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Posts posted by Husky

  1. Husky didn't speak a word. He stood silent, letting the girl explode her troubles upon him. The bitter words wouldn't affect him any way, but at least it would calm her down, even if it's only a tiny bit. "It's alright. I completely understand." The brunette speak out, his voice grew more calm.

    "It's all right to be afraid." He took a few step forward, until he stood just an arm length away from the girl. She was sobbing, as he could see tear drops rolling on her cheeks just under the hood she wore. Her hands are trembling, much like his, unbeknownst to him. "At least she doesn't mind the little scar." His mind rambled, worried that she would be scared of him even more, now that she could see the ugly scar over his left eye. Lowered himself to his knee, Husky extended his hand, gently placed it upon her shoulder before continued. "It's horrifying, I know. I'm scared too, just as anyone would. I'm scared to death to think that I will die here, without any chance to see my friend, or my family...."

    Just as he calmed down, the realization of the harsh truth, that he might die without ever saying goodbye hit him harder than ever. Words seemed to choke in his throat. There was a short pause, before Husky pulled through. "But..." He exclaimed, his voice sounded warm, but reassuring. "You must be vigilance, now, more than ever. We must not give up hope, not until we all pull it through in the end. I know for a fact we can. Man kind have accomplished amazing deeds to stay alive, and I believe you could too." Husky placed his palm onto the girl's trembling hand, brought her face up to his. "I know you could."

  2. The first floor holds many memories, as far as Husky could reminisced. It has been over a year. Many events has occurred. The brunette could vividly remembered what happened a year ago. The cloaked figure in the sky, revealed the information about their circumstances; the log-out function removed, and the imminent death await for those who died in game, for they would be killed in real life as well. Many people were devastated, and some still couldn't recover from the shock. Husky had found himself lucky for able to meet all those who have help him get to where he is.

    Standing in the square of Town of Beginning, looking toward the direction the Cloaked figure once loomed over, Husky could recalled back to the time when he first log on. How time have changed. That's when he was reminded of an individual. He doesn't know exactly where they are now, but whoever they are was the first player he ever talked to. He couldn't quite recall their name, but he knew that if he saw it, he would remember. "Wait... The Monument of Life." Husky remembered. Not far from the Town of Beginning is the great Plaza named the Monument of Life, once a place where players would respawn if died, now replaced with the list of everyone's name, as the deceased player's name crossed out. Maybe he should search for her there.

    -~- Flash Back -~-

    The Cloaked figure -seemed to be a powerful enemy, consider its size- loomed over the town square as everyone is summoned to this area. Husky was left confused as to what was happening. He was just about to engage his first fight against a monster, a bell sounded loud, echoed over the field; not long after, he was transported back here. Add to his confusion, whatever floating over the town finally spoke. It speaks of all the information; of the Log-out function's removal; everyone now have one life, and once they die, they will die for good; and ending the speech with a present given to all ten thousand players.

    Husky was left speechless. He was bewildered as the hooded figure dissipated to nothingness, leaving the sky a color of dim crimson red. In his inventory was an object simply named Mirror. As chaos around him started exploding, Husky saw what's happening surround him. People being transformed to what seemed to be their real self. Many players even had their gender switched back, either from male back to female and reverse. He was afraid to click to the object; however, his finger seemed almost automated, moved to the button and press equip the Mirror to his hand. Moments later, a small crystal, clear as a mirror landed onto his hand gently. Husky saw in the mirror, the character he had created; then a blinding light, and before he knew what had happened, he saw himself in the mirror -his real self. The scar over his eyes was something he wanted to hide joined this game, but it was there, clearly apparent.

    After a while, the brunette had settled his mind and calmed down from the chaotic state that he was left under. Panicking won't help. He must stay vigilance, now more than ever. Husky took a long look surround him. From all direction, everyone was panicking. People couldn't seem to quite believe what's happening. Then, Husky saw a girl. Her hair dark, a light tint shade of brown under the reddened sky. She was alone, unlike most player, and he could see clearly in her eyes, the expression of distraught, and disbelief. Her eyes lingering in tears. The brunette moved almost instinctively. 

    "H...Hey." He approached the girl, his voice spoke out, still slightly staggered by the shocking information. "I'm sorry if I disturb you by any mean... But... Something the matter?" Husky asked. He knew the question was quite idiotic, but at least by letting her explode on him, she might relieved some of her pent up stress, in which could help calming her mind a little. It's worth a shot. 

    (OOC: Terribly sorry for the long post, but there's a lot of information to write about.)

  3. OOC: Husky had initiate combat before the thread started, so it'd make sense that he had taken some moderate damage.

    Just before Husky take the initiative attack, a stranger leaped over his head, and cleaved in front of him, aiming at the wave of incoming monsters. While the attack was ineffective, the skeletons was pushed away. The warrior was startled when the stranger revealed as a red player. No Mattel what, he need to stay cautious around the person. His life might be in danger. However, the stranger did save his life. 

    "Heh. Just some mild inconvenience. But thanks for the assist." Husky chuckled, before readied his fighting pose. Taking a deep breath, the Warrior in Silver rushed at the three skeletons. With his momentum, kicked from the ground, Husky had his Sword Art <<Tornado Kick>> readied and activated. Spun like a wild tornado, his leg swept over the three skeletons, pushed them all back even further. 



    ID: 79345
    BD: 10 (Critical hit!)
    MOB: 2 (Missed)

    Husky: 160/340 HP | 13 EN | 10 DMG | 30 MIT | 14 THR DMG
    Aereth: 660/660 HP | 65/66 EN | 12 DMG | 54 MIT | 3EVA | 16 DMG to enemies on a non critical hit


    Skeleton Warrior 1: 158/200 HP | 50 DMG | 30 MIT | ( -((( 10+2) * Tornado Kick: 1x6) -30 MIT) = -42 DMG)
    Skeleton Warrior 2: 158/200 HP | 50 DMG | 30 MIT | ( -((( 10+2) * Tornado Kick: 1x6) -30 MIT) = -42 DMG)
    Skeleton Warrior 3: 158/200 HP | 50 DMG | 30 MIT | ( -((( 10+2) * Tornado Kick: 1x6) -30 MIT) = -42 DMG)

  4. Brushing the sands off his body as Husky let himself relax, the Warrior walked back to his partner with a slow pace. "I was expecting more of a struggle, but the fight turned out much better than I had anticipated." Husky responded to Dominion's compliment. "Beside, the boss isn't anything much. Its mechanic is similar to the <<Land Shark>> back on the Fifth floor, so all you need is to study it movement pattern." The Warrior continued.

    Let his hands stretched over his head, Husky picked up Woofles trotting on the sand floor, and place him back on his shoulder. "I would have gone straight back to my home floor, but there're still some time left before dark. Sure, I'll accompanied you back to the town." Husky nodded at Dominion's invitation, returned a friendly smile. The two soon make their way back to the nearest town, Deepedge. The way back wasn't any difficulty. Not much monster were encountered on the way, and the rest was easily sneaked pass.


  5. Husky could feel a warm glow on his chest. The red pixels left on his chest from the snake's bite slowly regenerated back to its original form. In the corner of his eyes, Husky could see his Health Bar slowly refilling up to full, or at least almost. Giving Dominion a nod of appreciation, Husky averted his attention back to finding the great twin headed serpent. 

    At that moment, he felt the ground started trembling beneath his feet. Moving away from Dominion to avoid any collateral damage, Husky managed to duck aside just as the snake emerged from the ground, its wings spread wide like a massive cobra, as the two pairs of sky sapphire eyes stared down at the Silver Warrior. Husky stood tall, striking his fighting pose, readied for the monster to attack. Provoked by the taunting pose, the serpent lunged at the warrior. Ducked aside just in time, rolling over the sand, Husky regain his footing swiftly before throw himself back to the snake. The attack connected truly. The sword art struck onto the body of the snake, plummeting the boss's Health Bar to zero. The fierce punches from the <<Acupuncture>> punches through the Amphis Serpens's defense, and in a short moment, the boss glowed in a bright glaring light, before bursting to millions of tiny particles, slowly fading into the air. Shortly after, the two fighter both received a notification of congratulation, and thus, the battle ended.


    ID: 79274
    BD: 7-1+1 (Hit)
    MOB: 3+1 = 4 (Hit)

    Husky: 316/340 HP | 6/34 EN | 12 DMG | 30 MIT | 14 THR DMG | 1 ACC (-1) | 1 HM | Hate: 3 
    Dominion: 391/480 HP | 48 EN | 3 DMG | 3 MIT | 3 EVA (-1) | -1 ACC | Hate: 0


    Amphis Serpens: 0/175 HP | 70 DMG | 45 MIT | ( -((12 * Accupuncture: 3x3) -45 MIT) = -63 DMG)

  6. Seeing the twin headed serpent has recoiled back, Husky waited to time, charging in to attack the beast. Immediately attack, the snake lunged forward, both head aimed for Husky. Nimble on his feet, the Warrior ducked aside, tumbled across the sand. He saw his chance in front of him. If he don't take action now, it would be too late. Husky readied his sword art, before once again flung himself toward the massive beast. The flurry of punches almost missed, but alas, it connected, plunging the snake's health bar down to the yellow mark. Finished his <<Acupuncture>> combo, the Silver warrior jumped back, re-positioned himself to near his ally when Dominion called out. The Sand storm caused by the thrashing of the giant serpent make navigation became a chore, so he'll have to rely on sound instead. 

    Running toward his companion, with Woofles strictly close behind, the Warrior shouted out for his partner. "Don't attack it yet!" Husky knew that Dominion wouldn't have any sword art to deal damage, considering he hasn't learn the Martial Art skill, nor did he have any weapon. Once Husky had reached where his partner was, he found that the snake has dug itself back underground. Just like the Land Shark on the Fifth floor, at any moment, the snake can come out of the sand and attack them. The two have to be on guard. "Stay close behind me. Right now, I have its attention, so it's best that the snake focus on me. You should refrain from attacking, since you're putting yourself at risk if you do so." Husky explained, scanned the surrounding. If the ground beneath them start to rumble, he'll know what to do.


    ID: 79201
    BD: 5-1+1+1 (HM) = 6 (Hit)
    MOB: 3+1 = 4 (Missed)

    Husky: 278/340 HP | 15/34 EN | 12 DMG | 30 MIT | 14 THR DMG | 1 ACC (-1) | 1 HM | Hate: 2
    Dominion: 401/480 HP | 48 EN | 3 DMG | 3 MIT | 3 EVA (-1) | -1 ACC | Hate: 0


    Amphis Serpens:49/175 HP | 70 DMG | 45 MIT | ( -((12 * Accupuncture: 3x3) -45 MIT) = -63 DMG)

  7. Husky nodded, as he stepped into the sand arena, readied to face the monster. Reacting almost immediately, the boss slowly approach the two. Husky could see the health bar getting closer and closer. Strike a fighting pose, the Warrior waited for the Boss to show itself.

    Without a warning, the twin snake's head lunged forward. As one missed, the other got Husky on his chest. The fang of the serpent sank into his shoulder, through his armor. The other head search around for a second victim while Husky is pinned. However, it couldn't find Dominion, for the monk has yet to enter its domain. Winced as the snake's jaw clamp down onto him. However, the attack leave the snake open for an attack. Charged his sword art, the Silver Warrior flung his fist to the snake's head, unleashed the <<Acupuncture>> skill onto the snake with full force. A flurry of punches snapped at the snake, under its chin and onto its eye. Letting go of Husky, the snake writhed in pain, before coiled itself back, prepare for another attack. The wounds inflicted on Husky's shoulder turned from red to line green particles. He could see his health bar depleting. 



    ID: 79165
    BD: 7+1-1 (Hit)
    MOB: 10 (Critical Hit!)

    Husky: 278/340 HP | 24/34 EN | 12 DMG | 30 MIT | 14 THR DMG | 1 ACC (-1) | 1 HM | Hate: 1 ( -( 70 -30 MIT) = -40 DMG) ( -20 Poison)
    Dominion: ??


    Amphis Serpens: 112/175 HP | 70 DMG | 45 MIT | ( -((12 * Accupuncture: 3x3) -45 MIT) = -63 DMG)

  8. The dark damped cave isn't the ideal place for people like Husky. He enjoy the sunlight too much to be confined in the dark cavern system. However, business goes first, and if he don't fight through the hardship, how could he improve. Biting on his lips, the man pressed forward into the cave. Woofles was left home due to the unknown condition of the floor. But, being a massive cavern system filled with hostile, Husky doubt bringing him along would be a cruel thing to do to the poor creature. At least when he's home, the little wolf could get some warmth in his bed. Beside, his pet only give him a slight combat boost. Without the little knacker, what could gone wrong?


    The warrior tumbled over a small slope in the chasm room, sliding down to the bottom of the slop as he turned and face the monsters. Three unholy skeletons, each brandished a scimitar, and a round wood shield, all crept up from the other side of the room. Their bones chattered with every move, as the three glared at Husky with their gleaming red eyes in the dark. "Crap... for me to underestimate how many there are..." The Silver Warrior cursed under her breath, struck a fighting pose. The three skeleton shrieked with a spine chilling roar, before all dashed toward Husky. The warrior was able to duck under just in time, but the timing didn't allowed him to retaliate.

    His health bar is already at yellow. Fighting three at once will get problematic. He need to act fast before they swarmed him to death. To die in such a meaningless battle is not how he see he'd go out. "Gotta be vigilance... Just a little more." Husky bite his lips, readied for the three skeletons to charged at him once again.

    ID: 79125
    BD: 4 (Missed)
    MOB: 5 (Missed)

    Husky: 160/340 HP | 24 EN | 10 DMG | 30 MIT | 14 THR DMG


    Skeleton Warrior 1: 200 HP | 50 DMG | 30 MIT | 
    Skeleton Warrior 2: 200 HP | 50 DMG | 30 MIT
    Skeleton Warrior 3: 200 HP | 50 DMG | 30 MIT

  9. Husky quickly paid for his meal, before accompanied Dominion as the two leave the tavern and make their way outside the town. On their way to the Sandy dunes where the boss was last known, the warrior has opened his party menu and send an invitation to the newly met companion of his. "Oh, so you haven't heard of the Teleportation Crystals? Let me give you a quick brief before we start." Husky exclaimed, before opened another trade menu, and passed over one of his two Teleport Crystal to Dominion. "Well, you seemed to know your way around with healing, so I'll assume that you must know how to use a crystal. It's simple. All you have to do is to equip the crystal in your hand, and call out the name of the town you wish to travel to. The thing will be consume, and you will appear in that town." While walking, the Warrior explained the function of the Teleportation Crystal.

    Exiting the town, the two swiftly made their way to the sand area. Already, Husky could feel something was rather... unpleasant in this upcoming battle. He have faced tough challenges by himself before, but still, he couldn't shake off the eerie feeling of confronting the boss, even with the help of a healer. He'll just have to see. Standing before the sandy hill, from a distance, both could see a health bar floating beneath the sand. <<Amphis Serpens.>>


    { Send 1 Teleport Crystal to Dominion}
    | [-1 Teleport Crystal]

  10. "Oh! So you are a healer?" Husky exclaimed in surprise, making Woofles jumped a little from his master's excitement. "It's rare to see a healer around in the lower floor. In fact, I don't believe I've seen a healer at all." He continued, recalling to any information about any specific player specialized in healing. It's truly an exotic sight to see one. "You know, your assets would be very valuable in the front line. A bit of healing to assist the guys as they push through the boss." 

    "So, you haven't done the quest either?" Husky asked. He could only assume that Dominion haven't face the monster yet, or at least he hasn't kill the beast. "I'd gladly take your your offer. I can't really tell what the boss's capable of, so a helping hand would always be nice. Beside, you can stay back and heal me up, while I'll stay in the front and take the boss's attention. If anything, I have two teleport crystals that would bring both of us out if anything went south." The warrior smiled, accept Dominion's request to come. The more people, the heavier fire power. There's no reason to refuse his assistance. 


  11. "Ah! How rude of me! I haven't introduce myself properly yet. My name is Husky. It's a pleasure to meet you." Husky exclaimed, stood up from the table and extended his hand. Settled back to his seat, the Warrior brought Woofles onto his lap, allowing Dominion to get a better view of him. The little wolf rested snugly in his master's lap. "Woofles is just a silly name I came up with, it's nothing special much." Husky replied to Dominion's question. He was indeed intrigued with the stranger's familiar, just as Dominion has his interest with Husky's little snow-wolf. 

    The two had a nice conversation as they enjoy their meal. Exchanging information about their previous life before they all get trapped in this world. It was relaxing to sit back and have a small chat with someone for once in a while. The brunette shared some information about his small tavern hidden in the mist on the third floor; how he got the scar on his face; the troubles he went through to get Woofles; as well as other eventful things in the past

    . "Well, I suppose you already know of this, but I came to this particular floor for the field boss <<Amphis Serpens>> on this floor. I believe it's by the sand area near this town." Husky explained why he traveled up to this floor. 

  12. "Ah. I see." Husky nodded. It's certainly odd that someone with martial art experience in real life wouldn't prioritize leveling Martial Arts to max first. Your real life skill might help you in combat, but if you don't have sword arts, your damage would be abysmally low. However, Husky had no further question. Everyone have their own strategy, and he was certain that the stranger have had something in his mind. No possible way would he be as confident as he is now without one. "I'm a Martial Art user myself, and its rare to see another player using it." Husky explained, returned a friendly smile to the stranger.

    "Oh, this little guy? His name is Woofles. He's not much in size, but the little knackers is a resilient one." Husky looked over to Woofles sitting by his side, petting the little wolf. Woofles wagged his tail side to side, snuggled his head closer to his master. "The familiar systems does help somewhat in combat. However, getting one is a real pain considering the willingness of some monsters varied." 

  13. The town reminded Husky of the villages in his home floor. The architecture had the familiar medieval style, similar to Delilah in the third floor. The town however, was almost as big as the starting town on the third floor. He did stop here for lunch, and near the town's plaza, the Warrior could see a small tavern. Nothing out of the ordinary, the place seems very cozy, and there're people inside, enjoying the day as well. He might give it a try, maybe, they'll have good food too. Woofles seemed to agree. His head sprang up, looking around in excitement. 

    Entering the tavern, Husky was welcomed with the same familiar feeling he had while working in his own tavern. The place isn't grand, but it has its charm. tables are all set and clean, and the NPC bartender seemed very friendly as well. While browsing for a good table to sit in, the brunette saw someone that interested him. A man, roughly of his age, blond hair, a gold necklace hanging loosely around his chest , sitting alone in a table. He carried no weapons, and the hand wraps around his hands and arms tells him he might be a Martial Art user, like him. Martial Art isn't the best to use, as its damage do falls off later on, but it fits Husky, and that's why he use it. 

    Husky settled down to a table opposite to the strange man. Woofles sat next to him, wagging his tails side to side in excitement. Husky averted his attention to the man for a brief moment, after his order is completed. Tried not to be too subtle, he quietly eyed the man. His body physique supported Husky theory that he might be a Martial Artist, but he just have to make sure. "Hey," The Warrior called out, "sorry to interrupt you, but I have to ask... Are you perhaps a Martial Art user?" he questioned, his expression filled with curiosity.

  14. The Seventh Floor provided a rather pleasant expedition. The nice weather of Spring; the cool breeze from the mountains; the sun-light shining. It's a perfect place at this time of the year. However, Husky wasn't here for a pleasing walk. Soon after found out about a field boss available in the sandy area of the seventh floor. The Information Broker reported the boss as a giant snake that move between the sand hills. It might be difficult to face the beast, but Husky isn't someone to back down from a challenge. At least he got Woofles with him, so when the circumstances come, he always have a helping hand from his companion. 

    Depart from Nimbus after Husky has downed his Minor potion of Sharp Dragon-fang the warrior has bought before the trip, Husky made his way toward the large town "Deep Edge" not far from the starting town. The trip wasn't too much of a difficult. Monsters don't appear near the cobbled pathway a lot, making the trip less arduous. However, the Silver Warrior had not expected the trip to Deep Edge to be longer than a few hours. It took him almost to noon to get there, with the pathway snaked around the mountains. To the side, Husky saw the sandy dunes where the boss is located..

    However, it has gone pass mid day. Husky was exhausted, fending off any wild encounters he had on his way to the Deep Edge. Woofles resting on his shoulder plate. He too was exhausted from the journey. Letting out an exhausted sigh, the Warrior decided to took a small rest in the town, recover his stamina, and have a nice snack from the local's shop. It would be nice to learn new things for his tavern too. However, he had thought about moving to a better location, rather than the misty forest, void of travelers


    [Consumed: 1 Rare Damage Potion: +2 DMG]

  15. This is the first time Husky had ever gotten this high up in AinCrad. Any monster here could punctured a hole through his chest and send him straight to his doom. By any mean, Husky needed to be careful and not get entangled with one of the monster. Luckily enough, the trail should have relatively fewer monster spawning. Looking around, he came to the well-known Alchemist shop that everyone has been talking about. "Exellance Elexirium." The store lies near the path, almost as if it's a vacation home, rather than an alchemy shop. 

    Inside the shop was indeed a very exotic sight. Decorated on the wooden wall was rows and rows of colorful potions, decorating the plain walls. Zandra came from the back of the store to greet him. He had remembered the beach party she had hosted; and he received the privilege of being the bartender. It was a fun time while it last. "Good day, miss. I would like to order a few things. Just some preparation for the next expedition." Husky greeted. He gave Zandra the order of two Minor potion of Sharp Dragon-fang and two Crystal of Agile Dragon wings. After paying her the materials for the potions, he waved goodbye, returning back to town, preparing for his venture out to the wild.


    [-8 Materials]

    [+2 Minor potions of Sharp Dragon-fang]
    [+2 Crystal of Agile Dragon wings]

  16. Hello

    School works have had me busy for a while. Being occupied for a long while, I kinda forgot about this place, until an auto-fill reminded me. It's been a while, and I wanted to start fresh again. However, finding partners has never been an easy part for me. Personally, I never wanted to rely on others to make progress. It goes against my own mentality and my character's. That said, filling a thread with at least 20 posts isn't the easiest thing. 

    Long story short, I'm here to look for someone who would be willing to tag along for some questing. Levels don't matter much, because I can select the appropriate quest. I will try my best to make the session interesting, and I'll try my best to get you out alive, if your levels are low and you want some extra Skill Points. If you a lot higher in level than me, we could take on some tougher quest too. Everyone is welcome.

  17. The King was infuriated by the insult. He lunged at Richard, sword brandished and raised high. One slashed struck down toward the warrior. The thorn damage dealt back would be enough to finished the job. Richard only needed to stay still and took the hit. Winced slightly at the impact as the sword bite down onto his shoulders. 

    "At the end, they fall from their highest because of their own selfishness." The Silver Warrior sigh. Before his eyes were the notification of the completion of the quest. Letting out a sigh, Richard picked up Woofles and placed the little wolf onto his shoulder. The two headed back home. It's time for a good rest after an eventful day.


    ID: 78519
    MOB: 7 (Hit!)


    Husky: 317/320 HP | 4 EN | 12 DMG | 30 MIT | 14 THR DMG ((25 -30) = -1 DMG)


    Elvish Commander: 0/150 HP | 25 DMG | 75 MIT (-14 THR DMG)

  18. The Elvish King didn't wasted any time. He sprang up to his feet, and lunged forward. His sword bites onto the arm of the warrior. Richard clenched back in pain. Pulled his arm back, the warrior pushed forward, tackled the King down onto the ground. Then, he unleashed one final flurry of attacks, ending the King for good. The last <<Acupuncture>> Sword Art chips away the last few bits of the Elvish King's health bar. 

    "Aargh!" The Elvish King groaned, struggling to get back up to his feet. "How dares you defy me! I only do what's best for this new kingdom. I will not be stopped by some puny warriors like you!" He grunted at the Warrior. Richard only sighed. It's this same bully mentality that started his passion for protecting the weak. "You can try and improve yourself by anyway you want. However, when you have to put down others to push yourself up. You're lower than trash." The Silver Warrior spoke. His stance return. He will end this fight,


    ID: 78514
    BD: 6+1= 7 (Hit!)
    MOB: 8 (Hit!)


    Husky: 318/320 HP | 4 EN | 12 DMG | 30 MIT | 14 THR DMG


    Elvish Commander: 5/150 HP | 25 DMG | 75 MIT ( -((12 * Acupuncture: 3x3) -75) = -33 DMG) (-14 THR DMG)

  19. The Elvish King once again attempted to attack. However, with Richard now closed in the gap, his swing missed. The warrior blocked the attack as he caught the king's attack by the hand. Stepping aside, Richard saw his chance. Wasting no time, the Warrior clad in Silver threw in another flurry of punches. The King is pushed back to the thrown, as the <<Acupuncture>> Sword Art chipped away another part of the boss's Health bar. 

    Richard quickly back off before the King could counter with his own attack. His eyes fixated to his opponent. He knows that he can't lose now, after he has gone so far. He'll just have to be patient and wait. Any wrong step, and he might be in a huge problem.


    ID: 78512
    BD: 9 (Critical Hit!) 
    MOB: 5 (Missed)


    Husky: 319/320 HP | 13 EN | 12 DMG | 30 MIT | 14 THR DMG


    Elvish Commander: 52/150 HP | 25 DMG | 75 MIT ( -((13 * Acupuncture: 3x3) -75) = -42 DMG)

  20. "War is an inevitable cycle. To build and thrive, we all must sacrifice something. Carefree warriors like you would never understand the responsibility a king must take." The Elvish King stood up from his thrown. From his belt, a golden sword glimmer under the torchlight. He glanced at the Silver warrior with malicious intent in his eyes. The king stepped down, facing the warrior with his blade in hand. Without warning, the Elvish King charged forward. Richard was a step too late. By the time he reacted, the sword has already risen in the air, readied to strike.

    Richard raised both his hand into the air and blocked the attack. The sword carved into his hand, chipping away part of his armor, as well as himself. The red particles shots from his hand; his health bar drops. Biting against his own teeth, Richard pushed the Elvish King back, before charging his own sword art, and lunged into the fray. His gauntlets glowed bright red. Like claws of a dragon, the Silver Warrior struck with all of his might. The <<Acupuncture>> Sword Art connected, landing punches after punches to the King. 


    ID: 78509
    BD: 9 (Critical Hit!)
    MOB: 8 (Hit!)


    Husky: 319/320 HP | 22 EN | 12 DMG | 30 MIT | 14 THR DMG ( -(25-30) = -1 DMG)


    Elvish Commander: 94/150 HP | 25 DMG | 75 MIT ( -((13 * Acupuncture: 3x3) -75) = -42 DMG) ( -14 THR DMG)

  21. Pull over the curtains of the tents, Richard came face to face with the Elvish King.  Along side with him, two guards standing tall on both side of the throne. "So, the Commander has failed to exterminate the traitor. No matter. I will finish what is started." The King stood up. His hand brandished a silver blade, glimmered with a radiant light. He pointed his weapon toward the Warrior in Silvery Armor, sending his two servant ahead, before readied a menacing pose himself.

    Richard had yet to faze by under the king's command. He stood tall, as the two Elvish Soldier surrounded him. "Why did you attack the Treants?" He asked, calmly. Richard didn't expect an answer, but he was amazed when the Elvish King reply.

  22. Husky could feel Lessa's compassion and love for Christmas through her small talks about her family traditions on this time of the year. Along with that, he also felt her desires to join her family on this Holiday to celebrate with them, and her grievances because she wasn't able to, being confined in this virtual prison. He could tell that Lessa missed home. Who wouldn't? But then, due to circumstances, none could leave this place, not until the final boss is defeated.

    Then, Husky was stunned when Lessa suggested going to his tavern every Christmas. He would never think that someone would suggest something like that. It almost make him jump from where he was standing. "Uh...Um... Of course. The tavern doors is always open for any one. But you should be advice, the mist can be cold in the winter." Husky calmed himself. Fixing his bow tie, he resumed eye contact with his guest. "But if you're willing to come," The brunette continued, reassured himself. "then my place is always open for anyone, good or bad." 

  23. Leaning against the side of the tent just before the quest boss room, Richard waited for his health and energy to regenerate back to full. This shouldn't take long, and for the time being, he might as well look into the quest logs and details. He had never notice that the quest log gives so much detail on the backstory. Maybe it wouldn't hurt if he read them for a while. 

    For another five minutes, he continues reading through the quest log. It wasn't until Woofle nudge against his shoulder, did it reminded him that he had a task need to be complete.

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