contact us to the North of Delilah Village. We are greatly in need of your assistance. If you agree to assist us, we have a great deal of rewards lies away in trade of your much needed assistance.

    "Flora's Military troops... I should check things out there. The situation seems dire." The warrior exclaimed, whistled for his loyal companion to follow along, as the two ventured toward their newly set destination.

  10. Winter arrives without a word. The wavering mist on the third floor grew thicker as the world approaches the coldest season of the year. The leaves has fallen off the trees, and the solitude forest became even more eerie than ever before, bringing less and less adventures to the Hakkasan Tavern. Times like these are not best for business.

    Resting soundly on his bed, Richard have had a restful night. The brunette bartender was awoken when little Woofles tugged onto the blanket of his bed. It's late in the day, and despite the cold winter, he's always full of energy in the morning. 
    "Alright, alright... I'm awake, you little knacker!" Richard spoke in a rather groggily tone, rose from his warm bed and set his foot onto the cold wooden floor. Little Woofles circling around him, as the man make his way toward the main room, all the while putting on his equipment. The coldness of the steel armor and gauntlets almost as if seeping through the leather padding. Since no souls would venture out into this part of the wood in times like this, it's best that the two just venture out and explore uncharted areas of the woods, see what lies beyond the safe boundaries where monsters can be found.

  11. "Husky, pleasure to meet you." Husky gave a friendly and confident smile, took the handshake and introduced himself. "As for the boss, it's like a tiger, but twice as big as the usual ones in real life. The whole body is coated with a dark charred wood color. It have red eyes, and from what I remember, its mouth was puffing with large clouds of smoke. There's a trail of burned leaves and trees along its path, and that was where I last saw the boss. I didn't want to engage the beast right away, or at least not until I get some information of it." The Brunette warrior described what he remembered when he first encountered the boss. It seemed to be a very formidable opponent. 

    While the two continued on back tracking to where the fiery trail was located, Husky was surprised to see another fellow martial art user, not to mention someone that Grand Mastered the skill as well. "That's very impressive of you; and yes, I'm a Martial Art user as well. It's rare for me to see another Martial Art user." Husky said in awed. Maybe he could learn a few things or two from Grave.

  12. After putting the customer orders down, Husky returned to the bar, and prepared the drink. Letting out a small sigh, disappointed that the two customer hasn't order anything but regular water, he poured two glass of pure water, adding a few ice cubes for each glass and began serving the order to his customer


    With the two glasses of water on a tray, Husky approached the first customer he saw. "Here is your drink, sir." He said in an elegant manner, gently placed the glass of water onto th table. Carefully and swiftly, he made his way to the one in the back, serving the man's order as well.


    "To be honest with you, I'm thinking of moving the shop to a new location. As good as this place might me, business-wise, this place won't bring you any much profit. The place is in the middle of a mist Forrest, so that's a big minus for customers. I might have to move to other places if I ever wanted to get some customers." Husky let out a small sigh, setting down the glass onto the table. 

  13. Husky listened closely to the brief information Aster gave him. Turns out, they will have to delved back to the blazing sand again. The brunette warrior hoped that everyone in the group have the Survivor extra skill learned. If not, it would certainly be very inconvenient when the sand start ticking away their health slowly. 

    When Xion had returned and inform the whole team of the mission at hand, everyone left the tavern, Husky gave his team a nod, before joining them. He was a little disappointed because of the lack of information given for the quest. Nonetheless, the man quietly followed, wandered into the unknown of the desert sand

  14. Seeing that Teion has defeated the last giant bat, Husky exhaled a relieving sigh, nodded at her question. With the combat finished, the only thing left is to lead the little NPC girls back to her home. "Don't worry now, little girl. We are getting you home back to your mommy." Husky's face grew a friendly smile, as he extended his hand forward, soothing the cowering little girl and calmed her down. The NPC girl raised her shaking hand, and placed it on his. The Brunette gently held the little girl's hand as he signal his companion that it's time to leave.

    Using the neat little trick that he had been using. Husky only needed to trace to the right wall to leave this dark labyrinth they had been exploring in, and make their way toward the exit. They could see the sunlight shining from the cave entrance, shining into the rocky surface of the chasm. "Finally, daylight." Husky sighed in relief, finally getting out of the dark labyrinth, and back to the outside. 

  15. While Teion missed the attack, the bat took action and started diving down toward Husky. Anticipating where will the monster land, the Brunette warrior leaped aside, ducked from the bat's offense. However, he did landed on left side, as the bat re-positioned itself to his right; to his bad eye. Husky tried his best to ignore the disadvantage he was put under and tried to go for a retaliation. His fist swung pass the bat, missed it completely. Feeling another attack incoming, Husky rolled away, turned back to the beast with it back into his central vision.


    ID: 64354

    BD: 5+1-2 = 4
    CD: 9 (failed recovery)

    Teion: 64/64 HP | 9/16 EN | 7 DMG | 3 EVA | 2 ACC | 1 REC | Hate: 1
    Husky: 60/60 HP | 2/12 EN | 7 DMG | 30 MIT | 14 MIT | 1 ACC | 1 HM | Hate: 2


    Giant Bats: 0/50 HP | 12 DMG | 12 MIT |  DEAD
    Giant Bats: 20/50 HP | 12 DMG | 12 MIT | 

  16. Husky sought out the Quest NPC, who he offered his hand on defeating the monster and stop it from burning the whole jungle to a crisp. Just after he had finished and started the quest, the Brunette was startled when the newly met stranger approached and greeted him. "Oh... Ah, yes. I found where the boss was in the jungle, so I have to do some investigation before going in, just to be safe." Husky spoke, nodded at the stranger's question. Inspecting the man, there's something familiar yet odd about him, whom he never met before.

    "If you don't mind, may I ask... Are you a Martial Art user?"  Husky put his finger just below his mouth, questioning on the fact that whoever he is, the stranger had no real weapon on him, at least not that Husky know of. Even dagger user usually have their weapon strapped to the leg, or the handle coming out just beneath the belt line. However, the man have nothing on him; still, he wore a pair of gloves. 

  17. Husky left Amazon Folly on a rather early note. There were a few ingredients located of jungle terrain floors such as the sixth floor that was needed for a recipe he had learned. Treading through the jungle floor, Husky pushed through the foliage, trying to find the right ingredient he was looking for. The Brunette warrior was never a fan of these type of terrain. It's hard to move around, and even harder to navigate. Despite the fact Husky's home located in the center or the Forest of the Wavering Mist, he found navigating through layers of leaves are much harder than navigating through misty forest. Since the layers of foliage ahead blinds him from navigating using the path and trees, Husky was having a difficult time finding his path.

    However, while walking through the place, Husky noticed something strange. A path of blazing fire tread through the jungle. Flame roaring through the tree top, eating away the greenery of the place, leaving behind a pathway of charred wood and burned leaves. "This is very odd." Husky asked himself, wondering what devastation had happened at this place. Then, he heard a thunderous roar. Treading on the burning path, a massive tiger, fur colored of charred coal, eyes as red as a fire, mouth huffing with clouds of fiery smokes. Husky had thought about facing the tiger head on, but facing a boss by himself isn't a good idea, since he haven't had much information about what the boss is capable of. Wandering back to Amazon Folly, the Brunette warrior tried to find a lead for the Fiery tiger. Sitting in the square of the village, surfing through the list of quest, Husky finally found the quest associate with the boss. 

  18. When Teion advanced forward for an attack, Husky quickly pick the girl up and moved her back away from the fight to avoid any collateral damages. After he had done so, the Brunette warrior looked back at the girl and two giant bats. She seemed like she was doing very well on her own, despite the dark and claustrophobic environment. As the bats ascending to higher grounds after Teion's attack, Husky saw his chance. He started running at the two, building up his momentum. Then, using the rocky wall to the side, Husky tread along, running higher and higher with each step taken. With enough elevation, he leaped from the wall, right between the two giant bats. Spun around mid air, Husky extended his leg and nailed both two of them, each to the body. Both was knocked aside, as one's health bar dropped to 0. The bat glowed brightly before burst into million of pixel shards, while the other one staggered. Husky dropped to the ground, turned his attention to the remaining monster. 


    ID: 63952

    BD: 7+1-1= 7 ( 7 * Tornado Kick: 1x6 = 42 DMG)
    CD: 7-1=6

    Teion: 64/64 HP | 10/16 EN | 7 DMG | 3 EVA | 2 ACC | 1 REC | Hate: 1
    Husky: 60/60 HP | 3/12 EN | 7 DMG | 30 MIT | 14 MIT | 1 ACC | 1 HM | Hate: 2


    Giant Bats: 0/50 HP | 12 DMG | 12 MIT | ( - (42-12) = -30 DMG)
    Giant Bats: 20/50 HP | 12 DMG | 12 MIT | ( - (42-12) = -30 DMG)


    LD: 13

    Loot: 1 Mat, 250 Cols

  19. @Seul

    Hearing the player's simple order, Husky kept his smile on his face, observing the guess as he made his way back to the counter. However, just before he did so, the brunette noticed Seul was rather... captivated by the scenery outside, where the wind breeze brushed against the foliage above the branches, even when the fog was so thick. Hearing his question about the place, Husky swiftly explain. "Well, the establishment was used to be abandoned. Players would have probably ignored it as well as mistaken it for ruins. But when I took a closer inspect, I find out that this was a run-down shop. The place was cheap, probably for a good reason, but it is maintainable, and it's quiet out here, so that's a plus." 


    While preparing to get Seul's order ready, Husky heard the door bell rang once again. "Didn't expect another customer." He thought. The man quickly made his way toward the newly entered player, as he sat himself into a small table. "Good day, sir. Welcome to Hakkasan's Tavern. How may I help you today?" Husky asked, keeping the smile on his face. 

  20. Just as his eyelids started drooping, and his mind drifting into a good nap, Husky heard the bell on the door rung. He rose up from his seat, and saw a player coming in. Husky didn't expected that there'd be a customer coming at that time. With haste, the brunette proceed toward the bar counter, and switch to his bartender outfit. Correcting the bow-tie to fit just right around his neck, Husky made his way toward the first customer of the day.

    "Good evening to you, sir. How can I help you today?" He spoke in a clear and cheerful tone. His lips curved a bright smile, as he made eye contact with the newly met player. He had hope that the scar over his eye wouldn't affect how they think of him, as some does have negative thoughts whenever they saw it. 

  21. Another boring uneventful day. There hasn't been many people come by the little tavern inside the Forest of Wavering Mist. It was a quiet place, not much monsters spawn around the area. Even so, the dim light in front of Hakkasan's tavern could barely be seen from town, through all the fog that perpetually covered the wood's floor. It was windy that night. The strong breezes was howling through the creek of the tavern door and windows. The sun was slowly coming down from the highest point. The sunlight shone through the tree lines, and the cloudy mist of the forest

    "Hmm... it seemed like it's one of those days. Can't expect much customers when you set your shop so far from town." Husky -the owner of the Hakkasan Tavern- let out a small sigh, looking toward the fire place with a small fire dimly lit up the place. Husky opened a menu near the thing, and increase the brightness of the flame. The small fire inside the fireplace slowly but surely grew larger and larger, before engulfing the pieces of charred woods beneath it. Husky could feel the warmth of the flame warmed him up from the roaring wind outside. He took a deep breath and sat down onto a seat next to the fire. Woofles laid close to him, snuggled up next to his foot, enjoying the warmth from the fire, and his master scratching him just behind the ear. "At least I can be a little lazy and enjoy the day, while it last." A small smile curved his mouth. The brunette leaned back to the seat, closed his eyes and took a quick rest. There're no customers around anyway, so he might as well enjoy his time alone.

  22. When Teion signaled for Husky to stop and wait for her.he had figured that she had found something, a clue or a direction on where to go. When Teion had found the way, Husky quickly followed. The two delved deeper into the dark labyrinth. As Teion was leading the way, the cries became more and more vivid. Then, around the corner, they saw the little girl. She sat against a corner, curled into a ball. Her sobs echoed through the cavern.

    "That should be a girl we're looking for." Husky slightly nudged Teion's shoulder, before he approached the crying girl. "Hello there... You seemed like you've lost your way. Worry not little one. We'll get you home safely." The Brunette warrior get down on his knee, and pat the little girl just behind her shoulder. She looked at them with her teary eyes, and simply nodded. Just as Husky thought that it was over, there were loud squeaks coming from the opposite direction. It seemed like combat is inevitable. 

  23. After a short and quiet walk, both stand before a large crevice of a mountain. There're faint cries of a child echoed from the chasm, and the coldness of the cave was seeping from the inside. An eerie feeling crept up his spine, as Husky took a deep breath. "Well, this is the cave the quest is talking about. I hope you're not afraid of bats, or darkness." The brunette warrior looked over to Teion, smiling, before looked back to the cave before him. Without a second thought, both went in and search for the lost girl

    Inside the cave was like a maze. The dark surrounding make it all the more difficult to navigate. Even the mist wasn't this terrible. Nonetheless, Husky picked up a small neat trick for navigating in small and cramp mazes. The warrior traced along the left wall of the cave, so if they need to backtrack, they only have to follow the wall to their right. Continued searching for the little girl, unfortunately, they couldn't find her anywhere. Only the echoes of faint cries are proves that she's still inside the cave.


    [Objective: LD:+15 to find the Lost Girl]

    ID: 63032
    LD: 9 -1 =8

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