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About Nikodemus_Blackwood

  • Birthday February 13

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    Utah, USA
  • Interests
    Anime, RPing, Gaming, Writing, Music/Movies, and more

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  1. That moment you realize your essentially playing a not so death game version of SAO when your playing Dark Souls. And you suck at it. :/

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    2. Cilla


      Oh, I was absolutely terrible at the game and hated it at first. It took at least a month or two of minimal playing until I actually beat it, but by that point, it became my favorite game to date. It may be punishing, but it's greatly rewarding in the same regard. The story is rather linear, but what makes it really good is the incredible lore this game has hidden in dialogue and within the descriptions of items. It's definitely a different game than something like Skyrim (never was able to get into ES myself), but it's solid all the way through. I hope you enjoy the experience and it becomes one that you enjoy as well! If you do end up liking it, the DLC (think PC gets it for free) is brilliant and perfect as a cut gemstone. Highly recommend it. :)

    3. Nikodemus_Blackwood


      Yea. Now that I am taking the steps I mentioned to play the game, I am finding it enjoyable, and I am feeling excited to actually make covenants with one of the lords, find cool gear and upgrade it, and finish the game and maybe get the DLC and then move to 2 and 3. I am really falling in love with the ideals behind Nito and The Furtive Pygmy and their buried lore.

    4. orhalimi


      I think I'm good... My save as been deleted (cus steam save locally). don't feel like passing this hell again.

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